Department wise Alumni
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Department | Package Name | Quotation Opening | Proc. Method | Invitation Letter | Status | Amount(in Rs.) |
Central Library | Books Phase I | 04-Feb-2013 | Direct Contract | Completed on 09-Feb-2013 | 9,74,477 | |
Electrical Engineering | Tool box Computational Lab | 14-Feb-2013 | Direct Contract | Completed on 06-Mar-2013 | 1,14,230 | |
Electrical Engineering | Applied Electronics Lab III | 14-Feb-2013 | Direct Contract | Completed on 30-Mar-2013 | 6,78,235 | |
CSE/IT | Desktop Computers -I | 18-Feb-2013 | Direct Contract | Completed on 09-Apr-2013 | 9,41,875 | |
CSE/IT | Workstation | 18-Feb-2013 | Direct Contract | Completed on 18-Apr-2013 | 3,20,494 | |
CSE/IT | General Equipments I | 18-Feb-2013 | Direct Contract | Completed on 29-May-2013 | 4,27,934 | |
Institution Level | Equipment : Digital Copier - II | 18-Feb-2013 | Direct Contract | Completed on 04-Mar-2013 | 7,33,244 | |
CSE/IT | UPS II | 18-Feb-2013 | Direct Contract | Completed on 22-May-2013 | 5,18,167 | |
Workshop | Foundary Workshop IV | 19-Feb-2013 | Shopping | Completed on 15-Apr-2013 | 2,84,487 | |
Production Engineering | Metallurgy Lab III | 20-Feb-2013 | Direct Contract | Completed on 26-Mar-2013 | 7,69,340 | |
Electrical Engineering | Power Electronics Lab. | 21-Feb-2013 | Shopping | Completed on 29-Apr-2013 | 1,09,126 | |
Electrical Engineering | BEEE Lab. - II | 22-Feb-2013 | Shopping | Completed on 14-Mar-2013 | 49,781 | |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | EDC Lab IV | 22-Feb-2013 | Shopping | Completed on 01-Apr-2013 | 9,39,938 | |
Workshop | Carpentary Workshop IV | 22-Feb-2013 | Shopping | Completed on 04-Apr-2013 | 2,65,125 | |
Workshop | Fitting Workshop I | 25-Feb-2013 | Shopping | Completed on 14-Mar-2013 | 1,19,094 | |
Workshop | Machine Workshop IV | 25-Feb-2013 | Shopping | Completed on 28-Mar-2013 | 5,48,279 | |
Mechanical Engineering | MD lab I | 25-Feb-2013 | Shopping | Completed on 12-Mar-2013 | 2,00,700 | |
Production Engineering | Metal Forming lab I | 25-Feb-2013 | Shopping | Completed on 24-Apr-2013 | 3,79,995 | |
Mechanical Engineering | Metrology lab I | 25-Feb-2013 | Shopping | Completed on 28-Mar-2013 | 1,50,810 | |
Workshop | Welding Workshop IV | 25-Feb-2013 | Shopping | Completed on 15-Apr-2013 | 3,73,508 | |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | Server I | 25-Feb-2013 | Shopping | Completed on 15-Apr-2013 | 4,48,061 | |
Civil Engineering | Survey Lab IV | 27-Feb-2013 | Shopping | Completed on 12-Mar-2013 | 3,83,394 | |
Civil Engineering | Heavy Testing Laboratory IV | 28-Feb-2013 | Shopping | Completed on 19-Mar-2013 | 6,25,578 | |
Applied Science | Physics Lab. I | 04-Mar-2013 | Shopping | Completed on 23-Mar-2013 | 4,58,584 | |
Applied Science | Chemistry I | 04-Mar-2013 | Shopping | Completed on 19-Mar-2013 | 1,99,293 | |
Civil Engineering | Structural lab IV | 06-Mar-2013 | Shopping | Completed on 09-Apr-2013 | 2,03,333 | |
Institute Level | Civil Work III | 15-Apr-2013 | Direct Contract | Completed | 48,577 | |
Institute Level | TEQIP Office Items | 01-May-2013 | Shopping | Completed on 10-May-2013 | 3,66,299 | |
Institute Level | Multimedia Projector | 06-May-2013 | Shopping | Completed on 19-June-2013 | 9,91,827 | |
Mechanical Engineering | PG Lab ME | 10-May-2013 | Shopping | Completed on 04-June-2013 | 7,90,724 | |
Production Engineering | Manufacturing Research Lab-I | 30-May-2013 | Shopping | Completed on 03-Oct-2013 | 4,32,585 | |
Electrical Engineering | Non convensinal Energy Resources | 03-Jun-2013 | Direct Contract | Completed | 13,65,000 | |
CSE/IT | IT Project Lab | 18-Jun-2013 | Direct Contract | Completed on 11-Jul-2013 | 9,23,911 | |
Civil Engineering | Computational Lab | 28-Jun-2013 | Direct Contract | Completed on 09-Jul-2013 | 9,84,650 | |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | EDA Lab | 11-Jul-2013 | Shopping | Completed on 12-Aug-2013 | 9,70,207 | |
Institute | TEQIP Office Automation | 11-Jul-2013 | Shopping | Completed | 8,95,503 | |
