Fast Track Deployment of Customised OSM Tile Server
Organization: OpenStreetMap
Assigned mentors: Graham Jones, H S Rai
Short description: I am proposing to make a one complete package , That will automatically install all the packages with Install Script required to set up own customised server which will update automatically with sync. of OpenStreetMap data for an area specified by implementor, It will also suggest him/her and will also give a option to choose default options i.e weekly bases , with easy user interface and browser based customisation of Map Style, adding of Icons, local language and additional search feature.
OSM Tile Server is Map Server which can run on any system after installation and all the Setup and can also provide Map Services. It takes the data of OpenStreetMap which is freely available and make its local copy, thus empowering any citizen to have his/her customised map, to meet his/her requirements by making it to display information as relevant to his project requirement.
Project Details
Fast Deployment of Customised OSM Tile Server will include easy installation procedure with a simple command i.e. one will be able to install it using simple install script on his Linux system preferably ubuntu, with customising map style and other attributes of map through easy user interface (preferably browser based) and will get option to add his/her own language, and icons. This will be automatically update area with using the data of OpenStreetMap as decided by the user (after selecting area in browser) and will also give and advice based on resources of implementor with a default option. It will also ask user to add his custom icons to on the map if they are not present on OpenStreetMap and he/she want to show them in his/her own map. A search option will also be installed with that map which will search for the exact location of map and will the show more information about that after clicking.
OSM Tile Server's Installation package will include Installation of PostGreSQL database with PostGIS extension and editing configuration files in user friendly manner, osm2pgsql, loading planet file into the database with osm2pgsql, installation of mapnik libraries with its tools and installation of osmosis.
While installing it manually it requires a lot of packages to be compiled and install separately and changes in files. So It will do user's job easy.
To start with it will be made for Linux operating system preferably ubuntu, Because most of people now using ubuntu and people on the developers mailing list of osm also suggested me to go for it with ubuntu.