if exists("exmpl_package_file")
let exmpl_package_file = 1

" Author: Mikolaj Machowski
" Date: 10.04.2002
" Example plugin for packages in latexSuite

" This variable creates Options submenu in package menu. Even when no options are
" given for this package it HAS to exist in form
" let TeX_package_option_exmpl = ""
" Options and commands are delimited with comma ,

let g:TeX_package_option_exmpl = "OpcjaA=,OpcjaB,OpcjaC"

" Most command should have some definition before. Package menu system can
" recognize type of command and behave in good manner:
" env: (environment) creates simple environment template
"   \begin{command}
"     x          <- cursor here
"   \end{command}  
" bra: (brackets) useful when inserting brackets commands
"   \command{x}<<>> <- cursor at x, and placeholders as in other menu entries
" nor: (normal)             nor: and pla: are `highlighted' in menu with `''
"   \command<Space>
" pla: (plain)
"   command<Space>
" spe: (special)
"   command   <-literal insertion of command, in future here should go
"               commands with special characters
" sep: (separator) creates separator. Good for aesthetics and usability :)
" Command can be also given with no prefix:. The result is
"   \command   (as in nor: but without <Space>)

let g:TeX_package_exmpl = "env:AEnvFirst,env:aEnvSec,env:BThi,"
                    \ . "sep:a,env:zzzz,"
                    \ . "bra:aBraFirst,bra:bBraSec,bra:cBraThi,"
                    \ . "sep:b,"
                    \ . "nor:aNorPri,nor:bNorSec,nor:cNorTer,"
                    \ . "sep:c,"
                    \ . "pla:aPla1,pla:bPla2,pla:cPla3,"
                    \ . "sep:d,"
                    \ . "spe:aSpe1,spe:bSpe2,spe:cSpe3,"
                    \ . "sep:e,"
                    \ . "aNo1,bNo2,cNo3"
" vim:ft=vim