42,55c42,50 < importance of knowledge and wisdom.If I evaluate myself I would have failed < mathematics 5 6 times by now, I would have never passed MALP and would have < got much lesser marks in OS, but here I stand as one of the bright students < of my class in the world that perceives me, associates me with some stupid < 2 digit number. For me such marks are nothing more than a joke. I beg, I < plead don’t let education system make a joke out of you, to give you 80% or < 90% without giving you skills and knowledge worth that number. To get a < degree without being an engineer is the worst thing that can happen to you, < don’t let that happen. Fault doesn’t lie with the college or teachers or < anyone. It’s just with the whole system through out the world and I am not < the only one who realize it. The education system has been stuck in it’s < origins for centuries without any motivation for innovation and change. No < doubt! we have lot of drop-out success stories. No doubt, we hear quotes < like “Don’t let college interfere in your education” and so on. --- > importance of knowledge and wisdom. I got 96% in my last semester, I know I > don’t even deserve 69%, If I evaluate myself I would have failed mathematics > 5 6 times by now, I would have never passed MALP and would have got much > lesser marks in OS, but here I stand as one of the bright students of my > class, it’s the way world precieves me, it associates me with that stupid > number ’96%’ which for me is nothing more than a joke. I beg, I plead don’t > let education system make a joke out of you, to give you 96% without giving > you skills and knowledge worth that number. To get a degree without being an > engineer is the worst thing that can happen to you, don’t let that happen.