TYPICAL PROPERtJES OF SELECTED ENGINEERING MATERIALS (Continued) Material Ultimate Strength 02% Yield Strength cr.. Cly Sbeer Coefficient of Modulus of Elasticity Modulus Thermal Expansion, Q E G (ttr psi GPa) (Hf psi) Density. p 1O-6tF 1O-6 rC IbJin? kglm3 ksi MPa 44 303 16 110 6.1 9.9 17.8 0.323 8940 240 965 19 131 7.1 9.4 17.0 0.298 8250 54 372 17 117 6.4 10.2 18.4 0.318 8800 63 434 16 110 6.1 11.1 _ 20.0 0.308 8530 40 275 45 2.4 14.5 26.0 0.065 1800 85 32 580 220 26 26 180 180 7.7 7.7 13.9 13.9 0.319 0.319 8830 8830 36- 250 29 200 11.5 6.5 Ih7 0.284 7860 50 345 • 29 200 11.5 6,5 11.7 0.284 7860 100 690 29 200 11.5 6.5 11.7 0.284 7860 75 520 275 28 40 28 190 190 10.6 10.6 9.6 9.6 17.3 17.3 0.286 0.286 7920 7920 120 825 16.5 114 6.2 5.3 9.5 0.161 4460 28(C) 4O(C) 3.5 4.5 25 30 5.5 5.5· 10.0 10.0 0.084 0.084 2320 2320 35 7 240(C) 6 41(T) 55(1) 48(1') 10 10 2.0 0.3 0.45 4.0 44.0 17.0 45.0 40.0 7.0 80.0 30.0 81.0 72.0 0.100 0.079 0.042 0.040 O.03S 2770 2190 1162 1100 1050 90.0 l62.0 0.033 0.045 910 1250 varies 1.7- varies 0.019 0.016 525 440 0.022 610 ksi MPa Copper and its alloys CDA 145 copper, hard 48 331(1') CDA 172 bery~ium copper, hard 17S 1210(1') CDA 220 bronze, 61 421(1') hard CDA 260 brass, 76 524(1) bard Magnesium alloy (8.5% AI) 55 380(1) Monel alloy 400 (Ni-Cu) Cold-worked 98 675(1') 80 550(1') Annealed 4.5 Steel Structural (ASTM-A36) 58 4OO(T) High-strength low-alloy ASTM-A242 70 480(1) Quenched and tempered aHoy ASTM-A514 120 825(1) Stainless, (302) Cold-rolled 125 860(T) Annealed 90 620(T) Titanium alloy (6% AI, 4% V) 130 Concrete Medium strength 4.0 High strength 6.0 Granite Glass, 98% silica Melamine Nylon, molded Polystyrene 8 900(1) 5O(Q Rubbers Natural 2 14(1) Neoprene 3.5 24(T) Timber, air dry, parallel to grain Douglas fir, construction grade 7.2 50(C) Eastern spruce 5.4 37(C) Southern pine,construction grade 7.3 5O(C) 69 69 13.4 2 1.5 1.3 10.5 1.2 8.3 9 3.0 35-:4 The values given in !:he table are avenge mcclJaDica1 properties. Further verification may bt rICCCSSaI}' for fiDaI desi811 or analysis. For ductile maroials. !:he compressive strmgtb is lIOIIrl8Ily assumed 10 eqoallhe rensiIe streogth. Abbrrvii:aiMI: C. c:omprcssive·strength; T. 1l:8Si1e s:rength. F«an explanation of the IIIlIIIbm associart:d wilh the aIuroimuns, cast irons, 'and stt.eIs. see ASM Metals Refe:renc:e Book. latest ed, AmeriGan Society for Melals, Metals Parle. Ohio 44073 Fourth Edition Daryl L. Logan University of Wisconsin-Platteville .. THOMSON Australia Brazil Canada Mexico Singapore Spain United.Kingdom United States A First Course in the Finite Element Method, 4e Daryl L. Logan Copyright Q 2007 by Nelson a division of Thomson Canada Limited. Thomson Learning TM is a trademark used herein ~nder license. ISBN: 81-315-0217-1 First Indian Reprint 2007 Printed & Bound in India by Rahul Print 0 Pack. DeIhi-20 ALL RIGHfS RESERVED. No part ofthis Publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval systems, transmitted, In any form or by any means-electronic, mechanical, photocopying. or otherwise without the prior permission in writing from original Publisher. For sale in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka only_ Circulation of this edition outside of these countries is STRICTLY PROHIBTED. Every effort has been made to trace ownership of all copyright material and to secure perm,ission from copyright holders. In the event of any question arising as to the use of any material, we will be pleased to make the necessary corrections in futUre printings. 1 Introduction 1 Prologue 1.1 Brief History 2 1.2 Introduction to Matrix Notation 4 1.3 Role the Computer 6 1.4 General Steps of the Finite Eleme~t Method I.S Applications of the Finite Element Method 1.6 Advantages of the Finite Element Method of 1.7 Computer Programs for the Finite Element References 24 Problems 27 7 15 19 ~ethod 23 2 Introduction to the Stiffness (Displacement) Method Introduction 28 2.1 Definition of the Stiffness Matrix 28 2.2 Derivation of the Stiffness Matrix for a Spring Element 2.3 Example of a Spring Assemblage 34 '\" 28 29 2.4 Assembling the Total Stiffness Matrix by Superposition (Direct Stiffness Method) 37 . 2.5 Boundary Conditions 39 2.6 ~otential Energy Approach to Derive Spring Element Equations 52 iv A Contents References Problems 60 61 3 Development of Truss Equations 65 Introduction 65 3.1 Derivation of the Stiffness Matrix for a Bar Element in Local Coordinates 66 3.2 Selecting Approximation Functions for Displacements 72 3.3 Transformation of Vectors in Two Dimensions 75 3.4 Global Stiffness Matrix 78 3.5 Computation of Stress for a Bar in the x-y Plane 82 3.6 Solution of a Plane Truss 84 3.7 Transformation Matrix and Stiffness Matrix for a Bar in Three-Dimensional Space 92 3.8 Use of Symmetry in Structure 100 3.9 Inclined) or Skewed, Supports 103 3.10 Potential Energy Approach to Derive Bar Element Equations 109 3.11 Comparison of Finite Element Solution to Exact Solution for Bar 120 3.12 Galerkin's Residual Method and ItS Use to Derive the One-Dimensional Bar Element Equations 124 3.13 Other Residual Methods and Their Application to a One-Dimensional Bar Problem 127 References 132 Problems 132 4 Development of Beam Equations Introduction 151 4.1 Beam Stiffness 152 Example of Assemblage of Beam Stiffness Matrices 161 Examples of Beam Analysis Using the Direct Stiffness Method 163 Distributed Loading 175 Comparison of the Finite Element Solution to the Exact Solution for a Beam 188 4.6 Beam Element with Nodal Hinge 194 4.7 Potential Energy Approach to Derive Beam Element Equations 199 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 151 Contents 4.8 Galerkin's Method for Deriving Beam Element Equations References 203 Problems 204 .: 214 214 6 Development of the Plane Stress and Plane Strain Stiffness Equations 304 Introduction 304 6.1 Basic Concepts of Plane Stress and Plane Strain 305 6.2 Derivation of the Constant-Strain Triangular Element Stiffness Matrix and Equations 310 6.3 Treatment of Body and Surface Forces 324 '6.4 Explicit Expression for the Constant-Strain Triangle Stiffness Matrix 6.5 Finite Element Solution of a Plane Stress Problem 331 ReferenCes 342 Problems 343 7 Practical Considerations in Modeling; Interpreting Results; and Examples of Plane Stress/Strain Analysis Introduction 350 7.1 Finite Element Modeling 350 7.2 Equilibrium and Compatibility of Finite Element Results v 2U1 5 Frame and Grid Equations Introduction 214 5.1 Two-Dimensional Arbitrarily Oriented Beam Element 5.2 Rigid Plane Frame Examples 218 5.3 Inclined or Skewed Supports-Frame Element 237 5.4 Grid Equations 238 5.5 Beam Element Arbitrarily Oriented in Space 255 5.6 Concept of Substructure Analysis 269 References 275 Problems 275 .a. 329 350 363 vi A.. Contents 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 Convergence of Solution 367 Interpretation of Stresses 368 Static Condensation 369 Flowchart for the Solution of Plane Stress/Strain Problems 374 Computer Program Assisted Step-by-Step Solution, Other Models, and Results for Plane Stress/Strain Problems 374 References 381 Problems 382 8 Development of the Linear-Strain Triangle Equations 398 Introduction 398 8.1 Derivation of the Linear-Strain Triangular Element Stiffness Matrix and Eq"\lations 398 8.2 Example LST Stiffness Determination 403 8.3 Comparison of Elements 406 References 409 Problems 409 9 Axisymmetric Elements 412 Introduction 412 9.1 Derivation of the Stiffness Matrix 412 9.2 Solution of an Axisymmetric Pressure Vessel 422 9.3 Applications of Axisymmetric Elements 428 References 433 Problems 434 10 Isoparametric Formulation Introduction 443 10.1 Isoparametric Formulation of the Bar Element Stiffness Matrix 10.2 Rectangular Plane Stress Element 449 10.3 lsoparametric Fonnulation of the Plane Element Stiffness Matrix 10.4 Gaussian and Newton-Cotes Quadratufe (Numerical Integration) 10.5 Evaluation' of the Stiffness Matrix and Stress Matrix by Gaussian Qua~ture 469 443 444 452 463 Contents 10.6 Higher..Qrder Shape Functions References Problems • vU 475 484 484 11' Three-Dimensional Stress Analysis Introduction 490 11.1 Three-Dimensional Stress and Strain 11.2 Tetrahedral Element 493 11.3 Isoparametric Formulation 501 References 508 Problems 509 490 490 12 Plate Bending Element 514 Introduction 514 12.1 Basic ~ncep~ of Plate Bending 514 12.2 Derivation of a Plate Bending Element Stiffness Matrix and Equations 519 12.3 Some Plate EJemep.t Numerical Compa.tjsons 523 12.4 Computer Solution for a Plate Bending Problem 524 References 528 Problems 529· 13 Heat Transfer and Mass Transpor't Introduction ·534 13.1 Derivation of the Basic Differenti3.l Equation 535 13.2 Heat Transfer'with Convection 538 13.3 Typical Units; Thermal Conductivities, K; and Heat-Transfer Codficients,h 539 13.4 One-Dimensional Finite Element Formulation Using a Variational Method S40 13.5 Two-Dimensional Finite Element FonnuJation 555 13.6 Line or Point sOurces . 564 13.7 Three-Dimensional Heat Transfer Finite Element FormUlation 13.8 One-Dimensional Heat Transfer with Mass Transport 569 , S34 566 viii ... Contents 13.9 Finite Element Fonnulation of Reat Transfer with Mass Transport by Galerkin's Method 569 13JO Flowchart and Examples ofa Heat-Transfer Program 574 References 577 Problems 577 ;' 14 Fluid Flow 593 Introduction 593 14. f Derivation of the Basic Differential Equations 594 14.2 One-Dimensional Finite Element Fonnulation 598 14.3 Two-Dimensional Finite Element Formulation 606 14.4 Flowchart and Example of a Fluid-Flow Program 611 References 612 Problems 613 15 Thermal Stress Introduction 617 15.1 Fonnulation of the Thermal Stress Problem 'and Examples Reference 640 Problems 641 617 617 16 Structural Dynamics and T'me-D~pen~ent Heat Transfer Introduction 647 16.1 Dynamics of a Spring-Mass System 647 16.2 Direct Derivation of the Bar Element Equations 649 16'.3 Nwnerica1 Integratio~ in Time 653 16.4 Nat~l Frequencies of a One-Dimensional Bar 665 16.5 Time-Dependent One-Dimensional Bar Analysis 669 16.6 Beam Element Mass Matrices and Natural Frequ~cies 16.7 Truss, Plane Frame, Plane Stress/Strain, Axisymmetric, and Solid 'Element Mass Matrices: 681 16.8 Time-Dependent Heat T~~f~ 686 674 647 Contents 16.9 Computer Program Example Solutions for Structural Dynamics References 702 Problems ix A 693 702 Appendix A Matrix Algebra 708 Introduction 708 A.l Definition of a Matrix 708 A.2 Matrix Operations 709 . A.3 Cofactor or Adjoint Method to Determine the Inver:se of a Matrix A.4 Inverse of a Matrix by Row Reduction 718 References 720 Problems 720 Appendix B Methods for Solution of Simultaneous Linear Equations 722 Introduction 722 B.t General Form of tPe Equations 722 B.2 Uniqueness, Nonuniqueness, and Nonexistence of Solution B.3 Methods for Solving Lin~r Algebraic Equat.ions 724 B.4 Banded-5ymmetric Matrices, Bandwidth, Skyline, and Wavefront Methods 735' References Problems 723 741 742 Appendix C Eq~ations from Elasticity \'leory IntfOduction 744 CJ Differential Equations of Equilibrium 744 C.2 StrainfDisplacement and Compatibility Equations C.3 Stress/S~in Relationships Reference' 716. 751 748 744 746 x .A Contents Appendix.D Equivalent Nodal Forces Problems 152 Appendix E Principle of Virtual Work References 752 755 758 Appendix F Properties of Structural Steel and Aluminum Shapes 759 Answers to Selected Problems 773 Index 799 The purpose of this fourth edition is again to provide a simple, basic approach to the finite element method that can be understood by both undergraduate and graduate students without the usual prerequisites (such as structural analysis) .required by most available texts in this area. The book is written primarily as a 'basic learning tool for the undergraduate student in civil and mechanical engineering whose main interest is in stress analysis and heat transfer. Howeyer, the concepts are presented in sufficiently simple form so that the book serves as a valuable learning aid for students with other backgrounds, as well as for practicing engineers. The text is geared toward .those who want to apply the finite element method to solve practical physical problems. General principles,are presented for each topic, followed by traditional applications of these principles, which are in tum followed by computer applications where relevant. This approach is taken to· illustrate concepts used for computer analysis of large-scale problems. The book proceeds from basic to advanced topics and can be suitably used in a two-course sequence. Topics include basic treatments of (1) simple springs and bars, leading to two· and three-dimensional truss analysis; (2) beam bending, leading to plane frame and grid analysis and space frame analysis; (3) elementary plane stress/strain elements> leading to more advanced plane stress/strain elements; (4) axisymmetric stress; (5) isoparametric formulation of the finite element method; (6) three-dimensional stress; (7) plate bending; (8) heat transfer and fluid mass transport; (9) basic fluid mechanics; (10) t~ennal stress; and (11) time.dependent stress and heat transfer. Additional features include how to handle inclined or skewed supports, beam element with nodal hinge, beam element arbitrarily located in space, and the concept of substructure analysis. xii ~ Preface The direct approach, the principle of minimwn potential energy, and Galerkin's residual method are introduced at various stages, as required. to deve10p the equations needed for analysis. Appendices provide material on the following' tOpics; (A) basic matrix algebra used throughout the text, (B) solution methods for simultaneous equations, (C) basic theory of elasticity, (D) equivalent nodal forces, (E) the principle of virtual work, and (F) properties of structural steel and aluminum shapes. More than 90 examples apPear throughout the text. These example~ are solved "longhand" to illustrate the concepts. More than 450 end-of-chapter problems are provided to reinforc,e concepts. Answers to many problems are included in the back of the book. Those end-of-chapter problems to be solved using a computer program are marked with a computer symbol. New features of this edition inc1uCle additional information on modeling, interpreting results, and comparing finite element solutions with analytical solutions. In addition, general descriptions of and detailed examples to illustrate specific methods of weighted residuals (collocation, least squares) subdomain} and Galerkin's method) are included. The Timoshenko beam stiffness matrix has ~n added to the text, along with an example comparing the solution of the Timoshenko beam ~esults with the c1assic Euler-Bernoulli beam stiffness matrix results. Also, the h and p convergence methods and shear locking are described. Over 150 new problems for solution have been included, and additional design-type problems have been added to chapters 3) 4, 5, 7, 11, and 12. New real world applications from industry have also been added. For convenience, taples of common structural steel and aluminum shapes have been added as an appendix. This edition deHberately leaves out consideration of specialpurpose computer programs and suggests that instructors choose a program they are familiar with. Following is an outline of suggested topics for a first course (approximately 44 lectures, 50 minutes each) in which this textbook is used. ' Topic Appendix A Appendix B Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3, Sections 3.1-3.11 Exam I Chapter 4, Sections 4.1-4.6 Chapter 5, Sections 5.1-5.3, 5.5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Exam 2 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 131 Sections 13.1-13.7 Exam 3 Number of Lectures 2 3 5 1 4 4 4 3 I 2 4 3 5 1 Preface can ... xiii This outline be used in a one-semester course for undergraduate and graduate students in civil and mechanical engineering. (If a total stress analysis emphasis is desir::d, Chapter 13 can be replaced, for instance, with material from Chapters 8 and 12, or parts of Chapters 15 and 16. The r~t of the text can be finished in a second semester course with additional material provided by the instructor. I express my deepest appreciation to the staff at Thomson Publishing Company, especially Bill Stenquist and Chris Carson, Publishers; Kamilah Reid Burrell and Hilda Gowans, Developmental Editors; and to Rose Kernan of RPK Editorial Services, for their assistance in producing this new ectition. I am grateful to Dr. Ted Belytschko for his excellent teaching of the finite ele-ment method, whi~h aided me in writing this text. I want to thank Dr. Joseph Rends for providing analytical solutions to structural dynamics problems for comparison to finite element solutions in Chapter 16.1. Also, I want to thank the many students who used the notes that developed into this text. I am especially grateful to Ron CenfeteHi, Barry Davignon, Konstantinos Kariotis, Koward Koswara, Hidajat Harintho. Hari Salemganesan, Joe Keswari, Yanping Lu, and Khailan Zhang for checking and solving problems in the first two editions of the text and for the suggestions of my students at the university on ways to make the topics in iNs book easier to understand. I thank my present students, Mark Blair and Mark Guard of th.e University of Wisconsin-Platteville (UWP) for contributing three-dimensional models from the finite elemen~ course as shown in Figures 11-1 a and 11-1 b, respectively. Thank you also to UWP graduate students, Angela Moe, David Walgrave, and Bruce Figi for contributions of Figures 7-19, 7-23, and 7-24, respectively, and to graduate student William Gobeli for creating the results for Table 11-2 and for Figure 7-21. Also, special thanks to Andrew Heckman, an alum of UWP and Design Engineer at Seagraves Fire Apparatus for permission to use Figure 11-10 and to Mr. Yousif Omer. Structural Engineer at John Deere Dubuque Works for allowing pennission to use Figure 1-10. Thank you also to the reviewers of the fourth edition: Raghu· B. Agan'val, San Jose State University; H. N. Hashemi, Northeastern University; Anf Masud, University of Illinois-Chicago; S. D. Rajan, Arizona State University; Keith E. Rouch, University of Kentucky; Richard Sayles, University of Maine; Ramin Sedagbati, Concordia University, who made significant suggestions to make the book even more complete. Finally. very special thanks to my wife Diane for her many sacrifices during the development of this fourth edition. English Qi A !l d D 12 11 e E [ 1 h ~ ~ Sym~ols . generalized coordinates (coefficients used to express displacement in general form) .• cross«ctional area matrix relating strains to nodal displacements or relating temperature gradient to nodal temperatures specific heat of a mate~ matrix relating stresses to nodal displacements direction cosine in two dimensions direction cosines in three dimensions element and structure nodal displacement matrix, both in global coordinates local.coordina~ element nodal displacement matrix bending rigidity of a plate matrix relating stresses to strains operator matrix given by Eq. (10.3.16) exponential function modulus of elasticity global.coordinate nodal force matrix local.coordinate element nodal force matrix body force matrix heat transfer force matrix heat flux force matrix xvi ... Notation !Q is E Fe fi Eo f!. G h i,j,m I l k Is ffc ·k kh K Kxx,Kyy L m m(x) m;r,my,mxy m mj 1\1 M" M' p P,.pz p f heat source force matrix surface force matrix global-coordinate structure force matrix condensed force matrix global nodal forces equivalent force matrix temperature gradient matrix or hydraulic gradient matrix shear modulus heat-transfer (or convection) coefficient nodes of a triangular element principal moment of inertia Jacobian matrix spring stiffness global-coordinate element stiffness or conduction matrix condensed stiffness matrix, and conduction part of the stiffness matrix in heat-trarisfer problems . local-coordinate element stiffness matrix convective part of the stiffness matrix in heat-transfer problems g1obal-coordinate structure stiffness matrix th~rmal conductivities (or penneabilities, for fluid mechanics) in the x and y directions, respectively length of a bar or beam element maximum difference in node numbers in an element general moment expression moments in a plate locaJ mass matrix local nodal moments global mass matrix matrix uSed to relate displacements to generalized coordinates for a linear-strain triangle formu1ation matrix used to relate strains to generalized coordinates for a linearstrain triangle fonnu1ation bandwidth of a structure number of degrees of freedom per node shape (interpolation or basis) function matrix shape functions surface pressure (or nodal heads in fluid mechanics) radial and axial (1ongitudinal) pressures, respectively concentrated load concentrated local force matrix Notation q ii q. Q Q. Qx,Qy r,B,z R Rb Ri::cJ~.jy S,I,Z' s ti, Ij, tm T TCJ:) I Ii u,v,w U AU v V w W Xj,Yi,Zj x,y,z x,Y,Z X Xb,Yb' Zb A heat flow (flux) per urnt area or distributed loading on a plate rate of heat flow heat flow per unit area on a boundary surface heat source generated per unit volume or internal fluid source line or point heat sOurce transverse shear line loads on a plate radial, circumferential, and axial coordinates, respectively residual ill Galerkin's integralbody force in the radial direction nodal reactions in x and y directions, reSpectively natural coordinates attached to isoparametric element surface area thickness of a plane element or a plate element nodal temperatures of a triangular element temperature function free-stream temperature displacement, force, and s~ess transformation matrix surface traction matrix in the i direction displacement functions in the x, y, and z directions, respectively strain energy change in stored energy velocity of fluid flow shear force in a beam distributed loading on a beam or along an edge of a plane element work nodal coordinates in the x, y, and Z directions, respectively local element coordinate axes structure global or reference coordinate axes b9dy force matrix body forces in the x and y dire~tions, respectively body force in longitudinal direction (axisymmetric case) or. in the z direction (three-dimensional case) Greek Symbols (X Cf.;,Pi' Yi'c5[ coefficient of therMal expansion used to express the shape functions defined by Eq. (6.2.10) and Eqs. (I 1.2.5)-( 11.2.8} ~ e "\ spring or bar deformation normal strain xvii xviii ... Notation llT ICXI ICy, ICxy v ¢i 1!h 7lp P Pili co n ¢ (J fET t (J e p eX) eYI ()z ~ thennal strain matrix curvatures in plate bending Poisson's ratio nodal angle of rotation or slope in a beam element functional for heat-transfer problem total potential energy mass density of a material weight density of a material angular velocity and natural circular frequency potential energy of forces fluid head or potential, or rotation or slope in a beam normal stress thennal stress matrix shear stress and period of vibration angle between the x axis and the local i axis for two-dimensional problems principal angle angles between the global x, y, and z axes and the local x axis, respectively, or rotations about the x and y axes in a plate general displacement function matrix Other Symbols d( ) dX derivative of a variable with respect to x dt time differential the dot over a'variable denotes that the variable is being differentiated with respect to time denotes a rectangular or a square matrix denotes a column matrix the underline of ~ variable denotes a matrix the hat over a variable denotes that tb,e variable is being described in a local coordinate system denotes the inverse of a matrix denotes the transpose of a matrix n [I {} (-) n [r l '[f ~ ox partial derivative with respect to x o( ) a{d} partial denvative with respect to each variable in {d} • denotes the end of the solution of an example pr.oblem ============================= 1.2 Introduction to Matrix Notation Matrix methods are a necessary tool used in the finite element method for purposes of simplifying the fonnulation of the element stiffness equations;for purposes oflonghand solutions of various problems, and, most important, for use in programming the methods for high-speed electronic digital computers. Hence matrix notation represents a simple and easy-to-use notation for writing and solving sets of simultaneous algebraic equations. Appendix A discusses the significant matrix concepts used throughout the text. We will present here only a brief summary of the notation used in this text. A matrix is a rectangular array of quantities arranged in rows and columns that is often used as an aid in expressing and solving a system ofalgebraic equations. As examples of matrices that win be described in subsequent chapters, the' force components (Fl:n F1Y1 Fin F2x,F2y,F2:, -... , Fru;, Fny, Fnz) acting at the various nodes or points (1,2, ... ,n) on a structure and the corresponding set of nodal displacements (db, diy, d\z, d2x, d2y, d2z , ... ,dnx , d'llY' dnz) can both be expressed as-matrices: {F}=f Fix Fly FI : F'bc F2y F2z F/'IX Fny Fnz db: {d} dly .·db d2x d21 =4= d2z (1.2.1) dltX dnjl dn:: The subscripts to the right of F and d identify the node and the direction of force or displacement, respectively_ For instance, Fix denotes the force at node I applied in the x direction. The matrices in Eqs. (1.2.1) are called column matrices and have a size of n x 1. The brace notation { } will be used throughout the text to 'denote a column matrix. The whole set of force or displacement values in the column matrix is simply represented by {F} or {d}. A more compact notation used throughout this text to represent any rectangular array is the underlining of the variable; that is, f and 4 denote general matrices (possibly column matrices or rectangular matricesthe type will become clear in the context of the discussion assoCiated with the variable). The more general case of a known rectangular matrix will be indicated by use of the bracket notation [ J. For instance, the element and global structure stiffness 1.2 Introduction to Matrix Notation .. S matrices [k] and [Kl, respectively, developed throughout the text for various element types (such as those in Figure I-Ion page 10),. are represented by square matrices given as kl2 k22 [kll [kJ =k = k;1 knl and [K] K= .k" k2n ] kll2 knn KI2 K,. ] K2n [ KII K21 K22 . Knl (1.2.2) Kn2 ... (1.2.3) K1IlI where, in structural theory, the elements kij and Kij are often referred to as stiffness influence coefficients. You willleam that the global nodal forces E and the global nodal displacements 4. are related throu~ use of the globaJ stiffness matrix K by E=K4. (1.2.4) Equation (1.2.4) is called the global stiffness equation and represents a set of simultaneous equations. It is the basic equation fonnulate4 in the stiffness or displacement method of analysis. Using the compact notation of underlining the'variables, as in Eq. (1.2.4), should not cause you any difficulties in determining which matrices are column or rectangular matriceS. To obtain a clearer understanding of elements Kij in Eq. (1.2.3), we use Eq. (1.2.1) and write out the expanded form of Eq. ,(1.2.4) as I I Fb: Fly [KII K21 KI2 K22 ... Kin] . .. K2n .' ' . . ,Fnz ' [(", Knl .. - Knn II x ddl1y ... (1.2.5) dnz Now assume a structure to be forced into adisplaced configuration defined by db 1,d1y = db = ... dn:;; = O. Then from Eq. (1.2.5), we have Fly = K2I"" ,Fnz Knl (1.2.6) Equations (1.2.6) contain all elements in the first column of K. In addition, they show that these elements, Kt I, K21,' ., KnI, are the values of the full set of nodal forces required to maintain the imposed displacement state. In a similar manner, the second column in K represents the values of forces required to maintain the displaced state dly = 1 and all other nooal displacement components equal to zero. We should now have a better understanding of the meaning of stiffness influence coefficients. 6 .4. Introduction Subsequent chapters will discuss the element stiffness matrices If for various element types, such as bars, beams, and plane stress. They wiU also cover the procedure for obtaining the global stiffness matrices K for various structures and for solving Eq. (1.2.4) for the unknown displacements in matrix d. Using matrix concepts and operations will become routine with practice; they wiIJ be valuable tools for solving small problems longhand. And. matrix methods are crucial to the use of the c;ligital computers necessary for solving complicated problems with their associated large number of simultaneous equations. A 1.3 Role of the Computer As we have said, until the early 1950s, matrix methods and the associated finite element method were not readily adaptable for solving complicated problems. Even though the finite element method was being used to describe complicated structures, the resulting large number 'of algebraic equations associated with the finite element method of structural analysis made the method extremely difficult and impractical to use. tIowever, with 'the advent of the computer, the solution of thousands of equations in a matter of minutes became possible, The .first modern-day commercial computer appears to have been the Univac, IBM 701 which was developed in the 19505. This computer was built based on vacuum-tube technology. Along with the UNIVAC came the' punch-card technology whereby programs and data were created on punch cards. In the 1960s> transistorbased technology replaced the vacuum-tube technology due to the transistor's reduced cost, weight, and power consumption and its higher reliability. From 1969 to the late 1970s, integrated circuit-based technology was being developed, which greatly enhanced the processing speed of .computers, thus making it possible to solve larger finite elem~nt problems with increased degrees of freedom. From the late 19708 into the 19808, large-scale integration as well as workstations that introduced a windows-type graphical interface appeared along with the computer mouse. The first computer mouse received a patent on November i 7) 1970. Personal computers had now become mass-market desktop computers. These developments came during the age of networked computing, which brought the Internet and the World Wide Web. In the 1990s the Windows operating system was released, making IBM and IBMcompatible PCs more user friendly by integrating a graphical user interface into the software. The development of the computer resulted in the writing of computational programs. Numerous special-purpose and general-purpose programs have been written to handle various complicated structural (and nonstructural) problems. Programs such as [46-56} illustrate the elegance of the finite element method 'and reinforce understanding of it. In fact, finite element computer programs now can be solved on single-processor machines, such as a single desktop or laptop personal computer (PC) ot on a cluster of computer nodes. The pO,werful memories of the PC and the advances in solver programs have made it possible to solve problems with over a million unknowns.. I ,.4 General Steps of the Finite Element Method A 7 To use the computer, the analyst~ having defined the finite element model, inputs the information into the computer. This information may include the position of the element nodal coordinates, the manner in which elements are connected, the material properties of the elements, the applied loads, boundary conditions, or constraints, and the kind or analysis to be performed. The computer then uses this information to generate and solve the equations necessary to carry out the analysis. 1: 1.4 General Steps of the Finite Element Method This section presents the general steps included in a finite element method formulation and solution to an engineering problem. We wilt use these steps as our guide in developing solutions for structural and nonstructural problems in subsequent 'chapters. For simplicity's sake, for the presentation of the steps to follow, we will consider only the structural problem. The nonstructural heat-transfer and fluid mechanics problems and their analogies to the structural problem are considered in Chapters 13 and 14. Typically, for the structural stress~analysis problem, the engineer 'seeks to determine 'displacements and stresses throughout the structure, which is ip. equilibrium and is, subjected to applied loads. For many structures, it is difficult to.determine the distribution of defonnation using conventional methods, and thus the finite element method is necessarily used. There are two general direct approaches traditionally associated with the finite element method as applied to structural mechanics probl~ms. One approach, called the force, or flexibilitYJ method, uses internal forces as the unknowns of the problem. To obtain the governing equations, first the equilibrium equations are used. Then necessary additional equations are found by introduCing compatibility equations. The result is a set of algebraic equations for detennining the redundant or unknown forces. The second approach, caned the displacement, or stiffness, method, assumes the displacements of the nodes as the unknowns of the problem. For instance, compatibility conditions requiring that elements connected at a common node, along a comrilon edge, or on a common surface before loading remain connected at that node, edge, or surface after deformation takes place are initially satisfied. Then the governing equations expressed iil terms of nodal displacements using the equations of equilibrium and an applicable law relating forces to displacements. These two direct approaches result in different unknowns (forces or displacements) in the analysis and different matrices associated with their fonnulations (fiexibilities or stiffnesses). It has been shown [34] that, for computational purposes, the displacement (or stiffness) method is more desirable because its fonnulation is simpler for most structural analysis problems. Furthermore, a vast majority of general-purpose finite element programs have incorporated the displacement fonnulation for solving structural problems. Consequently, only the displacement method ,will be used throughout this text. Another general method that can be used to develop the governing equations for both structur31 and nonstructural problems is the variational method. The variational method includes a number of principles. One of these principles, useQ extensively are Introduction throughout this text because it is relatively easy to comprehend and is often introduced in basic mechanics courses, is the theorem of minimum potentia1 energy that applies to materials behaving in a linear-elastic manner, This theorem is explained and used in various sections of the text, such as Section 2.6 for the spring element, Section 3.10 for the bar element, Section 4.7 for the beam element, Section 6.2 for the constant-strain triangle plane stress and plane strain element, Section 9.1 for the axisymmetric element, Section 11.2 for the three-dimensional solid tetrahedral element, and Section 12.2 'for the plate bending element. A functional analogous to that used in the theorem of minimum potential energy is then employed to develop the finite element equations for the non structural problem of heat transfer presented in Chapter 13. Another variational principle often used to derive the governing equations is the principle of virtual work. This principle applies more generally to materials that behave in a linear-elastic fashion, as well as those that behave in a nonlinear fashion. The principle of virtual work is described in Appem:tix E for those choosing to use it for developing the general governing finite element equations that can be applied specifically to bars, beams, and two- and three-dimensional solids in either static or dynamic systems. The .finite element method involves modeiing the structure using small interc.onneeted elements calledfinite elements. A displacement function is associated with each finite element. Every interconnected element is linked, dire9tly or indirectly, to every other element through common (or shared) interfaces, including nodes andlor boundary lines andlor surfaces. By using known stress/strain properties for the material making up the structure, one can determine the behavior of a given node in terms of the properties of every other element in the structure. The total set of equations describing the behavior oreach node results in a series of algebraic equations best expressed in matrix notation. We now present the steps, along with explanations necessary at this time, used in the finite element method formuJation and solution of a structural problem. The purpose of setting forth these general steps now is to expose you to the procedure generally followed in a finite elep1ent formulation of a problem. You will easily understand these steps when we illustrate them specifically for springs, bars, trusses, beams, p1ane frames, plane stress, axisymmetric stress, three-dimensional stress, plate bending, heat transfer, and fluid flow in subsequent chapters. We suggest that you review this section p~odically as we develop the specific element equations. Keep in mind that the analyst must make decisions regarding dividing the structure or continuum into finite elements and selecting the element type or types to be used in the analysis (step 1), the kinds of loads to be applied, and the types of boundary conditions or supports to be applied. The other steps, 2-7, are carried out automatically by a computer program. Step 1 Discretize and Select the Element Types Step 1 involves dividing the body into an equivalent system of finite elements with associated nodes and choosing the most appropriate element type to model most closely the actual physical behavior. The total number of elements used and their 1.4 General Steps of the Finite Element Method A 9 variation in size and type within a given body are primarily matters of engineering judgment. The elements must be made small enough to give usable results and yet large enough to reduce computational effort. Small elements (and possibly higherorder elements) are generally desirable where the results are changing rapidly, such as where changes in geometry occur; large elements can be used where results are relatively constant. We will have more to say about discretization guidelines in later chapters, particularly in Chapter 7, where the concept becomes quite significant. The discretized body or mesh is often created with mesh-generation programs or preprocessor programs available to the user. The choice of elements used in a finite element analysis depends on the physical makeup of the body under actual loading conditions and on how close to the actual behavior the analyst wants the results to be. Judgment concerning the appropriateness of one-, two-, or three-dimensional idealizations is necessary. Moreover, the choice of the most appropriate element for a particular problem is one of the major tasks that must be carried out by the designer/analyst. Elements that are commonly employed in practice-most of which are considered in this text-are shown in . Figure 1-1. The primary line elements [Figure l-l{a)] consist of bar (oUruss) and beam ele~ ments. They have a cross~sectional area but are usually represented "by line segments. In general, the cross-sectional area within the element can vary, but throughout this text it will be considered to be constant. These elements are often used to model trusses aQd frame structures (see Figure 1-2 on page 16, for instance). The simpJest line element (called a linear element) has two nodes, one at each end, although higher-order elements having three nodes [Figure 1-1 (a)] or more (called quadratiC, cubic, etc. elements) also exist. Chapter 10 includes discussion of higher-order line elements. The line elements are the simplest of elements to consider and will be discussed in Chapters 2 through 5 to illustrate many of the basic concepts of the finite element method. The basic two-dimensional {or plane) elements [Figure 1-I(b)J are loaded by forces in their own plane (plane stress or plane strain conditions)~ They are triangular or quadrilateral elements. The simplest two-dimensional elements have comer nodes only (linear elements) with straight sides or boundaries (Chapter 6), although there afe also higher-order elements, typically with midside nodes [Figure I-l(b)] (called quadratic elements) and curved sides (Chapters 8 and 10). The elements can have variable thicknesses throughout or be constant. They are often used to model a wide range of engineering problems (see Figures 1-3 and 1-4 on pages 17 and 18). The most common three-dimensional elements [Figure I-l(c)] are tetrahedral ~nd hexahedral (or brick) elements; they are used when it becomes necessary to perform a three-dimensional stress ana1ysis. The basic three-dimensional 'elements (Chapter II) have comer nodes only and straight sides, whereas higher-orderelements with midedge nodes (and possible midface nodes) have curved surfaces for their sides [Figme 1-1(c)]. The axisymmetric element [Figure 1-1(d)] is developed by rotating a triangle or quadrilateral about a futed axis located in the plane of the element through 360°. This element (described in Chapter 9) can be used when the geometry and loading of the problem are axisymmetric. 10 A 1 Introduction (a) Simple two-noded tine element (typically used to represent a bar or beam element) and the higher-order line element '--------x Quadrilaterals Triangulars (b) Simple two-dimensional elements with corner nodes (typically_ used to represent plane stress! strain) and higher-order two-dimensional elements with intermediate nodes along the sides z ~~4~ 2 8~'17 4 3 . I 5 3 -----.~......... . 2 I Regular hexahedral Tetrahedrals Irregular hexahedral - (c) Simple three-dimensional elements (typically used to represent three-dimensional stress state) and higher-order three-dimensional elements with intermediate nodes along edges u::!U, .... - -~-:..--:..-------- ..... Quadrilateral ring 8 Triangular ring (d) Simple axisymmetric triangular-and quadrilateral elements used for axisymmetric problems Figure 1-1 Various types of simple lowest-order finite elements with comer nodes only and higher-order elements with intermediate nodes 1.4 General Steps of the Finite Element Method ~ 11 Step 2 Select a Displacement Function , Step 2 involves choosing a displacement function within each element. The function is defined within the element using the nodal values of the element. Linear, quadratic, and cubic polynomials are frequently used functions because they are simple to work with in finite element formulation, However, trigonometric series can also be used. For a two-dimensional element, the displacement function is a function of the coordinates in its plane (say, the x-y plane). The functions are expressed in terms of the nodal unknowns (in the two-dimensional probl~m, in tenus of an x and a y component), The same general displacement function can be used repeatedly for each element. Hence the finite element method is one in which a continuous quantity, such as the displacement throughout the body, is approximated by a discrete model composed of a set of piecewise-continuous functions defined within each finite domain or finite element. Step 3 Define the Strain! Displacement and Stress!Strain Relationships Strain/displacement and stres$lstrain,reiationships are necessary for deriving the equations for each finite element. In the case of one-dimensional deformation, say, in the .x directipn, we have strain ex related to displacement u by I du ex = dx (1.4.1) for small strains. In addition, the stresses must be related to the ,strains through the stress/strain law-generally called the constitutive law. The ability to define the material behavior accurately is most important in obtaining acceptable results. The simplest of stress/strain laws, Hooke's law, which is often used in stress analysis, is given by (1.4.2) CTx where CTx = stress in the x direction and E modulus of elasticity. Step 4' Derive the Element Stiffness Matrix and Equations Initially, the development of element. stiffness matrices and element equations was based on the concept of stiffness influence coefficients, which presupposes a background in structural analysis. We-now present alternative methods used in this text that do not require this special background. Direct Equilibrium Method According to this method, the stiffness matrix and element equations relating nodal forces to nodal displacements are obtained usi'ng force equilibrium conditions for a basic element, along with force/deformation relationships. Because this method is most easily adaptable to line or one-dimensional elements, Chapters 2, 3, and 4 illustrate this method for spring, bar, an~ beam elements, respectively. 12 A 1 Introduction Work or Energy Methods To develop the stiffness matrix and equations for two- and three-dimensional elements, it is much easier to apply a work or energy method [351. The principle of virtual work (using virtual displacements), the principle of minimum potential energy, and Castigliano's theorem are tpethods frequently used for the purpose of derivation of element equations. The principle of virtual work outlined in Appendix E is applicable for any material behavior, whereas the principle of minimum potential energy and Castigliano's theorem are applicable only to elastic materials. Furthermore, the principle of virtual work can be used even when a potential function does not exist. However, all three principles yield identical element equations for linear·elastic materials; thus which method to use for this kind of material in structural analysis is largely a matter of convenience and personal preference. We will present the principle of minimum potential energy-probably the best known of the three energy methods mentioned here-in detail in Chapters 2 and 3, where it will be used to derive the spring and bar element equations. We will further generalize the prin~ple and apply it to the beam element in Chapter 4 and to the plane stress/strain element in Chapter 6. Thereafter, the principle is routinely referred to as the basis for d~riving all other stress-analysis stiffness matrices and element equations given in Chapters 8, 9} II) and 12. For the purpose of.extending the finite element method outside the structural stress analysis field, a functiooaJl (a function of another function or a function that takes functions as its argument) analogous to the one to be used with the principle of minimum potential energy is quite useful in deriving the element stiffness matrix and equations (see Chapters 13 and 14 on heat transfer and fluid flow, respectively). For instance, letting 1t denote the functional and f(x,y) denote a function f of two variables x and y, we then have n = n(f(x,y)), where n is a function of the function f. A more general [onn of a functional depending on two independent variables u(x,y) and v(x,y), where independent variables are x and y in Cartesian coordinates, is given by: (1.4.3) Methods of Weighted Residuals The methods of weighted residuals are useful for developing the element equations; particularly popular is Galerkin's method. These methods yield the same results as the energy methods wherever the energy methods are applicable. They are especially useful when a functional such as potential energy is' not readily available. The weighted residual methods allow the fuiite element meth.Od to be applied directly to any differential equation. I Another definition of it functional is as fonows: A functional is an integral expression that implicit1y oon· tams differential equations that describe the problem. A typic:aI functional is of the form J(u) => JF(X,fi, fll)tb: where u(x),x, and F are real so that I(u) is also a real number. 1.4 General Steps of the Finite Element Method ... 13 Galerkin's method, along with the collocation, the least squares, and the subdomain weighted residual methods are introduced in Chapter 3. To illustrate each method) they win all be used to solve a one-dimensional bar probJem for which a known exact solution exists for comparison. As the more easily adapted residual method, Galerkin's method will also be used to derive the bar element equations 1n Chapter 3 and the beam element equations in Chapter 4 and to solve the combined heat-conductionlconvectionlmass transport problem in Chapter 13. For more information oil the use of the methods of Weighted residuals, see Reference [36J; for additional applications to the finite element method, consult References [37] and [381. Using any of the methods just outlined will produce the equations to describe the behavior of an element. These equations are written conveniently in Qlatrix fonn as kll III k21 k31 kl2 k l3 k22 k23 k32 k33 kIll k2n k3n knn k". III (1.4.4) or in compact matrix form as if} = [k]{d} (1.4.5) where {f} is the vector of element nodal forces, [k] is the element stiffness matrix (normally square and symmetric), and {d} is the vector ofunkn.own element nodal degrees of freedom or generalized displacements, n. Here generall+ed displacements may include such quantities as actual displacements, slopes, or even curvatures. The matrices in Eq. (1.4.5) will be developed and described in detail in subsequent chapters for specific element types, such as those in Figure 1-1. Step 5 Assembl~ the Element Equations to Obtain the Global or Total Equations and Introduce Boundary Cpnditions Iil this step the individual element n6dai equilibrium equations g~rated in step 4 are assembled into the global nodal equilibrimn equations. Section 2.3 illustrates this C;OD& cept for a two-spring assemblage. Another more" direct method of superposition (calJed the direct stiffness method), whose basis is nodal force equilibrium, can be used to obtain the global equations for the whole structure. This direct method is illustrated in Section 2.4 for a spring assemblage. Implicit in the direct stiffness method is the concept of continuity, or compatibility, which requires that the structure remain together and that no tears occur anywhere within the structure. The final assembled or global equation written in matrix form is {F} fK]{d} (1.4.6) 14 ... 1 Ir'\troduction where {F} is the vector of global nodal forces, [K] is the structure global or total stiffness matrix, (for most problems, the global stiffness matrix is square and symmetric) and {d} is now the vector of known and unknown structure nodal degrees of freedom or generalized displacements. It can be shown that at this stage, the global stiffness matrix fR] is a singular matrix because its determinant is equal to zero. To remove this singularity problem, we must invoke certain boundary conditions (or constraints or supports) so that the structure remains in place instead of moving as a rigid body. Further details and methods of invoking boundary conditions are given in subsequent chapters. At this time it is sufficient to note that invoking boundary or support conditions results in a modification of the global Eq. (1.4.6). We also emphasize that the applied known loads have been accounted for in the global force matrix {F}. Step 6 Solve for the Unknown Degrees of Freedom (or Generalized Displacements) Equation (1.4.6), modified to account for the boundary conditions, is a set of simultaneous algebraic equations that can be written in expanded matrix form as I ! ~I }2 [Ktl KI2 K21 Ku Kin] K2n Fn Knl !I dl d2 . . ... . .. .. . . ' .. ~ Kn2 .". Knn (1.4.7) dn where now n is the structure total number of unknown nodal degrees of freedom. These equations can "be solved for the ds by using an elimination method (such as Gauss's method) or an iterative method (such as the Gauss-Seidel method). These two methQds are discussed in Appendix B. The ds are called the primary unknowns, because they are the first quantities determined using the stiffness (or displacement) finite element method. Step 7 Solve for the Element Strains and Stresses For the structural stress-analysis problem, importa.nt secondary quantities of strain and stress (or moment and shear force) can be obtained because they can be directly expressed in terms of the displacements determined in step 6. Typical relationships between strain and displacement and between stress and strain-such as Eqs. (1.4.1) and (1.4.2) for one-dimensional stress given in step 3-can be used. Step 8 Interpret the Results The final goal is to interpret and analyze the results for use in the design/analysis pro· cess. Determination of locations in the structure where large deformations and large stresses occur is generally important in making design/analysis decisions. Pos~proces­ sor computer programs help the user to interpret the results by displaying them in graphical form. 1.5 Applications of the Finite Element Method A • 1S 1.5 Applications of the Finite Element Method The finite element method can be used to analyze both structural and nonstructural problems. Typical structural areas include 1. Stress analysis, including truss and frame analysis, and stress concentration problems typicaJIy associated with holes, fillets, or other changes in geometry in a body 2. Buckling 3. Vibration analysis Nonstructural problems include 1. Heat transfer 2. Fluid flow, including seepage through porous media 3. Distribution of electric or magnetic potential Finally, some biomechanical engineering problems (which may include stress analysis) typically include analyses of human spine, skull, hip joints, jaw/gum tooth implants, heart, and eye.. We now present some-typical applications of the finite element method. These applications will illustrate the variety, size, and complexity of problems that can be solved using the method and the typical discretiiation process and kinds of elements used. Figure 1-2 illustrates a control tower for a railroad. The tower is a threedimensional frame comprising a series of beam-type elements. The 48 elements are labeled by the circled numbers, whereas the 28 nodes are indicated by the uncircled numbers. Each node has three rotation and three displacement components associated with it. The rotations (8s) and displacements (ds) are called the degrees offreedom. Because of the loading conditions to which the tower structure is subjected) we have used a three-dimensional model. The finite element method used for this frame enables the designer/analyst quickly to obtain -378, Sept. 1960. [IOJ Melosh, R; )., "A Stiffness Matrix for the Analysis ofThio Plates in Bending," Journal of the Aerospace Sciences, Vol. 28, No.1, pp. '34-42, Jan. 1961. . [Ill Grafton, P. E., and Strome, D. R., "Analysis-efAxisymmetric Shens by the Direct Stiffness Meth;od," Journal of the American Insiitute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Vol. 1, No. 10, pp. 2342-2347, 1963. [12] Martin, H. C., "Plane Elasticity Problems and the Direct Stiffness Method," The Trend in Engineering.,. VoL 13, pp. 5-19, Jan. 1961. [13} Gallagher, R. H., Padlog, J.) and Bjjlaard, P. P., "Stress Analysis of Heated Complex Shapes," Journal of the American Rocket Society, VoL 32, pp. 700-707, May 1962. [14] Melosh, R. J., "Structural Analysis of Solids," Journal of the Structural Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers, pp. 205-223, Aug. 1963. [lS} Argyris, J. H., "Recent· Advances in Matrix Methods of Structural Analysis," Progress in Aeronautical Science, Vol. 4, Pergamon Press, New York, 1964. [16] Clough, R. W., and Rashid, Y., "Finite Element Analysis of Axisymmetric Solids," Journal of the Engineering Mechanics DiVision, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 91, pp. 71-85, Feb. 1965. [17J Wilson, E. L., "structural Analysis.ofAXisymmetric Solids," Journal of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Vol. 3, No. 12, pp. 2269-2274, Dec. 1965. liS] Twner, M. J., Dill, E. H., Martin, H. c., and Melosh, R. J., "Large Deflections ofStructures SUbjected to Heating and External Loads," Journal of Aeronautical Sciences, VoL 27, No.2, pp. 97-107, Feb. 1960. [191 Ganagher, R. R, and Padlog, J., "Discrete Element Approach to Structural Stability Analysis," Joumol of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Vol. I, No.6, pp. 1437-1439, 1963. [20] Zienkiewicz, O. c., Watson, M., and King, I. P., "A Numerical Method of Visco-Elastic Stress Analysis," International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 10, pp. 807-827, 1968. [21] Archer, J. S., "Consistent Matrix Formulations for StructUral Analysis Using FiniteElement Techniques," Journal of th~ American lnstitute.of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Vol. 3, No. 10, pp. 1910-1918, 1965~ , [22J Zienkiewicz, O. C., and Cheung, Y. K., "Finite'Elements in the Solution of Field Problems," The Engineer, pp, 501-510, Sept. 24, 1965. [23] Martin, H. c., "Finite Element Analysis of Fluid Flows," Proceedings of the Second Conference on Malrix Methods in Structural Mechanics, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, pp. 517-535, Oct. 1968. (AFFDL-TR~68·150, Dec. 1969; AD-703-685, N.T.I.S.) 26 .Ii. Introduction [24J Wilson, E. L., and Nickel, R. E., "Application of the Finite Element Method to Heat Conduction Analysis," Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 4, pp. 276-286, 1966. {25J Szabo, B. A., and Lee, G. c., "Derivation of Stiffness Matrices for Problems in Plane Elasticity by Galerkin's Method," International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 1, pp. 301-3lO, 1969. [261 Zienkiewicz, O. C., and Parekh, C. 1.; "Transient Field Problems: Two.Dimensional and Three-Dimensional Analysis by lsoparametric Finite Elements," International J01.lJ7lO.i of Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 2, No. I, pp. 61-71, 1970. {27] Lyness, J. F., Owen, D. R. J., and Zienkiewicz, O. C., "Three-Dimensional Magnetic Field Determination Using a Scalar Potential. A Finite Element Solution," Transactions on Magnetics, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, pp. 1649-1656, 1977. 128] Belytschko, T., -----... T _--0--' I~ ,i Figure 2-3 Linear spring subjected to tensile forces Step 2 Select a Displacement Function We must choose in advance the mathematical function to represent the deformed shipe of the spring element under loading. Because it is difficult, if not impossible at times, to obtain a closed form or exact solution, we assume a solution shape or distribution of displacement within the element by using an appropriate mathematical function. The most common functions used are polynomials. . Because the spring. element resists axial loading only with the local degrees of freedom for the element being displacements d!x and d2:;r along the x direction, we choose a displacem~nt function uto represent the axial displacement throughout the element. Here a linear displacement variation along the x axis of the spring is assumed [Figure 2-4(b)], because a linear function with specified endpoints has a unique path. Therefore> (2.2-2) In general, the total number of coefficients a is equal to the total number of degrees of freedom associated with the element. Here the ~otal number of degrees of freedom is L (a) Figure 2-4 (a) Spring element showing plots of (b) displacement function Ii and shape functions (c) N, and (d) N2 over domain of element 32 .A. 2 Introduction to the Stiffness (Displacement) Method two-an axial displacement at each of the two nodes of the element (we present further discussion regarding the choice of displacement functions in Section 3.2). In matrix form, Eq. (2.2.2) becomes xl { :~ } it = [1 (2.2.3) We now want to express it as a function of the nodal displacements dl x and d2x. as this will allow us to apply the physical boundary conditions 'on nodal displacements directly as indicated in Step 3 and to then relate the nodal displacements to the nodal forces in Step 4. We achieve this by evaluating it at each node and solving for af and a2 from Eq. (2.2.2) as follows: u(O) = db: = al (2.2.4) (2.2.5) Of, solving Eq. (2.2.5) for a2, d2x - d1x a2 =--L- (2.2.6) Upon substituting Eqs. (2.2.4) and (2.2.6) into Eq. (2.2.2), we have (2.2.7) In matrix fonn, we express Eq. (2.2.7) as (2.2.8) (2.2.9) or Here X N1= 1-L and (2.2.10) are called th.e shape junctions because the N/s express the shape of the assumed displacement function over the domain (i coordinate) of the element when the ith element degree of freedom has unit value and all other degrees of freedom are zero. In this case, Nt and N2 are linear functions that have the properties thar'Nt = 1 at node I and NI = 0 at node 2, whereas N2 = 1 at node 2 and N2 == 0 at node 1. See Figure 2-4(c) and (d) for plots of these shape functions over the domain of the spring element. Also, NI + N2 = 1 for any axial coordinate along the bar. (Section 3.2 further explores this important relationship.) In addition, the N/s are often called interpo/ation jrmctions because we are interpolating to find the value of a function between given nodal values. The interpolation function may be different from the actual function except at the endpoints or nodes, where the interpolation function and actual function must be equal to specified nodal values. 2.2 Derivation of the Stiffness Matrix for a Spring Element .& 33 2 Figure 2-5 Deformed spring Step 3 Define the Strain! Displacement and Stress/Strain Relationships The tensile forces Tproduce a total elongation (deformation) b of the spring. The typical total elongation of the spring is shown in Figure 2-5. Here d1x is a negative value because the direction of displacement is opposite the positive xdirection, whereas db: is a positive value. The deformation of the spring is then represented by (2.2.11) From Eq. (2.2.11), we observe that the total deformation is the difference of the nodal displacements in the x direction. . . ' . For a spring element, we can relate the force in the spring directly to the defor- '. mation. Therefore, the strainldisplacement relationship is not necessary here. . The stress/strain relationship can be expressed in terms of the force/deformation relationship instead' as T=kb (2.2.12) . Now. using Eq. (2.2.1 1) in Eq. (2.2.12), we obtain T k(db: - dlx ) (2.2.13) Step 4 Derive the Element Stiffness Matrix and Equations We now derive the spring element stiffness matrix. By the sign convention for nodal forces and equilibrium, we have J.x = -T i2x T (2.2.14) Using Eqs. (2.2.13) and (2.2.l4)} we have T= -jjx = k{d2x - db;) T= j2x k(d2x - dlx ) (2.2.15) Rewriting Eqs. (2.2.15)i we obtain fix = k(dl x d2x ) i2x = k(d2x (2.2.16) db:) Now expressing Eqs. (22.16) in a single matri~ equation yields (2.2.17) 34 ... 2 Introduction to the Stiffness (Displacement) Method This relationship holds for the spring along the.i axis. From our basic definition of a stiffness matrix and application of Eq. (2.2.1) to Eq. (2.2.17), we obtain [-kk -k]k (2.2.18) as the stiffness matrix for a linear spring element. Here k is caned the local stiffness k is a symmetric (that }s) kij = kji ) square matrix (the number of rows equals the number of columns in If). Appendix A gives more description and numerical examples of symmetric and square matrices. matrix for the element. We observe from Eq. (2.2.18) that Step 5 Assemble the Eleme~t Equations to Obtain the Global Equations and Introduce Boundary Conditions The global stiffness matrix and global force matrix are assembled using nodal force equilibrium equations, force/defonnation and compatibility equations from Section 2.3, and the direct stiffness method described in Section 2.4. This step applies for s~ctures compoSed of more than one element such that N N K = [K] 2: If(e) and e=l E={F}=2:ie) (2.2.19) t'""l where If and! are now element stiffness and force matrices expressed in a global reference frame. (ThroughQut this text, the 2: sign used in this context does not imply a simple summation of element matrices but rather denotes that these element matrices must be assembled properly according to the direct stiffness method described in Section 2.4.) Step 6 Solve for the Nodal Displacements The displacements are' then determined by imposing boundary conditions) such as support conditions, and solving a system of equations, E = Kg, simultaneou.s1y. Step 7 Solve for the Element Forces Finally, the, element forces are determined by back-substitution, applied to each element, into equations similar to Eqs. (2.2.16). ~ 2.3 Example of a Spring Assemblage Structures such as trusses, building frames, and bridges comprise basic structural components connected together to form the overall structures. To analyze these structures, we must deterrn4le the total structure stiffness matrix for an interconnected system of elements. Before considering the truss and frame, we will determine the total structure stiffness matrix for a spring assemblage by using the force/displacement matrix relationships derived in Section 2.2 for the spring element, along with fundamental concepts of nodal equilibriUm and compatibility. Step 5 above will then .have been iUustrated. 23 Example of a Spring Assemblage .. 3S Figure 2-6 Two-spring assemblage We will consider the specific example of the two-spring assemblage shown in Figure 2-6*. This example'is general enough to ,illustrate the direct equilibrium approach for obtainin'g the total stiffness matrix of the spring assemblage. Here we fix node 1 and apply axial forces for F3x at node 3 and Fa at node 2. The stiffnesses of spring elements 1 and 2 are kl and k2, respectively. The nodes of the assemblage have been numbered 1, 3, and 2 for further generalization because sequential numbering between elements generally does not occur in large problems. The x axis is the global axis of the assemblage. The local x axis of each element coincides with the global axis of the assemblage. For element I) using Eq. (2.2.17), we have {Jj ~ [-!: -~: J{ ~£ } (2.3.1) and for element 2) :we have {j:}= [-~: -~:]{~} (2.3.2) Furthermore, elements 1 and 2 must remain connected at common node 3 throughout the displacement. This is called the continuity' or compatihz1ity requirement. The compatibility requirement yields (2.3.3) I ',1 1 where, throughout this text, the superscript in parentheses above d refers to the element number to which they are related. RecaU that the subscripts to the right identify the node and the direction of displacement, respectively, and that dlx is the node 3 displacement of the total or global spring asseJp.blage. , Free-body diagrams of each element and node (using the established sign conventions for element nodal forces in Figure 2-2) are'shown in Figure 2-7. Based on the free-body diagrams of each node shown in Figure 2-7 and the fact that external forces must equal internal forces at each node, we. can write nodal equi.. librium equations at nodes 3, 2, and 1 as F3>= = It) + f3~) F2x = f~) I I ! j (2.3.4) (2.3.5) (2.3.6) .. Throughout this text, element numbers. in figures are shown with circles around them. 36 ... Figure 2-7 2 Introduction to the Stiffness (Displacement) Method Nodal forces consistent with element force sign convention where Fix results from the external applied reaction at the fixed support. Here Newton's third law, of equal but opposite forces, is applied in moving from a node to an element associated with the node. Using Eqs. (2.3.1)-(2.3.3) in Eqs. (2.3.4)-(2.3.6), we obtain = (-k,d tx + k 1d3x ) + (k2d3x Fa = -k2d3x + k 2d2x F3x k2 d1:c) (2.3.7) Fix = kl d1x - kl d3x In matrix folll1, Eqs. (2.3.7) are expressed by F3x} -_ [kl-k2 + k2 F2:c .FIx { -kl -k2 k2 0 d -kl] { 3x } 0 d2:c kl dlx (2.3.8) Rearranging Eq. (2.3.8) in numerically increasing order of the nodal degrees of freedom, we have ~~ [~' .~2 =~~] {~~} + { F3x } = -k, -k2 kl k2 (2.3.9) d3x Equation (2.3.9) is now written as the single matrix equation (2.3.1O) E=Krl where f {d1X} = FJ:X} Elx is called the global nodal force matrix, rl = dlx { F3x . d is called the 3x global nodal displacement matrix, and (2.3.11) is called the total or global or system stiffness matrix. In summary, to establish the stiffness equations and stiffness matrix, Eqs. (2.3.9) and (2.3.11), for a spring assemblage, we have used force/deformation relationships Eqs. (2.3.1) and (2.3.2), 'compatibility relationship Eq. (2.3.3), and nodal force equilibrium Eqs. (2.3.4)-(2.3.6). We will consider the complete solution to this 2.4 Assembling the Total Stiffness Matrix by Superposition I. 37 example problem after considering a more practical method of assembling the total stiffness matrix in Section 2.4 and discussing the support boundary conditions in Section 2.5. ' .. 2.4 Assembling the Total Stiffness Matrix by Superposition (Direct Stiffness Method) . We win now consider a more convenient method for constructing the total stiffness matrix. This method is based on proper superpo$ition of the individual element stiffness matrices making up a structure (also see References [1] and [2]). Referring to the two-spring assemblage of Section 2.3, the element stiffness matrices are given in Eqs. (2.3.1) and (2.3.2) as (2.4.1 ) Here the dec's written above the columns'.and next to the rows in the If's indicate the degrees of freedom associated with ,each element row and colwnn. The two element stiffness matricesJ Eqs. (2.4.1), are not associated with the same degreeS of freedom; that is, element 1 is associated with axial displacements at nodes 1 and 3, whereas element 2 is associated with axial displacements at nodes 2 and 3. Therefore, the element stiffness matrices cannot be added together' (superimposed) in their present form. To superimpose the eiement matrices, we 'must expand them to the order (size) of the total structure (spring assemblage) stiffness matrix so that each. element stiffness matrix is associated with all the degrees of freedom of the structure. To expand each element stiffness matrix to the ~rder of the total stiffness matrix, we simply add rows and columns of zeros for those displacements not associated with that particular element. For element 1, we rewrite the stiffness matrix in expanded form. so that Eq. (2.3.1) becomes (2.4.2) where, from Eq. (2.4.2), we see that larly, for element 2, we have " 4> and Ii;) are not associated with !f<1}. Simi- 2 d~1 d~] {~(2)"} { 11 )} -1 ~ = )f;) -I t· a5,2) 3.% .1'(2) J3:x: (2.4.3) 38 A 2 Introduction to the Stiffness (Displacement) Method Now, considering force equilibrium at each node results in { f~)} + jj:~) {fJi)} = {~~} jj~) (2.4.4) F3x where Eq. (2.4.4) is really Eqs_ (2.3.4)-(2.3.6) expressed in matrix form. Using Eqs. (2.4.2) and (2.4.3) in Eq. (2.4.4). we obtain kl ill} 1 0 -I] { [-10 00 01 id~).) ' 3x + k2 [00 0 0] {)~ == {F} F~ I - I 0 -1 1 d'2) } i2) 3x . (2.4.5) F3x where, again} the superscripts on the d's indicate the element numbers. Simplifying Eq. (2.4.S) results in [ ~l ~2 =~~] {~~ }= {i~} -kl -k2 k\ + k2 d3x. (2.4.6) F3x Here the superscripts.indicating the element numbers associated with the nodal displacements have been dropped because d~~ is really d1x., d~ is really db:, and, by Eq. (2.3.3), dj~ = d~;} = d)x, the node 3 displacement of the total assemblage. Equation (2.4.6), obtained through superposition, is identical to Eq. (2.3.9). The expanded element stiffness matrices in Eqs. (2.4:2) and (2.4.3) could have been added directly to obtain the total stiffness matrix of the structure, given in Eq. (2.4.6). This reliable method of directly assembling individual element stiffness matrices to form the total structure stiffness'matrix and the total set of stiffness equations is called the direct stiffness method. It is the most important step in the finite element method. For this simple example, it is easy to expand the element stiffness matrices and then superimpose them to arrive at the total stiffness matrix. However, for problems involving a large number of degrees of freedom, it will become tedious to expand each element stiffness matrix to the order of the total stiffness matrix. To avoid this expansion of each element stiffness matrix, we suggest a direct, or short-cut, fonn of the direct stiffness method to obtain the total stiffness matrix. For the spring assemblage example, the rows and columns of each element stiffness matrix are labeled according to the degrees of freedom associated with them as follows: (2.4.7) K is then constructed simply by directly adding tenns associated with· degrees pffreedom in If(l) and If{2} into their corresponding identical degree-of-freedom locations in K as follows. The d,x row, d1x column tenn of K is contributed only by element 1, as only element 1 has degree of freedom dL,( [Eq. (2.4.7)1, that is, kl\ = k l _ The d3x row, 2.5 Boundary Conditions J.. 39 d3x column of K has contributions from both elements 1 and 2, as the d3:c degree of freedom is associated with both elements. Therefore, k33 = k, + k 2 _ Similar reasoning results in K as d\x K= d2>; d3x [~I ~2 =~:] ~: -k, (2.4.8) -k2 kI + k2 d3x Here elements in K are located on the basis that degrees of freedom are ordered in increasing node numerical order for the total structure. Section 2.5 addresses the com,plete solution to the two-spring assemblage in conjunction with discussion of the support boundary conditions. A 2.5 Boundary Conditions We must specify boundary (or support) conditions for structure models such as the spring assemblage of Figure 2-6, or K Will be singular; that is, the determinant of K will be zero, and its inverse will not exist. This means the structural system is unstable. Without our specifying adequate'kinematic constraints or support conditions, the structure will be free to move as a rigid body and not resist any applied loads. In general, the number of boundary conditions necessary to make {K} nonsingular is equal to the number of possible rigid body modes. . Boundary conditions are of two general types. Homogeneous boundary conditions-the more common-occur at locations that are completely prevented from movement; nonhomogene.ous boundary conditions occur where finite nonzero values of displacement are specified, such as the settlement of a support. To illustrate the two general types of boundary conditions, let us consider Eq. (2.4.6), derived for the spring assemblage of Figure 2-6. which has a single rigid body mode in the direction of motion along the spring assemblage. We first consider the case of homogeneous boundary conditions. Hence all boundary conditions are such that the displacements are zero at certain nodes. Here we have dlx = 0 because node 1 is fixed. Therefore, Eq. (2.4.6) can be written as [ ~I ~2 =~:+ 1{d:} {~~} = -kt -k2 k, k2 d3x (2.5.1 ) F3x Equation (2.5.1), written in expanded form, becomes kl (0) + (O)d2>; :- k 1d3x = FIx 0(0) + k zd2>; - k2d3x = Fh -kl(O) - k2d2>; + (kl +kl)d3x = F3x where Fix is the unknown reaction and F2>; and F3x are known applied loads. (2.5.2) 40 J. 2 Introduction to the Stiffness. (Displacement) Method Writing the second and third of Eqs. (2.5.2) in matrix fo~ we have k2 -k2 ] { d2x } [ -k2 kl + k2 d3,X = { F2x } (2.5.3) F3x We have now effectively partitioned off the first column and row of K and the first row of 4 and f. to arrive at Eq. (2.5.3). For homogeneous boundary conditions) Eq. (2.5.3) could have been obtained directly by deleting the row and column ofEq. (2.5.1) corresponding to the zerodisplacement degrees of freedom. Here row 1 and column 1 are deleted because one is really multiplying column I of K by db = O. However, FIx is not necessarily zero and can be determined once d:a·and d3x are solved for. After solving Eq. (2.5.3) for d2x and d3x) we have 2x } d { dl x [k2 -k2 -k2 kl + k2 = ]-l{F2x}' F3x = [k+i ~1{F2x} J.. ~ . F3x (2.5.4) kt kl Now that d2x and d3x are known from Eq. (2.5.4), we substitute them in the first of Eqs. (2.5.2) to obtain the reaction FIx as (2.5.5) We can express the unknown nodal force at node 1 (also called the reaction) in terms of the applied nodal forces F:a and F3x by using Eq. (2.5A) for dll: substituted into Eq. (2.5.5). The result is ' (2.5.6) Therefore) for all homogeneous boundary conditions, we can delete the rows and columns corresponding to the zero-displacement degrees of freedom from the original set of equations and then solve for the unknown displacements. This procedure is useful for hand calculations. (However) Appendix BA presents a more practical, cOmputer. assisted scheme for solving the system of simultaneous equations.) We now consider the case of nonhomogeneous boundary conditions. Hence some of the specified displacements are nonzero. For simplicity's sake, let d1x = 6, where d is a known displacement (Figure 2-8), in Eq. (2.4.6). We now have [ k, -~l j.~.~ CD 0 -k2 k2 -k, -k2 k\ + k2 ,3 Jr} fix} d2x, F2x F3x = d3x (~.5.7) CD )C II" F3z lz F2;r Figure 2-8 Two-spring assemblage with known displacement b at node 1 2.5 Boundary Conditions .. 41 Equation (2.5.7) written in expanded fonn becomes kid + Odlx - k,d?,x = Fb Od + k 2d2x - k2d3x = F2x -k\b (2.5.8) k2d2x + (k l + k2)d3x = F3:x where Fix is now a reaction from the support that has moved an amount b. Considering the second and third of Eqs. (2.5.8) because they have known right-side nodal forces F2x and F3x , we obtain 0& + k 2d2x - k2d3x -ktb - k2d2x + (k! = F2x + k2)d3x = F3x (2.5.9) Transforming the known b terms to the right side of Eqs. (2.5.9) yields k2d2x k2 d3x = F2x -k2d2x + (k\ + k2)d3x +k\b + F3x (2.5.10) Rewriting Eqs. (2.5.10) in matrix form, we have k2 -k2 ] { d2x } ['-k2 k\ + k2 d3x = { F2x ktb + F3x } (2.5.11) Therefore, when dealing with nonhomogeneous boundary conditions, we cannot initially delete row 1 and column 1 of Eq. (2.5.7), corresponding to the nonhomogeneous boundary condition, as indicated by ~e resulting Eq. (2.S.Ii) because we are multiplying each element by a'nonzero number. Had we done so, the k1b term in Eq. (2.5.11) would have been neglected> resulting in an error in the solution for the displacements. For nonhomogeneous ,boundary conditions, we must, in general, transform the terms associated with the known displacements to the right-side force matrix before ,solving for the unknown nodal displacements. This was illustrated by transforming the kl b term of the second of Eqs. (2.5.9) to the right side of the second of Eqs. (2.5.10). We could now solve for the displacements in Eq. (2.5.11) in a manner similar to that used to solve Eq. (2.5.3). However, we will not further pursue the solution of Eq. (2.5.