DVELOPMENTS Code Of Practice On Steel Structures - A Review Of IS 800: 2007 Dr. N. Subramanian, Computer Design Consultants, Gaithersburg, MD 20878, USA Codes of practice reflect the combined wisdom of a profession. They provide the minimum requirements that a design has to satisfy. They have a legal status, in the sense that any failure consequent to the violation of the provisions of a code can land a designer into a legal liability. However, the codes of practice do not prescribe a process of design nor they constrain the designer from adopting the latest knowledge and developments in the profession to do the design. More recently, the provisions of the codes of practice have been incorporated in the computer aided design software to ensure the design meets the requirements of the governing code. Hence, the method of representing the code in such software can greatly affect the transparency and longevity of the software. With continuing research and development activities at an accelerated pace, there is great explosion in the generation and dissemination of knowledge in all areas of engineering. This has led to the need to revise the governing codes of practice at regular intervals, in order to reflect the more recently generated professional knowledge appropriately in the corresponding codes. In India, the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) is the statutory body that publishes the codes of practice to be followed in the Indian Professional practice. Though the codes of practices of other countries such as USA are revised at regular intervals, the codes issued by BIS are revised only after 20 to 25 years. The second revision of IS 800 was published in 1984. The third revision of the code was released after about 24 years, in Feb 2007, by the BIS1. The material contained in the code reflects the state-of-the-art of knowledge, and is based on the provisions in other international codes as well as other research publications. The clauses contained in the code were developed by a team headed by Prof. R. Narayanan and later by Prof. Kalyanaraman of IIT Madras2. This version of the code is based on the limits state method of design philosophy whereas the earlier version was based on working stress method. This article reviews some of the important provisions of the new code. 114 Codal Provisions The code is divided into the following 17 Sections. It also contains seven appendices. 1. General 2. Materials 3. General Design Requirements 4. Methods of Structural Analysis 5. Limit State Design 6. Design of Tension Members 7. Design of Compression Members 8. Design of Members subjected to Bending 9. Member subjected to combined forces 10. Connections 11. Working Stress Design 12. Design and Detailing for Earthquake Loads 13. Fatigue 14. Design Assisted by Testing 15. Durability 16. Fire Resistance 17. Fabrication and Erection Comparing the provisions of the 1984 version of the code with that of the present code, it is seen that the present code contains major revisions. It gives a separate chapter on Methods of Structural Analysis, which discusses the following methods of analysis3, 4. First-order elastic analysis - Second-order elastic analysis (includes methods to consider the effect of connection flexibility) - Linear buckling analysis - Inelastic buckling analysis - First-order plastic analysis Second-order inelastic analysis - Plastic zone method - Elastic plastic hinge method - Refined plastic hinge method - Notional load plastic hinge method - Quasi-plastic hinge method The second-order inelastic methods are often referred to as advanced analysis methods. This means that they take into CE&CR AUGUST 2008 DEVELOPMENTS may also refer to the American code, ANSI/AISC 341-05, for more detailed earthquake resistant design provisions9. The code for the first time has introduced provisions for fatigue (fatigue provisions are important for structures subjected to alternating loads, such as bridges, cranes, and structures supporting machinery), durability (though older codes gave importance to strength and stability, durability has become one of the main factors for design due to the early deterioration of recently built structures and also due to the dwindling natural resources. It is interesting to note that Fig.1 Load-Displacement Characteristics Of Different Methods Of Analysis there are no clauses on minimum thickness of members) and fire resistance account the relevant material properties, residual stresses, (fire resistance has become an important factor in the design geometric