How to Make Your First $1,000 from Your Passions & Talents

On the side, before you have to quit, even if you don’t have your idea

(Featuring the ‘Make Your First $1,000′ Guarantee)

“The first dollar changes everything.”

Hey, Living Legends – I have some fun & urgent news!

After being asked by literally thousands of you in the past few months of rigorous user interviews, I’ve finally decided to create a new workshop on How to Make Your First $1,000 from Your Passions & Talents. Registration just went live and I’m crazy excited about it! I filmed a short video to explain everything. Take a few minutes to watch that above right now.

The workshop goal and guarantee are simple: I will teach you a proven process and framework that I guarantee will allow you to make $1,000 from your talents and passions (i.e. doing work you actually care about!) in the first three months, or the workshop is free. And you can do it on the side, while you have a full-time gig.

Read below for all the details, but watch the video first (it will be a lot faster that way, too).

Because Making the First Dollar Changes Everything

I remember when I was first building Live Your Legend. I spent the first four years sharing my ideas with exactly three people paying attention – my mom, dad and my wife Chelsea.

There was just about zero growth, zero traffic and definitely zero revenue.

Then I started to take Live Your Legend more seriously and the community began to grow. But it still made zero money. I thought getting to my first 1,000 subscribers would change everything. It didn’t. Then I thought getting to my first 10,000 was the magic number. It wasn’t.

When it came to the income from the “business”, nothing changed.

Then one day while I was on the phone with my coach, Debra Russell (who conveniently used to be the GM for Tony Robbins and shared the stage with him at his 4,000 person events), we were talking about my vision for building Live Your Legend. And she said something along the lines of, “Scott, I think it’s time to start charging people.”

I laughed as I felt my stomach drop through the floor.

Her response…

“No seriously, Scott. You’ve been helping people for a long time and getting real results. It’s time for you to start charging people. Just start charging whatever you feel comfortable with and learn and correct from there.”

So in pure terror, I put up a page offering 1:1 work to help people find and do work they love.

Then I headed off to my good friend’s wedding.

And that’s when it happened…

I was on the golf course, on about the 16th hole with one of my best friends, when my iPhone buzzed. I grabbed it to check the text message. But instead it was a Paypal update.

The update said, “You just received $499.00 from [person’s name].”

I seriously lost it.

Someone had decided to buy one of my coaching packages! I don’t think I’ve ever had a more exciting time in my business life.

Did the $500 dollars change my life?

Not at all. Well, not literally, at least.

That $500 didn’t change what I could or couldn’t afford or how I decided to live my life.

But it changed something much more valuable than that.

It completely transformed my belief system. It proved to me that I had something that the right people would happily pay me for. And that changed everything.

Within a few weeks my coaching schedule was full.

That 1:1 work taught me the consistent patterns and challenges that the masses seemed to experience.

I took that knowledge and built my first course called Live Off Your Passion.

The first hour that I opened the course for sale, it made over $1,000. Then I went out for a workout, and by the time I got back it had made another $2,000.

By the end of the month it had made over $31,000.

I was beside myself.

Then eventually I noticed thousands of you asking versions of the exact same question: “How do I meet the right people to support my dreams?”

That led to creating our flagship How to Connect With Anyone course and community.

The first time we offered it to all of you, it brought in over $78,000 in ten days. Again, I was in disbelief.

In one of our most recent openings, CWA brought in $154,000 in 6 days.

And the best part is that these courses have gotten real results for people – many of you who are reading this right now.

I don’t say any of this to brag. Not anywhere close.

I tell you as proof. As proof of a process that flat-out gets results for anyone willing to rigorously apply it.

It’s the same process I’ve used to build every product and service at Live Your Legend and I believe it has everything to do with the fact that we’ve never released an unsuccessful product (well, except for one little known one, which I’ll dissect in the workshop, because I neglected the final and all-important step!).