~1) because no new information is tal nodal forces, and (d) the local element forces. Node 1 is fixed while node 5 is given a fixed, known dispiac:e:plent t5 2tlO mm. The spring constants are all equal to k := 200 kN/m. 46 ... "2 Introduction to the Stiffness (Displacement) Method Figure 2-13 Spring assemblage for solution (a) We use Eq. (2.2.18) to express each element stiffness matrix as k(1) - = k(2) - = k(3) k(4) - - = [ 200 -200] (2.5.29) 200 -200 Again using superposition, we obtain the global stiffness matrix as K= 0 200 -200 0 0 -200 0 400 -200 0 o . -200 400 -200 0 kN m '·0 -200 0 400 -200 0 0 0 -200 200 (2.5.30) (b) The global stiffness matrix, Eq. (2.5.30), relates the global forces to the global displacements as follows: l i~1 -~:° -~~ -2~0 ~ ~ ll~:1 F3;c F4x Fsx = 0 ° d3:J; -200 400 -200 0 0 - 200 400 -200 0 0 -200 200 (2.5.31) t4x dsx 20 Applying the boundary conditions dlx = 0 and dsx mm (= 0.02m» substituting known global forces Flx 0, F3x = 0, and F4J; = 0, and partitioning the first and fifth equations of Eq. (2.5.31) corresponding to these boundary conditions, we obtain OJ [-200 -200 400 {oo = ° 0 0 0 II 0] -200 400 -200 0 -200 400 -200 d: d3:J; (2.5.32) 14x 0.02m We now rewrite Eq. (2.5.32), transposing the product of the appropriate stiffness coefficient (-200) multiplied by the known displacement (0.02m) to the left side. LL}= [-; ~: -:]{~} (2.5.33) 2.5 Boundary Conditions .A 47 Solving Eq. (2.5.33), we obtain d2x = 0.005 m d3x = 0.01 m d4x = 0.015 m (2.5.34) (c) The global nodal forces are obtained by back-substituting the boundary condition displacements and Eqs. (2.5.34) into Eq. (2.5.31). This substitution yields Fl;x = (-200)(0.005) =.-1.0 kN F2x (400)(0.005) - (200)(0.01) = 0 F3x = (-200)(0.005) + (400)(0.01) - (200)(0.015) = 0 FJk = (-200)(0.01) + (400)(0.015) (2.5.35) (200)(0.02) = 0 Fsx = (-200)(0.015) + (200)(0.02) = 1.0 kN The results of Eqs. (2.5.35) yield the reaction FIx opposite that of the nodal force FSJ,: required to displace node 5 by d 20.0 mm. This result verifies equilibrium of the whole spring assemblage. (d) Next, we make use of local element Eq. (2.2.17) to obtain the forces in each element. Element 1 {~x} = [ 200 f2x -200 -200]{ 0 } 200 0.005. (2.5.36) ilx = -1.0 kN i2x = 1.0 kN (2.5.37) r~} hx = [200 -200 ~200] {0.005} (2.5.38) Simplifying Eq. (2.5.36) yields Element 1 I 200 0.01 Simplifying Eq. (2.5.38) yields :1 i2x=-lkN .~ .hx = I kN (2.5.39) Element 3 F" } 14x [ 200 -200] {0.01 } 200 0.015 -200 (2.5.40) Simplifying Eq. (2.5.40), we have ,.hx = -I kN 14:1 = 1 kN (2.5.41) 4S A 2 Introduction to the Stiffness (Displacement) Method Element 4 { 15x~4X} = [- 200 200 -200] {0.015 } 200 0.02 (2.5.42) Simplifying Eq. (2.5.42), we obtain hx = -1 kN !SX = 1 kN (2.5.43) You should draw free-body diagrams of eaeh node and element and use the results of Eqs. (2.5.35)-(2.5.43) to verify both node and element equilibria. • Finally, to review the major concepts presented in this chapter, we solve the following example problem. . Example 2.3 (a) Using the ideas presented in Section 2.3 for the system of linear elastic springs shown in Figure 2-14, express· the boundary conditions, the compatibility or continuity condition similar Eq. (2:3.3), and the nodal equilibrium conditions similar to Eqs. (2.3.4)-(2.3.6). Then fonnulate the global stiffness matrix and equations for solution of the unknown global displacement and forces. The spring constants for the elements are k1• k2, and k3; P·is an applied force at node 2. (b) Using the direct stiffness method, .formulate the same global stiffness matrix and equation as in part (a). to Figure 2-14 Spring assemblage for solution (a) The boundary conditions are d1x=0 t4x =0 (2.5.44) d2x (2.5.45) The compatibility condition at node 2 is (l) - d(2) - d(3) d 2x2x- 2x- 2.5 Boundary Conditions ... 49 The nodal equilibrium conditions are (1) Fix =/tx p = tEl + f~} + 11;) (2.5.46) where the sign convention for positive element nodal forces given by Figure 2-2 was used in writing Eqs. (2.5.46). Figure 2-15 shows the element and nodal force freebody diagrams. o F3x .. 3 Figure 2-15 Free-body diagrams of elements and nodes of spring asSemblage of Figure 2-14 Using the local stiffness matrix Eq. (2.2.17) applied to each element, and compatibility condition Eq. (2~5.45), we obtain the total or global equilibrium equations as Fl x = k,dlx - kld2x P = -kJdlx + kI d2x + k2d2x - k2 d3x + k3 d2x F3x = -kld2x + kZd3x k3t4x (2.5.47) F4:x = -k'jd'lx + k3t4% In matrix form, we express Eqs. (2.5.47) as (2.5.48) Therefore, the global stiffness matrix is the square, symmetric matrix on the right side of Eq. (2.5:48). Making use of the boundary ·conditions, Eqs. (2.5.44), and then considering the second equation of Eqs. (2.5.41) or (2.5.48), we solve for du as d2x P k\ +k2 +k3 . (2.5.49) 50 .... 2 .Introduction to the Stiffness (Displacement) Method We could have obtained this same result by deleting rows 1, 3) and 4 in the E and 4. matrices and rows and columns 1, 3, and 4 in K, corresponding to zero displacement, as previously described in Section 2.4, and then solving for dl;,:. Using Eqs. (2.5.47), we now solve for the global forces as The forces given by Eqs. (2.5.50) can be interpreted as the global reactions in this example. The negative signs in front of these forces indicate that they are direCted to the left (opposite the x axis). (b) Using the direct stiffness method, we formulate the global stiffness matrix. First, using Eq. (2.2.18), we express each element stiffness matrix as d1x k(l} - =[ kl -kl d2x du. -k1 ] k(2) k\ - [k2 -k2 d3x -k2 ] k2 dl;,: k(3) = [ k3 -k3 dtx -kJ ] k3 (2.5.51) where the particular degrees of freedom associated with each element are listed in the columns above. each matrix. Using the direct stiffness method as outlined' in Section 2A, we add terms from each element stiffness matrix into the appropriate corresponding row and column in the global stiffness matrix to obtain dJ:r K = - du. dlx d4:r [-~: ~Z~ + -~2 -~3l kl 0 o k3 -k2 -k3 k2 0 0.·. k3 "(2.5.52) We observe that each element stiffness matrix If has been added into the location in the global K corresponding to the identical degree of freedom associated with the element If. For instance, element 3 is associated with degrees of freedom dl;,: and d.t:r; hence its contributions to K are in the 2-2, 2-4, 4-2, and 4-4 locations of K" as indicated in Eq. (2.5.52) by the k3 terms. . Having assembled the global K by the direct stiffness method, we then formulate the global equations in the usual manner by making use of the generalEq. (2.3.10), f Kd.. These equations have been previously obtained by Eq. (2.5.48) and therefore are not repeated. • Another method for handling imposed boundary conditions that aHows for either homogeneous (zero) or nonhomogeneous (nonzero) prescribed degrees of freedom is caned the penalty method. This method is easy 'to implement in a computer program. Consider the simple spring assemblage in Figure 2-16 subjected to applied forces Fix and F2x as shown. Assume the horizontal displacement at node I to be forced to be d1x = b. 2.5 Boundary Conditions ... 51 x----o-.. Figure 2-16 Spring assemblage used to illustrate the penalty method We add another spring (often called a boundary element) with a large stiffness kb to the assemblage in"the direction of the nodal displacement d1x J as shown in Figure 2-17. This spring stiffness should have a magnitude about 106 times that of the largest kjj term. Figure 2-17 Spring assem blage with a boundary spring element added at node 1 Now we add the force kbO in the direction of dtx and solve the problem in the usual manner as follows. The element stiffness matrlce;,s are (2.5.53) Assembling the element stiffness matrices using the direct stiffness method> we obtain the global stiffness matrix as kl +kb -kl -kl kl +k2 [ o -k2 K Assembling the global = 0, we obtain E = K!l 0 ] -k2 k2 (2.5.54) equations and invoking the boundary condition d3x { FIX~kbO} = [kl_:~b 0 F3x kl-:~2 -~2] {~: -k2 k2 } (2.5.55) d3:x = 0 Solving the first and second of Eqs. (2.5.55), we obtain d _ F2x - (k, + k2)d2x -kl. (2.5.56) + kb)F2x + Flxkl + kbOkl kbkt + kbk2 + klk2 (2.5.57) Ix - and ~2x = (kJ 52 &. 2 lntroduaion to the Stiffness (Displacement) Method Now as kb approaches infinity, Eq. (2.5.57) simplifies to d2x = + Jkl kl +k2 F2'1; (2.5.58) and Eq. (2.5.56) simplifies to (2.5.59) These results match those obtained by setting dl.~ = J initially. In using the penalty method, a very large element stiffness should be parallel to a degree of freedom as is the case in the preceding example. If kb were inclined, or were placed within a structure, it would contribute to both diagonal and off-diagonal coefficients in the global stiffness matrix K. This condition can lead to numerical djfficu1~ ties in solving the equations f == Kd.. To avoid this condition, we transform the displacements at the inclined support to local ones as described in Section 3.9. Ii.. 2.6 Potential Energy Approach to Derive Spring Element Equations One of the aiternative methods often used to derive the element equations and the stiffness matrix for an element is based on the principle of minimum potential energy. (The use of this principle in structural mechanics is fully described in Reference [4].) This method has the advantage of being more general than the method given in Section 2.2, which involves nodal and element equilibrium equations along with the stress/strain law for the element. Thus the principle of minimum potential energy is more adaptable to the determination of element equations for complicated elements (those with large numbers of degrees offreedom) such as the plane stress/strain element, the axisymmetric stress element, the plate bending element, and the three-dimensional solid stress element. Again, we state that the principle of Virtual work (Appendix E) is applicable for any material behavior, whereas the principle of minimum potential energy is applicable only for e~astic materials. However, both principles yield the same element eQ.uations for linear-elastic materials, which are the only kind considered in this text Moreover) the principle of minimum potential energy, being included in the general category of variational methods (as is the principle of virtual work), leadS to other variational functions (or functionals) similar to potential energy that can be formulated for other classes of problems, primarily of the non structural type. These other pro~ iems are generally classified as field problems and include, among others, torsion of a bar, heat transfer (Chapter 13), fl~d flow (Chapter 14), and elec1;ric potential. Still other classes of problems, for which a variational"fonnulation is not clearly definable, can be formulated by weighted residual methods. We will describe Galerkin's method in Section 3.12. along with collocation. least squares, and the subdomain weighted residual methods in Section 3.13. In Section 3.13, we will also demonstrate these methods by sQiving a one-dimensional bar problem using each of the four residual methods and comparing each result to an exact solution. (For more information on weighted residual methods, also consult References r5-7].) 2.6 Potential Energy Approach to Derive Spring Element Equations .Iii. 53 the Here we present principle of minimum potential energy as used to derive the spring element equations. We will illustrate this concept by applying it to the simplest of elements in hopes that the reader will then be more comfortable when applying it to handle more complicated element types in subsequent chapters. The total potential energy 1T.p of a structure is expressed in terms of displacements. In the finite element formulation, these will generally be nodal displacements such that 1Cp = 1T.p (dt,d2"" ~dll)' When 1tp is minimized with respect to these displacements. equilibrium equations result. For the spring element, we will show that the same nodal equilibrium equations k4 = j r~ult as previously derived in Section 2.2. We first state the principle of minimum potential energy as fonows: Of all the geometrically possible shapes that a body can assume, the true one, corresponding to the satisfaction ot" stable equilibrium of. the body, is identified by a minimum"value of the total potential energy. To explain this principle, we must first explain the concepts of potential energy and ofa stationary value of a function. Wf:? will now discuss these two concepts. Total potential energy is defined as the sum of the internal strain energy U and the potential energy of the external forces 0; that is, 'lEp = U+O (2.6.1) Strain energy is the capacity of internal forces (or stresses) to do work through deformations (strains) in the structure; Q is the capacity of forces such as body forces, surface traction forces, and applied nodal forces to do work through deformation of the structure. Recall thafa linear spring Qas force related to deformation by F = kx, where k is the spring constant and x is the deformation of the spring (Figure 2-18). The differential internal work (or strain energy) dU in the spring for a small change in length of the spring is the internal force multiplied by the change in displacement through which the force moves, given by Now we express F as .J dU;= F dx (2.6.2) F=kx (2.6.3) Using Eq. (2.6.3) iIi Eq. (2.6.2), we find that the differential strain energy becomes dU = kx dx F ~--------------------------~X Figure 2-18 Force/deformation curve for linear spring (2.6.4) 54 ... 2 Introduction to the Stiffness (Displacement) Method The total strain energy is then given by J: U kxdx (2.6.5) Upon explicit integration of Eq. (2.6.5), we obtain U=4 kx2 (2.6.6) Using Eq. (2.6.3) in Eq. (2.6.6)) we have U = Hkx)x = !Fx (2.6.7) Equation (2.6.7) indicates that the strain energy is the area under the force/deformation curve. The potential energy of the external force, being opposite in sign from the external work expression because the potential energy of the, external force is lost when the work is done by the external force, is given by O=-Fx (2.6.8) Therefore, substituting Eqs. (2.6.6) and (2.6.8) into (2.6.1), yields the total potential energy as 2 1lp = Fx (2.6.9) !kx The conCept of a stationary value of a function G (used in the definition of the principle of minimum potential energy) is shown in Figure 2-19. Here G is expressed as a function of the variable x. The stationary value can be a maximum, a minimum, . or a neutral point of G(x). To find a value of x yielding a stationary value of G(x), we use differential calculus to differentiate G with respect to oX and set the expression equal to zero, as fonows: dG =0 (2.6.10) dx An analogous process will subsequently be used to replace G with '1Cp and x with discrete values (nodal displacements) di • With an understanding of variational calculus (see, Reference [8]), we could use the first variation of ~p (denoted by t51lJh where t5 denotes arbitrary change or variation) to minimize '1Cp • However, we will avoid the details of variational calculus and show that we can really use the familiar differential calculus to perform the minimization of 1t.p- To apply the principle of minimum G Maximum Neutral Minimum ~-------------------------------.. z Figure 2-19 Stationary values of a function 2.6 Potential Energy Approach to Derive Spring Element Equations t Adm;";bl'~; _ _ function. • ... 55 + 8Il ~_-,u2 ActUal displacement function. Ii L 2 (a) Inadmissible slope discontinuity Inadrnissjbte-does not satisfy right end boundary condition L Figure 2-20 (a) Actual and admissible displacement functions and (b) inadmissible displacement functions potential energy-that is, ta minimize ttp-we take the varia,tion of 1!p, which is a function of nodal displacements di defined in general as Ottp attp ~ Onp Ottp = ad adr + ad"Qd2 + ... + ad adn I 2 {2.6.l1} n . The principle states that equilibrium exists when the dt define a structure state such that Mtp = 0 (change in potential energy = 0) for arbitrary admissible variations in displacement Mt from the equilibrium state. An admissible variation is one in which the displacement field still satisfies the boundary conditions and interelement continuity. Figure 2-20(a) shows the hypothetical actual axial displacement and an admissible one for a spring with specified boundary displacements and U2. Figure 2-20(b) shows inadmissible functions due to slope discontinuity between endpoints 1 and 2 and due to failure to satisfy the right end boundary condition ofu(L) = ti2- Here represents the variation in U. In the general finite element Cannulation, au would be replaced by ad;. This implies that any of the odj might be nonzero. Hence, to satisfy Mtp = 0: all coefficients associated with the "d~ must be zero independently. Thus, "1 au ~ 2 adj. =0 (i = 1,2,3,. .. ,n) or a~ !1{d} U =0 (2.6.12) 56 ... 2 Introduction to the Stiffness (Displacement) Method where n equations must be solved for the n values of di that define the static equilibrium state of the structure. Equation (2.6.12) shows that for OUf purposes throughout this text) we can interpret the variation of"'p as a compact notation equivalent to differentiation of np with respect to the unknown nodal displacements for which np is expressed. For linear-elastic materials in 'equilibrium, the fact that 1lp is a minimum is shown, for instance, in Reference (4}. Before .discussing the fonnulation of the spring element equations, we now illustrate the concept of the principle of minimum potential energy by analyzing a sin'gle--degree-of-freedom spring subjected to an applied force, as given in Example '2.4. In this example, we will show that the eqUilibrium position of the spring corresponds to the minimum potential energy. Exampie2.4 For the linear-elastic spring subjected to a force of 1000 Ib shown in Figure 2-21, evaluate the potential energy for various displacement values an4 show that the minimum potential energy also corresponds to the equilibrium position of the spring. F:::: 1000 Ib F J Ie = 500 Ib/m. J: ~-----_.r Figure 2-21 Spring subjected to force; load/displacement curve We evaluate the total potential energy as 1lp = U +0 where U = ~ (kx)x and n = -Fx We now illustrate the minimization of 7r.p through standard mathematics. Taking the variation of 1lp with respect to x, Of, equivalently, taking the derivative of np with respect to x (as np is a function of only one displ~cement x) ... as in Eqs. (2.6.11) and (2.6.12), we have . onp onp = Ox= ax or, because Ox is arbitrary and might not be zero, onp=o ax 0 2.6 Potential Energy Approach to Derive Spring Element Equations ... S7 Using our previous expression for 1r.P' we obtain a'lCp . - ox = 500x-lOoo = 0 x= 2.00 in. or This value for x is then back-substituted into 1!p to yield 1tp = 250(2)2 - 1000(2) = -1000 lb-in. which corresponds to the minimum potential energy obtained in Table 2-·1 by the following searching technique. Here U = (kx)x is the strain energy or the area under the load/displacement curve shown in Figure 2-21, and 0. = -Fx is the potential energy of load F. F Of. the given values of F and k, we then have 'lCp = t(500)X2 - 1000x = 250x2 - looOx ! We now search for the minimmn value of 1tp for various values of spring deformation x. The results are shown in Table 2-1. A plot of 1r.p versus x is shown in Figure 2-22, where we observe that 1!p has a minimum value at x = 2.00 in. This deformed position also corresponds to the equilibrium position because (onp/ox) = 500(2) - 1000 = O• • We now derive the spring element equations and stiffness matrix using the prin- . cipJe of minimum potential energy. Consider the linear spring subjected to nodal forces shown in Figure 2-23. Using Eq, (2.6.9) reveals that the total ~tential energy is (2.6.13) where dlx - dl x is the deformation of the spring in Eq. (2.6.9). The first tenn on the right in Eq. (2.6.13) is the strain energy in the spnng. Simplifying Eq. (2.6.13), we obtain (2.6.14) TabJe 2-1 Total potential energy for various spring deformations Defonnation x, in. -4.00 -3.00 -2.00 -1.00 0.00 Total Potential Energy 1!pt Ib-in. 8000 5250 3000 1250 o 1.00 -750 2.00 3.00 -1000 -750 4.00 o 5.00 1250 58 ... 2 Introduction to the Stiffness (Displacement) Method 8000 6000 4000 2000 -_....J4--'--_..... 2---J,~1r-'--..L.--'---#--.L--- .x. in. Figure 2-22 Variation of potential energy with spring deformation t, k 2 L Figure 2-23 linear spring subjected to nodal forces The minimization 6f TCp with respect to each nodal displacement requires taking partial derivatives of np with respect to each nodal dispJacement such that onp --- = adb: Onp ada l' A ~ A '2 k (-2d2x + 2db) -/rx = 0 1 ~ = '2k(2d2x - 2dbJ - f2x = 0 A (2.6.15) A Simplifying Eqs. (2.6.l5), we have k{ -d2x + dtx) = k(d2x - iix dl x ) =fa (2.6.16) In matrix fonn, we express Eq. (2.6.16) as k [ ,-k -kJ{~lx} = {~x} k d flx 2x (2.6.17) Because {i} = [k]{d}, we have the stiffness matrix for the spring element obtained from Eq. (2.6.17): . [kI = [ k -k -kjk (2.6.18) 2.6 Potentiaf Energy Approach to Derive Spring Element Equations A 59 As expected, Eq. (2.6.18) is identical to the stiffness matrix obtained in Section 2.2, Eq. (2.2.18). We considered the equilibrium of a single spring element by minimizing the total. potential energy with respect to the nodal displacements (see Example 2.4). We also developed the finite element spring element equations by minimizing the total potential energy with respect to the nodal displacements. We now show that the total potential energy of an entire structure (here an assemblage of spring elements) can be minimized with respect to each nodal degree of freedom and that this minimization .esuIts in the same finite element equations used for the solution as those obtained by the direct stiffness method. Example 2.S Obtain the total potential energy of the spring assemblage (Figure 2-24) for Example 2.1 and find its minimum value. The procedure of assembling element equations can then be seen to be obtained from the minimization of the total potential energy. Using Eq. (2.6.10) for each 'element of the spring assemblage) we find that the total potential energy is given by 1Cp (e) 1k (.7 = ~ L..-; 1Cp = i 1 ulx d)2 Ix - r(1)d r(l)d Ix - J)x 3x Jlx e=l 1. 2 (2) 2 (3) (2) +:2k2(t4x - dJx) - f3x d3x - h.x d4x 1 . . + 2k3{ti2x - tL.x) - f 4x d4x (2.6.19) (3) f2x d2x Upon minimizing tcp with respect to each noda1,Qispla~ement) we obtain G1Cp (I) -;--d = -kld3:x + k1d1x - Irx ,=-...9 U Ix ' f~} = 0 = k3d'b; k3t:4x - od = kl d3x - kl db. G1Cp = k2t4x - k2dJx - k3 d'b; + k3 d4x - 14'x - 14'>: p G1C Cdb; 01Cp 3x Dt4x (2.6.20) - k2d4x + k2d3x - (I) (2) Isx - Isx Al) A3} =0 = 0, 60 ... 2 Introduction to the Stiffness (Displacement) Method In matrix fOIm, Eqs. (2.6.20) become (2.6.21) Using nodal force equi~brium similar to Eqs. (2.3.4)-{2.3.6), we have R;) = FIx IE) Ph (2.6.22) h~) + h~) = F3x r(2) J4x + 14x rl3) _ - r:" .c4,r Using Eqs. (2.6.22) in (2.6.21) and substituting numerical values for kl,k2> and k3, we obtain . 1000'· o [ -1000 o 0 -1000 0 3000 0 - 3000 0 3000 -2000 - 3000 - 2000 5000 lldl:~l d 2x d3x (2.6.23) t4x Equation (2.6.23) is identical to Eq. (2.S.l8), which was obtained through the direct stiffness method. The assembled Eqs", (2.6.23) are then seen to be obtained from the minimization of the total potential energy. When we apply the boundary conditions and substitute Flx = 0 and F4x = 5000 Ib into Eq. (2.6.23). the solution is identical to that of Example 2.1. • .. References [IJ Turner, M. J., Clough, R. W., Martin, H. C., and Topp, L. J., "Stiffness and Deflection Analysis of Complex Structures," JOU17tilI of the Aeronautical Sciences, Vol."23, No.9, pp. 805-824, Sept. 1956. {~l Martin, H. C., Introduction to Matrix Methods of Structural Analysis, McGraw-HilI, New York,1966. [3} Hsieh, Y. Y., Elementary Theory of Structures, 2nd ed .• Prentice-Hall, Englewood Qiffs, NJ,1982. [4] Oden, J. T., and Ripperger, E. A., Mechanics of Elastic Structures, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1981{5J F'mlaysOn, B. A., The Method of Weighted Residuals and Variational Principles, Academic Press, New Yorlc, 1972. [6J Zienkiewicz, O. c., The Fmite Element Method, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill, London, 1977. Problems .. 61 {7] Cook, R. D., Malleus, D. S., Plesha, M. E., and Witt, R. 1. Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis, 4th ed., Wiley, New York, 2002. [8] Forray, M. 1., Variational Calculus in Science and Engineering, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1968. A Problems 2.1 a. Obtain the global stiffness matrix IS. of the assemblage shown in Figure P2-1 by superimposing the stiffness matrices of the individual springs. Here kl' k 2• and ks are the stiffnesses oithe springs as shown. b. If nodes 1 and 2 are fixed and a force P acts on node 4 in the positive x direction, find an expression for the displacements of nodes 3 and 4. c. Determine the reaction forces at nodes 1 and 2. (Hint: Do this problem by writing the nodal equilibrium equations and then making use of the force/displacement relationships for each element as done in the first part of Section 2.4. Then solve the problem by the direct stiffness method.) , - < y - - -..... x Figure P2-1 2.2 For the spring assemblage shown in Figure P2-2, detennine the displacement at node 2 and the forces in each spring element. Also detennine the force F3: Given: Node 3 displaces an amount g = "l in. in the positive x direction because of the force F3 and kl = k2 500 lbfm. Figure P2-2 I t 2.3 a. For the spring assemblage shown in Figure P2-3, obtain the global stiffness matrix by direct superposition. b. If nodes 1 and 5 are fixed and a force P is applied at node 3, determine the nodal displacements. c. Determine the reactions at the fixed nodes 1 and 5. I Figure P2-3 62 • 2 Introduction to the Stiffness (Displacement) Method 2.4 Solve Problem 2.3 with P = 0 (no force applied at node 3) and with node 5 given a fixed, known displacement of 0 as shown in Figure P2-4. Figure P2-4 2.5 For the spring assemblage shown in Figure P2-5, obtain the global stiffness matrix by the direct stiffness method. Let k{l) = 1 kip/in., k(2) = 2 kip/in., k(3) 3 kip/in., k(4) = 4 kip/in., and k(5) = 5 kip/in. 3 -X Figure P 2-5 2.6 For the spring assemblage in figure P2-5~ apply a concentrated force of 2 kips at node 2 in the positive x direction and determine the displacements at nodes 2 and 4. 2.7 Instead of assuming a tension element as in Figure P2-3, now assume a compression element. That is, apply compressive forces to the spring element and derive the stiffness matrix. 2.8-2:16 For the spring assemblages shown in Figures P2-8-P2-16, determine the noda1 displacements; the forces in each element, and the reactions .. Use the direct stiffness method for all problems. ~ k;.S~I;:i: 1c:5~I~in~ ~ v v v-r- v V v-r--- Figure P 2-8 k= 1000 Ib/in. 4000 Ib 4 Figure P2-9 ~~;;Ic =500 Ib/in: Figure P2-10 Problems ~ 63 ~s~ 8 = 20mm Figure P2-11 Figure P2-12 ~'2~ ' 20kN/m 20kN/m 5kN 20kN/m 1 ~OkN/m S '/ Figure P2-13 Figure P2-14 , /. I 500kN/m 1 kN \,..f---oQ--+-- 2 500 kN/m \,..I----<:>--+-- lkN Figure P2-1S k =100 Ib/in. Figure P2-16 2.17 Use the principle of minimum potential energy developed in Section 2.6 to solve the spring problems shown in Figure P2-17. That is, plot the total potential energy for variations,in the displacement afthe free end of-the spring to determine the minimwn potential energy~ Observe that the displacement that yields the minimum potential energy also yields the stable equilibrium position. 64 ... 2 ,Introduction to the Stiffness (Displacement) Method 1000 Ib Ie. := 2000 Ib/in. k =: 500 Ib/i11. 1000 Ib (a) (b) k == 2000 N/mm Jc = 4OON/mm 400 kg (c) 100 kg (d) Figure P2-17 2.18 Reverse the direction of the load in Example 2.4 and recalculate the total potential energy. Then use this value to obtain the eqUllibrilll"U value of displacement. 2.19 The nonlinear spring in Figure P2-19 has the force/deformation relationship f = kJ 2 • Express the total potential energy of the spring~ and use this potential energy to obtain the equilibrium value of displacement. 500 Ib Figure P2-19 2.20-2.21 Solve Problems 2.10 and 2.15 by the pOtential energy approach (see Example'2.S). Introduction Having set forth the foundation on which the direct stiffness method is based, we will now derive the stiffness matrix for a linear-elastic bar (or truss) eiement using the general steps outlined in Chapter 1. We will include the introduction of both a local COOfdinate system, chosen with the element in mind" and a global or reference coordinate system, chosen to be convenient (for numerical purposes) With r~spect to the overall structure. We win also discuss the transformation of a vector from the local coordinate system to the global coordinate system, using the concept of transformation matrices to express the stiffness matrix of an arbitrarily oriented bar element in terms of the global system. We will solve three example plane truss problems (see Figure 3-1 for a typical railroad trestle plane truss) to illustrate the procedure of establishing the total stiffness matrix and equations for solution of a structure. Next we extend the stiffness method to include space trusses. We will develop the transformation matrix: in three-dimensional space and analyze two space trusses. Then we describe the concept of symmetry and its use to reduce the size of a problem and facilitate its solution. We will use an example truss problem to illustrate the concept and then describe how handle inclined, or skewed, supports. We will then use the. principle of minimum potential energy and apply it to rederive the bar element equations. We then compare a finite element solution to an exact solution for a bar subjected to a linear varying distributed load. We will introduce Galerkin's residual method and then apply it to derive the bar element equations. Finally, we will introduce other common residual methods-collocation, subdomain, and least squares to merely expose you. to these other methods. We illustrate' these methods by solving a problem of a bar subjected to a linear varying load. to 66 .. 3 Development of Truss Equations Figure 3-1 A typical railroad trestle plane truss. (By Daryl L Logan) .. 3.1 Derivation of the Stiffness Matrix for a Bar Element in local Coordinates We will now consider the derivation of the stiffness matrix for the linear-e1astic, constant cross--sec'tional area (prismatic) bar element shown in Figure 3-2. The derivation here will be directly applicable to the -solution of pin-connected trusses. The bar is subjected to tensile forces T directed along the local axis of the bar and applied at nodes 1 and 2. Y t = ex (forceJlength) T T~~ ______ ~ __________________-.x Figure 3-2 Bar subjected to tensile forces Ti positive nodal displacements and forces are all in the local direction x 3.1 Derivation of the Stiffness Matrix for a Bar Element .A 67 Here we have introduced two coordinate ~stems: a-local one (i,j) with i directed along the length of the bar and a global one (x,y) assumed here to be best suited with respect to the total structure. Proper selection of global coordinate systems is best demonstrated through solution of two- and three- Exact solution ~ t---------'--------:~ Number of elements nvenient to introduce both local and global (or referencsJ( coordinates. Local coordinates are always chosen to represent the individual elem?nt conveniently. Global coordinates are chosen to be convenient for the whole structure. Given the nodal displacement of an element, represented by the vector din Figure 3-7, we want to relate the components of this vector in one coordinate system to components in another. For general purposes, we "Yill assume in this section that d is not coincident with either the local or the global axis. In this case, we want to relate global displacement components to local ones. In so doing, we will develop a transformation matrix that will subsequently be used to develop the global stiffness matrix for a bar element. We define the angle () to be positive when measured coun· terclockwise from x to x. We can express vector displacement d in both global and local coordinates by (3.3.1 ) where i and j are unit vectors in the x and y global directions and i and j are unit vectors in the x and y local directions. We will now relate i and j to i and j through use of Figure 3-8. y d i .L------_ :r 16:::.._ _---I_ _ Figure 3-7 General displacement vector d y i ~---~----~------x Figure 3-8 Relationship between local and global unit vectors 76 A 3 Development of Truss Equations Using Figure 3-8 and vector addition, we obtain a+b=i (3.3.2) la! = Iii cos 0 (3.3.3) Also, from the law of cosines, and because i is, by definition, a unit vector, its magnitude is given by (3.3.4) Therefore, we obtain IiI la! = 1cosO Similarly, Ibl = t sinO (3.3.6) (3.3.5) Now a is in the i direction and b is in the -j direction. Therefore, a = lali = (cosB)i b = Ibl( -j) = (sinO)(-j) and (3.3.7) (3.3.8) Using Eqs. (3.3.7) and (3.3.8) in Eq. (3.3.2) yields i == cosoi sin oj (3.3.9) Similarly, from Figure 3-8, we obtain a' +b' =j (3.3.10) a' = cose) (3.3.11) l (3.3.12) b = sinBi Using Eqs. (3.3.11) and (3.3.12) in Eq. (3.3.l0), we h~ve j = sinBl +.cose) (3.3.13) Now, using Eqs. (3.3.9) and (3.3.13) in Eq. (3.3.1), we have dx( cos fJi sin e) + dyesin ei + cos oj) = dxi + dyJ (3.3.14) Combining like coefficients ofi and j in Eq. (3.3.14), we obtain dx cos (j + dy sin 8 = dx and -dx sin 8 + dy cos (j = dy (3.3.15) In matrix fonn, Eqs. (3.3.15) are written as U;} = [-~ ~]{~l (3.3.16) where C = cosO and S = sinO, Equation (3.3.i6) relates the global displacement 4 to the locatdisplacement d. The matrix (3.3.17) 3.3 Transformation of Vectors in Two Dimensions ... 77 y 8 ,,"'------'---'-----x d~ Figure 3-9 Relationship between local and global displacements is called the transformation (or rotation) matTix. For an additional description of this matrix. see Appendix A. It will be used il1 Section 3.4 to develop the global stiffness matrix for an arbitrarily oriented bar element and to transfonn global nodal displace~ ments and forces to local ones. Now, for the case of dy = 0, we have, from Eq. (3.3.1), dxi + dyj = dxi (3.3.18) Figure 3-9 shows ax expressed in terms 'of global x and y components. Using trigo. nometry and Figure 3-9, we then obtain the magnitude of dx as dx = Cdx + Sdy (3.3.19) Equation (3.3.19) is equivalent to'equation 1 ofEg. (3.3.16). Example 3.2 The global nodal displacements at node 2 have been determined to be ch.x = 0.1 in. and d2y = 0.2 in. for the bar element shown in F.igure 3-10. Determine the local x dig.. placement at node 2. . y I=igure 3-10 Bar element Using Eq. (3.3.19), we obtain d2x = (cos 60°) (0.1) + (sin 60°)(0.2) = 0.223 in. • 3 Development of Truss Equations 78 ... :1: 3.4 Global Stiffness Matrix We will now use the transfonnation relationship Eq. (3.3.16) to obtain the global stiffness matrix for a bar element. We need the global stiffness matrix of each element to assemble the total global stiffness matrix of the structure. We have shown in Eq. (3.1.13) that for a bar element in the local coordinate system, { ~x = AE [_ 1 } L f2x I -1 ] { 1 ~IX } d2x i =kJ. or (3.4.1) (3.4.2) We now want to relate the global element nodal forces f to the global nodal displacements 4 for a bar element arbitrarily oriented with resPect to the global axes as was shown in Figure 3-2. This relationship will yield the global stiffness matrix If of the element. That is, we want to find a matrix If such that I I lX [ fix 7~ hy (d If~: (3.43) d2y or, in simplified matrix form, Eq. (3.4.3) becomes [= Ifrl (3.4.4) We observe from Eq, (3.4.3) that a total of four components of force and four of displacement arise when global coordinates are used. However, a total of two components ,of force and two of displacement appear for the local-coordinate representation of a spring or a bar, as shown by Eq. (3.4.1). By using relationships between local and global force components and between local and global displacement components, we win be able to obtain the gJobaLstiffness matrix. We know from transformation relationship Eq. (3.3.15) that d1x = db cos B+ d1y sin B d2x = d2x cos {) + d2}' sin () (3.4.5) In matrix form, Eqs. (3.4.5) can be written as { ~b } = [C 0 d2x S 0 0] , d2xd1Xl 0 C S dl)l ( d2y (3.4.7) or as where (3.4.6) T* = - [C0 S 0 sO] 0 C (3.4.8) 3.4 Global Stiffness Matrix , t • 79 Similarly, because forces transfonn in the same manner as displacements, we have I I (3.4.9) r Using Eq. (3.4.8), we can write Eq. (3.4.9) as j I·[ (3.4.10) Now, substituting Eq. (3.4.7) into Eq. (3.4.2), we obtain J=!I*rJ. (3.4.11} and using Eq. (3.4.10) in Eq. (3.4.1 1) yields I-[ = !I*4 (3.4.12) However, to write the final expression relating global nodal forces to global nodal displacements for an element, we must invert I* in Eq. (3.4..12). This is not ~~ately possible because I* is not a-square matrix. Therefore, we must expand 4,/, and If to? the order that is consistent with the use of global coordinates even ihougilAy and hy are zero. Using Eq. (3.3.16) for each nodal displacement; we thus obtain rx ) [C S 0 01rx ) dty _ d2x - -S 0 0 li2y where J t ! ~ I d jy d2x dzy 4= Ttl or I COO 0 C S 0 -S C -T= [-~ 0 0 S C 0 0 Similarly, we can write (3.4.13) (3.4.14) 0 0 C -s !l (3.4.15) j=I[ (3.4.16) because forces are like dispJac:ements-both are vectors. Also, kmust be expanded to a 4 x 4 matrix. Therefore, Eq. (3.4.1) in expanded form becomes I ltx) ~Y f2x iiy h AE L [1 0 -1 °llliIX) ~ty _0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 db; A d2y (3.4.17) 80 ~ 3 Development of Truss Equations In Eq. (3.~.17), ~cause~y an9J2Y are zero, rows of zeros corresponding to the row numbersfiy andf2y appear in k. Now, using Eqs. (3.4.14) and (3.4.16) in Eq. (3.4.2), we obtain . (3.4.18) I[=krd Equation (3.4.18) is Eq. (3.4.l2) expanded. Premultiplying both sides of Eq. (3.4.18) by X-I, we have (3.4.19) where I-I is the inverse of I. However, it can be shown (see Problem 3.28) that X-I = rT (3.4.20) r where IT is the transpose of I. The property of square matrices such as given by Eg. (3.4.20) defines I to be an orthogonal matrix. For more about orthogonal matrices, see Appendix A. The transformation matrix between rectangular coordinate frames is orthogonal. This property of is used throughout this text. Substituting Eg. (3.4.20) into Eq. (3.4.19), we obtain r. [ = r r Tkr4 (3.4.21) Equating Eqs. (3.4A) and (3.4.21), we obtain the global stiffness matrix for an.element as (3.4.22) Substituting Eg. (3.4.15) for I and the expanded fonn of k given in Eq. (3.4.17) into Eq. (3.4.22), we obtain Ii: given in explicit fonn by If = ~ [C> ~: =~; =~~l Symmetry (3.4.23) S2 "'., Now, because the trial displacement function Eq. (3 ..1.1) was assumed piecewise" ' continuous e1ement by element, the stiffness matrix for each element can be summed by using the direct stiffness method to obtain . N I:k(e) =K (3.4.24) e=l where K is the total stiffness matrix and N is the total number of eJements. Similarly, each element global nodal force matrix can be summed such that (3.4.25) K now relates the global nodal forces f.. to the global nodal displacements 4. for the whole structure by E=Krl (3.4.26) 3.4 Global Stiffness Matrix .. 81 .Example 3.3 For the bar element shown in Figure 3-11, evaluate the global stiffness matrix with respect to the x-y coordinate system. Let the bar's cross-sectional area equal 2 in. 2, length equal 60 in., and modulus of elasticity equal 30 x 106 psi. The angle the bar makes with the x axis is 300. y Figure 3-11 evaluation ~~--~------ Bar element for stiffness matrix __~_x . To evaluate the global stiffness matrix ff for a bar, we use Eq. (3.4.23) with angle 8 defined to be positive when measured counterclockwise from x to x. Therefore, C = oos30° 8= 30° 3 = J3 2 J3 S -3 4 "4 "4" 1 k = (2)(30 x 106) - 60 4 -J3 -43 4 Symmetry = sin 30° = ~ -J3 -4-1 "4 lb J3 in. (3.4.27) 4 4 Simplifying Eq. (3.4.27), we.have 1£ = 106 0.75 0.433 -0.75 0.25 -0.433 0.75 [ Symmetry 0433] =0~25 lb 0.433 in. 0-25 (3.4.28) • 82 '" 3 Development of Truss Equations .6. 3.5 Computation of Stress for a Bar in the x-y Plane We will now consider the determination of the stress in a bar element. For a bar, the local forces are related to ,tile local displacements by Eq. (3.1.13) or Eq. (3.4.17). This equation is repeated here for convenience. {t}=~[-: -:J{t} (3.5.1) The usual definition of axial tensile stress is axial force divided by CToss·sectional area. Therefore, axial stress is U=J2x (3.5.2) A where J2x is used because it is the axial force that pulls on the bar as shown in Figure 3-12. By Eq. (3.5.1), . J2x=AE[_1 '- L Il{~lX} (3.5.3) d2x Therefore, combining Eqs. (3.5.2) and (3.5.3) yields Q'=I[-l 114 (3.5.4) 2'=I[-l 1]X·4 (3.5.5) Now, using Eq. (3.4.7), we obtain Equation (3.5.5) can be expressed in simpler form as q= Q'g (3.5.6) where, when we use Eq. (3.4.8), "I [-1 11 [ ~ ~ ~ ~] y 2 i21 'L ~~--------------------.x J~ Figure 3-12 Basic bar element with positive nodal forces (3.5.7) 35 Computation of Stress for a Bar in the x-y Plane ... 83 After multiplying the matrices in Eq. (3.5.7), we have .. Q' =f[-C -S C SJ (3.5.8) Example 3.4 For the bar shown in Figure 3-13, determine the axial stress. Let A =.4 X 10-4 m2, E = 210 GPa, and L = 2 m, and let the angle between x and x be 600. Assume the global displacements have been previously detennined to be d1x = 0.25 mm, dly ~ 0.0, d2x = 0.50 mm, ~d dzy = 0.75 mm. y 2 Figure 3-13 Bar element for stress evaluation We can use Eq. (3.5.6) to evaluate the axial stress. Therefore; we first calculate . {;' from Eq. (3.5.8) as 6 C' = 210 X 10 kN/m2 [-1 2m - where we have·used C cos600 given by d. = . -v'3 2 2 !2 0] (3.5.9) 2 =! and S = sin60° = v'3/2 in Eq. (3,5.9). Now'g i&.. I~II~:fo:::~: :I dzy = 0.75 X (3.5.10) 10-3 m Using Eqs. (3.5.9) and (3.5.10) in Eq.(3.5.6), we obtain the bar axial stress as 25 6 210 x 10 [-1 (Ix 2 2 -v'3 ! .2 v'3] 2· 0. 0.0 0.50 1 1 X 10-3 0.75 = 81.32 x 403 kN/m2 = 81.32 MPa • 3 Development of Truss Equations 84 J. .&'l 3.6 Solution of a Plane Truss We win now illustrate the use of equations developed in Sections 3.4 and 3.5, along with the direct stiffness method of assembling the total stiffness matrix. and equations, to solve the following plane truss example problems_ A plane truss is a structure composed of bar elements that all lie in a common plane and are co'!nected by Fictionless pins. The plane truss also must have loads acting only in tbe common plane and all loads must be applied at the nodes or joints. Example 3.5 For th~ plane truss composed of the three elements shown in Figure 3-14 subjected to a downward force of 10,000 lb applied at node I, determine the x and y displacements at node 1 and the stresses in each element. Let E 30 x 106 psi and A = 2 in. 2 for all elements. The lengths of the elements are shown in the figure. 3 2 ~-----IOfi----~ 10,000 Ib Figure 3-14 Plane truss First, we determine the global stiffness matrices for each element by using Eq. (3.4.23). This requires determination of the angle 0 between the global x axis and the local x axis for each element. In this example, the direction of the x axis for each element is taken in the direction from node 1 to the other node. The node numbering is arbitrary for each element. However, once the direction is chosen, the angle (J is then established as positive when measured counterclockwise from positive x to x. For element 1-, the local x axis is directed from node 1 to node 2; therefore, fll) 90°, For element 2,> the local x axis is directed from node 1 to node 3 and ()(2) 45°. For element 3, the local x axis is directed from node 1 to node 4 and 0(3) 0°. It is convenient to construct Table 3-1 to aid in determining each element stiffness matrix. There are a tota1 of eight nodal components of displacement, or degrees of freedom, for the truss' before boundary constraints are imposed. Thus the order of the 3.6 Solution of a Plane Truss Table 3-1 85 Data for the truss of Figure 3-14 CS Element {f' C 1 90" 45° 0 1 .Ji12 .,fi/2 2 3 A S 0 0 I 2 0 0° 0 0 total stiffness matrix must be 8 x 8. We could then expand the If matrix for each element to the order 8 x 8 by adding rows and columns of zeros as explained in ,the first part of Section 2.4. Alternatively, we could label the rows and columns of each element stiffness matrix according to the displacement components associated with it as explained in the latter part of Section 2.4. Using this latter approach, we construct the total stiffness matrix K simply by adding terms from the individual element stiffness matrices into their corresponding locations in K. This approach will be used here and throughout this text. For element 1, using Eq. (3.4.23), along with Table 3-1 for the direction cosines, we obtain db: d ly d2:t d2p 0 0 1f(1}= (30 x 106 )(2) 120 [~ 1 0 -1 -!] 0 0 (3.6.1) 1 . 0 Similarly, for element 2, we have dl y 0.5 0.5 0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 dl x k(2) = (30 x 106 )(2) - 120 x J2 [ 0.5 d3x dly -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 -0.5] (3.6.2) and for element 3, we have If(3) dlx dip 0 0 (30 x 10')(2) [ 120 -1 0 0 0 ~ c4x iky -1 0 I 0 ~] (3.6.3) The common factor of 30 x 106 x 2/120 (= 500,000) can be taken from each of Eqs. (3.6.1)-(3.6.3). After adding terms from the individual element stiffness'matrices into 86 .... 3 Development of Truss Equations their corresponding locations in K, we obtain the tota~ stiffness matrix as d3J1 d4x d3x d2x d2y 0 0 -0.354 -0.354 -1 0 0.354 0 -1 -0.354 -0.354 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 -1 0 0.354 -0.354 0 0.354 0 -0 0.354 0 0.354 -0.354 -0.354 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 d(x r L3~ K = (500,000) l_L~ d ly 0.354 1.354 0 14y 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (3.6.4) The global K matrix, Eq. (3.6.4), relates the global forces to the global displacements. We thus write the total structure stiffness equations, accounting for the applied force at node 1 and the boundary constraints at nodes 2-4 as follows: 0 -10,000 F1.x. F2y F3x F3y F4x F4y 1.354 0.354 1.354 0.354 0 0 -1 0 (500,000) -0.354 -0.354 "':0.354 -0.354 -1 0 0 0 0 -0.354 -0.354 -1 0 0 0 -1 -0.354 -0.354 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0.354 0.354 0 0 0 0.354 0 0 0 0.354 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I) 0 d!;e dty x d1.x.=O d2y =0 d3x =0 d3y=0 "tL.x = 0 tL.y = 0 (3.6.5) We could now use the partitioning scheme described in the first part of Section 2.5 to obtain the equations used to determine unknown displacements d1x and diy-that is, partition the first two equations from the third through the eighth in Eq. (3.6.5). Alternatively, we could eliminate rows and cohmms in the total stiffness matrix corresponding to zero displacements as previously described in the hitter part of Section 2.5. Here we win use the latter approach; that is, we eliminate rows and column 3-8 in Eq. (3.6.5) because those rows and columns correspond to zero displacements. .A. 3.6 Solution of a Plane Truss 87 (Remember, this direct approach must be modified for nonhomogeneous boundary conditions as was indicated in Section 2.5.) We then obtain = (500\000) [1.354 0 } { -10,000 0.354] { db: } 0.354 1.354 d ly (3.6.6) Equation (3.6.6) can now be solved for the displacements by multiplying both sides of the matrix equation by the inverse of the 2 x 2 stiffness matrix or by solving the two equations simultaneously. Using either procedure for solution yields the displacements - .... ' dl x = 0.414 X 10-2 in. dly = -1.59 X 10- 2 in. The minus sign in the d ly result indicates that the displacement component in the y direction at node 1 is in the direction opposite that of the positive y direction based on the assumed global coordinates, that is, a downward displacement occurs at node L Using Eq. (3.5.6) and Table 3-1, we determine the stres~ in each element as follows: dl:t (I) = 30 X 6 10 [0 -1 120 (J . 30 X 10 [~J2 120J2 2 2 \ 2 o 1] d lr = - 1.59 X 10( 6 = 0.414 x 10- = 3965 psi d2.x 0 d2y =0 -J2 J2 J2] 2 2 2 2 db = 0.414 x 10- \ 2 "dty = -1.59 x ( d3x = 0 10- d3r =0 = 1471 psi (3) u = 30 6 X 10 [-1 120 o 2 0.414 x 10- \ 2 -1.59 X 10( c4x =0 db 1 0] dl y d.4y =0 = -1035 psi . We now verify our results by examining force equilibrium at node 1; that is, summing forces in the global x and y directions, we obtain (1471 psi)(2 in 2 ) ~ (1035 psi)(2 in 2 ) (3965 psi)(2 in2) + (1471 psi)(2 in2) =0 V; - 10,000 0 • 88 A 3 Development of Truss Equations Example 3.6 For the two-bar truss shown in Figure 3-15, determine the displacement in the y direction'ofnode 1 and the axial force in each element. A force of P = 1000 kN is ap-- plied at node I in the positive y direction while node 1 settles an amount 0 = 50 mm in the negative x direction. Let E = 210 GPa and A = 6.00 X 10-4 m2 for each element. The lengths of the elements are shown in the figure. 2 T 1, 3m -t-_ _ _,.; ;.2_--:;.Y _ _ _~_---.._ P = 1000 kN t I- 4m-----.Ioi Figure 3-15 Two-bar truss We begin by using Eq. (3.4.23) to determine each element stiffness matrix. Element 1 cos Om k (l) = 53 ' f)(I) = ~ sm 5 0.60 = (6.0 x 10-4 m2 )(210 x 106kN/ml) - 5m 0 80 - [0.36~:: =~:~ =~::] \ \ 0.36 SyrnmetIy 0.48 (3.6.7) 0.64 Simplifying Eq, (3.6.7), we obtain d 1x d 1y d2x - '[0.36 0.48 -0.36 -0.48] 0.48 0.64 -OA8 -0.64 0.36 Symmetry 0.64 g(l) = (25,200) Element 2 cos O(2) d2y = 0.0 sinfP) = 1.0 (3.6.8) I 3.6 Solution of a Plane Truss A. 89 I I k(l) ;::: - (6.0 x ~ ~0 -~l0 10- 4)(210 x 106) [0 4 (3.6.9) ~, Symmetry 1 d 1x d 1y d3x !{1.) d3y I 0 1.25 0 00 -1.25 0 = (25,200) [ 0 Symmetry (3.6.10) ~.25 where} for computational simplicity, Eq. (3.6.10) is written with the same factor (25,200) in front of the matrix as Eq. (3.6.8). Superimposing the element stiffness matrices, Eqs. (3.6.8) and (3.6.10), we obtain the global K matrix and relate the global forces to global displacements by FIx Fty F2x Flp 0.36 0.48 -0.36 -0.48 1.89 -0.48 .... O~M, 0.36 0.48 = (25,200) 0.64- F3x Synunetry F3y 0 d]:]; 0 0 -1.25 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.25 dl y d2:x d2y d3x d3y (3.6.11 ) We can again partition equations with known displacements and then -simultaneously solve those associated with unknown displacements. To do this partitioning, we consider the boundary conditions given by db = {) d2x = 0 d2y = 0 d3x = 0 d3y 0 (3.6.12) Therefore, using Eqs. (3.6.12), we partition equation 2 from equations 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6 ofEq. (3.6.11) and are left with P = 25,200(0.48{) + 1.89d1y ) (3.6.13) where Fly = P and d lx {) were subsqtuted into Eq. (3.6.13). Expressing Eq. (3.6.13) in terms of P and d allows these two influences on d ly to be clearly separated. Solving Eq. (3.6.13) for dl~, we have dry = 0.00OO21P - 0.2540 Now, substituting the numerical values P = 1000 kN and 0 (3.6.14), we obtain . ~I! ,."\ , < dl y = 0.0337 m (3.6.14) -0.05 minto Eq. (3.6.15) where the positive value'indicates horizontal displacement to the left. The loCal element forces are obtained by using Eq. (3.4.11). We then have the following. . 90 A 3 Development of Truss Equations Element 1 0.80 . 0 0.60 o 0] 0.80 {~:; == ~~3~7} 0 J Ulx (3.6.16) d2y=0 Perfonning the matrix triple product in Eq. (3.6.16) yields fix -76.6 kN jlx (3.6.17) = 76.6 kN Element 2 {Jj = m~ ~ ~l ~::: ~.0337 dlx (31,500)[ _: -: { . = -0.05 } (3.6.18) d3y =0 perfo.nning the matrix triple product in Eq. (3.6.18) we obtain fix = 1061. kN Ax = -1061 kN , (3.6.19) Verification of the computations by checking that equilibrium is satisfied at node 1 is left to your discretion. .• Example 3.7 To illustrate how we can combine spring and bar elements in one structure, we now solve the two-bar truss supported by a spring shown in Figure 3-16. Both bars have E 210 GPa and A = 5.0 x 1O-4 m2 • Bar one.has a length of 5 m and bar two a length of 10 m. The spring stiffness is k = 2000 kN/m. 25kN 10m ® k=2000kJ':I/m 4 Figure 3-16 Two-bar truss with spring support We begin by using Eq. (3.4.23) to detennine each element stiffness matrix. 3.6 Solution of a Plane Truss A 91 Element 1 0(1) = 1350, COSe = Vij2 0.5 -0.5 -0.5 'k(l) - 0.5] = (5.0 x 1O-4 m2)(21O x 106 kN/m2) -O.S 0.5 0.5 -0.5 5m 0.5 05 '. 0.5 -0.5 [ . 0.5 -0.5 -0.5 0.5 (3.6.20) Simplifying Eq. (3.6.20). we obtain k(l) - = 105 x lOs [-~. -~ -I 1 -1 -~] -1 1 (3.6.21) -1 1 -1 Element 2 e<2) = 180°, k(') = (5 " lO-4 m')(2JO x Jo-kN/m') [ - sinf12) cos 0(2) = -1.0, 10m ~ -1 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 ~] (3.6.22) Simplifying Eq. (3.6.22), we obtain 1£(2) = !O5 x IOS[ 0 -I 0 0 0 0 0 _! i] (3.6.23) EI~ment3 rj3) = 270 0 ) cos f;(3) = 0, sin 0(':') = 1.0 Using Eq. (3.4.23) but"replacing AEIL with the spring constant k, we obtain the stiffness matrix of the spring as 1£(')=.Wx l~[~ j ~ -~] (3.6.24) Applying the boundary conditions, we have d2,x = .i 1 .i d2y d3,x = d3y = t4c = d4y = 0 (3.6.25) 92 .... 3 Development of Truss Equations Using the boundary conditions in Eq. (3.6.25), the reduced assembled global equations are given by: 0 } _ lOS [ 210 { FIx == -25kN -105 {db} -105] 125 dly Fly (3.6.26) Solving Eq. (3.6.26) for the global displacements, we obtain db = -1.724 x 10- 3 m dl y = -3.448 X 10-3 m (3.6.27) We can obtain the stresses in the bar elements by using Eq. (3.5.6) as qll) = 210 x l~mMN/m2 [0.707 -0.707 -0707 0.707 1{ =~::~~ :~=:} Simplifying, we obtain 0-(1} = 51.2 MPa d"') Similarly, we obtain the stress in element two as ql2) = 210 x 11~~/m2 [1.0 0 -1.0 . Ol{=~:~:~~ :~~} Simplifying, we obtain 0-(2) " = - 36.2 MPa (C) • 3.7 Transformation Matrix and Stiffness Matrix for a Bar in Three~Dimensional Space WewiU now derive the transfonnation matrix necessary to obtain the general stiffness matrix of a bar element arbitrarily oriented in three-dimensional space as shown in Figure 3-11.. Let the coordinates of node 1 be, taken as XI, Yt, and Zl; and let tho~ of node 2 be taken as Xl, Y2, and Z2. Also, let OX, 0Y' and IJz be the angles measured from the global x,y, and z axes,. respectively, to the local i: axis. Here i is directed along the element from node 1 to node 2. We must now determine 'I'll ,such that d. = 'I. d.. We begin the derivation of T.''' by considering the vector d = d expressed in three dimensions as (3.7.1) where l j, and k are unit vectors associated with the local i, y, and i axes, respectiveJy> and i, j, and k are unit v~tors associated with the global x,y, and z axes. Taking the 3.7 Transformation Matrix and Stiffness Matrix A 93 y d Figure 3-17 Bar in three-dimensicnal space dot product ofEq. (3.7.1) with i, we have J.y: + 0 + 0 = dx(i " i) + dy(i . j) + d:(i • k) (3.7.2) and, by definition of the dot product, ~ X2 -Xl " I"I=-L-= : • Y2 - Yl ."J=-L- i .k Z2 L = [(Xl _XI)2 + (Y2 - where L and Cx = cosfJx Zl C x (3.7.3) Cy = C~ ~ yJ2 + (Z2 - ZI)2JI/2. Cz = cosfJ: Cy = cosBy (3.7.4) Here eX) Cy , and Cz are the projections off on i,j, and k, respective'ly. Therefore, using Eqs. (3.7.3) in Eq. (3.7.2), we have (3.75) For a vector in space directed along the.x axis, Eq. (3.7.5) gives the components of that vector in the global x,y, and z directions. Now. using Eq. (3.7.5), we can write d. = T* d in explicit form as dl.'C " : ,,". ;i 'I \ I I I U~} = [~x dl y Cy C: 0 0 0 Cx: 0 Cy ~J d1: d2r d2y d2z (3.i6) 94 .. 3 Development of Truss Equations where [ Cx Cy o 0 C.z: 0 0 ex 0 Cy 0] Cz (3.7.7) is the transformation matrix, which enables the local displacement matrix d to be expressed in tenns of displacement components in the global coordinate system. We showed in Section 3.4 that the global stiffness matrix (the stiffness matrix for a bar element referred to global axes) is given in general by If ='I T 1s.T. This equation will now be used to express the general fonn of the stiffness matrix of a bar arbitrarily oriented in space. In general, we must expand the transformation matrix in a manner analogous to that done in expanding I* to I in Section 3.4. However, the same result will be obtained here by simply using I*, defined by Eq. (3.7.7), in place of T.. Then If is obtained by llSing the equation !f = (I*) T1s.I* as fonows: 0 Cy 0 0 C Cy Cz 0 0 0 Is. = Simplifyi~g Eq. ex x ~E [_! -!] [~x. 0 Cy Cz 0 0 0 Cx Cy ~J (3.7.8) Cz (3.7.8), we obtain the explicit form of Is. as C2x CxCy C2y /f= AE Symmetry -C; -CxCy -CxCz CxCz -CyC: CyC: -CxCy Cz2 -CxCz -CyC: -C; Cx2 CxC,' CxC.z: C~2 CyC: -c.; (3.7.9) You should verify Eq. (3.7.9). First, expand I* to a 6 x 6 square matrix in a manner similar to that done in Section 3.4 for the two-dimensional ca~. Then' expand 1s. to a 6 x 6 matrix by adding appropriate rows and columns of zeros (for the dz terms) to Eq. (3.4.17). Finally> perform the matrix triple product If = ITkI (see Problem 3.44). Equation (3.7.9) is the basic form of the stiffness matrix for a bar element arbitrarily oriented in three-dimensional space. We will now analyze a simple space truss to illustrate the concepts developed in this section. We will show that the direct stiffness method provides a simple procedure fOI solving space truss problems. ExampJe3.8 Analyze the space truss shown in Figure 3-18. The truss is composed of four nodes, whose coordinates (in inches) are shown in the figure, and three elements, whose crosssectional areas are given in the figure. The modulus ~f elasticity E = 1:2 x 106 psi for all elements. A load of 1000 Ib is applied at node 1 in the negative z direction. Nodes 2-4 are supported by ball-and-socket joints and thus constrained from movement in 3.7 Transformation Matrix and Stiffness Matrix .. 95 A(I) = 0.302 inl Ael} == 0.729 in1 = 0.181 in 2 Af3) I Roller preventing y displacement (12,0 •. 0) (0, o. 1000 Ib -4$) Figure 3-18 Space truss the x,y, and z directions. Node I is constrained from movement in the y direction by the roller shown in Figure 3-18. Using Eq. (3.7.9)~ we will now determine the stiffness matrices of the three elements in Figure 3-18. To simplify the numerical calculations, we first express Is for each element, given by Eq. (3.7.9). in the form LJ.l.:-)J k = AE L [-J: (3.7.10) JJ where J is a 3 x 3 sub~atrix defined by C2 J = CyCX [ CxCy CxCz C; C:;,Cx CzCy CyC~ 1 (3.7.11) C; Therefore, determining J will sufficiently descrIbe Is. E.ement 3 The direction cosines of element 3 are given, in general, by Y4-Yl CY=VJ') Z4 -z, Cz =VJ') (3.7.12) 96 .... 3 Development of Truss Equations where the notation Xi) Yi. and Zi is used to denote the coordinates of each node, and L(e) denotes the element length. From the coordinate information given in Figure 3-18, we obtain the length and the direction cosines as -72.0 ex ;::: - =.-0.833 86.5 Cy=O -4&-0 Cz = 86.5 = -0.550 (3.7.13) Using the results of Eqs. (3.7.13) in Eq. (3.7.l1) yields J= [ ° ° °° ° 0.69 0.46] 0.46 0.30 (3.7.14) and, from Eq. (3.7-10), (3.7.15) Element 1 Similarly, for element 1, we obtain L(I) C.;c = -0.89 = 80.5 in. Cy = 0.45 Cz = 0 and (3:7.16) Element 2 Finally, for el~ent 2, we obtain L(2) Cx = -0.667 [ = 108 in. Cy = 0.33 0.45 -0.22 -0.22 0.11 -0.45 0.22 Cz; = 0.667 -0.45] 0.22 0.45 3.7 Transformation Matrix and Stiffness Matrix dlxdtydlz and k(2) -' = (0.729)(1.2 108 Jt. 97 d3x d3y d3: x 10 6 ) [ ___ 4___:___ -=4 __] -J: (3.7.17) J = Using the zero-displacement boundary conditions d1y = 0, d2x = d2y d2z = 0, d3x = d3y = d3z = 0, and ~x = 14, = d4z = 0, we can cancel the corresponding rows and columns of each element stiffness matrix. After canceling appropriate rows and columns in Eqs. (3.7.I5)-(3~7.17) and then superimposing the resulting element stiffness matrices, we have the total stiffness matrix for the truss as dl:;c d1z K = [ 9000 -2450] - -2450 (3.7.18) 4450 The global stiffness equations are then expressed by 0 } { -1000 = [9000 -2450] { db } -2450 4450 d1z (3.7.19) Solving Eq. (3.7.19) for the displacements, we obtain d1x = -0.072 in. d1z (3.7.20) = -0.264 in. where the minus signs in the displacements indicate these displacements to be in the negative x and z directions. We will now determine the stress in each element The stresses are determined by using Eq. (3.5.6) expanded to three dimensions. Thus, for an element with nodes j and j, Eq. (3.5.6) expanded to three dimensions becomes (3.7.21) Derive Eq. (3.7.21) in a manner' similar to that used to derive Eq. (35.6) 'see Problem 3.45, for instance}. For element 3, using Eqs. (3.7.13) for the direction cosines, along with the proper length and modulus of elasticity, we obtain the stress as -0.072 ~(3) = 1.28~~~06 IO.83 0 0.55 -0.83 0 -0.55} o -~.264 o o (3.7.22) 98 A 3 Development of Truss Equations Simplifying Eq. (3.7.22), we find that the result is a{3) = -2850 psi where the negative sign in the answer indicates a compressive stress. The stresses in the other elements can be determined in a manner similar to that used for element 3. For brevity's sake, we will not show the calculations but will merely list these stresses: a(t) = -945 psi a(2) = 1440 psi • Example 3.9 Analyze the space truss shown in Figure 3-19. The truss is composed of four nodes} whose coordinates (in meters) are shown in the figure, and three elements, whose cross-sectional areas are all 10 x 10-4 m2, The modulus of elasticity E = 210 GPa for all the elements. A load of 20 kN is applied at node 1 in the global x-direction. Nodes 2-4 are pin supported and thus constrained from movement in the x, y, and z directions. . y (0,0,0) x (14,6,0) 4 skew, axial, and cyclic. Here we introduce the most common type symmetry. reflective symmetry. Axial symmetry occu.:is when a solid of revolution is generated by rotating a plane shape about an axis in the plane. These axisymmetric bodies are common, and hence their analysis is considered in Chapter 9. In many instances, we can use reflective symmetry to facilitate the solution of a problem. Reftectil'e symmetry .medns correspondence in size,. shape. and position of loads; material pr~perties; and boundary conditions that are on opposite sides of a .dividing line or plane. The use of symmetry allows us to consider a reduced problem instead of the actual problem. Thus, the order of the total stiffness matrix and total set of stiffness equations can be reduced. Longhand solution time i~ then reduced, and computer solution time for large-scale problems is substantially decreased. Example 3.10 will be used to ilJustrate reflective symmetry. Additional examples of 3.8 Use of Symmetry in Structure ~ 101 of the use of symmetry are presented in Chapter 4 for beams and in Chapter 7 for plane problems. Example 3.10 Solve the plane truss problem shown in Figure 3-20. The truss is composed of eight elements and five nodes as shoWD. A vertical load of 2P is applied at node 4. Nodes 1 and 5 are pin supports. Bar elements 1,2, 7, and 8 have axial stiffnesses of ViAE, and bars 3-6 have axial stiffness of AE. Here again, A and E represent the crosssectional area and modulus of elasticity of a bar. In this problem, we will use a plane of symmetry. The vertical plane perpendicular to the plane truss passing through nodes 2, 4, and 3 is the plane of reflective symmetry because identical geometry, material, loading, and boundary conditions occur at the corresponding locations on.opposite sides of this plane. For loads such as 2P, occurring in the plane of symmetry, half of the total load must be applied to the reduced structure. For elements occurring in the plane of symmetry, half of the cross-sectional ar~a must be used in,the reduced structure. Furthermore, for nodes in the plane of symmetry, the displacement components normal to the plane of symmetry must be set to zero in the reduced structure; that is, we set d2x, = 0, d3x = 0, and ri4x = O. Figure 3-21 shows the reduced structure to be used to analyze the plane truss of Figure 3-20. . T ~L-,--~.I--L--! 2 L t1 L 2P CD 0 r---~--~--~---45 4 o 3 Figure 3-20 Plane truss Figure 3-21 Truss of Figure 3-20 reduced by symmetry We begin the solution of the problem by determining the angles 8 for each bar element. For instance~ for element 1, assuming ~ to be directed from node 1 to node 2, we obtain fi.1) = 45°. Table 3-2 is used in determining each element stiffness matrix. There ~ a total of eight nodal components of displacement for the truss before boundalj1'constralnts are imposed. Therefore, K must be of order 8 x 8. For element I, 102 .6 3. Development of Truss Equations Table 3-2 Data for the truss of Figure 3-21 Element (f 1 2 45° 315 0" 3 4 5 C S C1 S2 CS v'i/2 .Ji12 -v'i/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 -1/2 I 0 .ji/2 0 1 0 90" 90° 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 using Eq. (3.4.23) along with Table 3-2 for the direction cosines, we obtain db If(l) = dry d2x d2y v::: [J-t -I =f ==-:2:] -2 (3.8.1) 2 Similarly, for elements 2-5, we obtain d1x kl2l = vUE - [-1 I d 1y d3x. I -2 I :2 -2 ! t -2 :2 d3y 2 1 =1] (3.8.2) (3.8.3) (3.8.4) (3.8.5) 3.9 Inclined, or Skewed, Supports ~ 103 where, in Eqs. (3.8.1 )-(3.8.5), the column labels indicate the degrees of freedom associated with each element. Also, because elements 4 and Slie in the plane of symmetry, half of their original areas have been used in Eqs. (3.8.4) and (3.8.S). We will limit the solution to determining the displacement components. Therefore, considering the boundary constraints that result in zero-displacement comp<>-7 nents, we can immediately obtain the reduced set of equations by eliminating rows and columns in each element stiffness matrix corresponding to a zero-displacement component. That is, b~cause d, x = 0 and d1y = 0 (owing to the pin support at node 1 in Figure 3-21) and d2x =- O,d3x = 0, ana t4x = 0 (owing to the symmetry condition), we can cancel rows and columns corresponding to these displacement components in each element stiffness matrix before assembling the total stiffness matrix. The resulting set of stiffness equations is ALE [~ t =1] {~:;},= {~} -2 -2 1 d~ (3.8.6) -p On solving Eq. (3.8.6) for the displacements, we obtain -PL d2y = AE -PL d3y =- AE' t4y = -2PL AE (3.8.7) • The ideas presented regarding the use of symmetry should be used sparingly and cautiously in problems of vibration and buckling. For instance, a structure such as a simply supported beam has symmetry about its center but has antisymmetric vibration modes as well as symmetric vibration modes. This will be shown in Chapter 16. If only half the beam were modeled using reflective symmetry conditions, the support conditions would permit only the symmetric vibration modes. I 3.9 Inclined, or Skewed, Supports In the preceding sections) the supports were oriented such that the resulting boundary conditions 'on the displacements were in the global directions. y Figure 3""'22 Plane truss with incfined boundary conditions at node 3 ~---- ____--______--__-.x 104 ~ 3 Development of Truss Equations However; if a support is inclined, or skewed, at an angle r:J. from the global x axis, as shown at node 3 in the plane truss of Figure 3-22, the resulting boundary conditions on the displacements are not in the global x-y directions but are in the local x'-y1 directions. We will now describe two methods used to handle inclined supports. In the first method, to account for inclined boundary conditions, we must perform a transformation of the global displacements at node 3 only into the local nodal coordinate system xl_y', while keeping all other displacements in the x-y global system. We can then enforce the zero-displacement boundary condition d~y in the force/displacement equations and, finally, solve the equations in the usual manner. The transformation used is analogous to that for transforming a vector from local to global coordinates. For the plane truss, we use Eq. (3.3.16) applied to node 3 as follows: d~x} { d3y = ( c~s r:J. sin r:J. ] -sm ex cos ex { d3x } d3y (3.9.1) Rewriting Eq. (3.9.l), we have (3.9.2) where (3.9.3) We now write the transformation for the entire nodal displacement vector as {d~} or = [Td{d} (3.9.4) {d} = [T1IT{d'} (3.9.5) where the transformation matrix for the entire truss is the 6 x 6 matrix [Td = [I] [01 [0] ] [OJ [I] [OJ [ [0] [OJ [t3J (3.9.6) Each submatrix in Eq. (3.9.6) (the identit.r ".matrix [I), th~ null matrix [01, and matrix [t3} bas the same 2 x 2 order} that order 1D general bemg equal to the number of degrees of freedom at each node. . To obtain tbe desired displacement vector with global displacement componenftS at nodes 1 and 2 and local displacement components at node 3, we use Eq. (3.9.5) to obtain d{x db dl y d2x, d2y d3x d3y = [[n[OJ [OJ [OJ ] [1] [0] [0] [0] [t3J T d{)' d'2x d2y d3x d~y (3.9.7) 3.9 Inclined, or Skewed, Supports ... 105 In Eq. (3.9.7), we observe that only the node 3 global components are transformed, as indicated by the placement s>f the [t3f matrix. We denote the square matrix in Eq. (3.9.7) by [Td T. In general, we place a 2 x 2 [tj matrix in [Til wherever the transformation from global to local displacements is needed (where skewed supports exist). Upon cOnsidering Eqs. (3.9.5) and (3.9.6), we observe that only node 3 components of {d} are really transformed to local (skewed) axes components. This transformation is indeed necessary whenever the. local axes x'-y' fixity directions are known. Furthennore, the global force vector can also be transformed by using the same transfonnation as for {dT {I'} = [Td{/} (3.9.8) In global coordinates, we then have {I} = [K}{d} (3.9.9) Premultiplying Eq. (3.9.9) by [Til, we have [TJ]{J} = [T1][K]{d} (3.9.10) For the truss in Fi~ 3::-22, the left side ofEq. (3.9.l0) is [01 0 [0)1] [1] 1 [0] [0] [t~l [11][0] iix fix ii, hx IIY Ilx hy If" I{y 12y i3x f3y (3.9.11) where the fact that local forces transform similarly to Eq. (3.9.2) as {J{} = [13]{h} (3.9.12) has been used in Eq. (3.9.11). From Eq. (3.9.11), we see that only the node 3 compo-nents of {f} have been transformed to the local axes components, as desired. Using Eq. (3.9.5) in Eq. (3.9.10), we have [T1]{/} [Td[K][TdT{d'} (3.9.13) Using Eq. (3.9.11), we find that the form of Eq. (3.9.13) becomes Fix Fly Fa d1x ~y dty d2x = ITt}rK1[TJ]T d2y Fj;r: Fjy d3x d3y (3.9..14) as dlx = d:x , dty diy, d'b; = ti1, and d2y = tIl, from Eq. (3.9.7). Equation (3.9.14) is the desired fonn that allows all known global and inclined boundary conditions to 106 .A. 3 Development of Truss Equations be enforced. The global forces now result in the left side ofEq. (3.9.14). To solve Eq. (3.9.14), first perform the matrix triple product [TJ](KJ[Tr] T. Then invoke the follow· ing boundary conditions (for the truss in Figure 3-22): (3.9.15) db = 0 Then substitute the kn~wn value of the applied force F"b: along with F2y = 0 and F;x = 0 into Eq. (3.9.14). Finally, partition the equations with known displacements- here equations I, 2, and 6 ofEq. (3.9.14)-and then ,simultaneously solve those asso' ciated with the unknown displacements db, d2y , and d~.x:' After solving for the displacements, return to Eq. (3.9.14) to obtain the global reactions FIx and Fly and the inclined roller reaction F£,. Example 3.11 For the plane truss shown in Figure 3-23, det~rmine the displacements and reactions. Let E = 210 GPa, A = 6.00 X 10-4 m2 for elements 1 and 2, and A = 6J2 X 10-4 m2 for element 3. . We'begin by using Eq. (3.4.23) to determine each element stiffness matrix: CD 1m y Q) Ol--.......iL----_X Figure 3-23 Plane truss with inclined support . Element 1 sinO = 1 k(l) - = (6.0 x 10-4 mZ)(210 x 109 N/m2) 1m (3.9.16) 3.9 Inclined. or Skewed, Supports .&. 107 Element 2 cos 8 = 1 sin8= 0 (3.9.17) Element 3 .Ji cos()=2 . () = sm .Ji d3y -0.5] -0.5 0.5 0.5 (3.9.18) Using the direct stiffness method on Eqs. (3.9.19)-(3.9.18), we obtain the g!o'bal K matrix as K 0.5 0.5 0 0 -0.5 -0.5 1.5 0 -1 -0.5 -0.5 1 0 -1 0 1260 x lOs N/m 1 0 0 1.5 0.5 Symmetry 0.5 (3.9.19) Next we obtain the transformatiori matrix II using Eq. (3.9.6) to transform the global displacements at node 3 into local nodal coordinates x'-y'. In using Eq. (3.9.6), the angle Ct is 45° . .1 0 0 0 [Tr]= j 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0./2 0./2 -0./2 ..fi/2 (3.9.20) 108 A 3 Development of Truss Equations Next we use Eq. (3.9.14) (in general, we would use Eq. (3.9.13)) to express the assembled equations. First define IS: = ltf~.lr and evaluate in steps as follows: LK = 1260 x 105 0 0 0.5 0.5 -1 0 1.5 0.5 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 -1 0 -0.707 -0.707 -0.707 0.707 0 0 0 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 0 -1 0 0 0.707 1.414 -0.707 0 (3.9.21) and TIKlt = 1260 x 10 5 Nj.m dl x dl y d2x 0.5 0.5 0 0.5 1.5 0 0 0 -1 0 -0.707 0 -0.707 0 1 0 -0.707 0.707 d2y 0 -1 0 1 0 .0 djx d:,y , -0.707 0 0 -0.707 0.707 -0.707 0 0 1.500 -0.500 0.500 -O.Soo (3.9.22) Applying the boundary conditions, dl.'( = dl y = d2y = d)y = 0, to Eq. (3.9.22), we obtain { F2x = 1000 kN } F 3x = 0 1 = (126 x 1(f kN/m) [ -0.707 -0.707] {d2x } 1.50 d3x (3.9.23) SolVing Eq. (3.9.23) for the displacements yields d2x = 11.91 X 10-3 m (3.9.24) d~x = 5.613 X 10-3 m Postmultiplying the known displacement vector times Eq. (3.9.22) (see Eq. (3.9.14), we obtain the reactions as FIx = -500kN Fly = -5OOkN (3.9.25) F2y =0 F;y = 707 kN The free-body diagram of the truss with the reactions is shown in Figure 3-24. You can easily verify that the truss is in equilibrium. • In the second method used to handle skewed boundary conditions, we use a boundary element of large stiffness to constrain the desired displacement. This is the method used in some computer programs [9]. 3.10 Potential Energy Approach to Derive Bar Element Equations 1000 leN - A 109 2 ......r------""""'707 kN I _ 500 leN SOOIeN Figure 3-24 Free-body diagram of the truss of Figure 3-23 Boundary elements are used to specify nonzero displacements and rotations ,to nodes. They are also used to evaluate reactions at rigid and flexible supports. Boundary elements are two-node elements. The line defined by the two nodes specifies the direction along which the force reaction is evaluated or the displacement is specified. In the case of moment reaction, the line specifies the axis abou't which the moment is evaluated and the rotation is specified. We consider boundary elements that are used to obtain reaction forces (rigid boundary 'elements) or specify translational displacements (displacement boUndary elements) as truss elements with, only one nonzero translational stiffness. Boundary elements used to either evaluate reaction moments or specify rotations behave like beam elements with only one nonzero stiffness corresponding to the rotational stiffness about the specified axis. The elastic boundary elements are used to model flexible supports and to calculate reactions at skewed or inclined boundaries. Consult Reference [9] for more details about using boundary elements. A 3.10 Potential Energy Approach to Derive Bar Element Equations We now present the principle of minimum potential energy to derive the bar element equations. Recall from Section 2.6 that the total potential energy 1l.p was defined as the sum of the internal strain energy U and the potential energy of the external forces 0: 1l.p= u+n (3.10.1) To evaluate the strain energy for a bar, we consider only the work done by the internal forces during deformation. Because we are dealing with a one-dimensional bar, the internal force·doing work is given in Figure 3-25 as CTx(Ay)(Az), due only to normal stress CTx. The displacement of the x face of the element is dX(£x); the displacement of the x + Ax face is Ax(ex + dex ). The change in displacement is then -, 110 4. 3 Development of Truss Equations Figure 3-25 Internal force in a one-dimensional bar dx dex ) where dex is the differential change in strain occurring over length Ax. The differential internal work (or strain energy) dU is the internal force multiplied by the dis- . placement through which the force moves, given by dU = ux (dy)(.6.z)(.6.x)dex (3.10.2) Rearranging and letting the volume of the element approach zero, we obtain, from Eq. (3.l0.2), (3.1O.3) For the whole bar, we then have (3.10.4) Now, for a linear-elastic (Hooke's law) material as shown in Figme 3-26, we see that = Eex • Hence substituting this relationship into Eq. (3.1O.4), integrating with respect to ex, and then·resubstituting U x for Es;x, we have Ux U ~JJI uxexdV (3.10.5) v as the expression for the strain energy for one-dimensional stress. The potential energy of the external forces, being opposite In sign from the external work expression because the potentiai energy of external forces is lost when the E Figure 3-26 material linear-elastic (Hooke's law) 3.10 Potential Energy Approach to Derive Bar Element Equations A 111 work is done by the external forces, is given by (3.10.6) where the first, secon~ and third tenns on the right side ofEq. (3.10.6) represent the p0.tential energy of (I) body forces Xb, typically from the self-weight of the bar (in units of force per unit volume) moving through displacement function ii, (2) surface loading or traction Tx, typically from distributed loading acting along' the surface of the element (in units of force per unit surface area) moving through displacements Us, where Us are the displacements occurring over surface S11 and (3) nodal concentrated forces fix moving through nodal displacements du . The forces Xb, Tx. and fix are considered to act in the local x direction of the bar as shown in Figure 3-27. In Eqs. (3.10.5) and (3.1 0.6), V is the volume of the body and S, is the part of the suri'iice S on which surface loading acts. For a bar element with two nodes and one degree of freedom per node, M = 2. We are now ready to describe t.be finite element formulation of the bar element equations by using the principle of minimum potential energy. The finite element process seeks a minimum in the potential energy within the._ constraint of an assumed displacement pattern within each element. The greater the number of degrees of freedom associated with the element (usually meaning increasing the number of nodes), the more closely will the solution approximate the true one and ensure complete equilibrium (provided the true displacement can, in the limit, be approximated). An approximate finite element solution found by using the stiffness method will always provide an approximate value of potential energy greater than or equal to the correct one. This method also results in a structure behavior that is predicted to be physically stiffer than, or at best to have the same stiffness as, the actual one. This is explained by the fact that the structure model is allowed to displace only into shapes defined by the tcons of the assumed displacement field within each element of the structure. The correct shape is usually only approximated by the assumed field, although the correct shape can he the same as the assumed field. The assumed field effectively constrains the structure from deforming in its natural manner. This constraint effect stiffens the predicted behavior of the structure. , Apply the" following steps when using the principle of minimum potential energy to derive the finite element equations.. 1. Formulate an expression for the total potential energy. 2. Assume the displacement pattern to vary with a finite set of undetermined parameters (here these are the nodal displacements dix ), which are substituted into the expression for total potential energy. 