For me, sitting in a B.Tech class room was like a dream come true, I was never sure I would be intellectually and financially able to sit in an engineering institution. Now, I have officially finished my 6 months industrial training and completed my B.Tech with honors but deep with in me, I know that neither my training nor my degree is complete yet. My main project for training “LibreHatti” is yet nowhere near completion and there are plenty of subjects such as Mathematics, MALP, DAA, FLAT etc, that I need more expertise in. All my friends have shared joyous statuses on facebook and tweets on twitter claiming themselves worth of the prefix Er. but I remember a promise I made in GD mailing list once, I told that I shall call myself engineer only when I know each concept of M3, MALP , SP and every subject that I should know and I am not good enough in. I haven’t yet achieved that so, no Er. for now. I wonder and I feel pity on the education system. How easy it is to get passing marks or even top the university and complete the degree without knowing anything about subjects and concepts involved. I go to give seminars to B.Technicians only to find blank faces and emptiness inside their eyes. They may smile, laugh and giggle. They may even get jobs in big MNCs or have their own startups but they still have that emptiness in their eyes. Nothing else would ever be able to fill that vacant space,deserved by knowledge and wisdom. The true confidence, the true sense of achievement and satisfaction comes only when you know that you know, when you have fulfilled your duty to learn, to understand and to practice the concepts that you should know as an engineer. If you pass the subject or even get the best marks but still you don’t know it well, there’s a guilt inside. You can ignore it, deny it, give excuses and examples to console yourself but nothing would change that guilt other than working towards making your basics strong. This feeling of not having done the things that you should have is similar to the feeling of having missed a ‘Nitnem’ or ‘Meditation’. My baptized Sikh friends can relate to it. There’s something missing, something wrong with everything until you have done it. Same is the case of B.Tech, if there’s a subject that you should know well but you don’t , it will keep hitting you in your head until you do it. It’s true for me at-least. I look at marks, I look at people fighting, crying and sobbing for marks, for certificates. Marks would have been great and frankly it feels great to be called a topper but I would have loved marks if they showed real caliber but they don’t. Your github profile, your portfolio is all that matters at the end. Even if you care for marks (as they act as gateways into many organisations and higher studies) nothing would ever be able to replace the importance of knowledge and wisdom.If I evaluate myself I would have failed mathematics 5 6 times by now, I would have never passed MALP and would have got much lesser marks in OS, but here I stand as one of the bright students of my class in the world that perceives me, associates me with some stupid 2 digit number. For me such marks are nothing more than a joke. I beg, I plead don’t let education system make a joke out of you, to give you 80% or 90% without giving you skills and knowledge worth that number. To get a degree without being an engineer is the worst thing that can happen to you, don’t let that happen. Fault doesn’t lie with the college or teachers or anyone. It’s just with the whole system through out the world and I am not the only one who realize it. The education system has been stuck in it’s origins for centuries without any motivation for innovation and change. No doubt! we have lot of drop-out success stories. No doubt, we hear quotes like “Don’t let college interfere in your education” and so on. I will be having a convocation in coming months, but there’s a long way yet to be an engineer. Will use that prefix Er. for sure but not before I am a Computer Science Engineer.