imperfections, second-order effects, three- due to the recent fire accidents in several multi-storey building dimensional effects, erection procedures, and interaction with and subsequent loss of life). Since it is difficult to review all the foundations. Thus, the advance analysis methods these changes in a short paper, only a few important incorporate both strength and stability behaviour in such a provisions are discussed. way that separate members design is not required. They Limit States Design directly assess the strength and stability of the overall system, including the interaction of the member strength and stability. The fundamental requirement of a structural design is that In addition to IS: 800, Eurocode 3 (EC3 1992)5, Canadian the elements of the structure should have adequate and Code (CSA-S16.1 2001) 6 , Australian Code (AS-4100 reliable safety against failure, the structure should remain 1998)7,and the American code (ANSI/AISC 360-05)8, permit serviceable during its intended use, and the design is the use of advanced analysis methods, which eliminate the economical. At the design stage, there are uncertainties about tedious and sometimes confusing member capacity checks several factors affecting safety. Some of these factors are: in the conventional limit states method. This often leads to - The uncertainty in predicting loads which will be significant savings in design. The code also gives expressions experienced during the lifetime of a structure due to random for modeling various semi-rigid connections. variation of loads (This uncertainty is further enhanced due The main shift is from working stress design to limits to accidental loads, such as the recent plane attack on World states design (It is of interest to note that the concrete code Trade Center, USA10 and the terrorist attacks on several IS 456: 2000 has adopted limit states design and all the buildings throughout the world11). international codes on steel structures have adopted some - The variations of strengths between nominally identical form of limit states design). Though the code allows design structural elements, due to design assumptions, random using working stress method, it is relegated to the end of the variation in the material strengths and the member code, thus discouraging the designers to use it. The code dimensions. also gives provisions for design and detailing for earthquake - The consequence of mistakes and errors made by people loads (Note that the recently released earthquake resistant involved in design and construction. design code IS 1893 (Part I): 2002 gives guidelines mainly One of the main objectives in most codes is to ensure for reinforced concrete structures). However, the designers safety of the general public. For example, the IS 800:2007 CE&CR AUGUST 2008 115 DEVELOPMENTS As we design a structure with very low probability of failure, the cost of the structure increases simultaneously. Attempting to design a highly safe structure (say, a low probability of failure of about 1010) may increase the cost of the structure to a level that an individual or the society cannot afford to pay. On the other hand, designing for a higher probability of failure could lead to considerable cost to the individual or society in terms of the consequences of a failure. Thus, the design becomes a balancing act between safety and cost. Suitable values for partial safety factors are adopted in the code to take care of the reliability of design13. The limit states considered in the code may be grouped into the following two types: - Ultimate (safety) limit states, which deal with strength, sway or overturning, sliding, buckling, fatigue fracture and brittle fracture. - Serviceability limit states, which deal with discomfort to occupancy and/ or malfunction, caused by excessive deflection, vibration, corrosion (and subsequent loss of durability), fire resistance, etc. should ensure that steel structures designed based on its provisions are safe. The term safe is nebulous to define. Over the years, there has been considerable change in the concept of safety and the approach taken by the design codes to ensure safety. Fig. 2 Pictorial Representation Of The Variability Of Loads And Strength No structure is fail-safe, since both loads and member strength are random variables. This is reflected in Fig. 2. There is always a probability, however small, that the actual load on a structure exceeds the strength of the structure12. The objective of the codes of practice has been to keep the probability of failure below an acceptable low level (104 to 105). Partial Safety Factors The variation due to the difference between the overall resistances of a structure to a set of loads, predicted by the Table 1: Partial Safety Factors For Loads, γfk, for Limit States1 Combination Limit State of Strength DL LL Limit State of Serviceability WL/ Leading Accompanying (CL, SL etc.) AL DL EL WL/EL LL Leading Accompanying (CL, SL etc.) DL+LL+CL 1.5 1.5 1.05 - - 1.0 1.0 1.0 - DL+LL+CL+ 1.2 1.2 1.05 0.6 - 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.8 WL/EL 1.2 1.2 0.53 1.2 1.5 - - 1.5 - 1.0 - - 1.0 (0.9)* 1.2 1.2 - - - - - - 1.0 0.35 - 1.0 - - - (0.9) 0.35 DL+WL/EL DL+ER DL+LL+AL *This value is to be considered when stability against overturning or stress reversal is critical. Abbreviations: DL = Dead Load, LL = Imposed Load (Live Loads), WL = Wind Load, SL = Snow Load, CL = Crane Load (Vertical / horizontal), AL = Accidental Load, ER = Erection Load, EL = Earthquake Load. Note: The effects of actions (loads) in terms of stresses or stress resultants may be obtained from an appropriate method of analysis. 116 CE&CR AUGUST 2008 DEVELOPMENTS design calculations and the resistance of the actual structure is taken care of by a set of partial safety factors or γ factors. The specific effect of variability in material and geometric properties is taken care off by the partial safety factors for strength, γm. The variability of the loads on the structure, or more specifically, the load effects on the various structural components, is reflected through the partial safety factors for loads (load factors) γfk. For a safe structure, Design Action = Design strength . . . (1) The design actions, Qd, is expressed by Qd = Σ γfk Qck . . . (2) Where γfk = partial safety factor for different loads k, as given in Table 1. The design strength, Sd is given by Design strength, Sd = Theoretical ultimate strength, Su / γm . . . (3) Where, γm is taken as given in Table 2. The code also specifies deflections limits for vertical and lateral loads for industrial buildings and other buildings (see Table 6 of IS 800:20071). Classification Of Cross-Sections Determining the resistance (strength) of structural steel components requires the designer to consider first the cross- sectional behaviour and second the overall member behaviour - whether in the elastic or inelastic material range, cross- sectional resistance and rotation capacity are limited by the effects of local buckling14. In the code cross sections are placed into four behavioural classes depending upon the material yield strength, the width- to-thickness ratios of the individual components (e.g., webs and flanges) within the cross section, and the loading Table 2: Partial Safety Factor for Materials1, γm SI. Definition No Partial Safety Factor 1. Resistance, governed by yielding, γm0 1.10 2. Resistance of member to buckling, γm0 1.10 3. Resistance governed by ultimate stress, γm1 1.25 4. Resistance of connection: a. b. c. d. 118 Bolts-Friction Type, γmf Bolts-Bearing Type, γmb Rivets, γmr Welds, γmw Shop Field Fabrications Fabrications 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.50 arrangement. The four classes of sections are defined as follows (see also Fig.3): Fig.3 Moment-Rotation Behaviour Of The Four Classes Of Cross-Sections As Defined By IS 800: 2007 (a) Plastic or class 1 Cross sections which can develop plastic hinges and have the rotation capacity required for the failure of the structure by the formation of a plastic mechanism (only these sections are used in plastic analysis and design). (b) Compact or class 2 Cross sections which can develop their plastic moment resistance, but have inadequate plastic hinge rotation capacity because of local buckling. (c) Semi-compact or class 3 Cross sections in which the elastically calculated stress in the extreme compression fibre of the steel member, assuming an elastic distribution of stresses, can reach the yield strength, but local buckling is liable to prevent the development of the plastic moment resistance. (d) Slender or class 4 Cross sections in which local buckling will occur even before the attainment of yield stress in one or more parts of the cross section. In such cases, the effective sections for design are calculated by deducting the width of the compression plate element in excess of the semi-compact section limit. It has to be noted that only plastic sections should be used in indeterminate frames forming plastic-collapse mechanisms. In elastic design, semi-compact sections can be used with the understanding that the maximum stress reached