3. Obtain a set of simultaneQus equations minimizing the total potential energy with respect to these nodal parameters. These resulting equations represent the element equations. . The resulting equations are the.approximate (or possibly exact} equilibrium equations whose solution for the nodal parameters seeks to minimize the potential energy when back-substituted into the potential energy expression. The preceding 112 A 3' Development of Truss Equations Figure 3-27 General forces acting on a one-dimensional bar i three steps will now be followed to derive the bar elemept equations and stiffness matrix. Consider the bar element of length L, with constant crossasectional area A, shown in Figure 3-27. Using Eqs. (3.10.5) and (3.10.6), we find that the total potential energy, Eq. (3.10.1), becomes II ustdS - JII uXbdV (3.10.7) Y SI because A is a constant and variables (Ix and ex at most vary with i. From Eqs. (3.1.3) and (3.1.4), we have the axial displacement function expressed in terms of the shape functions and nodal displacements by 12 = [N]{d} where fN] = Us [l-~ = [Ns]{d} (3.10.8) f] (3.10.9) fNs] is the shape function matrix evaluated over the surface that the distributed surface traction acts and {d) ={ z: } Then, using the strain/displacement relationship ex strain as {ex }= or [-II L1].{d} (3.iO.lO) dil/ dx, we can write the axial (3.10.11) (3.10.12) 3.10 Potential Energy Approach to Derive Bar Element Equations £. 113 where we define [B} = [-± ±] (3.10.13) The axial stress/strain relationship is given by {q.T} where [D]{ex} (3.10.14) [D}=[EJ (3.10.15) for the one-dimensional stress/strain relationship and E is the modulus of elasticity. Now, by Eq. (3.10.12), we can express Eq. (3.10.14) as (3.10.16) Using Eq. (3.10,7) expressed in matrix notation form, we have the total potential energy given by p= 1t 4J: {qx} T{ex} dx-{d} T{P}- JJ{u s} T{Ty} dS- JJj{u} r'{Xb} dV (3.10.17) v SI where {P} now represents the concentrated nodal loads and where in general both !lx and !x are colwnn matrices. For proper matrix multiplication, we must place the transpose on {q,l.}. Similarly, {ill and {Tx} in general are column matrices,' so for proper matrix multiplication, {u} is transposed in Eq. (3.10.17). Using Eqs. (3.10.8). (3.10.12), and (3.10.16) in Eq. (3.10.17), we obtain 1tp =~ J: {d} T[BJTfDf[B}{d} dx - {d} T{P} (3.10.18) - IJ{d}T[Ns]T{t.;}dS- JJJ{d}T[N]T{ib}dV v ~ In Eq- (3.10.18), np is seen to be a func~ion of {d}; that is, 1tp = 1tp (d 1x ,{h,:). Ho~­ ever, tB} and [D], Eqs. (3.10.l3) and (3.10.15), and the nodal degrees of freedom d1x and d2x are not functions of x. Therefore, integrating Eq_ (3.10.18) with respect to i yields 1tp where {j} = ~L {d}T[BIT[D]T[B]{d} _ {d}T{/} {P}+ IJ[Ns]T{tl"}dS + JJJ[N]T{Xb}dV SI v (3.10.19) (3.10.20) From Eq. (3.1 0.20), we observe three separate types of load contributions from concentrated nodal forces, surface tractions, and body forces, respectively. We define 114 it. 3. Development of Truss Equations these surface tractions and body-force matrices as II III {is} = (NS]T{t}dS (3.l0.20a) s, {j~} = [N]T{Xb}dV (3.l0.20b) Y The expression for {j} given by Eq. (3.10.20) then describes how certain loads can be considered to best advantage. Loads calculated by Eqs. (3JO.20a) and (3.10.20b) are caned consistent because they are based on the same shape functions [N] used to calculate the element stiffness matrix. The loads calculated by Eq. (3.l0.20a) and (3.1O.20b) are also statically equivalent to the original loading; that is, both {is} and {,iE,} and the ori~nal loads yield the same resultant force and same moment about an arbitrarily chosen point. The minimization of 1lp with tespect to each nodal displacement requires that (3.10.21). Now we explicitly evaluate 7t.p given by Eq. (3.l0J9) to apply Eq. (3.10.21). We defin~ the fonowing for convenience: {U*} = {d}T[Bf(D]T[B]{d} (3.10.22) Using Eqs. (3.10.10). (3.10.13), and (3.10.15) in Eq. (3.IO.22) yields (3JO.23) Simplifying Eq. (3.10.23), we obtain (3.10.24) Also, the explicit expression for {ti} T{j} is (3.10.25) Therefore, using Eqs. (3.10.24) and (3.10.25) in Eq. (3.10.19) and then applying Eqs. (3.10.21), we obtain (3.10.26) 3.10 Potential Energy Approach to Derive Bar Element Equations 01!p and iJd'b: AL =2 [EL2 (-2d A 1x J.. 115 ~]...:. hx = 0 + 2d'b:) In matrix form, we express Eqs. (3.10.26) as air! = AE [ 1 -1 ] { ~IX } iJ{ d} L -1 1 } {~x = { 0 } _ 12x d'b: 0 (3.10.27) or, because {j} = I},]{d}, we have the stiffness matrix for the bar element obtained from Eq. (3.10.27) as (ie} = AE [ L 1 -1 ] -1 1 (3.10.28) As expected} Eq. (3.10.28) is identical to the stiffness matrix obtained in Section 3.1. Finally) instead of the cumbersome process of explicitly evaluating 1Cp , we can use the matrix differentiation as given by Eq. (2.6.12) and apply it directly to Eq. (3.l0.l9) to obtain 01C! = AL[Bf[D][B]{d} _ {j} = 0 o{d} (3.10.29) where [Df = (D] has been used in writing Eq. (3.10.29). The result of the evaluation of AL[Bf[DJ[Bl is then equal to fk] given by Eq. (3.10.28). Throughout this text> we will use this matrix differentiation concept (also see Appendix A), which greatly simplifies the task of evaluating ["}. To illustrate the use ofEq. (3.10.20a) to evaluate the equivalent nodal loads for a bar subjected to axial loading traction Tx , we now solve Example 3.12. Example 3.12 A bar of length L is subjected to a linearly distributed axial loading that varies from zero at nOde 1 to a maximum at node 2 (Figure 3-28). Determine the energy equivalent nodal loads. , ~ 11~~:f _ Figure 3-28 . L - Element subjected to linearly varying axial load 116 .. 3 Development of Truss Equations Using Eq. (3.l0.20a) and shape functions from Eq. (3.10.9), we solve for the energy equivalent nodal forces of the distributed loading as follows: {lo} {~:} =!f [Nj T {t,} dS J: II ;II {ex} dx (3.10.30) CX2 2 - Ci3lL 3L - = I Cx 3 () IC~21 (3.10.31) CL2 -3- where the integration was carried out over the length of the bar, because.Tx"is in units of forcellength. Note that the total load is the area under the load distribution given by F ~(L)(CL) = CL 2 . (3.10.32) Therefore, comparing Eq. (3.10.31) with (3.10.32), we find that the equivalent nodal loads for a linearly varying load are . ~ '1 fix '3 F = one-third of the total load (3.10.33) f2:x = ~ F = two-thirds of the total load In summary. for the simple two-noded bar element subjected to a linearly varying load (triangular loading» place one-third of the total load at the node where the distributed loading begins (zero end of the load) and two-thirds of the total load at the . node where" the peak value of the distributed load ends. • We now illustrate (Example 3.13) a complete solution for a bar subjected to a surface traction loading. Example 3.13 For the rod loaded axially as shown in Figure 3-29, detennine the axial displacement and axial stress. Let $ = 30 X 106 psi. A = 2 in. 2, and L = 60 il). Use (a) one and (b) two elements in the finite element solutions. (In Section l.ll one-, two-, four-, and eight-element solutions will be presente4 from the computer program Algor [9}. . 3.10 Potential Energy Approach to Derive Bar Element Equations T~ ... 117 :; -lOx Ib/in. Figure 3-29 Rod subjected to triangular load distribution f--1-----60 r-x in.----~ (a) One-element solution (Figure 3-30). -600 Figure 3-30 One-element model From Eq. (3.l0.20a), the distributed load matrix is evaluated as follows: (3.10.34) where Tx is a line load in units of pounds per inch andjo = using Eq. (3.1.4) fo~ [N] in Eq. (3.10.34), we obtain {F,} or or 1: ffI Eo as;f = g. TherefQre, }{-lOX}dx (3.10.35) {~:} =!_l~::;:of' l=! ~:;:: l=! ~::;::: I FIx = -6000 lb Fa = -12,000 lb (3.10.36) Using Eq. (3.10.33), we could have determined the same forces at nodes 1 and 2-that is, one-third of the total load is at node 1 and two-thirds of the total load is at node 2. :.1 118 • 3 Development of Truss Equations Using Eq. (3.10.28), we find that the stiffness matrix is given by k(l} = 106 [ 1 -1] -1 1 The element equations are then 6 10 [_: -!] {d~x } = {R1x--~~OOO} (3.10.37) Solving Eq. 1 ofEq. (3.10.37), we obtain dl;c = -0.006 in. (3.10.38) The stress is obtained from Eq. (3.IO.l4) as {ax} [D]{e~J = E[B]{d} =EH iH~:} =E(d1x~dIX) =30 X 106 (0 +!OO6) = 3000 psi (T) (3.10.39) (b) Two-element solution (Figure 3-31). -600 Figure 3-31 Two-element model We first obtain-the element forces. For element 2, we divide the load into a uniform part and a triangular part. For the uniform ~ half the total uniform load is placed at each node associated with the element. Therefore" the total uniform part is (30 in.)( -300 IbJin.) = -9000 Ib and_using Eq. (3.10.33) for the 1:r'iaflgular part of the load, we have, for element 2, J[;)} {-~(9000) + (45OO)]} {-6000 Ib} {Ii;) = -~(9000) + (4500)J = -7500 lb {3.l0.40) 3.10 Potential Energy Approach to Derive Bar EJement Equations .6. 119 For e1ement 1, the total force is from the triangle-shaped distributed load only and is given by !(30 in.)(:-300 Ib/in.) = -45001b On the basis ofEq. (3.10.33), this load is separated into nodal forces as shown: ft~)} = {t(-4500)} = {-15001b} { Ii!) i< -4500) -3000 Ib (3.10.41) The final nodal force matrix is then FIX} { -1500 } F2.x = -6000 - 3000 { F3,x R3x - 7500 (3.10.42) The element stiffness matrices are now 1 2 2 2 3 2 3 k(l) g(2) :~ = [_; -~l = (2 x 106),[ _; ,-~] (3.10.43) The assembled global stiffness matrix is Ii = (2 X )06) [-0; -~ _~] Ib -1 (3.10.44) 1 in. The assembled global equations ,are then (2x 10 )[_!o -~ -~] {~~ = }= { 6 -1 1 d3x 0 =!: } R3x - (3.10.45) 7500 where the boundary condition d3x = 0 has been substituted into Eq. (3.1O.45). Now, solving equations 1 and 2 ofEq. (3.10.45-), we obtain dl;r = -0.006 in. d2x = -0.00525 in. (3.10.46) The element stresses are as follows: Element 1 (1x = E [- 1 I] { dtx = -0.006 } 30 30 d2.x = -0.00525 = 750 psi (T) (3.10.47) 120 .6. .3 Development of Truss Equations Element 2 (.1x = E[-2.30 2.] {d 30 2x = -0.00525} d3x = 0 5250 psi (T) A. (3.10.48) • 3.11 Comparison of Finite Element Solution to Exact Solution for Bar We will now compare the finite element solutions for Example 3.13 using one, two, four, and eight elements to model. the bar element and the exact solution. The exact solution for displacement is obtained by solving the equation x u=1 AE 1P(x)dx (3.11.1) 0 where, using the following free-body diagram, ~-lOX Ibfin. I ~P(x) 'x we have P{x) = !x(10x) 5x2 1b (3.1 1.2) Therefore, substituting Eq. (3.1 1.2) into Eq. (3.11.1), we have - 1 IX 5rdx AE 0 u 5x 3 = 3AE+ C1 (3.l1.3) Now, applying the boundary condition at x = L, we obtain u(L)=O SL3 3AE+C1 or (3.11.4) Substituting Eq. (3.11.4) into Eq. (3.11.3) makes the fina) expression-for displacement U= 5 (3 3AE x L 3) (3.1 1.5) 3.11 Comparison of Finite Element SoJution • 121 0 -O.OOt ... ~ -0.002 .= .S i: u E ~ One element '> Two elements ~ Four elements Eight dements -0.003 .6. 8a:t a A -0.004 -0.005 "- Exact solution It -0.006 0 20 '- Axial 2.n8(10-a~ - 0.006 40 coordinate 60 in inches Figure 3-32 Comparison of exact and finite element solutions for axial displacement (along length of bar) Substituting A == 2 in.2, E = 30 X 106 psi, and L u = 2.778 x 1O- 8.x3 60 in, into Eq. (3.11.5), we obtain - 0.006 (3.11.6) The exact solution for axial stress is obtained by solving the equation P(x) 5x 2 2' o-(x) == A = 2 in 2 == 2.5x pSI ;:. "'·1 ;j (3.1 L7) Figure 3-32 shows a plot of Eq. (3.11.6) along with the finite element solutions (part of which were obtained in Example 3.13). Some conclusions from these results follow. 1. The finite element solutions match the exact solution at the node points. The 'reason why these nodal vaiues are correct is that the element nodal forces were calculated on the basis of being energy~ equivalent to the distributed load b~ on the assumed linear displacement field within each element. (For uniform cross-sectional bars and beams, the nodal degrees of freedom are exact. In general, computed nodal degrees of freedom are not exact:) , 2. Although the node values for displacement match the exact solution} the values at locations between the nodes are poor using few elements (see one- and two-element solutions) because we used a linear displacement function within each element, whereas the exact solution) Eq. (3.11.6), is a cubic function. However, because we use increasing 122 ... 3 Development of Truss Equations 7 ~ Ii 6 cOile element o Two elements ... Four elements • Eight elements ~ o J:! .: .S 4 '" ~ 3r~-&~~~~~~~~~-'~~~~&-~~~-&~ Exact solution a(x):::: 2.5.1'2 O~O~~~~~--2~O----~------~~----~----~W ,Axial coordinate in inches Figure 3-33 Comparison of exact and finite element solutions for axial stress (along length of bar) numbers of elements, the finite element solution converges to the exact solution (see the four- and eight-element solutions in Figure 3-32). :t The stress is derived from the slope of. the displacement -CUlVe as (J = Ee = E(dujdx). Therefore~ by the fl..nite element solution, because u is a linear function in each element, axial stress is constant in each element. It then takes even more elements to model the first derivative of the displacement function Of, equivalently, the axial stress. This is shown in Figure 3-33, where the best results occur for the eightelement solution. / /: 4. The best approximation of the stress occurs at the midpoint of the element, not at the nodes (Figure 3-33). This is because the derivative of displacement is better predicted between the nodes than at the nodes. S. The stress is not continuoUs across element boundaries. Therefore, equilibnum is not satisfied across element boundaries. Also, equilibrium within each element is, in general, not satisfied. this is shown in Figure 3-34 for element 1 in the two-element solution and element 1 in the eight-element solution [in the eight-element solution the forces are obtained from the Algor computer code [9]J. As the number of elements used increases, the discontinuity in the stress decreases across element boundaries, and the approximation of equilibrium improves. Finally, in Figure 3-35, we show the convergence of axial stress at the .fixed end (x = L) as the number of elements increases. 3.11 Comparison of Finite Element Solution ... l f CD I ~ 1500 lb OOlb/in. ~~----------------------~ 30 in. f 15~ Ib 1500 Ib 4500 Ib j,..;::::!lft:=:::::=:=-., 1500 lb ~-.----------~~ Ca) Two-element solution ------.----..-- 7Slb/in. 2811b 93.16 Ib ~ 93.76 Ib 93.76Jb ~ 93.76 Ib ........ ~ 1.S in. (b) Eight-elemcnt solulion Figure 3-34 Free-body diagram of element 1 in both two- and eight-element models, showing that equilibrium is not satisfied '! 2 2 4 6 Number of elements Figure 3-35 Axial stress at fixed end as number of elements increases 123 124 • 3 Development of Tr~ss Equations However, if we formulate the problem in a customary general way, as described in detail in Chapter 4 for beams subjected to distributed loading, we can obtain the exact st!ess distribution with any ,of the models used. That is, letting! k4 where 10 is the initial nodal replacement force system of the distribute'!.. !oad on each element, we subtract .the initial replacement force system from the kd result. This yields the nodal forces in each element. For example, considering element 1 of the two-element model, we have [see also Eqs. (3.10.33) and (3.10.41)] -10> • fo = Using {-15001b} -3000 lb - 1 kJ. -10' we obtain j - = 2(30 ~ 106) [ 'I (30 In.) -1 -1] { -0.006 in. } _ { -1500 Ib } 1 -0.00525 in. -3000 Ib * -1500 15oo} = { 0 } 1500 + 3000 4500 { as the actual nodal forces. Drawing a free-body diagram of e1ement I, we have ~~/m o---tIo-1 4500 lb 30 in. LFx ~ 0: - !(300 Ibjin.)(30 in.) + 4500 lb = 0 For other kinds of elements (other than beams), 'this adjustment is ignored in practice. The adjustment is less important for plane and solid elements than for beams. Also, these adjustments are more difficult to formulate for an element of general shape. :l 3.12 Galerkin's Residual Method and Its Use to Derive the- One-Dimensional Bar Element Equations General Formulation We developed the bar finite element equations by the direct method in'Section 3.1 and by the potential energy method (one of a number of variational methods) in Section 3.10. In fields other than structural/so1id mecha~-ics, it is quite probable that a variational principle) analogous to the principle ofmimmUID potential energy, for instance, may not be known or even exist. In some flow problems in fluid mechanics and in mass transport problems (Chapter 13), we often have only the differential equation and boundary conditions available. However, the finite element method can still be applied. 3.12 Galerkin's Residual Method and Its Use A 125 The methods of weighted residuals applied directly to the differential equation can be used to develop the finite element equations. In this section, we describe Galerkin's residual method in general and then apply it to the bar element. This development provides the basis for later applications of Galerkin's method to the beam element in Chapter 4 and to the nonstructural heat-transfer element (specifically, the one-dimensional combined conduction, convection, and mass transport element described in Chapter 13). Because of the mass transport pheno~ena) the variational formulation is not known (or certainly is'difficult to obtain), so Galerkin's method is necessarily applied to develop the finite element equations. There are a number of other residual methods. Among them are coUocation, least squares~ and subdomain as described in Section 3.13. (For more on these methods, see Reference [5].) In weighted residual methods, a trial or approximate function is chosen to approximate the independent variable, such as a disp1acement or a temperature, in a problem defined by a differential equation. This trial function will not, in general, satisfy the governing differential equation. Thus substituting the trial function into the differential equation results in a residual over the whole region of the problem as follows: IJJ R dV = minimum (3.12.1) p In the residual method) we require that a weighted value of the residual be a minimum over the whole region. The weighting functions allow the weighted integral of residuals to go to zero. If we denote the weighting function by W, the general form of the weighted residual integral is (3.12.2) Using Galerkin's method, we choose the interpolation function, such as Eq. (3.1.3), in terms of Ni shape functions for the independent variable in the differential ~quation. In general, this substitution yields the residual R =F O. By the Galerkin criterion, the shape functions N; are chosen to play the role of the weighting functions W. Thus for each i) we haye (i = 1,2, ... ,n) (3.12.3) Equation (3.12.3) results in a total of n equations. Equation (3.l2.3) applies to poin~ within the region of a body without reference to boundary conditions such as specified applied loads or displacements. To obtain boundary conditions, we.apply integration by parts to Eq. (3.12.3), which yields integrals applicable for the region and its boundary. Bar Element Formulation We now illustrate Galerkin's method to formulate the bar element stiffness equations. We begin with the basic differential equation, without distributed load, derived in 126 • 3 Development of Truss Equations Section 3.1 as (3.12.4) where constants A and E are now assumed. The residual R is now defined to be Eq. (3.12.4). Applying Galerkin's criterion [Eq. (3.12.3)] to Eq. (3.12.4), we have (i = 1,2) (3.12.5) We now apply integration by parts to Eq. (3.12.5). Integration by parts is given in general by I udv=uv- Jvdu where u and v are simply variables in the general equation. Letting U= 1. 'dNid~ uu= dx x Ni (3.12.7) dv = :x (AE~!) dx v= AE~! in Eq. (3.12.5) and integrating by parts according to Eq. (3.12.6), we find that Eq. (3.12.5) becomes ( N.AE dU ) lL _ JL AEdft. dNi d- = 0 I d-x d~ x x . d~x 0 0 (3.12.8) where the integration by parts introduces the boundary conditions. Recall that, because Ii. = [N]{d}, we have, du dNt ~ 'dN2 ~ dx = dx db: + dx d2x (3.12.9) or, when Eqs. (3.L4) are used for Nt = 1 - ijL and N2 = xjL, ~;= H ±l{t} (3.12.10) Using Eq. (3.12.10) in Eq. .{3.12.8),we then express Eq. (3.12.8) as AEJL~i [_.!.L o dx '!']dX{ L ~b:} = (NiAEd~) [L dx 0 d1,x, Equation (3.12.11) is really two equations'(one for Ni First, using the weighting function Ni Nt, we have = AEIL rm..1 () dx [-.!. L !]dX{ L (i 1,2) (3.12.11) Nt and one for Ni = N2). ~b:} = (NIAEd~) IL . chr . dx 0 (3.12.12) 3.13 Other Residual Methods and Their Application .. 127 Substituting for dNt/di, we obtain (3.12.13) whereiix = AE(dujdi) because Nt = 1 at x = 0 and Nl = 0 at x = L. Evaluating Eq. (3.12.13) yields (3.12.14) Similarly, using Nj = N2> we obtain (3.12.15) Simplifying Eq. (3.12.15) yields (3.12.16) where fa = AE(dujdx) because N2 = ] at x = Land N2 = 0 at x = O~ Equations (3.12.14) and (3.12.16) are then seen to be the same as Eqs. (3.1.13) and (3.10.27) derived, respectively, by the direct and the variational method. ~ 3.13 Other Residual Methods and Their Application .to a One-Dimensional Bar Problem As indicated in Section 3.12 when descnoing Galerkin's residual method,.weighted residual methods are based on assuming an approximate. solution to the governing differential equation for the given problem. The assumed or trial solution is typically a displacement or a temperature function that must be made to satisfy the initial and boundary conditions of the problem. This trial solution will not, in geaeral, satisfy the governing differential equation. ThUs, substituting the trial function into the differential equation will result in some residuals or errors. Each residual method requires the error to vanish over some chosen intervals or at some chosen points. To demonstrate this concept, we will solve the problem of a rod subjected to a triangular load distribution as shown in Figure 3-29 (see Section 3.10) for which we also have an exact solution for the axial displacement given by Eq. (3.11.5) in Section 3.11. We will illustrate four common weighted residual methods: collocation., suhdOmain, least squares, and Galerkin 's' method It is important to note that the primary intent in this section is to introduce you . to the general concepts of these other weighted' residual methods through a simple 128 ... 3 Development of Truss Equations \~\\)firo., ~6()i" -I- x P(x) -I (b) (a) Figure 3-36 (a) ROd subjected to triangular load distribution and (b) free-body diagram of section of rod example. You should note that we will assume a displacement solution that will in general yield an approximate solution (in our example the assumed displacement function yields an exact solution) over the whole domain of the problem (the rod previously solved in Section 13.10). As you have seen already for the spring and bar elements, we have assumed a linear function over each spring or bar element, and then combined the element solutions as was illustrated in Section 3JO for the same rod solved in this section. It is common .practice to use the simple linear function in each element of a finite element model, with an increasing number of elements used to model the rod yielding a closer and closer approximation to the actual displacement as seen in Figure 3-32. ' For clarity's sake, Figure 3-36(a) shows the problem we are solving, along with a free-body diagram of a section of the rod with the internal axial force P(x) shown in Figure 3-36(b). The governing differentia1 equation for the axial displacement, u, is given by (AE:) - P(x) = 0 (3.13.1) where the internal axial force is P(x) = sil. The boundary condition is u(x == L) = O. The method of weighted residuals requires us to assume an approximation function for the displacement. This approximate solution must satisfy the boundary condition of the problem. Here 'we assume the following function: (3.13.2) where' Cb C2 and C3 are unknown coefficients.. Equation (3.1-3.2) also satisfies the ' boundary condition given by u(x = L) = O. Substituting Eq. (3.13.2) for u into the governing differential equation, Eq. (3.13. t), results in theTollowing error function, R: ' (3.13.3) We now illustrate how to solve the governing differential equation by the four weighted residual methods. 3.13 Other Residual Methods and Their Application .A 129 Collocation Method The collocation method requires that the error or residual function, R, be forced to zero at as many points as there are unknown coefficients. Equation (3.13.2) has three unknown coefficients. Therefore, we will make the error function equal zero at three points along the rod. We choose the error function to go to zero at x = 0, x = L/3, and x = 2L/3 as follows: R(c, x = 0) = 0 = AE[CI +2C2(-L) + 3C3(-L)21 R(e, x = L/3) = 0 = AE[cJ 0 + 2C2( -2L/3) + 3C3( -2L/3)2J - 5(L/3)2 = 0 (3.13.4) R(e, x = 2L/3) = 0 = AE[el + 2C2( -L/3) + 3C3{ -L/3}2] 5(2L/3)2 = 0 The three linear equations, Eq. (3.13.4), can now be solved for the unknown coefficients, Cl) e1 and C3. The result is Cl = 5L2 /(AE) C2 = 5L/(AE) Substituting the numerical values, A (3.13.5), we obtain the c's as: Cl = 3 X 10-4, C2 c) = 5j(3AE) (3.13.5) = 2, E = 30 x 106) and L = 60 into Eq. = 5 x to-6, .• C3 = 2.778 X 10-8 (3.13.6) Substituting the numerical values for the coefficients given in Eq. (3.13.6) into Eq. (3.13.2), we obtain the final expression for the axial displacement as u(x) = 3 x 1O-4 (x - L) + 5 x 1O-6(x - L)2 + 2.n8 x to-s{x - L)3 (3.l3.7) Because we have chosen a cubic displacement function, Eq. (3.13.2), and the exact solution, Eq. (3.11.6), is also cubic, the collocation method yields the identical solution as the exact solution. The plot of the solution is shown in Figure 3-32 on page 121. Subdomain Method The subdomain method requires that the integral of the error or residual function over some selected subintervals be set to' zero. The number of subintervals selected must equal the number of unknown coefficients. Because we have three unknown coefficients in the roo example, we must make the number of subintervals equal to three. We choose the'sUbintervals from 0 to Lj3~ from L/3 to 2L/3, and from 2L/3 to L as follows: ~ ~ , JRdx = 0 J{AE[CI + 2C2(X - L) + 3c)(x - L)2) - Sx2}dx o 0 ll/3 ll/3 J Rdx = 0 = J{AE[cl + 2c2(X - L) + 3C3(X - L)2] - Sx2}dx LI3 LI3 L J Rdx ll/3 L = 0= J{AE[el + 2C1(X - L) + 3 3(X - L)2] - Sx2}dx C ll/3 where we have used Eq. (3.13.3) for R in Eqs. (3.13.8). (3.13.8) 130 '" 3' Development of Truss Equations Integration of Eqs. (3.13.8) results in three simultaneous linear equations that can be solved for the coefficients Ch '2 and C3. Using the numerical values for A, E, and L as previously done, the three coefficients are numerically identical to those given bYEq. (3.13.6). The resulting axial displacement is then identical to Eq. (3.13.7). least Squares Method The least squares method requires the integral over the length of the rod of the error function squared to be minimized with respect to each of the unknown coefficients in the assumed solution, based on the following: a (!~ dx) = 0 i = 1,2, ... N (for N unknown coefficitDts) (3.l3.9) or equivalently to L Jo RORdx 0 (3.13.10) OCj Because we have three unknown coefficients in the approximate solution, we will perfonn the integration three times according to Eq. (3.13.10) with three resulting equations as follows: L I{AE[CI + 2C2(X L)+ 3c3(X-L)1]-Sr}AEdx=O o L J{AE[Cl o + 2C2(X-L) + 3C3(X L)2] 5r}AE2{x-L)dx=O· (3.13.11) L J {AE[CI + 2C2(X - L) + 3C3(X - L)2J - 5r}AID(x - L)2 dx = 0 o In the first, second, and third of Eqs. (3.13.11), respectively. we have used the following partial derivatives: oR AE, oR -;= AE2(x Ve2 L), oR -=AE3(x-L} 2 (3.13.12) OC3 Integration of Eqs. (3.13.11) yields three linear equations that are solved for the three coefflcients. The numerical values of. the coefficients again are identical to those of Eq. (3.13.6). Hence, the solution is identical to the exact solution. 3.13 Other Residual Methods and Their Application A 131 Galerkin's Method Galerkin's method requires the error to be orthogonal] to some weighting functions Wi as given previously by Eq. (3.l2.2). For the rod example, this integral becomes I (3.13.13) 1,2, ... ,N The weighting functions are chosen to be a part of the approximate solution. Be· cause we have three unknown constants in the approximate solution, we need to generate ~ree equations. Recall that the assumed solution is the cubic given by Eq. (3.13.2); therefore, we select the weighting functions to be (3.13.14) Using the weighting functions from Eq. (3.13.14) successively in Eq. (3:13.13), we generate the foHowing three equations: L J{AE[CI o + L) + 3C3(X - LlJ - 5~}(x - L) dx 0 L J{AEle} + 2C2(X - L) + 3C3(X L)2J - s.x2}(x - L)2 dx = 0 (3.13.15) o ·L J{AE[Ct o + 2Cl(X - L) + 3C3(X - L)2] - s.x2}(x L)3 dx = 0 Integration of Eqs. (3.13.15) results in three linear equations that can be solved for the unknown coefficients. The numerical values are the same as those given by Eq. (3.13.6). Hence, the solution is identical to the exact solution. . In conclusion. because we assumed the approximate solution in the form of a 'cubic in x and the exact solution is also a cubic in x, all residual methods have yielded the exact solution. The purpose of this section has still reen met to illustrate the four common residual methods to obtain an approximate (or exact in this example) solution to a known .differential equation. The exact solution is shown by Eq. (3.1 I .6) and in Figure 3-32 in Section 3.11. 1 The use of the word orthogonal in this context is a generali2ation of its use with respect to vectors. Here the ordinary scalar product is replaced by an integral in Sq. (3.13.13). In Eq. (3.13.13), the ftmctions u(x) = R $Jld ti(x) = Wi are said to be orthogonal on the interval 0 ::; x ::; L if .tL u{x)v(x) dx equals O. 132 :l A 3 Development of Truss Equations References [1] Turner, M. J., Clough, R. W., Martin, H. c., and Topp, L. J., "Stiffness and Deflection Analysis of Complex Structures," Journal of the Aeronautical Sciences, Vol. 23, No.9, Sept. 1956, pp. 805-824. [2J Martin, H. C., "Plane Elasticity Problems and the Direct Stiffness Method," The Trend in Engineering, Vol. 13, Jan. 1961, pp. 5-19. [3} Melosh, R. J., "Basis for Derivation of Matrices for the Direct Stiffness Method," Journal of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Vol. I, No.7, July 1963, pp. 1631-1637. f4] aden, J. T., and Ripperger, E. A., Mechanics of Elastic Structures, 2nd ed., McGraw·HiU, New York, 1981. {5] Finlayson, B. A., The Method of Weighted Residuals and Variational Principles, Academic Press, New York, 1972. , '[6] Zienkiewicz, O. C., The Finite Element Method, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill, London, 1977. [7} Cook, R. D., Malkus, D. S., Plesha, M. E., and Witt, R. J., Concepts'and Applications of Finite Element Analysis, 4th ed., Wiley, New York, 2002. [8J Forray, M. J' Variatumal Calculus in Science and Engineering, McGraw-HilI, New York, 1968. [9] Linear Stress and Dynamics Reference Division, Docutech On-Line Documentation, Algor Interactive Systems, Pittsburgh, PA. I A Problems 3.1 3. Compute the total stiffness matrix K of the assemblage'shown in Figure P3-1 by superimposing the stiffness matrices of the individual bars. Note that If:. should be in tenns of A),A2,A3,E),E2tE3,LI, L", and L3. Here A,E, and L are generic S}illlboIs used for cross-sectional area, modulus. of elasticity, and length, respectively. ·~~,.E'.~ Figure P3-1 b. Now let Al = A2 = A3 = A,E, = E2 = E3 = E, and LI =L2 = L3 = L. If nodes 1 and 4 are fixed and a force P acts at node 3 in ,the positive x direction, find expressions for the displacement of nodes 2 and 3 in tenns pf A, E, L, and P. c. Now let A = I in 2, E = 10 X 10 6 psi, L = 10 in., and P = 1000 lb. i. Determine the numerical values of the displacements of nodes 2 and 3. ii. D~tennine the numerical values of the reactions at nodes I and 4. iii. Detennine the stresses in elements 1-3. 3.2-3.11 For the bar assemblages shown in Figures P3-2-P3-11, determine the nodal displacements, the forces in each element, and the reactions. Use the direct stiffness method for these problems. Problems I' 2 1m 3 0- 1m o. £:= 210GPa 5k.N =4 A )( 10- 4 m2 Figure P3-2 (i) .\"'--_ _ _........._ _ _ x '\ \. r----~~----.x "- \. \. (2,0.2) \. \ '\ ,I. \. \f Figure P3-38 Figure P3-39 Problems A 143 d2:: = 15 mm. Determine the displacement along the local x axis at node 2 of the elements. The coordinates, in meters, are shown.in the figures. 3.40-3.41 For the space trusses shown in Figures P3-40 and P3-41, determine the nodal displacements and the stresses in each element Let E = 210 GPa and A = 10 X 10-4 m2 for all elements. Verify force equilibrium at node 1. The coordinates of ea~h node, in meters, are shown in the figure. AlI supports are ball-and-socket joints. y (0.4,0) CO @ 1(4,4.3) @ 10 kN (4. O. 3) Figure P3-40 y (0,0.0) • 2 4 Q) (14.1),0) 20 kN (in the x direction) Figure P3-41 3.42 For the space truss subjected to a lOO()"lb load in the x direction, as shown in Figure P3-42, detenD.ine the displacement of node 5. Also determine the stresses in each element. Let A =4 in2 and E = 30 x 106 psi for all elements. The coordinates of each 144 .&. 3 Development of Truss Equations node~ in inches, are shown in the figure. Nodes 1-4 are supported by ball-and-socket joints (fixed supports). 1000lb (-72.36,0) I 2 (_ n. - 36, 0) ~\.'t'k-.------------:'~I"'r' (0. - 36, 0) Figure P3-42 (0,0, 144) I 4 I I I (1)/ I I I 3 ( - 144. - 72, 0) • Figure P3-43 3.43 For the space truss subjected to the 4000-1b load acting as shown in Figure P3-43, detennine the displacement of node 4. Also detennine the stresses in each element. Let Problems A 145 6 in 2 and E = 30 x 106 psi for all elements. The coordinates of each node, in inches, are shown in the figure. Nodes 1-3 are supported by baH-and-socket joints (fixed supports). A ro, given by Eq. (3.7.7), to a 6 x 6 square 3.44 Verify Eq. (3.7.9) for Ii by first expanding matrix in a manner similar to that done in Section 3.4 for the two-dimensional caSe. Then expand k to a 6 x 6 matrix by adding appropriate rows and columns of zeros (for the dz terms) to Eq. (3.4.l7). Finally, perfomi the matrix triple product '[Tkr. If ' 3.45 Derive Eq. (3.7.21) for stress in space truss elements by a process similar to that used to depve Eq. (3.5.6) for stress in a plane truss element. 3.46 For the truss shown in Figure P3-46, use symmetry to determine the displacements of the nodes and the stresses in each element. All elements have E = 30 X 106 psi. Elements 1,2,4, and 5 have A = 10 in 2 and element 3 has A = 20 in 2 . 'p 4 0) p CD (9 3 tV P (2) "® 0) @ @ ® i----20ft Figure P3-47 ,I. 20ft~ Sf IS ft J 6 _x 146 J. 3.48 3 Development of Truss Equations For the roof truss shown in Figure P3-48, use symmetry to determine the displacements of the nodes and the stresses in each element. All elements have E = 210 GPa and A 10 x 10-4 m2• 20 kN 0 2 t 4rn CD Figure P3-48 3.49-3.51 For the plane trusses with inclined supports shown in Figures P3-49-P3-51, solve for the nodal displacements and element stresses in the bars. Let A = 2 in 2, E = 30 x 106 psi, and L = 30 in. for each truss. Figure P3-49 3 Figure P3-50 Figure P3-S1 3.52' Use the principle of minimum potential energy developed in Section 3.10 to solve the bar problems shown in Figure P3-S2. That is, plot the tota] potential energy for variations in the displacement of the free end of the bar to determine the minimum potential energy. Observe that the displacement that yields the minimwn potential energy also yields the stable equilibrium position. Use displacement increments of Problems 0.002 in., beginning with x = -0.004. Let E = 30 X 106 psi and A bars. ... 147 2 in 2 for the +20.000 Ib K o in. %tt=======::::::::r-41-- 10,000 Ib ~ 50 in. :\: (a) (b) Figure P3-S2 353 Derive the stiffness matrix for the nonprismatic bar shown in Figure P3-53 using the principle of minimum potential energy. Let E be constant. A(x) =Ao + Ao i ] ~~x~--I_ I~'-------L-------Ij Figure P3-53 3.54 For the bar subjected to the linear varying axial load shown in FigUre P3-54} determine the nodal displacements and axial stress distribution using (a), two equal-length elements and (b) four equal-length elements. Let A = 2 in. 2 and E 30 x 106 psi. Compare the finite element solution with an exact solution. _-- -- ----1 _---- ~_/_/--- / ' T. = -~------ ~ x I[ I 10, Mn. ! - - - ,I 60 in. Figure P3-S4 3.S5 For the bar subjected to the uniform line load in the axial direction shown in Figure P3-55, determine the nodal displacements and axial stress distribution using (a) two equal-length elements and (b) rour equal-length elements. Compare the finite element results with an exact solution. Let A = 2 in 2 and E ='30 x 106 psi. 3.:56 For the bar fixed at both ends and subjected to the unifonnly distributed loading l shown in FigUre P3-56> determine the displacement at the middle of the bar and the 2 6 stress in the bar. Let A = 2 in and E = 30 X 10 psi. 148 A 3 Development of Truss Equations /: T. "" 100 Ib/in. -~~-~ 1 - - 3 0 i n · - 1 - 3 0 i n . - "/ Figure P3-56 Figure P3-55 3.57 For the bar hanging under its own weight shown in Figure P3-57\ determine the nodal displacements using (a) two equal-length elements and (b) four equal-length elements. Let A = 2 in 2 , E = 30 X 106 PSil and weight density Pili = 0.283 Ib/in 3 • (Hint: The internal force is a function of x. Use the potential energy approach.) 60 in. Figure P3-57 1 3.5S Determine the energy equivalent nodal forces for the axial distributed loading shown acting on the bar elements in Figure P3-58. T., = 5J? kN/m ~ 1~2 10 in. (a) 400 (b) Figure P3-58 3.59 Solve problem 3.55 for the axial dbplacement in the bar using collocation, subdomain, least squares, and Galerkin's methods. Choose a quadratic polynomial u(x) = CIX + c2:x? in each method. Compare these weighted residual method solutions to the exact solution. 3.60 For the tapered bar shown with cross sectional areas A I 2 in. 2 and A2 = 1 in.2 at each end, use the collocation, subdomain, least squares, and Galerkin's methods to obtain the displacement in the bar. Compare these weighted residual solutions to the exact solution. Choose a cubic polynomial u(x) CIX + C2x2 + C3X>' Problems A 149 p= 1000 Ib E= lOx 106 psi /1---- L:: 20 in. ----"1 Figure P3-60 3.61 For the bar shown in Figure P 3-61 subjected to the linear varying axial load, determine the displacements and stresses using (a) one and then two finite element models and (b) the collocation, subdomain, least squares, and Galerkin's methods assuming a cubic polynomial of the fOIm u(x) = CtX + c2 x? + c3.x3. ~----------------~ /t-r------3.0 AE=2x ref leN m-----..;0l Figure P3-61 3.62-3.67 Use a computer program to solve the truss design problems shown in Figures P3. 62-3.67. Determine the single most critical cross·sectional area based on maximum allowable yield strength or buckling strength (based on either Euler's or JohnsoJt-s fonnula as relevant) using a factor of safety (FS) listed next to each truss. Recommend a common structural shape and size for each truss. List the largest three nodal displacements and their locations. Also include a plot of the deflected shape of the truss and a principal stress plot. F=20kip l 4000 Ib 16,000 Ib 10' ~,,,- I I I J.. -IIo-t'---'25' Figure P3-62 Derrick truss (FS = 4.0) ~18.J Figure P3-63 Truss bridge (FS = 3.0) 1;. 150 .A. 3 Development of Truss Equations Figure P3-64 Tower (FS = 2.5) FigLlre P3-65 8 ft Figure P3-66 Howe scissors roof truss (FS == 2.0) Boxcar lift (FS = 3.0) 8ft Figure P3-67 Stadium roof truss (FS == 3.0) .-, d' , Introduction We ,begin this chapter by developjng the stiffness matrix for the bending of a beam element, the most common of all structural elements as evidenced by its prominence in buildings. bridges, towers} and many other structures. The beam element is considered to be straight and to have constant crosS-sectional area. We will first derive the beam element stiffness matrix by using the principles developed for simple beam theory. We will then present simple examples to illustrate the assemblage of beam element stiffness matrices and the solution of beam problems by the direct stiffness method presented in Chapter 2. The solution of a beam problem illustrates that the degrees of freedom associated with a node are a transverse displacement and a rotation. We will include the nodal shear forces and bendil)g moments and the resulting shear force and bending moment diagrams as part of the total solution. Next, we will discuss procedures for handling distributed loading~ because beams and frames are often subjected to distributed loading as well as concentrated nodal loading. We will follow the discussion with solutions of beams SUbjected to distributed loading and compare a finite element solution to an exact solution for a beam subjected to a distributed loading. We will then develop the beam element stiffness matrix for a beam element with a nodal binge and illustrate the solution of a beam with an internal hinge. To further acquaint you with the potential energy approach for developing stiffness matrices and equations, we will again develop the beam bending element equations using this approach. We hope to increase your confidence in this approach. It will be used throughout much of this text to develop stiffness matrices and equations for more complex elements, such as two-dimensional (plane) stress, axisymmetric, and thrre-dimensional stress. ' Finally, the Galerkin residual method is applied to derive the beam element equations. " 152 A 4 Development of Beam Equations The concepts presented in this chapter are prerequisite to understanding the concepts for frame analysis presented in Chapter 5. A. 4.1 Beam Stiffness In this section, we will derive the stiffness matrix for a simple beam element. A beam is a long) slender structural member generally subjected to transverse loading that produces significant bending effects as opposed to twisting or axial effects. This bending deformation is measured as a transverse displacement and a rotation. Hence, the degrees of freedom considered per node are a transverse displacement and a rotation (as opposed to only an axial displacement for the bar element of Chapter 3). Consider the beam element shown in Figure 4-1. The beam is of length L with axial local coordinate x and transverse local coordinate y. The local transverse nodal displacements are given by diy's and the rotations by ¢/s. The local nodal forces are given by jiy's and the bending moments by m/s as shown. We initially neglect all axial effects. At all nodes, the following sign conven~ons are used: 1. 2. 3. 4. Moments are positive in the counterclockwise direction. Rotations are positive in the counterclockwise direction. Forces are positive in the positive y direction. Displacements are positive in the positive y direction. Figure 4-2 indicates the sign conventions used in simple beam theory for positive shear forces V and bending moments m. ~----------------L----------------~ 127' Jl7 111.fls, Figure 4-1 moments ~C? Beam element with positive nodal displacements, rotations, forces, and 0 --L-=-~·I 1"" - '--" V Figure 4-2 Seam theory sign conventions for shear forces and bending moments 4.1 Beam Stiffness A. 153 y,v (a) Undeformed beam under load w{i) (b) Deformed beam due to applied loading MC10Iv M dM + V dx V+dV (c) Differential beam element Figure 4-3 Beam under distributed load \,',.'" Beam Stiffness Matrix Based on Euler-Bernouli Beam Theory (Considering Bending Deformations Only) The differential equation governing elementary linear-elastic beam behavior [1] (called the Euler-Bernoulli beam as derived by Euler and Bernoulli) is based on plane cross sections perpendicular to the longitudinal centroidal axis of the beam before bending occurs remaining plane and perpendicular to the longitudinal axis after bending Occurs. This is illustrated in Figure 4-3, where a plane through vertical line a-c (Figure 4-3(a)) is perpendicular to the longitudinal x axis before bending, and this same plane through d-c (rotating through angle in Figure 4-3(b)) remains perpendicular to the bent x axis after bending. This occurs in practice only when a pure couple or constant moment exists in the beam. However it is a reasonable assumption that yields equations that qUite accurately predict beam behavior for most practical beams. The differential equation is derived as follows. Consider the beam shown in Figure 4-3 subjected to a distributed loading w(x) (forcejlength). From force and moment equilibrium of a differential element of the beam) shown in Figure 4-3(c), we have rFy = 0: V - (V + dV) - w(x) dx = 0 (4. I. la) i Or, simplifying Eq. (4.l.1a), we obtain -wdx-dV=O or dV w=-dx (4. 1. Ib) V=dM (4.1.1c) di '{he final form of Eq. (4.1.1c), relating the shear force to the bending moment, is . obtained by dividing the left equation by dx and then taking the limit of the equation . as di approaches O. The w(i) tenn then disappears. 'f..M2 = 0: -V dx+dM + W(i)dX(d:) 0 or 154 .A. 4 Development of Beam Equations crtJJ p v(.t) I----X---..-; (b) Radius of de.flected curve at v(x) (a) Portion of dcllected curve ofbeam Figure 4-4 Deflected curve of beam Also, the curvature K of the beam is related to the moment by 1 P M K=- - EI (4.Lld) where p is the radius of the deflected curve shown in Figure 4-4b, vis the transverse displacement function in the y direction (see Figure 4-4a), E is the modulus of elasticity, and I is the principal moment of inertia about the i axis (where the i axis is perpendicnlar to the x and y axes). The curvature for small slopes ~ = dfJjdi is given by d 26 K =.dx1 (4. 1. Ie) Using Eq. (4. 1. Ie) in (4.1.1d), we obtain d 2fj M di2 = EI (4. 1. If} Solving Eq. (4.1.1f) for M and substituting this result into (4.1.lc) and (4.1.1b), we obtain :;2 ( ::~) EI = -w(i) (4.l.lg) For constant EI and onJy nodal forces and moments, Eq. (4.1.1g) becomes d4f; EI di 4 = 0 (4.1.1h) We win now roHow the steps outlined in Chapter 1 to develop the stiffness matrix and equations for a beam element and then to illustrate complete solutions for beams. Step 1 Select the Element Type Represent the beam by labeling nodes at each end and in general by labeling the element number (Figure 4-1). 4.1 Beam Stiffness ... 155 Step 2 Select a Displacement Function Assume the transverse displacement variation through the element length to be v(x) ~ alx3 + a2~ + a3x + 04 (4.1.2) The complete cubic displacement function Eq. (4.1.2) is appropriate because there are four total degrees of freedom (a transverse displacement diy and a small rotation at each node). The cubic function also satisfies the basic beam differential equationfurthe,:r justifying its selection. In addition, the cubic function also satisfies the conditions of displacement and slope continuity at nodes shared by two elements. Using the same procedure as described in Section 2.2, we express vas a function of the nodal degrees of freedom dIy, d2y, til' and ti2 as follows: ii v(O) = dly = a4 d~~) = ¢l = aj vel) = d2y = aiL) + a2 L2 + a3L +a4 diJ(L) di ~ =;2 = 3a1L 2 (4.1.3) . +2a2 L+a'J, i. where ~ = dfJ/di for the assumed small rotation Solving Eqs. (4.1.3) for al through in· teons of the nodal degrees of freedom and substituting into Eq. (4.1.2), we. have a4 + [- :2 (d1y - d2y ) - ±(2¢1 + il)] i 2+ iIi + (fty (4.1.4) In matrix form, we express Eq. (4.1.4) as v= [N]{d} (4.1.5) where (4.1.6a). and where (4.l.6b) and N, . N3 = 13 (2x3 - 3ilL + L 3 ) = ~3 (_2i3 +3x2L) 2 2 N2 = ..!.. V (.£3 L. - 2i L + xL 3) N4 = ~3 (x L _PL ) 3 (4.1.7) 2 Nt, N2, N3, and N4 are called the shape functions for a beam element. These cubic shape (or interpolation) functions are known as Hermite cubic interpolation (or cubic 156 A 4 Development of Beam Equations spline) functions. For the beam element, Nt 1 when evaluated at node 1 and Nl = 0 when evaluated at node 2. Because N2 is associated with ~l' we have, from the second of Eqs. (4.1.7), (dN2/di) = 1 when evaluated at node 1. Shape functions N3 and N4 have analogous results for node 2. Step 3 Define the Strain/Displacement and Stress/Strain Relationships Assume the following axial strain/displacement relationship to be valid: ~ A) du (4.1.8) ex (X,Y = di where u is the axial displacement function. From the deformed configuration of the beam shown in Figure 4-5, we relate the axial displacement to the transverse displacement by (4.1.9) where we should recall from elementary beam theory [1] the basic assumption that crpss sections of the beam (such as cross section ABeD) that are planar before bending deformation remain planar after deformation and, in general, rotate through a sma1l angle (dv/di). Using Eq. (4.1.9) in Eq. (4.1.8), we obtain (4.1.10) I.-------------~ I A \I l}-i~..:.:: I I D I =:::..-_--+-c--~' rl B di (a) I I (e) I ,,..J... .... .... (b) Figure 4-5 Beam segment (a) before deformation and (b) after deformation; (c) angle of rotation of cross section ABeD 4.1 Beam Stiffness A. 157 From elementary beam theory, the bending moment and shear force are related to the transverse displacement function. Because we will use these relationships in the derivation of the beam element stiffness matrix, we now present them as 'd'),~ m(x) = E1 di~ Step 4 V= d3- EI di~ (4.tH) Derive the Element Stiffness Matrix and Equations First, derive the element stiffness matrix and equation.s using a direct equilibrium approach. We now relate the nodal and beam theory sign conventions for shear forces and bending moments (Figures 4--1 and 4-2), along with Eqs. (4.1.4) and (4.1.11), to obtain • d 3v(O.) EI ~ • • ~ It)' = V = E1 di 3 = V (12d1y + 6L¢, - 12d2y + 6L~2) ~ • d 2 fJ(O) ml = -m = -E1 di 2 h y A m2 E1 =V '), • ~ 2 (6Ld1y + 4L tPl - 6Ld2y + 2L tP2) A = - V _EJd;~;) = ~~ (-l2d" = = EI di2 d 2 fJ(L) • m 6141 + 12dzy - 6L~2) EI'· 2• = L3 (6Ldl ), + 2L ,p, • 2 • - 6Ld2y + 4L ¢2) (4.1.12) , where the minus signs in the second and third of Eqs. (4.1.12) are the result of opposite nodal and beam theory positive bending moment conventions at node I and opposite nodal and beam theory positive shear force cODventions at node 2as seen by comparing Figures 4-1 and 4--2. Equations (4.1.12) relate the nodal forces to the nodal displacements. In. matrix form, Eqs. (4-1.12) become tI ";1 = E1 L3 !,2)' m2 '~ :,'., I :.; ,~ ' ..•. . 6L -12 [12 6L 6L 4L2 -6L 2L2 -12 -6L 12 -6L rI y 2L2 6L -6L 4L2 ¢II 1d (4.1.13) 2), ¢2 where the stiffness matrix is then k:=EI - V [ 12 6L -12 6L 6L 4L2 -6L 2L2 -12 -6L 12 -6L 2L2 6L -6L 4L2 1 (4.1.14) Equation (4.1.13) indicates that k relates transverse forces and bending moments to transverse displacements and rotations, whereas axial effects have been neglected. In tAe beam element stiffness matrix (Eq. (4:1.14) derived in this section, it is assumed that the beam is long and slender; that is, the length, L, to depth, h, dimension ratio of the beam is large. In this case, the deflection due to bending that is predicted,by using the stiffness matrix from Eq. (4.1.14) is quite adequate. However, for short, deep beams the transverse shear deformation can be significant and can 158 ... 4 Development of Beam Equations have the same order of magnitude contribution to the total deformation of the beam. This is seen by the expressions for the bending and shear contributions to the deflection of a beam, where the bending contribution is of order (L/h)3, whereas the shear contribution is only of order (L/h). A general rule for rectangular cross-section beams, is that for a length at least eigh~ times the depth, the transverse shear deflection is less than five percent of the bending deflection [4]. Castigliano's method for finding beam and frame deflections is a convenient way to include the effects of the transverse shear term as shown in [4J. The derivation of the stiffness matrix for a beam including the transverse shear deformation contribution is given in a number of references [5-8]. The inclusion of the shear deformation in beam theory with application to vibration problems was developed by Timoshenko and is known as the Timoshenko beam [9-10]. Beam Stiffness Matrix Based on TImoshenko Beam Theory (Including Transverse Shear Deformation) of The shear deformation beam theory is derived as follows. Instead plane sections remain'jng plane after bending occurs as shown previously in Figure 4-5, the shear deformation (deformation due to the shear force V) is now included. Referring to Figure 4-6, we observe a section of a beam of differential length di: with the cross section assumed to remain plane but no longer perpendicular to the neutral axis (a) -(2) A(I) ¢7. ~ v,.(1)92 di ----- Element 2 ~(l)=$,.(2) Element 1 (b) Figure 4--6 (a) Element of limoshenko beam showing shear deformation. Cross sections are no longer perpendicular to the neutral axis line. (b) Two beam elements meeting at node 2 4.1 Beam Stiffness .& 1 S9 (x axis) due to the inclusion of the shear force resulting jn a rotation term indicated by [3. The total deflectioD of the beam at a point x now consists of two parts, one caused by bending and one by shear force) so that the slope of the deflected curve at point i is now gi~en by :~ = ~(x) + pes:) where fotation due to bending moment and due to transverse shear force are given, respectively; by ¢; (x) andft(x). ' We aSSti.me as usual that the linear deflection and angular deflection (slope) are small. The relation between bending mom~nt and bending deformation (curvature) is now M(x) = EI d~~X) (4.1. 15b) and the relation between the shear force and shear deformation (rotation due to shear) (shear strain) is given by (4. 1. 15c) , The difference in dvjdx and ~ represents the shear strain YyA= [3) of the beam as Yy: = dil dx - 4 ¢J' (4.1.lSd) Now consider the differential element in Figure 4-3c and Eqs. (4.1.1b) and (4.1.1c) obtained from summing transverse forces and then summing bending moments. We now substitute Eq. (4.1.15c) for V and Eq. (4.1.1Sb) for Minto Eqs. (4.1.1b) and (4.1.1c) along with [3 from Eq. (4.l.1Sa) to obtain the two governing differential equations as (4.1.15e) (4.1.15f) To derive "the stiffness matrix for the beam element including transverse shear deformation, we assume the transverse displacement to be given by the cubic function . in Eq. (4.1.2). In a manner sirnilarto (8), we choose transverse shear strain" consistent with the cubic polynomial for v(x), such that" is a constant given by y =c (4.t.1Sg) Using the cubic displacement function for V, the slope relation given by Eq. (4.1.15a), and the shear strain Eq. (4.1J5g), along with the bending moment-curvature relation) Eq. (4.1.1Sb) and the shear force-shear strain relation Eq. (4.1.l5c), in the bending moment-shear force relation Eq. (4.1.1c), we obtain c = 6a 1g (4.1.l5h) where g = El jksAG and ksA is the shear area. Shear areas} As vary with crosssection shapes. For instance, for a rectangular shape As is taken as 5/6 times the 160 • 4 Development of Beam Equations cross section A, for a solid circular cross section it is taken as 0.9 times the cross section, for a wide-flange cross section it is taken as the thickness of the web times the full depth of the wide:..flange, and for thin-walled cross sections it is taken as two times the product of the thickness of the wall times the depth of the cross section. Using Eqs. (4.1.2) (4.1.15a), (4.l.lSg), and (4.I.15h) allow ~ to be expressed as a polynomial in x as follows: .¢ a3 + 2a2x+ (3r + 6g)al (4.1.15i) Using Eqs. (4_1.2) and (4.1.15i), we can now express the coefficients al through a4 in terms of the nodal displacements dly and d2y and rotations ¢1 and ~2 of the beam at the ends x = 0 and.x ~ L as previously done to obtain Eq. (4J.4) when shear defonnation was neglected.. The expressions for a1 through a4 are then. given as follows: 141 - 2d ,y + 2.d2Y + L¢2 L(V + 12g) at _ -3LlI 1y a2 - (2L2 + 6g}J, + 3Ld2y + (-V + 6g)Jz L(V + 12g) _ -12glI1Y + ([3 + 6gL)Jl + 12gdly - 6gI42 a3 L(V + 12g) (4.1.15j) lIly Substituting these a's into Eq. (4.1.2), we obtain lti..': v = 2ily + 141 - 2.d2Y + LJ2 .r -L(V + 12g) -3Ld ly (2L2 + 6g)Jl + 3Ld2y + (-V + 6g)j2 r L(V+ 12g) -UglIly + (V + 6gL)JI + 12gd2y L(V + 12g) 6gLJ2 ~ X+ II Iy (4.1.15k) In a manner similar to step 4 used to derive the stiffness- matrix for the beam element without shear deformation included, we have • ~ ml = -m(O) r _ VeL) = hy = V(O) J2y 6E'7 = EI(l2.d ly + 641 - 12d2y-+ 6L~2) la! LCV + 12g) = -2E[a2 EI{6Ldly + (4L2 + 12g)~t 6LlI2y + (2L2 L(D + 12g) EI( -lUI}' - 6LJl + 12d2y - 6L¢2) L(V + 12g) (4.1.151) where again the min us signs in the second and third of Eqs. (4.1.151) are the result of opposite nodal and beam.theory positive moment conventions at node I and opposite 4.2 Example of Assemblage of Beam Stiffness Matrices A 161 nodal and beam theory positive shear force conventions at node 2, as seen by comparing Figures 4-2 and 4-7. In matrix form Eqs (4.1.151) become ) ! ~ hy m2 = [~~ (4L2~ =~~ 6 El 12g) (2£1 : 129)] L(V + 12g) -12 -6L 12 -6L 6L (2L2 - 129) -6L (4L2 + 12g) !~:) d2J' J2 (4.lJ5m) where the stiffness matrix including both bending and shear deformation is then given by k= - EI L(£2 + 12g) [~~12 (4£1~ 12g) =~~ -6L 12 (2£16:119)] -6L 6L (2L2 - 12g) -6L (4L2 + 12g) (4.1.15n) . In Eq. (4.1.15n) remember that 9 represents the transverse shear term, and if we set 9 = 0, we obtain Eq. (4.1.14) for the beam stiffness matrix, neglecting transverse shear deformation. To more easily see the effect of the shear correction factor, we define the nondimensional shear correction term as rp = 12ElJ(ksAGL2 ) = 129/ L2 and rewrite the stiffness matrix as k= - [~~ (4:~)L2 =~~ (2 ~~)L2]. 12 -6L El D(1 + 91) -12 -6L 6L (2 - 91)V (4.1. 150) -6L (4 + rp)V Most commercial computer programs, such as [II], will include the shear deformation by having you input the shear area, As = ksA. 1: 4.2 Example of Assemblage of Beam Stiffness Matrices Step 5 Assemble the Element Equations to Obtain the Global Equations and Introduce Boundary Conditions Consider the beam in Figure 4-7 as an example to illustrate the procedure for assemblage of beam element stiffne:ss matrices. Assume EI to be constant throughout the beam. A force of 1000 Ib and a moment of 1000 lb-ft are applied to the beam at midlength. The left end is a fixed support and the right end is a pin support. First, we discretize the beam into two elements with nodes 1"':3 as shown. We include a nod!! at midIength because applied force and moment exist at midlengtb and, at this time, loads are assumed to be applied only at nodes. (Another procedure for' handling loads applied on elements will be discussed in Section 4.4.) •.1' 162 £. 4 Development of Beam Equations y hi 1000 Ib-ft 3 CD :z.t----- L ----.1---- L - - r - t /'#---x 1000 Ib Figure 4-7 Fixed hinged beam subjected to a force and a moment Using Eq. (4.1.14), we find that the global stiffness matrices for the two elements are now given by d 1y d2y q,1 1>2 6L -12 12 4L2 -6L 2L2 (4.2.1 ) 6L k(l) =El [ 6L _L3 -12 -6L 12 -6L 2L2/ -6L 4L2 6L 1 d2y (12 d3y' (13 6L -12 [ 6L 12 2L2 4L2 -6L (4.2.2) 6L k(2} = El and L3 -12 -6L 12 -6L 2L2 -6L 4L2 6L where the degrees of freedom associated with each beam element are indicated by the usual labels above the columns in each e1ement stiffness matrix. Here the local coordinate axes for each element coincide With the global x and y axes of the whole beam. Consequently, the local and global stiffness matrices ate identical, so hats are not needed in Eqs. (4.1.1) and (4.2.2). The total stiffness matrix can now be assembled for the beam by using direct stiffness method. When the total (global) stiffness matrix has. been assembled, the external global nodal forces are related to the global nodal displacements. 'Through direct superposition and Eqs. (4.2.1) and (4.2.2), the governing equations for the beam are thus given by Fly 12 6L -12 6L 0 0 dly MI 6L 4L2 -6L 2L2 0 0 ,pi Fiy El -12 -6L 12+ 12 -6L+6L -12 6L d'}.y M2 = LJ 6L 2L2 -6L+6L4L2"+4£2 -6L 21}" (12 (4.2.3) Fsy 0 0 -12 -6L 12 -6L d3y M3 0 0 6'-' 2Ll -6L 4V ;3 1 n the Now considering the boundary conditions, or constraints, of the fixed sq,pport at node 1 an.d the hinge (pinned) suppOrt at node 3, we have (11=0 dly = 0 d3y = 0 .(4.2.4) 4.3 Examples of Beam Analysis Using the Direct Stiffness Method ... 163 On considering the third, fourth, and sixth equations of Eqs. (4.2.3) corresponding to the rows with unknown degrees of freedom and.using Eqs. (4.2.4), we obtain { -1000 } 1000 == o ~; [ 024 0 2 6L ] { d", } 8L 2L2 ¢>2 6L 2£2 4L2 tP3 (4.2.5) where 6 y = -1000 lb, M2 ~ 1000 Ib-ft, and M3 = 0 have been substituted into the reduced set of equations. We could now solve Eq. (4.2.5) simultaneously for the unknown nodal displacement d2y and the unknown nodal rotations t/>2 and ¢3- We leave the final solution for you to obtain. Section 4.3 provides complete solutions to beam problems. A 4.3 Examples of Beam Analysis Using the Direct Stiffness Method We will now perform complete solutions for beams with various boundary supports and loads to illustrate further the use of the equations developed in Section 4.1. Example 4.1 Using the direct stiffness method, solve the problem of the propped cantilever beam subjected to end load P in Figure 4-8. The beam is assumed to have constant El and length 21.-. It is supported by a roller at midlength and is built in at the right end. Figure 4-8 Propped cantilever beam We have discretized the beam and established global coordinate axes as shown in Figure 4-8. We will determine the nodal displacements and rotations, the reactions, and the complete shear force and bending moment diagrams. Using Eq. (4.1.14) for each element, along with superposition, we obtain the structure total stiffness matrix by the same method as described in Section 4.2 for obtaining the stiffness matrix in Eq. (4.2.3). The K is d 1y tP] 12 6L 4L2 Symmetry I _I d2y "'2 d3y t/>'j -12 6L 0 0 -6L 2L2 0 0 12+12 -6L+6L -12 6£ 4L2 + 4L2 -6L 2L2 12 -6L (4.3.1) 164 A 4 Development of Beam Equations The governing equations for the beam are then given by 12 Fly MI F2y M2 F3y M3 6L -12 6L 0 0 dl y 4L2 -6L 2L2 0 0 24 _ 0 -12 6L E1 -12 -6L = L3 2L2 6L 2L2 0 . 8L2 -6L -12 -6L 12 -6L 0 0 4L2 6L 2L2 -6L 0 0 6L tPl d2y th. (4.3.2) d3y ;3 On applying the boundary conditions d2y =0 d3y = 0 (4.3.3) rP3 = 0 and partitioning the equations associated with unknown displacements [the first, second, and fourth equations of Eqs. (4.3.2)] from those equations associated with known displacements in the usual manner, we obtain the final set of equations for a longhand solution as rn=~[:~ ~ (4.3.4) where Fly -P, MI = O,"and M2 = 0 have been used in Eq. (4.3.4). We will now solve Eq. (4.3.4) for the nodal displacement and Doda1 slopes. We obtain the transverse displacement -at node 1 as 7PV dly = -12El (4.3.5) where the minus sign indicates that the displacement of node 1 is downward. . The slopes are PV global nodal forces, and element forces for the beam shown in Figure 4-13. We have discretized the beam as indicated by the node numbering. The beam is fixed at nodes 1 and 5 and has a roller support at node 3. Vertical loads of 10,000 lb each are applied at 'nodes 2 and 4. Let E = 30 X 106 psi and I = 500 in 4 throughout the beam. We must have consistent units; therefore, the 10-ft lengths in Figure 4-13 will be converted to 120 in. during the solution. Using Eq. (4.1.10), along with superposition of the four beam element stiffness matrices> we obtain the global stiffness matrix 4.3 Examples of Beam Analysis Using the Direct Stiffness Method A 167 Figure 4- 1.3 Beam example and the global equations as given in Eq. (4.3.1 I). Here toe lengths of each element are the same. Thus) we can factor an L out of the superimposed stiffness matrix. FIJI MJ 6, M2 F)1 M)F41 M~ Fsy Ms E1 =TJ d ly ;1 12 6L 4Ll dJy d4). ;4 d2y ds!· ~2 ~3 ~5 0 -12 0 0 0 6L 0 0 (} () 21) -6L 0 0 0 6L 0 6L -12 -6L 12+12 -6L+6L -12 0 0 0 (} 2L2 0 -6L 0 6L 2L2 -6L+61 4L2+4L2 -12 0 -6L 12+ 12 -6L+6L 0 0 -12 6L 0 () 2L2 -6L+6L 4L2 +4L2 -6L 2£2 0 0 6L 0 -12 -6L 0 0 12+ i2 -6L+6L -12 6L 0 (} 2L2 6L -6L + 6L '-4L2 + 4L 2 -6L 2L2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -12 -6L 12 -6L 0 0 () 2L2 0 -6L 4L1 0 6L 0 9 d 1y ;1 d2J' h d)' ;3 t4y ;4 J;y ;s (4.3.11) For a longhand solution, we reduce Eq. (4.3.11) in the usual manner by application of the boundary conditions d1y ::. ¢1 = d3y =: dsy = 4;5 = 0 The resulting equation is rlO'~1 o =o -10,000 0 EI V 24 0 6L 0 0 0 8L 2 2L2 6L 2L2 8L2 0 -6£2 0 2L2 0 0 -6L 24 0 0 0 2L2 0 8L 2 [: I (4.3.12) d4y 1/14 The rotations (slopes) at nodes 2-4 are equal to zero because of symmetry in loading, geometry, and material properties about a plane perpendicular to the beam length and passing through node 3. Therefore, 4;2 = ;3 = 4;4 = 0, and we can further reduce Eq. (4.3.12) to -10,000} { -10,000 = ElL3 l"240 0] 24 {dd,y ZY } (4.3.13) Solving for the displacements using L = 120 in., E = 30 X 106 psi, and 1 = 500 in.4 in Eq. (4.3.13), we obtain d2y = c4y = -0.048 in. (4.3.14) as expected because of symmetry. 168 ... 4 Development of Beam Equations As observed from the solution of this problem, the greater the static redundancy (degrees of static indeterminacy or number of unknown forces and moments that cannot be determined by equations of statics), the smaller the kinematic redundancy (unknown nodal degrees of freedom, such as displacements or slopes)-hence. the fewer the number of unknown degrees of freedom to be solved for. Moreover, the use of symmetry, when applicahJe, reduces the number of unknown degrees of freedom even further. We can now back-substitute the results from Eq. (4.3.14), along with the numerical values for E,l, and L. into Eq. (4.3.12) to determine the global nodal forces as Fl .v = 5000 Ib M, F2y = IO,OOOlb M 2 =0 F3y = 10,000 lb F4y = 10,000 Ib Mj M4 =O Fs, Ms 50001b 25,000 Ib-ft ° (4.3.15) -25,000 Ib-ft Once again, the global nodal forces (and moments) at the support nodes (nodes 1, 3, and 5) can be interpreted as the rcacti"on forces, and the global nodal forces at nodes 2 and 4 are the applied nodal forces. However, for large structures we must obtain the local element shear force and bending moment at each node end of the element because these values are used in the design/analysis process. We will again illustrate this concept for tlie element connecting nodes I and 2 in Figure 4-13. Using the local equations for this element~ for which all nodal displacements have now been determined, we' obtain y it~l r lm2 ily ) =£1 V 6L [l2 -12 6L 6L 4L2 -6L 2L2 -12 -6L 12 -6L (4.3.16) Simplifying Eq. (4.3.16), we have t)=I~::~ftl I nl2 (4.3.]7) 25,OOOIb-ft If you wish~ you can draw a free-body diagram to confirm the eqUilibrium of the element. • Finally> you should note that because of reflective symmetry about a vertical plane passing through node 3, we could have initially considered one-half of this beam and used the following model. The fixed support at node 3 is due to the 4.3 Examples of Beam Analysis Using the Direct Stiffness Method .& 169 slope being zero at node 3 because of the symmetry in the loading and support conditions. Example 4.3 Determine the nodal displacements and rotations and the global and element forces for the beam shown in Figure 4-14. We have discretized the beam as shown by the node numbering. The beam is fixed at node 1, has a roller support at node 2, and has an elastic spring support at node 3. A downward vertical force of P = 50 kN is applied at node 3. Let E = 210 GPa and I = 2 X 10-4 m 4 throughout the beam, and let k = 200 kN/m: k = 200kNjm 4 Figure 4-14 Beam example Using Eq. (4.1.14) for each beam element and Eq. (2.2.18) for the spring element as well as the direct stiffness method, we obtain the structure stiffness matri~ as d,y tPt dly "2 6L 12 6L 4L2 -6L 2L2 -12 24 K=EJ - 0 8L2 L3 d3y 0 0 tP3 0 t4y 0 0 0 -12 6L 1£2 -6L kV 12+ EI -6L 4L2 0 0 kV EI 0 kV Symmetry El (4.3.l8a) 170 ... 4 Development of Beam Equations where the spring stiffness matrix ks given below by Eq. (4.3.18b) has been directly added into the global stiffness matrix corresponding to its degrees of freedom at nodes 3 and 4. (4.3.l8b) It is easier to solve the problem using the general variables, later making numerical substitutions into the final displacement expressions. The governing equations for the beam are then given by F1J, Ml F2) M2 F3!, M3 12 6L -12 6L 4L2 -6L 2L2 24 EI 0 8L 2 L3 F~." 0 0 .-12 0 0 0 0 0 0 6L -6L 2L2 12+k' -6L -k' 4L2 0 Symmetry k' d l.... ?l d2.v tP2 d3y (4.3.19) tP3 d4y where k' = kL 3 /(El) is used to simplify the notation. We now apply the boundary conditions (4.3.20) We delete the first three equations and the seventh equation (corresponding to the boundary conditions given by Eq. (4.3.20)) of Eqs. (4.3.'19). The rem~iniIlg three equations are 0 } =El _p { [8L -6L o 2 2L2 -6L 12+kl (4.3.21) -6L Solving Eqs. (4.3.21) simultaneously for the displacement at node 3 and the rotations at nodes 2 and 3, we obtain d3y = - I) 7PV ( El 12 + 7k~ 3PV ( tP2 = - £1 1) 12 + 7k' (4.3.22) ?3 9PV ( 1 ) =.:.. E1 12+7kl The influence of the spring stiffness on the displacements is easily seen in Eq. (4.3.22). Solving for the numerical displacements using P = 50 kN, L =:3 m, E 210 GPa (= 210 x 106 kNjm 2), I = 2 X }O-4 m\ and k' = 0.129 in Eq. (4.3.22), we obtain d .= 3) (210 X -7(50 kN)(3 m)3 106 ( 1 ) kN/m2)(2 X 10-4 m4) 12 + 7(0.129) Similar substitutions into Eq. (4.3.26) yield th = -0.00249 rad' '3 = -0.0174 m = -0.00747 rad ( 4.3..23) (4.3.24) 4.3 Examples of Beam Analysis Using the Direct Stiffness Method 171 ,j. We now back-substitute the results from Eqs. (4.3.23) and (4.3.24), along with numerical values for P, E,l, L, and k', into Eq. (4.3.19) to obtain the global nodal forces as Fly = -69.9 kN Ml = -69.7 kN'm F2y= 116.4 kN F3y=-50.0kN M2=0.OkN·m (4.3.25) M3=0.OkN·m F or the beam~spring· structure, an additional global force F4y is determined at the base of the spring as follO\vs: F4y = -d3yk = (0.0174)200 = 3.5 kN Thi~ (4.3.26) force provides the additional global y force for equilibrium of the structure. 69.9 kN 50 kN ~.~~~.m--"-3m~i~3m----lj~ Figure 4-15 Fre~body diagram of beam of Figure 4-14 116.4 kN A free-body diagram, including the forces and moments from Eqs. (4.3.25) and (4.3.26) acting on the beam, is shown in Figure 4-15. • ExampJe4.4 Determine the displacement and rotation under the force and moment located at the center of the beam shown in Figure 4-16. The beam has been discretized into the two elements shown in Figure 4-16. The beam is fixed at each end. A downward force of 10 kN and an applied moment of 20 kN-m .act at the center of the beam. Let E 210 GPa and 1 = 4 X 10-4 m 4 throughout the beam length. = lOkN ~~--~~~__~29~---~-m--~~ 20lcN-m Figure 4-16 Fixed-fixed beam subjea~ to applied force and moment Using Eq. (4.1.14) for each beam element with L = 3 m, we obtain the element stiffness matrices as follows: d 1y tPt d2y k(l) - -12 = El 4Ll -6L L3 [ 12 Symmetry tP2 12 6L 6L ] 2L2 -6L 4L2 6L ] 2L2 -6L 4L2 . (4.3.27) 172 4. 4 Development of Beam Equations The boundary conditions are given by dl)' = tP! = d~v = ~3 (4.3.28) 0 The global forces are F2y = -10,000 Nand M2 = 20,000 N-m. Applying the global forces and boundaty conditions, Eq. (4.3.28), and assembling the global stiffness matrix using the direct stiffness method and Eqs. (4.3.27), we obtain the global equations as: -lO,OOO} { 20,000 Solving Eq. (4.~.29) d2,)' (210 x 1()9)(4 x 1033 4 ) [24 0] 0 8(32 ) {d 2y } ~2 (43.29) for the displacement and rotation, we obtain = -1.339 x.lO-4 m and tP2 = 8.928 x 10-5 rad (4.3.30) Using the local equations for each element, we obtain the local nodal forces and moments for element one as follows: (1)) ~y ( m~1) . 9 4 ,= (210 x 10 )(4 x 103~ .(1) J2y (I) m2 ) [ 12 J~;)11-1.333~ 10-') 6(3) ._-12 4(3 2) 6(3} -12 -6(3) 2(32 ) 6(3) -6(3) , 12 -6(3) x 8.928 x 10-5 4(32) (4.3.31) Simplifying Eq. (4.3.31), we have 1O~000 N) 1;;) mil) = 12,500 N-m, J;~) = -10,000 N, m~l) = 17,500 N-m (4.3.32) Similarly, for element two the local nodal forces and moments are h~) = 0, m~2) ~ 2500 N-m, Ii:) = 0, m~2) -2500 N-m (4.3.33) Using the results from Eqs. .(4.3.32) and (4.3.33), we show the local forces and moments acting on each element in Figure 4-16 as follows: Using the results from Eqs. (4.3.32) and (4.3.33), or Figure 4-17, we obtain the shear force and ben.ding moment diagrams for each element as shown in Figure 4-18. 12.500 N-m 17,500 N-m 2500 N-m 1O.000N o --=p cr 1:-'r-) lO,COON 2S00N-m ~ o Figure 4-17 Nodal forces and moments acting on each element of Figure 4-15 4.3 Examples of Beam Analysis Using the Direct Stiffness Method 1~1 A 173 V,N (a) + 0 M,N-m 17.500 CD + -12.500 Q) M~=l (b) Figure 4-18 Shear force (a) and bending moment (b) diagrams for each element • Example 4.5 To illustrate the.effects of shear deformation along with the usual bending deformation) we now solve the simple beam shown in Figure 4-19. We win use the beam stiffness matrix given by Eq. (4.1.150) that includes both the bending and shear deformation contributions for deformation in the x-y plane. The beam is simply supported with a concentrated load of 10,000 N applied at mid-spah. We let.material properties be E = 207 GPa and G = 80 GPa. The beam width and height are b = 25 mm and h = 50 mm, respectively. L 71 ~h ~200mm -:L ~,I figure 4-19 Simple beam subjected to concentrated load at center of span We will use symmetry to simplify the solution. Therefore, only one half of the beam will be considered with the slope at the center forced to be zero. Also, one half of the concentrated load is then used. The model with symmetry enforced is shown in Figure 4-20. The finite element model will consist of only one beam element. Using Eq. (4.1.156) for·the Timoshenko beam element stiffness matrix, we obtain the global 174 ... 4 Development of Beam Equations p 2" 2 Figure 4-20 Beam with symmetry enforced )r---------"-"I'/ r-- 200 mm --i. equations as EI D(l +qJ) 12 6L -12 [ 6L (4.3.34) Note that the boundary conditions given by d ly 0 and ,p2 = 0 have been included in Eq. (4.3.34). Using the second and third equations ofEq. (4.3.34) whose rows are associated with th~ two unknowns, ;1 and d2y, we obtain d2y = -PV(4 + qJ) 24EI and,pl = -PL2 4EI (4.3.35) As the beam is rectangular in cross section, the moment of inertia is 1= bh3j12 Substituting the numerical values for band h, we obtain I as 1= 0.26 X 10-6 m4 The shear correction factor is given by 12EI tp= k;rAGV and ks for a rectangular cross section is given by ks = 5/6. Substituting numerical values for E,I, G,L, and ks, we-obtain 12 x 207 x 109 x 0.26 X rp = 5/6 x 0.025 x 0.05 x 80 x Substituting for P = 10,000 N, L = 0.2 m, and obtain the displacement at the mid-span as d2y 10-6 10~ X 0.22 =0.1938 qJ = 0.1938 into Eq. (4.3.35), we = - 2.597 X 10- 4 m (4.3.36) If we 'let I = the whole length of the beam) then 1 = 2L and we can substitute L = 1/2 into Eq. (4.3.35) to obtain the displacement in terms of the whole length .of the beam as -PP(4+ (1) d2y 192E] (4.3.37) :,t 4.4 Distributed Loading A 175 For long slender beams with I about 10 or more times the beam depth, h, the transverse shear correction term f/J is small and can be neglected. Therefore, Eq. (4.3.37) becomes -pp d2y = 48El (4.3.38) Equation (4.3.38) is the classical beam deflection formula for a simply supported beam subjected to a concentrated load at mid-span. Using Eq.'(4.3.38), the deflection is obtained as d2y = 2.474 X 10-4 m (4.3.39) Comparing the deflections obtained using the shear-correction factor with the deflection predicted using 'the beam-bending contribution only> we obtain fJ"f 10 change = 2.597 - 2.474 0 4 fJ"f d' 2.474 x 10 = .9710 tfference .. 4.4 Distributed loading Beam members can support distributed loading as wen as concentrated nodal loading, Therefore, we must be able to account for distributed loading. Consider the fixed-fixed beam sUbjected to a uniformly distributed loading w shown in Figure 4-21. The reactions, determined from structural analysis theory [21, are shown in Figure 4-22. These reactions are called fixed-end reactions. In general, fixed--end reactions are those reactions at the ends of an element if the ends of the element are assumed to be fixed-that is, if displacements and rotations are pr~vented. (Those of you who' are unfamiliar with the analysis of indeterminate structures should assume these reac, tions as given and proceed with the rest of the discussion; we will develop these results in a subsequent presentation of the work-equivalence method.) Therefore, guided by the results from structural analysis for the case of a uniformly distributed load, we replace the load by concentrated nodal forces and moments tending to have the same K'(Ib/ft) Figure 4-21 Fixed-fixed beam subjected to a uniformly distributed load Figure 4-22 Fixed-end reactions for the beam of Figure 4-20 176 A 4 Development of Beam Equations wL wL ~tf w t I 1 L 1 4 L i ifiLl 12 (b) (a) we we -+2 2 2 3 5 (c) Figure 4-23 (a) Beam with a distributed load, (b) the equivalent nodal force system. and (c) the enlarged beam (for clarity's sake) with equivalent nodal force system when node 5 is added to the midspan - effect cn the beam as the actual distributed load. Figure 4-23 illustrates this idea for a beam. We have replaced the unifonnly distributed load by a statically equivalent force system consisting of a concentrated nodal force and moment at each end of the member carrying the distributed load. That is) both the statically equivalent concentrated nodal forces and moments arid the original distributed load have the same resultant force and same moment about an arbitrarily chosen point. These statically equivalent forces are always of opposite sign from the fixed·end reactions. If we want to analyze the behavior of loaded member 2-3 in better detail, we can place a node at midspan and use the same procedure just described for each of the two elements representing the horizontal member. That~s> to detenrune the maximum deflection and maximum moment in the "beam span, a node 5 is needed at midspan of beam segment 2-3, and work-equivalent forces and moments are applied to each element (from node 2 to node 5 and from node 5 to node 3) shown in Figure 4-23 (c). Work-Equivalence Method We can use the work-equivalence method to replace a distributed load by a set of discrete loads. This method is based on the concept that the work of the distributed load w(x) in going through the displacement field v(x) is equal to the work done by nodal loads y and m; in going through nodal displacements diJ' and ~i for arbitrary nodal displacements. To illustrate the method, we consider the example shown in Figure 4-24. The work due to the distributed load is given by h Wdistributcd = r w(i)6(i)di (4.4.1) 4.4 Distributed loading .It. 177 il>,d ry m!.~l II .x /4---- L ----'"'I (a) (b) Figure 4-24 (a) Beam element subjected to a general load and (b} the statically equivalent nodal force system where v(i) is the transverse displacement given by Eq. (4.1.4). The work due to the discrete nodal forces is given by Wdiscre!