Civil Engineering

This Department was established in 1956. The mission of the Department is to impart high quality post graduate and under-graduate education and carry out leading-edge research in the discipline of Civil Engineering. The department currently runs academic program leading to the award of B.Tech., M.Tech and Ph.D degree by Punjab Technical University Jalandhar. The Department has all laboratories fully equipped with state-of-the-art facilities to support the research and teaching activities. The Department has library with a lot of books on Civil Engineering for the exclusive use of the faculty and students and a computational lab. Which are located in the premises of the Department. This Department is well known in the region for imparting quality education and consultancy services. At present Dr. J.N. Jha is Head of the Department. Following are the courses run by this department.

B.Tech Civil Engineering

M.Tech. Geo-Technical Engineering (Full Time)

M.Tech. Structural Engineering (Full Time)

M.Tech. Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering (Part Time)

M.Tech. Environment Science & Engineering (Full Time)

Courses31 KB
Faculty profile314 bytes
List of students admitted in M.Tech 62.5 KB
List of Students Awarded M. Tech. 18.55 KB
Faculty status of Ph.D. in department 14.72 KB
List of Advisors41.5 KB
List of admitted B.Tech. students92.92 KB
Academic Time Table624.55 KB
Subjects offered to B.Tech Students in current Semester 13 KB
Laboratories 78.5 KB
List of Publications 67 KB
Extension Lectures Delivered53 KB
Consultancy Cell 30.5 KB
Alumni 209 KB
Grants recieved 44.5 KB
Mandatory Disclosure420.5 KB