will be My. Slender sections also have stiffness problems and are not preferable for hot-rolled structural steelwork. Compact or plastic sections are used for compression members, since they have more stiffness than semi-compact or slender members3. CE&CR AUGUST 2008 DEVELOPMENTS Where fy is the yield stress of material in MPa, and Ag is the gross area of cross-section Design Strength Due To Rupture Of Critical Section Plates: Tension rupture of the plate at the net cross-section is given by Tdn = 0.9 fu An / γm1 . . . (5b) Where fu = ultimate stress of the material in MPa, and An = Net effective area of the member given by (see Fig. 4 for the definition of variables) Fig.4 Plate With Staggered Holes The maximum value of limiting width-thickness ratio of different classifications of sections is given by the code (See Table 2 of code). When different elements of a cross- section fall under different classifications, the most critical one has to be selected to represent the classification of the cross-section. Most of the hot-rolled sections available in the market fall under the category of plastic or compact sections3. Design Of Tension Members The factored design tension T, in the members shall satisfy the following requirement. T < Td . . . (4) Where Td = design strength of the member under axial tension Td is the lowest of the design strength due to the yielding of cross-section, Tdg, rupture of critical section Tdn and block shear failure, Tdb. Design Strength Due To Yielding Of Gross-Section Tension yielding of the members at the gross cross-section is given by Tdg = fy Ag/ γm0 . . . (5a) Fig. 5 Angles With Single Leg Connection 120 An = [b- ndh + Σ ] . . . (5c) Angle Members For angle members connected through one leg, the design rupture strength (Tdn) is calculated as: Tdn = 0.9 fu Anc / γm1 + β Ago fy / γm0 . . . (5d) Where β = 1.4 - 0.076 (w/t) (fy/fu) (bs/Lc) = (fuγm0 / fy γm1 ) > 0.7 Where w and bs are as shown in Fig 5 and Lc is the length of the connection, taken as the distance between outermost bolts in the joint measured along the direction of load (length of weld in the case of welded connection). For preliminary sizing, the rupture strength may be taken approximately as Td = αAnfu/γm1 . . . (5e) Where fy and fu = the yield and ultimate strength of the material, respectively, An = Net area of the total cross-section, Anc = Net area of the connected leg, Ago = gross area of the outstanding leg, and t = thickness of the leg. Strength As Governed By Block Shear Failure15, 16, 17 Block shear failure was recognized as a failure mode first in 1978, when Birkemoe and Gilmor conducted tests on coped beams with bolted web connections, and incorporated in AISC specifications in 1978 (Epstein and Aleksiewicz, 2008). Block shear failure in angles were investigated after the failure of Hartford Civic Center roof, Connecticut in 1978. Block shear failure in bolted / welded connections is characterized by a condition, where a "block" of material, in a pattern surrounding CE&CR AUGUST 2008 DEVELOPMENTS with 0.6 fu Avg = 0.6 fu Avn . . . (5h) Appendix A gives a design example based on these provisions. Design Of Compression Members Compression members are prone to buckling and the buckling strength is influenced by various parameters such as shape of the cross-section, residual stress, initial crookedness and end restraint. Researchers in Australia, and European countries have realized that the effect of these variables may be taken into account by using multiple column curves18, 19. In the Indian code, the members subjected to axial compression are classified as per buckling curves a, b, c and d as given in Table 3. The multiple column curves in non- dimensional form are shown in Fig.7. Fig. 6 Examples Of Block Shear Failures the bolted region, reaches its capacity through a combination of tension and shear. If the connection is loaded further, the block is eventually displaced from the connection region (see Fig.6). Block shear is usually initiated with tension fracture. The block shear strength, Tdb of the connection shall be smaller of Tdb = Avg fy / (√3 γm0) +0.9 fu Atn / γm1 . . . (5f) Or Tdb = 0.9fuAvn / (√3 γm1) + fy Atg / γm0 Table 3: Buckling Class Of Cross-Sections1 Cross Section Limits Rolled I Section 122 Buckling Curve h/bf > 1.2: major a tf < 40 mm minor b major b minor c h/bf < 1.2: major b tf < 100 mm minor c tf > 100 mm major d & minor major b minor c major c minor d any b Thick welds and major c b/ tf < 30 mm h/tw < 30 mm minor c 40 mm < tf < 100 mm . . (5g) Avg and Avn = minimum gross