¢ mI~1 + m2~2 +~J,dlF +h/ll.!" (4.4.2) h We can then determine the nodal moments and forces ml, m2,li y , and y used to replace the distributed load by using the concept of work equivalence-that is} by set· ting Wctistributed == Wdiscretc for arbitrary displacements ~I 1 ~2' diy, and d2)" Example of loa'd Replacement To illustrate more clearly the concept of work eq~ivalence, we will now consider a beam subjected to a specified distributed load. Consider the uniformly loaded beam .shown in Figure 4-2S(a). The support conditions are not shown because they are .not relevant to the replacement scheme. By letting U'dismte = %istribuled and by assuming arbitrary ¢1>~2)J.I)I, and d1y , we will find equivalent nodal forces ml,m2,li y , andhr Figure 4-2S{b) shows the nodal forces and moments directions as positive based on Figure 4-1. w .t,. I L L -I '. ~I>ml ~'J" 1 @,J~ , i j. L 2 li22, j2 .\ (b) (a) Figure 4-25· (a) Beam subjected to a uniformly distributed loading and"(b) the equivalent nodal forces to be determined Using Eqs. (4.4.1) and (4.4.2) for U'distributed = U'discrcte, we have LL w(x)v(.i) d.i = ml~1 + m2~2 +j;,.d,y +J;/J'2.V (4.4.3) where m1~1 and m2~2. are the work due to .c~ncentraJe~ nodal moments moving through their respective nodal rotations and fiyd}y and f 2yd2y are the work due to the nodal forces moving through nodal displacements. Evaluating the left~hand side of 178 .. 4 Development of Beam Equations Eq. (4.4.3) by substituting w(x) -wand vex) from ~q. (4.1.4), we obtain the work due to the distributed load as (4.4.4) Now using Eqs. (4.4.3} and (4.4.4) for arbitrary nodal displacements, we let ~I = 1, ~2 = 0, d1y = 0, and d2y = 0 and then obtain . (4.4.5) (4.4.6) Finally, letting all nodal displacements equal zero. except first obtain • Lw . '. Lw hy(l) = -T+Lw-Lw=-:-T . Lw hy (l) = T - Lw = Lw d1y and then d2y, we (4.4.7) , We can conclude that, in general, for any given load function wei), we can multiply by v(i) and then integrate according to Eq. (4.4.3) to obtain the concentrated nodal forces (and/or moments) used to replace the distributed load. Moreover, we can obtain the load replacement by using the concept of fixed-end reactions from structural analysis theory. Tables of fixed-end reactions have been generated for numerous load cases and can be found in texts on structural analysis such as Reference [2]. A table of equivalent nodal forces has been generated in Appendix D of this text, guided by the fact that fixed-end reaction forces are of opposite sign from those obtained by the work equivalence method. Hence, if concentrated load is applied other than at the natural intersection of two elements, we can use the concept of equivalent nodal forces to replace the concentrated load by nodal concentrated values acting at the beam ends1 instead of creating a node on the beam at the location where the load is applied. We provide examples of this procedure for handling concentrated loads on elements in beam Example 4.7 and in plane frame Example 5.3. ' a General Formulation In general, we can account for distributed loads or concentrated loads acting on beam elements by starting with the following fonnulation application for a general structure: f=K!l-fo (4.4.8) 4.4 Distributed Loading .6. 179 where E.. are the concentrated nodal forces and Eo are called the equivalent nodal forces, now expressed in terms of global-coordinate components, which are of such magnitude that they yield the same displacements at the nodes as would the distributed load. Using the table in Appendix D of equivalent nodal forces ~ expressed in terms of 10ca1coordinate components, we can express fo in tenns of global-coordinate components. Recall from Section 3.10 the derivation of the element equations by the principle of minimum potential energy. Starting with Eqs. (3.10.19) and (3.10.20), the minimi~ zation of the total potential energy resulted in the same form of equation as Eq. (4.4.8) where fo now represents the same work-equivalent force replacement sys~ tern as given by Eq. (3.10.20a) for surface traction replacement. Also, f = f [f from Eq. (3.10.20)1 represents the global nodal concentrated forces. Because we now as~ sume that concentrated nodal forces are not present (E = 0), as we are solving beam problems with distributed loading only in this section, we can write Eq. (4.4.8) as f(J = Krl (4.4.9) On solving for d in Eq. (4.4.9) and then substituting the global displacements d and equivalent nodal forces £ into Eq. (4.4.8)~ we obtain the actual global nodal forces J!. For example, using the definition of~ and Eqs: (4.4.5)-(4.4.7) (or using load case 4 in Appendix D) for a uniformly distributed load w acting over a one-element beam, webave -wL 2 -WL2 £= 12 -wL (4.4.10) 2 WL2 U. This concept can be applied on a local basis to obtain the local nodal forces j in individual elements of structures by applying Eq. (4.4.8) locally as - j kJ -10 (4.4.11) where 10 are the equivalent local nodal forces. Examples 4.6-4.8 illustrate the method of equivalent nodal forces for solving beams subjected to distributed and concentrated loadings. We will use globalcoordinate notation in Examples 4.6-4.8-treating the beam as a general structure rather than as an element. Example 4.6 For the cantilever beam subjected to the unifonn load w in Figure 4-26, solve for the right-end vertical displacement and rotation and then for the nodal forces. Assume the beam to have constant E1 throughout its length. 180 .4. 4 Development of Beam Equations (a) (b) Figure 4-26 (a) Cantilever beam subjected to a uniformly distributed load and (b) the work equivalent nodal force system We begin by discretizing the beam. Here only one element will be used to represent ,the whole beam. Next, the distributed load is replaced by its work-equivalent nodal forces as shown in Figure 4-26(b). The work-equivalent nodal forces are those that result from the unifoITIlly distributed load acting over the whole beam given by Eq. (4.4.10). (Or see appropriate load case 4 in Appendix D.) Using Eq. (4.4.9) and the beam element stiffness matrix. and realizing k = 5 as the local x axis is coincident with the global x axis, we obtain wL F 1y - EI [12 6L -12 4V -6V 12 2L2 -6L U 4L2 Jr'} wV MI ';1 12 -wL d2J1 ¢>2 (4.4.12) 2 wLJ. where we have applied the work equivalent nodal forces and moments from Figure 4-26(b). Applying the boundary conditions d ly = 0 and ¢>l = 0 to Eqs (4.4.12) and then partitioning off the third and fourth equations of Eq. (4.4.12), we obtain El [ 12 £3 -6L2 -6L dzy 4V ] { ¢>2 } = WL} -2 { wV , (4.4.l3) 12 Solving Eq . .(4.4.13) for the displacements, we obtain C6,} = 6EI b d~ L 2L2 3L 6 -WL} 1{ ~ wL' (4.4.14a) Simplifying Eq. (4.4.14a), we obtain the displacement and rotation as (4.4.l4b) 4.4 Distributed Loading .6. 181 The negative signs in the answers indicate that d2y is downward and ;2 is clockwise. In this case, the method of replacing the distributed load by discrete concentrated loads. gives exact solutions for the displacement and rotation as could be obtained by classical methods, such as double integration [IJ. This is expected, as the workequivalence method ensures that the nodal displacement and rotation from the :finite element method match those from an exact solution. We will now illustrate the procedure for obtaining the globl:tl nodal forces. For convenience, we :first define the product K!!. to be f(e), where E(I!) are called the effective global nodal forces. On using Eq. (4.4.14) for 4, we then have r~) Mf"l FS") 21 Mi"l I I 6L -12 6L 4L2 -6L 2L2 =£1 6L 12 -6L -6L V -12 2L2 -6L 4L2 6L [12 0 0 -WL4 8EI -WL3 6£1 (4.4.15) Simplifying Eq. (4.4.15), we obtain rI l ;) 'M}") p,(t) 2y Mi") wL ""2 5wL2 _ 12 - -wL (4.4.16) -2WLl 12 We then use Eqs. (4.4.10) and (4.4.16) in Eq. (4.4.8) (E.. = k.4 -~) to obtain the correct global nodal forces as wL I~l= F2y -wL ""2 -2- 5wL2 -WL2 12 -wL M2 -wL -2- WL2 WL2 12 U' =ftl (4.4.17) In Eq. (4.4.17), Fly is the vertical force reaction and MI is the moment reaction as applied 'by the clamped support at node 1. The results for displacement 'given by Eq. (4A.14b) and the global nodal forces given by Eq. (4.4.17) are sufficient to complete the solution of the cantilever beam problem. 182 A 4 Development of Beam Equations Figure 4-26 (c) Free-body diagram and equations of equilibrium for beam of Figure 4-(26)a. A free-body diagram of the beam using the reactions from Eq. (4.4.17) verifies • both force and moment equilibrium as shown in Figure 4-26(c). The nodal force and moment reactions obtained by Eq. (4.4.17) illustrate the importance of using Eq. (4.4.8) to obtain the correct global nodal forces and moments. By subtracting the work-equivalent force matrix, Eo from the product of K. times 4, we obtain the correct reactions at node 1 as can be verified by simple static equilibrium equations. This verification validates the general method as follows: 1. Replace the distributed load by its work-equivalent as shown in Figure 4-26(b) to identify the nodal force and moment used in the solution. 2. Assemble the global force and stiffness matrices and global equations illustrated by Eq. (4.4.12). 3. Apply the boundary conditions to reduce the set of equations as done in previous problems and illustrated by Eq. (4.4.13) where the original four equations have been reduced to two equations to be solved for the unknown displacement and rotation. 4. Solve for the unknown displacement and rotation given by Eq. (4.4.14a) and Eq. (4.4.14b). 5. Use Eq. (4.4.8) as illustrated by Eq. (4.4.17) to obtain the final correct global nodal forces and moments. Those forces and moments at supports, such as the left end of the cantilever in Figure 4-26(a), will be the reactions. We will solve the following example to illustrate the procedure for handling concentrated loads acting on beam elementS at locations other than nodes. Example 4.7 For the cantilever beam subjected to the concentrated load P in Figure 4-27, solve for the right-end vertical displacement and rotation and the nodal forces, including reactions, by replacing the concentrated load with equivalent nodal forces acting at each end of the beam. Assume EI constant throughout the beam. We begin by discretizing the beam. Here only one element is used with nodes at each end of the beam. We then replace the concentrated load as shown in 4.4 Distributed loading ~ P L '2 ~:~ L '2 l 183 @~ L PL~ ... PL -8" (a) 8" (b) Figure 4-27 (a) Cantilever beam subjected to a concentrated load and (b) the equivalent nodal force replacement system. Figure 4-27(b) by using appropriate loading case 1 in Appendix D. Using Eq. (4.4.9) and the beam element stiffness matrix Eq. (4.1.14), we obtain ~q~:L ~1;]{~}={+} (4.4.18) where we have applied the nodal forces from Figure 4-27(b) and the boundary conditions dIp = 0 and rP1 = 0 to reduce the number of matrix equations for the usual longhand solution. Solving Eq. (4.4.18) for the displacements) we obtain (4.4.19) I~~~311 Simplifying Eq. (4.4.19), we obtain the displacement and rotation as 2y { d~2 } = _PL2 8E1 (4.4.20) r\ To obtain the unknown nodal forces, we begin by evaluating the effective nodal forces lee) =K4 as r')! 12 ly Mi e) Fj;l M{e) 2 t J. El = L' 6L 6L -12 4L2 -6L 1 _sLJ 2L2 6L 12 -6L -6L 6L 2L2 -6L 4L2 [-12 48El _PL2 8El J (4.4.21) 184 It. 4 Development of Beam Equations Simplifying Eq. (4.4.21), we obtain P '2 3PL -8- (4.4.22) -P T PL T Then using Eq. (4:4.22) and the equivalent nodal forces from Figure 4-27(b) in Eq. (4.4.8), we obtain the correct nodal forces as P -p '2 2 -PL 3PL -8-8(4.4.23) = F2y -p -p M2 T PL PL I~;l T T We can see from Eq. (4.4.23) that Fly is equivalent to the vertical reaction force and MI is the reaction moment as applied by the clamped support at node 1. Again, the reactions obtained by E,q. (4.4.23) can be verified to be correct by using static equilibrium equa~iGns to validate once more the correctness of the general formulation and procedures summarized in the steps given after Example 4.6. • To illustrate the proc¢ure for handling concentrated nodal.forces and distributed loads acting simultaneously on beam elements, we will solve the fonowing example. Example 4.8 For the cantilever beam subjected to the concentrated free~end load P and the uniformly distributed load w acting over the whole beam as shown in Figure 4-28, determine t~e free-end displaCements and the nodal forces. w ~ IIIi III L (a) Figure 4-28 r d)2 wL -1'2 -tf+~ L wL2 1'2 (b) (a) Cantilever beam subjected to a concentrated load and a distributed load and (b) the equivalent nodal force replacement system 4.4 Distributed Loading .. 185 Once again, the beam is modeled using one element with nodes 1 and 2) and the distributed load is replaced as shown in Figure 4-28(b) using appropriate loading case 4 in Appendix D. Using the beam element stiffness Eq. (4.1.14), we obtain EI [12 -6LJ {d2Y} L' -6L 4L' {>, -WL _p} 2 ={ ~~' (4.4.24) where we have applied the nodal forces from Figure 4-28(b) and the boundary conditions dl }' ~ 0 and ¢J1 = 0 to reduce the number of matrix equations for the usual longhand solution. Solving Eq. (4.4.24) for the displacements, we obtain d2y } = { ¢J2 l -WL PLl) 8EI - 3El 1 4 -wL3 (4.4.25) PL2 6EI - 2El ) = Kr!. as Next; we obtain the effective nodal forces using [(e) o I y) . p,(e) Mi e ) Fie) 2y 1 = E1 [ V MJ") o 12 6L -12 6L 4L2 -6L -'-6L -12 12 2L2 6L -6L 6L 2L2 -6L 4L2 1 -WL4 PL' 8El - 3E1 -wL~ PL 2 '. 6EI -.2E1 (4.4.26) Simplifying Eq. (4.4.26), we obtain wL 2 PL 5wL2 + 12 p+ (4.4.27) _p_wL 2 wV 12 FinaUy, SUbtracting the equivalent nodal force matrix [see Figure 4-27(b)} from the effective force matrix, of Eq. (4.4.27), we obtain the correct nodal forces as p !~l= F2y ·M2 PL wL +2 5wL2 12 wL -p-2 WL2 + 12 -wL -2-wV 12 -wL -2wI} 12 ' = , II PL+ wL P+wL, 2 -P 0 (4.4.28) 186 .... 4 Development of Beam Equations From Eq. (4A.28), we see that Fly is equivalent to the vertical reaction force, Ml is the reaction moment at node 1, and F2y is equal to the applied downward force P at node 2. {Remember that only the equivalent nodal force matrix is subtracted, not the original concentrated load matrix. This is based on the general formulation, Eq. (4.4.8).j • To generalize the work-equivalent method, we apply it to a beam with more than one element as shown in the following Example 4.9. ( Example 4.9 For the fixed-fixed beam subjected to the linear varying distributed loading acting over the whole beam shown in Figure 4-29(a) determine the displacement and rotation at the center and the reactions. The beam is now mod~led using two elements with nodes 1, 2, and 3 and the distributed load is replaced as shown iil Figure 4-29 (b) using the appropriate load cases 4 and 5 in Appendix D. Note that load case 5 is used for element one as it has only the linear varying distributed load acting on it with a high end value of wJ2 as shown·in Figure ~29 (a), while both load cases 4 and 5 are used for element two as the distributed load is divided into'a uniform part with magnitude w/2 and a linear varying part with magnitude at the high end of the load equal to wj2 also. ~' ~r:L 9~ ~ -3wL 40, 9 1-9~ ~L' 60 1 (a) CD ~:, ~-I;;L 15 2 ,e;L -7wL2 3 (bl Figure 4",:,29 (a) Fixed-fixed beam subjected to linear varying line load and (b) the equivalent nodal force replacement system Using the beam element stiffness Eq. (4.1.14) for each element, we obtain 6L -12 6L -12 6L 2 6L 12 ,4L -6L -6L 2L2 2£2 . k(2) = EI 6L k(I)=EI L3 -12 -6L V -12 -6L 12 -6L 12 -6L 6L 2L2 -6L 4L2 6L 2L2 -6L 4L2 [ 12 6L 4£2 1 [ (4.4.28) , The boundary conditions are dl y 0, tPl = 0, d3y = 0, and tP3 = O. Using the direct stiffness method and Eqs. (4.4.28) to assemble the global stiffness matrix, and 4.4 Distributed Loading .. 187 applying the boundary conditions, we obtain F~ } = { -WL2 -;L } = EI [24 0] = { d D 0 8L2 tP 2y { M2 20 (4.4.29) } 2 Solving Eq. (4.4.29) for the displacement and slope, we obtain -wL4 ' d2y = 48El -w£3 (4.4.30) tP2 = 240El Next, we obtain the effective nodtil forces using E(e) = Krl. as F,(If) 12 Mie} 6L F.(~) El -12 2y = L3 M(If) 6L 2 p!;e} 0 3y 'MJe) - 0 Iy 6L 4L2 -6L 2£2 0 0 -12 -6L 6L 2£1- 24 0 0 0 -12 0 0 0 -12 6L 8L2 -6L 2L2 -6L 12 -6L 6L 2L2 -6L 4L2 o o -wL4 48El -WL3 , 240El o o (4.4.31) Solving for the effective forces in Eq. (4.4.31), we obtain 11 - 9wL· 40 de) _ -wL F,(:) _ I'2y - pet) _llwL 3y - 4 i ) 7wL2 M("') _ 1-60 -WL2 30 (.. ) _,-2wV MJ,e) = 2 M3 (4.4.32) . --- IS Finally, using Eq. (4.4.8) we subtract the equivalent nodal force matrix based on the. equivalent load replacement shown in Figure 4-29(b) from the effective force matrix given by-the results in Eq. (4.4.32), to obtain the correct nodal forces and moments as 9wL -3wL 40 40 7wL2 -wL2 40 60- 60- 8wL2 -wL -2- -wL -2- 60o M2 :-wL2 -wL2 F3y 30 30 o M) llwL -:17wL 40 4() wL2 Fl1 MI F2y -2wL2 -IS- Is 12wL 28wL 40 -3wL2 15 (4.4.33) 188 .... 4 Development of Beam Equations We used symbol L to represent one-half the length of the beam. If we replace L with the actual length I = 2L, we obtain the reactions for case 5 in Appendix D, thus verifying the correctness of our result. In summary, for any structure which an equivalent nodal force replacement is made, the actual nodal forces acting on the structure are detennined by first evaluat. ing the effective nodal forces f(e) for the structure and then subtracting the equivalent nodal forces ED for the structure, as indicated in Eq. (4.4.8). Similarly, for any element of a structure in which equivalent nodal force replacement is made, the actual local nodal forces actin~ on the element afe determined by first evaluating the effective local nodal forces e) for the element and then subtracting the equivalent local nodal forces/o associated only with the element, as indicated in Eq. (4.4:11). We provide other examples of this procedure in plane frame Examples 5.2 and 5.3. • in .r ~ 4.5 Comparison of the Finite Element Solution to the Exact Solution for a Beam We will now compare the firiite element ~olution to the exact classical beam theory solution for the cantilever beam shown in Figure 4-30 subjected to a uniformly distributed load. Both one- and two-element finite element solutions will be presented and compared to the exact solution obtained by the direct double-integration method .. Let E = 30 x 10'- psi, 1 = 100 in4, L = 100 in., and unifonn load w = 201b/in. F I------I::--;roo\l--L-I--LI--L-I--1..I--lJ x w= 20 lbrm. L=100in. Figure 4-30 Cantilever beam subjected to uniformly distributed load To obtain the solution from classical 'beam theory, we use the double,integration method [1]. Therefore, we begin with the moment-<:urvature equation Ii M(x) ( Y =-g] 4.5.1 ) where the double prime superscript indicates differentiation with respect to x and Mis expressed as a function. of x .by using a section of the beam as shown: 11 1$ wf' .I 2 x wL ~ 0: Vex) ~M2 = 0: M(x) M Y = wL-wx 2 -wL + wLx- (wx) (i) (4.5.2) 4.5 Comparison of the Finite Element Solution to the Exact Solution for a Beam A 189 Using Eq. (4.5.2) in Eq. (4.5.1), we have (-WL 2 1 WX2) /I=EI -2-+ wLx -T (4.5.3) On integrating Eq. (4.5.3) with respect to x, we obtain an expression for the slope of the beam as y I 2 WLx2 w.x3) C = EI~ -2-+-2--6 + I (- WL X (4.5.4) Integrating Eq.'(45A) with respect to x, we obtain the deflection expression for the beam as 2 2 1 X wLx3 WX4) (45.5) y= El -4-'-+-6--14 +C)x+C2 (_WL Applying the boundary conditions y yl (0) = 0 = 0 and y' = 0 at x = 0, we obtain = C1 yeO) = 0 = C2 (4.5.6) Using Eq. (4.5.6) in Eqs. (4.5.4) and (4.5.5), the final beam theory solution expressions for y' and y are then 3 1 (-Wx wLx? WL2X) (4.5.7) y = EI -6-+~--2I and (4.5.8) The one-element finite element solution for slope and displacement-is given in variable form by Eqs. (4.4.l4b). Using"the numerical values of this problem in Eqs. (4.4.l4b), we obtain the slope and displacement at the free end (node 2) as • -WL3 ~2 = 6El -(20 Ibjin.}{100 inl = 6(30 x 106 psi)(lOO in.4) d _ -WL4 _ 21 - -0.00111 rad (4.5.9) -(20 Ibjin.)(lOO in.)' 8EI - 8(30 x 106 psi)(lOO in.4) -0.0833 in. The 'slope and stisplacement given by Eq. (4.5.9) identically match the beam theory values, as Eqs. (4.5.7) and (4.5.8) evaluated at x = L are identical to the variable form of the p.nite element solution given by Eqs. (4.4.14b). The reasOn why thes~ nodal values from the finite element solution are correct is that the element nodal forces were calculated on the basis of being energy or work equivalent to the distributed load based on the assumed cubic displacement field within each beam element. Values of displacement and slope at other locations along the beam for the finite element solution are obtained by using the assumed cubic displacement function (Eq. (4.1.4)] as (4.5.10) 190 ... 4 Development of Beam Equations where the boundary conditions Cl1y ~I = 0 have been.used in Eq. (45.10). Using the numerical values in Eq. (4.5.10), we obtain the displacement at the midlength of the beam as vex 50 in.) 1. 3 {-2(50 in/ + 3(50 in.)\lOO in.)J( -0.0833 in.) (100 In.) + I, (100 In.) 3 [(50 in/(100 in.) (50 in./(100 i~.)2l x (-0.00111 rad) = -0.0278 in. (4.5.11) Using the beam theory fEq. (4.5.8)], the deflection is y(x 50 in.) 20lb/in. 30 x 106 psi(lOO jn. 4 ) x [ -(50 inl (100 in.)(50 inl (100 ini(50 inlj 24 + 6 4 = -0.0295 in. (4.5.12) We conclude that the beam theory solution for midlength displacement. y = -0.0295 in., is greater than the finite element solution for displacement, v= -0.0278 in. In general) the displacements evaluated using the cubic function for vare lower as predicted by the finite element method ·than by the beam theory except at the nodes. This is always true for beams subjected to some form of distributed load that are modeled using the cubic displacement function. The exception to this result is at the nodes, where the beam theory and finite element results are identical because of the work-equivalence concept used to replace the distributed load by work-equivalent discrete loads at the nodes. The beam theory solution predicts a quartic (fourth-order) polynomial expression for y [Eq. (4.5.5)] for a beam subjected to uniformly distributed loading) while the finite element solution vex) assumes a cubic displacement behavior· in each beam element under ali load conditions. The finite element solution predicts a stiffer structure than the actual one. This is expected, as the finite element model forces the beam into specIfic modes of displacement and effectively yields a stiffer model than the actual structure. However, as more and .more elements are used in the model) the finite element solution converges to the beam theory solution. For the special case of a beam subjected to only nodal concentrated loads) the beam theory predicts a cubic di.splacement beh~Vior. as the moment is a linear function and is integrated twice to obtain the resUlting cubic displacement function. A simple verification of this cubic displacement behavior wou1d be to solve the cantilevered beam subjected to an end load. In this special case, the finite element solution for displacement matches the beam theory solution for all locations along the beam length, as both functions y(x) and v(x) are then cubic functions. Monotonic convergence. of the sOIUtiO.D of a particular problem is discussed in Reference {3J, and proof that compatible and complete displacement functions (as described in Section 3.2) used in the displacement formulation of the finite element 4.5 Comparison of the Finite Efement Solution to the Exact Solution for a Beam A 191 method yield an upper bound on the true stiffness, hence a lower bound on the displacement of the problem, is discussed in Reference [3}. Under uniformly distributed loading. the beam theory solution predicts a quadratic moment and a 1inear shear force in the beam. However, the finite element solution using the cubic displacement function predicts a linear bending moment and a constant shear force within each beam element used in the modeL We will now determine the bending moment and shear force in the present prob-lem based on the finite element method. The bending mo~ent is given by 2 d2 M = Elv" = El (/i!l)'= EI(d /i) d (4.5.13) dx'l dx2 as tj is not a function of x. Or in terms of the gradient matrix B we have (4.5.14) M = EIll!!. where da;.N= [( - L2+V 6 12x) ( 4 6X) (6 llx) ( 2 6X\] . -I+ L2 L2-V -Z+ L2) 2 lJ.= (4.5.15) The shape functions give~ by Eq. (4.1.7) are used to obtain Eq. (4.5.15) for the!l matrix. For the single-elem~CSolution, the bending moment is then eva:luated by substituting Eq. (4.5.15) for!l into Eq. (4.5.i4) and multiplying II by g to obtain . . 6 12x) 4 (4 6X) 4 ( 6 12x) A (2 6X) A] M= El [( - Ll +v db:+ -r+ L2 tPl + L2 - v d21:+ -I+ V- tP2' (4.5.16) Evaluating the moment at the wall, oX Eq. (4.4.14) in Eq. (4.5.16), we have =O. with dl. = JI = 0, and it2x and J2 given by X lOwL2 . M(x = 0) = -~ = -83,3331b--m. (4.5.17) Using Eq. (4.5.16) to evaluate the moment at oX = 50 in., we have M(x = 50 in.) -33,333 lb-in. (4.5.18) Evaluating the moment at x = 100 in. by using Eq: (4.5.16) again, we obtain M(x = 100 ~.) = 16,6671b-in. (4.5.19) The beam theory solution using Eq. (4.5.2) predicts M(x=O) _wL 2 - i 00,000 lb-in. (4.5.20) M(x = 50 in.) = -25,000 Ib-in. and M(x = 100 in.) = 0 Figure 4-31 (a)-(c) show the plots of the displacement variation, bending moment variation, and shear force variation through' the beam length for the beam theory and the one-element finite element solutions. Again> the finite element solution for displacement matches the beam theory solution at the nodes but predicts smaller displacements (less deflection) at other locations along the beam length. 192 £. 4 Development of Beam Equations v(x) (in.) SO iD. , 100 in. 0r-~~-=~~--;-------------~ "'"- Beamtbeory ~= == == ::":!-o.. ===:8:8~~~:: [Sq. (4.5.8)] -0.0833 in. Finite element (one element) (a) M(x) (lbo-in.) 16.667 50 in. .0 ---100 in. Or------------------r------~~~---~--~O :;"'--33,333 ~ Beam theory [Eq. (4S.2)} -83,333 -100.000 Finite element (one element) , (b) Jl(x) (Ib) 2000 1000 (c) Figure 4-31 Comparison of beam theory and finite element results for a cantilever beam subjected to a uniformly distributed load: (a) displacement diagrams, (b) bending moment diagrams, and (c) shear force diagrams The bending moment is derived by taking two derivatives on the displa.cep1cnt function. It then takes more elements to model the second derivative of the displacement function. Therefore, the finite element solution does not predi1;t the bending moment as well as it does the displacement. For th.e uniformly loaded beam~ the' finite element model predicts a linear bending moment vatiation as ~own in Figure 4-3i(b). The best approximation for bending moment appears at the midpoint of the element. . 4.5' Comparison of the Finite Element Solution to the Exact Solution for a Beam A ,193 Figure 4-32 Beam discretized into two elements and work-equivalent load replacement for ea,ch element The shear force is derived by taking three derivatives on the displacement function. For the uniformly loaded beam, the resulting shear force shown in Figure 4-31{c) is a constant throughout the'single-element model. Again, the best approximation for shear force is at the 'midpoint of the element. It should be noted that if we use Eq. (4.4.1 I}, that is, f = k4 -10, and subtract off the fo matrix, we also 'obtain the correct nodal forces and moments in each elemenf For instance, from the one·element finite element solution we have for the bending moment at node 1 (I) m1 = EI [_6L(-WL V gEl 4 ) + 2Ll(-WL1'I] _(_WL2) = WL2 6El ) 12 and at node 2 To improve the finite element-solution we need to' use more elements in the model (refine the mesh) or use a higher-order element, such as a fifth-order approximation for, the displacement function~ that is, v{x) = at + a2x + a3x2 + {4X3 + QSX4 + a6xs, with three nodes (with an extra nOde at the middle of the element). ' We now present the two-element finite element solution for the cantilever beam subjected to a uniformly distributed load. Figure 4-32 shows the oeam discretized into two elements of equaJ length and the work-equivalent load replacement for each element. Using the beam element stiffness matrix [Eq. (4J.l3)1~ we obtain the element stiffness matrices as follows: 1 2 2 3 61 -12 (4.5.21) [ ?l 12 212 4/ 2 -6/ E1 lsY> =k(2) -12 -6/ 12 -61 2[2 -61 41l 61 6ll where 1 = 50 in. is the length of each element and the numbers above the columns indicate degrees of freedom associated with each element. Applying the boundary conditions dIp = 0 and ~I = 0 to reduce the number of equations for a norma110nghand solution~ we obtain the global equations for solution as the El P 24 o 0 8[2 -6/ 212 '-12 [ 61 -12 -61 12 -61 2Jl 61 -6/ II 21 ~2 ' ) ad 4[2';: _ - 0 I-WI -w112 wPjl2 j' (4.5.22) 194 .. 4 Development of Beam Equations Solving Eq. (4.5.22) for the displacements and slopes, we obtain ~ • -17w14 dz,\ = 24El - 2wl4 :-7wP A d3y = ifo2 = . 6El • ¢J3 = Substituting the numerical values w = 20 Ibjin., 1= 50 in., E -4w13 (4.5.23) 30 x ]06 psi, and 1= 100 in.4 into Eq. (4.5.23), we obtafn d21 = -0.02951 in. d3y = ~2 -0.0833 in. ~3 = -'-11.11 X -9.722 x 10-4 rad 10-4 rad The two·element solution yields nodal displacements that match the beam theory results exactly [see Eqs. (4.5.9) and (4.5.l2)}. A plot of the two-element displacement throughout the length of the beam would be a cubic displacement within each dement. Within element I, the plot would start at a displacement oro at node 1 and finish at a displacement of -0.0295 at node 2. A cubic function would connect these values. Similarly, within element 2, the plot would start at a displacement of -0.0295 and finish at a displacement of -0.0833 in. at node 2 [see Figure 4-31 (a)}. A cubic function would again connect theSe values. .. 4.6 Beam Element with Nodal Hinge In some beams an internal hinge may be present. In general, this internal hinge causes a discontinuity in the slope of the deflection curve at the hinge. j "'l> ~1 il :;:. 0, in general ';'1 =0 Hinge L Ily,d lJ t2 ./21' i11.J (a) Figure 4-33 $,. .;. O. in general ml"'O i ·19 Hinge h"d ;"'"'2 L =p h"i12, I1 (b) Beam element with (a) hinge at right end and (b) hinge at left end .Also) the bending moment is zero at the hinge. We could construct other types of ~n· nections that release other generalized end forces; that is, connections can be des?gned to make the shear force or axial force zero at the connection. These special conditions can be treated by starting with the generalized unreleased beam stiffness matrix [Eq (4.1.14)J and eliminating the known zero force or moment. This yields a modified stiffness matrix with the desired force or moment equal to zero and the corresponding displacement or slope eliminated. We now consider. the most Common cases of a beam element with a nodal binge at the right end or left end, as shown in FigUre 4-33. For the beam element with a hinge at its right end, the moment m2 is zero and we partition the k matrix 4.6 Beam Element _with Nodal Hinge A 195 [Eq. (4.1-14)J to eliminate the degree of freedom J2 (whi~h is not zero, in general) associated with m2 = 0 as follows: k=EI - L3 [ 12 6L 6L 4L2 -6L -12 -12: 6L -6L: 2i} 12' -6L 1 (4.6.1) -6i - --iii---6L;---4V We conde~e out the degree of freedom ¢2 a~sociated with m2 = O. Partitioning allows us to condense out the degree of freedom tP2 associated with m2 = O. That is, Eq. (4.6.1) is partitioned as shown below: [~~~iL~~21l k= K21: K12 (4.6.2) Ix3:1xl The condensed stiffness matrix is then found by using the eqUationj = as~~ - k4 partitioned (4.6.3) where 41 = illY} ~1 { d2y (4.6.4) Equations (4.6.3) in expanded fonn are b K1l41 + Kr,A2 b = K214, + K12fi2 (4.6.5) Solving for 42 in the second of Eqs. (4.6.5), we obtain 42 = Kn' (lz - K2141) (4.6.6) Substituting Eq·. (4.6.6) into the first of Eqs. (4.6.5), we obtain It = (KII - K12Kni K21)41. + KI2Knlb (4.6.7) Combining the second term on the right side ofEq. (4.6.7) with It, we obtain !c = K.:!ll (4.6.8) where the condensed stiffness matrix is K.: = KIl - KI2KnlK21 (4.6.9) and the condensed force matrix· is !c (4.6.10) 196 A 4 Development of Beam Equations Substituting the partitioned parts of we obtain the condensed stiffness matrix as K.c == [Kill - [K12][K22rl [K2tl =~] 6L 4L2 -6L [~ = 3EI L3 , -1 12 k from _ ;~ El { L3 -6L Eq. (4.6.1) into Eq. (4.6.9), } _1 [6L 2L2 4L2 =~] t -L -6L1 (4.6.11) 1 and the element equations (force/displacement equations) with the hinge at node 2 are { h.,~,} ml' ~ -~ =~]{ 1} _ 3El [ 1 L L3 -- -1 (4.6.12) The generalized rotation ~2 has been eliminated from the equation and will not be calculated using this scheme. However, J2 is not zero in general. We can expand Eq. (4.6.12) to include J2 by adding zeros in the fourth row and column of the k matrix to maintain m2 = O} as follows: . !~l h." -1 L L2 -L -L 1 o 0 m2 (4.6.13) For the beam element with a hinge at its left end, the moment ml is zero, and we partition the k matrix [Eq. (4.1.14)} to eliminate the'zero moment';'l and its corresponding rotation Jl to obtain {1, } = 3:'1 [ - t ~l -f, J{ t1 (4.6.14) The expanded form of Eq. (4.6.14) including ¢l is ~ I [~ ~ ~ ! hy ';'2 Example 4.10 = 3EI L3 -1 L 0 1 O-L at (4.6.15) Determine the displacement and rotation node 2 and the element forces for the uniform. beam with an internal hinge at node, 2 shown in Figure 4-34. Let E1 be a constant. 4.6 Beam Element with Nodal Hinge A 191 p 1/1 CD cl@Hm§l~ I-.-----a _____~b , 3 Figure 4-34 Beam with intemal hinge :% We can assume the hinge is part of element 1. Therefore, using Eq. (4.6.13), thl;. stiffness matrix of element 1 is (4.6.16) The stiffness matrix of element 2 is obtained from Eq. (4.1.14) as d2y 92 d3}' ~ kf.2} - = EI b3 [~ !!2 =!~12 -6b~2l -12 -6b 6b '2b 2 -6b (4.6.17) 4b 2 Superimposing Eqs. (4.6.16) and (4.6.17) and applying the boundary conditions dly = 0, ' tPl = 0, d3y = 0, tP3 = 0 we obtain the total stiffness matrix and total set of equations as (4.6.18) Solving Eq. (4.6.18), 'We obtain -a3 b3p d = 3(b1 + a 3 )EI 2y a1b2 p tP2 = 2(b1 + a3 )EI (4.6.19) The value th. is actually that associated with element 2-that is, 92 in Eq. (4.6.19) is actually tP12). The value of 92 at the right end of element 1 (9~1») is; in g~neral, not equal to 9~). If we had chosen to asswne the binge to be part of element 2, then'we would have used Sq. (4.1.14) for the stiffness matrix of element 1 and Eq. (4.6.15) for the stiffness matrix of el~ent 2. This would have enabled us to obtain ;~l), which is different from tP~2) 198 • 4 Oeveropment of Beam Equations Using Eq. (4.6J2) for element I, we obtain the element forces as { ~y} ml 3EI =-3 a A hy [1 ~ a (4.6.20) a, -a -1 Simplifying Eq. (4.6.20), we obtain the forces as b3p • J;, = b3 + a3 ab 3 p (4.6.21) ml = b3+a3 b~P • hy = - b3 +a 3 Using Eq. (4.6.17) and the results from Eq. (4.6.19), we obtain the element'2 forces as 1;, m2 ./;y 1 m3 I = E1 [12 6b b3 -12 6bz -6b 2b 6b2 4b -12 -6b 12 -6b 6b 2h z -6b 4b2 1 3(b:! +a3 )EI 'a 3b2 P (4.6.22) Simplifying Eq.•(~.6.22» we obtain.the element forces as a 3p • hy = - ,,3 +a3 ' mz :::;;0 • a3p h y ='b~ + a3 balp m3=--b3 +a 3 • It should be noted that another way to solve the nodal hinge of Example 4.10 would be to assume a nodal hinge at the right end of element one and at the len end of element two. Hence, we would use the three-equation stiffness matrix of Eq. (4.6.12) for the left element and the three-equation stiffness matrix of Eq. (4.6.14) for the right element. This results in the binge rotation being condensed out of the global equations. You can verify that we get the same result for the displacement as given by Eq. (4.6.19). However, we must then go back to Eq. (4.6.6) 4.7 Potential Energy Approach to Derive Beam Element Equations ... 199 using it separately for each element to obtain the rotation at node two for each element. We leave this verification to your discretion. 10 4.7 Potential Energy Approach to Derive Beam Element Equations We will now derive the beam element equations using the principle of minimum potential energy. The procedure is similar to that used in Section 3,10 in deriving the bar element equations. Again, oUr primary purpose in applying the principle of minimum potential energy is to enhance your understanding of the principle, It will be used routinely in subsequent chapters to develop element stiffness equations. We use the same notation here as in Section 3.10. " The total potential energy for a beam is 1Cp = U +n (4.7.1) where the general one-dimensional expression for the strain ene~gy U for a beam is given by '. (4.7.2) and for a single beam element subjt<;ted to both ,distributed and concentrated nodal loads, the potential energy of forces is given by 2 :2 ;=1 i=1 n= - JJ,Tyf;dS- LP/ydjy - Lmi~j SI (4.7.3) where body forces are now neglected. The tenns on the right-hand side orEg. (4.7.3) represent the potential energy of (1) transverse surface loading Ty (in units of force per unit surface area. acting over surface Sl and moving through displacements.:over which t y act); (2) Doda! concentrated force PiY,. moving through displacements diy ; and (3) moments mrmoving through rotations Again, ii is the transverse displacement function for the beam element of length L shown in Figure 4-35. "j. P,/) Figure 4-35 forces Beam element subjected to surface loading and concentrated nodal 200 ... 4 Development of Beam Equations Consider the beam element to have constant cross-sectional area A. The differential volume for the beam element can then be expressed as dV = dA dx (4.7.4) and the differential area over which the surface loading acts is dS = bdi (4.7.5) where b is the constant width. Using Eqs. (4.7.4) and (4.7.5) in Eqs. (4.7.1)-(4.7.3), the total potential energy becomes 1 JL bTyvdx- ~ 11:,= IJJ 2(JxexdAdxf/~:Ay+m;tPi) A " A (4.7.6) A 0 ~ A Substituting Eq. (4.L4) for vinto the strain/displacement relationship Eq. (4.1.10), repeated here for convenience as A d 2 (; (4.7.7) ex = -y di 2 we express the strain in terms of nodal displacei:nents and rotations as = _~ { ex } y [l2iL3 6L 6,iL - 4L2 -12X + 6L 6,iL ~ Ll V 2L2] {d}A (4.7.8) {e;1;} = -y[B]{d} or (4.7.9) where we define [BJ = [l2iL~ 6£ 6iL -4L2 -12X+6L 6.iLD~ The stress/strain relationship is given by {O'x} {p] where 2L2] (4.7.10) (4.7.11) [DHsx} = [E] (4.7.12) and E is the modulus of elasticity. Using Eq. (4.7.9) in Eq. (4.7.11), we obtain (4.7.l3) Next, fPe total potential energy Eq. (4.7.6) is expressed in matrix notation as 1I:p= 1 IIJ 2{O'X} i T{e..}dAdx- JL0 bTy[v] "T dx-{d}T{p} A" (4.7.14) A Using Eqs. (4.1.5). (4.7.9), (4.7.12), and (4.7.13), and defining w = bTp as the line (load per unit length) in the y direction, we express the total potential energy, Eq. (4.7.14), in matrix form as ~oad 1tp ~ J:~ {d}T[Bf[B]{d}dx- J:W{d}T[N( dx - {d}T{p} (4.7.15) where we have used the definition of the moment of inertia (4.7.16) 4.8 Galerkin's Method for Deriving Beam Element Equations ~ 201 to obtain the first tenn on the right-hand side ofEq. (4.7.15). In Eq. (4.7.15), 1€p is now expressed as a function of {d}. Differentiating 1€p in Eq. (4.7.15) with respect to dIy, ~l' d2y, and ~ and equating each term to zero to minimize 1'Cp , we obtain four element equations, which are written in matrix fonn as (4.7.17) The derivation of the four element equations is left as an exercise (see Problem 4.45). Representing the nodal force matrix as the sum of those nodal forces resulting from distributed loading and concentrated loading, we have {i} = l:[Nf wdi + {F} (4.7.18) Using Eq. (4.7.18), the four element equations given by explicitly evaluating Eq. (4.7.17) are then identical to Eq. (4.1.13). The integral term on the right side of Eq. (4.7.18) also represents the work-equivalent replacement of a distributed load by nodal concentrated loads. For instance, letting w(xL= -w (constant), substituting shape functions from Eq. (4.1.7) into the integral, and then perfoiming the integration result in the same nodal equivalent loads as given by Eqs. (4.4.5)-(4.4.7). Because {j} = [k]{d}, we have, from Eq. (4.7.17), [k] = EI J:[B([B]di (4.7.19) Using Eq. (4.7.1O) in Eq. (4:7.19) and integrating, [le} is evaluated in explicit form as [ie] = EI V [12 ~~2 =~~ ~~2l 12 -6L () 4.7.20 4L 2 Symmetry Equation (4.7.20) represents the local stiffness matrix for a beam elemeni. As expected, Eq. (4.7.20) is identical to Eq. (4.1.14) developed previously. Ii. 4.8 Galerkin's ,Method for Deriving Beam Element Equations We will now illustrate Galerkin's method to formulate .the beam element stifTne~s equations. We begin with the basic differential Eq. (4.1.1h) with transverse loading w now jncluded; that is, d4 fj EJ dX4 + w = 0 (4.8.1) We now define the residual·R to be Eq. (4.8.1). Applying Galerkin's criterion [Eq. (3.12.3)} to Eq. (4.8.1), we have (i where the shape functions N; are defined by Eqs. (4.1.7) 1,2,3,4) (4.8.2) 202 .. 4 Development of Beam Equations We now apply integration by parts twice to the (irst term in Eq. (4.8.2) to yield r r EI(v,x;;)(Nj,jx)di + EI[N,(il'iii) - (Ni,x)(v,xx)J; (4.8.3) EI(v,i.ili)Nidi: = where the notation of the comma followed by the subscript i indicates differentiation with respect to i. Again, integration by parts introduces the boundary conditions. Because v = [N]{d} as given by Eq. (4.1.5), we have· A •• = [12i - 6L 6iL - 4L2*-12X + 6L 6i:L - 2V] {d} L3 V'XX L3 L3 L3 (4.8.4) or, using Eq. (4.7.10), . (4.8.5) Substituting Eq. (4.8.5) into Eq. (4.8.3), and then Eq. (4.8.3) into Eq. (4.8.2), we obtain r (Ni,jj)EI[B] di{d} + r Njwdi + [N; V - (N,.,;)ml!; = 0 . (i = 1,2,3,4) (4.8.6) where Eqs. (4,.1.11) have been used in the boundary tenns. Equation (4.8.6) is really four equations (one each for N j = N 1,N2,N3, and N 4 ). Instead of directly evaluating Eq. (4.8.6) for each Nil as was done in Section 3.12, we can express the four equations of Eq. (4.8.6) in matrix form as f[B]TE1[B]di{d} = r -[Nf" wdi+ ([Nf,jm - [NJTV)I~ (4.8.7) where we have used the relationship [N],x."C" = [B1 in Eq. (4.8.7). Observe that the integral term on the left side of Eq. (4.8.7) is identical to the stiffness matrix previously given by Eq. (4.7.19) and that the first term on·the right side of Eq. (4.8.7) represents the equivalent nodal forces due to distributed loading [also given in Eq. (4.7.18)]. The two terms in parentheses· on the right side of Eq. (4.8.7) are the same as the concentrated force matrix {P} of Eq. (4.7.18). We explain this by evaluating [N],x and [N], where [N] is defined by Eq. (4.1.6), at the ends of the element as follows: [N]'ilo = [0 0 0] [N]lo = [1 0 0 OJ [N]'iIL = [0 0 0 1] [NJIL = [0 0 1.. OJ Therefore, when we use Eqs. (4.8.8) in Eq. (4.8.7), the following terms resu1t: These nodal shear forces and moments are illustrated in Figure 4-36. (4.8.8) References .... 203 r- I I I I ~. Io' ~O)q L ~(O) VeL) Figure 4-36 Beam element with shear forces, moments, and a distributed load Figure 4-37 Shear forces and moments acting on adjacent elements meeting at a node Note that when element matrices are assembled, two shear forces and two moments from adjacent elements contribute to the concentrated force and concentrated moment at the node common to the adjacent elements as shown in Figure 4-37. These concentrated shear forCes V(O) - V(L) and moments m(L) - m(O) are often z~ro; that is, V(O) = V(L) and m{L) = m(O) occur except when a concentrated nodal force or moment exists at the node. In the actual com.putations, we handle the expressions given by Eq. (4.8.9) by including them as concentrated nodal values making up the matrix {Pl. 10 References [1] Gere, J. M., Mechanics of Materials, 5th ed., Brooks/Cole Publishers, Pacific Grove, CA, 2oo!. [2J Hsieb, Y. Y.• Elementary Theory of SITUcrures, 2nd ed., Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ,1982. (3) Fraeijes de Veubeke, B., "Upper -and Lower ~ounds in Matrix Structura1 Analysis," Matrix Methot!s of Structural Analysis. AGAR Dograpb 72, B. "Fraeijes de Veubeke, ed., Macmillan, New York, 1964. [4] Juvinall, R. C., and Marshek, K. M., Fundamentals of Machine CDmponent Design, 4th. ed., John Wiley & SODS, New York. 2006. {5] Przemieneicki, J. S., Theory of Matrix Structural Analysis, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1968 [61 McGuire, W., and Gallagher, R. II., Matrix StnJ.ctural Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1979. [7] Severn, R. T., "Inclusion of Shear Deflection'in the Stiffness Matrix for a Beam Element". Journal of Strain Analysis, Vol. 5, No.4, 1970, pp. 239-241. {8] NaIayanaswami, R., and Adelman, H. M., «Inclusion of Transverse Shear Defonnation in Finite Element Displacement Fonnulations", AIAA Journal. Vol. 12, No. II, 1974. 1613-1614. . 204 A 4 Development of Seam Equations [9} Timoshenko, S., Vibration. Problems in Engineering, 3rd. ed., Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1955. [10] C1ar~) S. K., Dynamics of Continous Elements, Prentice Hall, 1972. [II} AIgorJnteractive Systems, 260 Alpha Dr., Pittsburgh, PA 15238. A Problems 4.1 Use Eqs. (4.1.7) to plot the shape functions Nl and N3 and the derivatives (dNz/dx) and (dN4 /dx), which represent the shapes (variations) of the slopes ~1 and ¢2 over the length of the beam element. 4.2 Derive the element stiffness matrix for the beam element in Figure 4- I if the rotational degrees of freedom are assumed positive clockwise instead of counterclockwise. Compare the two different nodal sign conventions and discuss. Compare the resulting stiffness matrix to Eq. (4.1.14). Solve all problems using the finite element stiffness metho~. 4.3 For the beam" shown in Figure P4-3, determine the rotation at pin support A and the rotation and displacement under the load P. Determine the reactions. Draw the shear force and bending moment diagrams. Let EI be constant throughout the beam. r-~ ~ 'i: ~=1B Figure P4-3 J L "I B Figure P4-4 4.4 For the cantilever beam subjected to the free-end load P shown in Figure P4--4, determine the maximum deflection and the reactions. Let. EI be constant throughout the beam. 4.5-4.11 For the beams shown in Figures P4-S-P4-11, determine the displacements and the slopes at the nodes. the forces in each element, and the reactions. Also, draw the shear force and bending moment diagrams. r - - - - - - - - - - -.........* Figure P4-S E = 30 X 106 psi 1= 100 in'" Problems ----;3f ~ ~Ir---I E == 30 x l(f psi I lOOin4 (Compare answers with P4-5.) ~ FO.sin.gap ~20ft I, 2Oft~ Figure P4-6 Skip 3 21 Sft Sft Figure P4-7 3 20 kN· m E = 210QPa I '" 4 x IO-~ m4 'lI-o---3 m---+--- 3 m--......v.1.' Figure P4-8 £ = mOPa I = I 'x 10- 4 m' ' Figure P4-9 ~ kiP - 1 f _~===::;::;:====='::::::I2 20 fl =: I "" 29 x to' psi 200 in'" k = 1000 Ib/m. ,3 Figure P4-10 E ' A 205 206 ... 4 Development of Beam Equations E = 70GPa 1=2 X IOM4 m4 Figure P4-11 4.12 For the fixed-fixed beam subjected to the uniform load w shown in Figure P4-12, determine the midspan deflection and the reactions. Draw the shear force and bending beam has a bending stiffness of 2EI; the moment diagrams. The middle section of other sections have bending stiffnesses of E1. the ll * rlll:g~. A_: :t--- =-8 L---l ~ 3 ~~--J L 3 . Figure P4-12 4.13 Determine the midspan deflection and the reactions and draw the shear force and bending moment diagrams for the fixedMfixed beam subjected to uniformly distnbuttd load w shown in Figure P4-13. Assume EI constant throughout the beam. Compate your answers with the classical solution (that is, with the appropriate equivalent joint forces given in Appendix D). w IV ~----L Figure P4-13 ----.r/: Figure P4-14 4.14 Determine the midspan deflection and the reactions and draw the shear force and bending moment diagrams for the simply supported beam SUbjected to the unifonnly distributed load w shown in Figure P4-14. Assume E1 constant throughout the beam. 4.15 For the beam loaded·as shown in Figure 'P4-15, determine the free-end deflection and the reactions and draw the shear force and bending moment diagrams. Assume E1 constant throughout the beam. Problems w A .. 207 <141=rrrII I_ L -/ Figure P4-16 Figure P4-15 4.16 Using the concept of work equivalence, determine the nodal forces and moments -(called equivalent nodal forces) used to replace the linearly varying distributed load shown in Figure P4-16. 4.17 For the beam shown in Figure 4-17, detennine the displacement and slope at the center and the reactions. The load is symmetrical with respect to the center of the beam. Assume El constant throughout the beam. w ~~ rogureP4-17 4.18 For the beam subjected to the linearly varying line load w shown in Figure P4-18, detennine the right-end rotation and the reactions. Assume El constant throughout the beam. /} ~ w A~ Figur. P4-18 4.19-4.24 For the beams s~own in Figures P4-19-P4-24, determine the nodal and slopes, the forces in each element, and the reactions. 8 kN/m E"" 70GPa I = 3 x' 10- 4 m4 Figure P4-19 displac~ents 208 A 4 Oevelopment of Beam Equations 10 kN/m E = 210GPa 1 = 4 X 10- 4 m~ Figure P4-20 II Ii E :: 29 x lif psi I:: 200in4 15ft-l Figure P4- 21 4000 'b/ll . '~J E = 29 x lot' psi 1= 150in4 Figure P4-22 E 1.6 x lot' psi I:: l00in 4 Figure P4-23 5000 N/m E::::: 210GPa 1=2 )( 10- 4 m4 Figure P4-24 Problems 4.25-31 A 209 F or the beams shown in Figures P4-25-P4-30, detennine the maximum deflection and maximum bending stress. Let E = 200 GPa or 30 x 106 psi for all beams as appropriate for the rest of the units in the problem. Let c be the half-depth of each beam. 30kN/m . w= lOkN/m I, 1--4m -1--4 m--l 10m .1. ·1 21 c = O.25m. I = 500(10-6) m4 c= O.25m, 1= 100)( lO"'-6 m4 Figure P4-26 Figure P4-25 1S lc AJI' 20m 2kip/ft ~ ~J"+~ B niiQiic £D ~15 ft-:-15 ft=t=== 30 ft --I 25kN/m !M11l!e AI ~10m--·.j..ooII·-5m--l 1 , c =10 in.,! =500 in.4 Figure P4-28 Figure P4-27 IOOkN IOkN/m AI 11111111 !---lOft -~'I-'- 1 0 !• ft --l 1; m !J: .\. 7 .1 6 2 c = O.3Om, J = 700 x c= 10 in .• 1 =400 in.4 Figure P4-29 fer m4 Figure P4-30 For the beam design'problems shown in Figures P4-31 through P4-36, determine the size of beam to SIlpport the loads shown, based on requirements listed next to each beam. • 4 31 Design a beam of ASTM A36 steel with allowable bending stress of 160 MPa to support the load shown in Figure P4-3L Assume a standard wide Hange beam from Appendix F or some other source can be used. 0 w=30kN/m l I· Figure P4-31 ~ .~ 4m -I' 4m ·1 _____ ~-- 210 S A ____ .... I ,•. , _ __ ~ 4 Development of Beam Equations 4.32 Select a standard steel pipe from Appendix F to support the load shown. The allowable bending stress must not exceed 24 ksi> and the allowable deflection must not exceed Lj360 of any span. . A 1 r-- 5001b Soolb 5OO1b 7JJT 6ft '1- t 6ft 7JJT ·1- ! 7Jb 6ft4 Figure P4-32 »4.33 Select a rectangular structural tube from Appendix F to support the loads shown for the beam in Figure P4-33. The allowable bending stress should not exceed 24 ksi. rOo 7JJT 6ft-··..,...!.- 6ft4 Figure' P4-33 4.34 Select a standard W section from Appendix F or some other source to support the loads shown for the beam in Figure P4-34. The bending stress must not exceed 160MPa. . 20kNJrn Figure P4-34 ~ 4.35 For the beam shown in Figure P4-35, determine a suitable sized W section from Appendix F or from another suitable source such that the bending stress does not exceed 150 MPa and the maximum deflection does not exceed L/360 of any span. 'T T17~ 2.5 A i41----lom Figure P4-3S m25m! Problems • ... 211 4.36 For the stepped shaft shown in Figure P4-36, determine a solid circular cross section for each section shown such that the bending stress does not exceed 160 MPa and the maximum deflection does not exceed L/360 of the span. Figure P4-36 4.37 For the beam shown in Figure P4-37 subjected to the concentrated load P and distributed load w, determine the midspan displacement and the reactions. Let E1 be constant throughout the beaJ'!l. r=l' I ,I Ir-'!=1=2(1 I 1 Figure P4-37 L 3 !P L L "3 L !P L 3 I Figure P4-38 4.38 For the beam shown in Figure P4-38 subjected to the two concentrated loads P, determine the deflection at the midspan. Use the equivalent load replacement method. Let El be constant throughout the beam. 4.39 For the beam shown in Figure P4-39 subjected to the concentrated load P and the linearly varying line load w, determine the free-end de1;lection and rotation and the reactions. Use the equivalent load replacement method. Let El be constant throughout the beam., Figure P4-39 Figure P4-40 4.40-42 For the beams shown in Figures P4--4O-P4-42, with internal hinge, determine the deflection at the hinge. Let E = 210 GPa and 1=2 X 10-4 m4. 212 '.... 4 Development of Beam Equations P = 5 kN I HiDge r-----_ '>..a,Ir-!- - - - , ~ I 1-2 m_a+ot-.- 2 m-I Figure P4-41 Figure P4-42 4.43 Derive the stiffness matrix for a beam element with a nodal linkage-that is, the shear is 0 at node i, but the usual shear and moment resistance are present at node j (see Figure P4-43). m ~f "(F--;;) L. =0 ~ L Figure P4-43 4.44 Develop the stiffness matrix for a fictitious pure shear panel eiement (Figure P4-44) in terms of the shear modulus, G the shear web area, A w, and the length, L. Notice the Y and v are the shear force and transverse displacement at each node, respectively. . Given 1) 7: = G'1' 2) Y rOt Positive node force , sign convention = 'tAw, 3) Y, + Y2 = 0, ri'-----------lL ly 4) Y ~-~ =--x;- FigureP4-44 Element in equilibrium (neglect moments) 4.45 ExplipitIy evalu~te, 1lp of Eq. (4.7.15); then differentiate 1lp with respect to diy, ~ll d2y , and ~2 and set each of these equations to zero (that is, minimize IIp) to obtain the four element eqUations for the beam element. Then express these equations in matrix form. 4.46 Determine the free-end deflection for the tapered beam shown in Figure,P4-46. Here I{x) = 10(1 + nx/ L) where 10 is the moment of inertia at x = O. Compare the exact beam theory solution with a two-element finite element solution.for n = 2. M lEro----r' Figure P4-46 w(.r) L-----I"~ fi~I[LiI1-~"' Figure P4-47 Problems ... 213 4.47 Derive the equations for the beam element on an elastic foundation (Figure P4-47) using the principle of minimum potential energy. 'Here kf is the subgrade spring constant per unit length. The potential energy of the beam is 1lp = r~EI(VII)2dx+ rk~2dx IL wvdx 4.48 Derive the equations for the beam element on an elastic foundation (see Figure P4-47) using Galerkin's method. The basic differential equation for the beam on an elastic foundation is 4.49-76 _Solve problems 4.5-4.11, 4.19-4.36, and 4.40-4.42 using a suitable computer • program. • 4.77 F,or the beam shown, use a computer program to detenrune the deflection at the mid-span using four beam elements, making the shear a~ zero and then making the shear area equal 5/6 times the -cross-sectional area (b times h). Then make the beam have decreasing spans of 200 mIn, 100 mm, and 50 mm with zero shear and then 5j6 times the cross-sectional area. Compare the answers. Based on your program answers, can you conclude whether your program includes the effects of transverse shear deformation? area I-- b=25nun. F;gure P4-77 4.78 For the beam shown in Figure P4-77, use a longhand solution to solve the problem. Compare answers using the ·beam stiffness matrix, Eq. (4.1.14), without transverse shear deformation effects and then Eq. (4.1.150), which includes the transverse shear effects. Introduction Many structures) such as buildings (Figure 5-1) and bridges, are composed of frames and/or grids. This chapter develops the equations and methods for solution of plane frames and grids. , First, we will develop the stiffness matrix for a beam element arbitrarily oriented in a plane. We will then include the axial nodal disPlacement degree of freedom in the local, beam element stiffness matrix. Then we will. combine these results to develop the stiffness matrix, including axial defonnation effects, for an arbitrarily'oriented beam element, thus making it possible to analyze plane frames. Specific examples of plane frame analysis follow. We will then consider frames with inclined or skewed supports. Next, we will develop the grid el~ment stiffness matrix. We will present' the solution of a grid deck system to illustrate the application of the grid equations. We will then develop the stiffness matrix for a beam element arbitrarily oriented in space. We will also consider the concept of substructure analysis. ... '5.1 TwO-OimensionaJ Arbitrarily Oriented Beam Element We can derive the stiffness matrix for an arbitrarily oriented beam element. as shown in Figure 5-2, in a manner similar to that used' for the bar element in Chapter 3. The local axes and yare located along the .beam element and transverse to the beam element, we relate tocal nodal degrees of freedom to global degrees of freedom by dJx 0 0 0 dly 0 0 ¢} ¢l 0 0 1 (5.1.2) (f2y = 0 c 0 0 -s C d2x ~ 0 0 0 0 0 d2y ¢2 r'l ~l [-s ;2 where, for a beam element, we define T= - C 0 0 0 0 0 [-s0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 -s c 0 0 ~l (5.1.3) 216 ... 5 Frame and Grid Equations as the transformation. matrix. The axial effects are not yet included. Equation (5.1 .2) indicates that rotation is invariant with respect to either coordinate system. For example, ~1 = 91' and moment "'1 = can be considered to be a vector pointing norma1 to the x-y plane or to the x-y plane by the usual right-hand rule. From either viewpoint, the moment is in the i z direction. Therefore, moment is unaffected as . the element changes orientation in ·the x-y plane. Substituting Eq. (5.1.3) for I and Eq. (4.1.14) for k into Eq. (3.4.22), If rTkr, we obtain global element stiffness matrix as m, = the dIx dl y 12S2 -12SC 12C2 k=EI - L3 d2:Jr, -12S2 l2SC 6LS 12S2 91 -6LS 6LC 4L2 Symmetry d2y 92 12SC -6LS -12C2 6LC 2L2 -6LC -12SC 6LS 12Ci -6LC 4L2 (5.1.4) r. where, again, C = cos 0 and S = sin O. It is not necessary here to expand given l;>y Eq. (5.1.3) to make it a square matrix to be able to use Eq. (3.4.22). Because Eq. (3.4.22) is a generally applicable equation, the matrices used must merely be of the correct order for matrix multiplication (see Appendix A for more on matrix multiplication). The stiffness matrix Eq. (5.1.4) is the global element stiffness matrix for a beam element that includes shear and bending resistance., Local axial effects are not yet !:Deluded. The transformation from local to global stiffness by mUltiplying matrices ITlfl, as done in Eq. (5.1.4J, is usually done on the computer. We will now include the axi:ll effects in the eleMent, as shown in Figure 5-3. The element now has three degrees o(freedom per node (djx,diY, Ji)' For axial effects, we recall from Eq. (3.1.13), = {~x} fa AE [. 1 -1] {'~IX} L. -1 1 A., y :J. j 1f)l h:! (J X hL Figure 5-3 m l local forces acting on a beam element d2x (5.1.5) 5.1 Two-Dimensional Arbitrarily Oriented Beam Element A 217 Combining the axial effects of Eq. (5.L5) with the shear and principal bending moment effects of Eq. (4. L 13), we have) in local coordinates, Ci o o 12C2 6C2L 0. -C1 0. 0. - 12C2 6C2L 4C2L2 o - 6C2L o o CI 0. 0. -C, o 12C2 0. -12C2 -6C2L 0. 6C2L 2C2L2 0. -6C2L where AE L 0. 6CzL 2C2L 2 0. -6C2L 4C2L2 and Cl=- (5.1.6) (5.1.7) and) therefore, k= CI. 0. 0. o 12C2 o 6CzL. 6C2 L 4C2L2 -CJ 0. . 0. Cl o o -12C2 6C2L 0 -CI -6C2L 2C2L2 0. o 0. o 0. -12C2 - 6C2L 6C2L 2C2L2 o 0. ....6C2 L 12C2 -6C2L (5.1.8) 4C2L2 The k matrix in Eq. (5.1.8) now has three degrees of freedom per node and n~w , includes axial effects (in the ~ction), as well as shear force effects (in the y difec.. tion) and principal bending'moment effects (about the i = z axis). Using Eqs. (5.1.1) and (5.1.2), we now relate the local to the global displacements by C dl y -s ~l db: 0 0 C, 0 0 0. 0 dly 0 0. 0. 0 J2 S 0. db 0. 0. 0. C' 0. -S 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 S 0 0 C 0 .db;' dly o - til db: 0. d2y (5.1.9) th. where T. h~ now beeU expanded to include local'axiaJ deformation effects as X= C S 0 -S C 0. 0 0 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 1 0 0. 0 0. 0. 0. C -s 0_ 0. 0 DS C 0. 0.' o. 0 (5.1.10) 0. 0 Substituting X from Eq. (5.1.10) and k from Eq. (5.1.8) into Eq. (3.4.22), we obtain the general transformed g~obal stiffnes~ matrix for a b.eam element that includes axial 218 .. 5 Frame and Grid Equations force, shear force, and bending moment effects as fonows: !s E IX 121) CS AC +~: S2 (A-~:)CS '-~s -(AC2+~ S2) - (A-V L' -~s -(A- ~:)CS - (AS2 + ~: C2) ~C 2 AS'2+~: C,. ~c L 41 Symmetry L L ~S -~C 2J AC2+~: S2 (A-~:)CS ~S AS"+v 121 C -~c L L 2 L L 41 (5.1.11) The analysis of a rigid plane frame can be undertaken by applying stiffness matrix Eq. (5.1.11). A rigjd plane frame is defined here as a series of beam elements rigidly connected 10 each other; that is, the' original angles made between elements at their joints remain unchanged after the deformation due to applied 10ads or applied displacements. Furthermore, moments are transmitted from one ,element to another. at the joints. Hence, moment continuity exists at the rigid joints. ,In addition. the element centroids, as wen as the applied' loads, lie in a common plane (x-y plane). From Eq. (5.1.11), we observe that the element stiffnesses ofa frame are functions of E, A, L, 1, and the angle of orientation 8 of the element with respect to the gIobal-coordinate axes. It should be noted that computer programs often refer to the frame element as a beam element, with the understanding that the program is using the stiffness matrix in Eq. (5.1.11) for plane frame analysis. A 5.2 Rigid Plane Frame Examples I To illustrate the use of the equations developed in Section 5.1, we will now perform complete solutions for the 'following rigid plane frames. Example 5.1 As the first example of rigid plane frame anaJysis) solve the simple "bent" shown in Figure 5-4. The frame is fixed at nodes I and 4 and subjected to a positive horizontal force of 10,000 lb applied at node 2 and to a positive moment of 5000 Ib-in. applied at node 3. The global-c,?ordinate axes and the element lengths are shown in Figure 5-4. 5.2 Rigid Plane Frame Examples A 219 1----10ft 10,000 ,lb I oX _ (i) Figure 5-4 Plane frame for analysis, also showing local x axis for each element Let E = 30 x 10 6 psi and A = 10 in2 for all elements, and let J = 200 in4 for elements 1 and 3, and I = 100 in4 for element 2. Using Eq. (5.1.1 I), we obtain the global stiffness matrices for each element. Element 1 For element 1, the angle between the global x and the local x axes is 90° (counterclockwise) because i is assumed to be directed from node 1 to node 2, Therefore, C90° - cos - Xl - Xl _ £(I) - ,-60 - (-60) 120 0 . 90° - Y2 - YJ _ 120 - 0 - 1 S -- sm - £(l) - 120 - lL~ = 12(200) = 0.167 in 2 Also, (5.2.1) (10 x 12)2 6J = 6(200) = 100' 3 L 10 x 12 . In ~ = 30 x 10 = 250 000 Ib/' 6 3 10 x 12 ' In Then, using Eqs. (5.2.1) to help in ev~luating Eq. (5.1.11) for element 1, we obtain the element global stiffness matrix as L lfP) =250,000 d1y d2y d2;x db rPI rP2 0 -10 -0.167 0.167 0 -10 10 0 0 0 0 -10 -10, 0 800 10 0 400 Ib -0.167 0.167 0 10 0 10 in. -10 0 0 0 10 0 0 400 10 0 ~OO -10 where all diagoruu tel1llS are positive. (5.2.2) 220 .A 5 Frame and Grid Equations Element 2 For element 2, the angle between x and xis zero because x is directed from node 2 to node 3. Therefore, c= 1 S=O 121 = 12(100) = 00835' 2 L2 1202 • lD Also, ° 61 =. 6(100) = 5 in3 L 120 . f = 250,000 IbJin (5.2.3) 3 Using the quantities obtained in Eqs. (5.2.3) in evaluating Eq. (5.l.fl) for element 2, we obtain d3y tky tP3 ~ d3% 0 0 0 -10 0 0.0835 0 -0.0835 .' 5 5 5 0 400 200 0 -5 0 -10 0 0 10 0 0 -0.0835 -5 0.0835 -5 0 -5 400 0 5 200 d2,;.; 10 ~(2) = 250,000 ° Ib (5.2.4) ° Element 3 For element 3, the angle between x and i is 2700 (or -90°) because i is directed from node 3 to node 4. Therefore, C=O S= -1 Therefore, evaluating~. (5.1.11) for element 3, we obtain d3l: k(3) = 250,000 dly '3 t.kx 0.167 10 -0.167 0 0 10 0 0 .0 800 -10 10 -0.167 0.167 0 -10 0 0 0 -10 10 0 400 -10 ik.y 0 -10 '4 400° Ib 10 0 0 -10 0 10 0 800 in. (5.2.5) Superposition of Eqs. (5.2.2), (5.2.4), and (5.2.5) and application of the boundary conditions d l :( = dty = and t.kx = d.ty = at nodes 1 and 4 yield the reduced '. "I ° '4 ° 5.2 Rigid Plane Frame Examples .A. 221 set of equations for a longhand solution as 10,000 10.167 0 10 -10 0 10.0835 0 0 5 -0.0835 5 10 1200 0 0 -5 =250,000 -10 0 0 0 10.167 0 -5 -0.0835 0 10.0835 0 0 5000 0 5 -200 10 -5 ° 0 5 200 10 -5 1200 d2;r d2y th. d3x d3y tP3 (5.2.6) Solvmg Eq. (5.2.6) for the displacements and rotations, we have d2;r d2y ~ dh d3y tP3 0.211 in. 0.00148 in. -0.00153 rad 0.209 in. -0.00148 in. -0.00149 rad (5.2.7) The results indicate that the top of the frame moves to the right with negligible vertical displacement and small rotations of elements at nodes 2 and 3. The element'forces can nQw be.obtained using j kIf! for each element, as was previously done in solving truss and beam proble:nls. We will illustrate this procedure only for element 1. For element 1, on using Eq. (5.1.10) for I and Eq. (5.2.7) for the displacements at node 2, we have ,0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 I4.=' 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 db = 0 dly=O tPl =0 d2x = 0.211 (5.2.8) d2y = 0.00148 "2 = -0.00153 On multiplying the matrices in Eq. (S.2.8), we obtain' o I!!. = °o 0.00148 -0.211· -0.00153 (5.2.9) 222 .A 5 Frame and Grid Equations Then using if from Eq. (5.L8» we obtain element 1 local force~ as i 0 0 0 0 -10 0.167 0 -0.167 10 10 0 ~IO 400 800 = kId = 250,000 -10 100 0 0 10 0 -0.167 -10 0.167 -10 0 .800 0 -10 400 0 10 10 0 . 0 ° 0 0 0 0.00148 -0.211 -0.00153 (5.2.10) Simplifying Eq. (5.2.10) we obtain the local forces acting on element 1 as -37001b 4990lb 376,000 lb-in. 3700 Ib -4990 Jb 223,000 Ib-in. .Ax "'y ml f2x hy m2 (5.2.11) A free-body diagram of each element is shown in Figure 5-5 along with equilibrium verification. In Figure 5-5, the i axis is directed from node 1 to node 2-consistent with the order of the nodal degrees of freedom used in developing the stiffness matrix for the element. Since the x-y plane was iIutially establi'shed as shown in Figure 5-4, the z axis is directed 'outward-consequently, so is the z axis '(recall i = z). The y axis is then established such that x cross y yields the direction of i. The signs on the resulting element forces in Eq. (5.2.11) are thus, consistently shown in Figure 5-5. The forces in elements 2 and 3 can be obtained in a manner similar to that used to obtain Eq. (5.2.11) for the nodal forces in element 1. Here we report only the final results for the forces in elements 2 and 3 and leave it to your discretion to petform the detailed calculations. The element forces (shown in Figure 5-5(b) and (e)) are as follows: Element 2 = 5010 lb 12Y = -3700 Ib m2 = -223,000 tb-in. Ax = -5010 Ib Ay = 3700 Ib m3 = Ax Ay = 5010 Ib m3 = 226,000 lb-in. m4 = 375,000 tb-in. f2x (S.2.l2a) -221,000 Ib-in. Element 3 37001b hx = -3700 Ib t. y = -5010 Ib (5.2.l2b) 5.2 Rigid Plane Frame Examples 223 .. 223.000 lb-in. 2 ~+--r-'" 4990 Ib 221,000 lb-in. 50101b CD 120 in. 3700tb 37001b . (b) 376.000 Ib--in. 9-----:-I.jo-Io-t---'-- 4990 Jb 3700 Ib --_r+r--+---r-_y 3700 Ib (a) 1 I 5010lb 37001b (c) Figure s-s Free-body diagrams of (a) element', (b) element 2, and (c) element 3 Considering the free body of element 1, the equilibrium equations' ar~ L Fi: -4990 + 4990 = 0 L Fy: -3700 + 3700 = 0 LM2: 376,000 + 223,000 - 4990(120 in.) ~ ° Considering moment equilibrium at node2) we see from Eqs. (5.2.l2a) and (5.2.12b) that on element 1) 223,000 lb-in., and the opposite value, -223,000 Ib-in., occurs on element 2. Similarly, moment equilibrium is satisfied at node 3, as from elements 2 and 3 add to the 5000 lb-in. applied moment. That is, from Eqs. (5.2.12a) and (5.2.l2b) we have m! = -221,000 + 226,000 = 5000 lb-in. m3 • 224 A 5 Frame and Grid Equations ExampleS.2 To illustrate the procedure for solving frames subjected to distributed loads, solve the rigid plane frame shown in Figure 5~6. The frame is fixed at nodes I and 3 and sub. jected to a uniformly distributed load of 1000 Ib/ft applied downward over element 2. The global-coordinate axes have been established at node 1. The element lengths are shown in the figure. Let ~ = 30 X 10' psi, A = 100 in2, and I 1000 in4 for both elements of the frame. We begin by replacing the distributed load acting on element 2 by nodal forces and moments acting at nodes 2 and 3. ,Using Eqs. (4.4.5)-(4.4.7) (or Appendix D), the equivalent nodal forces and moments are calculated as fiy = - ~L _ (10~)40 = (1000)40 2 12 -20,000 Ib = -20 kip (5.2.13) -133,3331b-ft = -1600 k-in. (a) . -20 kip -l600k-m. -20 kip 1600Je-m. (b) Figure 5-6 (a) Plane frame for analysis and (b) equivalent nodal forces on frame 5.2 Rigid Plane Frame Examples 13y = - 225 wL = - (1000)40 = -20000 Ib = -20 kip 2 . 2 ' wL2 m3 .A =12 = (1000)40 2 12 133,3331b-ft = 1600 k-in. We then use Eq. (5.1.11), to determine each element stiffness matrix: Element 1 8(1) C = 0.707 =.450 S = 0.707 .~ = 30 X 10 L 3 509 L(l) =42.4 ft = 509.0 in. = 58.93 50.02 49.98 8.33] kip 49.98 50.02 -8.33 -:[ 8.33 -8.33 4000 tn. k"(i) = 58.93 (5.2.14) Simplifying Eq. (5.2.14) we obtain db: k(I) [~:: = (5.2.15) 491 where only the parts of the stiffness matrix associated with degre~s offreedom at node 2 are included because node 1 is fixed. Element 2 e(2) =0 0 S=O C=l ~ = 30 X 10 3 L k(2) . 480 = 62.50 L(2) = 40 ft = 480 in. = 62 50 . [100~ 0 o ] ~p. 12.5 0.052 4000 m. 12.5 (5.2.16) Simplifying Eq. (S.2.l6)) we obtain d2x [62~ IsP) = . d2y th. 0 o ] -:k'Ip 3.25 781.25 ~ tn. 781.25 250,000 (5.2.17) where, again, only the par:ts of the stiffness matrix associated with degrees of freedom at node 2 are included because node 3 is fixed. On superimposing the stiffness matrices of the elements, using Eqs. (5.2.15) and (5.2.17), and using Eq. (5.2.13) for the nodal , 226 ... 5 Frame and Grid Equations forces and moments onJy at node 2 {because the structure is fixed at node 3), we have Fa: == 0-20 } = F2y { M2 = -1600 [9198 2945 491] 2945 2951 290 491 290 485)00 {d 2x } (5.2.18) d2y ;2 Solving Eq. (S.2.18) for the displacements and the rotation at node 2, we obtain { d1x } d2J1 = ;2 {0.0033 in. } -0.0097 in. -0.0033 fad (S.2.19) The results indicate that node 2 moves to the right (d'l;( = 0.0033 in.) and down (d2y = -0.0097 in.) and the rotation of the joint is clockwise (;2 = -0.0033 rad). The local forces in each element can now be determined. The procedure for elements that are subjected to a distributed load must be applied to element 2. Recall that the local forces are given by kTd.. For element 1, we then have i T4= 0.707 -0.707 ' 0 ,0 0.707 0.707 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 O· 0 0 0.707 -0.707 0 0 0 0 0.707 0.707 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0033 -0.0097 -0.0031 (5.2.20) Simplifying Eq. (S.2.20) yields Ti!.= 0 0 0 -0.OO4S2 -0.0092 -0.0033 Using Eq. (5.2.21) and Eq. (5.1.8) for k, we obtain 5893 -5893 ltx lt y ml fa. hy . ~, "'2 0 2.730 0 0 0 694.8 0 -2.730 117,900 0 -694.8 117,900 5893 . ~~~try (5.2.21) 694.8 0 0 0 0 0 -0.00452 2.730 -694.8 -0.0092 235,800 -0.0033 (5.2.22) ~ 5.2 Rigid Plane Frame Examples 227 Simplifying Eq. (5.2.22) yields the local forces in element I as itx = 26.64 kip it y -2.268 kip .Ax = -26.64 kip h,. = 2.268 kip m}x = -389.1 k-in. m2x = (5.2.23) -778.2 k-in. For element 2, the local forces are given by Eq. (4.4.11) because a distributed load is acting on the element. From Eqs. (5.1.10) and (5.2.19» we then have 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1f1= 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0033 -0.0097 -0.0033 0 0 (5.2.24) 0 Simplifying Eq. (S.2.24), we obtain '- 0.0033 -0.0097 -0.0033 (5.2.25) 0 0 0 Using Eq. (5.2.25) and Eq. (5.1.8) for k> we have 6250 0 3.25 !4=kI4= 0 781.1 250,000 -6250 0 -3.25 0 -781.1 0 0 6250 3.25 Symmetry 0 781.1 125,000 0 -781.1 250,000 0.0033 -0.0097 -0.0033 0 0 0 (5.2.26) Simplifying Eq. (5.2.26) yields 20.63 -2.58 k4= ~. -832.57 -20.63 2.58 -412.50 (5.2.27) 228 ... 5 Frame and Grid Equations 26.64 kip 778.2 k-in. CD LOO kilt 2 2.268 lOp 26.64 tip Figure 5-7 ~~~P~ ~ ~~. 767.4 k - i n : 2 ~ ~ . kip J7 .42 kip 389.1 k-in. 2013 k-in. 22.58 kip 2.268 tip Free-body diagrams of elements 1 and 2 To obtain the actual eJement local nodal forces, we apply Eq. (4.4.1 1); that is, we must subtract the equivalent nodal forces fEqs. (S.2J3)} from Eq. (5.2.27) to yield 20.63 -2.58 -832.57 -20.63 2.58 -412.50 o -20 . -1600 o (5.2.28) -20 1600 Simplifying Eq. (5.2.28), we obtain i2x = 20.63 kip .12, = 17A2 kip Ax = - 20.63 kip 13, = 22.58 kip m2 = 767A k-in. 1ft'S = -2013 k-in. (5.2.29) Using Eqs. (5.2.23) and (5.2.29) for the local forces in each element, we can construct the free-body diagram for each element, as shown in Figure 5-7. From the freebody diagrams) one can confirm the equilibrium of each element, the total frame, and joint 2 as desired. • In Example 5.3, we will illustrate the equivalent joint force replacement method for a frame sUbjected to a load acting on an element instead of at one of the joints of the structure. Since no distributed loads are present, the point of application of the concentrated load could be treated as an extr~ joint in the analysis. and we could solve the problem in the same manner as Example 5.1_ This approach has the disadvantage of increasing the total number of joints, as welJ as the size of the total structure stiffness matrix K. For small structures solved by computer. this does not pose a problem. However, for very large structures, this might reduce the maximum size of the structure that could be analyzed. Certainly. this additional node greatly increases the longhand solution time for the structure. Hence. we wiU illustrate a standard procedure based on the concept of equivalent joint forces applied to the case of concentrated loads. We will again use Appendix D. 5.2 Rigid Plane Frame Examples J.. 229 Example 5.3 Solve the frame shown in Figure 5-8(a). The frame consists of the three elements shown and is subjected to' a IS-kip horizontal load applied at lQidlength of element 1. Nodes 1) 2, and 3 are fixed, and the dimensions are shown in the figure. Let E = 30 X 10 6 psi) I = 800 in\ and A = 8 in2 for all elements. 1. We first express the applied load in the element 1 local coordinate is shown in system (here x is directed from node 1 to node 4). Figure 5-8(b). This 4 13.42 kip CD 6.72ldp (a) Rigid frame (b) Applied load expres...ed in clement I localcoordinate system 3.36 kip 6.71 kip CD 6.71 kip 7.5 kig 900 k·in. 4 M =~ (from ~ppendix D) _ (13.42)(44.1 x 12) 8 == 900 k·in. 900 k-in. 3.36 kip (c) Equivalenl joint forces expressed in locaI-coordinale system 7.5 kip 900 Ie·in. (d) Final equivalent joint forces expressed in global-coordinate system Figure 5-8 Rigid frame with a load applied on an element 230 A 5 Frame and Grid Equations. 2. Next, we detennine the equivalent joint forces at each end of element 1, using the table in Appendix D. (These forces are of opposite sign from what are traditionally known as fixed-end forces in classical structural analysis theory [1].) These equivalent forces (and moments) are shown in Figure 5-8(c). 3. We then transfoml. the equivalent joint forces from the present loca]coordinate-system forces into the global-coordinate-system forces, using the equationf = where is defined by Eq. (5.1.10). These global joint forces are shown in Figure 5-8(d). 4. Then we analyze the structur~ in Figure 5-8(d), using the equivalent joint forces (plus actual joint forces, if any) in the usual manner. 5. We obtain the final internal forces developed at the ends of each element that has an applied load (here element 1 only) by subtracting step 2 joint forces from step 4 joint forces; that is, Eq. (4.4.11) is applied locally to all elements that originally had loads acting on them. r rTf, The solution of the structure as shown in Figure 5-8( d} now follows. Using Eq. (5.1.11), we obtain the global stiffness matrix for each element. Element 1 For element I, the angle between the global x and the local i axes is 63.43° because x is assumed to be directed from node I to node 4. Therefore, C o X4 - XI 20 - 0 cos 63.43 = -zJi) = 44.7 = 0.447 . 63 .43° S =Sln 121 12(800) (44.7 x 12)2 E L Y4 YI =~= = 0.0334 30 X 103 40 - 0 = 0.89 5 61 = 6(800) = 8.95 44.7 x 12 55.9 Using the preceding results in Eq. (5.1.11) for ls, we obtain we obtain t4x t4y tP4 90.9 -178 448] -178 359 224 [ 448 224 179,000 (5.2.32) since node 2 is fixed. On superimposing the stiffness matrices given by Eqs. (5.2.30), (S.2.31), and (5.2.32), and using the nodal forces given in Figure 5-8(d) at node 4 only, we have 7I~ { -~.50 kiP} [58~ 896 = -900 k-in. !~~l {~:} 400 518,000 (5.2.33) tP4 Simultaneously solving the three equations in Eq. (5.2.33), we obtain t4x -0.0103 in. c4y = 0.000956 in. tP4 = -0.00172 rad (5.2.34) 232 .&. 5 Frame and Grid Equations Next, we determine the element forces by again using I4= C S -S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 S o -s C 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 1 kId. In general, we have du: diy rPi 4x djy ,pj Thus, the preceding matrix. multiplication yields Cd;x + Sdiy -Sdix + Cdly ,pi [4 (5.2.35) Cdjx+S~y -Sdjx + Cd.iy t/>j Element 1 o o o o [4= Using Eq. (5.1.8) for 447 kr4= o o (0.447)( -0.0103) + (0.895)(0.000956) (-0.895)( -0.0103) + (0.447)(0:000956) -0.00172 (5.2.36) kand Eq. (5.2.36), we obtain 0 1.868 500.5 -447 0 -1.868 0 0 500.5 0 0 -0.00374 0.00963 -0.00172 0 500:5 179~000 0 -500.5 89,490 -447 0 -1.868 0 0 -500.5 447 0 0 1.868 0 -500.5 0 500.5 89,490 0 -500.5 179,000 x 0 0 0 -0.00374 0.00963 -0.00172 (5.2.37) These values are now called effective nodal forces. Multiplying the matrices of Eq. (5.2.37) and using Eq. (4.4.11) to subtract the equivalent nodal forces in local coordinates for the element shown in Figure 5-8(c), we obtain the final nodal forces in 5.2 Rigid Plane Frame Examples 1.6& Icip 2.44 kip Cf 233 275 k-in. 4 4.12 l;f 5.83 kip A Q) 114;12 ""' SO fI 137 Ie-in. 4 0.687 kip 0.687 kip CD 15 kip 0.877 kip 7.S91dp 1058 Ie·in. 2.44 kip 5.03 kip Figure 5-9 Free-body diagrams of aU elements of the frame in Figure 5-8(a) in element 1-as j(l)= L()7 -0.88 -158 -1.67 0.88 -311 -3.36 6.71 900 -3.36 6.71 -900 5.03 kip -7.59 kip -1058 k-in. 1.68 kip -5.83 kip 589 k-in. (5.2.38) Similarly, we can use Eqs. (5.235) and (5.1.8) for elements 3 and 2 to obtain the local nodal forces in these elements. Since these elements do not have any applied loads on them, the final nodal forces in local coordinates associated with each element are given by = k'I.4. These forces have been detennined as fonows: i Element 3 hx = -4.12 kip hx 4.12 kip hy = -0.687 kip hy = 0.687 kip m4 = -275 k-in. m3 = -137 k-in. h.y = -0.877 lcip m2 14)' = 0.8TI kip rht = .