This is a framework that I first researched and learned from a group of venture investors and entrepreneurs when I was doing my honors thesis on Market Validation at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

In fact, as a result of the products we’ve built and launched at LYL, I’ve created a ridiculously detailed step-by-step product and service creation and launch checklist that has over 130 items on it. It’s the exact one I used to launch Live Off Your Passion and Connect With Anyone, which have brought in well over half a million dollars since day one.

So that’s what this workshop is about.

It’s about teaching you the proven (and uber low risk) process for building a product or service that people actually want and need and making your first $1,000 from it (and a lot more), on the side, before you have to quit whatever full-time job or project you’re working on.

But more than that, it’s about proving possibility.

It’s about showing yourself you can make that first dollar – because I believe that first dollar is the psychological inflection point. It’s the Roger Bannister moment of living your legend, building a career around your passions and helping people and the world in a meaningful way.

Because that is where things start to get very interesting…

We’re going to cover a ton, but here are 14 of the biggest highlights:

  1. Figuring out what you have to offer that people would be happy to pay you for – I am convinced every one of us has this. We just have to uncover it.
  2. Figuring out what your first offer is actually going to be.
  3. How to describe and position yourself in a way that makes people want to buy.
  4. Why you don’t need a big massive audience (or any audience at all).
  5. Getting set up on the best online tools, communities and platforms for building your track record and credibility.
  6. The 3-step process for building credibility and becoming a perceived (and practical) expert in your field.
  7. Getting your crucial first testimonials and referrals.
  8. The single biggest action and belief that keeps people from making their first dime doing work they love (I made this mistake for four years and really want you to avoid it!).
  9. Make failure impossible by turning the standard product development process on its head to ensure you’re creating what people want to pay you for, and to have customers before you invest hardly any time or money in building it.
  10. How to do simple and effective market and customer research and the exact tools, scripts and surveys I’ve used for our flagship products.
  11. How to turn early failure into a massive success.
  12. Real case studies and product tear downs from my students, clients and my own projects (including real dollar amounts and one “failure” I rarely talk about).
  13. All laid out in a simple and clear process that won’t be some huge time investment, so you can actually follow through and implement!
  14. And a lot more, including…

My Proprietary $154,000 Launch Checklist

The LYL Proprietary 154k Launch Checklist CoverThis is my own personal checklist I’ve built upon over the past three years and has been used to launch every one of Live Your Legend’s products, courses and services, and is responsible for over $700,000 in revenue in the past two years.

It’s also the exact checklist I used for one of our most recent launches that brought in over $154,000 in six days. It’s basically the First $1k Framework detailed out in a 7-page, 130-point, step-by-step checklist (including my logic behind each step). It’s proof that this process scales far beyond your first $1,000. There’s no other place to get access to this, and as a workshop participant, you’ll get the whole thing as a PDF download.

Most importantly, this whole workshop is designed to be incredibly practical.

You will be able to apply this stuff immediately and likely start seeing measurable, financial results (i.e. making real money) within weeks, as is proof by our guarantee…

Our Make $1,000 Guarantee

Everything we do at LYL comes with a fully results-backed guarantee. With this workshop, since we’re talking about real numbers and dollars, it’s quite simple…

I guarantee that you’ll make your first dollar in the first month and your first $1,000 in the first three months of rigorously putting to work every step of the framework we cover in the workshop. If you don’t get those results, the workshop is free – I’ll give you your money back and you can keep it.

I can make this offer because I’ve seen it work in dozens of industries with dozens of clients and mentors – and my own projects.

So here’s what’s included:

  • The 1hr & 50-minute in-depth workshop video on the full First $1,000 Framework
  • 40 minutes of anything-goes question and answers – audio and video recording
  • My detailed 130+ item product creation and $154,000 launch checklist
  • In-depth report on the 3-step process for becoming a trusted (& highly paid) expert
  • My 3 best tools & exercises for discovering your passion & the value you’ll deliver to others
  • The exact emails, scripts and surveys I’ve used to test a market and be 100% certain of having customers long before building anything
  • Case studies and behind-the-scenes breakdowns of my products, launches and psychology that I’ve never publicly shared
  • The Make Your First $1,000 Guarantee

So what’s this going to cost?

