This directory contains a simple (very simple) shopping cart demo, for a Toy Store named ToyzInc.

Please consult web/gettingstarted.txt for instructions on starting up the server, and running the demo.
If you have already configured and started your server, run the demo with the following URL in the web browser


or click here ToyzInc Demo.

+ catalog.ssp
+ reviewcart.ssp

  - Requires parcel ShoppingDemo loaded in the image.

This example is built entirely using JSP bean and custom tags, so the pages should be completely portable between a J2EE server and our server (assuming that ports of the cincom: custom tags are available).

The domain logic (contained in the ShoppingDemo parcel) uses an architecture relatively similar to the standard VisualWorks application model, adapted to the web. A single servlet handles all input, and delegates to the ShoppingSite object, which acts as a glue layer to the actual domain objects.

See $(VISUALWORKS)/web/demo/images/readme.txt for additional information on running this demo with a Web Server, such as IIS or Apache.