-312 k-in. (5.2.39) Element 2 i2X -2.44 kip 14x = 2.44 kip -l58 k-in. (5.2.40) Free-body diagrams of all elements are shown in Figure 5-9. Each element has been determined to be in equilibrium, as often occurs even if errors are made in the longhand calculations, However, equilibrium at node 4 and equilibrium of the whole frame are also satisfied. For instance, using the results of Eqs. (5.2.38)-(5.2.40) to check equilibrium at node 4, which is implicit in the formulation of the global 234 ... 5 Frame and Grid Equations equations, we have L M4 = ,589 - 275 - 312 = 2 k-in. LFx = 1.68(0.447) + 5.83(0.895) (close to zero) 2.44(0.447) - 0.877(0:895) - 4.12 = -0.027 kip L Fy = 1.68(0.895) - (close to zero) 5.83(0.447) + 2.44(0.895) (close to zero) 0.877(0.447) - 0.687 = 0.004 kip Thus, the solution has been verified to be correct within the accuracy associated with a longhand solution. • To illustrate the solution of a problem involving both ba! and frame elements, we will solve the following example. Example 5.4 The bar element 2 is used to stiffen the cantilever beam element 1, as shown in Figure 5-10. Determine the displacements at node 1 and the element forces. For the bar, let A = 1.0 X 10- 3 m2 • For the beam, let A = 2 X 10-3 m2, 1= 5 X 10-5 m4, and L = 3 m. For both the bar and the beam elements, let E = 210 Gpa. Let the angle between the beam and the bar be 45':-. A downward force of 500 kN is applied at node 1. ' For brevity's sake, since nodes 2 and 3 are fixed. we keep only the parts of!!; for each element that are needed to obtain the global IS matrix necessary for solution of the nodal degrees of freedom. Using Eq. (3.4.23), we obtain!!; for the bar as k(2) 3 = (1 >< 10- )(210,>< 10 - (3Jcos45°) 6 ) [0.5 0.5] 0.5 0.5 or, simplifying this equation, we obtain d1x k(2) - dIp = 70 x 103 [0.354 0.354]' kN 0.354 0.354 m (S.2A1 ) Figure 5-10 Cantilever beam with a bar element support 500kN 5.2 Rigid Plane Frame Examples .. 235 Using Eq. (5.1.11), we obtain k for the beam (including axial effects) as db Is}!) = 70 x 103 dl~ tPl [~o 0.10 ~.067 0.20 ~.IO]~ (5.2.42) wher~ (ElL) x 10-3 has been factored out in evaluating Eq. (S.2.42). We assemble Eqs. (5.2.41) and (5.2.42) in the usual manner to obtain the global stiffness matrix as . 2.354 0.354 0 ] K 70 X 103 0.354 0.421 0.10 kN [o 0.10 0.20 m (5.2.43) The global equations are then written for node I as 70 10 [~~~~ ~:!~~ ~.lo] {~:: } {-50~} o 0 0.10 0.20 ¢J, = 3 X (5.2.44) Solving Eq. (5.2.44» we obtain d1x = 0.00338 m d1y = -0.0225 m ¢J, = 0.0113 rad (5.2.45) kIt!.. For the bar In general, the local element forces are obtained using j = - element, we then have { ~X}=AE[ hx L 1 -1 -l"I[C I. 0 0]1~::1 S 0 0 C S (5.2.46) d3x d3y The matrix triple product ofEq. (5.2.46) yields (as one equation) • AE fix = y(Cdtx + Sd1y ) (5.2.47) Substituting the numerical values into Eq. (5.2.47), we obtain l.x = (I X IO-l m2~~~~0; 10' kN1m2) [~ (0.00338 - 1 0.0225) (5.2.48) Simplifying Eq. (5.2.48), we obtain the axial force in the bar (element 2) as ftx = -670 kN (5.2.49) where the negative sign means ftx is in the direction opposite x for element 2. Similarly, we obtain .Ax 670 kN (5.2.50) 236 .&. 5 Frame and Grid Equations 670 kN CD 0.0 kN· m 47~ kN 78.3 kN· m 473 kN i I 3m 670 kN 26.5 leN 26.5 leN Figure 5-11 Free-body diagrams of the bar (element 2) and beam (element 1) elements of Figure 5-10 which means the bar is in tension as shown in Figure 5-11. Since the local and global axes are coincident for the beam element, we have! and 4= fl. Therefore, from Eq. (5.1.6), we have at node) (5.2.51) where only the upper part of the stiffness matrix is needed because the displacements at 'node 2 are equal to zero. Substituting numerical values into Eq. (5.2.51), we obtain { ~ml:l } = 70 2 10 [00 ~.067 3 X 0.10 ~.10l {_~:~~~8} 0.20 0.0113 The matrix product then yields J..x = 473 kN J..y = -26.5 kN m1 =O.OkN·m (5.2.52) Similarly, using Eq. (5.1.6), we have at node 2, { ~; } = 70 X 10 "m2 3 [-~ -~.067 -~.l0l _~~~~~8} { 0 0.10 0.10 0.0113 The matrix product then yields J2:r = -473 kN hy = 26.5 kN m2 = -78.3 kN . m (S.2.53) To help interpret the results of Eqs. (5.2.49), (5.2.50), (S.2.52)~ and (5.2.53), freebody diagrams of the bar ~d beam elements are shown in Figure 5-11. To further verify the results, we can show a check on equilibrium of node 1 to be satisfied. You should also verify that moment equilibrium is satisfied in the beam. • 5.3 Inclined or Skewed Supports-Frame Element A .. 237 5.3 Inclined or Skewed Supports-Frame Element For the frame element with inclined support at node 3 in Figure 5-12, the transfonnation matrix used to transform global to local nodal displacements is given by r Eq. (5J.lO). In the example shown in Figure 5-12, we use I. applied to node 3 as follows: The same steps as given in Section 3.9 then follow for the plane frame. The resulting equations for the plane frame in Figure 5-12 are (see also Eq. (3.9.13)) [Ti ]{!} = [TiJ[K][Ti}T{d} Fix Fly Ml Fa = [Td[K][Ti( F2y M2 or Fjx F';y M3 ) and [13] r 2 ;3 ;~ [Til = where dlx=O 0 dIp 'tPl =0 d2x d2y tP2 d;x dly = 0 J1 [OJ [0] ] [0] (Il [OJ [0] [0] [t3] r [ cos. sino: -~ino: cos IX 0 ~] ~ Figure 5-12 Frame with inclined support -.% 238 II .A 5 Frame and Grid Equations 5.4 Grid Equations A grid is a structure on which loads are applied perpendicular to the plane of the structure, as opposed to 'G. plane frame} where loads are applied in the plane of the structure. We will noW develop the grid element stiffness matrix. The elements of a grid are assumed to be rigidly connected, so that the original ahgies b~tween elements connected together at a n~e remain un(;nanged. Both torsional and bending moment continuity then exist at the node point of a grid. Examples of grids include floor and bridge deck systems. A typh:ai grid structure subjected to loads FI; F2, F3, and F4 is shown in Figure 5-13. We will now consider the development of the grid element stiffness matrix and element equations. A representative grid element with the nodal degrees of freedom and nodal forces is shown in Figure 5-14. The degrees of freedom at each node for a grid are a vertical deflection (fiy (no?Dal to the grid), a torsional rotation ~ix about the axis, and a bending rotation tPu about the z axis. Any effect of axial displacement is ignored; that is, (fix O. The nodal forces consist of a transverse force i;y) a torsional moment mix about the i aXis, and a bending moment mjz about the zaxis. Grid elements do not resist axial ioading; that is fix O. To develop the local stiffness matrix for a grid element, we need to include the torsio~al effects in the basic beam element stiffness matrix Eq. (4.1.14). Recall that Eq. (4.1.14) already accounts for the bending and shear effects. We can derive the torsional bar element stiffness matrix in a manner analogous to that used for the axial bar element stiffness matrix in Chapter 3. In the derivation, we simply replace fix with miXl dix with ~ix> E with G (the shear modulus) A with J (the torsional constant, or stiffness factor), O'with 't (shear stress), and ewith y (shearsttain). x Figure 5-13 Typical grid structure Figure 5-14 . Grid element with nodal degrees offreedom and nodal forces 5.4 Grid Equations m2;"~2" L Figure 5-15 m"'~1l A 239 m"";,, Q¥-i -)-+C--L--1,-8.:J..J¥-1 1(....... x Nodal and element torque sign conventions The actual derivation is briefly presented as follows. We assume a circular cross section with radius R for simplicity but without loss of generalization. Step 1 Figure 5-15 shows the sign conventions for nodal torque and angle of twist and for element torque. Step 2 We assume a linear angle-of-twist variation along the x axis of the bar ,$uch that (5.4.1) Using the usual 2rocedure of expressing at and of twist ¢IX and ¢'2x' we obtain a2 in terms of unknown nodal angles ~= (Ju~J1X)X+~b (5.4.2) or, in matrix fonn, Eq. (5.4.2) becomes (5.4.3) with the shape functions given by Nt = 1 X (5.4.4) L Step 3 We obtain the shear strain y/angle of twist Jrelationship by considering the torsional deformation of the bar segment shown in Figure 5-16. Assuming that aU radial lines, such as OA, remain straight during twisting or torsional deformation, we observe that the arc length 1B is given by is = J'max dx = Rd¢ Solving for the maximum shear strain I'max, we obtain Rdj Ymax = dx 240 .it. 5 Frame and Grid Equations Figure 5-:-16 Torsional deformation of a bar segment Similarly, at any radial position r, we tlien have, from similar triangles DAB and OeD, . (5.4.5) where we have used Eq. (5.4.2) to derive the final expression in Eq. (5.4.5). The shear stress r/shear strain y relationship for linear-elastic isotropic materials is given by r= Gy (5.4.6) where G is the shear modulus of the material. Step 4 We derive the element stiffness matrix in the following manner. From elementary mechanics, we have the shear stress related to the applied torque by m:c = ~ (5.4.7) where J is cal1ed the polar moment of inertia for the circular cross section or, generally, the torsional conscant (or noncircular cross sections. Using Eqs. (5.4.5) and (5.4.6) in Eq. (5.4.7), we obtain (5.4.8) By the nodal torque sign convention of Figure 5-15, (5.4.9) or, by using Eq. (5.4.8) in Eq. (5.4.9), we obtain .. /n1x = GJ ~ (¢>1.Y - (h,J L (5.4.10) Similarly, (5.4.11) or (5.4.12) 5.4 Grid Equations £ 241 Expressing Eqs. (5.4.10) and (S.4.l2) together in matrix fonn, we have the resulting torsion bar stiffness matrix equation: (5.4.13) Hence, the stiffness matrix for the torsion bar is - = GJ [ If L 1 -1] -1 (5.4.14) 1 The cross sections of various structures, such as bridge decks, are often not circular. However, Eqs. (5.4.13) and (5.4.14) are still general; to apply them to other cross sections, we simply evaluate the torsional constant J for the particular cross section. For instance, for cross sections made up of thin rectangular shapes such as channels, angles, or I shapes, we approximate J by (5.4.15) where hi is the length of any element of the cross section and ti is the thickness of any element of the cross section. In Table 5-1, we list values of J for various common cross sections. The first four cross sections are called open sections. Equation (5.4.15) applies only to these open cross sections. (For more infonnation on the J concept, consult References [2] and [3]. and for an extensive table oftorsionaJ constants forvar~ ious cross-sectional shapes, consult Reference [4].) We assume the loading to go through the shear center' of these open cross sections in order to prevent twisting or the cross section. For more on the shear center consult References [2} and [5}. On combining the torsional effects of Eq. (5.4.13) with the shear and bending effects of Eq. (4.1.13), we obtain the local stiffness matrix equation for a grid element as 12El V .it y 0 GJ L 6El -12E1 V 0 IT 0 mix 4El -6El mi. T IF f2y 12El rn2x 0 -GJ 0 0 GJ m2z L Symmetry 6El V 0 fity 2El ~lx -6£1 L2 JIZ d2y J2x 0 ~2z 4El L (5.4.16) 242 J.. Table 5-1 5 Frame and Grid Equations Torsional constants J and shear centers SC for various cross sections Cross Section Torsional Constant 1. Channel t3 J=3(h+2b) h2b2t e=4I b 2. Angle T=~I ~c. bl 12 ~, 3. Z section ,oc~1 '~_I t b 4. Wide-flanged beam with unequaJ flanges c~· lEt ;- I bl h w~ 'I 5. Solid circular 6. Closed hollow rectangular ,~ £':sc III ~Q-l J= (0 - t)2(b at + btl - t'2 - 2ftl t)2 tr 5.4 Grid Equations ... 243 where, from Eq. (5.4.16), the local stiffness matrix for a grid element is d11 12EI IT 0 6El kG= v: -12El -V0 6£1 V- "IX 0 Jlz ( 2)" 6EI -12El V -V- GJ 0 0 4£1 L -6EI -6El --v:- 0 -GJ 0 v: 0 L 0 --v:- GJ L 0 IF 0 2E1 -6£1 I: L2 0 2El L -6El 0 12EI 0 L 6EI -GJ 0 T ~2:: ¢2.r: (5.4.17) 4£1 0 and the degrees of freedom are in the order (1) vertical deflection, (2) torsional rotation, and (3) bending rotation, as indiCated by the notation used above the columns ofEq. (5.4.17). , The transformation matrix relating local to global degrees of freedom for a grid is given by - la= 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 0 S -s C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 (5.4.18) 0 'C S -s c where 8 is now positive, taken counterclockwise from x to x in the x-z plane (Figure 5...:17) and IX·-·Xi S = sin 8 = Zj Zi C=cos8=-'J_·L L y. z L j Figure 5-17 Grid element arbitrarily oriented in the x-z plane 244 A 5 Frame and Grid Equations where L is the length of the element from node i to nodej. As indicated by Eq. (S.4.lS) for a grid, the vertical deflection dy is invariant with respect to a coordinate transfor· mation (that is, y = y) (Figure 5-17). The global stiffness matrix for a grid element arbitrarily oriented in the x-z plane is then given by using Eqs. (5.4.17) and (5.4.18) in (5.4.19) Now that we have formulated the global stiffness matrix for the grid element, the procedure for solution then follows in the'same manner as that for the plane frame. To illustrate the use of the equations developed in Section 5.4, we will now solve the following grid structures. Example 5.5 Analyze the grid shown in Figure 5-18. The grid consists Dr three elements, is fixed at nodes 2,3, and 4, and is subjected a downward vertical forne (perpendicular to the x-z plane passing through the grid elements) of 100 kip. The global-coordinate axes have been established at node 3, and the eiement lengths are shown in the figure. Let E = 30 X 103 ksi, G = 12 X 103 ksi, [= 400 in4, and J = 110 in4 for all elements of the grid. to y 2 z Figure 5- t 8 Grid for analysis showing local xaxis for each element Substituting Eq. (5.4.17) for the local stiffness matrix and Eq. (5.4.18) for the transformation matriX into Eq. (5.4.19), we can obtain each element global stiffness matrix. To expedite the longhand solution, the boundary conditions at nodes 2,3, and 4, 5.4 Grid Equations J,.. 245 make it possible to use only the upper left-hand 3 x 3 partitioned part of the local stiffness and transformation matrices associated with the degrees of freedom at node I. Therefore, the global stiffness matrices for each element are as follows: Element 1 For element I, we assume the local x axis to be directed from node 1 to node 2 for the formulation of the elem~nt stiffness matrix. We need the following expressions to evaluate the element stiffness matrix: . C = cos f) S = sin f) X2 -20 - -.xl lJi) = 22.36 ° °= -0.894 10 = 22.36 = 0.447 = Z2 3 12El = 12(30 x 10 )(400) = 7.45 L3 (22.36 x 12)3 6El = 6{30 x' 103)(400) L2 {22.36 x 12/ 3 GJ = (12 x 10 )(110) (22.36 x 12) 4El T = (5.4.21) = 1000 = 4920 4(30 x 103)(400) (22.36 x 12) 179,000 Considering the boundary condition Eqs. (5.4.20), using the results ofEqs. (5.4.21) in Eq. (5.4.17) for kG and Eq. (5.4.18) for IG, and then applying Eq. (5.4.19). we obtain the upper left-hand 3 x 3 partitioned part of the global stiffness matrix for element 1 as k(t) r~ -~.894 -~.4471 [ ~.45 492~ lo 0.447 -0.894 O~] [~-~.894 ~.447] 1 0 179,000_ 1000 0 -0.447 -0.894 Performing the matrix multiplications, we obtain the global element grid stiffness matrix . , (5.4.22) where the labels next to th~ columns indicate the degrees of freedom. '1 246 .A. 5 Frame and Grid Equations Element 2 For element 2, we assume the local x axis to be directed from node 1 to node 3 for the fonnulation of the element stiffness matrix. We need the following expressions to evaluate the element stiffness matrix: X3 -XI -20-0 22.36 = -0.894 Z3 - Zl V 2) = -10 - 0 = -0 447 C = IJ2) = (5.4.23) S= 22.36 . Other expressions used in Eq. (SA.!7) are identical to those in Eqs. (5.4.21) for element 1 because E,.G,l,J, and L are identical. Evaluating Eq. (5.4.19) for the global stiffness matrix for element 2, we obtain If(") = [~-~.894 o -0.447 ~.447] [ ~.45 492~ lOO~] [~ -~.894 -~.447] -0.894 1000 0 179,000 0 0.447 -0.894 Simplifying, we obtain dly 1f(2) = '7.45 447 [ -894 (5.4.24) Element 3 For element 3, we assume the locali axis to be directed from node 1 to node 4. We need the folloWing expression~ to evaluate the element sjiffness "matrix: C X4 - Xl =: L(3) Z4 -ZI S=[ff) 20 - 20 = 0 10 0-10 =-1 (5.4.25) 12El = 12(30 x 103}(400) = 83.3 , L3 (10 X 12)3 6El = 6(30 x 103)(400) = 5000 L2 (10 X 12)2 5.4 Grid Equations GJ 4EI L (12 x 10 3 )(110) (10 x 12) 117 .. 247 000 = 4(30 x 10 3)(400) = 400 000 (10 x 12) } Using Eqs. (5.4.25), we can obtain the upper part of the global stiffness matrix for element 3 as (5.4.26) Superimposing the global stiffness matrices from Eqs. (5.4.22), (5.4.24), and (5.4.26), we obtain the total stiffness matrix of the grid (with boundary conditions applied) as (5.4.27) The grid matrix equation then becomes 2 ;::: ;100} = [ 50:. 47;: -17~] {:::} {MIz 0 -1790 0 299,000 tPl: (5.4.28) The force Fly is negative because the load is applied in the negative y direction. Solving for the displacement and the rotations in Eq. (5.4.28), we obtain d 1y = -2.83 in. "'Ix = 0.0295 rad (5.4.29) tPlz = -0.0169 rad The results indicate that the y displacement at node 1 is downward as indicated by the minus sign, the rotation about the x axis is positive, and the rotation about the z axis is negative: Based on the downward loading location with'respect to the supports, these results are expected. . " Having solved for the unknown dispJacement and the rotations, weican obtain the local element forces on formulating the element equations in a manner similar to that for the beam and the plane frame. The local forces (which are needed in the design/analysis stage) are found by applying the eQlJ2tionj = kGTG4 for each element as follows: - . 248 ... 5 Frame and Grid Equations Element 1 Using Eqs. (5.4.17) and (5.4.18) for kG and 0 0 -0.894 0 -0.447 0 '0 0 0 0 LO 1 LG4= 0 0.447 -0.894 0 0 0 LG and Eq. (5.4.29), we obtain 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.894 0 -0.447 0 0 0 0 0.447 -0.894 -2.83 0.0295 -0.0169 0 0 0 Multiplying the matrices, we obtain 1:G4= -2.83 -0.0339 0.00192 0 0 (5.4.30) 0 Then! i. y mix ml z hy m2x m2,z kG1:G4 becomes 7.45 0 1000 -7.45 0 1000 .0 -7.45 1000 4920 0 0 0 179,000 -1000 0 -1000 7.45 -4920 0 0 0 89,500 -1000 1000 0 -4920 0 0 89,500 0 -IQOO 4920 0 0 179,000 -2.83 -0.0339 0.00192 0 0 0 (5.4.31) Multiplying the matrices in Eq. (5.4.31), we obtain the local element forces as ].y mix mlx -19.2 kip -167 k-in. -2480 k-in. 19.2 kip 167 k-in. rn2z -2660 k-in. ml z h y (5.4.32) The directions of the forces acting on element 1 are shown in the free-body diagram of element 1 in Figure 5-19. A 5.4 Grid Equations 249 8S.l kip 8240 k·in. 4 7.23 kip 2340 Ie·in. (1) 723 kip £ 92.5 k-in. 88.1 kip 2480 k-in. 2660_k-in. 2 19.2 kip 19.2 kip Figure 5-19 Free-body diagrams of the elements of Figure 5-18 showing local-coordinate systems for each Element 2 Similarly, using! = kG'lGd. for element 2, with the direction cosines in Eqs. (5.4.23), we obtain - i..y 7.45 0 mIx WI): m3x 0 m3: 1000 0 0 -4920 0 0 89,500 0 -1000 4920 0 0 179,000 89,500 -1000 0 1000 -2.83 0 0 0 0 -0.894 -0.447 0 0.447 -0.894 0 0 l' 0 0 0 0 0 0.0295 0 0 -0.0169 0 0 1 x 4920 0 -7.45 179,000 -1000 7.45 0 -1000 0 0 -4920 -7.45 y 1000 0 1000 h 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.894 -0.447 0 0 0.447 -0.894 0 0 (5.4.33) 250 .A. S Frame and Grid Equations Multiplying the matrices in Eq. (5.4.33), we obtain the local element forces as it, ::; 7.23 kip mix. = -92.5 k-in. ml z = 2240 k-in. 13, -7.23 kip m3.'l: 92.5 k-in. m3z -295 k-in. (5.4.34) Element 3 . Finally, using the direction cosines in Eqs. (5.4.25), we obtain the local element forces as jjy 83.3 mix 0 ml: 5000 .13, 5000 11,000 0 0 0 400.000 -5000 0 -5000 -11,000 0 0 0 200,000 -5000 -83.3 m3x 0 m3z 5000 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 x -83.3 0 0 83.33 0 5000 -11,000 0 0 200,000 0 -5000 11,000 0 0 400,000 -2.83 0 0 0 0.0295 0 1 0 0 ·0 0 -0.0169 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (5.4.35) MUltiplying the matrices in Eq. (5.4.35), we obtain the local element forces as jjy -88.1 kip mix = 186 k-in. mh = -2340 k-in. 14y = 88.1 kip m4x (5.4.36) = -186 k-in. thtz = -8240 k-in. Free-body diagrams for all elements are shown in Figure 5':"'}9. Each eletpent is in equilibrium. For each element, the x axis is shown directed from the first node to the 5.4 Grid Equations 251 f8~k-in, J----~-x 1260 k-in. ... 7.23 kip .....!.-- 2340 k-in. 19.2 88.1 kip 2150 k-in/ kip 100 kip 1960Ic.-jI Figure 5-20 Free-body djagram of node 1 of Figure 5-18 second node, the y axis coincides with the global y axis, and the zaxis is perpendicular '- to the i-y plane with its direction given by the right-hand rule. To verify equilibrium of node 1t we draw a free-body diagram of the node showing all forces and moments- transferred from node 1 of each element,. as in Figure 5-20. In Figure 5-20, the 'local forces and moments from each element have been transformed to global components) and any applied nodal forces have been included. To perform this transformation, recall that, in general, j = rf, and therefore f = rTI because rT = rI. Since we are transfonning forces at node 1 of each elem~nt, onlY the upper 3 x 3 part ofEq. (5.4.18) for IG need be applied. Therefore, by premultiplying the local element forces and moments at node 1 by the transpose of the transformation matrix for each element, we obtain the global nodal forces and moments as follows: Element 1 ~~} = [~ -~.894' -~.447] { _~~~.2} { mI. 0 0.447 -0.894 -2480 Simplifying, we obtain the globaI-coordinate force and moments as fly where fir = -19.2 kip mix = 1260 k-in. ml z = 2150 k-in. =it y because y = y. Element 2 { ~~} ml: := [~-~.894 ~.447) { 2240 _9~:~3} 0 -0.447 -0.894 (5.4.37) 252 A 5 Frame and Grid Equations Simplifying, we obtain the global-coordinate force and .moments as fry = 7.23 kip mIx = 1080 k~in. ml z = -1960 k-in. (5.4.38) Element 3 ~~ [~0 -1~~]0 {. ~~!.l} { m't } = -2340 Simplifying, we obtain the giobal-coordinate force and moments as fly = -88.1" kip mIx m,. = -186 k-in. -2340 k-in. (5.4.39) Then forces and moments from each element that are equal in magnitude but opposite in sign win be applied to node 1. Hence, the free-body diagram of node 1 is shown in Figure 5-20. Force and moment equilibrium are verified as follows: LFIY = -100 -7.23 + 19.2+ 88.1 = 0.07 kip I: Mix = -1260 -- 1080 + 2340 = 0.0 k-in. LMI:: = -21'50 + 1960+ 186 = -4.00 k-in. (close to zero) (close to zero) Thus, we have verified the solution to be"correot within the accuracy associated with a • longhand solution. Example 5.6 Analyze the grid shown in Figure 5-21. The grid consists of two elements, is fixed at nodes 1 and 3, and is subjected to a downward vertical load of 22 kN. The globalcoordinate axes and element lengths are shown in the figure. Let E 210 GPa, G = 84 GPa, 1 = 16.6 x 10-5 m4, and J = 4.6 X 10- 5 m4. " As in EXaDlple 5.5, we use the boundary conditions and expreS$ only the part of the stiffness matrix associated with the degrees of freedom at node 2. The boundary conditiqns at nodes 1 and 3 are (5.4.40) ,~ / / / 22 kN 3 and 1Iy , where _ m 4 /y - / my 3 (5.5.19) =])=5 1Iy =O For the z axis, defiile the direction cosines as Iz, mz, n: and again use Eq. (5.5.12) or (5.5.14) as follows: lz = _!!!. = (- -13) (H) D 13 mn mz = - - = (-n) (M) 5 D 13 48 65 =-- (5.5.20) 5 nz=D=i3 Now check that /2 + m2 +.,;. = I. 32 +42 + 122 For x: =1 +32 For y: ..:..-..:-.:--= 1 Fori: (- (5.5.21) !~'+(-:)'+(!D'= 1 By Eq. (5.5.13), the rotation matrix is 13 3 6)(3 = [ -~ 12l 13 4 13 J -~ . -~ 0 fi Based on the resulting direction cosines from Eqs. (5.5.17), (5.5.19), and (5.5.20), the local axes are also shown in Figure 5-27. • 262 It.. 5 Frame and Grid Equations Example 5.8 Determine the displacements and rotations at the free node (node 1) and the element local forces and moments for the space frame shown in Figure 5-28. Also verify equilibrium at node L Let E = 30)000 ksi, G = 10,000 ksi, J = 50 in.4, ly = 100 in.4, 1: = 100 in.4, A= 10 in. 2, and L = 100 in. for all three beam elements. Y 3 I SOk FY=t- --!. ,~o$-' -..: Mr=-IOOOk-in. jlllJoC----------\--fl ~ ,/ 2 .i L= H)();~ ~ Jointi Plan (j) L= 100 in. 4 Figure 5-28 Space frame for analysis Use Eq. (5.5.4) to obtain the global stiffness matrix for each element. This requires us to first use Eq. (5.5.3) to obtain each local stiffness matrix, Eq. (5.5.5) to obtain the transfonnation matrix for each element, and Eqs. (5.5.6) and (5.5.14) to obtain the direction cosine matrix for each element. Element 1 We establish the local x axis to go from node 2 to node 1 as shown in Figure 5-28. Therefore, using Eq. (5.5.8), we obtain the direction cosines of the x axis as ronows: 1 = I, m = O~ n 0 (5.5.23) Also, Using Eqs. (5.5.10) and (5.5.14), we obtain the direction cosines of the foHows: I my =15= 1 y axis as (5.5.24) 5.5 Beam Element Arbitrarily Oriented in Space ... 263 Using Eqs. (5.5.12) and (5.5.14), we obtain the direction cosines ofthe'z axis as follows: In Iz = - - == 0 D mn mz = -D=O (5.5.25) n;:=D=1 Using Eqs. (5.5.23) through (5.5.25) in Eq. (5.S.B)? we have J= [~ 0 1 0 ~l (5.5.26) Using Eq. (5.5.3), we obtain the local stiffness matrix for element one as JlI: ~2Y 3·103 0 0 0 0 0 36 0 0 0 0 {I 0 36 0 4) 0 -L8·10-> dll: k(l) = (fly 0 0 1.8· I02 -3.103 0 4) -36 dl: o 5-103 0 4) 0 0 0 0 0 -36 0 0 0 0 -5·IoJ 0 0 -1.8·J03 4) 0 1.8.103 0 -1.8·t()l () I.:;!' lOS 0 0 0 1.8 ·1()l 0 0 6·t()4 0 il: d!x d~ dly 0 -3·102 0 1.8.103 0 -36 0 0 0 4) 0 0 0 0 0 1.2 . lOs 0 -L8·103 4) 3·loJ 0 0 36 -1.8·103 0 0 4) 0 0 0 0 0 6.J: 4) 0 -36 o· 0 -5·103 1.8.103 0 0 0 36 0 1.8·1oJ 0 4) 0 0 0 5·1& 0 0 ~!y 0 ~I: 0 0 _1.8.10 1 1.8·!oJ 0 0 0 6·10' 0 0 6· lac 0 0 0 -1.8·ZoJ 1.8·103 0 0 J.2·lO s 0 4) 1.2· lOS (5.5.27) Using Eq. (5.5.26) in Eq. (5.5.5), we obtain the transfonnation matrix from local to global axis system as 1 0 0 I 0 0 I.. = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~J (5.5.28) 264 .. 5 Frame and Grid Equations Finally, using Eq. (5.5.4), we obtain the global stiffness matrix for element 1 as ~ 3·1()l ~ hr ri1: J6 kO) ='LTk(l)X.'" 0 36 0 0 () 0 -I.!H&l UH()3 -3·W 0 (I {) 5·!()3 0 0 -36 0 0 0 0 0 -1.8·1()3 -u·W 0 0 -S·l@ ~ 0 dt , Ii!" 0 Ul·I()3 0 -36 0 0 -36 0 {) 0 0 {) 1.2·10' 0 0 3·161 -t.8. t(Jl 36 0 -!·8.l()3 1.8·!()l 0 0 0 6·10' 0 ¢b al; -3.1()3 /) 0 1.2·10' 0 0 -J6 0 \.8·10' ily 0 0 0 6·10' 0 ~I; 0 0 0 1.8· [()3 0 -L8·1()l -S·!()3 0 l.8·1@ 6·104 0 (I 0 0 36 0 ,pIT () s·W l.8·11)l -U·I@ 6·104 0 !.8·I()l 0 1.2·10' 0 -1.8·]()3 {) 0 1.2·1~ (5.5.29) Element 2 We establish the local x axis from node 3 to nod~ 1 as shown in Figure 5-28. We note that the local x axis coincides with the global z axis. Therefore, by Eq. (5.5.15), we obtain ~ [~ ~ ~] = -1 0 (5.5.30) 0 The local stiffness matrix is the same as the one in Eq. (5.5.27) as all properties are the same as for element one. However, we must remember that the degrees of freedom are . . for node 3 and then node 1. Using Eq. (5.5.30) in Eq. (5.5.5), we obtain the transfonnation matrix as follows: 1:.= 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 -I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 (5.5.31) 5.5 Beam Element Arbitrarily Oriented in Space ... 265 Finally, using Eq. (5.5.31) in Eq. (5.5.4), we obtain the global stiffness matrix for element two as til. If].: ;3;, 0 0 0 36 0 illy 36 o (} -1.8· !1)3 3· 11)1 0 -1.8 .\1)1 U·lcP tJ1r fJ: o o () 1.2. \0' o o -l·!()l -36 0 0 -36 0 0 0 -1.8·11)3 1.8·10' o. 6·ICf 1.8·1@ 6·\rf o - 5 ·lcP I.S ·loJ 36 3·10) -3·10' () o -!.s·/oJ 0 36 -I.S.\@ 1.8.103 () 0 0 LS·Io-1 6·10' () 0 -1.&·IIY s· t()l k(2l", ;1, U·lcP -1.8 ·lcP O· 1:2 ·IIY () -36 ;1, o -l.8 ·10' 6 ·ICf 0 0 -S·\()l (5.5.32) . Element 3 We establish the local oX axis from node 4 to node 1 for element 3 as shown in Figure 5-28. The direction cosines are now o 0 1=-=0 100 m= 0-(-100) 100 0-0 n= 100.=0 (5.5.33) Also D = 1. Using Eq. (5.5.14), we obtain the rest of the direction cosines as m -1 L D my =-=0 o .(5.5.34) and in I.. = - -D= 0 m'Z= mn=O n: =D= I (5.5.35) Using Eqs. (5.5.33) through (5.5.35), we obtain (5.5.36) 266 ... 5 Frame and Grid Equations The transfonnation matrix for element three is then obtained by using Eq. (5.5.5) as: 1 0 -1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 L= 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o '0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 (5.5.37) 0 -1 0 0 0 0 I 0 1 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 The element three properties are identical to the element one properties; therefore, the local stiffness matrix is identical to the one in Eq. (5.5.27). We must remember that the degrees of freedom are now in the order node 4 and then node I. Using Eq. (5.5.37) in Eq. (5.5.4), we obtain the globaJ stiffness matrix for element three as ~, fL., J..< 36 ?4.x ,p41 0 0 ~4:. -1.8·1@ ~ ·lol 36 0 1.8.103 1.8 -tol 0 0 -3-1(}l 0 ~IY til" 0 l.8.tQl 0 ?!: 0 1.8·10) -1.8·1(}l 0 -1.8 ·ltY I.S-tal 6·10" -5·1& lOS 0 ,.1(1' 0 36 -3·10> LB·tQl 3· tQl -:36 0 ti!: -36 I} 1.2· 0 I.8·W -1.8 ·I 0 -l.8.!()3 6·1(f 1.2 ·10' () 0 1.8. ttY 0 s .10> 1.2·10' (5.5.38) Applying the boundary conditions that displacements in the x, y, and z directions are all zero at nodes two, three, and four, and rotations about the x~ y, and z axes are all zero at nodes two, three, and four, we obtain the reduced global stiffness matrix. Also, the applied global force is directed in the negative y direction at node one and so expressed as Fly = -50 kips, and the global moment about the x axis at node 1 is 5.5 Beam Element Arbitrarily Oriented in Space MIx -1~OO ~ 1 ) 0 0 0 -1.8x l()l 3.072 x 103 1.8 x IcP 1.8 x 103 0 0 -1.8 x 103 0 3.072 x 103 -1.8 x 103 1.8 X 103 0 0 0 1.8 x 103 -1.8 x 103 2.45 x lOS 0 0 -l.8x 1()3 1.8 x 1()3 0 2.45 x lOS 0 0 2.45 x lOS 1.8 X 103 -1.8xl()3 0 0 0 0 -50 267 = -1000 k~in. With these considerations, the final global equations are 3.072 x l()l 0 .4 rl d ly dl: (5.5.39) ¢llx ~!)' "1: Finally, solving simultaneously for the displacements and rotations at node one, we obtain ' 4. = 7.098 X 10- 5 in. -0.014in. -2.352 x 10- 3 in. -3.996 X 10- 3 rad (5.5.40) 10- 5 rad 1.78 x -1.033 x 10-4 rad We now determine the element local forces and moments using the equatiorif = kI..4. for each element as previously done for plane frames and trusses. As we are .dealing with space frame elements, these element local forces and moments are now the nOfmal fOfce, two shear force~, torsional moment, and two bending moments ~t each . end of each element. Element 1 Using Eq. (5.5.27) for the local stiffness matrix, Eq. (5.5.28) for the transformation matrix, Land Eq. (5.5.40) for the displacements, we obtain the local element forces and moments as -0.213 Kip 0.318 Kip 0.053 Kip 19.98 Kip· in. -3.165 Kip . in. 18.991 Kip· in. 0.213 Kip (5.5.41) -0.318Kip -0.053 Kip -19.98 Kip . in - 2.097 Kip . in . 12.79 Kip· in Element 2 Using Eq. (5.5.27) for the local stiffness matrix, Eq. (5.5.28) for the transformation matrix and Eq. (5.5.40) for the displacements, we obtain the local forces and 268 ... 5 Frame and Grid Equations moments as 7.056 Kip 7.697 Kip - 0.029 Kip 0.517Kip· in O.94Kip·in 264.957 Kip· in 7.056 Kip -7,697Kip 0.029 Kip - 0.517 Kip· in 2.008 Kip . in 504.722 Kip" in (5.5.42) Element 3 Similarly, using Eqs. (5.5.27), (5.5.37), and (5.5.40), we obtain the local forces and' moments as 41.985 Kip - 0.183 Kip -7.l08Kip - 0.089K.ip· in 235.532 Kip· in - 6.073 IGp . in (5.5.43) -41.985IGp O.l83K.ip 7.l08K.ip 0.089 Kip . in 475.297 Kip . in - 12.273 Kip . in [ We can verify equilibrium of node I by considering the node one forces and moments from each element that transfer to the node. We use the results from Eqs. (5.5.41), (5.5.42). and (5.5.43) to establish the proper forces and moments transferred to node 1. (Note that based on Newton's third law, the opposite forces and moments from each element are sent to node I.) For instance, we observe from summing forces in the global y diiection (shown in the diagram that follows) 0.318 kip + 7.697 kip + 41.985 kip - 50 kip = 0 (5.5.44) In Eq. (5.5.44)) 0.318 kip is from element one local y force that is coincident with the global y direction; 7.697 kip is from element two' local y force that is coincident with the global y direction, while 41.985 kip from dement three is from the local xdirection that is coincident with the globaJ y direction. We "observe 5.6 Concept of Substructure Analysis A 269 these axes from Figure 5-28. Verification oftbe other equilibrium equations is left to your discretion. 150kiP 0.318 kip It 7.697 kip t 41.985 kip Global y force equilibrium • Figure 5-29 Finite element model of bus frame subjected to roof load [6] An example using the frame element in three-dimensional space is shown in Figure 5-29. Figure 5-29 shows a bus frame subjected to a static roof-crush analysis. In this model, 599 frame elements and 357. nodes were used. A total downward load of 100 kN was uniformly spread over the 56 nodes of the roof po~on of the frame. Figure 5-30 shows the rear of the frame and the displaced view of the rear frame. Other frame. models with additional loads simulating rollover and front-end collisions were studied in Reference [6]. .- ~ 5.6 Concept of Substructure Analys~s The problem of exceeding memory capacity on todays personal computers has decreased significantly for IQost applications. However, for those structures that are too Jarge to be analyzed as a single system or treated as a whole; that is, the final : .. 1 270 ..\ 5 Frame and Grid Equations ~ ~ - Cant rail .... r"'" Waist-rail- ~ ---- \ Figure 5-30 members J Displaced view of the frame of Figure 5-29 made of square section stiffness matrix and-equations for solution exceed the inemory capacity of the computer, the concept of substructure analysis can be used. The procedure to overcome this problem is to separate the whole structure into smaller units called substructures. For example, the space frame of an airplane, as shown in Figure 5-31 (a), may require thousands of nodes and elements to mo1el and describe completeiy the response of the whole structure. If we separate the aircraft into substructures, such as parts of the fuselage or body,-wing sections, and so on, as shown in Figure 5-31(b), then we.can solve the problem more readily and on computers with limited memory. (a) (b) Figure 5-31 Airplane frame showing substructuring. (a) Boeing 747 aircraft (shaded area indicates portion of the airframe analyzed by finite element method). (b) Substructures for finite element analysis of shaded region ~.~ 5.6 Concept of Substr:ucture Analysis r--t----I -----S~~_;; -------t-- c J or Substructure 8 ...---+--1---1----. r--+---t-----f-I------l----,-:----'t-- 271 I rL o = substructure interface nodes, i 1__ Substructure A r----+-I--I---t--+---i ~ __ (b) (a) Figure 5-32 Ca) Rigid frame for substructure analysis and (b) substructure B The analysis of the airplane frame is performed by treating each substructure separately while ensuring force and displacement compatibility at the intersections where partitioning To describe the procedure of substructuring, consider the rigid frame shown in Figure 5-32 (even though this frame could be analyzed as a whole). First we define individual separate substructures. Normally, we make these substructures of similar size, and to reduce computations, we make as few cuts as possible. We then separate the frame into three parts, A, B, and C. . We now analyze a typical substructure B shown in Figure 5-32(b). This substructure includes the beams at the top (a-a), but the beams at the bottom (b·b) are included in substructure A, although the beams at top could be included in substructure C and the beams at the bottom could be inCluded in substru~ture B. The force/displacement equations for substructure B are partitioned with the interface displacements and forces separated from the interior ones as' follows: occurs. [A} I~rl {-~} {-~~} Fe Ke/ Kee 4e = (5.6.1) t where the superscript B denotes the substructure B, subscript i denotes the interface nodal forces and displacements, and subscript e denotes the interior nodal forces and displacements to be-eliminated by static condensation. Using static condensation, Eq: (5.6.1) becomes (5.6.2) , (5.6.3) We eliminate the interior displacements 4e by solving Eq. (5.6.3) for 4:, as follows: (5.6.4) Then we substitute Eq. (5.6.4) for 4! into Eq. (5.6.2) to obtain EB - K![K!rIfeB = (Kff - K![K!r'K!)4f ..j..., •• (5.6.5) 272 ... 5 Frame and Grid Equations We define (5.6.6) and Substit~ting Eq. (5.6.6) into (5.6.5), we obtain E/ -EtB =K:g! (5.6.7) Similarly, we can write force/displacement equations for substructures A and C. These equations can be partitioned in a manner similar to Eq. (5.6.1) to obtain (5.6.8) Eliminating g;, we obtain f;A - f: = E:4t (5.6.9) Similarly, for substructure C, we have (5.6.10) The whole frame is now considered to be made of superelements A, B, and C connected at interface nodal points (each super-element being made up of a collection of individual smaller elements). Using compatibility, we have 4ftop = !!.i~ottom and 4!top 4Fbott()m (5.6.11) That is, the interface displacements at the common locations'where cuts were made must be the same. The response of the whole structure can now be obtained by direct superposition of Eqs. (5.6.7), (5.6.9), and (5.6.10), where now the final equations ~re expressed in terms of the interface displacements at the eight interface nodes only [Figure 5-32(b)] as (5.6.12) The solution of Eq. (5.6.12) gives the displacements at the interface nodes. To obtain the displacements within.each substructure) we use the force..:displacement Eqs. (5.6.4) for with similar equations for substructures A and C. Example 5.9 illustrates the concept of substructure analysis. In order to solve by hand, a relatively simple structure is used. 4: Example 5.9 Solve for the displacement and rotation at node 3 for the beam in Figure 5-33 by using substructuring. Let E = 29 X 103 ksi and 1 = 1000 in4. To illustrate the substructuring concept, we divide the beam into two substructures, labeled I and 2 in Figure 5-34. The 10-kip force has been assigned to node 3 of substructure 2, although it could have been assigned to either substructure or a fraction of it assigned to each substructure. A 5.6 Concept of Substructure Analysis Figure 5-33 Beam analyzed by substructuring 10 kip 20 kip ,I 0) 273 i~ CD J 13 Substructure J :JOO~~fl Is Substructure 2 Figure 5-34 Beam of Figure 5-33 separated into substructures The stiffness matrix for each beam element is giv.en by Eq. (4.1.14) as 12 k(l) - = M2) - = k(3) = k(4) = 29 x 106 - - (120)3 6(120) -12 [ 6020) 1 2 3 4 6(120) 4{120)2 -6(120) 2(120)2 2 3 4 5 -12 -6(120) 12 -6(120) 6(120) ] 2(120)2 -6(120) 4(120)2 (5.6.13) . [12 720 -12 720] = 16.78 _72°2 57,600 - 720 28,800 1 -720 12 -720 720 28,800 -720 57,600 (5.6.14) For substructure I, we add the stiffness matrices of elements 1 and 2 together. The equations are where the boundary conditions d1y = ,pI = 0 were used, to reduce the equations. 274, ... 5 Frame and G~id Equations Rewriting Eq. (5.6.15) with the interface displacements first allows us to use Eq. (5.6.6) to condense out, or eliminate, the interior degrees of freedom, d2y and ",,-. These reordered equations are 16.78(12d3J' - 720"3 - 12d2y - =0 720~2) 16.78( -720d3.v + 57,600tPJ + 720d2y + 28,800"2) 0 16.78( -12d3y + 720"3 + 24d2y + tP2) (5.6.16) = -20 16.78( -720d2y + 28,8oo~3 + Od2y + 115,200tP2) = 0 Using Eq. (5.6.6) we obtain equations for the interface degrees of freedom as -720] -720] [240 115,2000] -720 -12 -72012 57,600 [-12 720 28,800 = {O }_[-12 -720] [24 0] ~ 20 } 0. 720 28,800 0 115,200 0 ,([ 16.78. nO]}{drI>; 3 } -1 [ 28,800 1 { (5.6.17) , Simplifying Eq. (5.6.17), we obtain -3020] {dtP3 25.17 [ -3020 483,264 3y } = {-IO} 600 (5.6.18) For substructure 2, we ;ldd the stiffness matrices of elements 3 and 4 together. The equations are -12 -720 28,800 16.78 57,600 720 ) -12 -720 12 + 12 - 720 + 720 [ . 720' 28,800' -120 + 720 57,600 + 57,600 12. 720 720 !I! I ly tP3 _ iL,y - d IP4 0 -10 0 1200 (5.6.19) where boundary conditions dsy = IPs = 0 were used to reduce the equations. Using static condensation, Eq. (5.6.6), we obtain equations with only the interface disp)acements d3y and ~3' These equations are 16.78{[7~ 57.:]- [_~~ 28.~:][~· 115,2~r[~~~ 2;,:~1}{i;} ={-1 00} [-12 720][24 O]-l{ 1200O} (5.6.20) -720 28,800 0 115.200 Simplifying Eq. (5.6.20), we obtain 25.17 3020]{d3y [ 3020 483,264 tP3 }={ -300 -17.5} (5.6.21) Problems ... 275 Adding Eqs. (5.6.18) and (5.6.21), we obtain the final nodal equilibrium equations at the interface degrees of freedom as [ 50.34 o {d 0] lY } = 966,528 tP3 {-27.S} 300 (5.6.22) Solving Eq. (5.6.22) for the displacement and rotatil?n at node 3! we obtain d3y = -0.5463 in. ?3 = 0.0003104 rad (5.6.23) We could now return to Eq. (5.6.15) or Eq. (5.6.16) to obtain d2y and'2 and to Eq. (5.6.19) to obtain ~Y and II '4' We emphasize that this example is used as a simple illustration of substructuring and is not typical of the size of problems where substructuring is normally performed. Generally. substructuring is used when the number of degrees of freedom is very large, as might occur,' instance, for very large stmctures'such as the airframe in Figure 5-31. for .& ,Referen~s {I] Kassimali, A., Structural Analysis, 2nd ed., Brooks/Cole Publishers, Pacific Grove, CA, 1999. [2J Budynas, R. G., Advanced Stren{jth.and Applied Stress Analysis, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1999. [3l Allen, H. G., and Bulson, P. S., Background u> Buckling, McGraw-HilI, London, 1980., [41 Roark, R. J., and Young, W. C., Formulas for Stress and Strain, 6th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1989. [5] Gere, 1. M., Mechanics of Materials, 5th ed., Brooks/Cole Publishers, Pacific Grove, CA, 2001. ' , {6] Parakh; Z. R., Finite Element Analysis of Bus Frames under Simulated Crash Loadings) M.S. Thesis, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Terre Haute, Indiana, May 1989. [7] Martin, H. C., Introduction to Matrix Methods of Structural Analysis, McGraw-rull, New York, 1966. . [8] Juvina11, R. c., and Marshek, K. M.• Fundamentals of Machine CotrJPonent Design, 4th ed., , p. 198, Wiley, 2005. :l Problems Solve all probJems using the finite element stiffness method. 5.1 For the rigid frame shown' in Figure P5-1, deteanine (1) the displacement components and the rotation at node 2, (2) the support reactions, and (3) the forces in each 276 .. 5 Frame and Grid Equations element. Then check equilibrium at node 2. Let E = 30 X 106 psi, A 1= 500 in 4 for both elements. = 10 in 2, and 5000 Ib 2 "I , 1 ~30 ft 2 - 10,000 Ib_--r 30 r CD '\ fr--l CD 40ft 3 ~ Figure P5-t CD I 20ft .1 1-20fl-1 \: Figure PS-2 5.2 For the rigid frame shown in Figure P5-2, detennine (1) the nodal displacement components and rotations, (2) the support reactions, and (3) the forces in each element. Let E = 30 X 106 psj, A = 10 in 2, and 1 = 200 in 4 for all elements. 5.3 For the rigid stairway frame shown in Figure PS-3, detennine (1) the displacements at node 2, (2) the support reactions, and (3) the local nodal forces acting on each element. Draw the bending moment diagram for the whole frame. Remember that the angle between elements 1 and 2 is preserved as deformation takes place; similarly for the angle between elements 2 and 3. Furthermore, owing to symmetry, d2x = -d3x> day == d3y, and t/J2 = -t/J3" What size A36 steel channel section would be needed to keep the allowable bending stress less than two-thirds of the yield stress? (For A36 steel, the yield stress is 36,000 psi.) , 2000 Ib 8ft _I Figure P5-3 2000 Ib Problems .A 277 504 For the rigid frame shown in Figure P5-4) determine (1) the nodal displacements and rotation at node 4, (2) the reactions, and (3) the forces in each element. Then check equilibrium at node 4. Finally, draw the shear force and bending moment diagrams for each element. Let E = 30 X 10 3 ksi, A = 8 in 2 ) and / = 800 in4 for all elements. 20 kip 40ft 1 -;.--30ft Figure PS-4 5.5-5.15 For the rigid frames shown in Figures P5-5-P5-15, determine the displacements and rotations of the nodes, the element forces, and the reactions. The values of E, A,' and I to be used are listed next to each figure. 40 kip £ = 30 X IOf> psi A = IOin1 I 200 in· 40 kip CD 20 kip Figure P5-5 IO'~ 218 5 Frame and Grid Equations E = 30 x 10" . A = IOin2 psi I=- 2OOin4 CD 20 k.ip 1--10 .-1-10 ft Figure P5-6 I -+-IS . 4 .--1 SOkN E = 2iOGPa A =: I =: 1.0 X 10- 2 l 1.0 x 10-":' 4OkN· 4 Figure PS-7 2SO Ib/ft E", 30 x 10' A "" lSin 2 I = 250 inoil 2 1 . psi 4 l--20ft~ Figure PS-8 1 Problems E = 210GPa = A 2 X 10- 2 2 1= 2 X 10- 4 : . Figure PS-9 10 leN E = 210GPa 2 A =1 I:: 2 Figure PS-10 E:: A 30 x ltJ6 pSi 2 l lOin 1= 2OOin 4 (for e1eme:nts I. 2, and 3) E"'" 30 x 1:::: 1 in" A ItJ6PSiJ 2in J Figure PS-13 2000 Ibjft 1 10ft < 106 psi I =200in4 A = 12inl 30 kip 30 kip 1 2On+ ISft '5ft ® ® 3 -i ! 4 @ 2 5 CD ® t 6 I· SOft Figure P5-30 2 £ = 30 x 1()6 psi 1 100 in" A = 8 in 2 CD @ 450 3 " Fig'ure PS-31 IOkN-m 15 ft 1 ® 3 15 kN 2 6m CD ® " " 4 Figure PS-32 T L 6m lO fr E=210GPa 1= 2 X IO-"m" A = 2 x 10-2m2 30ft l Problems 6OkN·m 20kN 11' A, 7 T I). A, I}. A) 20tH II. A j 5 6 12• A~ 20kN r~. A2 II.A I 3 4 12 , Al I!. A~ 2 '" ~------lOm------~~ + 3m E "" 210 CPa 1\ :::; 2 )( 10- 4 m4 A\ :: 2 )( 10- 2 m~ 4 12 = 1 ~ 10-4 m A2 "" I X 10- 1 m1 13 = 0.5 x 10-" m' A) = 005 X 10- 2 m2 +1 3m 4m Figure PS-33 E 1 = 210 GPa I X 10- 4 m' A= I x 10- 2 m2 Figure P5-34 2800N"m 2A 1 .31 1 4000N 10 9 A3. / 3 4m A3. 13 ~t,3tl 8000N 8 7 A,. I) 4m A).h lA .. 3/ , . 8000 N 6 S A~. 4m A1.12 h lA •• 3/, 12.000 N " 3 AI.'I I I 1 ~Iom Figure PS-35 AI.I, 6m 2 '"~. E = 210GPz AI = 2.0 x 10-~ m'l 4 11 = 2.0 x 10- m" A1 = 1.5 x 10-= m2 4 4 12 =: 1.5 X 10- m A.l = 1.0 x 10- 2 m1 I) "" 1.0 X 10- 4 m· A 287 288 £. 5 Frame and Grid Equations IOkN IOkN .1 E:: 210GPa I =I A ::. I X X 10- 4 m4 10- 2 m2 ® @ T (J)@ ® ·1· 2.5 m II 3m Figure P5-36 18 kN E 72 kN 72 kN 210GPa 4 4 1= 4 X 10- m 4 x 10- 2 m1 A I 1-6m -+4m ?' ~ ~ 2 8 Figure P5-37 80kN E:: 210 CPa = I 2.0 X 10- 4 m' A ... 1.0 X 10- 2 m2 3OOkN/m ® J '" \--7m -I- ® 7 " 1m-l 1 8m 1 Figure P5-38 • 5.39 Consider the plane structure shown in Figure P5-39. First assume the structure to be a plane frame with rigid joints;· and analyze using a fra.'Iie element Then assume the structure to be pin-jointed and analyze as a plane truss, using a truss element. If the structure is actually a truss. is it appropriate to model it as a rigid frame? How Problems 4m IOkN '" 289 8 3m 20 kN 6 5 E = 200GPa 3m A = 2 x 10-" m2 1= 4 x 10-" m' 4 20kN (1) CD 8 0 3m 2 Figure PS-39 can you modeJ the truss using the frame (or beam) element? In other words, what idealization could you make in your model to use the beam element to approximate a truss? ~ .5.40 For the two-story, two-bay rigid frame shown, determine (I) the nodal displacement components and (2) the shear force and bending moments each member. Let E = 200 GPa, 1= 2 x 10- 4 m4 for each horizontal member. and 1 = J.5 X 10-4 m4 for each vertical member. in 5m cl B A !---1O m - - -........ 140----10 m ----1 Figure PS-40 S 5.41 For the two-story, three-bay rigid frame shown, detennine (1) the nodal displacements and (2) the member end shear forces and bending moments. (3) Draw the shear force and bending moment diagrams for each member. Let E = 200 GPa, I = 1.29 x t 0- 4 m4 for the beams and J == 0.462 x 10-4 m4 for the columns. 290 4. 5 Frame and Grid Equations The properties for I correspond to a W 610 x 155 and a W 410 x 114 wide-flange section. respectively, in metii(f ~ts. 2SkN-DDD r I K J L 50 leN -~F===~;:=;;;==,;====;;;;;;;"I t E F G H A -'-- B c 6m ~_1 - -- '-- ~8m--t--6m-l--8m--l ..s Figure PS-41 5.42 For the rigid frame shown. detennine (1) the nodal displacements and rotations and (2) the member shear forces and bending moments. Let E = 200 GPa, 1= 0.795 X 10-4 m4 for" the horizontal members and 1=0.316 X 10-4 m4 for the vertical members. These I values correspond to a W 460 x 15& and a W 410 x &5 wide-flange section, respectively" WkN-fcj=lr+ E 40kNb , A F 3m B .C.L -. !--Sm-+-Sm-1 » Figure PS-42 5.43 For the rigid frame shown, determine (I) the nodal displacements and rotations and' (2) the shear force and bending moments in each member, Let E = 29 x 106 psi, / = 3100 in.4 for the horizontal members and / = 1110 in.4 (or the vertical members. The I values correspond to a W 24 x 104 and a W 16 x 77. Figure PS-43 Problems. • 291 5.44 A structure is fabricated by welding together three lengths of I-shaped members as shown in Figure P5-44. The yield strength of the m(mlbers is 36 ksi, E = 2ge6 psi, and Poisson's ratio is 0.3. The members all have cross-section properties corresponding to a Wl8 by 76. That is, A = 22.3in2, depth of section is d = 18.21 in., Ix = 1330in4 , S)C = 146in3, 1y = 152in4, and Sy = 27.6in3 . Detennine whether a load of Q = 10,000 lb downward is safe against general yielding of the material. The factor of safety against general yielding is to be 2.0. Also, determine the m~um vertical and horizontal deflections of the structure. 90" t / ' . I r 90" Q / '- Figure PS-44 ~'5.45 For the tapered beam shown in Figure P5-45, detennine ,the maximum detlection using one, two, four, and eight elements. Calculate the moment of inertia at the midlength station for each element. Let E = 30 X 106 psi, 10 = 100 in\ andL = 100 in. Run cases where n'=.1,3, and 7. Use a beam element. The analytical solution for n = 7 is given by Reference [7]: PL 3 VI = 49E10 (1/7ln8 + 2.5) = 1 PL 3 17.55 £10 PL2 1 PL2 Bl = 49E10 (InS -7) = - 9.95 E10 l(x) = 10(1 +nf) where n = arbitrary numerical factor and 10 = moment of inertia of section at x = p = SOO Jb I :.. . Figure PS-4S Tapered cantilever beam ---- ~ ~ ,-A I ~----_+--------~2 ~----~~------~--.x --..... -.-- ..... 2 o. 292 .A. 5 . Frame and Grid Equations 5.46 Derive the stiffness matrix for the nonprismatic torsion bar shown in Figure P5-46. The radius of the shaft is given by -, = '0 + (xjL)ro where '0 is the radius at x = O. l figure P5-46 5.47 Derive the total potential energy for the prismatic circular cross-section torsion bar shown in Figure P5-47. Also determine the equivalent nodal torques for the bar subjected to unllorm torque per unit length (lb-in./in.). Let G be the shear modulus and J be the polar moment of inertia of the bar. Figure PS-47 . 5.48 For the grid shown in Figure P5-48, determine the nodal displacements and the Jocal element forces. Let E = 30 X 10 6 psi, G 12 X 106 psi, I = 200 in4) and J = 109 in4' for both elements. Figure P5-48 5.49 Resolve Problem 5-48 with an additional nodal moment of 1000 k-in. applied about the x axis at node 2. 5.50-5.51 For the grids shown in Figures P5-50 and PS-Sl, determine the nodat displacements and the local element forces. Let E = 210 GPa, G 84 GPa, I 2 x 10-4 m4 , J 1 x 10-4 m\ and A = 1 X 10-2 m 2 • Problems ... 293 ~~---3m------~bl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~_ IOkN 10 kN Figure P5-50 y /"'*1..-- 4 m --~..;,. 2 3 ISkN Figure PS-Sl 5.52-5.57 Solve the grid structures shown in Figures P5-52-P5-57 usmg a computer program. 6 . For grids P5-52-P5-54~ let E = 30 x 10~ ps~ G = l.~ X 10 psi, 1=200 in4) and J = 100 in4, except as noted in the figures. In Figure P5-54, let the cross elements • y z I I IOft-j Figure PS-S2 294 .4 5 Frame and Grid Equations have I = 50 in 4 and J 20 in\ with dimensions and loads as in Figure P5-53. For grids P5-55-PS-57, let E = 210 GPa, G = 84 GPa, I = 2 X 10-4 m\ J = I X 10-4 m4, and A = 1 X 10-2 m 2. y lkip lkip ; . - - - - 6 @ 6 ft '" 36 ft 1 kip lk.ip ------.J z Figure P5-53 (all loads 1 kip each) ; . - - - - 6 @ 6 ft '" 36 ft - - - - - I Figure PS-S4 40kN Figure P5-55 Problems ... 295 y ~ _____ ",,~_""J: Figure P5-56 $ ") ~ ____......JI'-L 4m--/ y tOO kN Figure PS-57 IOOkN 5.58-5:59 Determine the displacements and reactions for the space frames shown in Figures P5-58 and P5-S9. Let Ix = 10 in\ Iy = 200 in\ Iz = 1000 in\ E = 30,000 ksi, G = 10,000 ksi, and A = 100 in 2 fo~ both frames. • °\ Fy =-5 kip 2 I'IlJ'JIe:------lK-r- m",=-IOOk-ft Figure P5-58 296 .. 5 Frame and Grid Equations 'I 6 ;, 10 ft 20ft 8 M==-SO k-ft 4 Figure P5-59 Use a computer program to assist in the design problems in Problems 5.60-5.72. IJ 5.60 Design a jib crane as shown in Figure P5-60 that will support a downward load of 6000 lb. Choose a common structural steel shape for all members. Use allowable stresses of 0.66Sy (Sy is the yield strength of the material) in bending, and O.60Sy in --~---e=86m.---- 6000ib Figure P5-60 Problems .. 297 tension on gross areas. The maximum deflection should not exceed 1/360 of the length of the horizontal beam. Buckling should be checked using Euler's or Johnson's method as applicable. • 5.61 Design tbe support members, AB and CD. for the platfonn lift shown in Figure P5-61. Select a mild steel anl choose suitable cross--sectional shapes with no more than a 4: I ratio of moments of inertia -between the two principal directions of the cross section. You may choose two different eross sections to make up each arm to reduce weight. The actual structure has four support arms, but the loads shown are for one side of the platfonn with the two arms shown. The loads shown are under ope1"ating conditions. Use a factor of-safety of 2 for human safety. In developing the finite element model, remove the platform and replace it with statically equivalent loads at the joints at Band D. Use truss elements or beam elements with low ~ding stiffness to model the anus from B to D, the intermediate connection, E to F, and the hydraulic actuator. The allowable stresses are 0.668y in bending and 0.608y in tension. Check buckling using either Euler's method ot Johnson's method as appropriate. Also check maximum deflections. Any deflection greater than 1/360 of the length of member AB is considered too large. ~ ~-t 1 Dimensions are in inches 30 c 24 L. A 6OO1b 8001b 600 lb _! f 30 ~ Figure PS-61 .5.62 A two-story building frame -is to be designed as shown in Figure PS-62. The members are all to be I-beams with rigid connections. We would like the ~oor joists beams to have a IS-in. depth and the columns to have a 10 in. width. The material is to be A36 structural steel. Two horizontal loads and vertical loads are _shown. Select members such that the allowable bending in the beams is 24,000 pSi. Check' buckling in the columns using Euler's or Johnson's method as appropriate. The allowable deflection in the beams should not exceed 1/360 of each -beam span. The overall sw~y of the frame should not exceed 0.5 in. - 298 j. 5 Frame and Grid Equations T5' 5000lb JbIft 8' lO.OOOIb 10' -~--lS'--t Figure P5-62 '-t-------9.()' Figure P5-63 RlS.63 A pulpwood loader as shown in Figure P5-63 is to be designed to lift 2.5 kip. Select a steel and determine a suitable tubular cross section for the main upright member .BF that has attachments for the hyd~u1ic cylinder actuators AE and DG. Select a steel . and determine a suitable box section for the horizontalloaq ann A C. The horizontal load arm may have two different cross sections AB and BC to reduce weight. The finite element model should use beam elements for all members except the hydraulic cylinders, which should be truss elements. The pinned joint at B between the upright and the horizontal beam is best modeled with end release of the end nOde of the top element on the upright member. The allowable bending stress is O.66Sy in members AB and BC. Member BF should be checked for buckling. The allowable deflection at C should be lesS than 1/360 of the length of BC. As a bonus, the client would like you to select the size of the hydraulic cylinders AE and DG. Problems SS>64 .. 299 is A piston ring (with a split as shown in Figure P5-64) to be expanded by a tool to facilitate Its installation. The ring is sufficiently thin (0.2 in. depth) to justify uSIng conventional straight-beam bending formulas. The ring requires a displacement of 0.1 in. at its separation for installation. Determine the force required to produce this separation. In a.ddition, determine the largest stress in the ring. Let E 18 x 106 psi, G = 7 x 10 6 psi, cross-sectional area A 0.06 in. 2 , and principal moment of inertia J = 4.5 X 10- 4 in.4. The inner radius is 1.85 in., and the outer radius is 2.15 in. Use models with 4,6,8, 10, and 20 elements in a symmetric model until convergence to the same results occurs. Plot the displacement versus the number of elements for a constant force Fpredicted by the conventional beam theory equation of Reference [8]. d= 3n:: + n;: + ~~: 3 where R 2.0 in. and 6 0.1 in. Figure PS-64 !I LO=O.1 in. required due to F .5.65 A small hydraulic floor crane as shown in Figure P5-65 carries a 5000-1b load. Determine the size of the ~m and column needed. Select either a standard box section or a wide~fl~mge section. Assume a rigid connection between the beam and column. The column is rigidly connected to the floor. The allowable bending stress in the ~m is O.60Sy • The allowable deflection is 1/360 of the beam length. Check the column for buckling. gin. -I-1--72in..---i f - I l'l,lJ""---r--- - - - - 5000lb Figure PS-65 300 » .. 5 Frame and Grid Equations 5.66 Detennine the size of a solid round shaft such that the maximum angle of twist between C and B is 0.26 degrees per meter of length and the deflection of the beam is less than 0.005 inches under the pulley C for the loads shown. Assume.simple supports at bearings A and B. Assume the shaft is made from cold-rolled AISI 1020 steel. (Recommended angles of twist in driven shafts can be found in Machinery's Handbook, Oberg, E., et. aI., 26th ed., Industrial Press, N.Y., 2000,) 5kN Figure P5-66 '. 5.67 The shaft shown supports a winch load of 780 Ib and a torsional moment of 7800 Ib- in. at F (26 inches from the center of the bearing at A): In addition, a radial load of 500 Ib and an axial load of 400 lb act at point E from a wonn gearset Assume the maximum stress in the shaft cannot be larger than that obtained from the maximum distortional energy theory with a: factor o( safety of 2.5. Also make sure the angle of twist is less than 1.5 deg between A and D. In'your modeJ, assume the bearing at A to be frozen when calculating the angle of twist. Bearings at B, C, and D can be assumed as simple supports. Detennine the required shaft diameter. Shaft I--IO'·-+-'n. -~.l'7"--..-I Figure P5-67 Problems S5.68 ... 301 Design the gabled frame subjected to the external ~nd load shown (comparable to an 80 mph wind speed) for an industrial building. Assume this is one of a typ~caJ frame spaced every 20 feet. Select a wide flange section based on allowable bending stress of 20 ksi and an allowable compressive stress of 10 ksi in any member. Neglect the possibility of buckling in any members. Use ASTM A36 steel. I 16ft t 11ft 1 (a) (b) Figure P5-68 5.69 Design the gabled frame shown for a balanced snow load shown (typical of the Midwest) for an apartment building. Select a wide flange section for the frame. Assume the allowable bending stress not to exceed 140 MPa. Use ASTM A36 ste~l. 740MPa T 3m t I (4 m spacing offrames) 4m 1 t - - - 6 m----l Figure PS-69 ~ 5.70 Design a gantry crane that must be able to lift 10 tons as it must lift compressors, motors, heat exchangers, and controls. This load should be placed at the center of one of the main 12-foot-long beams as shown in Figure P5-70 by the hoisting device location. Note that this beam is on one side of the crane. Assume you are using 302 .A 5 Frame and Grid Equations 1--8ft---1 15ft Figure,PS-70 ASTM A36 stl1Jctural steel. The crane must be 12 feet long, 8 feet wide, and 15 feet high. The beams should all be the same size, the columns all the same size, and the bracing all the same size. The comer bracing can be wide flange sections or some other common shape. You must verify that the structure· is safe by checking the beam's bending strength and allowable deflection, the column's buckling strength, and the bra~ing's buckling strength. Use a factor of safety against material yielding of the beams of 5. Verify that the beam deflection is less than Lj360, where L is the span of the beam. Check Euler buckling of the long columns and the bracing. Use a factor of safety ag.unst buckling of 5. Assume, the column-to-beam joints to be rigid while the bracing (a total of eight braces) is pinned to the column and beam at each of the four comers. Also assume the gantry crane is on roUers with one roller locked down to behave as a pin support as shown. . . 5.71 Design the rigid highway bridge frame structure shown in Figure P5-71 for a moving tn,lck load (shown below) simulating a truck moving across the bridge. Use the load shown and place it along the top girder at various locations. Use the allowable stresses in bending and compression and allowable deflection given in the Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), Washington, D.C. or use some other reasonable values. Problems A ·1· f--25 (t £0 - 50 ft 1"~[Oft -----.1.110-.-- --l 25 ft .... 303 D \~5ft E F 0.2 W 0.8 W LU ~14ft-1 W =total weight of truck and load I I 1120-44 8k 32k H truck loading Figure P5-71 For the tripod space frame shown in Figure P5-72, determine standard steel pipe sections such that the maximmn bendlllg stress must not exceed 20 ksi, the com· pressive stress to prevent buckling must not exceed that given by the Euler buckling formula with a factor of safety of 2 and the maximum deflection will not exceed Lj360 in any span, L. Assume the three bottom supports to be fixed. All coordinates shown in units of inches. lOOOlb (-20, 30, 60) lOOOlb lOOOlb (0.10, (0) l-------.;::,c (30.40,0) (0.0,0) x Figure P5-72 Introduction In Chapters 2-5, we considered only line elements. Two or more line.~lements are connected only at common nodes, forming framed Of articulated structures such as trusses, frames, and grids. Line elements have geometric properties such as crosssectional area and moment of inertia associated with their cross sections. However, only one local coordinate x along the length of the element is required to describe a position along the element (bence, they are called line elements or one..wmensional elem.ents). Nodal compatibility is then enforced during the formulation of the nodal equilibrium equations for a line element. This chapter considers the two-dimensional finite element. Two-dimensional (planar) elements are defined by three or more nodes in a two-dimensional plane (that is, x-y). The elements are connected at common nodes andlor along common edges to form continuous structures such as those shown in Figures 1-3, 1-4, 1-6, and 6-6(b). Nodal displacement compatibility is then enforced during the formulation of the nodal eqUilibrium equations for two-dimensional elements. If proper displacement functions are chosen, compatibility along common edges is also obtained. The two-dimensional element is extremely important for (1) plane stress analysis, which includes problems such as plates with holes, fillets, or other changes in geometry that are loaded in their plane resulting in local stress concentrations, such as illustrated in Figure 6-1; and (2) plane strain analysis, which includes problems such as a long underground box culvert subjected to a unifonn load acting constantly over its-length, as illustrated in Figure 1-3, a long, cylindrical control rod subjected to a load that remains constant over the rod length (or depth), as illustrated in Figure 1-4) and dams and pipes subjected to loads that remain constant over their lengths as shown in . Figure 6-2. We begin this chapter with the development of the stiffness matrix for a basic two-dimensional or plane finite element, called the constant-strain triangular element. We consider the constant-strain triangle (CST) stiffness matrix because its derivation 6.1 Basic Concepts of Plane Stress and Plane Strain .. 305 is the simple~t among the available two-dimensional elements. The element is called a CST because it has a constant strain throughout it. . We will derive the CST stiffness matrix by using the principle of minimum potential energy because the energy fonnulation is the most feasible for the development of the equations for both two- and three-dimensional finite elements. We will then present a simple, thln~plate plane stress example problem to illustrate the assemblage of the plane element stiffness matrices using the, direct stiffness method as presented in Chapter 2. We will present the total solution, including the stresses within the plate. :I 6.1 Basic Concepts of 'Plane Stress and Plane Strain In this section) we will describe the concepts of plane stress and plane strain. These concepts are important because the developments in' this chapter are directly applicable only to systems assumed to behave in a plane stress or plane strain manner. Therefore, we now describe these concepts in detail. will Plane Stress Plane stress is defined to be a state of stress in which the nonnal stress and the shear stresses directed perpendicular to the plane are ,assumed to be zero. For instance, in Figures 6-1(a) and 6-1(b) the plates in thex-y plane shown subjected to surface tractions T (pressure acting on the surface edge 'or face of a member in. units of forceJarea) in the plane are under a state of plane stress; that is, the nonnal stress Cir. and the shear stresses Tx: and Tyz are assumed to be zero. Generally, members that are thin (those with a small z dimension compared to the in-plane x and y dimensions) and whose loads act only in the x-y plane can be considered to be under plane stress. Plane Strain Plane strain is defined to be a state ofstrain in which the strain normal to the x-y plane t z and the shear strains 'Yrz and 'Yy: are assumed to be zero. The assumptions of plane strain are realistic fot long bodies (say> in the z direction) with constant cross~sectional area subjected to loads that act only in the x and/or y directions and do not vary in the y y '----.-.."r Y--++-+-X in units of pounds per cubic inch or kilonewtons per cubic meter). The potential energy of concentrated loads is given by (6.2.42) where {d} represents the usual nodal displacements, and {P} now represents the con· centrated external loads. The potential energy of distributed loads (Qr surface tractions) moving through respective surface displacements is given by Os -JJ{y,S}T{Ts}dS s (6.2.43) where {Ts} represents the surface tractions (typically in units of pounds per square inch or kilonewtons per square meter) {y,s} represents the field of surface displacements through which the surface tractions act, and S represents the surfaces over which the tractions {Ts} act. Similar to Eq. (6.2.21), we express {y,s} as {t/ls} = [NsJ{d}, where [NsJ represents the shape function matrix evaluated along the surface where the surface traction acts. Using Eq. (6.2.21) for {y,} and Eq. (6.2.33) for the strains in Eqs. (6.2.40)(6.2.43), we have 1Cp = ~JJJ {d}T[Bf[DHB]{d} dV v JIJ{d}T[Nf {X} dV v - {d}T{p} - JJ{d}T[Nsf{Ts}dS s (6.2.44) 6.2 Derivation of the Constant-Strain Triangular Element Stiffness Matrix & Equations .& 319 The nodal displacements {d} are independent of the general x-y coordinates, so {d} can be taken out of the integrals ofEq. (6.2.44). Therefore, 1lp = ~{d}T JJI[B([D][B] dV{d} v {df JJJ[N( {X} dV v - {df{p} - {d}T JJ[NsIT{Ts}dS (6.2.45) S From Eqs. (6.2.41)-(6.2.43) we can see that the last three terms of Eq. (6.2.45) represent the total load system if} on an element; that is, if} = IIJ[Nf{X}dV+{P} + II[Nsf{Ts}dS (6.2.46) s where the first) second, and third terms on the right side of Eq. (6.2.46) represent the body forces, the concentrated nodal forces, and the surface tractions, respectively. Using Eq. (6.~.46) in Eq. (6.2.45), we obtain v • ". ~{d}T IJJ[Bf[D][B]dV{d} - {d}T{f} 17.p , (6.2.47) v Taking the.first variation; or equivalently, as shown in Chapters 2 and 3, the partial derivative of 17.1' with respect to the nodal displacements since 1(,1' = 1l:p@ (as was previously done for the bar and beam elements in Chapters 3 and 4, respectively), we obtain ' 07;} = [f!JlB],IDltBldV]{d} If) =0 (6.2.48) Rewriting Eq. (6.2.48), we have JIJ[Bf[D][B] dV{d} = {f} (6.2.49) y where the partial derivative with respect to matrix {d} was previously defined by Eq. (2.6.12). From Eq. (6.2.49) we can'see that [k] = JJJ[B]T[DJIB]dV (6.2.50) v For an element with constant thickness, t, Eq. (6.2.50) becomes [k] = t JJ[Bf[D][B] dxdy (6.2.51) A where the integrand .is not a function of x or y for the cOllstant-strain triangular element and thus can be taken out of the integral to yield [k] = tA[Bf[DI[B] (6.2.52) 320 ~ 6 Development of the Plane Stress and Plane Strain Stiffness Equations where A is given by Eq. (6.2.9), [B] is given by Eq. (6.2.34), and [DJ is given by Eq. (6.1.8) or Eq. (6.1.10). We will assume elements of constant thickness. (This assumption is convergent to the actual situation as the element size is decreased.) From Eq. (6.2.52) we see that [kJ is a function of the nodal coordinates (because [B] and A are defined in tenns 'Of them) and of the mechanical properties E and v (of which [D) is a function). The expansion of Eq. (6.2.52) for an element is (6.2.53) where the 2 x 2 submatrices are given by [kiiJ = [Bd T[D][BiJtA [kiiJ = [Bi] TID)[Bj]tA [kim] = [B;f[DJ[Bm]IA (6.2.54) and SO forth. In Eqs. (6.2.54), [Bi], [Bj], and [Bm] are defined by Eqs. (6.2.32). The [kJ matrix is seen to be a 6 x 6 matrix (equal in order to the number of degrees of freedom per node, ~wo, times the total number of nodes per element, three). In general, Eq. (6.2.46) must be used to evaluate the surface and body forces. When Eq. (6.2.46) is used to evaluate the surface and body forces, these forces are called consistent loads because they are derived from the consistent (energy) approach. For higher-order elements, typicaUy with quadratic or cubic displacement functions, Eq. (6.2.46) should be used. However, for the CST element, the body and surface forces can be lumped at the nodes with equivalent results (this is illustrated in Section 6.3) and added to any concentrated nodal forces to obtain the element force matrix. The element equations are then given by , fix ii, f2x Ut kll k12 16 VI k21 k21 kk26 ] U2 12y h:x hy Step 5 (6.2.55) IJ2 k61 k62 ... k66 U3 V3 Assemble the ~Iement Equations to Obtain the Global Equations and Introduce Boundary Conditions We obtain the global structure stiffness matrix and equations by using the direct stiffness method as N [K] = I)k(e)] e=t (6.2.56) 6.2 Oer."ation of the Constant-Strain Triangular Element Stiffness Matrix & Equations and {F} = fK]{d} ... 321 (6.2.57) where, in Eq. (6.2.56), all element stiffness matrices are defined in terms of the global x-y coordinate system, {d} is now the total structure displacement matrix) and (6.2.58) is the column of equivalent global nodal loads obtained by lumping body forces and distributed loads at the proper nodes (as wen as including concentrated nodal loads) or by consistently using Eq. (6.2.46). (Further details regarding the treatment of body forces and surface tractions will be given in Section 6.3.) In the formulation of the element stiffness matrix Eq. (6.2.52)) the matrix has been derived for a general orientation in global coordinates. Equation (6.2.52) then applies for all elements. All element matrices are expressed in the global-coordinate . orientation. Therefore, no transformation from local to global equations is necessary. However, for completeness, we will now describe the method to use jf the local axes . fof the constant-strain triangular element are riot parallel to the global axes for the whole structure. --if the local axes for the constant-strain triangular element are not parallel to the global axes for the whole structure, we must apply rotation-of-axes transformations simj1ar to those introduced in Chapter 3 by Eq. (3.3.16) to the element stiffness matrix, as well as to the e1ement nodal force and displacement matrices. We il1ustrate the transformation of axes for the truingular element shown in Figure 6-10, considering the element to have local axes x-y not parallel to global axes x-yo Local nodal forces are shown in the figure. The transformation from local to global equations follows the procedure outlined in Section 3.4. We have the same general expressions, Eqs. (3.4.14), (3.4.16), and (3.4.22), to relate local to global displacements, forces, and stiffness matrices) respectively; that is, 4=I4 /=1:[ (6.2.59) where Eq. (3.4.15) for the transformation matrix I used in Eqs. (6.2.59) must be expanded because two additional degrees of freedom are present in the constant-strain y .:e ~----------------~x Figure 6- t 0 Triangular element with . local axes not paralle~ to global axes 322 .A. 6 Development of the Plane Stress and Plane Strain Stiffness Equations triangular element. Thus, Eq. (3.4.15) is expanded to I I= C siI 0 0 I1 0 0 -S C I 0 0 ~ 0 0 ------~------~-----0 0 I1 C S: 0 0 0 o : -S C: 0 0 -O--O-r-O--O-:--c--i I I o 0 i 0 0 -S C I where C = cos 0, S = sin 0, and °IS Ui Vi Uj (6.2.60) Vj Um Vm shown in Figure 6-10. Step 6 Solve for the Nodal Displacements We determine the unknown global structure nodal displacements by solving the system of algebraic equations given by Eq. (62.57). Step 7 Solve for the Element Forces (Stresses) Having solved for the nodal displacements,_ we obtain the strains and stresses in the global x and y directions in the elements by using Eqs. (6.2.33) and (6.2.36). Finally, we determine the maximum and minimum in-plane principal stresses O'l and 0'2 by using the transformation Eqs. (6. I.2), where these stresses are usually assumed to act at the centroid of the element. The angle that one of the principal stresses makes with the x axis is given by Eq. (6.1.3). Example 6:1 Evaluate the stiffness matrix for the element shown in Figure 6-11. The coordinates are shown in units of inches. Assume plane stress conditions. Let E = 30 X 106 psi, v = 0.25, and thickness t = 1 in. Assume the element nodal displacements have been determined to be UI = OJ,) V1 = 0.0025 in., U2 = 0.0012 in., V2 = 0.0) U3 = 0.0, and V3 = 0.0025 in. Determine the element stresses. y (0. f) I--_ _ _ _.....;::;,--i_=_2_ (2, 0) i:: I (0. -I) x Figure 6-11 Plane stress element for stiffness matrix evaluation 6.2 Derivation of the Constant-Strain Triangular Bement Stiffness Matrix & Equations ~ 323 We use Eq. (6.2.52) to obtain the element stiffness matrix. To evaluate If, we first use Eqs. (6.2.10) to obtain the p's and /"s as follows: Pi =Yj - = 0 - 1 = -1 Ym Pj = Ym -)li = 1 - Yi = =2 (-1) Xm - = Xi Ym = Xj Yj Xj Xm Xi =0 - 2 = -2 = 0- 0= 0 =2- (6.2.61) 0= 2 Using Eqs. (6.2.32) and (6.2.34), we obtain matrix!l as -1 !l 2t2) 0 2 0 (6.2.62) 0 -2 0 0 [ -2 -1 0 2 where we have used A = 2 in.2 in Eq. (6.2.62). Using Eq. (6.1-8) for plane stress conditions) 1 D - 30 x 10 0.25 1- (0.25)2 [ ~ 0.25 6 o I 1. ~.25 1 0 (6.2.63) pSI Substituting Eqs. (6.2.62) and (6.2.63) into Eq. (6.2.52), we obtain k - = (2)30 X 10 4(0.9375) x [~.25 6 -1 0 -2 0 -2 -1 2 0 0 0 2 0 -1 0 2 2 -1 0 0.25 I o ] 1 02:2: 0 0.375 [-I 0 2 0 -2 0 0 () -2 -1 0 2 0 -1 0 2 -;] Petforming the matrix triple product, we have 25 1.25 -2 ~ =4.0 x 10 6 -1.5 -0.5 0.25 1.25 4.375 -I -0.75 -0.25 -3.625 -2 -1.5 -1 4 -0.75 0 1.5 -2 1.5 -0.75 0 -0.5 -0.25 -2 1.5 2.5 -1.25 0.25 -3.625 I -0.75 -1.25 4.375 Ib (6.2.64) 324 .A 6 Development of the Plane Stress and Plane Strain Stiffness Equations To evaluate the stresses, we use Eq. (6.2.36). Substituting Eqs. (6.2.62) and (6.2.63), along with the given nodal displacements, into Eq. (6.2.36), we obtain 10 [~.25 ~.25 ~ ] {:x }= 130- (0.25)2 0 0 0.375 6 X y !xy 0.0 0.0025 x 2;2) [~ =; ~ ~ -~ _~] :::12 (6.2.65) 0.0 0.0025· Performing the matrix triple product in Eq. (6.2.65), we have (Jx = 19,200 psi (Jy = 4800 psi r xy = -15,000 psi (6.2.66) Finally, the principal stresses and principal angle are obtained by substituting the results from Eqs. (6.2.66) into Eqs. (6.1.2) and (6.1.3) as follows: (JI = 19,2002+ 4800 + 2 [ (19,200 - 4800) (-15000)2 2 +, ]1/2 = 28,639 psi (J2 = 19,200 + 4800 (6.2.67) 2 = -4639 psi B p .It. =! 2 tan -1.[19,200 2(-15,000) ] = -32.20 - 4800 • 6.3 Treatment of Body and Surface Forces . Body Forces Using the first term on the right side of Eq. (6.2.46), we can evaluate the body forces at the nodes as {A} = IIJ!Nf{X}dV v (6.3.1) 63 Treatment of Body and Surface Forces A 325 y m 1 Figure 6-12 Element with centroidal coordinate axes If b--r =--l i where {X} = {~:} (6.3.2) and Xb and Yb are the weight densities in the x and y directions in units of force/unit volume, respectively. These forces may arise, for instance, because of actual body weight (gravitational forces). angular velocity (called centrifugal body forces, as described in Chapter 9), or inertial forces in dynamics. . In Eq. (6.3.1), [N] is a linear function of x and y; therefore~ the integration must be carried out. Without ]a~k of generality, the integration is simplified if the origin of the coordinates is chosen at the centroid of the element. For example, consider the element with coordinates shown in Figure 6-12. With the origin of the coordinate placed at the centroid of the element, we have, from the definition of the centroid, I I x dA = f f Y dA = 0 and therefore, (6.3.3) and (6.3.4) Using Eqs. (6.3.2)-(6.3.4) in Eq. (6.3.1), the body force at node i is then represented by (6.3.5) Similarly, considering thej and m node body forces, we obtain the same results as in Eq. (6.3.5). In matrix fonn, the element body forces are fbix }biy fbjx Ub} = ibjy fbmx fbmy Xb Yb Xb Yb Xl> Yb At 3" (6.3.6) 326 ;,. 6 Development of the Plane Stress and Plane Strain Stiffness Equations y L I pObjin:) ~POb/in.~ 2 ~- L 2 3 (a) (b) Figure 6-13 (a) Elements with uniform surface traction acting on one edge and (b) element one with uniform surface traction along edge 1-3 From-the results ofEq. (6.3.6), we can conclude that the body forces are distributed to the nodes in three equal parts. The signs depend on the directions of Xb and Yb with respect to the positive x and y global coordinates. For the case of body weight only, because of the gravitational force associated with the y direction, we have only Yb (Xb = 0). Surface Forces Using the third term on the right side of Eq. (6.2.46), we can evaluate the surface forces at the nodes as ' {Is} = II[Ns]T{Ts}dS (6.3.7) s We emphasize that the subscript Sin [Nsl in Eq. (6.3.7) means the shape functions evaluated along the surface where the sufface traction is applied. We will now illustrate the use of Eq. (6.3.7) by considering the example of a unifonn stress p (say, in pounds per square inch) acting between nodes 1 and 3 on the edge of element 1 in Figure 6-13(b). In Eq. (6.3.7), the surface traction now becomes {Tsl = and [Ns]T = N] 0 0 Nt N2 0 0 N2 N3 {~; } = { ~} (6.3.8) (6.3.9) 0 = a, y = y As the surface traction p acts along the edge at x = a and y = y from y = 0 to y = L, 0 N3 evaluated at x we evaluate the shape functions at x = a and y = y and integrate over the surface from o to L in the y direction and from 0 to t in the z direction, as shown by Eq. (6.3.10). .,.1 6.3 Treatment of Body and Surface Forces .. 