A lot less than you said it should.

When I asked on Twitter and Facebook what price would make this a ‘no-brainer,’ dozens of you said it should be between $100 and $297 or maybe $30 to $50 a month for a six or more months. And another handful said you’d be happy to pay $1,000.

When I offer things for the first time, I like to price them at a place that makes it a ‘no-brainer’ for you, and sets me up to be able to ridiculously over-deliver on value. (I’ve used this framework with clients and myself for years, but have never put it into a workshop like this.)

You’ll get a massive deal for being a founding student and getting in on the ground floor. The pre-launch group got to buy Live Off Your Passion for $67. It now sells for $197. The pre-launch group for Connect With Anyone got to pay $197 for lifetime access. The full course now costs $1,000. And we’ve built upon each program tremendously since first launch. I’ll also cover why we do it this way in the workshop (it’s an important point).

So with that said, the price for this workshop is $87

And given what I plan to turn this into, it will likely go up a lot more from there.

I realize I run the risk of you not valuing this as highly as you should due to the lower price, but I want as many of you to be able to access this as possible. I also want to be respectful of the huge contingent of LYLers in countries like India where $1 is a much bigger number than in the U.S.

Also, I actually see this workshop as MY investment in each of you.

I love you all. I’m deeply grateful for this community, and my goal is always to do anything I can to give you the best chance at living your legend and making your difference in the world. Teaching you to fish in this way will end up doing a lot more good for a lot more people (our community and myself included) than if I allowed a lot fewer people to access it at a much higher price.

The bottom line is that I didn’t want you to have to even think about joining this.

If you’re reading this, you already know how I do things and how worthwhile it it will be – both the money and the time you’ll spend, as I know how precious they both are. And my promise to you is always to never let you waste either.

Get Instant Access

Your full access workshop pass includes…

  • 1hr & 50-minute in-depth workshop video on the full First $1,000 Framework
  • 40-minute anything-goes Q&A session
  • Full audio & video recordings & downloads
  • In-depth report: 3-step process for becoming a trusted (& highly paid) expert
  • 3 top tools for discovering your passion & the value you’ll deliver to others
  • My personal detailed 130-item product creation and $154,000 launch checklist
  • Exact emails, scripts & surveys I used to test a market & be 100% certain of having customers long before building anything
  • Case studies & behind-the-scenes breakdowns of my products, launches and psychology that I’ve never publicly shared
  • The Results-Backed ‘Make Your First $1,000′ Guarantee

Register now for $87

Register now for $87

And here are a couple stories from our past students who have applied the framework in various ways:

Naz and Leah“This year we both left our corporate jobs where we were earning in excess of $160,000 combined. We now run our own business, RYPL, where we help people everyday bring meaning to their lives through live events, speaking, writing and coaching. In 2014, we are tracking to turn over our first million dollars.

- Leah Hynes & Nazrin Murphie – Sydney, Australia

Kristen A“I got my first client within two weeks and ramped up from there. Now, not quite two years later, I run a solid marketing communication agency — with a suite of clients that I adore. I expect to turnover $300K this year and celebrate the business’ 2nd birthday in November!”

– Kristin A. – Sydney, Australia

But this is NOT about the money. Seriously.

Sure, the $1,000 you’ll make will feel incredible. So will the rest that comes from applying what you learn.

But this not about making you $1,000. Or even $10,000.

It’s about exposing you to a whole new world of possibility.

Since the beginning of time, the world believed it was a physical impossibility to run a mile in less than four minutes.

Then on May 6th, 1954, a man named Roger Bannister showed up to Iffley Road Track in Oxford, England and took off running. Three minutes and 59.4 seconds later, he crossed the mile mark.