and net area in shear along a line of transmitted force, respectively (along 1-2 in Fig. 6a or along A-B and D-C in Fig 6f), Atg and Atn = minimum gross and net area in tension from the hole to the toe of the angle, or next last row of bolts in plates perpendicular to the line of force, respectively (along 2-3 in Fig. 6a or along B-C in Fig. 6f). It may be of interest to note that the American code has adopted the following block shear formula for angles, with a resistance factor of φ = 0.75. φTn = φ [0.6 fy Avg + 0.5 fu Atn ] , Buckling about axis Welded I Section and rolled/ tf = 40 mm Welded I with cover Plates tf > 40 mm Welded Box Section Generally (except as below) Round, Square or Hot rolled any a Rectangular tubes Cold formed any b Channel, Tee, Angle, and any c Solid sections Built up member any c CE&CR AUGUST 2008 DEVELOPMENTS Fig. 7 Multiple Column Buckling Curves1 Table 4: Imperfection factor, α Buckling curve a b c d α 0.21 0.34 0.49 0.76 The design compressive strength, Pd of the member is given by P < Pd . . . (6a) Where Pd = Ae fcd . . . (6b) Ae = effective sectional area (gross area minus holes not filled with rivets, bolts etc.) fcd = design compressive stress . . . (6c) = Where χ = Stress reduction factor = 1/[φ + (φ2 - λ2)0.5] < 1 . . . (6d) Table 5: Constants k1, k2, k3 No. of bolts Gusset/Connecting k1 k2 k3 at each end of Member fixity* connection >2 Fixed 0.20 0.35 20 Hinged 0.70 0.60 5 Fixed 0.75 0.35 20 Hinged 1.25 0.50 60 1 *Stiffness of in-plane rotational restraint provided by the gusset/ connecting member 124 φ = 0.5 [1+ α (λ - 0.2) + λ2] . . . (6e) α = imperfection factor that accounts for the effects of residual stresses and imperfections corresponding to different column curves as given in Table 4, λ = non-dimensional effective slenderness ratio = √(fy/fcc), fcc = Euler buckling stress = π2E/(KL/r)2, KL/r = effective slenderness ratio, or ratio of effective length KL to appropriate radius of gyration, r, and γm0 = partial safety factor for material strength. The code presents the stress reduction factor, χ and the design compressive stress, fcd, for different buckling curves, yield stresses and effective slenderness ratios in tables, for the convenience of designers. Design Of Angle Struts Based on the research conducted at IIT Chennai, it is suggested that the flexural torsional buckling strength of single angles loaded in compression through one of its legs may be evaluated using the equivalent slenderness ratio, λe as given below: λe = . . . (7) where k1, k2, k3 = constants depending upon end conditions as given in Table 5 λvv = (L/rvv) / [ε λ? = (b1+ b2) / [2 εt ] . . . (7a) ] . . . (7b) Where, L = Laterally unsupported length of the member, rvv = Radius of gyration about the minor axis, b1, b2 = Width of the two legs of the angle, t = thickness of leg, and ε = yield stress ratio = (250 /fy)0.5 Design Of Beams (Flexural Members) Short beams may attain its plastic moment capacity, provided a plastic or compact section is chosen. However, long beams are prone to lateral-torsional buckling, which results in reduced strength. It has been shown that a set of curves, similar to the multiple column curves can be generated for different cross-sectional shapes19, 20. The Indian code has CE&CR AUGUST 2008 DEVELOPMENTS adopted two curves for the design of laterally unsupported beams (for rolled and welded sections - by adopting two values of αLT, as described below). The factored design moment, M at any section in a beam due to external actions shall satisfy M < Md . . . (8) Where Md = design bending strength of the section. The design bending strength of beam, adequately supported against lateral torsional buckling (laterally supported beam) is governed by the yield stress (section 8.2.1. of code). When a beam is not adequately supported against lateral buckling, the design bending strength is given by Md = βb Zp fbd . . . (8b) Where βb = 1.0 for plastic and compact sections = Ze/Zp for semi-compact sections Ze, Zp = elastic section modulus and plastic section modulus with respect to extreme compression fibre. fbd = design bending compressive stress, obtained as given below. fbd = χLT fy/γm0 . . . (8c) Where χLT = reduction factor to account for lateral torsional buckling given by: χLT = . . . (8d) in which φLT = 0.5 [1 + φLT {λLT − 0.2} + λLT2] . . . (8e) The values of imperfection factor, αLT, for lateral torsional bucking of beams is given by: αLT = 0.21 for rolled section and αLT = 0.49 for welded section The non-dimensional slenderness ratio, αLT, is given by χLT = = . . . (8f) where, Mcr = elastic critical moment. The code also gives a simplified equation for calculating Mcr for symmetric I sections. Annex E of the code provides methods for calculating Mcr for different beam sections, subject to different loadings and support conditions. Note the similarity of equation (8d) adopted for beams and equation (6d) adopted for columns. Design Of Beam-Columns (Members Subject To Combined Forces) Members subjected to combined bending and combined axial 126 Table 6: Constants α1, α2 α1 α2 I and Channel 5n = 1 2 Circular tubes 2 2 Section Rectangular tubes Solid rectangles 1.66/(1-1.13n2) 1.73+1.8 n3 <6 1.66/(1-1.13nα) < 6 1.73+1.8 n3 Note : n = N/Nd force should be checked for cross section strength and overall Member strength. Check For Cross-Section strength For plastic and compact sections the following interaction equation is suggested by the code. . . . (9) Conservatively, the following relationship may be used under combined axial force and bending moment. . . . (9a) Where, My, Mz = factored applied moments about the minor and major axis of the cross section respectively, Mndy, Mndz =design reduced flexural strength under combined axial force and the respective uniaxial moment acting alone, (approximate expressions are given in the code for calculating these quantities), N = factored applied axial force (Tension T, or Compression F), Nd = design strength in tension = Ag fy / λm0, Mdy, Mdz = design strength under corresponding moment acting alone (calculated as per Eqn. 8b), Ag = gross area of the cross section, and α1, α2 = constants as given in Table 6. Check For Overall Member Strength Bending And Axial Tension: The reduced effective moment Meff under tension and bending should not exceed the bending strength due to lateral torsional buckling Md (Eqn. 8b). The reduced effective moment is given by, Meff =M- ψTZe /A = Md . . . (10) Where M and T are the factored applied moment and Tension, respectively, A is the area of cross-section and Ze is the elastic section modulus of the section with respect to extreme compression fibre. The factor ψ is taken as 0.8 when CE&CR AUGUST 2008 DEVELOPMENTS T and M vary independently; or otherwise taken as 1.0. Bending And Axial Compression: The interaction equation for overall member buckling check is given by the code as (P/Pdy) + (Ky CmyMy/Mdy) + (KLT Mz/Mdz) < 1.0 . . . (11a) (P/Pdz)+(0.6KyCmyMy/Mdy)+(KzCmzMz/Mdz) < 1.0 . . . (11b) Where, Cmy, Cmz = Equivalent uniform moment factor obtained from Table13.3, which depends on the shape of the bending moment diagram between lateral bracing points in the appropriate plane of bending, P = Factored applied axial compressive load, Pdy, P dz = Design compressive strength under axial compression as governed by buckling about minor and major axis respectively (See Eqn. 6b), My, Mz = Maximum factored applied bending moments about minor and major axis of the member, respectively, Mdy, Mdz = Design bending strength about minor and major axis considering laterally unsupported length of the cross-section (see Eqn. 8b), and Ky, Kz, KLT = Interaction factors as defined below. Ky = 1 + (λy − 0.2)ny < 1 + 0.8 ny . . . (11c) Kz = 1 + (λz − 0.2)nz < 1 + 0.8 nz . . . (11d) KLT = 1 − . . . (11e) = 1− Table 7: Equivalent Uniform Moment Factor (Greiner & Lindner, 2006) Bending moment diagram Range Cmy, Cmz, CmLT Uniform Loading -1 < ψ < 1 Concentrated load 0.6 + 0.4 ψ > 0.4 0 < αs < 1 -1 < ψ < 1 0.2 + 0.8 αs > 0.4 0.2 + 0.8 αs > 0.4 -1 < αs < 0 0<ψ<1 0.1 - 0.8 αs > 0.4 - 0.8 αs > 0.4 -1 < ψ < 0 0.1(1-ψ)-0.8αs > 0.4 0.2(1-ψ)-0.8αs > 0.4 0 < αh < 1 -1 < ψ < 1 0.95 - 0.05 αh 0.90 + 0.10 αh -1 < αh < 0 0<ψ<1 0.95 + 0.05 αh 0.90 + 0.10 αh -1 < ψ < 0 0.95+0.05αh(1+2 ψ) 0.90+0.05αh(1+2 ψ) αs = Ms / Mh αh = Mh / Ms For members with sway buckling mode the equivalent uniform moment factor Cmy= Cmz = 0.90 Cmy, Cmz, and CmLT shall be obtained according to the bending moment diagram between the relevant braced points as below: Moment factor Points braced in direction Cmy y-y Cmz y-y z-z CmLT 128 Bending axis z-z z-z z-z CE&CR AUGUST 2008 DEVELOPMENTS Where, ny, nz = Ratio of actual applied axial force to the of other countries. Several important topics, which were design axial strength for buckling about minor and major hitherto not included in the previous editions of the code, axis respectively = (P/Pdy) or (P/Pdz), CmLT = equivalent have been included. These are: methods of analysis (which uniform moment factor for lateral-torsional buckling as per include advanced analysis, using which we may eliminate the Table 7, which