327 Using Eqs. (6.3.8) and (6.3.9), we express Eq. (6.3.7) as {Is} = NJ 0 o NI tJ: ~2 ~2 {~ } dz dy (6.3.10) 0 N3 N3 evaluated at x = a, Y = Y o Simplifying Eq. (6.3.10), we obtain NIP {Is} == I J: o ~2P (6.3.11) dy N3P o evaluated at x = a,. y = y Now, by Eqs. (6.2.18) (with i = 1), we have 1 NJ =2A(CtI +Plx+YIY) (6.3.12) For convenience> we choose the co<;>rdinate system for the element as shown in Figure 6-14. Using the definition Eqs. (6.2.l0), we obtain or, with i = l,j = 2, and m = 3, ctl = X2Y3 - Y2 X 3 Substituting the coordinates into Eq. (6.3.13), we obtain ctl =0 Similarly, again using Eqs. (6.2.10), we obtain PI =0 YI =a (6.3.13) (6.3.14) (6.3.15) Therefore, substituting Eqs. (63.14) ~nd (6.3.15) into Eq.,(6.3.12), we obtain (6.3.16) J L :l)G'o1_ _ _ _ _....J 4 l = )000 Ib/in. t ~I Figure P6-13 6.14 Determine the nodal displacements .and the element stresses,' including principal , stresses, due to the loads shown for the thin plates in Figure P6-14. Use E 210 GPa, v = 0.30, and t = 5 tnm. Assume plane stress conditions appJy_ The recommended diseretized plates are shown in the figures. 6.1S Evaluate the body force matrix for the plates shown in Figures·P6-14(a) and (c). Assume the weight density to be ?7.l kN/m 3 . 6.16 Why is the trianguiarstitTness matrix derived in Section 6.2 called a constant strain triangle? 6.17 How do the stresses vary within the constant strain triangle element? 6.18 Can you use the plane stress or plane strain element to model the following: 8. a fiat slab floor of a building b. a, wall SUbjected to wind loading (the wall acts as a shear wall) c. a tensile plate With a hole drilled through it d. an eyebar e. a soil mass subjected to a strip footing loading f. a wrench subjected to a force in the plane of the wrench g. a wrench subjected to twisting forces (the twisting forces act out of the plane of the' wrench) b. a triangular plate connection with loads in the plane of the triangle i. a triangular plate connection with out-of-plane loads 6.19 The plane stress element only allows for in-plane displacements, while the frame or beam element resists displacements and rotations. How can we combine the plane stress and beam elements and still insure compatibility? 348 ... 6 Development of the Plane Stress and Plane Strain Stiffness Equations 4 5 1---:----500 rnm ----~ (a) 400mm 40--------------0 s (e) Fiaure P6-14 6.20 For the plane structures modeled by triangular elements shown in Figure P6-20, show that numbering in the direction that has fewer nodes, as in Figure' P6--20(a) (as opposed to numbering in the direction that has more nodes), results in a reduced bandwidth. Illustrate this fact by filling in, with X's> the occupied elements in K for each mesh, as was done in Appendix B.4. Compare the bandwidths for each case. 8 . 7 4 2 I) 2 I 5 6 3 (a) Figure P6-20 4~8 .3 5 (b) i I Problems 6.21 ..... 349 Go through the detailed steps to evaluate Eq. (6.3.6). I 6.22 How would you treat a linearly varying thickness for a three-noded triangle? I 6.23 Compute the stiffness matrix of element 1 of the two-triangle element model of the rectangular plate in plane stress shown in Figure P6-23. Then use it to compute the I stiffness matrix of element 2: 4 rf(i)71h 3 1~2~X b Figure P6-23 Introduction In this chapter, we will describe some modeling guidelines, including generally recommended mesh size, natural subdivisions modeling around concentrated loads, and more on use of symmetry and associated boundary conditions. This is followed by dis-cussion of equilibrium, compatibility, and convergence of solution. We will then consider interpretation of stress results. Next; we introduce the concept of static condensation, which enables us to apply the concept of the basic constant-strain triangle stiffness matrix to a quadrilateral element. Thus, both three-sided and four-sided two-dimensional elements can be used in the finite element models of actual bodies. We then show some computer program results. A computer program facilitates the solution of complex, large-number-of-degrees-of-freedom plane stress/plane strain problems that generally cannot be solved longhand because of the larger number of equations involved. Also, problems for which longhand solutions do not exist (such as those involving complex geometries and complex loads or where unrealistic, often gross, assumptions were previously made to simplify the problem to allow it to be described via a classical differential equation approach) can now be solved with a higher degree of confidence in the results by using the finite element approach {with its resulting system of algebraic equations}. .A. 7.1 Finite Element Modeling We will now discuss various concepts that should be considered when modeling any problem for solution by the finite element method. 7.1 Finite Element Modeling ... 351 General Considerations Finite element modeling is partly an art guided by visualizing physical interactions taking place within the body. One appears (0 acquire good modeHng techniques through experience and by working with experienced people. General-purpose programs provide some guidelines for specific types of problems f12, I5}. In subsequent parts of this section, some significant concepts that should be considered are described. In modeling, the user is first confronted with the sometimes difficult task of understanding the physical behavior taking place and understanding the physical behavior of the various elements available for use. Choosing the proper type of element or elements to match as closely as possible the physical behavior of the problem is one of the numerous decisions that must be made by the user. Understanding the boundary conditions imposed on the problem can, at times, be a difficult task. Also, it is often difficult to determine the kinds of loads that must be applied to a body and their magnitudes and locations. Again, working with more experienced users and searching the literature can belp overcome these difficulties. Aspect Ratio and Element Shapes The aspect ratio is defined as the rglio of the longest dimension to the shortest dimension of a quadrilateral element. In many cases) as the aspect ratio increases, the inaccuracy of the solution increases. To illustrate this point, Figure 7-1(a) shows five different finite element models used to analyze a beam subjected to bending. The element used here is the rectangular one described "in Section lO.2. Figure 7-1 (b) is a plot of the resulting error in the displacement at point A of the beam versus the aspect ratio. Table 7-1 reports a comparison of results for the displacements at points A and B for the five models, and the exact solution [2}. There are exceptions for which asPect ratios approaching 50 still produce satisfactory results; for example, if the stress gradient is close to zero at some location of the actual problem, then large aspect ratios at that location still produce reasonable results. In general, an element yields best results if its shape is compact and regular. Although different elements have different sensitivities to shape distortions, try to maintain (1) aspect ratios low as in Figure 7-1, cases 1 and 2, and (2) corner angles of quadrilaterals near 90 Figure 7-2 shows elements with poor shapes that tend to promote poor results. If few of these poor element shapes exist in a model, then usually only results near these elements are poor. ]n the Algor program [12J, when IX ~ 170° in Figure 7-2(c), the program automatically divides the quadrilateral into two triangles. D • Use of Symmetry The appropriate use of syrnmetry* will often expedite the modeling of a problem. Use of symmetry allows us to consider a reduced problem instead of the actual problem. '" Again, reflective s}mmetry means correspondence in size, shape, and position of loads: material propenies; and boundary conditions that are on opposite sides of a dividing line or plane. 352 ~ 7 Practical Considerations in Modeling; Interpreting Results Y,v /l---------------....l 4O,OOO-lb A T 8 in. ' A - - - -.. X. ~:: shear U l Parabolic 1·. . .- - - - 4 8 i n · - - - - - - l - I load distribution E = 30 x Ilf psi v =0.3 t 12 . In. = 1.0 in. I. x '2 In. 6 in. x I in. elements (typical) elements (typical) (5) AR=24 48' • In. n X (4) AR=6 II. '3 In.- 3 in. x 2 in . elements (typical) h (3) AR =3.6 elements (typical) (2) AR = 1.5 2.4 in. x 2~ in. elements (tYPical) (1) AR= 1.1 Figure 7-1 (a) Beam with loading; effects of the aspect ratio (AR) ilhJstrated by five cases with different aspect ratios Thus, we can use a finer subdivision of elements with less labor and computer costs. For another discussion on the use of symmetry, see Reference [3]. Figures 7-3-7-:-5 illustrate the use of symmetry in modeling (1) a soil mass subjected to foundation loading, (2) a uniaxially loaded member with a fillet, and (3) a plate with a.hole subjected to internal pressure. Note that at the plane of symmetry the displacement in the direction perpendicular to the plane must be equal to zero. This is modeled by the rollers at nodes 2-6 in Figure 7-3, where the plane of symmetry is the vertical plane passing through nodes 1-6, perpendicular to the plane of the modeL In Figures 7-4(a) and 7-5(a), there are two planes of symmetry. Thus, we need model only one-fourth of the actual members, as shown in Figure!:! 7-4(b) and 7-5(b). 7.1 Finite Element Modeling Exact solution ---------- 0 - 5 ~ (I) Q, 353 --- :Ie (2) -10 -= '0 . (3) -15 ~ ::::> -20 C It) e -25 8eo (4) ~ -30 ::0 -35 .5 g u -40 E -4$ ~ -SO l. (5) -55 2 6' 4 8 10 Asped ratio 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 lonsest dimension shortest dimension Figure 7-1 (b) Inaccuracy of solution as a function of the aspect ratio (numbers in parentheses correspond to the cases listed in Table 7-1) Table 7-1 Case 1 2 3 4 5 Comparison of results for various aspect ratios Aspect Ratio t.l 1.5 3.6 6.0 24.0 Exact solution [21 Number of Number of Elements Nodes 84 85 77 81 85 60 64 60 64 64 Vertical DispJacement, v (in.) Point A Point B Percent Error in Displacement atA -1.093 -1.078 -1.014 -0.886 -0.500 -0.346 -0.339 5.2 6.4 -0.328 -0.280 -0.158 23.0 56.0 -1.152 -0.360 11.9 Therefore, rollers are used at nodes along both the vertical·and horizontal planes of ' symmetIy. As previously indicated in Chapter 3, in vibration and buckling problems, symmetry must be used with caution since symmetry in geometry does not imply symmetry in an vibration or buckling modes. 354 " 7 Practical Considerations in Modeling; Interpreting Results '---__~I h ,b» h b (b) Approaching a triangular shape p~ a C / a»{3 large and very small comer angles (c) Very Figure 7-2 (d) Triangular quadrilateral Elements with poor shapes . -112 in. b---IO Ib/in. 6 ' 7 24 36 42 4g 54 60 66 19' 31 37 43 '49 55 '61 I.~.-~---------%iD'----------~11 ~--- Axis of sylll.lIletry Figure 7-3 Use of symmetry applied to a soil mass subjected to foundation loading (number of nodes 66, number of elements = SO) (254 cm 1 in.. 4.445 N = lib) = = Natural Subdivisions at Discontinuities Figure 7-6 illustrates various natural subdivisions for finite element discretization. For instance, nodes are required at locations of concentrated loads or discontinuity in loads, as shown in Figure 7-6(a) and (b). Nodal lines are defined by abrupt changes of plate thickness, as in Figure 7-6(c). and by abrupt changes of material properties, as in Figure 7-6(d) and (e). Other natural subdivisions occur at re~trant comers, as in Figure 7-6(0. and along holes in members, as in Figure 7-5. 7.1 Finite Element Modeling ... 355 lA=m~ 4 in. EL~L ---"'i1. . . - - 4 in. I ..I. 4 in. __---",;.I~.S~~~~~~~~~f3 1--3in.-J 200 Ib/in. (a) Plane stress uniaxially loaded member wich fille' (b) Enlarged finite element IllOdeI of the cross-batched quarter of the: member (number of nodes = 78. number of elements 60) (2.54 em '" 1 in.) Figure 7-4 Use of symmetry applied to a uniaxially loaded mer,nber with a fillet Sizing of Efements and the hand p Methods of Refinement For structural problems, to obtain displacements, rotations, stresses, 'and strains, many computer programs include two basic solution methods. (These same methods apply to nonstructural problems as well.) These are called the h method and the p method. These methods are then used to revise or refine a finite element mesh to improve the results in the next refined analysis. The goal of the analyst is to refine the mesh to obtain the necessary accuracy by using only as many degrees of freedom as final objective of this so called adaptive refinement is to obtain equal necessary. distribution of an error indicator over all elements. The discretization depends on the geometry of the structure, the loading pattern,~ . and the boundary conditions. For instance, regions of stress concentration or high stress gradient due to fillets, holes, or re-entrant corners require a finer mesh near those regions, as indicated in Figures 7-4, 7-5, and 7-6{f). We will briefly describe the hand p methods of refinement and provide references for those interested in more in-depth understanding of these methods. The h Method of Refinement In the h method of refinement, we use the particular element based on the shape functions for that element (for example, linear functions for the bar, quadratic for the beam, bilinear for the CST). We then start with a baseline mesh to provide a baseline solution for error estimation and to provide guidance for 356 ... 7 Practical Considerations in Modeling; Interpreting Results (a) Plate with hole under plane stress y _ _ _ Axis of symmetry Irlc+-+....~r---.. x (b) Finite element model of one-quart.er of the plate Figure 7-5 Problem reduction using. axes of symmetry applied to a plate with a hole subjected to tensile force mesh revision. We then add elements of the same kind to refine or make smaller elements in the model. Sometimes a uniform refinement is done where the original element size (Figure 7-7a) is perhaps divided in two in both directions as shown in Figure 7-7b. More often, the refinement is a nonuniform h refinement as shown in Figure 7-7c (perhaps even a local refinement used to capture some physical phenomenon, such as . a shock wave or a thin boundary layer in fluids) [19]. The mesh refinement is continued until the results from one mesh compare closely to those of the previously refined mesh. It is also possible that part of the mesh can be enlarged instead of refined. F or in~tance) in regions where the stresses do not change or change slowly1 larger 7.1 Finite Element Modeling (a) Concentrated load A. (b) Abrupt change of distributed load .......... Nodal line III f. 't2 Material CD Material (3) Nodal line 1'" \ Node (c) Abrupt change of pJate thickness (d) Abrupt change of material properties 'P2 P A (e) Basic model of an implant (cross-hatched) in bone, located at various depths X beneath the bony surface., using rectangular elements, (t)' Re-entrant comer, B P w (g) Structure with a distributed load Figure 7-6 Natural subdivisions at discontinuities (h) Using dements to distribute the loading and spread the concentrated load 357 358 ... 7 Practical Considerations in Modeling; Interpreting Results elements may be quite acceptable. The h-type mesh refinement strategy had its beginnings in !20-23). Many commercial computer codes, such 'as [12], are based on the h refinement. p Method of Refinement In the p method of refinement [24-28}, the polynomial pis increased from perhaps quadratic to a higher-order polynomial based on the degree of accuracy specified by the user. In the p method of refinement, the p method adjusts the order of the polynomial or the p level to better fit the conditions of the problem, such as the boundary conditions, the loading, and the geometry changes. A problem is solved at a given p level, and then the order of the polynomial is nonnaI1y increased while the element geometry remains the same and the problem is solved again. The results of the iterations are compared to some set of convergence criteria specified by the user. Higher-order polynomials nonnally yield better solutions. This iteration process is done automatically within the computer program. Therefore, the user does not p F ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r F ~ F (a) Original mesh (b) A uniformly refined mesh F F % % % ~~ ~ F p % / (c) A possible nonuniform h refinement Figure 7-7 Examples of hand p refinement (d) A possible uniform p refinement 7.1 Finite Element Modeling Figure 7-7 A 359 (Continued) need to manually change the size of elements by creating a finer mesh, as must 1;>e done in the h method. (Tbe h refinement can be automated using a remeshing algorithm within the finite element software.) Depending on the problem, a coarSe mesh will often yield acceptable results. An extensive discussion of error indicators and esti· mates is given in the literature [l9}. The p. refinement may consist of adding degrees of freedom to existing nodes, adding nodes on existing boundaries between elements} andlor adding internal degrees of freedom. A uniform p refinement (same refinement performed on all elements) is shown in ·Figure 7-7d. One of the more common commercial computer programs, Pro/MECHANICA 129], uses the p method exclusively. A typicar discretized finite element model ofa pulley using Pro/MECHANICA is shown in Figure 7-7e. Transition Triangles Figure 7-4 illustrates the use of triangular elements for transitions from smaller quadrilaterals to larger quadrilaterals. This transition is necessary because for simple CST elements, intermediate nodes along element edges are inconsistent with the energy 360 .. 7 Practical Considerations in Modeling; Interpreting Results fonnulation of the CST equations. If intennediate nodes were used, no assurance of compatibility would be possible~ and resulting, holes could occur in the deformed model. Using higher-order elements, such as the linear-strain triangle described in Chapter 8, allows us to use intennediate nodes along element edges and maintain compatibility. Concentrated or Point Loads and Infinite Stress Concentrated or point loads can be applied to nodes of an element provided the ete· ment supports the degree of freedom associated with the load. For instance, truss elements and two- and three-dimensional elements support only translational degrees of freedom, and therefore concentrated nodal moments cannot be applied to these elements; only concentrated forces can be applied. However, we should realize that physically concentrated forces are usually an idealization' and mathematical conve· nience that represent a distributed load of high intensity acting over a small area. According to classical linear theories of elasticity for beams, plates, and solid bodies [2, 16, 17}, at a point loaded by a concentrated normal force there is finite displacement and stress in a beam, 'finite displacement but infinite stress in a plate, and both infinite displacement and stress in a two- or three-dimensional solid body. the consequences of the differing assumptions about the stress fields These results in standard linear theories of beams, plates, and solid elastic bodie~. A truly concen~ trated force would cause material under the load to yield, and linear elastic theories do not predict yielding. In a finite element' analysis, when a concentrated force is applied to a node of a finite element model, infinite displacement and stress are never computed. A concen· trated force on a plane stress or strain model has a number of equivalent distributed loadings, which would not be expected to produce infinite displacements or infinite stresses. Infinite displacements and stresses can be approached only as the mesh around the load is highly refined. The best we can hope for is that we can highly refine the mesh in the vicinity of 'the concentrated load as shown in Figure 7-6(a), with the understanding that the deformations and stresses will be approximate around the load) or that these stresses near the concentrated force are not the object of study, while stresses near another point away from the force) such as B in Figure 7-6(f), are of concern. The preceding remarks about concentrated forces apply to concentrated reactions as well. Finally, another way to model with a concentrated forte is to use additional ele'ments and a single concentrated load as shown in Figures 7-6(h). The ~hape of the distribution used to simulate a distributed load can be controlled by the relative stiffness of the elements above the loading plane to the actual structure by changing the modulus of elasticity of these elements. This method spreads the concentrated load over a number of elements of the actual structure. Infinite stress based on elasticity solutions may also exist for special geometries and loadings, such as the re...entrant comer shown in Figure 7-6(f). The stress is predicted to be infinite at the re...entranf corner. Hence, the finite element method based on linear elastic material models will never yield convergence (no matter how many times you refine the mesh) to a correct stress level at the re-entrant corner 118J. are 7.1 Finite Element Modeling ... 361 We must either change the sharp re-entrant corner to one with a radius or use a theory that accounts for plastic or yielding behavior in the material. Infinite Medium Figure 7-3 shows a typical model used to represent an infinite medium (a soil mass subjected to a foundation load). The guideline for the finite element model is that enough material must be included such that the displacements at nodes and stresses within the elements become negl~gibly small at ioeations far from the foundation load. Just how much of the mediUm should be modeled can be determined by a trialand-error procedure in which the horizontal and vertical distances from the load are varied and the resulting effects on the displacements and stresses are observed. Alternatively, the experiences of other investigators working on similar problems may prove helpful. For a homogeneous soil mass) experience has shown that the iniluence of the footing becomes insignificant if the horizontal distance of the model is taken as approximately four to six times the width of the footing and the vertical distance is taken as approximately four to ten times the width of the footing [4-6}. Also, the use of infinite elem~ts is described in Reference [13]. After choosing the ~orizontal and vertical dimensions of the model, we must idealize the boundary conditions. "Usually, the horizontal displacement becomes negligible far from the load, and we restrain the horizontal movement of all the nodal Points on that boundary (the right-side boundary in Figure 7-3): Hence, rollers are used to restrain the horizontal motion along the right side. The bottoIl! boundary can be completely fixed, as is modeled in Figure 7-3 by using pin suppo\:ts at each nodal point along the bottom edge. Alternatively, the bottom can be cbnstrained only against vertical movement. The choice depends on the soil condltions ~t the bot~ tom of the model. Usually, complete fixity is assumed if the lower boundary is taken as bedrock. In Figure 7-3, the left-side vertical boundary is taken to be directly under the center of the load because symmetry has been assumed. As-we said before when discussing symmetry) all nodal points along the line of symmetry are restrained against horizontal displacement. Finally} Reference [111 is recommended for additional discussion regarding guidelines in modeling with different element types, such as beams, plane stress/plane strain, and three-dimensional solids. Connecting (Mixing) Different Kinds of Elements Sometimes it becomes necessary in a model to mix different kinds of elements, Sl,lch as beams and plane elements, such as CSTs. The problem with mixing these elements is that they have different degrees of freedom at each node. The beam allows for transverse displacement and rotation at each -node, while the plane element only has"inplane displacements at each node. The beam can resist a concentrated moment at a node, whereas a plane element (CST) cannot. Therefore~ if a beam element is CODnected to a plane element at a single node as shown in Figure 7-8(a), the result will be a hinge connection at A. This means only a force can be transmitted through the 362 J.. 7 PraCtical Considerations in Modeling; Interpreting Results Plane elements Plane elements (a) (b) Figure 7-8 Connecting beam element to plane elements (a) No moment is transferred, (b) moment is transferr,ed node between the two kinds of elements. This also creates a mechanism, as shown by the stiffness matrix being singular. This problem.can be corrected by extending the beam into the plane element by adding one or more beam elements, .shown as AB, for one beam element in Figure 7-8(b}. Moment can now be transferred through the beam to the plane element. This extension assures that translational degrees of freedom of beam and plane element are connected at nodes A and B. Nodal rotations are associated with only the beam element, AB. The calculated stresses in the plane element will not nonnally be accurate near node A. For more examples of connecting different kinds of elements see Figures 1-5, 11-10, 12-10 and 16-31. These figures show examples of beam. ~nd plate elements connected together (Figures 1-5, 12-10, and '16-31) and solid (brick) elements connected to plates (Figure 11-10). Checking the Model The discretized finite element model should be checked carefully before results are computed. Ideally, a model should be checked by an analyst not involved in the preparation of the model, who is then more likely to be objective. Preprocessors with their detailed graphical display capabilities (Figure 7-9) now make it comparatively easy to find errors, particularly the more obvious ones involved with a misplaced node or missing element or a misplaced load or boundary support. Preprocessors include such niceties as color, shrink plots, rotated views, sectioning, exploded views, and removal of hidden lines to aid in error detection. Most commercial codes also include warnings regarding overly distorted element shapes and checking for sufficient supports. However, the user must still select the proper element types, place supports and forces in proper locations, use oonsistent units, etc., to obtain a successful analysis. Checking the Results and Typical Postprocessor Results The results should be checked for consistency by making sure that intended support nodes have zero displacement, as required. If symmetry exists) then stresses and displacements should exhibit this symmetry. Computed results from the finite element .. "'1111 !=\hould be compared with results from other available techniques, even if 7.2 Equilibrium and Compatibility of Finite Element Results '" 363 Figure 7-9 Plate of steel (20 in. long, 20 in. wide, 1 in. thick, and with a Hn.'i'adius hole) discretized using a preprocessor prowam [15] with automatic mesh generation these techniques may be cruder than the finite element results. For instance, approximate mechanics ofmaterial formulas, experimental data, and numerical analysis of simpler but similar problems may be used for comparison, particularly if you have no real idea of the magmtude of the answers. Remember to use all results with some degree of caution) as errors can crop up in such sources as textbook or handbook comparison solutions and experimental results. In the end, the analyst should probably spend as much time processing, checking, and analyzing results as is spent in data preparation. Finally. we present some typical postprocessor results for the plane stress problem of Figure 7-9 (Figures 7-10 and 7-11). Other examples with results are shown in Section 7.7. :I 7.2 Equilibrium and Compatibility of Finite Element Results An approximate solution for a stress analysis problem using the finite element method based on assumed displacement fields does not generally satisfy all the requirements for equilibrium and compatibility that an exact theory-of-elasticity solution satisfies. However. remember that relatively few exact solutions exist. Hence, the finite element method is a vr;ry practical one for obtaining reasonable, but approximate~ numerical solutions. Recall the advantages of the finite element method as described in Chapter 1 and as illustrated numerous times throughout this text. 364 ... 7 Practical Considerations in Modeling; Interpreting Results 1000 psi 20 in. Figure 7-10 Plate with a hole showing the deformed shape of a"plate superimposed over an undeformed shape. Plate is fixed on the left edge and subjected to 10DO-psi tensile stress along the right edge. Maximum horizontal displacement is 7.046 x 10-4 in. at the center of the right edge We now describe some of the approximations generally inherent in finite element solutions. ' 1. 'Equilibrium of nodal forces and moments is satisfied. This is true because the global equation E = K 51 is a nodal equilibrium equation whose solution for 51 is such that the sums of all forces and moments applied to each node are zero. Equilibrium of the whole structure is also satisfied because the structUre'reactions are included in the global forces and hence in the nodal equilibrium equations. Numerous example problems, particUlarly involving truss and frame analysis in Chapter 3 and 5, respectively, have illUstrated the equilibrium of nodes and of total structures. 2. Equilibrium within an element is not always satisfied. However, for the constant-strain bar of Chapter 3 and the constant-strain triangle of 'Chapter 6, element equilibrimn is satisfied. Also the cubic displacement function is shown to satisfy the basic beam equilibrium differential equation in Chapter 4 and hence to satisfy element force and 7.2 Equilibrium and Compatibility of finite Element Results .& 365 2_ -..:t2:t ZT'IIl.7 1 ,-- ',_1'" 1UO"'I%l 11S42.1>11 m.llOOC 6"'_ -= 1.:D!B:!..o12 Figure 7-11 Maximum principal stress contour (shrink fit plot) for a plate with hole. Largest principal stresses of 3085 psi occur at the top and bottom of the hole, which indicates a stress concentration of 3.08. Stresses were obtained by using an average of the nodal values (called smoothing) moment equilibrium. However, elements such as the linear-strain triangle of Chapter 8, the axisymmetric element of Chapter 9, and the rectangular element of Chapter 10 usually only approximately satisfy the element equilibrium equations. 3. Equilibrium is not usually satisfied between elements. A differential element including parts of two adjacent finite elements is usually not in equilibrium (Figure 7-12). For line elements, such as used for truss and frame analysis, interelement equilibrium is satisfied, as shown in example problems in Chapters 3-5. However, for two- and threedimensional elements, interelement equilibrium is not usually satisfied. For instance, the results of Example 6.2 indicate that the nonnal stress' along the diagonal edge between the two elements is different in the two elements. Also, the coarseness of the me.§h causes this lack of interelement equilibrium to be even more pronounced. The normal and shear stresses at a free edge usually are not zero even though theory predicts them to be. Again, Example 6.2 illustrates this, with 366 £. 7 Practical Considerations in Modeling; Interpreting Results ~----------------7r--_5~lb CD ,...-- lOin. t _ _ .J ~------------------~~S~lb 20 in. Ex.ample6.2 a, 0',. ::; 301 psi r----'-----::~ • or..,.. = 301 psi .!\= ax = 995 ~ 2.4 psi ~ t. r = 2.80 ~si = - 2.4 psi :.--a~ psi 0; = 'OOSpa '1:.., 440 psi =:: ~ '~PS;99Spa = 397 psi 'Ij,,, = 0'., :: Stresses on a differential element common to both finite elements, iIIus£rating violation of equilibrium - 2.4 -1.2 psi Srress along the diagonal between elemenlS, showing normal and shear suesses, , (I,. and'tnl' Note: aft and t.t are not equa.l in magnitude but are opposite in sign for the two elements, and so interelement equilibrium is not satisfied Figure 7-12 Example 6.2, illustrating violation of equilibrium of a differential element and along the diagonal edge between two elements (the coarseness of the mesh amplifies the violation of equilibrium) free-edge stresses O'y and '1:xy not equal to zero. However, .as more elements are used (refined mesh) the O'y and'txy stresses on the stressfree edges will approach zero. 4. Compatibility is satisfied within an element as lOrlg as the element displacement field is continuous. Hence, individual elements do not tear apart. 5. In the formulation of the el~ent equations, compatibility is invoked at the nodes. Henc:e) elements remain connected at their common nodes. Similarly, the structure remains connected to its support nodes because boundary conditions are invoked at these nodes. 6. Compatibility mayor may not be satisfied along interelement boundaries. For line elements such as bars and beams, interelement boundaries are merely nodes. Therefore, the prec:eding statement 5 applies for these line elements: The constant-strain triangle of Chapter 6 and the rectangular element of Ghapter 10 remain straight-sided when deformed.. Therefore, interelement compatibility existS for these elements; that is, these plane elements deform along common lines psi 7.3 Convergence of Solution A 367 without openings, overlaps, or discontinuities. Incompatible elements, those that allow gaps or overlaps between elements, ~an be acceptable and even desirable. Incompatible element formulations, in some cases, have been shown to converge more rapidly to the exact solution [I}. (For more on this special topic, consult References [7J and 18].) 1 7.3 Convergence of Solution In Section 3.2, we presented guidelines for the selection of so--called compatible and complete displacement functions as they "related to the bar element. Those four guide. lines are generally applicable, and satisfaction of them has been shown to ensure monotonic convergence of the solution of a particular problem [9J. Furthermore, it has been shown {I 0] that these compatible and complete displacement functions used in the displacement formulation of the finite element method yield an upper bound on the true stiffness, and hence a lower bound on the displacement the problem, as shown in Figure 1-13. Hence, as the mesh size is reduced-that is, as the number of elements is increased-we are ensured of monotonic convergence of the solution when compatible and complete displacement functions are used. :txamples of this convergence are given in References [1J and [11], and in Table 7-2 for the beam with loading shown of Exact solution Number of elements i~ ~----------------~----~ '\ ~ is "c ompall" Ie bdlsplatement ' fonnulation Figure :'J -13 Convergence of a finite element solution based on the compatible displacement formulation Table 7-2 Comparison of results for different numbers of elements Case Number of Nodes Number of Elements 21 39 12 2 24 I 45 85 105 32 6480 3 1.5 1.2 2 3 4 5 Exact solution [2J Aspect Ratio Vertical Displacement, v (in.) Point A -0.740 -0.980 -0.875 -1.078 -1.100 -1.152 368 £ 7 Practical Consiclerations in Modeling; Interpreting Results in Figure 7-1(a). All elements in the table are rectangular. The results in Table 7-2 indicate the influence of the numbe~ of elements (or the number of degrees of freedom as measured by the number of nodes) on the convergence toward a common solution, in this case the exact one. We again observe the influence of the aspect ratio. The higher the aspect ratio, even with a larger num~r of degrees of freedom, the worse the answer, as indicated by comparing cases 2 and 3. :l 7.4 Interpretation of Stresses~ In th~ stiffness or displacement formulation of the finite element method used throughout this text, the primary quantities determined are the interelement nodal displacements of the assemblage. The secondary quantities, such as strain and stress in an element, are then obtained through use of {t} = [B]{d} and {u} = [D][B]{d}. For elements using linear..rusplacement models, such as the bar and the constant-strain triangle, [BJ is constant, and since we assume [DJ to be constant, the stresses are constant over the element. In this easel it is common practice to assign the stress to the centroid of the element with acceptable results. However. as il1ustrated in Section 3.11 for the axial member, stresses are not predicted as accurately as the displacements (see Figures 3-32 and 3-33). For example, remember the constant-strain or constant-stress element has been used in mode1· ing the beam in Figure 7-1. Therefore, the stress in each element is assumed constant. Figure 7-14 compares the exact beam theory solution for bending stress through the beam depth at the centroidallocation of the elements next to the wall with the finite element solution of case 4 in 'Table 7-2. This finite element model consists of four elements through the beam depth. Therefore) only four stress values are o.btained y(in.) 4 t - - - - - - i i > 174.4 t2h 130.8 2 Finite element solution::; e Exact solution 39 43.6 --------.1'--'--100 ........1-'5-0-200....1.-- (T'~ (ksi) -39 -2 e-122 -3 "'------t- -4 -174.4 Figure 7-14 Com parison of the finite element solution and the exact solution of bending stress through a beam cross section 7.5 Static Condensation A.. 369 through the depth. Again, the best approximation of the stress appears to occur at the midpoint of each element, since the derivative of displacement is better predicted between the nodes than at the nodes. . For higher-order elements, such as the linear-strain triangle of Chapter 8, [BI} and hence the stresses, are functions of the coordinates. The common practice is then to evaluate directly the stresses at the centroid of the element. An alternative procedure sometimes is to use an average (possibly weighted) value of the stresses evaluated at each node of the element. This averaging method is often based on evaluating the stresses at the· Gauss poInts located within the element (described in Chapter 10) and then interpolating to the e~ment nodes using the shape functions of the specific element. Then these stresses in all elements at a common node afe averaged to represent the stress at the node. This averaging process is called smoothing. Figure 7-11 shows a maximum. principal stress "fringe carpet" (dithered) contour plot obtained by smoothing. Smoothing results in a pleasing, continuous plot which may not indicate some serious problems with the model and the results. You should always view the unsmoothed contour plots as well. Highly discontinuous contours between elements in a region of an unsmoothed plot indicate modeling probl~ms and typically require additional refinement of the element mesh in the suspect region. . 'If the discontinuities in an unsmoothed contour plot are small or are in regions of little consequence) a smoothed contour plot can normally be used with a high degree of confidence in the results. There are, however, exceptions when smoothing leads to erroneous results. For instance, if the thickness or material stiffness changes significantly between adjacent elements, the stresses will no~ally be different from one element to the next. Smoothing will likely hide the actual results. Also, for shrinkfit problems involving one cylinder being expanded enough by heating to slip over the .smaller one, the circumferential stress between the mating cylinders is normally quite different [16]. The computer program examples in Section 7.7 show additional results, such as displaced models, along with line contour stress plots and smoothed stress plots. The stresses to be plotted can be von Mises (used in the maximum distortion energy theory to predict failure of ductile materials subjected to static loading as described in Sec.tion 6.5); Tresca (used in the Tresca or maximum shear stress theory also to predict failUI;e of ductile materials subjected to static loading) [14, 16], and maximum and minimum principal stresses. "" 7.5 Static Condensation We will now consider the concept of static condensation because this concept is used in developing the stiffness matrix of a quadrilateral element in many computer programs. Consider the basic quadrilateral eiement with external nodes 1-4 shown in Figure 7-15. An imaginary node 5 is temporarily introduced at the intersection of the diagonals of the quadrilateral to create four triangles. We then superimpose the stiffness matrices of the four triangles to create the stiffness matrix of the quadrilateral 370 .. Pract~cal 7 Considerations in Modeling; Interpreting Results y," I 3 CD // " / ® 0)<, /5, .1/ CD " 4 " Figure 7-15 Quadrilateral element with an internal node J 2 I ' - - - - - - - - x. u element, where the internal imaginary node 5 degrees of freedom are said to be condensed out so as never to enter the final equations. Hence, only the degrees of freedom associated with the four actual external comer nodes enter the equations. 'We begin the static condensation procedure by partitioning the equilibrium equations as {7.5.l ) where di is the vector of internal displacements corresponding to the imaginary' internal node (node 5 in Figure 7-15), fi is the vector of loads at the internal node, and do and Fa are the actual nodal degrees of freedom and loads, respectively, at the actual nodes. Rewriting Eq. (7.5.1), we have [kll}{du } + [k!2l{di } = {Fa} + [k22J{dr} = [k21 ]{da } {F;} (7.5.2) (7.5.3) Solving for {di } in Eq. (7.5.3), we obtain {di } = -[k22 r I [k21 l{da } + [k22r l {Fi} (7.5.4) Substituting Eq. (7.5.4) into Eq_ (7.5.2), we obtain the condensed equilibriwn equation [kd{d:J} where = {Pc} (7.5.5) [krJ = [kill - [k I2 J[k:rd- 1[k2d (7.5.6) [kI211k22rl {Fi} (7.5.7) {f;} = {F lI } and [k/.J and {F;.} are called the condensed stiffness matrix and the condensed load vec 101', respectively. Equation (7.5.5) can now be solved for the actual comer node displacements in the usual manner of solving simultaneous linear equations. Both constant-strain triangular (CST) and constant-strain quadrilateral elements are used to analyze plane stress/plane strain problems. The quadrilateral element has the stiffness of four CST elements~ An advantage of the fOUI..csr quadrilateral is that the solution becomes less dependent on the skew of the subdivision mesh, as shown in u 7.5 Static Condensation ... 171 Figure 7-16. Here skew means the directional stiffness bias that can be built into a model through certain discretization patterns, since the stiffness matrix of an element is a function of its nodal coordinates) as indicted by Eq. (6.2.52). The four-CST mesh of FigiJre 7-16(c) represents a reduction in the skew effect over the meshes of Figure 7-16(a) and (b). Figure 7-16(b) is generally worse than Figure 7-16(a) because the use of long, narrow triangles results in an element stiffness matrix that is stiffer along the narrow direction of the triangle.. The resulting stiffness matrix of the quadrilateral element will be an 8 x 8 matrix consisting of the stiffnesses of four triangles, as was shown in Figure 7-1 S. The stiff~ ness matrix is first assembled according to the usual direct stiffness method. Then we apply static condensatiori as outlined in Eqs. (7.5.1)-(7.5.7) to remove the internal node 5 degrees of freedom . .The stiffness matrix of a typical triangular element (labeled dement 1 in Figure 7-15) with nodes 1,2, and 5 is given in general form by [k(1)j k(J) -12 k(l) -15 k(l) -II = k(l) [ -21 k(l} -22 1 k(l) (7.5.8) -25 k~~) k;~ k;~) where the superscript in parentheses again refers to the element number, and each submatrix [kV)] is of order 2 x 2. The stiffness matrix of the quadrilateral, assembled using Eq. (7.5.8) along with similar stiffness matrices for elements 2-4 of Figure 7-15, is given by the following (before static condensation is used): (UI. VI) V4) (us, vs) (U2' V2) (U3) V3) [k~~] [0] [ki~l [ki~)] + rki~)J [k~;)J [0] [k~~)] + [k~~l rk~!)] [k~~)] + [k~!)] (U4) (kii)] + [ki~)l fk~;)] [k;~)] + [J4~J [OJ [k~;)l [k~~)] [k]= + [k~~)I [k~)] rkl~)l [OJ [k~~)J + [ki~}] + [ki~)] [k~)l [kg)l [kWl [k~!ll + + + + ([ki~)l + [k~~)]) + [k1i1j [kg) 1 [kg)] [k~)l ([k~~)] + [k;~)J) '] (7.5.9) 372: .A.., 7 Practical Considerations in Modeling; Interpreting Results . (a) (c) _ (b) Figure 7-16 Skew effects in finite element modeling where the orders of the degrees of freedom are shown above the columns of the stiffness matrix and the partitioning scheme used in static condensation is indicated by the dotted lines. Before- static condensation is applied. the stiffness matrix is of order 10 x 10. Example 7.1 Consider the quadrilateral with internal node 5 and dimensions as shown in Figure 7-17 to illustraJ:e the application of-static condensation. 3 4 ® CD I ~ 5 0'_ ....-24_ 20'_ looe-",..- ~ '7St.~ (e) Figure 7--19 Bicycle wrench (a) Outline drawing of wrench, (b) meshed model of wrench, (c) boundary conditions and selecting surface where surface traction will be applied, (d) checked model showing the boundary conditions. and surface traction, and (e) von Mises stress plot (compliments. of Angela Moe) 7.7 Computer Program Assisted Step-by-Step Solution, Other Models and Results .. 317 --~ " ", ........... \IlIIIJI< ·1 41l'J13e.Cl1 lbVC....2) (b) Figure 7-20 (a) Conneaing rod subjected to tensile loading and (b) resulting principal stress throughout the rod strength of the ASTM A-S14 steel is 690 MPa. Therefore, the wrench is safe from yielding. Additional trials can be made if the factor of safety is satisfied and if the maximum deflection appears to be satisfactory. Figure 7-20{a) shows a finite element model of a steel connecting rod that is fixed on its left edge and loading around· tlie right inner edge of the hole with a total force of 3000 lb. For more details, including the geometry of this rod, see Figure P7-11 at the end of this chapter. Figure 7-20{b) shows the resulting maximum 378 .... 7 Practical Considerations in Modeling; Interpreting Results -:;;....;;.:.;..;.......:-.;;...;.....:..;;.;.;;...-....'li..::;:......~..;...;;.::.;..--.;..=..O';'...:...::;...:....::.:..-~~:-;..:.;..;..(...~----.. ..;-'-_\...:-.---- -:~' ~, ~ Figure 7-21 von Mises stress. plot of overload protection device principal stress plot. The largest principal stress of 12051 psi occurs at the top and bottom inside edge of the hole. Figure 7-21 shows a finite element model along with the von Mises stress plot of an overload protection device (see Problem 7-30 for details of this problem). The upper member of the device was modeled. Node S at the shear pin location was constrained from vertical motion and a node at the roller E was constrained in the horizontal direction. An equilibrium load was applied at B along line BD. The magnitude of this load was calculated as one that just makes the shear stress reach 40 MPa in the pin at S. The largest von Mises stress of 178 MPa occurs at the inner edge of the cutout section. Figure 7-22 shows the shrink plot of a finite element analysis of a tapered plate with a hole in it, subjected to tensile loading along the right edge. The left edge was fixed. For details of this problem see Problem 7-23. The shrink. plot separates the elements for a clear look at the model. The lugest principal stress of 19.'0 e6' Pa (19.0 MPa) occurs at the edge of the hole, whereas the second largest principal stress of 17.95 e6 Pa (17.95 MPa) occurs at the elbow between the smallest cross section . and where the taper begins. Figure 7-23 shows the shrink fit plot of the maximum principal stresses in an overpass subjected to vertiCal loading on the top edge. The largest principal stress of 56162 Iblft2 (390 psi) occUrs at the top inside edge. For more details of this problem see Problem 7.20. 7.7 Computer Program Assisted Step-by-Step Solution, Other Models and Results ; .. 379 '~ 1.1121DtkoOO1 1~_ -,~ --- '.'H~ 1151_ 7111_ 5:I'OGn>4 ~ ~ .3.t121mM1• .oog l[i:liii!ii!iili~l~ =!~ Figure 7-22 Shrink fit plot of principal stresses in a tapered plate with hole Finally, Figure 7-24(a) shows a finite element discretized model of a steel spur gear for stress analysis. The auto meshing feature resulted in very small elements at the base of the tooth. The applied load of 164.8 Ib and the fixed nodes around the inner hole of the gear shown. Figure 7-24(b) shows an enlarged von Mises stress are Su.s:s von Mists Ib\l(ft"2) 56161.S6 50571.37 44lSO.SS 39390.4 33799.91 28209.42 22618.93 17028.44 11437.05 5847.4136 258.9776 Figure 7-23 Shrink fit plot of principal stresses in overpass (Compliments of David Walgrave) 380 ... 7 Practical Considerations in Modeling; Interpreting Results (a) (b) Figure 7-24 (a) Finite element model of a spur gear and (b) von Mises stress plot (Compliments of Bruce Figi) plot near the root of the tooth with the applied load acting on it. Notice that the largest stress of 4315 psi occurs at the left root of the tooth. The gear model has 27761 plane stress elements. References ... 381 ;1 References [I] Desai. C. S., and Abel, J. F., 'Introdu.ction to the Finite Element Method, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, J972. [2] Timoshenko, S., and Goodier) 1., Theory of Elasticity, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hili, New York, 1970. [3] Glockner, P. G., "Symmetry in Structural Mechanics," Journal of rhe Structural Division, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 99, No. STI, pp. 71-89, 1973. [4J Yamada, Y., "Dynamic Analysis of Civil Engineering Structures," Reeent Advances in Malrix MethQdsofStructural Analysis and Design, R. H. Gallagher, Y. Yamada, and J. T. Oden, eds., University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa, AL, pp. 487-512, 1970. [5] Koswara, H., A Finite Element Analysis of Underground Shelter Subjecled to Ground Shock Load, M. S. Thesis, Rose·Hulman Institute of Technology, Terre Haute, IN, 1983. 16] Duruop, P., Duncan, J. M., and Seed, H. B., "Finite Element Analyses of Slopes in Soil," Journal of the Soil Meclumics and Fozmdations Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 96, No. SM2, March 1970. [7] Cook, R. D., Malkus, D. S., Plesha, M. E., and Witt, R. J., Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis, 4th ed., Wiley, New York, 2002. [8) Taylor, R. L., Beresford, P. J., and Wilson, E. L., "A Nonconforming Element for Stress Analysis," InterM tionar Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. to, No.6, pp. 1211-1219, 1976. !9J Melosh, R. J., "Basis for Derivation of Matrices for the Direct Stiffness Method," Journal of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Vol. I, No.7, pp. 1631-1637. July 1963. PO] Fraeijes de Veubeke, B., "Upper and Lower Bounds in Matrix Structural Analysis," Matrix Methods of Structural Amziysis, AGARDograpb 72, B. Fraeijes de Veubeke, ed., MacmiI1an, New York, 1964. fIll Dunder, V., and Ridlon, S.,' "Practical Applications of Finite Element Method," Journal of the Structural Division, American Socic;;ty of Civil Engineers, No. STl, pp. 9-21, 1978. [IlJ Linear Stress and Dynamics Reference Division, Docutech On-line DOCUD1entation, Algor, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA t 5238. [13J Bettess, P., "More on Infinite Elements," Internatiomzl Journal for Numerical Method.,: in Engineering, Vol. 15, pp. 1613-1626~ 1980. [14] Gere,1. M., Mechanics of Materials, 5th ed., Brooks/Cole Publishers, Pacific Grove, CA, 2001. [IS} Superdraw Reference Division, Docutech On·1ine Documentation, Algor, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA ]5238. [16] Cook, R. D., and Young, W. c., Advanced Mechanics of Materials, Macmillan, New York,1985. (17] Cook, R. D., Finite Element Modeling/or Stress Analysis> Wiley, New York, 1995. [18] Kuro\h-ski, P., "Easily Made Errors Mar FEA Results/' Machine Design, Sept. 13,2001. [19} Huebner, K. H., Dewirst, D. L., Sr:n.ith, D. E., and Byrom, T. G., The Finite Element Methodfor Engineers, Wiley, New York, 2001. [20] Demkowicz, L., Devloo, P., and Oden, J. T., "On an h·Type Mesh-Refinement Strategy Based on Minimization of Interpolation Errors," Comput: Methods Appl. Meck Eng., Vol. 53, 1985, pp. 67-89. [21] Lohner, R., Morgan, K., and Zienkiewicz, O. C., "An Adaptive Finite Element Procedure for Compressible High Speed Flows," Comput. Methods Appl. Meeh. Eng., Vol. 51, 1985, pp. 441-465. 382 .& 7 Practical Considerations in Modeling; Interpreting Results [22} [23] [24] t2S} [26] [27} [281 [29J 4. Lohner~ R., "An Adaptive Finite Element Scheme for Transient Problems in CFD," Comput. Methods Appl. Meeh. End, Vol. 61, 1987, pp. 323-338. Ramakrisbnan, R., Bey, K. S., and Thornton, E. A., "Adaptive Quadrilateral and Triangular Finite Element Scheme for Compressible Flows," AIAA J.; Vol. 28, No.1, 1990, pp.51-59. Peano, A. G., "Hierarchies of Conforming Finite Elements for Plane Elasticity and Plate Bending," Comput. Match. Appl, Vol. 2, 1976, pp. 211-224. Szabo, B. A., ':Some Recent Developments in Finite Element Analysis," Comput. Match. Appl., Vol. 5, 1979, pp. 99-115. Peano, A. G.~ Pasin~ A., Ric:cioni., R. and Sardena, L., "Adaptive Approximation in Finite Element Structural Analysis," Comput. Struct., Vol. 10, 1979, pp. 332-342. Zienkiewicz, O. c., Gago, J. P. de S. R, and Kelly, D. W., "The Hierarchical Concept in Finite Element Analysis," Comput. StrucL, Vol. 16, No. 1-4, 1983, pp. 53-65. Szaoo, B., A., "Mesh Design for the p-Version of the Finite Element Method," Comput. Meth.ods Appl Meek Eng.) Vol. 55, 1986, pp. 181-197. Toogood, Roger, ProlMECHANICA, Structural Tutorial, SDC Publications, 2001. Problems 7.1 For the finite element mesh shown in Figure P7-I, comment on the goodness of the mesh. Indicate the mistakes in the model. Explain and show how to correct them. ~IIIII III Figure P7-1 /: C ............ ../" ~ . A ./ D B Figure P7-2 7.2 Comment on the mesh sizing in Figure P7-2. Is it reasonable? lfnot, explain why not. 7.3 What happens if the material property v = 0.5 in the plane strain caSe? Is this possible? Explain. j . 7.4 Under what conditions is the structure in Figure P7-4 a plane strain problem? Under what conditions is the structure a pJane stress problem? Problems !--IOin.-t % T 1000 Ib/in. lOin. / =--r ... 383 Figure P7-4 10 in. '~_~_----J -.L I---- in.---1 20 7.5 When do problems occur using the smoothing (averaging of stress at the nodes from elements connected to the node) method for obtaining stress results? 7.6 What thickness do you think is used in computer programs for plane strain problems? 7.7 Which one of the CST models shown below is expected to give the best results for a cantilever beam subjected to an end shear load? Why? ~] I_ I I I I 14@."=4bL 6 @ 2" = 12" ~ 1111111111 nJ m 12 @ 1" = 12" - I Ifo/It.. - - - - - ' " " I (a) (b) ~-I-------li :: !(c) 6" -I- 6" -I (d) Figure P7-7 7.8 Show that Eq. (7.5.13) is obtajned by static condensation of Eq. (7.5.12). Solve the following problems using a computer program.. In some of these problems, we suggest that students be assigned separate parts (or models) to facilitate parametric studies. ' • 7.9 Determine the free-end displacements and the element stresses for the plate discretized into four triangular elements and subjected to the tensile forces ~hown in Figure P7-9. Compare your results to the soIutio~ given in Section 6.5 Why are these results dif.;. ferent? Let E = 30 x 106 psi, V = 0.30, and I = 1 in. 384 • 7 Practical Considerations in Modeling; Interpreting Results C>'4 =4x Ys 8by 4b-4x-h Y6 = -4x These {J's and y's are specific to the element in Figure 8-3. Specifically, using Eqs. (8.Ll) and (8.1.17) in Eq. (8.2.7), we obtain 1 ex = 2A [.B,ul + .B2u2 + .B3 u3+ P4U4 + Psus + P6U6J ey = 2~ [Yl VI + Y,2V2 + Y3 V3 + Y4 V4 + Ysvs + Y6 V6] 1 "Jxy = 2A [Y1Ul + PtVl + ... + P6V6] The stiffness matrix for a constant-thickness element can now be obtained on substituting Eqs. (8.2.8) into Eq. (8.1.17) to obtain ll, then substituting II into 406 4. 8 Development of the linear·Strain Triangle Equations Eq. (8.1.16) and using calculus to set up the appropriate integration. The explicit expression for the 12 x 12 stiffness matrix\ being extremely cumbersome to obtain, is not given here. Stiffness matrix expressions for higher-order e1ements are found in References [1] and [2J. A 8.3 Comparison of Elements F or a given number of nodes, a better representation of true stress and displacement is generally obtained using the LST element than is obtained with the same number of nodes using a much finer subdivision into simple CST elements. For example, using one LST yields better results than using four CST elements with the same number of nodes (Figure 8-4) and hence the same number of degrees offreedom (except for the case when constant stress exists). We now present results to compare the CST of Chapter 6 with the LST of this chapter. Consider the cantilever beam subjected to a parabolic load variation acting as shown in Figure 8-5. Let E 30 x 106 psi, v = 0.25, and t 1.0 in. Table 8-1 lists' the series of tests run to compare results using the CST and LST elements. Table 8-2 shows comparisons of free-end (tip) deflection and stress qx for each element type used to model the can.tilever beam. From Table 8-2, we can observe that the larger the number of degrees of freedom for a given type of triangular element, the closer the solution converges to the exact one (compare run A-I to run A-2, and B-1 to B-2). For a given number of nodes, the LST analysis yields some what better results for displacement than the CST analysis (compare run A·I to run B-l). (a) Figure 8-4 ; (b) Basic triangular element: (a) four-CST and (b) one--LST ~~ r~_p""""lk"""~401Op(1"'J) ~~----------I. I -------------- • X 48 in. Figure 8-5 Cantilever beam used to compare the CST and LST elements with a 4 x 16 mesh -, i 8.3 Comparison of Elements .... 407 Table 8-1 Models used to compare CST and LST results for the cantilever beam of Figure 8-5 Nwnber Series of Tests Run A-l 4 x A·28 x B-12 x IJ..24 x Table 8-2 Number of Degrees of Freedom, nd Number of Triangular Elements 297 160 576 512 CST 85 297 576 of Nodes 85 16 mesh 32 8 16 128 CST 160 32LST 128 LST Comparison of CST and LST results for the cantile'ver beam of Figure 8-5 Bandwidth! Run nd nb Tip Deflection (in.) A·I A-2 B-1 B·2 160 576 160 576 14 22 18 22 -0.29555 -0.33850 -0.33470 -0.35159 67.236 81.302 58.885 69.956 2.250, 11 .250 1.125, 11.630 4.500,10.500 2.250, 11.250 -0.36133 80.000 0,12 Exact solution 1 O'x (ksi) Location (in.), X,Y Bandwidth is described in Appendix B.4. However, one of the reasons that the bending stress O'x predicted by the LST model B-1 compared to CST model A-I is not as accurate is as foHows. Recall that the stress is calculated at the centroid of the: element. We observe from the table that the location of the bending stress is closer to the wall and closer to the top for the CST model A-I compared to the LST model B-I. As the classical bending stress is a linear function with increasing positive linear stress from the neutral axis for the downward applied load in this example, we expect',the largest stress to be at the very . top of the beam. So the model A-I with more and smaller elements (with eight elements'through the beam depth) has its centroid closer to the top (at 0.75 in. from the top) than model B-1 with fe~ elements (two elemen~s through the beam depth) with centroidal stress located at 1.5 in. from the top. Sunilarly, comparing A-2 to B-2 we observe the same trend in the results-displacement at the top end being more accurately predicted by the LST model, but stresses being calculated at the centroid making the A-2 model appear more accurate than the LST model due to the location where the stress is reported. Although the CST element is rather poor in modeling bending, we observe from Table 8-2 that the element can be used to model a beam in bending if a sufficient number of elements are used through the depth of the beam. In genera], both LST and CST analyses yield results good enough for most plane stress/strain problems, provided a sufficient number of elements are used.-In fact, most commercial programs incorporate the use of CST and/or LST elements for plane stress/strain problems) 408 '" 8 Development of the linear-Strain Triangle Equations " v u,,(in.) " u,,[ I - <(fl'] ~ ...-_A+-t-+_ x. u ]j 0.0014 Exact solution '----' -~-----0.0013 ft.1 Symmetry Linear-strain triangle CST gridwork 0.0012 A _ _ _ Symmetry D Constant-strain triangle 0.0011 LST gridwork O.DOIO 100 200 300 400 500 Degrees of freedom Figure 8-6 Plates subjected to parabolically distributed edge loads; comparison of results for triangular elements. (Gallagher, R. H. Finite Element Analysis: Fundamentals, © 1975, pp. 269, 270. Reprinted by permission of Prentice Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ) although these elements are used primarily as transition elements (usual1y during mesh generation). The four-sided isoparametric plane stress/strain element is most frequently used in commercial programs and is described in Chapter 10. Also> recall that finite element displacements will always be less than (or equal to) the exact ones, because finite element models are normany predicted to be stiffer than the actual structures when the displacement formulation of the finite element method is used. (The reason for the stiffer model was discussed in Sections 3.10 and 7.3. Proof of this assertion can be found in References [4-71. Finany~ Figure 8-6 (from Reference [8]) illustrates a comparison of CST and LST models of a plate subjected to parabolically distributed edge loads. Figure 8-6 shows that the LST model converges to the exact solution for horizontal displacement at point A faster than does the CST model. However1 the CST model is quite acceptable even for modest numbers of degrees of freedom. For example, a CST model with 100 nodes (200 degrees of freedom) often yields nearly as a!=curate a solution as does an LST model with the same number of degrees of freedom. In .conclusion) the results of Table 8-2 and Figure 8-6 indicate that the LST model might be preferred over the CST model for plane stress applications when relatively small numbers of nodes are used. However, the use of triangular elements of higher order, such as the LST, is not visibly advantageous when large numbers of nodes are used, particularly when the cost of fonnation of the element stiffnesses, equation bandwidth, and over3J1 complexities involved in the computer modeling are considered. Problems 10 ... 409 References [1] Pederson, P., "Some Properties of Linear Strain Triangles and Optimal Finite Element Models," International Journalfor Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 7, pp. 415-430, 1973. r2} Tocher. J. L., and Hartz, B. J., "Higher-Order Finite Element for Plane Stress," Journal of the Engineering Mechanics Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 93, No. EM4, pp. 149-174, Aug. 1967. [3j Bowes, W. H., and Russell, L. T., Stress Analysis by the Finite Element Methodfor Practicing Engineers, Lexington Books, Toronto, 1975. . {4] Fraeijes de Veubeke, B., "Upper and Lower Bounds in Matrix Structural Analysis," Matrix Methods of Structural Analysis, AGAR-Dograph 72, B. Fraeijes de Veubeke, ed., Macmillan, New York, 1964. ' [5) McLay, R. W., Completeness and Conoergence Properties of Finite Element Displacement Functions: A General Treatment, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Paper No. 67-143, AIAA 5th Aerospace Meeting, New York, 1967. [61 Tong, P., and Pian, T. H. H., "The Convergence of Finite Element Method in Solving Linear Elastic Problems," International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 3, pp. &65879,1967. {7] Cowper, G. R., "Variational Procedures and Convergence of Finite--Element MethodS," Numerical and Computer Methods in Structural Mechanics, S. J. Fenves, N. Perrone, A. R. Robinson, and W. C. Schnobrich, eds., Academic Press, New York, 1973. [8} Gallagher, R., Fmite Element Analysis Fundamentids, Prentice HaIl, Englewood Cliffs. NJ, 1975. [9] Zienkiewicz, o. c., The Finite Element Method, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1977. Problems \ 8.1 Evaluate the shape functions given by Eq. (8.2.6). Sketch the variation of each function over the surface of the triangular element shown in Figure 8-3. 8.2 Express the strains ex, Sy, and Yxy for the element of Figure 8-3 by using the results given in Section 8.2. Evaluate these strains at the centroid of the element; then evaluate the stresses at the centroid in terms of E and v. Assume plane stress conditions apply. y p Figure P8-3 .s 4 6 2 8.3 For the element of Figure 8-3 (shown again as Figure P8-3) subjected to the uniform pressure shown acting over the vertical side, determine the nodal force replacement system using Eq. (6.3.7). Assume an element thickness of t. 410 A 8 Development of the Linear-Strain Triangle Equations 8.4 For the element of Figure 8-3 (shown as Figure P8-4) subjected to the linearly vary· ing line load shown acting over the vertical side, determine the nodal force replacement system using Eq. (6.3.7). Compare this result to that of Problem 6.9. Are these results expected? Explain. Po y \ 3 Figure P8-4 4 _._-_-. . 2. . .-_x 6 8.5 For the linear-strain elements shown in Figure P8-5, determine the strains ex,ey> and Yxr Evaluate the stresses 0',;, O'y, and "C:cy at the centroids. The coordinates of the nodes are shown in units of inches. Let E = 30 X 106 psi, v 0.25, and t 0.25 in. for both elements. Assume plane stress conditions apply. The nodal displacements are given as Ul = 0.0 VI = 0.0 U2 = 0.001 in. t'2 = 0.002 in. U3 = 0.0005 in. V3 0.0002 in. U4 0.0002 in. V4 = 0.0001 in. Vs = 0.0001 in. V6 0.001 in. Us = 0.0 U6 = 0.0005 in. (Him: Use the results of Section 8.2.) y y (0,6) (0,3) 5 4 6 2 e _ - * - -___- - x (2.0) (4.0) (a) Figure P8-S (0,4) 3 (0.2) 5 (2.3) 4 (3,2) 6 (3.0) (b) (6,0) Problems ... 411 -8.6 For the linear-strain element shown in Figure P8-6, determine the strains Ex: EYI and Yxy- Evaluate these strains at the centroid of the element; then evaluate the stresses (JXl t1y , and !xy at the centroid. The coordinates of the nodes are shown in units of millirpeters. Let E = 210 GPa. v = 0.25, and t = 10 rnm. Assume plane stress conditions apply. Use the nodal displacements given in Problem 8.5 (converted to millimeters). Note that the fJ's and y's from the example in Section 8.2 cannot be used here as the element in Figure P8-6 is oriented differently than the one in Figure 8-3. Y' ,~. 3 (6.6) Figure P8-6 4 1 (0.0) 6 (3.0) (6.3) 2 x (6,0) 8.7 Evaluate the shape functions for the linear-strain triangle shown in Figure P8-7. Then evaluate the B matrix. Units are millimeters. y Figure P8-7 4 1~__~6____.2______. x (0, 0) (60, 0) 8.8 Use the LST element to solve Example 7.2. Compare the results. 8.9 Write a computer program to solve plane stress problems using the LST element. Introduction In previous chapters, we have been concerned with line or one-dimensional elements (Chapters 2-5) and two-dimensional elements (Chapters 6-8). In this chapter, we consider a special two-dimensional element called the axisymmetric element. This element is quite useful when symmetry with respect to geometry and loading exists about an axis of the body being analyzed. Problems that involve soil masses subjected to circular footing loads or thick-walled pressure vessels can often be analyzed using the element'developed in this chapter. We begin with the development of the stiffness matrix for the simplest axisymmetric element, the triangular torus, whose vertical croSs section is a plane triangle. We then present the longhand solution of a thick-walled pressure vessel to illustrate the use of the axisymmetric element equations. This is followed by a description of some typical large-scale problems that have been modeled using the axisymmetric element. :I 9.1 Derivation of the Stiffness Matrix In this section, we will derive the stiffness matrix and the body and surface force matrices for the axisymmetric element. However, before the development, we win first present some fundamental concepts prerequisite to the understanding of the derivation. Axisymmetric elements are triangular tori such that each element is symmetric with respect to geometry and loading about an axis such as the z axis in Figure 9-L Hence, the z axis is called the axis of synvnetry or the axis oj revolution. Each vertical cross section of the element is a plane triangle. The nodal points of an axisymmetric triangular element describe circumferential lines, as indicated in Figure 9-1. In plane stress problems, stresses exist only in the x-y plane. In axisymmetric problems, the radial displacements develop circumferential strains that induce stresses (ir, (if), (i:, and ''In. where r, I), and z indicate the radial, circumferentia~ and longitudinal 9.1 Derivation of the Stiffness Matrix Figure 9-1 .. 413 Typical axisymmetric element ijm directions,-respectively. Triangular torus elements are often used to idealize the axisymmetric system because they can be used to simulate complex surfaces and are simple to work with. For instance, the axisymmetric problem of a semi-infinite half--space loaded by a circular area (circular footing) shown in Figure 9-2(a), the domed pressure vessel shown in Figure 9-2(b), and the engine valve stem shown in Figure 9-2{c) can be solved using the axisymmetric e1ement developed in this chapter. z. w / Footing load Soil mass Plan view (a) soil mass (b) domed vessel (c) engine valve stem Figure 9-2 Examples of axisymmetric problems: (a) semi-infinite half~space (soil mass) modeled by :;.;symmetric elements, (b) a domed pressure vessel, and (c) an engine valve stem 414 J.. 9 Axisymmetric Elements c r r A c A D I d: dr () (J ~----~---------x ~----~----------x (b) (a) Figure 9-3 F (a) Plane cross section of (b) axisymmetric element Because of symmetry about the z axis, the stresses are independent of the 8 coordinate. Therefore, all derivatives with respect to 8 vanish, and the displacement component v (tangent to the direction), the shear strains Y,e and Yo:, and the shear stresses !rO and 1:(k are all zero. Figure 9-3 shows an axisymmetric ring element and its cross section to represent the general state of strain for an axisymmetric probleln.. It is most convenient to express the displacements of an element ABCD in the plane of a cross section in cylindrical coordinates. We then let u and w denote the displacements in the radial and longitudinal directions, respectively. The side AB of the element is displaced an amount u, and side CD is then displaced an amount u + (ou/ Br) dr in the radial direction. The normal strain in the radial direction is then given by e au s, (9.1.1a) In general, the strain in the tangentiar direction depends on the tangential displacement v and on the radial displacement u. However, for axisymmetric deformation behavior, recan that the tangential displacement v is equal to zero. Hence, the tangential strain is due only to the radial displacement. Having only radial displacement u, the new length of the arc AiJ is (r + u) de, and the tangential strain is then given by E8 = (r+u)de-rd8 u rd8 - =; (9.1.1b) Next, we consider the longitudinal element BDEF to obtain the longitudinal strain and tl1e -shear strain. In Figure 9-4, the element is shown to displace by amounts u and w in the radial and longitudinal directions at point E, and to displace additional amounts (ow/oz) dz along line BE and (oujor)dr along line EF. Furthermore, observing lines EF and BE, we see that point F moves upward an amount (ow/or) dr with respect to point E and point B moves to the right an amount (au/ oz) dz with respect to point E. Again, from the basic definitions of normal and shear strain, we have the longitudinal normal strain given by ow (9.1.1c) or E;; and the shear strain in the r-z plane given by ou J'r;: ow = + or (9. LId) 9.1 Derivation of the Stiffness Matrix ... 415 2!!d~ z.w~z -f\ BIJ~_-rD oW w;- aidz lfT-- --1 Figure 9-4 I Ii !I dz h i I I wt l~' --l Displacement and rotations of lines of element in the f-Z plane F all" ~--dr or --~~ u + a; au dr ~ ~dr II ' " - - - - - - - - - - - - _ r,lI Summarizing t.1j,e strain/displacement relationships of Eqs. (9.1 .la-d) in one equation for easier reference, we have au er = - or au ow + or II eo =- (9.1.le) Yr=:::: iJz r The isotropic stress/strain relationship, obtained by simplifying the general stress/strain relationships given in Appendix C, is rl (J.,. r I~' , (J~ 1- v v v 1- v E = (1 + v)(1 - 2v) 'rz v 0 0 v 0 1- v 0 0 1 - 2v -2- 0 r} Ez (9.1.2) Gf) Yr:r The theoretical development follows that of the plane stress/strain problem given in Chapter 6. Step 1 Select Element Type An axisymmetric solid is shown discretized in Figure 9-5(a), along with a typical triangular element The element has three nodes with two degrees of freedom per node (that is, Uj, Wi at node i). The stresses in the axisymmetric problem are sho'wn in Figure 9-5(b). Step 2 Select Displacement Funttions The element displacement functions are taken to be u(r, z) =at + alr + a3Z w(r, z) = 04 + asr + a6Z (9.1.3) so that we have the same linear displacement functions as used in the plane stress, constant~strain triangle. Again, the total number of ai's (six) introduced in the 416 ... 9 Axisymmetric Elements l.W Axis of symmetry (a) Typical slice through an axisymmetric solid discretized into triangular (b) SlI'esses in [he axisymmetric problem elements Figure 9-5 Discretized axisymmetric solid displacement functions is the same as the total number of degrees of freedom for the element. The nodal displacemepts-are {d}= OJ = (9.1.4) + a2 r i + Q3Zi (9.1.5) and u evaluated at node i is u(r;l Zi) = Ui ~ a, Using Eq. (9.1.3), the general displacement ftmction is then expressed in matrix form as al Q2 03 (9.1.6) °4 as Q6 Substituting the coordinates of the nodal points shown in Figure 9-5(a) into Eq. (9.1.6), we can solve for the a/s in a manner similar to that in Section 6.2. The resulting expressions are G}= [: Zirr} 'i G}= [: :~ {;J rj and rj Zj Tm Zm Um Zj Wi rj rm Uj r (9.1.7) (9.1.8) 1~.< l'r t r.. 9.1 Derivation of the Stiffness Matrix ... 417 Performing the inversion operations in Eqs. (9.1.7) and (9J .8») we have }= { :: a3 2~ [;: )Ii ~ (9.1.9) Yj (9.LIO), and where Pm = Zj 'Ym = Tj Zj (9.1.1 I) ri We define the shape functions, similar to Eqs. (6.2.18)) as 1 Ni = 2A (ti.i + Pl + Yi Z ) Nj 1 = 2A (ti.j + PjT + Yjz) 1 N m = 2A (ti.m (9.1. (2) + Pm r + Ym z ) Substituting Eqs. (9.1.7) and (9.1.8) into Eq. (9.1.6), along with the shape function Eqs. (9.1.12), we find that the general displacement function is Ui Wi {if!} 0 = { u(r, z) } = [Ni w(r,z) Ni 0 Nj 0 0 Nm 1Yj Q :m] Uj (9.1.13) Wj Urn Wm or f, .r l. {if!} = [N]{d} (9.1.14) Step 3 Define the Strain/Displacement and Stress/Strain Relationships !~ I When we use Eqs. (9.1.1) and (9.1.3), the strains become {e} = a, a,z -+a2+r T a3 +as (9.1.15) 418 '" 9 Axisymmetric Elements. Rewriting Eq. (9.1.15) with the a/s as a separate column matrix, we have 1[: I~ :j 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 I 1 e, r Yr: z I r 001 a3 a4 as 000 0 1 0 (9.1.16) a6 Substituting Eqs. (9.1.7) and (9.1.8) into Eq. (9.1.16) and making use ofEq. (9.1.11), we obtain Pi 1 {e} = 2A 0 0 ~+p. + r I {Jj 0 Ii ct· r 0 Pm 0 lj 0 Ym y·z r Cl.m 0 ..J..+fJ.+..L 0 r J Pi Yi r + fJ Pj Yj +Ym z m Ym r 0 Pm Wi !"'~ l (9.1.17) or, rewriting Eq. (9.1.17) in simplified matrix form, Ui Wi (9.1.18) 01 Pi where [Bii= 0 1 ~+P'+ liZ r I r Ii Y, 0, j (9.1.19) Pi Similarly, we obtain submatrices llj and !lm by replacing the subscript i with j and then with min Eq. (9.1.19). Rewriting Eq. (9.1.18) in compact matrix form, we have where {e} = [Slid} (9.1.20) [B] = [llj !lj gm} (9.1.21) Note that (Bl is a function of the rand Z coordinates. Therefore, in general, the n GO wiiI not be constant. The stresses are given by {u} = I:DI[B}{d} (9.1.22) 9.1 Derivation of the Stiffness Matrix .&. 419 where [D] is given by the first matrix on the right side of Eq. (9.1.2). (As mentioned in Chapter 6, for v = 0.5, a special formula must be used; see Reference [9J.) Step 4 Derive the Element Stiffness Matrix and Equations The stiffness matrix is [kJ = JIJ [BJT[D][BJdV (9.1.23) v or [kJ = 211: II fB)T[DJfB]rdrdz (9.1.24) A after integrating along the circumferential boundary. The [81 matrix, Eq. (9.1.21), is a function of rand z. Therefore, !kJ is a function of rand z and is of order 6 x 6. We can evaluate Eq. (9J.24) for [k] by one of three methods: 1. Numerical integration (Gaussian quadrature) as discussed in Chapter 10. 2. Explicit multipli~ation and tenn-by-tenn integration [1 J. 3. Evaluate fBJ for a centroidal point (r, z) of the element Z + +Zm = Z = ---=--- (9.1.25) and define [B(f, z)] = {BJ. Therefore, as a first approximation, [kJ = 27!fA[BJT[DJ[BJ r r ) (9.1.26) If the triangular subdivisions are consistent with the final stress distribution (that is, small elements in regions of high stress gradients), then acceptable results can be obtained by method 3. Distributed Body Forces Loads such as gravity (in the direction of the z axis) or centrifugal forces in rotating machine parts (in the direction of the r axis) are considered to be body forces (as shown in Figure 9-6). The body forces can be found by {h} = 2it JI fNJT {~: }rdrdZ (9.1.27) A Figure 9-6 Axisymmetric element with body forces per unit volume 420 .. 9 Axisymmetric Elements where R;, = (J)2pr for a machine part moving with a constant angular velocity (J) about the z axis, with .material mass density p and radial coordinate r, and where Zb is the body force per unit volume due to the force of gravity. Considering the body force at node i, we have {jj,..} = 2n II [Nil {~: T }rdrdz (9.1.28) A where [Nil T = [~i ~J (9.1.29) Multiplying and integrating in Eq. (9.1.28), we obtain {fbi} = 2; {;: }AT (9.1.30) where the origin of the coordinates has been taken as the centroid of the element, and 14 is the radial1y directed body force per unit volume evaluated at the centroid of the element. The body forces at nodesj and m are identical to those given by Eq. (9.1.30) for node i. Hence, for an element, we have Rb Zb {.tb} = 2nrA 3 Rb Zb (9.1.31) Rb Zb . ~ = (J)2pr where (9.1.32) Equation (9.1.31) is a first approximation to the radially directed body force distribution. Surface Forces Surface forces can be found by = If (9.1.33) [Ns]T{T}dS s where again [Ns ] denotes the shape function matrix evaluated" along the surface where the surface traction acts. For radial and axial pressures p, and Pr) respectively, we have {Is} {Is} = IJ [Ns]T {;:} dS (9.1.34) s For example, along the vertical face jm of an element, let uniform loads Pr and P: be applied, as shown in Figure 9-7 along surface r = Yj. We can use Eq. (9.1.34) 9.1 Derivation of the Stiffness Matrix ~ 421 m ,. 