11/8 Introduction to FEM, benefits and limitations 13/8 Steps for Finite Element Analysis 14/8 Developing triangular element 20/8 Example for use of CST element 21/8 State if stress, starin, stress-strain relationship 22/8 CST example concluded. Second example introduced. 26/8 Solution of large simultaneous equations 27/8 Solving problems by FElt software 28/8 Use of Atena FEA software 29/8 Bad coding example for FEA 02/9 Cut 03/9 Working with Calculix Software 04/9 Alloted Seminar ? Unable to upload attendance 05/9 Spring element 09/09 Spring element: Stiffness matrix derived 10/09 Example of 1D element 11/09 Example contd. ? Unable to upload attendance 12/09 Virtual Work