- Added search feature in history ;
- keep items order when importing a library ;
- added a "TeX Source" export to library ;
- added ability to attach a comment to library equations ;
- better handling of ¥ character in Japanese ;
- fixed various localizations.
- better MathML export ;
- fixed compatibility with Ghostscript 9.15 ;
- better PDF metadata insertion ;
- Some people, who want to make a donation, but do not use Paypal, told me to do an Amazon wishlist. So, here it is :
(you can find it later on the donation page of LaTeXiT)
- totally broken version just to make a fool out of myself.
- restored right-click menu on image.
- fixed CPU usage in some cases ;
- fixed minor bugs.
- new "background synchronization" feature to share a file with another program ;
- prefetch PDF w.o.f. for faster export ;
- fixed text font when drag'n dropping text in the text area ;
- better text import ;
- equation background color is now properly kept when inserting equations in the library ;
- fixed minor bugs.
- Fixed "PDF with outlined fonts" bounding box to make it compatible with Illustrator ;
- Added "Format>Comment/Uncomment" ;
- Reduced service titles for better appearance in MacOS X keyboard preferences.
- Fixed drag'n drop TO the terrible iWork'13 (and its bunch of regressions) ;
- Fixed drag'n drop FROM (the terrible) iWork'13 (and its bunch of regressions), thanks to the proxy icon of the "image" panel ;
- Added service filtering with regular expressions (see Preferences > Services) ;
- Added "Auto" LaTeXisation mode ;
- Added "Format > Align…" menu item ;
- Added Ctrl+Command+T shortcut to LaTeXize AND put into clipboard ;
- Duplicate all services, with versions that also put into clipboard ;
- Fixed NSFlippableView crash bug ;
- Added $OUTPUTPDFFILE2 environment variable for processing scripts ;
- Fixed incompatibility between gs >= 9.09 and the export "with outlined fonts" ;
- Deliberately omitting the \color command inserted in the preamble, when the requested color is the default black, for better user customization ;
- Added the "Do not clip preview" preference ;
- New latexit metadata embedded inside PDFs that iWork'13 won't strip ;
- Fixed JPEG export dialog box ;
- Fixed a color handling bug in XeLaTeX mode ;
- Fixed Automator regressions ;
- Fixed drag'n drop to OmniGraffle.
- fixed a bug regarding "background color" not working.
- fixed Retina file icons to make them Mac OS 10.5 compatible.
- fixed a library migration bug to 2.5.0 format ;
- you can now scroll in the image area ;
- if available, gs-noX11 is now prefered to gs ;
- graphics adapted to retina displays ;
- ability to close, suspend or resume a Linkback link.
- disabled 64 bits mode to avoid problems with buggy older version of MacOS X ; it can still be built and enabled for those who really want it ;
- new data model for history and library, featuring reduced loading time and less resources used ;
- fixed the Service : the baseline alignment did not work any more ;
- resetting the preamble now asks confirmation ;
- to avoid misuse, deleting a library item is now done with ⌘⌫ (Command+Backspace) instead of a mere ⌫ ;
- fixed bugs that appeared with MacOS 10.7 ;
- Italian localization.
- version 2.4.1 : fixed a bug encountered with some PDFs resulting in something like "nothing works" ;
- new web site, you should really visit it ;
- MathML export (experimental) ;
- SVG export (requires pdf2svg) ;
- fixed Automator action ;
- the service now accepts {eqnarray} and {align} and interpret them as {eqnarray*} and {align*} ;
- tabulations can be replaced by spaces ;
- better localizations ;
- many internal improvements.
- new web site, you should really visit it ;
- MathML export (experimental) ;
- SVG export (requires pdf2svg) ;
- fixed Automator action ;
- the service now accepts {eqnarray} and {align} and interpret them as {eqnarray*} and {align*} ;
- tabulations can be replaced by spaces ;
- better localizations ;
- many internal improvements.