118 LJ~ ppr, Figure 9-7 Axisymmetric element w;,h ,unace forces j written for each node separately. For instance, for node j, substituting Nj from Eqs. (9.1.12) into Eq. (9.1.34), we have (9.1.35) evaluated at r = rj I Z =z Performing the integration ofEq. (9.1.35) explicitly, along with similar evaluations for lsi and f sm' we obtain the total distribution of surface force to nodes i, j, and m as o o {Is} = 2n:rj (Z; - Zj) Pr P;: (9.1.36) Pr P: Steps 5-7 Steps 5-7, which involve assembling the total stiffness matrix, total force matrix, and total set of equations; solving for the nodal degrees of freedom; and calculating the element stresses, are analogous to those of Chapter 6 for the cst element, except the stresses are not constant in each element. They are usually determined by one of two methods that we use to determine the LST element stresses. Either we determine the centroidal element stresses, or we determine the nodal stresses for the element and then average them. The latter method has been shown to be more accurate in some ~ses [2]. Example 9.1 For the element of an axisymmetric body rotating with a constant angular velocity as shown in Figure 9-8, evaluate the approximate body force matrix. Include the weight of the material, where the weight density Pw is 0.283 Ibjin3 . The coordinates of the element (in inches) are shown in the figure. We need to evaluate Eq. (9J.3I) to obtain the approximate body force matrix. Therefore) the body forces per unit .volume evaluated at the centroid of the element ()) = 100 rev/min are Zb = 0.283 Ib/in 3 422 .. 9 Axisymmetric Elements +~ (2.3) 3 ~'=1333 ~2 r'; in. (2.2) Figure 9-8 Axisymmetric element subjected to angular velocity (3.2) ---- Axis of symmetI)' and by Eq. (9.1 .32), we have Rb ="oi r = P [(100 re.v\) (27trad\) mm rev Rb = O.1871bjin (.1 min)] 60 s 3 2 (0.283 Ib/in ) (2.333 in.) (32.2 x 12) in./s2 3 21!fA = 2:n:(2.333)(0.5) = 2.44 in3 3 Ji,lr"= (2.44)(0.187) = 0.457 Ib fb!: = -(2.44)(0.283) = -0.691Ib (downward) Because we are using the first approximation Eq. (9.1.31), all r-directed nodal body forces are equal, and all z-directed body forces are equaL Therefore, ib2r = 0.4571b ib2z = -O.6911b fb3r Ail = O.4571b ib3z = -0.6911b • 9.2 Solution of an Axisymmetric Pressure Vessel To illustrate the use of the equations developed in Section 9.1, we will now solve an axisymmetric streSs problem. Example 9.2 For the long, thick-walled cylinder under internal pressure p equal to 1 psi shown in Figure 9-9, determine the displacements and stresses. I I I I 1 I ..... --1----1- ..... 1 t ... ----; "..... _ _ .,., Figure 9-9 Thick-walled cylinder subjected to internal pressure 9.2 Solution of an Axisymmetric Pressure Vessel .A 423 z,w 4 Axisof "- symmetry " p = I psi ~------~--------~~~r,u Figure 9-10 Discretized cylinder slice Discretization To illustrate the finite element solution for the cylinder, we first discretize the cylinder into four triangular elements, as shown in Figure 9-1 O. A horizontal slice of the cylinder represents the total cylinder behavior. Because we are performing a longhand solution, a coarse mesh of elements is used for simplicity's sake (but without loss of generality of the method). The governing global matrix equation is FIr U1 Flz Fo F2z WI F3r F3: U2 W2 = fK] U3 (9.2.1) W3 F4r U4 F4z FSt PSz W4 Us Ws where the [K] matrix is of order 10 x 10. Assemblage of the Stiffness Matrix We assemble the [Kl matrix. in the usual manner by superposition of the individual element stiffness matrices. For simplicity's sake, .we will use the first approximation, method given by Eq. (9.1.26) to evaluate ~e element matrices. Therefore, [kJ = 21tTA[Bf(DHBJ. (9.2.2) For e1emellt 1" (Figure 9- II). the coordinates are Ti =.0.5, Zj = 0, Tj = 1.0; 'zi = O. = 0.75, and Zm = 0.25 (i = l,j = 2, and m = 5 for element 1) for the globalcoordinate axes as set up in Figure 9-10. rm 424 .... 9 Axisymmetric Elements Figure 9-11 Element 1 of the discretized cylinder We now evaluate [BJ, where (B] is given by Eq. (9.1.19) evaluated at the centroid of the element r = r, Z = z, and expanded here as Pi - 0 1 [B]=2A ct.! i+ P yjZ 0 Pj 0 Pm 0 Yi 0 Yj 0 Ym i+ f 0 Yi Pi a.m fJ 'Ym z '!t + p. + IjZ 0 f+ m+T 0 f ) ;: Pj Ij (9.2.3) Pm Ym where) using element coordinates ip Eqs. (9.1.11), we have = 'jZm - Zjrm = (1.0)(0.25) - cr.j = 'mZi - Zm'j = (0.75)(0) - (0.25)(0.5) = -0.125 in cti cr.m = 'iZ) - ZiT) (0.0)(0.75) = 0.25 in 2 2 = (0.5)(0.0) - (0)(1.0) = 0.0 in 2 Pi = Zj - zm = 0.0 - 0.25 = -0.25 in. Pj = 2m - Zi = 0.25 - 0 = 0.25 in. Pm = Zi y, = Tm - Tj Y) = 'j Ym = r= and z) =;: 0.0 - 0.0 = 0.0 in. = 0.75 - 1.0 = -0.25 in. -'m = 0.5 - rj - 'j [BJ = -0.25 in. = 1.0 - 0.5 = 0.5 in. A = (0.5)(0.25) Substituting 0.75 0.5 +! (0.5) = 0.75 in. ! (9.2.4) = 0.0625 in i = l (0.25) = 0.0833 in. 2 the results from Eqs. (9.2.4) into Eq. (9.2.3» we obtain 1 = 0.125 ~.5l1- 0.25 0 0 0 [ -0.25 -0.25 0 -0.25 0 ·0 0.0556 0.0556 o 0.0556 0 0 -0.25 0.25 0.5 0 -0.25 -0.25 in (9.2.5) 9.2 So1ution of an Axisymmetric Pressure Vessel 425 .&. For the axisymmetric stress case, the matrix [D] is given in Eq. (9.1.2) as 1 E = (l + v)(1 _ 2v) [D] [ v v I-y v v v y I-v ° 0 v o 1 ~2V1 (9.2.6) With v = 0.3 and E = 30 x 106 psi, we obtain 1 30(10 6) [D] = (1 + 0.3)[1"- 2(0.3)] 0.3 0.3 0.3 o 0.3 0.3 1-0.3 0.3 0.3 1 - 0.3 o (9.2.7) o or, simplifYing Eq. (9.2.7), [DJ = 57.7(10 6 ) 0.7 0.3 0.3 0~. 33 0.7 0.3 0.3 0.7 [ o 0 1 0 0 . 0 pst 0.2 (9.2.8) Using Eqs. (9.2.5) and (9.2.8), we obtain [Bf[D] 6 57.7(10 0.125 ) - 0.158 -0.0583 -0.0361 -0.05 -0.075 -0.175 -0.075 -0.05 0.0917 0.114 -0.05 0.192 -0.075 -0.175 -0.075 0.05 0.0167 0.1 0.0166 0.0388 0.15 0.35 0.15 o (9.2.9) Substituting Eqs. (9.2.5) and (9.2.9) into Eq. (9.2.2), we obtain the stiffness matrix for element 1 as ;=1 , t [k(l)] = (106)" j=2 m=5 29:45 -31.63 2.26 -29.37 -31.71 54.46 61.17 -11.33 33.98 -31.72 -95.15 29.45 72.59 -38.52 -20.31 -31.63 -11.33 49.84 33.9& -38.52 2.26 22.66 -95.15 61.17 -29.37 -31.72 -20.31 22.66 56.72 9.06 49.84 -95.15 -31.71 -95.15 9.06 190.31 Ib in. (9.2JO) where the nwnbers above the columns indicate the nodal orders of degrees ()(freedom in the element 1 stiffness matrix. 426 A '9 Axisymmetric Elements 5 Figure 9-12 Element 2 of the disc:retized cylinder 2 Zj For element 2 (Figure 9-12), the coordinates are rj = 1.0, Zj = 0.0, T} = LO, = 0.5,'m 0.75, and Zm 0.25~ == 2,j 3, and m = 5 for element 2). Therefore, /Xi = (1.0)(0.25):- (0.5)(0.75) (0.75)(0.0) - (0.25}(LO) = -0.25 in 2 /Xj I:1. m Pi = p,,; = (1.0) (0.5) - (0.0)(1.0) = 0.5 in 0.5 - 0.25 = 0.25 in. 0.0 - 0.5 = -O.S iI). Yj = 1.0 - 0.75 and -0.125 in 2 f = 0.9167 in. 0.25 in.. i (9.2.11) 2 Pj = 0.25 - 0.0 Yi 0.75 - 1.0 = -0.25 in. 0.25 in. 1m = 1.0 - 1.0 = 0.0 in. 0>25 in. A = 0.0625 in 2 Using Eqs. (9.2.l1) in Eq. (9.2.2) and proceeding as for element l"we obtain the stiffness matrix for element 2 as i= 2 m=5 j=3 [k{2)] (10 6) 85.75 -46.07 12.84 -118.92 33.23 52.52 -46.07 45.32 -33.23 74.77 -12.84 -41.54 52.52 -12.84 85.74 46.07 -118.92 -33.23 12.84 -41.54 46.07 ,74.77 -45.32 -33.23 -118.92 45.32 -118.92 -45.32 216.41 0 33-.23 -33.23 -33.23 -33.23 0 66.46 Ib in. (9.2.12) We obtain the stiffness matrices for elements 3 and 4 in a manner similar to that used to obtain the stiffness matrices for elements 1 and 2. Thus,' i=3 ',j=4 m=5 [k{3)J = (106 ) 72.58 38.52 -31.63 11.33 -20.31 -49.84 38.52 61.17 -.2.26 33.98 ":"22.66 -95:15 31.72 -31.63 -2.26 54.46 -29.45 -29.37 33.98 -29.45 31.72 -95.15 11.33 61.17 56.72 -9.06 -20.31 -22:66 -29.37 31.72 -49.84 -95.15 31.72 -95.15 -9.06 190.31 Ib in. (9.2.13) ,", 9.2 Solution of an Axisymmetric Pressure Vessel A 427 and i [k(4)} = (106 ) =4 j=l -21.90 20.39 0.75 -0.75 -26.43 -0.75 41.53 21.90 -26.43 21.90 47.57 36.24 -66.45 -36.24 -21.14 -21.14 -2t.l4 41.53 -21.90 20.39 0.75 47.57 -66.45 21.14 m=5 -66.45 21.14 36.24 -21.14 -66.45 -21.14 -36.24 -21.14 169.14 0 0 42.28 Ib in. (9.2.14) Using superposition of the element stiffness matrices [Eqs. (9:2.10) and (9.2.12)(9.2.14)], where we rearrange the elements of each stiffness matrix in order of increasing nodal degrees of freedom, we obtain the global stiffness matrix as [K]=(I06) 95.99 51.35 -31.63 2.26 0 0 20.39 -0.75 -95.82 51.35 108.74 -11.33 33.98 0 0 0.75 -26.43 -67.96 -52.86 -1l6.3 -31.63 -11.33 158.34 -84.59 52.52 12.84 0 0 0 0 12.84 52.52 -12.84 -41.54 158.33 84.59 84.59 135.94 -2.26 -31.63 0 0 11.33 33.98 0 0 -67.98 67.98 -139.2 -139.2 -83.07 -128.4 83.07 -128.4 2.26 33.98 -84.59 135.94 -12.84 -41.54 20.39 -0.75 -95.82 0.75 -26.43 -67.96 0 -139.2 0 0 0 67.98 -31.63 11.33 -139.2 -2.26 33.98 -67.98 95.99 -51.35 -95.82 -51.35 108.74 67.96 -95.82 67.96 498.99 52.86 -116.3 0 -52.86 -1l6.3 83.07 - 128.4 -83.07 Ib -128.4 in. 52.86 - 116.3 0 4&9.36 (9.2.15) The applied nodal forces are given by Eq. (9.l.36) as Fir = F4r = 21t(0.5)(0.S) (1) = 0.7851b 2 (9.2.16) All other nodal forces are zero. Using Eq. (9.2.15) for [Kl and Eq. (9.2.16) for the noda1 forces in Eq. (9.2.1), and solving for the nodal displacements, we obtain = 0.0322 X 10-6 in. Wi = 0.00115 X 10-6 in. U2 = 0.02]9 X 10-6 in. W2 = 0.00206 = 0.0219 X 10-6 in. w~ = -0.00206 X 10-6 in. Ul U3 U4 = 0.0322 X 10- 6 in. Us = 0.0244 X 10-6 in. W4 X 10-6 in. = -0.00115 x (9.2.17) 10-6 in. Ws =0 The results for nodal displacements are as expected because radial displacements at the inner edge are equal (UI =!4) and those at the outer edge are equal (U2 = U3). In addition, the axial displacements at the outer nodes and inner nodes are equal but opposite in sign (WI ~ -W4 and W2 = -W3) as a result of the Poisson effect and symmetry. Finally, the axial displacement at the center node is zero (ws = 0), as it should be because of symmetry. 428 J.. 9 Axisymmetric Elements By using Eq. (9.1.22), we now determine the stresses in each element as {u} For element 1, we use Eq. (9.2.5) for in Eq. (9.2.18) to obtain = [DHB]{d} (9.2.18) [11), Eq. (9.2.8) for [D]. and Eq. (9.2.l7) for {d} (J'r -0.338 psi (J'z (J8 0.942 psi 7:r: = -0.0126 psi = -0.1037 psi Similarly, for element 2, we obtain a, = -0.105 psi l1(J = 0.690 psi az = -0.0747 psi 'Crz = 0.000 psi: For'element 3, the stresses are U, = -0.337 psi Uz -0.0125 psi l19 = 0.942 psi Tn 0.1037 psi For element 4, the stresses are u, = -0.470 psi (J(J = 1.426 psi Uz 7: rz = 0.1493 psi = 0.000 psi Figure 9-13 shows the exact solution [10] along with the results determined here and the results from Reference (5]. Observe that agreement with the exact solution is quite good except for the limited results due to the very coarse mesh used in the longhand example, and in case 1 of Reference (5). In Reference [51, stresses have been plotted at the center of the quadrilaterals and were obtained by averaging the stresses in the four connecting triangles. • 11: 9.3 Applications of Axisymmetric Elements Numerous structural (and nonstructural) systems can be classified as axisymmetric. Some typical structural systems whose behavior is modeled accurately using the axisymmetric element developed in this chapter' are represented in Figures 9-14, 9-15, and 9-17. Figure 9-14 illustrates the finife element model of a steel-reinforced concrete pressure vessel. The vessel is a thick-walled cylinder with flat heads. An axis of symmetry (the z axis) exists such that only one-half of the r-z plane passing through the middle of the strupture need be .modeled. The concrete was modeled by using the axisymmetric triangular element developed in this chapter. The steel elements were laid out along the boundaries of the concrete elements so as to maintain continuity 9.3 Applications of Axisymmetric Elements Axis of ... 429 Case J '1~ Case 2 r.1l (a) Finite element models (from Reference 15]) Legend - Exact solution [10] 0- Case I 1.8 0- 1.6 1.4 Case2 , Case 3 • - Section 9.2 awrage-of-fourtriangle slresses x - Section 9.2 elemen! )( 1.2 1.0 centroid stresses 0.8 )( 0.6 ~ '" ~ iii § 0.4 Radius 0.2 O.S 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0 z· -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 x q,. -0.8· -1.0 (b) Resulting stresses Figure 9-13 pressure Finite element analysis of a thick-walled cylinder under internal (or perfect bond assumption) between the concre}e and the steel. The vessel was then subjected to an internal pressure as shown in the figure. Note that the nodes along the axis of symmetry should be supported by roners preventing motion perpendicular to the axis of symmetry. Figure 9-15 shows a finite element model of a high-strength steel die used in a thin-p1astic-film-making process [7]. The die is an irregularly shaped disk. An axis of symmetry with respect to geometry and loading exists as shown. The die was modeled by using simple quadrilateral axisymmetric elements. The locations of high stress were 430 .. 9 Axisymmetric Elements T 37ft 75 ft I 37 ft 1 (a) Two-dimensional view of a finite element idealization for a prestressed COflcrele reactor vessel (PCRV) (b) Axisymmetric ideaJizalion o£ the sleel reinforcemenl Figure 9-14 Model of steel·reinforced concrete pressure vessel (from Reference (4), North Holland Physics Publishing, Amsterdam) of primary concern. Figure 9-16 shows a plot of the von Mises stress contours for the die of Figure 9-15. The von Mises (or equivalent, or effective) stress 18} is often used as a failure criterion in design. Notice the artificially high stresses at the location of load F as explained in Section 7.1. (Recall that the failure criterion based on the maximum distortion energy theory for ductile materials subjected to static loading predicts that a material will fail if the von Mises stress reaches the yield strength of the material.) Also recall from Eqs. (6.5~37) and (6.5.38), the von Mises stress (J'VII'I is related to the principai stresses by the expression (9.3.1 ) Axis of symmetry 2.75 ill. ~~"""'IF:= --I 0.557 in. \ - 45,750 Ib 1---1.126 in.---! Figure 9-15· - Model of a high-strength steel die (924 nodes and 830 elements) Axis of symmetry 7644 psi 33,779 psi ~ 46,846 psi 59,914 psi "4 72,981 pSI. 186,049 psi ~.;:to-_--, 99.116 psi Figure 9-16 'von Mises stress contour plot of axisymmetric model of Figure 9-15 (also producing a radial inward deflection of about 0.015 in.) 431 432 .& 9 Axisymmetric Elements =Itrl fu r=--!.--~~~..:,..-.:~...I..-I (2,2) D _ [{~1S0m '_OOO_PSi _ z .--.--,--.--..--...--.--~.,.--,......., 1--+-1--1-+-+-+--+-"'---1.-1 y (0.75, US) .."....R =0.15 (1,1) C (1,0.75) ~ B ::/// / / // / / /}}/ / / / ///// (a) Figure 9-17 y (b) (a) Stepped shaft subjected to axial load and (b) the discretized model where the principal stresses are given by 0"1, (12, and (13. These results were obtained from the commercial computer code ANSYS (12). Other dies with modifications in geometry were also studied to evaluate the most suitable die before the construction of an expensive prototype. Confidence in the acceptability of the prototype was enhanced by doing these comparison studies. Finally, Figure 9-17 shows a stepped 4130 steel shaft with a fillet radius subjected to an axial pressure of 1000 psi in tension. Fatigue analysis for reverse4 axial loading required an accurate stress concentration factor to be applied to the averag~ axial stress of 1000 psi. The stress concentration factor for the geometry shown was to be determined. Therefore, locations of highest stress were necessary. Figure 9-18 shows the resulting maxim~ principal stress plot using a computer program [11]. The largest principal stress'was 1932.5 psi at the fiUet. Other examples of the use of the axisymmetric element can be found in References [2]-[6]. . In this chapter, we have shown the finite element analysis of axisymmetric systems using a simple three-noded triangular element to be analogous to that of the two-dimensional plane stress problem using three-noded triangular elements as 9.3 Applications of Axisymmetric Elements ~ 433 Max Principal H 1932.5 1689.9 1447.3 1204.7 962.06 - - 719.44 - - 476.82 - - 234.21 l -8.4093 Figure 9-18 Principal stress plot for shaft of Figure 9-17 developed in·Chapter 6. Therefore, the two-dimensional element in commercial computer programs with the axisymmetric element selected will allow for the analysis of axisymmetric structures. . Finally, note that other axisymmetric elements, such as a simple quadrilateral (one with four corner nodes and two degrees of freedom per node, as used in the steel die analysis of Figure 9-15) or higher-order triangular elements, such as in Reference [6], in which a cubic polynomial involving ten terms (ten a's) for both u and w) could ,be used for axisymmetric analysis. The three·noded triangular element was described here because of its simplicity and ability to describe geometric boundaries rather easily. .1: References [l] Utku, S., "Explicit Expressions for Triangular Torus Element Stiffness Matrix," Journal of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Vol. 6, No.6, pp. 1174-1176, June 1968. . . [2} Zienkiewicz, O. C., ·The Finite Element Method, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill, London) 1977. [3} Oough. R., and Rashid, Y., "Finite Element Analysis of Axisymmetric Solids," Journal Df the Engineering Mechanics Division, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vo!. 9]. pp. 71-85, Feb. 1965. 4.34 ~ 9 Axisymmetric Elements [4J Rashid, Y., "Analysis of Axisymmetric Composite Struct~s by the Finite Element Method," Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 3, pp. 163-182, 1966. [5] Wilson, E., "Structural Analysis of Axisymmetric Solids," Journal of the American Institute oJ Aeronautics and Astronautics, Vol. 3, No. 12, pp. 2269-2274, Dec. 1965. [6] Chacour, S., "A High Precision Axisymmetric Triangular Element Used in the Analysis of Hydraulic Turbine Components," Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Journal oJ Basic Engineering, Vol. 92, pp. 819-826, 1973. [7) Greer, R. D., The Analysis oJ a Film Tower Die Utilizing the ANSYS Finite Element Package, M.S. Thesis, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Terre -Haute, IN, May 1989. [8) Gere, J. M., Mechimics of Materials, 5th ed., Brooks/Cole Publishers, Pacific Grove, CA, 2001. [9J Cook, R. D., Malkus, D. S., PJesha, M. E., and Witt, R. J., Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis, 4th ed., Wiley, New York, 2002. [1 OJ Cook, R. D., and Young, W. c., Advanced Mechanics of Materials, Macmillan, New York, 1985. [II] Algor Interactive Systems, 150 Beta Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15238. [12] Swanson, J. A. ANSYS-Engineering Analysis System's User's Manual, Swanson Analysis Systems, Inc., Johnson Rd., P.O. Box 65, Houston, PA 15342. A Problems 9.1 For the elements shown in Figure P9-I, evaluate th~ stiffness matrices using Eq. (9.2.2). The coordinates are shown in the figures. Let E = 30 X 10 6 psi and v = 0.25 for each element. (0.2) 3 (0.0) - 3 (2.2) ~(2.0) ~ I 2 (a) (0.0) I 2 (b) (2.0) 6L (0. 0) I 2 (2, 0)' T (e) Figure P9-1 9.2 Evaluate the nodal forces used to replace the linearly varying surface traction shown in Figure P9-2. Hint: Use Eq. (9.1.34). Figure P9-2 Problems 93 ... 435 For an element of an axisymmetric body rotating with a constant angular velocity w = 20 rpm as shown in Figure P9-3, evahia.te the body·force matrix. The coordi~ nates of the element are shown in the figure. Let the weight density Pw be 0.283 Ib/in 3 . t~ )1(6.6) L ,LJ2 I (4.4) r (6,4) I Axis of symmetry Figure P9-3 9.4 For the axisymmetric el~ents shown in Figure P9-4, detennine the element stresses. Let E = 30 x 10 6 psi and v = 0.25. The coordinates (in inches) are shown in the figures, and the nodal displacements for each element are Ut = 0.0001 in., W; = 0.0002 in., Uz = 0.0005 in., W2 = 0.0006 in., U3 = 0, and W3 = O. Xl ~f3.3) ,U2 .'~2 . (0.0) (2.0) (\..0) (a) 3~ .. 1~2 (3,0) (0, 0) (b) L ' ·(2, 0) . (c) Figure P9-4 9.S Explicitly show that the integration ofEq. (9.1.35) yields thej surface forces given by Eq. (9.1.36). 9.6 For the elements shown in Figure P9-6, evaluate the stiffness matrices using Eq. (9.2.2). The coordinates (in millimeters) are shown in the figures. Let E = 210 GPa and v = 0.25 for each element. (0.50) 3 3 (60,60) ____ 1~______~2 (50.0) (0.0) (al Figure P9-6 r :3 (1.2) 1~____~~_2___ (0,0) (60.0) (b) (c) 436 ... 9 Axisymmetric Elements 9.7 For the axisymmetric elements shown in Figure P9-7. determine the element stresses. Let E 210 GPa and v 0.25. The coordinates (in millimeters) are shown in the figures, and the nodal displacements for each element are UI = 0.05 rom WI = 0.03 mm U2 =O.02mm W2 = 0.02 mm 113 =O.Omm W3 =O.Omm 3 (0,50) l~ (30.50) ______ . (0,0) ~ ____• 2 I 1t--_ _ _ _ _..........2_ _ (0.0) (50.0) 3 (1.2) (60, o} (3) (b) (c) Figure P9-7 9.8 Can we connect plane stress elements with axisymmetric ones? Explain. 9.9 Is the three-noded triangular element considered in Section 9.1 a constant strain element? Why or why not? . 9.10 How should one model the boundary conditions of nodes acting on the axis of symmetry? 9.11 How would you evaluate the circumferential strain, ta, at r = O? What is this strain in terms of the a>s given in Eq. (9.1.3). Hint: Elasticity theory tells us that the radial strain must equal the circumferential strain at r = O. 9.12 What win be the stresses u, and Uo at r problem 9.1 I. O? Hint: Look at Eq (9.1.2) after considering Solve the foRowing axisymmetric problems using a computer program. S. 9.13 The soil mass in Figure P9-13 is loaded by a force transmitted througb a circular footing as shown. Detennine the stresses in the soil. Compare the values of ar using an 6000 Ib total force Figure P9-13 Soil mass Problems ax.isymmetric model with the (iy values using a plane stress model. Let E and v = 0.45 for the soil mass.. S '" 437 3000 psi 9.14 Perform a stress analysis of the pressure vessel shown in Figure P9-14. Let E = 5 X 106 psi and v = 0.15 for the concrete, and let E = 29 X 106 psi and v = 0.25 for the steel liner. The steel liner is 2 in. thick. Let the pressure p equal 500 psi. Model of a nuclear reactor Concrete Steel liner r 2 m. 3·in-tadius hole - -7.5 in. p 16 in. 50 in. L,I--l--I---I "'1--30 25 in. in.---1 Figure P9-14 9.15 Perform a stress analysis of the concrete pressure vessel with the steelllner shown in Figure P9-1S. Let E = 30 GPa and v = 0.15 for the concrete, and let E = 205 GPa and v =0.25 for the steel liner. The steel liner is 50 mm thick. Let the pressure p equal 700 kPa. Concrete Steel liner t "" T -1. -, t t 400mm 1250 nlm Figure P9-15 p- ~ +325mmj f--750 mm ---l 1 438 ~ .9.16 9 Axisymmetric Elements Perfonn a stress analysis of the disk shown in Figure P9-16 if it rotates with constant angular velocity of OJ = 50 rpm. Let E = 30 X 106 psi, )' = 0.25~ and the weight densi~y Pw = 0.283 Ibjin 3 (mass density) P = p.,j(g = 386 in.fs2). (Use 8 and then 16 elements symmetrically modeled similar to Example 9~4. Compare the finite element solution to the theoretical circumferential and radial stresses given by 3+v -S-POJ fJ'e 2tl-(1 - 1 +3vr2) 3 + v a2 ~ fJ', 2(1 --;;-?-) 3+)' . 2 =-g-PW a __ Axis of symmetry 8 a CI) 12 in.--l.l. 1..----+-------l 3in. T Figure P9-16 99.17 For the die casting shown in Figure P9-17, determine the maximum stresses and their locations. Let E:;: 30 X 10 6 psi and v = 0.25. The dimensions are shown in the. figure. Fixed edge It:::::::1.62S in.-~-------001 . .AXiS of,symmerry % T O's-In. ramus , I 4.175in. 0.75in.==fT1 1.0625 in. 0.1875 in. ~----~p~l 'p I --~--~~==~==~~~-, 0.62Sin . -*'!-,--1.2in.---- , u 62 0.4375 in. ~ 1 - - - - - - - - - - 2.5 in. ---------1 1 - - - - - - - - - - 8.5 in. ------Ayl"""--------I I Figure P9-17 Problems A 439 »9>18 For the axisymmetric connecting rod shown in Figure P9-18> detennine the stresses O'z, O'r. O'a, and 1:rz • Plot stress contours (lines of constant stress) for each of the normal stresses. Let E = 30 X }O6 psi and v = 0.25. The applied loading and bOWldary con· ditions are shown in the figure. A typical discrelized rod is shown in the figure for il1ustrative purposes only. . r---- ---1. 2 in. JI-I-+-to++--+--+--+-+--+--41 I in ~~~~l Ax. is of symmetry /~ ~-----------------------7!ia----------------------~8 Figure P9-18 »9.19 For the thick-walled open-ended cylindrical pipe 'Subjected to internal pressure shown in Figure P9-19, use five layers of elements to obtain the ci~umferential stress, O'e, Axis of symmetry - O.~~M 0.06 0.06 ~2 3~ 4~ S m 1 m .m - Q) G) ® m (9 ~t- - @> Urn Figure P9-19 t i f ® O.3m 30 .1. i O.3m 24 -G 25 O..3m IS 19 l f @ @ @ - O.3m 12 \ 13 t-----~1.20 m 1 ® 7 p=35 MPa 6 ! 440 • 9 Axisymmetric Elements and the principal stresses and maximum radial displacement. Compare these results to the exact solution. Let E = 205 GPa and v = 0.3. 9.20 A steel cylindrical pressure vessel with flat plate end. caps is shown in Figure P9-20 with vertical axis of symmetry. Addition of thickened sections helps to reduce stress concentrations in the corners. Analyze the design and identify the most critically stressed regions. Note that inside sharp re-entrant comers produce infinite stress concentration zones, so refining the mesh in these regions will not help you get a better answer unless you use an inelastic theory or place small fillet radii there. Recommend any design changes in your report. Let the pressure inside be 1000 kPa. 25 18.75 25 Dimensions in millimeters i-- 200 dia.--I ,I--- 250 dia.----J dia.----1 1---310 Figure P9-20 9.21 For the cylindrical vesSel with hemispherical ends (heads) under uniform internal = 500 psi shown in Figure P9-21, determine the maximum von Mises stress and where it is located. The materiat is ASTM-A242 quenched and tempered alloy steel. Usea.factor of safety of 3 against yielding. The inner radius is a = 100 inches and the thickness t = 2 in. pressure ofintensity p ",.,._,.--------------1._,'/ I I 9.22 ~, \ 1_ Figure P9-21 Forthe cylindrical vessel with ellipsoidal heads shown in Figure P9-22a under loading p = 500 psi, determine if the vessel is safe against yielding. Use the same material and factor of safety as in previous problem, 9.21. Now let a 100 in. and b = 50 in. Which vessel has the lowest hoop stress? Recommend the preferred head shape of the ' two based on your answers. = Problems I. 441 For modeling purposes, the equation of an ellipse is given by IJ2 Xl + a2;' = rl- b2~ where a is the major axis and b is the minor axis of the ellipse shown in Figure P9-22(b). I ----;-jJ~i;--- ~. (b) (a). Figure P9-22 9.23 The syringe with plunger is shown in Figure P9-23. The material of the syringe is glass with E = 69 GPa, v = 0.15, and tensjle strength of 5 MPa. The bottom hole is assumed to be closed under test conditions. Determine the deformation and stresses in the glass. Compare the maximum principal stress in the glass to the ultimate tensile strength. Do you think the syringe is safe? Why? 45N ! Plunger 90mm Figure P9-23 -=~i-- Liquid 442' .. 9 Axisymmetric Elements 9.24 For the tapered soliq circular shaft shown, a semicircular groove has been machined into the side. The shaft is made of a hot roUed 1040 steel alloy with yield strength of 71>000 psi. The shaft is subjected to a unifonn axial pressure of 4000 psi. Determine the maximum principal, stresses and von Mises stresses at the fil1~t and at the semicircular groove . .Is the shaft safe from failure based on the maximum distortion energy theory? . ' . R=OSin. R=tin. / l"'---I-----.... T I I I 1 J I 3 in. 1 4000 psi ,. ~30in. Figure P9-24 ·I- 30 in. ·1- ~in.--1 tf;stt~ia:,ta.[ijeJtl!i_r[~~:Q,,;,~,ittrill~~'_QJ~~Y,'~''::.' " ,- ';~;:T~~;,: -, :.. '::'~',~.: /.'" ~ '~,-ot"+, Introduction In this chapter, we 'introduce the isoparametric formulation of the element stiffness matrices. After considering the linear-strain triangular element in Chapter 8, we can see that the development of element matrices and equations expressed in terms of a global coordinate system becomes an enomlously difficult task (if even possible) except for the simplest of elements such as the constant-strain triangle of Chapter 6. Hence, the isoparametric formulation was developed [1]. The isoparametric method may appear somewhat tedious (and confusing initially), but it will lead to a simple computer program formulation, and it is gene~aIly applicable for two- and threedimensional stress analysis and for nonstructural problems. The isoparametric formulation aUows elements to be created that are nonrectangular and have curved sides. Furthermore, numerous commercial computer programs (as described in Chapter 1) have adapted this formulation for their various libraries of elements. We first illustrate the isoparametric formulation to develop .the simple bar ele~ ment stiffness matrix. Use of the bar element makes it relatively easy to understand the method because simple expressions result. We then consider the development of the rectangular plane stress element stiffness matrix in terms of a global-coordinate system that will be convenient for use with the element. These concepts will be useful in understanding some of the proce~ dures used with the isoparametric formulation of the simple quadrilateral element stiffness matrix, which we will develop subsequently. Next, we will introduce numerical integration methods for evaluating the quadrilateral element stiffness matrix and illustrate the adaptability of the isoparametric fOTmulation to common numerical integration methods. Finally; we will consider some bigher-order elements and their associated shape functions. 444 .& A 10 Isoparametric Formulation 10.1 Isoparametric Formulation of the Bar Element 'Stiffness Matrix The term isoparametric is derived from the use of the same shape functions (or interpolation functions) [N] to define the elemenfs geometric shape as are used to define the displacements within the element. Thus, when the shape function is u = at + alS for the displacement, we use x = al + az'S for the description of the nodal coordinate of a point on the bar element and, hence, the physical shape of the element. Isoparametric element equations are formulated using a natural (or intrinsic) c0ordinate system s that is defined by element geometry and not by the element orientation in the global-coordinate system. In other words, axial coordinate s is attached to the bar and remains directed along the axial length of the bar, regardless of how the bar is oriented in space. There is a relationship (called a transformation mapping) between the natural coordinate system s and the global coordinate system x for each element of a specific structure, and this relationship must be used in the element equation formulations. We will now develop the isoparametricJormulation of the stiffness matrix of a simple linear bar element [with two nodes as shown in Figure 1001(a)J. $=0 XI X2 X.U -I S = -I ~s L L (a) (b) s =r 2 Figure 10-1 Linear bar element in (a) a global coordinate system x and (b) a natural coordinate system 5 Step 1 Select Element Type First, the natural coordinate s is attached to the element> with the origin located at the center of the element, as shown in Figure 10-1 (b). The s axis need not be parallel to the x axis-this is only for convenience. We consider the bar element to have two degrees of freedom-axial displacements UI and U2 at each node associated with the global x axis. For the special case when the s and x axes are paraUel to each other, the s and x coordinates can be related by (to. 1. 1a.) where Xc is the global coordinate of the element centroid. Using the global coordinates XI and X2 in Eq. (lO.l.la) with Xc (Xl + x2)/2, we can express the natural coordinate s in terms of the global coordinates as (lO.Llb) 10.1 Isoparametric Formulation of the Bar Element Stiffness Matrix .. 44S N~ NI 1------- ------- t 1-s NI =-2- -I o o -\ (b) (a) u Nade2 s=-) s=O (0) s=l Figure 10-2 Shape function variations with natural coordinates: (a) shape function (b) shape function N2 , and (c) linear displacement field u plotted over element length N11 The shape functions used to define a position within the bar are found in a manner similar to that used in Chapter 3 to define displacement within a bar (Section 3.1). We begin by relating the natural coordinate to the global coordinate by (IO.1.2) where we note that s is such that -1 X2) we obtain ~ s ~ I. Solving for the a/s in terms of Xl and (10.1.3) or, in matrix form, we can express Eq. (10.1.3) as {x} = ININ21{~:} (10.1.4) where the shape functions in Eq. (10.1.4) are (10.1.5) The linear shape functions in Eqs. (10.1.5) map the s coordinate of any point in the element to the x coordinate when used in Eq. (10.1.3). For instance, when we substitute s = -1 into Eq. (10.1.3), we obtain x = XI. These shape functions are shown in Figure 10-2, where we can see that they have the same properties as defined for the interpolation functions of Section 3.1. Hence, NI represents the physical shape of the coordinate x when plotted over the length of the element for XI = I and X2 = 0, and Nz represents the coordinate x when plotted over the length of the element for Xl = I and XI ::= O. Again, we must have NJ + N2 = t. 446 ..l. 10 Isoparametric Formulation These shape functions must also be continuous throughout the element domain and have finite.first derivatives within the element. Step 2 Select a Qisplacement Function The displacement function within the bar is now defined by the same shape functions, Eqs. (10.1.5), as are used to define the element shape; that is, {u} = [NI N21{::} (10.1.6) When a particular coordinate s of the point of interest is substituted into tN], Eq. (10.1.6) 'yields the displacement of a point on the bar in terms of the nodal degrees of freedom Ul and U2 as ,shown in Figure 10-2{c). Since u and x are defined by the same shape functions at .the same nodes, comparing Eqs. (10.1.4) and (10.1.6), the element is called isoparametric. ' Step 3 Define the Strain/Displacement and Stress/Strain Relationships We now want to formulate element matrix [BJ to evaluate [kJ. We use the isoparametric fonnulation to illustrate its manipulations. For a simple bar element, no real advantage may appear evident. However, for high.er-order elements, the advantage win become clear because relatively simple computer program formulations will result. To construct the element stiffness matrix, we must determine the strain, which is defined in tenus of the d~rivative of the displacement with respect to x. The displacement U, however, is vow a function of s as given by Eq. (10.1.6). Therefore, we must apply the. chain rule of differentiation to the function u as follows: du dudx ds=dxds (10.1.7) We can evaluate (d~Jds) and (dx/ds) using Eqs. (10.1.6) and (10.1.3). We seek (duJdx) = Ex. Therefore"we solve Eq. (10.1.7) for (duJdx) as (10.1.8) Using Eq. (10.1.6) for U, we obtain du U2 - Ut ds=-2- (10.1.9a) and using Eq. (iO.1.3) for x, we have (IO.L9b) because X2 - XI =L 10.1 Isoparametric Formulation of the Bar Element Stiffness Matrix A 447 Using Eqs. (lOJ.9a) and (IOJ.9b) in Eq. (1O.1.8),.we obtain (10.1.10) S~nce {e} = [BHd}, the strain/displacement matrix [B] is then given in Eq. (l(U.lO) a~ [BJ = [-I ±] (10.1.11) We recall that use of linear shape functions results in a constant !l matrix, and hence, in a .constant strain within the element. For higher-order elements, such as the quadratic bar with three nodes, [B] becomes a fWlction of natural coordinate s (see Eq. (10.6.16). The stress matrix is again given by Hooke's law as Step 4 Derive the Element Stiffness Matrix and Equations The stiffness ma~ is [kJ = J:[B1T[DJ[B]A dx (10.1.12) However, in general, we must transform the coordinate x to s because IB) is, in general, a fWlction of s. This general type of transformation is given by ReferenC"A.'.:S [4} and [5] I L o f(x) dx = Jl J(s) III tis (10.1.13) -1 where I is called the Jacobian. In the one-dimensional case, we have III = I. For the simple bar el~ment, from Eq. (lO.1.9b), we have dx L (10.1.14) III = tis =.2 Observe that in Eq. (10.1.14), the Jacobian relates an element length in the global-coordinate system to an element length in the natural...coordinate system. In general) III is a func!ion of $ and depends on the numerical values of the nodal coordinates. This can be seen oy looking at ~q. (10.3.22) for the quadrilateral element. (Section 10.3 further discusses the.Jacobian.) Using'Eqs.. (10.1.13) and (10.1.14) in Eq. (10.1.12), we obtain the stiffness matrix in natural coordinates as [kJ =~fl[BJTE[BJAdS (10.1.15) where, for the one-dimensional case, we have used the modulus of elasticity E = [D) in Eq. (1O.1.15). Substituting Eq. (10.1.11) in Eq. (10.1.15) and performing the simple integration, we obtain • [k} = AE [ L I -1 -1 ] 1 (10.1.16) 448 ... 10 Isoparametric Formulation which is the same as Eq. (3.1.14). For higher-order one-dimensional elements, the integration in closed form becomes difficult if not impossible (see Example 10.7). Even the simple rectangular element stiffness matrix is difficult to evaluate in closed fonn (Section 103). However, the use of numerical integration, as described in Section 10.4, i1lustrates the distinct advantage of the isoparametric formulation of the equations. Body Forces We will now determine the body-force matrix using the natural coordinate system s. Using Eq. (3.l0.20b), the body-force matrix is {~} = JII [N] T{Xb} dV (10.LI7) v Letting dV = A dx, we have (10.1.18) Substituting Eqs. (10.1.5) for N J and N2 into (N) and noting that by Eq. (10.1.9b), dx = (L/2) ds~ we obtain l-Sj -2- I A {Jb} == A _ L J (1 +s' {Xb} "2 ds (10.1.19) -1 -2- On integrating Eq. (10.1.19), we obtain {h} = A~Xb { !} (10.1.20) The physical interpretation of the results for {h} is that since AL represents the volume of the element and Xb the body force per unit volume, then ALXb is the total body force acting on the element. The factor! indicates that this body force is equally distributed to the two nodes of the element. Surface Forces Surface forces can be found using Eq. (3.l0.20a) as {is} = JI [Ns]T{T.T}dS (10.1.21) s Assuming the cross section is constant and the traction is uniform over the perimeter and along the length of the element, we obtain (10.1.22) 10.2 Rectangular Plane Stress Element ~ 449 where we now assume Tx is in units of force per unit length. Using the shape functions NI and N2 from Eq. (1O.I.5) in Eq. (10.1.22), we obtain A {Is} = J ( l-Sj {T;(}"2 +s I -I 4 I -2- L ds (10.1.23) On integrating Eq. (10.1.23), we obtain L{l} I {Is} = TX2 • 4 (10.1.24) The physical interpretation ofEq. (10.L24) is that since T;r is in force-per-unit-Iength units. TxL is now the total force. The! indicates that the uniform .surface traction is equally distributed to the two nodes of the element. Note that if Tx were a function of x (or s), then the amounts of force allocated to each node would generally not be equal and would be found through integration as in Example 3.12. 1: 10.2 Rectangular Plane Stress Element We will now deyelop the rectangular plane stress element stiffness matrix. We will later ~fer to this element in the isoparametric formulation of a general quadrilateral element. Two advantages of the rectangular element over the triangular element are ease of data input and simpler interpretation of output stresses. A disadvantage of the fectangular element is that the simple 1inear~displacement rectangle with its associated straight sides poorly approximates the real boundary condition edges.. The usual stepS outlined in Chapter 1 will be followed to obtain the element stiffness matrix and related equations. Step 1 Select Element Type Consider the rectangular element shown in Figure 10-3 (all interior ang1es are 90°) with comer nodes 1-4 (again labeled counterclockwise) and base and height dimensions 2b and 2h. respectively. The unknown nodal displacements are now given by UI ',. VI U2 {d} == V2 U3 VJ U4 V4 (10.2.1) 450 ... 10 Isoparametric Formulation y, v b - -....- - b h ~------~~--.x.u Figure 10-3 Basic four-node rectangular element with nodal degrees of freedom . Step 2 Select Displacement Functions For a compatible displacement field, the element displacement functions u and v must be linear along each edge because only two points (the corner nodes) exist along each edge',We then select the linear displacement functions as . u(x,y) = al + a2 x + a3Y + tl4;y . (10..2.2) v(x,y) = as + a6X + a7Y + asxy We can proceed in the usual manner to eliminate the a/s from Eqs. (10..2.2) to obtain U(x,y) 1 4bh [(b - x)(h - y)ul + (b + x)(h - Y)U2 + (b + x)(h-+ y)U3 + (b'- x)(h + Y)ZI4] 1 v(x,y) = 4bh rCb - x)(h - Y)VI + (b + x)(h - + (b + x)(h +Y)V3 + (b - (10.2.3) Y)V2 x)(h + y)v41 These displacement expressions, Eqs. (10.2.3), can be expressed equivalently in terms of the shape functions and unknown nodal displacements as {I/I} (10.2.4) [NJ{d} where the shape functions are given by N _ (b - x)(h - y) 14hh (b+x.)(h- y) 4hh N _ (h + x)(h + y) 3 4bh N _ (h - x)(h + y) 44bh (10..2.5) and the N/s are again such that NI at node I and NI = 0 at all the other nodes, with similar requirements for the other shape functions. In expanded form, 10.2 Rectangular Plane Stress E~ement ... 451 Eq. (10.2.4) becomes Ul Vi U2 {:} = [~l 0 Nt 0 N3 0 N3 N2 0 N2 0 N4 0 ~J V2 (10.2.6) U3 V3 U4 V4 Step 3 Define the Strain} Displacement and Stress} Strain Relationships Again the element strains for the two-dimensional stress state are given by au ox Ov (10.2.7) oy au av -+oy ox Using Eq. (10.2.6) inEq. (to.2.7) and taking the derivatives of u and v as indicated, we can express the strains in terms of the unknown nodal displacements as {e} = [B]{d} where 1 [B} = 4bh [-Ch-0 Y) 0 -(b -x) -(b - ,x) -(h - y) (10.2.8) (h - y) 0 o -(b+x) -(b+x) (h - y) (h + y) 0 -(h+ y) o ] (b+x) (b-x) o (b+x) (h +y) (b-x) -(h+y) o (10.2.9) From Eqs. (10.2.8) ~d (10.2.9), we observe that ex is a function of y. e, is a function of x, and Yxy is a function of both x and y. The stresses are again given by the formulas in Eq. (6.2.36), where [B] is now that of Eq. (10.2.9) and {d} is that of Eq. (10.2.1). Step 4 Derive the Element Stiffness Matrix and Equations The stiffness matrix is determiried by . I I ..1 [kJ = fh rb [B1 T [DJ fBI t dx dy (10.2.10) 452 .. 10 /soparametric Formulation with (D} again given by the usual plane stress or plane strain conditions, Eq. (6.1.8) or (6.1.10). Because the [B] matrix is a function of x and y, integration of Eq. (10.2.10) must be performed. The (kJ matrix for the rectangular element is now of order 8 x 8. The element force matrix is determined by Eq. (6.2.46) as {f} = JJJ [N] v T {X} dV + {P} + JJ[N.d T {T} dS (10.2.1 1) s \ where [NJ is the rectangular matrix in Eq. (10.2.6), and NI through N, are given by Eqs. (10.2.5). The element equations are then given by {f} = [k]{d} (10.2.'12) Steps 5-7 .Steps 5-7, which involve assembling the global stiffness matrix and equatjons, determining the unkDown nodal displacements, and calculating, the stre?S. are identical to those in Section 6.2 for the CST. However, the stresses within each element now vary in both' the x and y directions. . As previously pointed out when describing defects for the CST in Chapter 6, the bilinear rectangle element described this section also cannot provide pure bending. When this element is subjected to pure bending, it also develops false shear strain. This means that in a pure bending deformation, the bending moment needed to produce the deformation is predicted to be larger than the actual value when modeling with the rectangular element. Details of this shear locking are presented in [8]. To avoid the possibility of shear locking that occurs when the rectangular bilinear (four comer noded) element is subjected to bending. the higher order eightnoded quadratic rectangle has been developed and is described briefly in Section 10.6. This eight-noded element is created by adding mid-side nodes to the, bilinear element. in :1 10.3 Isoparametric Formulation of the Plane Element Stiffness Matrix Recall that the term isoparametric js derived from the use of the same shape functions to define the element shape as are used to define the displacements within the eJement. Thus, when the shape function is u = al + Q2S + a3t + 04St for the displacement, we use x al + alS + 03t + (4S1 for the description of a coorc,iinate point in the plane element. The natural-coordinate system s-t is defined by element'geometry and not by the 'element orientation in the global-coordinate system x-y. Much as in the bar element example, there is a transformation mappirig between the two coordinate systems for each element of a specific structure,' and this relationship must be used in the' element formulation. We wiIJ now discuss the isoparametric formulation of the simple linear plane element stiffness matrix. This formulation is general enough to be applied to more = 10.3 Jsoparametric Formulation of the Plane Element Stiffness Matrix ... 453 Edger == I Y,v (-1,1) I 1 (1,1) ,...---1------, 4 \ 3 Edge Edges 2 (-1,-1) Edger (1,-1) / = -I ' - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - .I,ll (a) (b) Figure 10-4 (a) Linear square element in s-t coordinates and (b) square element mapped into quadrilateral in x-y coordinates whose size and shape are determined by the eight nodal coordinates Xl ,Yl, ... ,Y4 complicated (higher-order, elements such as a quadratic plane element with three nodes along an edge, which can have straight or quadratic curved ·sides. Higherorder elements have additional nodes and use different shape functions as compared to the linear element, but the ·steps in the development of the stiffness matrices are the same. We will briefly discuss these elements after examining the linear plane element formulation. Step 1 Select Element Type First, the natural s-t coordinates are attached to the element, with the origin at the center of the element, as shown in Figure 10-4(a). The sand t axes need not be orthogonal, and neither has to be parallel to the x or y axis. The orientation of s-t coordinates is such that the four comer nodes and the edges of the quadrilateral are bounded by + 1 or -1. This orientation will later allow us to take advantage more fully of common numerical integration schemes. We consider the quadrilateral to have eight degrees of freedom, 'UI, VI, ••• ,14, and V4 associated with the global x and y directions. The element then has straight sides but is otherwise of arbitrary shape> as shown in Figure 10-4(b). For the special case when the distorted element becomes a rectangular element with sides parallel to the global x-y coordinates (see Figure 10-3), the s-t coordinates can be related to the global element coordinates x and y by x=x(7+bs y=yc+ ht (10.3.1) where XC' and Yc are the global coordinates of the element centroid. As we have shown for a rectangular element, the shape functions that define the displacements within the, element are given by Eqs. (10.2.5). These same sha~ functions will now be used to map the square of Figure 10-4(a) in isoparametric coordinates sand t to the quadrilatefal of Figure 10-4(b) in x and y coordinates whose size and shape are det~ined by the eight nodal coordinates XI ~YI, •• - 1 x4, and Y4- That 454 ... 10 Isoparametric Formulation is, letting x =at + a2S + a3t + a4st y = (10.3.2) as + a6s+a7 1+ asS! and solving for the a/s in tenus ofx:,x2,x3,x4,YI,Y2,Y3, and Y4, we establish a form similar to Eqs. (10.2.3) such that ! + (1 +s)(1 - t)X2 + (1 + s)(1 + t)X3 + (1 - s)(1 + t)X4] Y = H(1 - 8)(1 t)Yl + (1 + s)(1 t)Y2 + (I + s)(1 + t)Y3 + (1 - s)(1 + I)Y4] x = [(1 - s)(1 - t)Xl (10.3.3) Or, in matrix form, we can express Eqs. (10.3.3) as Xl Yl x2 {;} = [~I 0 Nt N2 0 0 N3 0 N2 0 N3 N4 0 ~J Y2 X3 (10.3.4) Y3 X4' Y4 where the shape functions ofEq. (10.3.4) are now Nt = (1 -8)(1 - t) N2 = (1 +$)(1 4 N3 = (1 + $)(1 + t) 4 t) 4 Tlr _ ""4 -:' (1 - $)(1 4 + t) (10.3.5) The shape functions of Eqs. (10.3.5) are linear. These shape functions are seen to map the $ and t coordinates of any point in the square element of Figure 10-4 (a) to those x and'y coordinates in the quadrilateral element of Figure 10-4(b). For instance, consider square element node 1 coordinates, where s = -1 and t -1. Using Eqs. (10.3.4) and (10.3.5), the left side of Eq. (10.3.4) becomes Y = Yl (10.3.6) x = XI Similarly, we can map the other local nodal coordinates at nodes 2. 3, and 4 such th<1t the square element in a-t ,isoparametric coordinates is mapped into a quadrilateral element in global coordinates. Also observe the property that NI + N2 + N3+ N4 1 for all values of s and t. We further observe that the shape functions in Eq. (10.3.5) are again such that Nt through N4 have the properties that Nt (i = 1,2, 3,4) is equal to one at node i and equal to zero at aU other nodes. The physical shapes of Ni as they vary over the element with natural cOQrdinates are shown in Figure 10-5. For instance, NI represents the geometric shape for Xl = 1, Y1 = 1. and X2,Y2,X3,Yl, X4, and Y4 all equal to zero. Until this point in the discussion, we have always developed the element shape functions either by assuming some relationship between the natu..-a1 and global = 10.3 Isoparametric Formulation of the Plane Element Stiffness Matrix I .A. 455 I s~ Figure t 0-5 Variations .of the shape functions over a linear square element coordinates in tenns of the generalized coordimttes (a/s) as in Eqs. (10.3.2) or, similarly, by assuming a displacement funct~on in terms of the a/so However, physical intuition can often guide us in directly expressing shape functions based on the following two criteria set forth in Section 3.2 and used on nuinerous occasions: . n I:M=l (i = 1, 2, ... , n) i=l where n = the nmnber of shape functions corresponding to displacement shape functions Ni • and Ni = 1 at node i and Ni = 0 at an nodes other than i. In addition, a third criterion is based on Lagrangian interpolation when displaoement continuity is to be satisfied, or on Hermitian interpolation when additional slope continuity needs to be satisfied, as in the beam element of Chapter 4. (For a description of the use of Lagrangian and Hermitian interpolation to develop shape functions, consult References [4J and [6}.) Step 2 Select Displacement Functions The displacement functions within an element are now similarly defined by the same shape functions as are used to define the element shape; that is, Ut VI U2 {:} = [~l 0 NI Nz 0 0 N3 N2 0 o· N4 N3 0 ~J V2 U3 V3 U4 V4 (10.3.7) 456 .. 10 tsoparametric Formulation where u and v are displacements parallel to the global x and y coordinates, and the shape functions are given by Eqs. (10.3.5). The displacement of an interior point P located at (x,y) in the element of Figure l0-4(b) is desCribed by u and v in Eq. (10.3.7). Comparing Eqs. (10.2.6) and (10.3.7). we see similarities between the rectangular element with sides of lengths 2b and 2h (Figure 10-3) and the square element with sides of length 2. If we let b = 1 and h = I) the two sets of shape functions, Eqs. (10.2.5) and (l0.3.5}, are identical. Step 3 Define the Strainj Displacement and Stressj Strain Relationships We now want to fonnulate element matrix J1 to evaluate k. However, because it becomes tedious and difficult (if not impossible) to write the shape functions in terms of the x and y coordinates, as seen in Chapter 8, we will carry out the formulation in terms of the isoparametric coordinates s· and t. This may appear tedious, but it is easier to use the s- and t-coordinate expressions than to attempt to use the x- and y-coordinate expressions. This approach also leads to a simple computer program formulation. To construct an element stiffness matrix, we must determine the strains, which are defined in terms of the derivatives of the displacements with respect to the x and y coordinates. The displacements, however, are now functions of the s and t coordinates, as given by Eq. (10.3.7). with the shape functions given by Eqs. (10.3.5). Beforl;~, we could determine (of/ox) and (of joy), where> in general,fis a function representing the displacement functions u or v. However, 'u and v are now expressed tn terms of $ and t. Therefore, we need to apply the chain rule of differentiation because it will not be'possible to express sand t as functions of x and y directly. For f as a function of x and y, the chain rule yields of = of ox + of oy as· ox as oyos' (10.3.8) 0/ a/ax olay -=--+-at ax at' ayat In Eq. (10.3.8), (af /as) , (af jot), (ox/as), (ayjos), (axjat), and (ay/ot) are all known using Eqs. (10.3.7) and (10.3.4). We still seek (0/lox) and (af joy). The strains can then be found; for example, ex = (fJujax). Therefore, we solve Eqs. (10.3.8) for (oflox) and (of joy) using 'Cramer's rule, which involves evaluation of detenninants (Appendix B), as 0/ oy as as of oy of at at -= .ax ox oy as as ax ay at at ax of as as ax af -= ay ax as of at ay as ox ay at .at (10.3.9) 10.3 Isoparametric Formulation of the Plane Element Stiffness Matrix .4 457 where the determinant in the denominator is the ~ ..mninant of the Jacobian matrix I.. !fence, the Jacobian matrix is given by [1] = [ ~; as] (10.3.10) " ax ay ai at We now want to express the element strains as ~.= Brl (10.3.11) where !1 must now be expressed as a function of sand t. We start with the usual relationship between strains and displacements given in matrix fonn· as ~ r:}= Yxy ax 0 0 Ty" o( ) {:} (10.3.12) a() 8( ) BY ax where the rectangular matrix on the right side of Eq. (10.3.12) is an operator matrix; that is, 8( )1 and 8( )loy represent the partial derivatives of any variable we put inside the parentheses. Using Eqs. (10.3.9) and evaluating the determinant in the numerators; we have ox ~=-.!... [OY ~_ Oy~] aX III at os as at (10.3.13) ~=-.!... [ox ~_ Ox~] oy III aS at at os where III is the determinant of I given by Eq. (10.3.10). Using Eq. (10.3.13) in Eq. (10.3.12) we obtain the strains expressed in terms of the natural coordinates (S-/) as {q=I~1 ay o() at as oy a( ) os at ----- 0 0 ox 8() ax o( ) os Tt-JtTs Yxy {:} (10.3.14) ax o() ox 8( ) oy o() oya() os Tt- at Ts aias- os Tt Using Eq. (10.3.7), we can express Eq. (10.3.14) in tenns of the shape functions and global co'ordinates in compact matrix fonn as ~ = Il'lfrl (10.3.15) 458 A 10 Isoparametric Formulation where Ii is an operator matrix given by o I 1 ox o() ax 00 os Tt. Ts o Il = III (10.3.16) ox ao ox 00 ay ao oy 00 os Tt- at as ot Ts- as Tt and!! is the 2 x 8 shape function matrix given as the first matrix on the right side of Eq. (10.3.7) and 4. is the column matrix on the right side ofEq. (10.3.7). Defining g as B = (3 x 8) /2' !! (3 x 2) (2 x 8) (10.3.17) we have B expressed .as a function of sand t and thus have the strains in tenns of s and t. Here!l is of order 3 x 8, as indicat~ in Eq. (10.3.17). The explicit form of B can be obtained by substituting Eq. (10.3.16) for Ii and Eqs. (10.3.5) for the shape functions into Eq. {10.3.17}. The matrix multiplications yield g(s, t) = 1 III [BI B2 93 B4] (10.3.18) where the submatrices of !l are given by (10.3.19) Here i is a dummy variable equal to 1, 2, 3, and 4, and a = !fYl(S - 1) + Y2( -1 - s) + Ys(l + s) + Y4(1 - s)] b = ![YI(t - 1) + Y2(l-I) + Y3(1 + t) + Y4( -1- t)j (10.3.20) c = HXt(t -1) +x2(1 - t) +x3(1 + t) +x4(-1- t)} .d HXl(S-l) + x2(-1 -s) +x3(1 + s) + x4(1 - s)} Using the shape functions defined by Eqs. (10.3.5), we have Nt,s HI-I) Nt,t =1{s-l) (and so on) (10.3.21) where the comma followed by the variable s or t indicates differentiation with,respect to that Variable; that is, NI,s == oNl/os, and so on. The de~t III is a polynomial in sandt and is tedious to evaluate even for the simplest case of the linear plane element. However, using Eq. (10.3.10) for [J} and Eqs. (10.3.3) for x and y. we can 103 Isoparametric Formulation of the Plane Element Stiffness Matrix evaluate IIi as III = Hx,}t ~ 1 S-I. 1- t t-s 0 s+1 0 -t -1 -s-J s+t {Xc}T = [Xl l-s where X2 X} $-1 I ~~/ {y,} X41 {y,}=gl and ... 459 (10.3.22) (10.3.23) (10.3.24) We observe that IIi is a function of sand t and the ,known global coordinates Hence, D is a function of sand t in both the numerator and the denom· inator [because of 111 given by Eq. (10.3.22)J and of the known global coordinates Xl through Y 4 . . ' The stress/strain relationship is again Q = !dOd, where because the Jl matrix is a function of sand t, so aTso is the stress matrix Q. Xl, X2) ••• ,Y4. Step 4 Derive the Element Stiffness Matrix and Equations We now want to express the stiffness matrix in terms of s-t coordinates. For an element with a constant thickness h, we have !kJ = 11 [Bf[D][BJhdxdy (1O.3.25) A However,11 is now a function of~ and t. as seen by Eqs. (10.3.18)-(10.3.20), and so we must integrate with respect to sand t. Once again, to transform the variables and the region from X and y to s. and t, we must have a standatcl procedure that involves the deienninant of J.. This general ~ of transformation [4,5] is given by 11 f(x,y) dxdy = II f(s,I)lll dsdt A (10.3.26) A where the inclusion of ill in the integrand on the right side of Eq. (10.3.26) results from a theorem of integral calculus (see Reference [5J for the complete proof of this theorem). Using Eq. (1O.3.26) in Eq. (10.3.25), we obtain (10.3.27) The III and 11 are such as to result in complicated expressions within the integral ofEq. (10.3.27), and so the integrat,ion to determine the ~lement stiffness matrix is usually done numerically. A method for numerically integrating Eq. (10.3.27) is given in Section ']0.4. The stiffness matrix in Eq. (10.3.27) is of the order 8 x 8. J 460 ~ 10 Isoparametric Formulation Body Forces The "element body-force matrix will now be detennined from {h} (8 x 1) rr -I -1 [NJT {X} h!ll dsdt (8 x 2)(2 xl) (10.3.28) Like the stiffness matrix, the body-force matrix in Eq. (10.3.28) has to be evaluated by numerical integration. Surface Forces The surface-force matrix, say, along edge t = 1 (Figure 10-6) with overall length L, is l L {Is} = [Nsf {T} h-ds (4xl) -1(4x2)(2xl) 2 J or (10.3.29) PS}h!:.ds { Pt 2 (10.3.30) evaluated along 1=1 because NI = 0 and N2 = 0 along edge t = 1, and hence, no nodal forces exist at nodes I and 2. For the case of uniform (constant) Ps and PI along edge t = 1, the total surface-force matrix is {Is} L = h2"[O 0 OOps PI Ps Pt] T (10.3.31) Surface forces along other edges can be obtained similar to Eq. (10.3.30) by.merely using the proper shape functions associated with the edge where the tractions are applied. (-1, l) Ps 4 t t Pt t i (1, 1) 3 s 1 (-I. -1) 2, (1; -1) Figure 10-6 Surface traction: Ps and Pr acting at edge t 103 Isoparametric Formulation of the Plane Element Stiffness Matrix .A 461 Example 10.1 For the four~noded linear plane elemeQ.t shown in Figure 10-7 with a uniform surface traction along side 2-3, evaluate the force matrix by using the energy equivalent nodal forces obtained from the integral similar to Eq. (10.3.29). Let the thickness of the element be h = 0.1 in. y (0. 4) f-4~_ _ _----.;3~---.. (5,4) T:c = 2000 psi uniform ~ ___________~2~____~____~x (8.0) Figure lQ.::7 Element subjected to uniform surface traction Using Eq. (10.3.29), we have {Is} = J~I[Ns]~{T}h~dt (10.3.32) With length of side 2-3 given by 5 (10.3.33) Shape functions N2 and N3 must be used, as we are evaluating the surface traction along side 2-3 (at s = 1). Therefore, Eq. (10.3.33) becOmes {fs}=J' , -1 [N3f{T}h~2dt=Jl [N2 -} 0 N3 O]T{PS}h!::.2dt 0 N2 0 N3 Pt evaluated alOt;lg s (10:3.34) The shape functions for the four-noded linear plane element are taken from Eq. 00.3.5) as N (l+s)(l-t) $-t-st+l 2 4 N ,4 3' (l+s)(l+t) s+t+st+l 4 4 (10.3.35) The surface traction matrix is given by {T} = {~} = {2~} (10.3.36) 462 ... 10 Isoparametric Formulation Substituting Eq. (10.3.33) for Land Eq. (10.3.36) for the surface traction matrix and the thickness h = 0.1 inch into Eq. (10.3.32), we obtain Li 'I {is} = Simplifying Eq. 0] L I O N2 N N3 [Nsf {T}h"2 dt = (10.337)~ L1 ( 2000 ~ ° N3 we obtain { 5 ° }O.l2 dt evaluated along s = I 02{ [~:: ] 50{ [~lt {I.} (10.3.37) (10.3.38) dt evaluated along s Substituting the shape functions from Eq.(10.3.35) into Eq. (10.3.38), we have s-t-st+ 1 4 . JI 506 . {is} o -1 (10.3.39) s+ t +st + I dt o evaluated along s = 1 Upon substituting s = 1 int() the integrand in Eq. (10.3.39) and pc;nonning the explicit integration in Eq. (10.3.40), we obtain . . 2-21 . 0.50t- {is} = 5001 1 o -1 21+2 dt = 500 4 o. z21' 4 rj (10.3.4O) [0.501'4" o o -I Evaluating the resulting integration expression for each limit) we obtain the final expression for the surface traction matrix as , {Is} = 500 [0.50 - 0.25] 0 - 500 0.58 + 0.25 [-0.50 - 0.25] (1] 0 = 500 ~ lb '-0.50l 0.25 0 (10.3.41) Or in explicit fonn the surface tractions at nodes 2 and 3 are h2r} = [500] 0lb 500 { 0 h2:1 h3s 1s3t (10.3.42) • 10.4 Gaussian and Newton-Cotes Quadrature (Numerical Integration) 1: .... 463 10.4 Gaussian and Newton-Cotes Quadrature' (Numerical Integration) In this section, we will describe Gauss's method, one of the many schemes for numerical evaluation of definite integrals, because it has proved most useful for finite element work. For completion sake, we will also describe the more common numerical integration method of Newton-Cotes. The Newton-Cotes methods for one and two intervals of integration are the well-known trapezoid and Simpson's one-third rule, respectively. After describing both methods. we wiU then understand why the Gaussian quadrature method is used in finite element work. Gaussian Quadrature: To evaluate the integral ,I = J1 ydx (lOA.la) -1 = where Y y(x), we might choose (sample or evaluate) y at the midpoint y{O) = YI and multiply by the length of the -interval, as shown in Figure 10-8, to arrive at 1= 2YI, a result that is ~xact if the curve happens to be a straight line. This is an example of what is called one-point Gaussian quadrature because only one sampling pOint was used. Therefore, I = J1 -1 y(x) dx ~ 2y(0) (lOA.1b) which is the familiar midpoint rule. Generalization ofthe formula [Eq. (1O.4Jb)] leads to (10.4.2) That is) to approximate the integral, we evaluate the function at several sampling points n, multiply each value Yi by the appropriate weight w,., and add the teons. Gauss's method chooses the sampling points so that for a given number of points, the best possible accuracy is obtained. Sampling points are located sy~etrically with respect to the center of the interval. Symmetrically paired points are given the y --+ -----'"1 Yt Approximate area =2YI : I f I ----~----~----~------x -] 0 Figure 10-8. Gaussian quadrature using one sampling point 464 A 10 rsoparametric Formulation_ same weight Wi. Table 10-1 gives appropriate sampling points and weighting coefficients for the first three orders-that is, one, two, or three ~pling points (see R~fer­ ence [2] for more complete tables). For example, using two points (Figure 10-9), we simply have 1 = YJ + Y2 because WI = Wz = 1.000. This is the exact result if Y = f( x) is a polynomial Containing terms up to and including x 3• In general, Gaussian quadrature using 11 points (Gauss points) is exact if the integrand is a polynomial of degree 2n -,lor less. In using n points, we effectively replace the given function Y =/(x) by a,polynomial of degree 2n - 1. The accuracy of the numerical integration depends on how well the polynomial fits the given curve. If the functionf(x) is not a polynomial, Gaussian quadrature is inexact, but it becomes more accurate as more Gauss points are used. Also, it is important to understand that the ratio of two polynomials is, in general, not a polynomial; therefore, Gaussian quadrature win not yield exact integration of the ratio. t ~Yi Table 10-1 Table for Gauss points for integration from minus one to one, ft y(x) dx = Number of Points 2 Locations, Xi Associated Weights, W; XI =0.000 ... ± 0.577350269 I8962 ±0.77459666924148 x"X3 X2 =0.000 ... XI ,x.; ±0.8611363116 Xz. X3 = ±0.3399810436 2.000 1.000 0.555 ... 9 &= 0.888 ... 0.3478548451 0.6521451549 XI,X2 3 4 y I I Xl I +0.5773 .. . 0.5773 .. . Xl;::: - Yl J I, 4 -_ _ _ _~-L--~~--~I------~x -I ~ XI 1 Figure 10-9 Gaussian quadrature using two sampling points Two-Point Formula To illustrate the derivati9D of a twcrpoint (n = 2) Gauss formula based on Eq. (10.4.2), we have 1= JI -1 ydx= WIYt + W2Y2 = W1Y(Xl) + W2Y(X2) (10.4.3) 10.4 Gaussian and Newton-Cotes Quadrature (Numerical Integration) There are four unknown paI'2I1leters to determine: WI. assume a cubic function for y as follows: W21Xl, and A 465 X2. Therefore, we (10.4.4) In general, with four parameters in the two-point fonnula, we would expect the Gauss formula to exactly predict the area under the curve. That is, (10.4.5) However, we will assume, based on Gau~s's method, that WI = W2 and Xl = Xl as we use two'symmetrically located Gauss points at X = ±a with equal weights. The area predicted by Gauss's fonnula is (1OA.6) where y( -0) and y(a) are evaluated using Eq. (10.4.4). If the error, e = A - AG, is to vanish for any Co and C2 , we must have, using Eqs. (IOA.S) and (l0.4.6) in the error expression, oe -=0=2-2W and Be 2 2 -=0=--2a W OC2 or 3 (10.4.7a) or BCo a= Ii (10.4.7b) == 0.5773 ... Now W = 1 and a == 0.5773 ... are the Wj's and a/s (x/s) for the two-point Gaussian quadrature given in Table, 10-1. Example 10.2 Evaluate the integrals (a) I == I~1(X2 + cos(xj2)] dx and (b) I == tJuee..point Gaussian quadrature. 1.:1 (3x - x)dX using . (a) Using Table 10-1 for the three Gauss points and weights, we have XI = X3 = l WI = W3 =~, and W2 = ~. The integral then becomes ± 0.77459 ... , Xl = 0.000 .. 1= [(-0.77459)2 + cos ( - 0.7~459 fad)] §+ [0 2 ~ cos~] ~ "] 5 0.77459 + ( (0.77459)2 + cos ( 2 - rad) 9 = 1.918 + 0.667 = 2.585 Compared to the exact solution) ~e have Iex:lAI::t = 2.585. In this example, three-point Gaussian quadrature yields the exact answer to four significant figures. 466 • 10 Isoparametric Formulation (b) Using Table 10-1 for the three Gauss points and weights as in part (a), the integral then becomes [ = [3(-O.774S9} _ (-0.77459)] ~ + [3° - 0] ~ + [3(0.77459) (O.77459)1~ = 0.66755 + 0.88889 + 0.86065 = 2.4229{2.423 to four significant figures) Compared to the exact solution, we have [exact 0.004. = 2.427. The error is 2.427 2.423 = • In two dimensions, we obtain the quadrature formula by integrating first with respect to one coordinate and then with respect to the other as 1= L Lf(s,t)dsdt = = 4: Utj J L[~W,J(S;,t)] [2:: ~f(Sillj)] = E4: I / dt Wi Wi/(St. lj) (10.4.8) J In Eq. (10.4.8), we need not use the same number of Gauss points in each direction (that is, i does not have to equal j), but this is usually done. Thus, for example, a four-point Gauss rule (often described as a 2 x 2 rule) is shown in Figure 10-10. Equation (10.4.8) with i = 1,2 and j = I, 2 yields I = WI WII(s!, t1) + WI W2/(SI, t2) + W2 Wt!(S2, tl) + W2W2!(S2, t2) (10.4.9) where the four sampling points are at Si, ti = ±0.S773 ... = ± 1/v'3, and the weights are all LOOO. Hence, the double summation in Eq. (10.4.8) can really be interpreted as a single summation over the four points for the rectangle. In gen~al, in three dimensions., we have 1= flflft!(S,I,Z)drdtdZ= 4:4: Lk JiJI;-BjWk!(Si,tj,Zk) I $ "" -0.5173 ... (i = I) \ J s = 0.5713 ... (i == 2) '1 (s .. t2l !.r (S:b t~ I / --__ --- ---:.L-- 12 I I I I ! (.fl' I,) 14 I I . t = 0.5713. _. () I I (S2' 11) I --'t-------+---I= -0.5773 ... (j II ,3 I 2) 1) I Figure 10-10 Four-point Gaussian quadrature in two dimensions (10.4.10) 10.4 Gaussian and Newton-Cotes Quadrature (Numerical Integration) ... 467 Newton-Cotes Numerical Integration: We now describe the common numerical integration method caned the Newton~Cotes method for evaluation of definite integrals. However, the method does not yield as accurate of results as the Gaussian quadrature method and so is not normally used in finite element method evaluations, such as to evaluate the stiffness matrix. To evaluate the integral 1= JI ydx . -1 we assume the sampling points of y(x) are spaced at equal intervals. Since the limits of integration are from ~l to 1 using the isoparametric formulation) the Newton-Cotes formula is given by I 1= J 1'/ ydx = h -1 L GiYi = h(CoYo + ClYI + G Y2 + C Y3 + ... + enYn] 2 3 (10.4.11) i=() where the Ci are the Newton-Cotes constants for numerical integration with i intervals (the number of intervals will 'be one less than the number of sampli!!,g points, n) and h is the interval between the limits of integration (for limits of integration between -1 and 1 this makes h = 2). The Newton-Cotes constants have been published and are summarized in Table 10-2 for i = 1 to 6. The case i = 1 corresponds to the wenknown trapezoid rule illustrated by Figure 10-11. The case i = 2 corresponds to the well·known Simpson one-third rule. It is shown [9J that the formul,as for i = 3 and i = 5 have the same accuracy as the fomlUlas for i = 2 and i = 4, rctspectively. Therefore, it is recommended that the even fonnulas with i·= 2 and i = 4 be used in: practice. To obtain greater accuracy one can then use a smaller interval (include more evaluations of the function to be integrated). This can be accomplished by using a higher-order Newton-Cotes fonnula, thus increasing the number of intervals i. It is shown [9J that we need to use n equally spaced sampling points to integrate exactly a polynomial of order at most n - 1. On the other hand, using Gaussian quadrature r Table 10-2 Table for Newton-Cotes intervals and points for integration. -1 y(x) dx Intervals. 1 2 3 4 = h ~n CiYi No. of Points, n 2 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 Co C, 1/2 1/2 1/6 4/6 3/8 1/8 32/90 7/90 19/288 75/288 41/840 . 216/840 C2 1/6 3/8 12/90 50/288 27/840 C3 1/8 32/90 50/288 272/840 C4 Cs C6 (trapezoid rule) . (Simpson's 1/3 rule) (Simpson's 3/8 rule) 7/90 75/288 19/288 27/840 216/840 41/840 468 ... 10 Isoparametric Formulation y I YI I I I I I I I I I I ! ------_~l--------~O--------~-----------x Figure 10-11 Approximation of numerical integration (approximate area under curve) using; = 1 interval, n = 2 sampling points (trapezoid rule), for 'J1 1 1= _/(X)dX=h,~CjYi we have previously stated that we use unequally spaced sampling points nand integrate ,exactly a polynomial of order at most 2n - 1. For instance, using the Newton~Cotes formula with n = 2 sampling points, the highest order polynomial we . can integrate exactly 15 a linear one~ However, using Gaussian quadrature, we can integrate a cubic polynomial exactly. Gaussian quadrature is then more accurate with fewer sampling points than Newton-Cotes quadrature. This is because Gaussian quadrature is based on optimizing the position of the sampling points (not making them equally spaced as in,the Newton-Cotes method) and also optimizing the weights Wi given in Table 10-1. After the function is evaluated at the sampling points, the corresponding weights are multiplied by these evaluated functions as was illustrated in Examp]e 10.2. ' . . Example 10.3 is used to illustrate the Newton-Cotes method and compare its accuracy to that of the Gaussian quadrature method previously described. Example 10.3 Solve Example 10.2 using the Newton-Cotes method with! = 2 intervals (n = 3 samp1in~ points). That is, evaluate the integrals (a) I f~J {x2 + cos(x/2)]dx and (b) I = Ll(3x,-x)dx using the Newton-Cotes method. Using Table 10-2 with three sampling points means we evaluate the function inside the integrand at x -1, x = 0, and x = 1, and multiply each evaluated function by the respective Newton-Cotes numbers, 1/6,4/6, and Ij6',We,then add these three products together and finally multiply this sum by the interval of integration (h = 2) as follows: ' (iO.4.l2) 105 Evaluation of the Stiffness Matrix and Stress Matrix by Gaussian Quadrature .A. 469 (a): Using Eq. (10.4.12), we obtain yo = Xl + cos(xJ2) evaluated at x -1, etc. as follows: Yo = (_1)2 + cos( -1/2 rad) = 1.8775826 Yl = (0)2 + cos(Oj2) = 1 Y2 = (1)2 + 008(1/2 rad) Substituting Yo the integral as (lOA.13) 1.8775826 Y2 from Eq. (10.4.13) into Eq. (10.4.12» we obtain the evaluation of 1 4 1 ] 1=2 [6{1.8775826) +6(1) +6(1.8775826) 2.585 This solution compares exactly to the evaluation performed using Gaussian quadrature and to the exact solution. However, for higher-order functions the Gaussian quadrature method yields more accurate results than the Newton-Cotes method as illustrated by part (b) as follows: (b): Using Eq. (10.4.12), we obtain Yo = Yl 3(-1) - (-1) == ~ = 3° -0 = 1 Y2 = 31 - (1) = 2 Substituting Yo - Y2 into Eq. (10.4.12) we obtain I as I = 2[~ (~) +~(l) +~(2)J = 2.444 The error is 2.444 - 2.427 = 0.017. This error is larger than that found using Gaussian quadrature {see Example 10.2 (b). • A 10.5 Evaluation of the Stiffness Matrix and Stress Matrix by Gaussian Quadrature Evaluation of the Stiffness Matrix For the two-dimensional element, we have shown in previous chapters that If = II iT (x,Y)l!i(~,y)hdxdy (10.5.1 ) A where, in general, the integrand is a function of x and y and n~1 coordinate values. 470 A 10 Isoparametric Formulation Read in four Gauss points and weigl'll functions s;.tj = ±O.S773 ... ; Wi. WJ ... = I., I. Figure 10-12 Flowchart to evaluate k(e) by four-point Gaussian quadrature We,have shown in Section 10.3 that k for a quadrilateral element can be evaluated in terms of a local set of coordinates s-t, with limits from minus one to one within the element, and in tenns of global nodal-coordinates as given by Eq. (10.3.27). We repeat Eq. (10.3.27) here for convenience as k fl (10.5.2) [;BT(S,t)12B(a,t)ll1hds'dl is where III defined by Eq. (10.3.22) and B is defined by Eq. (10.3.18). In Eq. (10.5.2), each coefficient of the integrand Jl T12Blll must be evaluated by numerical integration in the same manner 33/(5, t) was integrated in Eq. (1O.4.9). A flowchart to evaluate If of Eq. (10.5.2) for an element using four-point Gaussian quadrature is given mFigure 10-12. The four-point Gaussian quadrature rule is relatively easy to use. Also, it has been shown to yield good results [7]. In Figure 10-12, in explicit form for f.':)uf-point Gaussian quadrature (now using the single summation notation with i = 1,2,3,4), we have If = JlT(Sl, t))12B(3},tl)Il(Sb tl)lhW1 WI + BT (a2' (2)12B($2, t2)Il(32, (2)lh W2 W2 + JlT (a3, t3)1l~(s3, t3)ll(S3, t3)lh W3 W3 + J1T (34. t4)!2!l(a4, (4)ll(S4, 14)lhW4 W4 where S I l l S4 (10.5.3) = -0.5773, 32 = -O.5773~ 12 = 0.5773, a3 = 0.5773, 13 = = t4, 0.5773 as shown in Figure 10-9, and WI = W2 = W3 -0.5773, and 1.000. = W4 = 105 Evaluation of the Stiffness Matrix and Stress Matrix by Gaussian Quadrature .. 471 Example 10.4 Evaluate the stiffness matrix for the quadrilateral element shown in Figure 10-13 using the four-point Gaussian quadrature ruJe. Let E = 30 X 10 6 psi and v = 0.25. The global coordinates are shown in inches. Assume h = 1 in. Using Eq. (10.5.3), we evaluate the !s matrix. Using the four-point rule, the four points are (SI' tl) = (S2,12) = (S3, 13) = {54, 14) = (-0.5773, -0.5773) (-0.5173,0.5773) (0.5773, -0.5773) (10.5.4a) (0.5173,0.5773) with weights WI = W2 = W3 = W4 = 1.000. Therefore, by Eq. (10.5.3), we have "If = BT (-0.5173, -0.5173)l}B( -0.5773, -0.5173) x II( -0.5173) -0.5173)1.(1 )(1.000)(1.000) + JlT (-0.5773, 0.5773)12B( -0.5773,0.5773) x II( -0.5773,0.5773)1(1)(1.000)(1:000) + lJT (0.5773, -0.5773)12B(0.5773, -0.5773) x II(0.5773, -0.5773)/(1)(1.000)(1.000) + llT (0.5773, 0.5773)!Jll(0.5773) 0.5773) x II(0.5773, 0.5173)1(1)(1.000)(1.000) (1O.5Ab) To evaluate If, we first evaluate III at each Gauss point by using Eq. (10.3.22). For instance, one part of III is given by Il{-0.5773,-0.5773)1 =.H3 5 S 31 1-(-0.5773) -0.5773-(-0.5773) -0.5773-1 0 -0.5773+ 1 -0.5713-( -0.5773) x -0.5773-(-0.5713) -0.5773-1 0 -0.5773+1 [ . !- (-0.5773) -0.5773+ (-0.5773) -0.5773 - 1 0 0 1 -0.5773-1 x {~} L~ (10.5.4c) = y the iwo-one element equals the one-two element, etc. Therefore, from the evaluations of the tenus above, the final stiffness matrix is . 4.67 0.667 0.661 4.67 [ -5.33 -5.33 1£ = ~: -5.33] -5.33 10.67 (10.6.26) Equation (10.6.26) is identical to Eq. (10.6.22) obtained analytically by direct explicit integration of each term in the stiffness matrix. • To further illustraie the concept of higher-order elements, we will consider the quadratic and cubic element shape functions as described in Reference [3]. Figure 10-16 shows a quadratic isoparametric element with four comer nodes and four additional midside nodes. TIlis eight-noded element is often called a "Q8" element. Edge,'" +1 (0. 1)1-_/_'---. 3 (J. I) (-1,1) (1,0) ~ -----, ,, I (-I. -I) -Edges"" '+1 '(0, -I) S 2(1· -I) 'Edger:-l ~------------..-------~------.z Figure 10-16 Quadratic isoparametric element 10.6 Higher-Order Shape Functions .' 481 The shape functions of the quadratic element are based on the incomplete cubic polynomial such that coordinates x and y are x= aJ + a2S + a3t + ll4St + asr +a6r2 + Q7rt + agsr2 (10.6.27) These functions have been chosen so that the number of generalized d~grees of freedom (2 per node times 8 nodes equals 16) are identical to the total nUmber of a/so The literature also refers to this eight-noded element as a "serendipity" element as it is based on an incomplete cubic, but it yi~lds good results in such cases as beam bending. We are also rein:inded that because we are considering an isoparametric formulation, displacements u and v.are of identical form as x andy, respectively, in Eq. (10.6.27). To describe'the shape functions, two forms are required-one for comer nodes and one for midside nodes, as given in Reference [3]. For the comer nodes (i = 1, 2,3,4), 1 Nt = (l - $)(1 - t)( -s N2 =!(1 +s)(1 - N3 = t - 1) t)(s- i-I) HI + 8)(1 + t)(s+t - N4 = 1(1- 3)(1 (10.6.28) 1) + t)( -S+ t 1) or, in compact index notation, we express Eqs. (10.6.28) as 1 Ni = (l + ssi)(l + t'i)(SSi + tti - I) '(10.6.29) where i is the number of the shape function and = -1, I ) 1, :-1 (i = 1,2,3,4) Ij = -1, -1, 1, 1 (i=l,2,3,4) Sf (10.6.30) For the midside nodes (i = 5,6,7,8), Ns =!(l- t)(1 +s)(I.:..s) N6 =4(1 +s)(1 + t)(l- t) (10.6.31) N7 =!{l + t)(1 + $)(1 - s) Ns =!(l- s)(1 + t)(1 - t) or, in index notation, N; = !(l- r}(l + tti) Nj =!(l + ssi)(l - t 2 ) tl = -1,1 (i= 5,7) Si = 1,-1 (i = 6,8) (10.6.32) 482 A 10 /soparametric Formulation We can observe from Eqs. (10.6.28) and (10.6.31) that an edge (and displacement) can vary with s2 (along t constant) or with t 2 (along s constant). Furthermore, Ni = 1 at node i and Ni = 0 at the other nodes, as it must be according to our usual definition of shape functions. The displacement functions are given by = { U} V [Nl 0 Nt 0 ~ 0 M 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 .~ 0 ~ 0 ~ o ~ 0 M 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 M 0 (10.6.33) x V8 and the strain matrix is now *- = liNd R=li!J with . We can develop the matrix 11 using Eq. (10.3.17) with lJI from Eq. (10.3.16) and with !i now the 2 x 16 matrix given in Eq. (10.6.33), where the N's are defined in explicit fonn by Eq. (10.6.28) and (10.6.31). To evaluate the matrix Jl and the matrix k for the eight~noded quadratic iso· parametric element, we now use the nine-point Gauss rule (often described as a 3 x 3 rule). Results using 2 x 2 and 3 x 3 rules have shown significant differences. and the 3 x 3 rule is recommended by Bathe and Wilson [7J. Table 10-1 indicates the locations of points and the associated weights. The 3 x 3 rule is shown in Figure 10-17. By adding a ninth node at s = 0, t 0 in Figure 10-16, we can create an element caUed a "Q9." This is an internal node that is not connected to any other nodes. We then add the QI7?P. and Q 1ss2t2 tenns to x and y, respectively in Eq. (10.6.27) and to u and y. The element is then called a Lagrange element as the shape functions can be derived using Lagrange interpolation formulas. For more on this subject consult [8J. S :: t"""'_ of = -0.7745......., 7 : 8 -+--~-I I I 5 I • 0.7745 ... 