depends on the shape of the bending moment approximate and often confusing concept of effective length diagram between lateral bracing points, λy, λz = Non- of members; moment-rotation relationships for semi-rigid dimensional slenderness ratio about the minor and major connections are also given), fatigue (these provisions are axis respectively, For example λ y = (f y /f cr ) 0.5 , where important to structures such as bridges, cranes, and those fcr = π2E/(KL/r)2 , and λLT = non-dimensional slenderness supporting machinery), durability (durability has become one ratio in lateral buckling = (fy/fcr,b)0.5 and fcr,b is the extreme of the main factors for design due to the severe corrosion fibre bending compressive stress corresponding to elastic of several structures, especially in the coastal zones. The lateral buckling moment which may be determined as per limited and dwindling steel ore resources and sustainability Table 14 of the code. concepts also underline the importance of durability), fire The above Indian Code provisions are based on the resistance (the recent fire accidents in several multi-storey Eurocode 3 provisions and the improved interaction buildings and subsequent loss of life necessitates these equations suggested by Greiner and Lindner (2006). They clauses), and design against floor vibration. It includes the derived Eqns (11) after extensive statistical evaluations and state-of-the-art knowledge available till now, which will result calibration with available buckling results. in rational design of steel structures, with acceptable margin Note that the equations (11) as given in the code are of safety under several limit states. complex for design office use, though they may be Though some provisions are included for earthquake incorporated in a computer code. It may be of interest to resistant design, they are not elaborate such as those available note that the American code gives a simple equation for in other national codes. A few provisions (e.g. overall member overall member strength8. strength check for members subjected to axial force and Though the code gives some provisions for the earthquake bending moments), though very accurate, are not suitable resistant design, they are not comprehensive as those given for normal design office - though they may be programmed in the American code9. After the Northridge (USA,1994) for digital computer use (Equations are provided for the and Kobe (Japan, 1995) earthquakes, it was found that several Woods Curves, in Annex D, which can be easily incorporated column-base connections designed following previous design in computer programs). Though the code is expensive practices and guidelines did not perform satisfactorily. The (Rs.1130), it does not provide any commentary such as those damage to the base connections consisted mostly of excessive available in ACI or AISC codes, which will enable the users anchor rod elongation, unexpected early anchor rod failure, to understand the rationale of different clauses. A design aid shear key failure, brittle base plate fracture, and concrete similar to SP 16 is under progress and will be published by crushing (including grout crushing). However the code BIS soon. More information and examples based on the codal contains only provisions for base plates subjected to axial provisions may be found in Ref.3. compression. Summary & Conclusions 1. IS 800:2007 (2007). Indian standard code of practice for General Construction in Steel, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, Dec., 143pp. 2. Kalyanaraman, V., (2002). "A Review of IS 800 Revision Process", IIT, Madras.. 3. Subramanian, N., (2008). Design of Steel Structures, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 1240pp. 4. Subramanian, N., (2005). "Design using Advanced Analysis of Steel The last version of the Code of Practice for general construction in steel, IS 800:2007, was released in Feb. 2008. This article reviews the important features of the code. It may be noted that the present code is based on Limit States Method of design and hence is on par with the national codes 130 References CE&CR AUGUST 2008 DEVELOPMENTS structures", New Building Materials and Construction World, Vol.11, 21. Greiner, R and Lindner, J., (2006) "Interaction formulae for members No.2, Aug., pp. 46-57 subjected to bending and axial compression in Eurocode 3 - The method 5. ENV-1993-1-1, (1992). Eurocode 3: Design of Steel Structures. Part 2 approach", Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol. 62, No.8, 1.1, General Rules and Rules for Buildings, European Committee for pp. 757-770. Standardization, Brussels. 