- fixed a drag'n drop bug with PowerPoint ;
- fixed a drawing bug where the equation could be replaced by a black box ;
- improved preferences ;
- some errors of the LaTeX engine were not taken in account ;
- added experimental MathML export ;
- updated Sparkle.
Unusual note
The developer rarely speaks about himself, but exceptionally, I wanted to tell something.
I think LaTeXiT has become a great tool along the years, and I am happy to provide it as totally free. That won't change.
However, I am in a part of my life where money is also important for my family life, and it would help me right now to get some reward for the work I have done so far in LaTeXiT.
If you are an individual, just ignore that. But if you represent a laboratory or a company and think that LaTeXiT is of great value for your day-to-day work, would you consider making a little donation ? I think that I could add a link from within LaTeXiT to a list of sponsors, like "LaTeXiT is supported by…" This would be a good way to thank you (apart from keeping on developing the software, of course).
Pierre Chatelier
- latexizations can now be interrupted;
- fixed a case where the preferences of additional scripts would not be saved;
- added a progress bar for the migration of the history when required;
- added a preference pane for the history;
- the history can now be imported/exported;
- the export format can now be changed on the fly when drag'n dropping;
- more powerful management of the arguments of functions in the LaTeX palette items;
- minor interface refinements;
- some bugs fixed.
- fixed a bug that was preventing LaTeXiT from informing users of new updates;
- if you want to help me buy a house, you can reconsider that famous donation of a few thousand dollars you have delayed so far.
- temporarily dropping 64-bits support, because of bugs of the AppleTypeServer already discussed in version 2.0.1;
- migrating from the EqnArray mode to the Align mode, which has the same syntax but gives better results;
- fixed an export bug if scale was not 100%;
- better Linkback retro-compatibility;
- better Japanese localization, thanks to Ryohei Seto;
- small interface refinements.
- temporarily circumventing a 64-bits mode bug, because for an unknown reason, it makes the AppleTypeServer crash (certainly a bug in ATS itself);
- fixed migrating problems of the Library under some conditions;
- fixed Tiger support;
- fixed support for LinkBack;
- fixed the disabled button used to apply the preambles to the library;
- improved some interface details and minor bug fixes.
- code review with many internal enhancements for better flexibility;
- added "document body templates";
- history and library are now handled by Core Data, for a better resource management (memory…);
- additional arguments can now be given to underlying program calls (pdflatex…);
- LaTeXiT document windows now have a "mini" mode, ala iTunes;
- recovered G3 processor compatibility;
- better launch time;
- fixed bugs in services;
- fixed minor bugs;
- Japanese translation;
- the developer himself has been updated to version 2.0 by marrying his beloved wife. Donations are welcome to participate to the honeymoon !
- better compatilibity with old versions of pdflatex/ghostscript;
- fixed a bug in the Automator action, that was preventing it to be saved;
- fixed bug regarding environment variables propagation in custom scripts.
- added an Automator action;
- better Unix environment handling, which fixes a bug with some configurations;
- multiple preambles management;
- added "Additional files" palette;
- better way to auto-crop equations;
- multiple preambles management;
- for the sake of readability, the icons of the created files do not have a transparent background any more;
- the automatic font size detection through the Service can now use a custom factor;
- updated German translation (Peter Dyballa);
- fixed some minor bugs.
- the MacOS 10.3 (Panther) version will not be maintained any more
- fixed an incompatibility with the Leopard shell
- Services work again on Leopard
- more robust way to handle Services keyboard shortcuts
- the "detect and typeset" service now supports \begin{eqnarray*}…\end{eqnarray*}
- it is now possible to import libraries from LaTeX Equation Editor
- tabulations are no longer limited
- LaTeXiT is now using Sparkle for updates
- the latexisation is now triggered by ⌘T like in TeXShop; ⌘L, ⇧⌘L, ⇧⌘T still work
- the default preamble is now using \usepackage[usenames]{color} instead of \usepackage{color}
- new icon by Jacob Bandes-Storch