But you know what the really fascinating part was?

Just 46 days later, Bannister’s rival, John Landy beat his time by more than a second. Then, within a year over a dozen more runners came in sub-four. 

Do you think the human body physically changed in a matter of months?

Of course not.

But the world’s belief of what’s possible did.

And that was enough to drastically transform their physical potential. Once they knew it could be done, it just happened. But not until Bannister proved it to the world.

That is always my goal at Live Your Legend – to provide your Roger Bannister moment for the things in life I know you’re capable of. And then to provide the tools and a road map for you to make your sub four-minute mile a reality.

That’s what I want for you in this workshop and in the actions you take and results you get soon after.

Making your first $1,000 (or your first $1) is that mental inflection point that changes everything.

So let’s end with a question…

How differently would you approach projects and ideas if you were confident you had a proven process for building an income around the things you actually cared about and enjoyed?

If you had a process for testing an idea and knowing whether it’s viable within weeks, what might you pursue? What could you create? What difference could you make?

When you make that first $1 helping someone with something you’re specifically talented, passionate and excited about, your belief of what’s possible starts to change. You begin to show up differently and of course your ability to offer value to the world and do the work you really care about doing totally transforms.

I can’t wait to see what you do with it.

Now, let’s go break 4-minutes!

See you live in a couple weeks,

- Scott Dinsmore

Founder, Live Your Legend

Get Immediate Access

Your full access workshop pass includes…

  • 1hr & 50-minute in-depth workshop video on the full First $1,000 Framework
  • 40-minute anything-goes Q&A session
  • Full audio & video recordings & downloads
  • In-depth report: 3-step process for becoming a trusted (& highly paid) expert
  • 3 top tools for discovering your passion & the value you’ll deliver to others
  • My personal detailed 130-item product creation and $154,000 launch checklist
  • Exact emails, scripts & surveys I used to test a market & be 100% certain of having customers long before building anything
  • Case studies & behind-the-scenes breakdowns of my products, launches and psychology that I’ve never publicly shared
  • The Results-Backed ‘Make Your First $1,000′ Guarantee

Register now for $87

Register now for $87

Answers to a few more of your common questions:

1. What if I don’t know my passion?

No problem. I’ll share my three best exercises and techniques for passion discovery. Plus, the Make Your First $1k Framework covered in the workshop serves as a powerful passion discovery tool on its own. We’ve got you covered!

2. Who’s this for? What if I have a full-time job?

This is for anyone who wants to make their first $1k from their passions and talents and begin to build an income around doing work you actually care about, helping others with your skills and making your own difference in the world. It’s designed to be done on the side, while you’re still at a current full-time job, so you don’t have to just drop everything and quit before you’ve tested what works. That’s really important.

3. Does this work for products and services or is it just for doing hourly work as a consultant or coach?

The $1k Framework is product and service agnostic, meaning it applies to products (digital and physical) and services alike. I’m teaching you how to fish. Then you get to decide what you want to catch.

On that point, we have found that one of the fastest ways to test an idea and begin making money is through offering a service to others, and then this knowledge can be used to create a more scalable product that you’re sure people want and need. But again, there’s a lot of ways to go about it. Our case studies will cover online and physical products as well as services. Our goal is to get you testing and making money from your talents and skills as fast as possible. If you do the work, we’ll get you there. And you’ll make your first $1,000.

4. What if I’ve already made $1,000 (or a lot more) from my passions and talents – will this still help?

First off, congrats! And yes it will. The Framework is something to be applied to everything you create so that you minimize the risk of failure and maximize the odds that you’ll create something that will massively help your audience, and of course make you good money. Apply this to what you already know and it will likely save you a ton of time, and make you a lot more, all while helping more people. Win/Win/Win!

Send us any other questions via email (scott at liveyourlegend dot net).

We’re here to help however we can.

Now come joins us!

Register now for $87

Register now for $87