22. Usha, Analytical Study of Nonlinear Behaviour of Steel Angle 6. CAN/CSA-S16.1-M94,(1994). Limit States Design of Steel Structures, Tension Members, Thesis submitted for M.S., (by Research), IIT, Madras, Canadian Standards assoc., Rexdale (Toronto), Ontorio, Canada, M9W 1R3. 7. AS 4100-1998, (1998). Australian Standards-Steel Structures, Standards Association of Australia, 1 The Crescent, Homebush, NSW 2140. 8. ANSI/AISC 360-05, (2005). Specifications for Structural Steel Buildings, American Institute of Steel Construction, Chicago, IL, Mar., 460pp. 9. ANSI/AISC 341-05, (2005). Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings, American Institute of Steel Construction, Chicago, IL, 310pp. 10. Subramanian, N., (2002). "Collapse of WTC - Its Impact on Skyscraper Construction", The Indian Concrete Journal, Vol. 76, No.3, March, pp. 165-169. 11. Murty, C. V. R., (2007). IITK-GSDMA Guidelines on Measures to mitigate effects of terrorist attacks on buildings, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, July. http://www.iitk.ac.in/nicee/IITK-GSDMA/ TM01.pdf 12. 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What will be the capacity if the angles are connected on the same side of the gusset plate and tack bolted (Fig.8b)? What is the effect on tensile strength if the members are not tack bolted? Solution a) Two angles connected to opposite side of the gusset as in Fig. 8a (i) Design strength due to yielding of gross section Tdg = fy(Ag/γm0) Ag = 866 mm2 (for a single angle) Tdg = 250 x 2 x (866/1.10) x 10-3 Tdg = 393.64 kN (ii) The design strength governed by tearing at net section Tdn = αAn(fu/γm1) Assume single line of four numbers of 20mm diameter bolts (α=0.8) An = [(75 - 6/2 - 22) 6 + (75 - 6/2) 6]2 An = (300 + 432)2 = 1464 mm2 Tdn =( 0.8 x 1464 x 410/1.25)/1000 = 384.15 kN Therefore Tensile capacity = 384.15 kN Design of bolts: Choose edge distance = 35 mm Capacity of bolt in double shear (Table 5.9 of Ref.3) = 2 x 45.3 = 90.6 kN Bearing capacity of the bolt does not govern as per Table 5.9 of Ref. 3 CE&CR AUGUST 2008 DEVELOPMENTS For double angle block shear strength = 2 x186.8 = 373.6 kN Therefore Tensile capacity = 373.6 kN (smallest of 393.64 kN, 384.15 kN and 373.6 kN) b) Two angles connected to the same side of the gusset plate (Fig. 8b) i. Design strength due to yielding of Gross section = 393.64 kN ii. Design strength governed by tearing at net section = 384.15 kN Assuming 10 bolts of 20 mm diameter, five bolts in each connected leg Capacity of M20 bolt in single shear = 45.3 kN Total strength of bolts = 10 x 45.3 = 453 kN > 393.64 kN Fig.8 Example Problem Hence the connection is safe. The arrangement of bolts is shown in Fig. 8d. Since Hence strength of a single bolt = 90.6 kN it is similar to the arrangement in Fig. 8c, the block shear Provide 5 bolts strength well be same, i.e. 373.6 kN. Total strength of the bolt = 5 x 90.6 = 453 kN > 384.15 kN Hence safe. Minimum spacing = 2.5 t = 2.5 x 20 = 50 mm Provide a spacing of 50 mm The arrangements of bolts are shown in Fig. 8c Check for block shear strength: (clause 6.4) Block shear strength Tdb of connection shall be taken Hence the tensile capacity = 373.6 kN The tensile capacities of both the arrangements (angles connected on the same side and connected to the opposite side of gusset) are same as per the code though the load application is eccentric in this case. Moreover, the number of bolts is 10 whereas in case (a) we used only 5 bolts since the bolts were in double shear. as the smaller of, c) If the angles are not tack bolted, they behave as single Tdb1 = [Avgfy / (v3m0) + 0.9Atn fu / λm1] angles connected to gusset plate. Tdb2 = [0.9fu Avn /(v3γm1) + fy Atg / γm0] Avg =(4 x 50 + 35) 6 = 1410 mm2 Avn = (4 x 50 + 35 − 4.5 x 22) 6 = 816 mm2 Atn = (35.0 −22/2)6 = 144 mm2 Atg = (35 x 6) = 210 mm2 Tdb1 = [1410 x 250 / (v3 x 1.10) + 0.9 x 144 x 410 / In this case also the tensile capacity will be the same and we have to use 10 numbers of M20 bolts. This fact is confirmed by the test and FEM results of Usha, 2003, who states that "the net section strength of double angles on opposite sides of the gusset and tack connected adequately over the length is nearly the same as that of two single angles 1.25] x 10-3 = 227.5 kN acting individually. Current design provisions indicating Tdb2 = greater efficiency of such double angles are not supported 1.10] x 10-3 134 [0.9 x 410 x 816/ (v3 x 1.25)] + 250 x 210 / = 186.8 kN by test and FEM results". CE&CR AUGUST 2008