VisualWorks(R) 7.7 Previews ReadMe Copyright Cincom Systems, Inc. 2009. All rights reserved. PURPOSE OF THIS README FILE This README identifies the product components that are included with this release as "beta test" software. As such, the software is generally functional, but not finished. Some items are more unfinished than others; all are in preparation for inclusion in a later release. Your use of this software is subject to the terms of agreement contained in the accompanying license (preview/license.txt), which you must read and agree to before using these components. For usage notes, read the accompanying text files, and also see the Previews section of the VisualWorks Release Notes for this release in the /doc directory. For a list of the full contents of these beta directories, refer to fileList.txt For installation instructions for VisualWorks add-ons, refer to the VisualWorks Installation Guide (Install.pdf). The components currently in Beta Test are: - 64-bit ImageWriter A parcel containing support for writing 64-bit vm compatible Smalltalk images, and a pre-built 64-bit image (in preview/64-bit/). - Base Image An early version of a minimal image designed for use to deploy an application only using loadable parcels (in preview/packaging/). - Asian Support Localization support and encoding for several Asian locales (in preview/asia/). - Cairo Graphics Support A binding for accessing the Cairo Graphics libraries (in preview/cairo). - COM Generic Interfaces A binding that allows calling COM VTable Objects without having to define types in VisualWorks (in preview/GenericInterfaces/). - COM UDT Support Enables COM Connect to call COM functions that use user defined parameter types (in preview/com udt support/). - Diggy Incorporates features of the Trippy inspector in the debugger (in preview/paracels/) - GLORP Extensions to GLORP, such as Active Record and utilities (in preview/glorp). - Grid Similar to a DataSetView, a Grid widget uses a sequencable list as a base collection of elements and displays content upon each item in columns. It allows for dynamic editing of this content (in preview/grid/). - IDNA (Internationalizing Domain Names in Applications) An implementation of RFC 3490, for domain names to use characters outside the ASCII set (in /preview/parcels/). - Multi-threaded COM Enables COM Connect to perform nonblocking calls (in preview/multithreaded com/). - OpenSSL encryption An implementation of some popular encryption libraries provided by OpenSSL (in preview/security/). - Opentalk CORBA Beginnings of recasting DST in the Opentalk framework (in preview/opentalk/iiop/). - Opentalk Profiler A distributed profiling tool for Opentalk (in preview/opentalk/). - Opentalk Debugger A debugger for distributed images (in preview/opentalk/). - Polycephaly An experimental package providing a simple mechanisms for spawning multiple running copies of the image and using those to perform various tasks in parallel. This is primarily useful when attempting to utilize hosts with multi-core CPUs. - Smalltalk Archives A mechanism for packaging a collection of parcels into a compressed file, preserving load order and override behavior (in preview/parcels). - Sparing Scrollbars Extensions to UI classes and the UIPainter to implement optional dynamic scrollbars (in preview/Sparing Scrollbars/). - Supra Database Support EXDI, Thapi, and Store support for Cincom's Supra database (in preview/database/). - Store for DB2 Support for Store with DB2 backend (in preview/store/). - Store for Supra Support for Store with a Supra backend (in preview/store/). - Store for MS Access Replacements for prior Access support that allows updating database tables (in preview/store/). - Store for Smalltalk Archive Support for using SmalltalkArchives with Store (in preview/parcels/). - UUID Support for UUID (in preview/parcels/). - VisualWorks Multi-version launcher This launcher works on Unix/Linux platforms, similar to the one for Windows, to launch a specified VM for each image version stamp (in preview/bin/). - XSchema Support for XSL (in preview/parcels). - WriteBarriers A framework for immutability exception tracking (in preview/parcels/). 11/16/2009 bb