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Referee's Report on Applicant  - Submitted

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Applicant Information
Applicant Name:
Aseem Mittal
Department /Faculty:
Computing and Software
Academic Program:
Engineering MSc
Academic Plan / Specialization:
Computer Science THS
Academic Sub-plan:
Please complete the following sections:
In what capacity, how well, and how long have you known the applicant?
Mentor 18 momths
Does your university offer the graduate degree program this applicant seeks?
If yes, does the applicant meet the minimum admission requirements for acceptance to this program at your university ?
Please rate the applicant and enter comments (optional) about her/his abilities.
Intellectual Ability
Oral Communication
Written Communication
Work Habits
Potential Teaching Ability
Potential Research Ability
Ability to analyze Problems and Formulate Solutions
Flexibility (receptivity to new ideas, innovativeness, and adaptability)
2 - Excellent
2 - Excellent
2 - Excellent
2 - Excellent
1 - Outstanding
1 - Outstanding
2 - Excellent
1 - Outstanding
1 - Outstanding
1 - Outstanding
1 - Outstanding
Remarks (not mandatory)
Please comment on the applicant's academic strengths and potential for completing a graduate program. Providing substantive comments with examples will greatly assist McMaster University in evaluating the applicant. You may enter your comments in the box or attach a letter below.
I am very much pleased to recommend Aseem Mittal as a prospective student for graduate studies at your university. As Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering and Dean, Testing and Consultancy, I impart training to Civil Engineering and Computer Science Engineering students, for duration of six weeks to six months. He completed 6 months industrial training under my guidance and proved that his sound knowledge of fundamentals, a truly remarkable ability to apply theory to practical situations and a high motivation to keep abreast with the latest information will help him pursue his professional goals.

I admire the genuine intellectual curiosity that he has exhibited over and over, a curiosity that is often accompanied by his excitement to give practical touch to provide various engineering solutions. His work on LibreHatti, a generalized CRM cum E-Commerce application showed his capabilities as a good programmer and was praise worthy. He can work independently with minimal supervision as well as in a team being equally comfortable as leader and follower. I received excellent feedback from students and faculty members who greatly appreciate his help in the practical work.

I am impressed with all his characteristics, dedication and commitment to time schedule. His ability to visualize and link together the fundamentals of each problem makes him an ideal student for research. He is highly motivated, eager for cognizance and always on a lookout to learn something new. He also contributed in LTSP and eCAD project and acted as an administrator of college’s experimental server, so as to fulfill his desire of learning new things in his profession.

Considering his motivation, perseverance and intelligence, I strongly believe that he will scale the highest peaks in his fields of interest. In view of all the above facts, I strongly recommend him, without any hesitation, for admission into your graduate program. I wish him all the success in his future endeavours.
Attach Document
If desired, please attach additional material that you feel is important to complete your referral. Please note, the only accepted format is .PDF and is limited to one file.
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English Competency
For students whose first language is not English, please rank the applicant's ability and comment in the box below on the applicant's English competency.
English Competency
General Comprehension in English
Read widely in English
Express herself/himself in written English
Express herself/himself in spoken English
Please comment on applicant's English competency
Can communicate in English well.
Additional Questions
Referee Information
Professor, Dean (Consultancy)
Name (Lastname, Firstname):
Rai,Dr. Hardeep Singh
Institution or Company:
Guru Nanak Engineering Coll
Mailing Address:
Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College
Gill Park, Gill road
City/Province/Postal Code:
McMaster University Program Address
Program Name:
Plan Name:
Engineering MSc
Computer Science THS
Program Address:
1280 Main Street West
L8S 4L8
This Confidential Report must be both prepared and submitted by the referee named above. Evidence to the contrary will lead to cancellation of any offer if admission (accepted or not accepted), or withdrawal of the student from the University. It is the policy of the University to treat letters of reference as confidential documents. However, under the Freedom of Information legislation, the contents of any letters of reference may be disclosed provided the identity of the writer remains confidential.