Institute Level | Minor Items I | 25-Jul-2013 | Direct Contract | Completed on 31-Jul-2013 | 24,634 | |
Civil Engineering | Concrete Laboratory - III | 08-Aug-2013 | Shopping | Completed on 26-Sep-2013 | 7,02,000 | |
Civil Engineering | SOM Lab | 13-Aug-2013 | Shopping | Completed on 17-Oct-2013 | 6,73,455 | |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | ECE Lab | 26-Aug-2013 | Direct Contract | Completed on 01-November-2013 | 8,90,000 | |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | EDA Lab-II | 26-Aug-2013 | Direct Contract | Completed on 07-11-2013 | 5,94,262 | |
Electrical Engineering | Microprocessor Electrical IV | 13-Sep-2013 | Shopping | Completed | 7,56,000 | |
Civil Engineering | Concrete Technology Lab | 20-Sep-2013 | Shopping | Completed | 9,08,644 | |
Civil Engineering | Model Lab | 23-Sep-2013 | Shopping | Completed | 6,66,503 | |
Civil Engineering | Water and Waste Water Testing | 23-Sep-2013 | Shopping | Completed | 9,95,821 | |
Mechanical Engineering | CAD/CAM LAB | 28-Oct-2013 | Shopping | Completed | 9,79,115 | |
Electrical Engineering | Control & Instrumentation Lab | 30-Oct-2013 | Shopping | Completed | 2,85,528 | |
Electrical Engineering | Electronics Lab | 19-Nov-2013 | Direct Contract | Completed | 2,56,808 | |
Computer Center | Storage Area Network | 25-Nov-2013 | Shopping | Completed | 8,91,726 | |
Computer Center | Blade Servers and Blade chassis | 25-Nov-2013 | Shopping | Completed | 9,75,660 | |
Mechanical Engineering | Heat Engine Lab-III | 13-Jan-2014 | Direct Contract | Completed | 3,54,175 | |
Mechanical Engineering | Air Compressor | 14-Jan-2014 | Shopping | Completed | 80,794 | |
Mechanical Engineering | CNC Stablizer and Compressor | 14-Jan-2014 | Shopping | Completed | 47,448 | |
Mechanical Engineering | Heat Engine Lab IV | 16-Jan-2014 | Shopping | Completed | 85,725 | |
Production Engineering | Metallurgy Lab II | 16-Jan-2014 | Direct Contract | Completed on 21-May-2014 | 9,98,195 | |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | EDA Lab-IV | 17-Jan-2014 | Shopping | Completed | 1,98,000 | |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | Fibre Optics Lab IV | 20-Jan-2014 | Shopping | Completed | 3,98,000 | |
Electrical Engineering | Advanced Measurement Lab | 20-Jan-2014 | Direct Contract | Completed | 4,14,398 | |
Production Engineering | Metallurgy Lab I | 22-Jan-2014 | Direct Contract | Completed | 4,03,823 | |
TEQIP | TEQIP Office Minor Items | 24-Jan-2014 | Direct Contract | Completed | 20,223 | |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | ECE Project Lab | 28-Jan-2014 | Shopping | Completed | 2,36,460 | |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | Microprocessor Lab (ECE) IV | 28-Jan-2014 | Shopping | Completed | 8,98,122 | |
Mechanical Engineering | CAD Lab | 03-Mar-2014 | Direct Contract | Completed on 02-June-2014 | 4,99,440 | |
Mechanical Engineering | CAM Lab | 03-Mar-2014 | Direct Contract | Completed on 02-June-2014 | 4,83,709 | |
Institutional Level | PG & Research Lab | 28-Mar-2014 | Direct Contract | Completed | 9,40,748 | |
Institutional Level | Computational Labs | 07-Apr-2014 | Direct Contract | Completed | 9,93,685 | |
Computer Center | CC Lab-Equipments | 09-Apr-2014 | Shopping | Completed on 03-June-2014 | 5,93,880 | |
CSE&IT | Ultraportable NBK | 09-Apr-2014 | Shopping | Completed | 4,34,805 | |
Information Technology | Web development lab | 09-Apr-2014 | Shopping | Completed on 10-07-2014 | 9,31,119 | |
Institutional Level | Notebook Accessory | 15-Apr-2014 | Shopping | Completed on 10-07-2014 | 52,208 | |
Central Library | E-Books | 22-Apr-2014 | Direct Contract | Completed | 3,72,000 | |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | Color Printing Equipments | 23-May-2014 | Shopping | Completed | 44,997 | |
TEQIP | TEQIP Office Minor Items | 28-Oct-2014 | Direct Contract | Procurement process completed on 17 Dec, 2014 | 43,259 | |
Institutional | Multimedia Projector - II | 05-Dec-2014 | Direct Contract | Procurement Process Completed | 6,92,069 |