6 I • I I I --+--------+-1 J I t = I I I !_-+- .....I -9 0.7745 ... 2 t = -0..7745 ... 3 Figure 10-17 3 x 3 rule in two dimensions 10.6 Higher-Order Shape Functions A.. 483 y 4 ~----~------------------~x Figure 10-18 Cubic isoparametric element The cubic element in Figure 10-18 has four corner nodes and additional nodes taken to be,at one-third and two-thirds of the length along each side. The shape functions of the cubic element (as derived in Reference (3]) are based on the incomplete quartic polynomial such that x = OJ + 02S + 031 + 04S2 + 05Sl + 0612 + 07s1t + ogst2 + 09S3 + 0101'3 + ans3t + ai2sr3 (10.6.34) with a similar polynomial for y . For the corner nodes (i = I, 2, 3, 4), N; = 12 (1 + S3i)(1 + ttj)[9(s2 + t 2) - 10] with Sj and ti given by Eqs. (10.6.30). For the nodes on sides s = Ni =~(l +ssi)(l +9tti)(1 . with Sj = ± 1 and ti = ±i. Fo~ the nodes on sides Ni i. t (10.6.35) ± 1 (i = 7, 8, ll~ 12), (10.6.36) _12) = =:&(1 + tti)(l + 9ssi ) (1 - ± I (i = 5,6,9,10), s2) (10.6.37) with tj = ± 1 and Sj = ± Having the shape functions for the quadratic element given ~y Eqs." (10.6.28) and (1O.6.31) or for the cubic element given by ·Eqs. (10.6.3SY-(lO.6.37), we can again use Eq. (10.3.17) to obtain B and then Eq. (10.3.27) to set up k for numerical integration for the plane element. The eubic element requires a 3 x 3 rule (nine points) to eva)uate the matrix Is exactly. We then conclude that what really desired is a library of shape functions that can be used in the general equations developed for stiffness matrices, distributed load, and body force and can be applied not only to stress analysis but to nonstructural problems as welL Since in this discussion the element shape functions Ni relating x and y to nodal coordinates Xi and Yi are of the same fonn as the shape functions relating u and v to nodal displacements Ui and Vi, this is said to be an isoporametric formulation. For instance, for the linear element x = E~l NiXj and the displacement function u = L~l NiUi, use the same· shape functions Ni given by Eq. (10.3,5). If instead the shape functions for the coordinates are of lower order (say, linear for x) than the is J 484 • 10 lsoparametric Formulation shape functions used for displacements (say, quadratic for u) this is called a subpara~ metric formulation. FinalJy, referring to Figure 10-18, note that an element can have a linear shape along, say, one edge (1-2), a quadratic along, say, two edges (2-3 and 1-4), and a cubic aJong the other edge (3-4). Hence, the simple linear element can be mixed with different higher-order elements in regions of a model where rapid stress variation is expected. The advantage of the use of higher-order elements is further illustrated in Reference [3]. .... References [t] Irons, B. M., "Engineering Applications of Numerical Integration in Stiffness Methods," Journal of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Vol. 4, No. 11) pp. 20352037,1966. [2] Stroud, A. H., and Secrest, D., Gaussian Quadrature Formulas, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Oiffs, NJ, 1966. [31 Ergatoudis, I., Irons, B. M., and Zienkiewicz, O. C., "Curved Isoparametric, Quadrilateral Elements for Finite Element Analysis," International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 4~ pp. 31-42, 1968. {4] Zienkiewiez, O. C., The Finit.e Element Method, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill, London, 1977. [5J Thomas, B. G., and Finney, R. L., Calculus and Analytic Geometry, Addison-Wesley, Reading. MA, 1984. [6] Gallagher, R.• Finite Element Analysis Fundmnentals, Prentice-HaIl, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1975. [71 Bathe. K.. J., and Wilson, E. L., Nwnf!1';cal Methods in Finite Element Analysis, PrenticeHall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1976. [8] Cook, R. D., Malkus. D. S., Plesha, M. E., and Witt, R. 1., Concepts and Applications 0/ Fmite Element Analysis, 4th ed., Wiley, New York, 2002. (9) Bathe, KJaus-Jurgen, Fmite Element Procedures in Engineering Analysis, Prentice-Hall. . Englewood Cliffs, NeW Jersey. 1982. • Problems 10.1 For the three-noded linear strain bar with three coordinates of nodes XI, X2) and X3, shown in Figure PIO-l in the g1obal-coordinate system show that ,the Jacobian determinate is III = L12. L "2 L T 2 Figure Pl0-1 10.2 For the two-noded one-dimensional isoparametric element shown in Figure PI0-2 (a) and (b), with shape functions given by Eq. (10.1.5), determine (a) intrinsic coordinate 8 Problems A XI =Win. XA .. 485 A = 14 in. X2 =20 in. ! x, =5 in. (a) (b) Figure Pl0-2 at point A and (b) shape functions Nl and N2 at point A. If the displacements at nodes one and two are respectively, Ut = 0.006 'in. and ui = -0.006 in., determine (c) the value of the displacement at point A and (d) the strain in the element. 10.3 Answer the same questions as posed in problem 10.2 with the data listed under the Figure PI0-3. A A ! ~=60mm 1.12 =0.2 rnrn I xl=lOmm ~=30rnrn u, =b.OS rnrn U;z = 0.1 rnrn (a) (b) Figure P10-3 10.4 For the four-noded bar element in Figure PI0-4, show that the Jacobian determinate is III = L/2. Also determine the shape functions NI N4 and the strain/displacement matrix lJ.. Assume U 01 + OlS + 03; + a4s3 . ' -1 r -~ s 4 Figure P10-4 ~'------'~----------'I-----2 4 10.5 Using the three-noded bar element shown in Figure PIO-S (a) an:d (b), with s1)ape functions given by Eq. (10.6.9), determine (a) the intrinsic coordinate s at point A and (b) the shape functions, Nt, N2, and N3 at A. For the displacemen~ of the nodes shown in Figure PIO-5, detennme (c) the displacement at A and (d) the axial strain expression in the element. A (xA = 13 in.) XI"= "1 lOin. ! x2=20in. 1.12 -0.006 in. = = 0.006 in. (a) Figure P10-5 A (xA =7 in.) .%3 1.13 = 5 in. = 0.001 in. (b) ! .12,= lOin. U;z =0.003 in. 486 A10 Isoparametric Formulation 10.6 Using the three-noded bar element shown in Figure PlO-5 (a) and (b), with shape functions given by Eq. (10.6.9), determine (a) the intrinsic coordinate s at point A and (b) the shape functions, NI, N2, and NJ at point A. For the displacements of the nodes shown in Figure PIO-6, determine (c) the displacement at A and (d) the axial strain expression in the element. A (xA X3 = 1 mm u3 =0.001 mm ! = 1.5 mm) A (XA =2 nun Xl u2 =.0.002 mm ul = -0.001 nun (a) =2 mm ! X2 =2.5 mm) xl:: 3 mm X2 =4 mm u3 :: 0 U2 =0.001 nun (b) Figure Pl 0-6 10.7 'For the bar sUbjected to the linearly varying axia11ine load shown in Figure PI0-7. use the linear strain (three-noded element) with two elements in the model, to determine the nodal displacements and nodal stresses. Compare your answer with that in Figure 3-31 and Eqs. (3.1 L6) and (3.11.7). Let A 2 in.l and E = 30 X 106 psi. Hint: Use Eq. (10.6.22) for the element stiffness matrix. to xlb/in. 14~----60in.----r.t' r-----x Figure P10-7 10.8 Use the three-noded bar element and find the axial displacement at the end of the rod shown in Figure PlO-S. Determine t~e stress at x = 0) x L/2 and x = L. Let A = 2 X 10- 4 m2 , E = 205 GPa, and L = 4 m. Hint: use Eq. (10.6.22) for ~e element stiffness matrix. 2 kN/m (uniform) ~· I ----L=4m .+0-..... Figure Pl0-8 10.9 Show that the sum NI + Nl + N3 + N4 is equal to 1 anywhere on a rectangular element, where NI through N4 are defined by Eqs. (10.2.5). Problems ... 487 10.10 For the rectangular element of Figure 10-3 on page 450, the nodal displacements are given by =0 U2 = 0.005 in. U3 = 0.0025 in. V3 = -0.0025 in. V4 =0 Ul =0 VI V2 = 0.0025 in. 14 =0 For b = 2 in., h = 1 in., E = 30 X 106 psi; and \! = 0.3, detennine the element strains and stresses at the centroid of the element and at the comer nodes. 10.11 Derive III given by Eq. (10.3.22) for a four-noded isoparametric quadrilateral element. 10.12 Show that for the quadrilateral element described in Section 10.3, [J] can be expressed as [J} = . [~lrS N2 ,$ N),s Nl,t .f:V'2.t N3,t N4,S] [;~ N 4,I . ;~l X3 Y3 X4 Y4 10.13 Derive Eq. (10.3.18) with Bj given by Eq. (10.3.19) by substituting Eq. (10.3.16) for IJ' and Eqs. (10.3.5) for the shape functions into Eq. (10.3.17). 10.14 Use Eq. (10.3.30) with Ps = 0 and 'PI = P (a constant) alongside 3-4 of the element shown in Figure 10-6 on page 460 to obtain the nodal forces. 10.15 For the element shown in Figure PIO-1S, replace the distributed load with the energy equivalent nodal forces by evaluating a force matrix similar to Eq. (10.3.29). Let h = 0.1 in thick. 10.16 . Use Gaussian quadature with two and three Gauss points and Table 10-1 to evaluate the following integrals: (a) fl (d) Jl -1 cos.itk coss ds 1- s2 (b) (e) fl fl s2 ds (c) tis (f) S3 tl fl S4 ds scossds (g) ft (4$ - 2s)ds Then use the Newton-Cotes quadrature with two and three sampling points and Table 10-2 to evaluate the same integrals. 10.17 For the quadrilateral elements shown in Figure"PIO-I7, write a computer program to evaluate the ~ess matrices using fourapoint Ga~an quadrature as outlined in Section 10.5. Let E = 30 X 106 psi and v = 0.25. The global ~rdinates (in inches) are shown in the figures. 488 ..& 10 lsoparametric Formulation y Ty = 2000 psi uniform 4 (0, 4) f-----'----'--'""'" 2 (8,0) (a) y Linear 4 3 (8,4) (3,4) T,=SOOpsi 2 (8,0) x (b) Figure Pl0-15 y (3.4) D 3 3 4 Y (5.4) (3,4) 2 (.5, 2) (3, 2) I d(5.S) (3,2) 2 1 x (a) (S,2) JC (b) Figure Pl0-17 10.t8 For the quadrilateral elements shown in Figure PIO-18, evaluate .the stiffness Jl18.t.rices using four~point Gaussian quadrature as· outlined in Section 10.5. Let ,E = 210 GPa and v = 0.25. The global coordinates (in millimeters) are shown in the figures. 10.19 Evaluate the matrix B for the quadratic q'lladrilaterai element shown in Figure 10-16 on page 480 (Section 10.6). 10.20 Evaluate the stiffness matrix for the four-noded bar of Problem 10.4 using three-point Gaussian qUadrature. Problems 3 (,2"0 y 4 (10,10)1 'Y 3 (10. 10) "'"-------_x tJ 489 (20'20) (12.16) (20.15) 2(20,10) ... 2 I (20. 10) ~--------------.x (a) (b) Figure Pl0-18 10.21 For the rectangular element in Figure PIG-2I, with the nodal displacements given in Problem 10.10, detennine the!l. matrix. at s = 0, t 0 using the isoparametric formulation described iii Section 10.5. (Also see Example 1O.5.) 'Y (0,2) 4 3 (4,2) L (4,0) (0,0) 1 x 2 Figure Pl0-21 10.22 For the three-noded bar (Figure PIO-1), what Gaussian quadrature rule (how many Gauss points) would you recommend to evaluate the stiffness matrix? Why? Introduction In this chapter, we consider the three-dimensional, or solid, element. TIUs element is useful for the stress analysis of general three-dimensional bodies' that require more precise analysis than is possible througo two-dimensional andlor axisymmetric analysis. Examples of three-dimensional problems are arch dams, thick-walJed pressure vessels, and solid forging parts as used. for instance, in the heavy equipment and automotive industries. Figure 11-1 shows finite element models of some typical automobile parts. Also see Figure 1-7 for a model of a swing casting for a backhoe frame, Figure 1-9 for a model of a pelvis bone with an implant, and Figures I 1-7 through 11-10 of a forging part, a foot pedal, a hollow pipe section, and an alternator bracket, respectively. The tetrahedron is the basic three-'dimensional element, and it is used in the development ,of the shape functions, stiffness matrix. and force. matrices in terms of a global coordinate system. We follow this development with the isoparametric formulation of the stiffness matrix for the hexahedron, or brick element. Finally, we will provide some typical three-dimensional applications. In the last section of this chapter, we show some three-dimensional problems solved using a computer program. 4. 11.1 Three-Dimensional Stress and Strain We begin by considering the three-dimensional infinitesimal element in Cartesian coordinates with dimensions ix, dy, and dz and normal and shear stresses as shown in FigUre 11-2. This element conveniently represents the state of stress on three mutually perpendicular planes of a bod'y in a state of three-dimensional stress. As usual) normal stresses are perpendicular to the faces of the element and are represented by 11.1 Three-Dimensional Stress and Strain ... 491 (a) (b) Figure 11-1 (a) wheel rim; (b) engine block. «(a) Courtesy of Mark Blair; (b) courtesy of Mark Guard.) and (1:. Shear stresses act in the faces (planes) of the element and are represented by !xy, ty:, r=.~, and so on. From moment equilibrium Qf the element, we show in Appendix C that (1x, (Jy, 492 .. 11 Three-Dimensional Stress Analysis Hence, there are only three independent shear stresses) along with the three normal stresses_ dy ...F---t----... x. u Z, !oil Figure 11-2 Three-dimensional stresses on an element The element strain/displacement relationships are obtained in Appendix C. They are repeated here, for convenience. as ex = ov au ox 8)'= oy OW az = OZ (11.1.1) where u, v, and w are the displacements associated with the x,y, and z directions. The shear strains y are now given by au aD 'Yxy = oy + ox = Jlyx Yyz = oz + oy = Yzy au ow (11.1.2) au ox + OZ = Yxz ow Yzx = where, as for shear stresses, only three independent shear strains exist. We again represent the stresses and strains by column matrices as {a} = (1x ex (1y By (1z {e} = Cz t'xy Yxy t'yz 1>,z tzx YD: (11.1.3) The stress/strain relationships for an isotropic material are again given by , {a} [DJ{e} (11.1.4) 11.2 Tetrahedral Element .... 493 where {oJ and {e} are defined by Eqs. (11.1.3), and the constitutive matrix [Dl (see also Appendix C) is now given by v v 0 0 0 I-v v 0 I-v 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 I-v [DJ E (1 + v)(1 - 2v) 2v 1-2v Symmetry A (Il.L5) 0 2v 11.2 Tetrahedral Element We now develop the tetrahedral stress element stiffness matrix by again using the steps outlined in Chapter 1. The development is seen to be an extension of the plane ele· ment previously described in Chapter 6. This extension was suggested in References [1] and [2]. ' Step 1 Select Element Type Consider the tetrahedral element shown in Figure 11-3 with corner nodes 1-4. This element is a four-noded solid. The nodes of the element must be numbered such that when viewed from the last node (say, node 4), the first three nodes are ~umbered in a counterclockwise manner, such as 1,2, 3,4 or 2, 3, 1,4. This ordering of nodes avoids the calculation of negative volumes and is consistent with the counterclockwise node numbering associated with the CST element in Chapter 6. (Using an isoparametric [omulation to evaluate the If matrix for the tetrahedral element enables us to use the element node numbering in any orqer. The isoparametric fonnulation of Is: is left Z. loll Figure 11-3 Tetrahedral solid element } - - - - - - - - _ y, v X.U 494 .I. 11 Three-Dimensional Stress Analysis to Section 11.3.) The unknown nodal displacements are now given by {d} = (11.2.1) Hence l there are 3 degrees of freedom per node, or 12 total degrees of freedom per element. Step 2 Select Di~placement Functions For a compatible displacement field, the element displacement functions tI, v, and w must be linear along each edge because only two points (the corner nodes) exist along each edge, and the functions must be linear in each plane side of the tetrahedron. We then select the linear dJ.splacement functions as u(x)y,z) =al +a2x+a3y+a4z v(x,y, z) as + 06X + 01Y + asz w(x,y, z) = a9 (11.2.2) + alOX + allY + anZ In the same manner as in Chapter 6, we can express the a/s in terms of the known nodal coordinates (XJ,YI,Z\, •.. ,Z4) and the unknown nodal displacements (UI' VI, Wl~' •. , W4) of the element. Skipping the straightforward but tedious details, we obtain u(x,y,z) 1 = 6V {«(XI + PIX + Y1Y +OIZ)Ul + (a2 + P2X + Y2Y + OlZ)U2 + (/X3 + P3x + Y3Y + t>3 Z )U3 + (cX4 + P4 X + Y4Y +t>4 Z )Z4} (11.2.3) where 6 V is obtained by evaluating the detenninant 6V= XI Y1 Zt X2 Y2 Z2 x) Y3 Z3 X4 Y4 Z4 (11.2.4) 11.2 Tetrahed~al Element .. 495 and V represents the volume of the tetrahedron. The coefficients a.j,Pi! Yj) and (i = 1,2 1 3,4) in Eq. (11.2.3) are given by ()j 1 al = y, (.(2 X3 Y3 Z3 X4 Y4 Z4 Y2 Z2 PI = - 1 Y3 Z3 (l1.2.5) = -b1 =- =- Xl YI ZI X3 Y3 Z3 X4 Y4 Z4 (11.2.6) and Y2= - a.3 = Xl Y1 ZI X2 Y2 Z2 X4 Y4 Z4 1 Y1 P3 = - 1 Y2 ZI Z2 (11.2.7) and XI z\ Y3 = }'l 0C4 =- and X2 Y2 Z2 X3 Y3 Z3 ZI (1l.2.8) 1'4 =- Expressions for v and w are obtained by simply substituting v/s for all u/s and then w/s for all u/s in Eq .. (11.2.3}. The displacement expression for u given by Eq. (11.2.3), with similar expressions for v and w, can be written equivalently in expanded form in terms of the shape 496 ... 11 Three-Dimensional Stress Analysis functions and unknown nodal displacements as UI Vl {"} [NI0 v = 0 W 0 NI 0 0 0 N2 0 0 Nl 0 N2 0 0 0 N2 N3 0 0 0 N3 0 0 0 N3 N4 0 0 0 N4 0 Wt JJ 14 V4 W4 (11.2.9) where the shape functions are given by N _ (ell +f31 X +YIY+OIZ) )6V N _ 3- (1l3 + P3 X + f3Y N _ (1l2 + /32 x + Y2Y + 02Z ) 6V 2- N: _ (C4 + P4 +03 Z ) 6V 4 - X + Y4Y + 04Z) (11.2.10) 6V and the rectangular matrix on the right side of Eq. (11.2.9) is the shape function matrix [N1 Step 3 Define the StrainJ Displacement and StressJ Strain , Relationships The element strains for the three-dimensional stress state are given by ou ax ov oy Ex By {e} = ez Yxy OW az au ov --1-- Yyz oy' AX Yzx AU Ow -+oz oy (11.2.11) ow au -+ax oz Using Eq. (112.9) in Eq. (11.2.11» we_obtain {t} = [B]{d} where [Bl = [DI III 113 (11.2.12) .94J (11.2.13) 11.2 Tetrahedral Element ... 497 The submatrix 81 in Eq. (11.2.13) is defined by 0 0 0 NI" 0 0 NI" NI,x 0 Nt,z 0 N1,x 0 III = NI.z N"z 0 (11.2.14) Nl,y Nl.x the where) again, comma after the subscript indicates differentation with respect to the variable that follows. Submatrices lhll3, and 114 are defined by simply indexing the subscript in Eq. (11.2.14) from 1 to 2, 3, and then 4) respectively. Substituting the shape functions from Eqs. (11.2.10) into Eq. (11.2.14), III is expressed as PI 0 81 1 = 6V 0 1'1 0 01 0 0 1'1 0 0 til 0 PI (11.2.15) 0, Yl 0 p, with similar expressions for 82,83) and 84. The element stresses are related to the element strains by {a} = [D]{e} (1l.2.16) where the constitutive matrix for an elastic material is now given by Eq. (1 L1.5). Step 4 Derive the Element Stiffness Matrix and Equations • The element stiffness matrix is given by [k] = III [B1T[D][~JdV (11.2.17) v Because both matrices [B] and [D] are constant for the simple tetrahedral element, Eq. (11-.2.17) can be simplified to . Ik] = [Bf[D][B]V (11.2.18) where, again, V is the volume of the element. The element stiffness matrix is now of order 12 x 12. Body Forces The element body force matrix is given by {fo} = III v [N)T{X}dV (11.2.19) 498 .A 11 Three-Dimensional Stress Analysis where [NJ is given by the 3 x 12 matrix in Eq. (11.2.9), and {X} = U:} (11.2.20) For constant body forces, the nodal components ofthe total resultant body forces can be shown to be distributed to the nodes in four equal parts. That is, {fb} = i[Xb Yo Zb Xb Yb Zb Xh Yb Zb Xb Yb Zbl T The element body force is then a 12 x 1 matrix. Surface Forces Again, the surface forces are given by {Is} = JJ[Ns] T {T} dS (11.2.21) s .•where [Ns] is the shape function matrix evaluated on the surface where the surface traction occurs. For example, consider the case of uniform pressure p acting on the face with nodes 1-3 of the element shown in Figure 11-3 or 11--4. The resulting nodal forces become {Is} II [NI T.evaluated on surface 1.2,3 S {~: } dS (11.2.22) P:: where Px,Py, and Pt. are the Xl y, and z components, respectively, of p. Simplifying and integrating Eq. (11.2.22), we can show that Px py pz Px py {Is} = S~23 P: P.t py P. 0 0 0 (11.2.23) where SI23 is the area of the surface associated with nodes 1-3. The use ofvolurne coordinates, as explained in Reference {8], facilitates the integration of Eq. (11.2.22). 11.2 Tetrahedral Element .A. 499 Example 11.1 Evaluate the matrices necessary to determine the stiffness matrix for the tetrahedral element shown in Figure 11--4. Let E = 30 X 106 psi and v = 0.30. The coordinates are shown in the figure in units of inches. 3 (0,2.0) .... y ~~-- Figure 11-4 Tetrahedral element To evaluate the element stiffness matrix, we first detennine the element volume V and all a.'s, fl's, is, and a's from Eqs. (11.2.4)-(11.2.8). From Eq. (11.2.4), we have 1 2 o 0 0 6V= = 8 in 3 (11.2.24) -I: ~I=o (11.2.25) 020 2 0 From Eqs. (11.2.5), we obtain «, = I~ 0 2 .2 1 ~I 0 =0 p, = 2 I and slmilarly, Yl =0 61 =4 From Eqs. (11.2.6)-(11.2.8), we obtain a.2 = 8 fl2 = -2 Y2 =-4 =0 fl3 =-2 )13 =4 a2 =-1 as =-1 /34 = 4 Y4 = 0 04 =-2 !X3 '4 =0 (11.2.26) Note that a.'s typically have units of cubic inches or cubic meters, where f!s, y's, and o's have units of square inches or square meters. 500 A 11 Thre~Dimensional Stress Analysis Next, the shape functions are detennined using Eqs. (I 1.2.10) and the results from Eqs. {I 1.2.25) and (11.2.26) as 4z N1 = - 8 8 - 2x 4y-z N2 = ---8--'--(11.2.27) -2x+4y - z N3=--8-=-Note that NI + N2 + N3 +N4 = 1 is again satisfied. The 6 x 3 submatrices of the matrix 8, Eq. (11.2.13), are now evaluated using Eqs. (11.2.14) and (11.2.27) as Di 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 1 2 lh= 0 O· 2I 0 0 0 ! -i III = _1 0 0 .0 0 I '2 0 1 2 0 _1 4 I 1 I 84= 0 I '2 1 0 -4 I -4 1 -8 0 2 -'8 -'8 } ! 0 0 0 -'8 0 -'2 0 0 -2 0 0 0 0 0 -! I 0 0 _1 8 (11.2.28) 0 _1 4 0 0 0 0 O. 0 0 0 I '2 Next, the matrix !2 is evaluated using Eq. (11.1.5) as 0.7 30 X 106 [D1 = (1 + 0.3)(1- 0.6) 0 0.3 0.3 0 0 0 0.7 0.3 0 0 0 0.7 0 0 0.2 0 0 0.2 0 Symmetry 0.2 (11.2.29) Finally, substituting the re~ults from Eqs. (11.2.24), (11.2.28), and (11.2.29) into Eq. (11.2.18), we obtain the element stiffness matrix. The resulting 12 x 12 matrix, being cumbersome t6 obtain by longhand calculations, is best left for the computer to evaluate. • 11.3 Isoparametric Formulation A. .& 501 11.3 Isoparametric Formulation We now describe the isoparametric formulation of me stiffness matrix for some threedimensional hexahedral elements. linear Hexahed~1 Element The basic (linear) hexahedral element [Figure 11-5(a)] now has eight comer nodes with isoparametric natUl:al coordinates given by s, t, and Zl as shown in Figure 11-5(b). The element faces are now defined by $, t, z' : : : ±l. (We 'use $) t, and z' for the coordinate axes because they are probably simpler to use than Greek letters 'fJ, and C· The fonnulation of the stiffness matrix follows steps analogous to the isoparametric formulation of the stiffness matrix for the plane element in Chapter 10. The function to describe the element geometry for x in tenns of the generalized degrees of freedom a/sis e, use x= al + a2s + a3 t + tl4 i + asst + a6ti + a7is + agsti (11.3.1) The same fonn as Eq. (11.3.1) is used for y and z as well. Just start with a9 through a16 for y and a17 through Q24 for z. First, we expand Eq. (10.3.4) to include the z coordinate as follows: X} {Y . Z 1{Xi}) ([Ni 8 0 Yi L O N0i O i=l 0 0 Nj Zj, (11.3.2) . where the shape functions are now given by N; = (1 + 99;)(1 + Eti)(l + z'zD (11.3.3) 8 with Sj) 1hZ; ±l and i = 1,2, ... ) 8. For instancel Nl = (1 + 391)(1 + ttl)(l + zlzD (11.3.4) 8 (X7' Y7. z,) (x3. )'). %3) (-1,1, -I) (1, I. -1) 3r--!---"",' r3______________~7 (-I,l,l) 4f----!-,_,1 I (-I, I, -~)~- (-I -I 1) ,/' , '11<.../~---v5 (1, -1, 1) z' (a) (b) ,.' "t, Figure 11-5 Linear hexahedral element (a) in a global-coordinate system and (b) element mapped into ~ cube of two unit sides placed symmetrically with natural or intrinsic coordinates s, t, and Zl' S02 J. 11 Three-Dimensional Stress Analysis and when, from Figure 11-5, Sl we obtain = -1, t1 = -1, and z~ = +1 are used in Eq. (11.3.4), Nl = (1 - s)(1 - £)(1 + Zl) 8 (11.3.5) Explicit forms of the other shape functions fonow similarly. The shape functions in Eq. (11.3.3) map the natural coordinates (s, t,z') of any point in the element to any point in the global coordinates (x, y, z) when used in Eq. (11.3.2). For instance, when we let i = 8 and substitute Ss = 1, ts 1, z8 = 1 into Eq. (11.3.3) for Ns, we obtain Ns = (1 +s)(1 + t)(1 + z') 8 Similar expressions are obtained for the other shape functions. Then evaluating all shape functions at node 8, we obtain Ns = 1, and all other shape functions equal zero at node 8. [From Eq. (11.3.5), we see that Nt = 0 when s = 1 or when t 1.J Therefore, using Eq. (11.3.2), we obtain X Xs y=Ys z Zs We see that indeed Eq. (11.3.2) maps any point in the natural-coordinate system to one in the global-coordinate system. The displacement functions in terms of the generalized degrees of freedom are of the same form as used to describe the element geometry given by Eq. (1 1.3.1). Therefore we use the same shape functions as used to describe the geometry (Eq. (11.3.3)). The displacement functions now include w such that (11.3.6) with the same shape functions as defined by Eq. {I 1.3.3) and the size of the shape function matrix now 3 x 24. The Jacobian matrix [Eq. (10.3.10)] is now expanded to [1J= ox oy oz as as aS ax py az at at ai (11.3.7) ox oy az oz' az' az l Because the strain/displacement relationships, given by Eq. (II.2.11) in tenns of global coordinates, include differentiation with respect to z, we expand Eq. (10.3.9) 11.3 Isoparametric Formulation A 503 as follows: oj oy oz os os os of -= ax of -= oz of ot of oz' oj oz oy oz at at ax as ox at oy az oz' oz' ox af oz az' az' oz' III af oy -= as as of oz at at I Il! (11.3.8) ox oy of os os os ax oy of at ot at ax ay of oz' oz' oz' III Using Eqs. (11.3.8) by substituting u, v, and then w for f and using the definitions of the strains, we Ct,iD express the strains in tenns of natural coordinates (s, t, Zl) to obtain an equation similar to Eq. (10.3.14). In compact 'form, we can again express the strains in tenns of the shape functions and global nodal coordinates similar to Eq. (10.3.15). The matrix B, given by a form similar to Eq. (10.3.17), is now a function of s, t, and Zl and is of order 6 x 24. The 24 x 24 stiffness matrix is now given by (kl = fl f, fl[BJT(DJ[BJlII~dtdzl (11.3.9) Again, it is best to evaluate lk] by numerical integration (also see Section 10.4); that is, we evaluate (integrate) the eight-node hexahedral element stiffness matrix using a 2 x 2 x 2 rule (or two-poinfrule). Actually, eight points defined in Table 11-1 are used to evaluate If as 8 Is = 2: n (sil ti,zf)J2B(sj,Ii,Z:)II(si)ti,zDIW WjWk T i i=1 where W; = Wi = Wk for the two-point rule. As is true with the bilinear quadrilateral element described in Section 10.3, the eightnoded linear hexahedral element cannot model beam-bending action well because the element sides remain straight during the element deformation. During the bending process. the elements will be stretched and can shear lock. This concept of shear locking is described in more detail' in {I2J along with ways to remedy. it. However, the quadratic hexahedral element described subsequently remedies the shear locking problem. 504 A. 11 Three-Dimensional Stress Analysis Table 11-1 Table of Gauss points for linear hexahedral element with associated weightsO Points, i Sf 1 -1/,;3 1/,;3 1/,;3 -1/,;3 2 3 4 u z~f ti -1/../3 1/,;3 1/,;3 1/../3 1/,;3 1/../3 -1/../3 -1/..)3 -1/,)3 Weight, Wi 1/,;3 5 6 7 -1}-/3 1/,[3 -1/,[3 -1/,;3 1/.J3 -Ij.J3 8 -1/,;3 1/V3 -1/,;3 l/-/3 1/..)3 = 0.57735. Quadratic Hexahedral Element For the quadratic hexahedral element shown in Figure 11-6, we have a total of 20 nodes with the inclusion of a total of 12 midside nodes. The function describing the element geometry for x in terms of the 20 ai's is x = a, + a2s+ all + a4z' + asst + a6tz' + a7is + ag; + a9r + a lOz'2 + all;t + a12sr + al3rz' + al4t:J2 + alszt2s + a16i; + al7sti + alS? tz' + a19st2z' + a2osti2 (11.3.10) Similar expressions describe the y and z coordinates. The development of the stiffness matrix follows the steps we outlined before for the linear hexahedral element, where the shape functions now take on new forms. Again, letting Si, ti, z: = ±l, we have for the corner nodes (i = 1,2, ... ) 8), same (I 1.3.11) For the midside nodes at Si = 0) tj = ±I, z: = ±J (i = 17,18,19,20), we have Ni = (1 - s2)(l.+ tti)(i + ZIZ;) 4 4 J2 z· Figure 11-6 Quadratic hexahedral isoparametric element (11.3.12) 113 Isoparametric Formulation Figure 11-7 .A 50S Finite element model of a forging using linear and quadratic solid elements For the midside nodes at Si = ±I, ti 0, z; = ±l (i = 10,12,14,16), we have N = (I + SSi) (I j Finally, for the midside nodes at Si 12)(1 + ZIZ;) 4 = ±I, lz' = (I +SSi)(l ±I, z; + tli)(1 (11.3.13) = 0 (i = 9,11) 13, IS), we have z12) (11.3.14) 4 Note that the stiffness matrix for the quadratic solid element is of order 60 x 60 because it has 20 nodes and 3 degrees of freedom per node. The stiffness matrix for this 20-node quadratic solid element can be evaluated using a 3 x 3 x 3 rule (27 points). However, a special 14-point rule may be' a better choice [9,. 10j. As with the eight-noded plane element of Section 10.6 (Figure 10-16), the 20-node solid element is also called a serendipity element. Figures 1-7 and 11-7 show applications of the use of linear and quadratic (curved sides) solid elements to model three-dimensioQ.al solids. Finally, commercial computer programs, such as [I I] (also see references [46-56J of Chapter I), are available to solve three-dimensional problems. Figures 11-8, 11-9, and 11-10 show a steel foot pedal, a hollow cast-iron member, and an alternator bracket solved. using a computer program [1 I]. We emphasize that these problems have been solved using the three-dimensional element as opposed to using a twodimensional element, such as described in Chapters 6 and 8, as these problems have a three-dimensional stress state occurring in them. That is, the three normal and three shear stresses are of similar order of magnitude in some parts of the foot pedal, the cast-iron member, and the alternator bracket. The most accurate results will then occur when modeling these problems using the three-dimensional brick or tetrahedral elements (or a combination of both). . For the foot pedal, the largest principal stress was 4111 psi and the largest von Mises stress was 4023 psi, both located at the interior corner of the elbow. 506 ... , 1 Three-Dimensional Stress Analysis 51b I In' --- ~----------lOir:,. D 0.25 in. Figure 11-8 Three-dimensional steel foot pedal Figure 11-9 Cast iron hollow member,·E = 165 GPa with opening on frontside Figure 11-10 Meshed model of an altemator bracket (Courtesy of Andrew Heckman. Design Engineer, Seagrave Fire Apparatus, LtQ 11.3 Isoparametric Formulation A 507 The maximum displacement was 0.01234 in. down at the free end point H in Figure 11-8. The model had 889 nodes and 648 brick elements.' For the cast-iron member, the maximum principal stress was 19 MPa and the maximum von Mises stress was 23.2 MPa. Both results occurred at the top near the fixed wall support. The free end vertical displacement was -0.300 mm. Tabfe 11-2 Tabl~ comparing results for cantilever beam modeled using 4-noded-tetrahedral, 10-noded tetrahedral, 8-noded brick. and 2().-noded brick element Solid Element Used 4-noded tet 4-noded tet 4-noded tet 30 415 896 1658 144 4-noded tet 100noded tet 1: Number of Nodes 10-noded tet 8-noded brick 8-noded brick 8-noded brick 20-noded brick 2584 20-noded brick 20-noded brick Classical solution 1225 4961 64 343 1331 208 Number of Degrees of Freedom 90 1245 2688 4974 432 7152 192 .1029 3993 624 3675 14,883 Number of Elements Free End Displ., in. Principal Stress, psi 61 0.0053 1549 3729 7268 0.0282 0.0420 0.0548 0.1172 0.1277 0.1190 562 2357 3284 61 1549 27 216 1000 27 216 1000 0.1253 0.1277 0.1250 0.1285 0.1297 0.1286 4056 6601 7970 5893 6507 6836 7899 8350 8323 "6940 (Mr. William Gobeli for creating the results for Table 11-2) For the alternator bracket made of ASTM-A36 hot-rolled steel, the model consisted of 13,298 solid brick elements and 10,425 nodes. A tota.lload of 1000 lb was applied downward to the flat front face piece. The bracket back side was constrained against displacement. The largest von Mises stress was 11,538 psi located at the top surface near the center (narrowest) section of the bracket. The largest vertical deflection was 0.01623 in. at the front tip of the outer edge of the alternator bracket. It has been shown [31 that use of the simple eight-noded hexahedral element yields better results than use of the constant-strain tetrahedral discussed in Section 1I. t . Table 11.2 also illustrates the comparison between the corner-noded (constant-strain) tetrahedral, the linear-strain tetrahedral (mid-edge nodes added), the 8-noded brick, and the 20-noded brick models for a three-dimensional cantilever beam of length 100 in., base 6 in., and height 12 in. The beam has an end load of 10,000 Ib acting upward and is made of steel (E ~ 30 x 106 psi). A typical S-noded brick model with the principal stress plot is shown in Figure 11-11. The classical beam theory solution. for the vertical displacement and bending stress is also included for comparison. We can observe that the constant-strain tetrahedral gives very poor results, whereas the linear 508 A 11 Three-Dimensional Stress Analysis 27 Bricks Figure 11-11 Eight-noded brick model (27 Bricks) sh9win9 principal stress plot tetrahedral gives mucb..better results. This is because the linear-strain mode) predicts the beam-bending behavior much better. The 8-noded and 20-noded brick mOdels yield sim.itar but accurate results compared to the classica1 beam theory results. In summary, the use of the three-dimensional elements resu1ts in a large number of equations to be solved simultaneously. For instance, a model using a simple cube with, say> 20 by 20 by 20 nodes (= 8000 total nodes) for a region requires 8000 times 3 degrees of freedom per node (= 24,000) simultaneous equations. References [4-J} report on early three-dimensional programs and analysis procedures using solid elements such as a family of subparametric curvilinear elements, linear tetrahedral elements, and 8-noded linear and 20-noded quadratic isoparametric elements. ... References [1] Martin, H. C., "Plane Elasticity Problems and the Direct Stiffness Method." The Trend in -Engineering, Vol. 13, pp. 5-19, Jan. 1961. ' [2} Gallagher. R. H., Padlog, J., and Bijlaard, P. P., "Stress Analysis of Heated Complex Shapes;' jQW7lO.1 of the American Rocket Society, pp. 700-707, May 1962. [3} Me1osh, R. J., "Structural Analysis of Solids," J{)Umal of the Structw"al Division, American Society of Civil Engineers, pp. 205-223, Aug. 1963. [4] Chacour, S., "DANUTA, a Three-Dimensional Finite Element Program Used in the Ana1ysis of Turbo-Machinery," Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Journal of Basic Engineering, March 1972. [5] Rashid, Y. R.> "Three-Dimensional Analysis of Elastic Solids-I: Analysis Procedure," lnzernationtd Journal ofSolids and Structures, Vol. 5, pp. 1311-1331, 1969. [61 Rashid, Y. R., "Three-Dimensional Analysis of Elastic Solids-IT: The Computational Problem," Internationnl Journal ofSolids and Structures, Vol. 6, pp. 195-207, 1970. Problems ... 509 [7J Three-Dimensional Continuum Computer Programs for Structural Analysis, Cruse~ T. A., and Griffin, D. S., eds.~ American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1972. [8] Zienkiewicz, O. c., The Finite Element Method, 3rd ed., McGraw·HiU, London, 1977. [91 Irons) B. M., '''Quadrature Ru1es fOf Brick Based Finite Elements," International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 3, No.2, pp.293-294, 1971. [10) Hellen, T. K., "Effective Quadratw-e Rules for Quadratic Solid Isoparametric Finite EJements," International J()1lJ7W./ for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 4, No.4, pp. 597-599, 1972. [11] Linear Stress and Dynamics Reference Division, Docutech On-line Documentation, Algor, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA. [12} Cook, R. D., Malkus, D. S., Plesha, M. E., and Witt, R. 1.) Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis, 4th ed., Wiley, New York, 2002. 1: Problems 11.1 Evaluate the matrix II for the tetrahedral solid element shown in Figure PH-I. y y 2 (0,2,0) 4 (0,2,0) \ '\ \ '\ (2.0.0) 4. \(1,0.0) ... x )-----~3-:--- I 2 (0,0.2) (0.0,2) (a) ~i9ure (3, o. 0) r-~~~~3~~--x (b) Pl1-1 11.2 Evaluate the stiffness matrix for the elements shown in Figure PI 1-1. Let E = 30 X 10 6 psi and v 0.3. 11.3 For the ..eIement shown in Figure Pll-I. assume the nodal displacements have been detennined to be Ul 0.005 in. VI = 0.0 WI =0.0 U2 = 0.001 in. V2 = 0.0 W2 = 0.001 in. U3 = 0.005 in. 1'3 = 0.0 W3 = 0.0 U4 = -0.001 in. V4 = 0.0 W4 = 0.005 in. Determine the strains and then the stresses in the element. Let E = 30 x 10 6 psi and v 0.3. 11.4 What is special about the strains and stresses in the tetrahedral element? 510 ... 11 Three-Dimensional Stress Analysis 11.5 Show that for constant body force Zb acting on an element (l:'b = 0 and Yb == 0), Ub,}=fUJ where {lsi} represents the body forces at node i of the element with voiume 11.6 v. Evaluate the B matrix. for the tetrahedral solid element shown in Figure P11-6. The coordinates are in units of millimeters. (l0.7,0) :. ~o)4,(1~2'~ y (25,25,0) 2 (10. O. O} (10,2, S) 4 x (40.0,0) r-----------~~x 3 (25.0.2Si (b) (a) Figure P6-6 11.7 For the element shown in Figure Pll-6, assume the nodal displacements have been determined to be UJ =0.0 U2 = 0.01 U3 U4 VI =0.0 WI =0.0 mm V2 = 0.02mm Wz =0.01 rom = 0.02 mm V3 =0.01 mm W3 V4 0.01 nun W4 0.0 0.OO5mm = 0.01 mm Determine the strains and then "the stresses in the element. Let E = 210 GPa and v == 0.3. . 11.8 For the linear strain tetrahedral element shown in Figu)e Pll..".8) (a) express the displacement fields u, v, and w in ~he x, y and z di'rections, respectively. Hint: There are 4 Figure P11-8 Problems 10 nodes each with three translational degrees of freedom, Ui, Vi} ... 511 and Wi- Also look at the linear strain triangle given by Eq. (8.1.2) or the expansion of Eqs. (11.2.2). 11.9 Figure PII-9 shows how solid and plane elements may be connected. What restriction must be placed on the externally applied loads, for this connection to be acceptable? Figure Pll-9 x.,,/'" Solid elements 11.10 Express the explicit shape functions N2 through Ns, similar to NJ'-given by Eq. (11.3.4), for the linear hexahedral element shown in Figure 11-5 on page 501. 11.11 Express the explicit shape functions for the comer nodes of the quadratic hexahedral element shown in Figure 11-6 on page 504. 11.12 Write a computer program 'to evaluate k of Eq. {I 1.3.9) using a 2 x 2 x 2 Gaussian quadrature rule. Solve the following problems using a computer program. 11.13 Detennine the deflections at the four corners of the free end of the structural steel cantilever beam shown in FIgure Pl1-l3. Also detennine the maximum principal stress. % x Figure P11:"'13 [ I: 512 j. 11 Three:-Dimensional Stress Analysis 11.14 A ponion of a structural steel brake pedal in a vehicle is modeled as shown in Figure fl PI 1-14. Determine the maximum deflection at the pedal under a line load of 5th/in. All? as shown. . , O.2Sin. Figure Pl1-14 • 11.15 For the compressor flap valve shown in Figure PIl-15, determine the maximum operating pressure such that the material yield stress is not exceeded with a factor of safety of two. The valve is made of hardened 1020 steel with a modulus of elasticity of 30 million psi and a yield strength of 62,000 psL The valve tbiclmess is a unifonn 0.018 in. The value clip ears support the valve at opposite diameters. The pressure load is applied uniformly around the annular region. !02.2S0in. RO.lOO.in. 14----------- 2.750 in. ---~----""'I t::.. denotes fixed boundary. Figure Pll-1S 11.16 An S-shaped block used in force measurement as shown in Figure PIl.16 is to be designed for a pressure of 1000 psi applied uniformly to t~e top surface. Determine the Problems • 513 uniform thickness of the block needed such that the sensor is compressed no more than 0.05 in. Also make sure that the maximum stress from the maximum distonion energy failure theory is less than the yield strength of the materiaL Use a factor of safety of 1.5 on the stress only. The overall size of the block must fit in a 1.5-in.-high, l-in.-wide= l-in.-deep volume. The block should be made of steel. 1000 psi ~T I Figure P11-16 S-shaped b~.xk 11.17 A device is to be hydraulically loaded to resist an upward force P = 6000 Ib as shown in Figure PIl-I7. Determine the thickness of the device such that the maximum deflection is 0.1 in. vertically and the maximum stress is less than the yield strength using a factor of safety of 2 (only on the stress). The devi~ must fit in a space 7 in. high, 3 in. wide, and 2,3 in. deep. The top flange is bent vertically as shown, and the device is clamped to the floor. Use steel for the material. t p otij I ~go Section A-A Figure Pll-17 Hydraulically loaded device ~, - Introduction In this chapter, we will begin by describing elementary concepts of plate bending behavio~~d theory. The plate element is one of the more important structural elements and·is used to model and analyze such structures as pressure vessels> chimney stacks (Figure 1-5), and automobile parts. This descIiption of plate bending is followed by a discussion of some commonly used plate finite elements. A large number of plate bending element formulations exist that would require a lengthy chapter to cover. OUf purpose in this chapter is to present the derivation of the stiffness matrix for one of the most common plate bending finite elements and then to compare solutions to some classical problems from a variety of bending elements in the literature. We finish the chapter with a solution to a plate bending problem using a computer program. 1: 12.1 Basic Concepts of Plate Bending A plate can be considered the two~djmensional extension of a beam in simple bending. Both beams and plates support loads t~ansverse or perpendicular to their plane and through bending action. A plate is fiat (if it were curved, it would become a shell). A beam has a single bending moment resistance, while a plate resists bending about two axes and has a twisting moment. We will consider the classical thin-plate theory or Kirchhoff plate theory [I}. Many of the assumptions of this theory are analogous to the classical beam theory or Euler-Bernoulli beam theory described in Chapter 4 and in Reference [2]. Basic Behavior of Geometry and Deformation We begin the derivation of the basic thin-plate equations by considering the thin plate in the x-y plane and of thickness f measured in the _ direction shown in Figure 12-1. '-" J._ ";./-, 12.1 Basic Concepts of Plate Bending ... 515 y /L _______ _ z 2c // t It 'I t q / / /~/ // // ~------------~----+r--------x 2b Figure 12-1 Basic thin plate showing transverse loading and dimensions The plate surfaces are at z = ±t/2, and its midsurface is at z = O. The assumed basic geometry of the plate is as follows: (1) The plate thickness is much smaller than its inplane dimensions band c (that is, t « b or c). (If t is more than about one-tenth the span of the plate, then transverse shear deformation must be accounted for and-the plate is then said to be thick.) (2) The deflection w is much less than the thickness t '(that is, wJt« 1). Kirchhoff Assumptions Consider a differential slice cut from the. plate by planes perpendicular to the x axis as shown in Figure 12-2(a). Loading q causes the plate to deform laterallY'or upward in the z direction, and 'the deflection w of point P is assumed to be a function of x and y only; that is, w w(x,y) and the plate does not stretch in the z direction. A line a-b drawn perpendicular to the plate surfaces before loading .remains perpendicular to the surfaces after loading [Figure 12-2(b}]. This is consistent with the Kirchhoff assumptions as follows: 1. Nonnals remain nonnal. This implies that transverse shear strains Yyz = 0 and similarly Yxz = O. However, Yxy does not equal 0; right angles in the plane of the plate may not remain right angles after loading. The plate may twist in the plane. 2. Thickness changes can' be neglected and nounals undergo no extension. This means nonna) strain, ez = O. 3. NonnaJ stress z has no effect on in-plane strains e)C and Sy in the stress-strain equations and is considered negligible. 4. Membrane or in-plane forces are neglected here, and the plane stress resistance can be superimposed later (that is, the constant-strain triangle behavior of Chapter 6 can be, superimposed with the basic plate bending element resistance). That is, the in-plane deformations in the x and y directions at the midsurface are assumed to be zero; u(x,y,O) = 0 and v(x,y, 0) = O. a 516 .4. 12 Plate Bending Element II=-ZI'.I. w z,w a 1.....--..!.-4---i-+---~-- J:, II X,Zl b (a) (b) Figure 12-2 Differential slice of plate of thickness t (a) before loading and (b) displacements of point P after loading, based on Kirchhoff theory. Transverse shear deformation is neglected. and so right angles in the cross section remain right angles. Disp'acements in the y-z plane are similar Based on the Kirchhoff assumptions, any point P in Figure the x direction due to a small rotation ct of u = -Zct 12~2 has displacement in = -z(~:) (12.1.1) and similarly the same point has displacement in the y direction of v=-z(~;) (12.1.2) The curvature$, of the plate are then given as the. rate of change of the anguJar dis~ placements of the normals and are defined as (12.1.3) The first of Eqs. (12.1.3) is used in beam theory [Eq. (4. 1. Ie)}. Using the definitions for the in-plane strains from Eq. (6.1.4), along with Eq. (12.1.3), the in-plane strain/displacement equations become (12.1.4a) or using Eq. (12.1.3) in Eq.(12.l.4a), we have (12.1.4b) The first of Eqs. (12.l.4a) is used in beam theory [see Eq. (4.LlO)}. The others are new to plate theory. 12.1 Basic Concepts of Plate Bending Q. y ... 517 My z#. dy Mx M:r.y y dx Q. x x My.; Qy M.. (b) (a) Figure 12-3 Differential element of a plate with (a) stresses shown on the edges of the plate and (b) differential moments and forces Stress/Strain Relations Based on the third assumption above, the plane stress equations can be used to relate the in-piane stresses to the in-plane strains for an isotropic material as (J;x E = -1-(ex + vey ) -v2 (Jy = I _ E 1:;xy ".2 (ey + vex) (12.1.5) = Gyxy The in-plane normal stresses and shear stress are shown acting on the edges of the plate in Figure 12-3(a). Similar to the stress variation in a beam, these stresses vary linearly in""n1e Z direction from the mid surface of the plate. The transverse shear stre~ses r yz and 'Cxz are also present, even though transverse shear deformation is neglected. As in beam theory, these transverse stresses vary quadratically through the plate thickness. The stresses ofEq. (12.1.5) can be related to the bending moments Mx and ~. and to the twisting moment Mxy acting along the edges of the plate as shown in Figure 12-3(b). The moments are actually functions of x and y and are computed per unit length .in the plane of the plate. Therefore, the moments are I Mx = 12 J-t/2 tl2 z(Jx dz My = J-t/2 z(J.vdz JI .J 12 ZJxydz Mxy - (12.1.6) -t/2 The moments can be related to the curvatures by substituting Eqs. (1 2. 1.4b) into Eqs. (12.1.5) and then using those stresses in Eq. (12.1.6) to obtain DCI - v) Mxy = --2--K.xy where D = £t3 /[12(1 - ",2)J is called the bending rigidity of the plate. (12.1.7) 518 j. 12 Plate Bending Element The maximum magnitudes of the normal stresses on each edge of the plate are located at the top or bottom at z = t/2. For instance, it can be shown that (12.1.8) This formula is similar to the flexure fonnu)a U x Mxc/I when applied to a unit width of plate and when c = t/2. The governing equilibrium differential equation of plate bending is important in selecting the element displacement fields. The basis for this relationship is the equilibrium differential equations derived by the -equilibrium of forces with respect to the z direction and by the equilibrium of moments about the x and yaxes) respectively. These equilibrium equations result in the following differential equations: oQx 8Qy ax+ay+q 0 8M): + oMxy _ Qx = 0 ox oy (12.1.9) aMy + oMxy _ Q. = 0 oy ax )- where q is the transverse distributed loading and Qx and Qy are the transverse shear line loads shown in Figure 12-3(b). Now substituting the moment/curvature relations from Eq. (12.1.7) into the second and third of Eqs. (12.1.9), then solving those equations for Qx and Qy, and finally substituting the resulting expressions into the first of Eqs. (12.1.9), we obtain the governing partial differential equation for an isotropic, thin-plate bending behavior as 04w 204W 04W) D ( O~4 + ox20y2 + 8y4 = q (12.1.10) From Eq. (12.1.10), we observe that the solution of thin-plate bending using a displacement point of view depends on selection of the single-displacement component W, the transverse displacement. If we neglect the differentiation with respeCt to the y coordinate, Eq. (12.1.10) simplifies to Eq. (4.1.1g) for a beam (where the flexural rigidity D of the plate reduces to E1 of the beam when the Poisson effectis set to zero and the plate width becomes unity). Potential Energy of a Plate The total potential energy of a plate is given by U =! J(O'xex + O'yG)' + 'l'xY}'xy} dV (12.1.11) The potential energy can be expressed in tenns of the moments and curvatures by substituting Eqs. (12.1.4b) and (12.L~) in Eq. (12.1.1 I) as (12.1.12) 12.2 Derivation of a Plate Bending Element Stiffness Matrix and Equations ... 519 A 12.2 Derivation of a Plate Bending Element Stiffness Matrix and Equations Numerous finite elements for plate bending have been developed over the years, and Reference {31 cites 88 different elements. In this section we will introduce only one element formulation, the basic 12-degrees-of-freedom rectangular element shown in Figure 12-4. For more details of this formulation and of various other formulations including triangular elements, see References [4-18]. n m / Figure 12-4 Basic rectangular plate element with nodal degrees of freedom The formulation will be developed consistently with the stiffness matrix and equations for the bar} beam, plane stress/strain, axisymmetric, and solid elements of previous chapters. Step 1 Select Element Type We will consider the 12-degrees-of-freedom flat-plate bending element shown in Figure 12-4. Each node has 3 degrees of freedom-a transverse displacement win the z direction, a rotation Ox about the x axis, and a rotation Of about the y axis. The nodal displacement matrix at node i is given by {di } = {~i} (12.2.1) OYI where the rotations are related to the transverse displacement by ow ow By:= ~ ,+-;uy Oy = - uJ:\x (12.2.2) The negative sign on Oy is due to the fact that a negative displacement w is required to produce a positive rotation about the y axis. The total element displacement matrix is now given by {d} = {fit 4) flm fin} T (12.2.3) Step 2 Select the Displacement Function Because there are 12 total degrees of freedom for the element, we select a 12-term p01ynomial in x and y as follows: W = G! + G2X + G3Y + l1.4x2 + Gsxy + G6l + G7X3 + Qsx2y (12.2.4) 520 .. 12 Plate Bending Element Equation (12.2.4) is an incomplete quartic in the context of the Pascal triangle (Figure 8-2). The function is complete up to the third order (ten terms), and a choice of two more terms from the remaining five terms of a complete quartic must be made. The best choice is the x 3y and xy3 terms as they ensuie that we win have continuity in displacement among the interelement boundarieS. (The X4 and y4 terms would yield discontinuities of displacement along interelement boundaries and so must be rejected. The x 2y2 tenn is alone and cannot be paired with any other terms and so is also rejected.) The function [Eq. (12.2.4)J also satisfies the basic differential equation fEq. {I2.LlO)J over the unloaded part of the plate, although not a requirement in a minimum potential energy approximation. Furthermore, the function allows for rigid-body motion and constant strain, as terms are present to account for these phenomena in a structure. However, interelement slope discontinuities along common boundaries of elements are not ensured. To observe this di~ontinuity in slope, we evaluate the polynomial and its slopes along a side or edge (say, along side i-j, the x axis of Figure 12-4). We then obtain w = at oW OX = a2 + a2x+ 04X2 + 07X3 + 2a"x + 3a7X OW.2 -=:- a3 asx+ agX'""" oy = + 2 (12.2.5) + al2x3 The displacement w is a cubic as used for the beam element, while the slope ow/ox is the S<:!IDt as in beam bending. Based on the beam element, we recall that the four constants a"a2,04, and a7 can be defined by invoking the endpoint conditions of (Wj) wj, Oyt>Oyj). Therefore, wand ow/ax are completely defined along this edge. The normal slope ow/ey is a cubic in.x. However, only two degrees of freedom remain for definition of this slope, while four constants (a3, as, as, and all) exist. This slope is then not uniquely defined, and a slope discontinuity {)(xUIS., Thus, the function for w is said to' be nonconforming. The solution obtained from the finite element analySis using this element will not be a minimum potential energy solution. However, this element has proven to give acceptable results, and proofs of its convergence have been shown [8]. The constants al through a12 can be determined by expressing the 12 simultaneous equations linking the values of w and its slopes at'the nodes when the coordinates take up their appropriate values. First, we write rl ow +ay Ow - ax ~[o x y x2 0 +1 0 0-1 0 1 xy y2 +x +2y -2x -y 0 x3 ? x-y +x2 xy2 y3 +2xy +3y2 2 -3x -2xy _y2 0 0 x3y ~l +xJ +3 xy 2 -3x2y -i~ a1 a2 X (13 al2 (12.2.6) 12.2 Derivation of a Plate Bending Element Stiffness Matrix and Equations ... 521 or in simple matrix form the degrees of freedom matrix is {l/I} = {PJ{a} (12.2.7) where [P] is the 3 x 12 first matrix on the right side ofEq. (12.2.6). Next, we evaluate Eq. (12.2.6) at each node point as follows Xi Yi Xf XiYi o +1 0 +Xi y; xl +2Yi 0 xtY,' +x; X,,]; YT +2XiYi +3y; (12.2.8) I~ compact matrix foinl, we express Eq. (12.2.8) as {d} = [C]{a} (12.2.9) where [C] is the 12 x 12 matrix on the right side ofEq. (12.2.8). Therefore, the constants (a's) can be solved for by {a} = [C]-l{d}' (12.2.10) Equation (12.2.7) can now be expressed as {"'} or {l/I} [p][C]-1 {d} = [N}{d} (12.2.11) (12.2.12) where [NJ = [P] [Cr I .is the shape function matrix. A specific form of the shape functions Nj ) 1Yj, Nm , and Nn is given in Reference [9}. Step 3 Define the Strain (CUIvature)/ Displacement and Stress (Moment>/Curvature Relationships The curvature matrix, based on the curvatures of Eq.(12.1.3) is (12.2.13) {K} = { :; } 1Cxy or expressing Eq. (12.2.13) in matrix form, we have {K} = [QHa} (12.2.14) 522 j. 12 Plate Bending Element where [QJ is the coefficient matrix multiplied by the a's in Eq. (12.2.13). Using Eq. (12.2.10) for {a}, we express the curvature matrix as (12.2.15) {K} = [BJ{d} [BJ == [Q][C]-l where (12.2.16) is the gradient matrix. The ,moment/curvature matrix for a plate is given by {M} = Mx} My = [D} '{ 'Kx.} 'Ky {M;cy 'K:xy [DHBl{d} (12.2.17) where the [D} matrix is the constitutive matrix given for isotropic materials by [DJ 1 (12.2.18) I: v and Eq. (12.2.15) has been used in the final expression for Eq. (12.2.17). Step 4 Derive the Element Stiffness Matrix and Equations The stiffness matrix is given by the usual form of the stiffness matrix as [k] =.1J [B]T[D)[B]dxdy (12.2.19) where [B} is defined by Eq. (12.2.16) and [D] is defined by Eq. (12.2.18). The stiffness matrix for the four-noded rectangular element is of order 12 x 12. A specific expression for [k] is given,in References [4} and [5]. The surface force matrix due to distributed loading q acting per unit area in the z direction is obtained using the standard equation (12.2.20) For a uniform load q acting over the surface of an element of dimensions 2b x 2c, Eq. (12.2.20) yields the forces and moments at node i as fWi} f8xi { fByi ' 1/4 } 4qcb { -c/12 b/l2 (12.2.21) with similar expressions at nodesj,m, and n. We should nete that a uniform load yieJds applied couples at the nodes as part of the work-equivaJent load replacement, just as was the case for the beam element (Section 4.4). 12.3 Some Plate Element A 523 The element equations are given by fwi ktl kl2 fo:..:i k2t k22 !oyi k31 kn fSyn k n ,] kl.l21 k Bxi k), 12 ~vi 2,12 k:~,12 j Wi (12.2.22) 8yn The rest of the steps, including assembling the global equations) applying boundary conditions (now boundary conditions on w, Ox, Oy); and solving the equations for the nodal displacements and slopes (note three degrees of freedom per node), follow the standard procedures introduced in previous chapters. : A 12.3 Some Plate Element Numerical Comparisons A We now present some numerical comparisons of quadrilateral plate element formulations. Remember there are numerous plate element formulations in the literature. Figure 12-5 shows a number of plate ,element formulation results for a square plate simply supported all around and subjected to a concentrated vertical load applied at the center of the plate. The results are shown to illustrate the upper and lower bound solution behavior and demonstrate the convergence of solution for various plate element formulations. Included in these results is the 12-term polynomial described in Section 12.2. We note that the 12-term polynomial converges to the exact solution from above. It yields an upper bound solution. Because, the interelement continuity of slopes is not ensured by the 12-term polynomial, the lower bound classical characteristic of a minimum potential energy formulation is not obtained. However, as more elements are used, the solution converges to-the exact solution (1]. Figure 12-6 shows comparisons of triangular plate formulations for the same centrhli:y loaded simply supported plate used to compare quadrilateral element formulations in Figure 12-5. We can-observe from Figures"12-5 and 12-6 a number of different formulations with results that converge from above and below. Some of these elements produce better results than others. The Algor program [19] uses th~ Veubeke (after Baudoin Fraeijs de Veubeke) 16-degrees-of-freedom "subdomain" fonnulation [7} which converges from below, as it is based on a compatible displacement formulation. For more information on some of these formulations, consult the references at the end of the chapter. Finally, Figure 12-7 shows results for some selected Mindlin plate theory elements. Mindlin plate elements account for bending deformation and for transverse shear deformation. For more on Mindlin plate theory, see Reference [6]. The "het· erosis" element [101 is the best performing element in Figure 12-7. 524- it. 12 Plate Bending Element % Error in central displacement 20 ....----------,,.-------,-...,.--,,.---, Mixed formulation liDearM.w [lIJ 10 r - - - - - - - - T - - - I f - - - ' T - - - t - + - 1 f - - - I 12-term polynomial . [Eq. (12.2.4)] Mixed fonnulation quadratic M. w [II] O~~~~--~~~~~ p m Example 2 X 2 mesh Conforming quaiJrilateraI sub domain formulation [7] -10~--------~,.----~-~--~ -15L-----------~-----~-~-~ 2 1 3 4 6 00 Mesh size Figure 12-5 Numerical comparisons: quadrilateral prate element formulations. (Gallagher, R. H., Finite Element Analysis Fundamentals, 1975, p. 345. Reprinted by permission of Prentice-Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ.) A 12.4 Computer Solution for a Plate Bending Problem A computer program solution for plate bending problems [19] is now i1Justrated. The problem is that of a square steel plate fixed along all four edges and-subjected to a concentrated load at its center as shown in Figure 12-8. The plate element is a three- or four-noded eleIhent .formulated in threedimensional space. The element degrees of freedom allowed are all three translations (u, v, and w) and in-plane rotations (Ox and Oy). The rotational degrees of freedom normal to the plate are undefined and must be constrained_ The element fonnulated in the computer program is the 16-term polynomial described in References [5] and [7). This element is known as the Veubeke plate in the program. The 16-nod~ formulation converges from below for disp]acement analysis, as it is based on a compatible displacement fonnulation. This is also shown in Figure 12-5 for the clamped plate subjected to concentrated center load. the a 12.4 Computer Solution ... 525 % Error in central displacement 20.-------------~--~-.-.,,~ 15~------------+----r~r-r+~ 6·term (quadratic) polynomial [15] 10~~----------+---~-+~-r~ Bazelcy et al.• nonconforming (13J s~------~~--+_--_r~--r+~ 21-term (quintic) polynomial [17] °t==========1---r~-rt-1 lO-~ (cubic) plus oonstraints _5~____~[~16~]__~~~ Razzaque A-9 [14] -20L---~--------~--~~--~~ . 1 2 3 468 00 Mesh size (Fig. 12-5) Figure 12-6 Numerical comparisons for a simply supported square pla~e subjected to center load triangular element formulations. (Gallagher, R. H., Finite Element Analysis Fundamentals, 1975, p. 350. Reprinted by PermissIon of Prentice-Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ.) Example 12.1 A 2 x 2 mesh was created to model the plate. The resulting displacement plot is shown in Figure 12-9. The exact solution for the maximmn displacement (which occurs under the con'::' centrated load) is given in Reference [lJ as w = 0.OO56PL 21D = 0.OO56( -100 Ib)· (20 in.)2/(2.747 x 10 3 1h-in.) -0.0815 in., where D = (30 X 106 psi)(O.1 in)31 [12(1 - 0.3 2 )J = 2.747 X 103 Ib-in. Figure 12-10 (a) and (c) show moeJeIs of plate and beam elements combined. Beams can be combined with plates by 'having the beams match the ~terline of the plates as shown in Figure 12-IO(a). This ensures compatibility betweenihe plate and beam elements: The plate is the same as the one used in Figure. 12-9. The beam elements reinforce the plate so the maximmn deflection is reduced as shoVlD. in Figure 12-1 O(b). 526 A. '12 Plate Bending Element 1.2 r---.------r----r--...,.--,----,---...,.-----.--/ /--;-----,.- 1 1.1 Quadratic; R. S; also heterosis 7 '" ,2 ~ g .c -=:. ,t· 1 "0 41.) l.a .......... 0.9 "- Bilinear; S 'I. ..... \. \. 0 Possible divergence {see text) \. \. ::i '"S ~ ..... ..... "- \ 0.8 \ Bilinear;F 0,1 !:I. 1 10 20 30 50 100 200 300 500 1000 10' t Figure 12-7 Center deflection of a uniformly loaded clamped square plate of side length Lr and thickness t. An 8 x 8 mesh is used in all cases. Thin plates correspond to large LTlt. Transverse shear deformation becomes significant for small Ldt. Integration rules are reduced (R), selective (5), and full (F) [18], based on Mindlin plate element formulations. (Cook, R., Malkus D., and Plesha, M. Concepts 'and Applications of Finire Element Analysis. 3rd ed., 1989, p. 326. Reprinted by permission of John Wiley & Sons, !nc., New York.) looth Figcre 12-8 Displacement plot of the damped plate of Example 12.1 The beam elements used in this model were 2 in. by 12 in. rectangular cross sections used to stiffen the plate through the center, as indicated by the Jines dividing the plate into four parts. Figure 1-5 also illustrates how a chimney stack was modeled using both beam and plate elements. Another way to connect beam and plate elements is shown in Figure 12-10{c) where the beam elements are offset from the plate elements and short beam elements 12.4 Computer Solution Jt. 527 OispJElEmerrt .O.IJ"HI3 [UES O.fB-I11 D.lJ-:B33 Q.1EC5 OJE161 [1.[11083 o Figure 12-9 Displacement plot of the damped plate of Example 12.1 (a) Figure 1 ~-1 0 (a) ModeJ of beam and plate elements combined at centerline of ' elements, (b) vertical deflection plot for model in part (a), and (e) model showing . offset beam elements from the plate elements 528 A 12 Plate Bending Element Fixed Plate with Beam Reinforcement Nodal Displaceroont ZDlmponef( Concentrated Load of 100 Ib at center 0.1 in thicK plate in 0 2 x 12 in beams .1.3244~7e-001 ·2.648673&-007 ,,-. -3.97331e-007 1 ~~ ·5.297747e-007 '" ·6.6:22184&-007 .7.94662e-007 ·9.271057e-007 -1.05S549e-OOS .1.191S93e-OOO .1.324437a.OO6 (b) Nodal Displacement ZComponent in o -9.157011&-008 -1.831402a-007 -2.7471038-007 ~~ !:~~~~~ ·S.4942.06e-007 ./).4099076-007 -7.3256089-007 ·8.241309&-007 ·9.1570119-007 (c) Figure P12-10 (Continued) are used to connect the beam and plate elements at the nodes. In this model, 2 in. ~y 2 in. by in. thick square tubing properties we~selected for the beam elements. . ! At.. References (11 Timoshenko~ McGraw-HiII~ S. and Woinowsky·Krieger, S., Theory of Plates and Shells, 2nd ed., New York. 1969, [2} Gere, J. M., Mechanics of Material. 5th ed., Brooks/Cole 2001. Publish~ Pacific Grove, CA, Problems ... 529 [3] Hrabok, M. M., and Hrudley, T. M., "A Review and Catalog of Plate Bending Finite Elements," Computers and Structures, Vol. 19, No.3, 1984, pp. 479-495, [4} Zienkiewicz, O. C., and Taylor R. L., The Finite Element Method, 4th ed., Vol. 2, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1991. [5J Gallagher, R. H., Finite Element Analysis Fundamentals, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ,1975. [6] Cook, R. D., Malkus, D. S., Plesha, M. E., and Witt, R. J" Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis, 4th ed., Wiley. New York, 2002. [7] Fraeijs De Veubeke, B., "A Confonning Finite Element for Plate Bending," International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 4,'No. I, pp. '95-108,1968. [8J Walz,1. E., Fulton, R. E., and Cyrus N.J.,·"Accuracy and Convergence of Finite Element Approximations," Proceedings of the Second Conference on Matrix Method in Structural Mechanics, AFFDL TR 68-150, pp. 995-1027, Oct., 1968. [91 Me1osh, R. J., "Basis of Derivation of Matrices for the Direct Stiffness Method," Journal of AIAA, Vol. 1, pp. 1631-1637, 1963. [10J Hughes, T. 1. R., and Cohen, M., "The 'Heterosis' Finite Element for Plate Bending," Computers and Structures, Vol. 9, No.5, 1978, pp.445-450. [Ill Bron, J., and Dhatt, G., "Mixed Quadrilateral Elements f9f Bending," Journal of AIAA, Vol. 10, No. 10, pp. 1359-1361, Oct., 1972. {l21 Kikuchi, F., and Ando, Y., "Some Finite Element Solutions fur Plate Bending Problems by Simplified Hybrid Displacement Method," Nue/ear Engineering Design, Vol. 23, pp. 155-178,1972. [13] B32eley, G., Cheung, Y., Irons, B., and Zienkiewicz, 0., "'Triangular Elements in Plate Bending-Conforming and Non-Confonnmg Solutions," ProCeedings of the First Conference on Matrix Methods on Structural Mechanics, AFFDL TR 66-80, pp. 547-576, Oct., 1965. [14] Razzaque, A. Q., "Program for Triangular Elements with Derivative Smoothing," lnter7Ultional Journalfor Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 6, No.3, pp. 333-344, 1973. [15] Morley, L. S. D., "The Constant-Moment Plate Bending Element," Journal of Strain Analysis, Vol. 6, No.1, pp. 20-24, 1971. . [1~1 Harvey, J. W.) and Kelsey, S., "Triangular Plate Bending Elements with Enforced Compatibility", AIAA Journal, Vol. 9, pp. 1023-1026, 1971. [17] Cowper, G. R., Kosko, E., Lindberg, G., and Olson M., "Static and Dynamic Applications of a High Precision Triangular Plate Bending Element", AIAA Journal, ,Vol. 7, ~o. 10,pp. 1957-1965,1969. [18] Hinton, E., and Huang, H. C., "A Family of Quadrilateral Mindlin Plate Elements with Substitute Shear Strain Fields," Computers and SITUct'Ures, Vol. 23, No.3, pp. 409-431, 1986. [19J 'Linear Stress and Dynamics Reference Division, Docutech On-line Documentation, Algor, Inc., Pittsbnrgh, PA, 1999. ~ Problems . . Solve these problems using the plate element fro~ a computer program. 12.1 A square steel plate of dimensions 20 m. by 20 in. with thickness of 0.1 is clamped all around. The plate is subjected to a uniformly distnouted loading of I lbIin2 • Using a 2 by 2 mesh and then a 4 by 4 mesh, determine the maximum deflection and maximum stress in the plate. Compare the finite element solution to the classical one in [I J. 530 A 12 Plate Bending Element z y Figure P12-1 12.2 An L-shaped plate with thickness 0.1 in. is made of ASTM A-36 steel. Determine the deflection under the load and the maximum principal stress and its location using the plate element. Then model the plate as a grid with two beam elements with each beam having the stiffness of each L-portion of the plate and Compare your answer. Figure P12-2 12.3 A square simply supported 20 in. by 20 in. steel plate with thickness 0.15 in. has a round hole of 4 in. diameter drilled through its center. The plate is uniformly loaded with a load of 2 Ib/in 2 • Determine the maximum principal stress in the plate. y Figure P12-3 12.4 A C-channel section structural steel beam of 2 in. wide flanges, 3 in. depth and thickness of both flanges and web of 0.25 in. is loaded as shown with 100 lb acting in the y direction on the free end. Determine the free end deflection and angle of twist. Now move the load in the z direction until the rotation (angle of twist) becomes zero. This distance is calJed the shear center (the location where the force can be placed so that the cross section will bend but not twist). Problems .. 531 Figure P12-4 12.5 For the simply supported structural steel W 14 x 61 wide flange beam shown, compare the plate element model results with the classical beam bending results for deflection and bending stress. The beam is subjected to a central vertical load of 22 kip. The cross~sectional area is 17.9 in. 2, depth is 13.89 in., flange width is 9.995 in., flange thickness of 0.645 in., web thickness of 0.375 in., and moment of inertia about the strong axis of 640 in. 4 Figure P12-S 12.6 For the structural steel plate structure shown, detennine the maximwn principal stress and its location. If the stresses are unacceptably high, recommend any design changes. 'The initial thickness of each plate is 0.25 in. The left and right edges are simply supported. The load is a uniformly applied pressure of 10 Iblin. 2 over the top plate. I" 1'8""I /0''-..../ ~•.'-I Figure P12-6 532 ... 12 Plate Bending Element 12.7 Design a steel box structure 4 ft wide by 8 ft long made of plates to be used to protect construction workers while working i~ a trench. That is, determine a recommended thickness of each plate.. The depth of the structure must be 8 ft. Assume the loading is .from a side load acting along the long sides due to a wet soil (density of 62.41b/ft 3) and varies linearly with the depth. The allowable deflection of the plate type structure is 1 in. and the allowable stress is 20 ksi. Figure P12-7 z~ •• 12.8 Determine the maximum deflection and maximum pljncipal stress of the circular plate shown in Figure P12-8. The plate is subjected to a uniform pressure p = 700 kPa and fixed along its outer edge. Let E = 200 GPa, v = 0.3, radius, 500 mm, and thickness t= 5 mm. P .:t lIllII t ~ • x z y Figure P12-S 12.9 Determine the maximum deflection and maximum principal stress for the plate shown in Figure P12-9. The plate is fixed along all tl: ;e sides. A uniform pressure of 100 psi is applied to the surface. The plate is made of steel with E = 29 X 106 psi, v = 0.3, and thickness t = 0.50 in. a 30 in. and b = 4() in. 12.10 An aircraft cabin window of circular cross section and simple supports all around as shown in Figure P12-10 is made of polycarbonate with E = 0.345 X 106 pSi, V = 0.36, radius = 20 in.) and thickness t = 0.75 in. The safety of the material is tested, at a uniform pressure of 10 psi. Determine the maximum deflection and maximum principal stress in the material. The yield strength of the material is 9 ksi. Comment on the p0.tential use of this material in regard to strength and deflection. Problems .. 533 p I---r-.......- r--1 y Figure P12-9 Figure P12-1 0 12.11 A square steel plate 2 m by 2 m and 10 mm thick at the bottom of a tank must support salt water at a height of 3 m, as shown in Figure P12-11. Assume the plate to be built in (fixed all around). The plate allowable stress is 100 MPa. Let E = 200 GPa, v = 0.3 for the steel properties. The weight density of salt water is 10.054 kN/m 3• Determine the maximum principal stress in the plate and compare to the yield strength. 12.12 A stockroom fioor carries a uniform load of p 80 Iblft2 over half the floor as shown in Figure P12-12. The floor has opposite edges clamped and remaining edges and midspan simply supported. The dimensions are lOft by 20 ft. The floor thickness is 6 in. The fioor is made of reinforced concrete with E = 3 x 106 psi and v = 0.25. Determine the maximum deflection and maximum principal stress in the fioor. p 3m Ti lOft ~----------------~rI X I I I I I r i j t 2m Figure P12-11 y Figure P12-12 Introduction In this chapter, we present the first use in this text of the finite element method for solution of nonstructural problems. We first consider the heat-transfer problem, although many similar problems, such as seepage through porous media, torsion of shafts, and magnetostatics {3], can also be treated by the same form of equations (but with different physical characteristics) as thai for heat transfer. Familiarity with the heat-transfer problem makes possible detennination of the temperature distribution within a body. We can then determine the amount of heat moving into or out of the body and the thermal stresses. We begin with a derivation of the basic differential equation for heat conduction in one dimension and then extend this derivation to the two-dimensional case. We win then review the units used for the physical quantities involved in heat transfer. In preceding chapters dealing with stress analysis, we used the principle of minimum potential energy to derive the element equations; where an assumed displacement function within each element was used as a starting point in the derivation. We will now use a similar procedure for the non structural heat-transfer problem. We'define an assumed temperature function within each element. Instead of minimizing a potential energy functional, we minimize a similar functional to obtain the element equations. Matrices analogous to the stiffness and force matrices of the structural problem resull We will consider one-, two-, and three-dimensional finite element formulations of the heat-transfer problem and provide illustrative examples of the determination of the temperature distribution along the length of a rod and within a twodimensional body and show some three-dimensional heat transfer exampJes as well. Next, we will consider the contribution of fluid mass transport. The onedimensional mass-transport phenomenon is included in the basic heat-transfer differ~ ential equation. Because it is not readily apparent that a variational formulation is possible for this problem, we will apply Galerkin~s residual method directly to the 13.1 Derivation of the Basic Differential Equation .. 535 differential equation to obtain the finite element equations. (You should note that the mass transport stiffness matrix is asymmetric.) We will compare an analytical solution to the finite element solution for a heat exchanger design/analysis problem to show the excellent agreement. . Finally) we will present some computer program results for two-dimensional heat transfer. I 13.1 Derivation of the Basic Differential Equation One-Dimensional Heat Conduction (without Convection) We now consider the derivation of the basic differential equation for the onedimensional problem of heat conduction without convection. The purpose of this derivation is to present a physical insight into the heat-transfer phenomena, which must be understood so that the finite element fonnulation of the problem can be fully understood. (For additional infonnation on heat transfer, consult texts such as References [1] and [2J.) We begin with the control volume shown in Figure 13-1. By conservation of energy) we'have (13.1.1) qxA dt + QA dx dt = AU + qx+dxA dt or where Em is the energy entering the control volume, in units of joules (J) or kW·horBtu. AU is the change in stored energy, in units of kW . h (kWh) or Btu. qx is the heat conducted (heat flux) into the control volume at surface edge x, in units of kW/m2 or BtuI(h.ft2). qx+dx is the heat conducted out of the control volume at the surface edge x+dx. i is time, in h or s (in U. S. customary units) or s (in S1 units). Insulated boundary Figure 13-1 Control volume for one-dimensional heat conduction Insulated boundary dx (13.1.2) 536 .. 13 Heat Transfer and Mass Transport Q is the internal heat source (heat generated per unit time per unit volume is positive), in kW/m 3 or Btul(h-ft3) (a heat sink, beat drawn out of the volume, is negative). A is the cross-sectional area perpendicular to heat flow q, in m2 or ftl. By Fourier's Jaw of heat conduction, dT qx = -Kxx dx where is the thermal conductivity in the x direction, in kW/(m . 0C) or BtU/(h-ft-OF). Kxx T is the temperature, in °C or "'F. dT jdx is the temperature gradient, in "C/m or of/ft. Equation (13.1.3) states that the be!:t flux in the x direction is proportional to the gradient of temperature in the x direction. The minus sign in Eq. (13.1.3) implies that, by convention, heat flow is positive in the direction opposite the direction of temperature increase. Equation (13.1.3) is analogous to the one-dimensional stress/strain law for the stress analysis problem-that is, to (Ix = E(dujdx). Similarly, qi+dx = dT, . -Kxxdx x+J.x (13.1.4) dx. By Taylor series expansion, where the gradient in Eq. (13.1.4) is evaluated at x + for any general functionf(x), we have df d 2f cJ.il ix+dx =ix+ dx dx + dx 2 T+ ... Therefore, using a two-term Taylor. series, Eq. (13.1.4) becomes qx+dx = - [Kxx a; + ! (Kxx ~ dx] ,(13.1.5) The change in stored energy can be expressed by ~U = specific heat x mass x change in temperature =c(pAdx)dT (13.1.6) where c is the specific heat in kW . h/(kg . 0C) or Btul(s}ug-OF), and p is the mass density in kg/m l or slug/ft3 . On substituting Eqs. (13.L3), (13.1.5), and (13.1.6) into Eq. (13.1.2), diViding Eq. (13.1.2Y by Adxdt, and simplifying, we have the onedimensional heat conduction equation as o(OT) oTat K:xx- +Q=pcax - ox (13.1.7) For steady state, any differentiation with respect to time is equal to zero) so Eq. (13.1.7) becomes .!!.. (Kxx d'D + Q= 0 dx £) ( 13.1.8) 13.1 Derivation of the Basic Differential Equation (,-0 (insulated) ... 537 ELr:r. ~~S! Figure 13-2 Examples of boundary conditions in one-dimensional heat conduction For constant thennaI conductivity and steady state, Eq. (13.1.7) becomes d2T Kxx (13.1.9) dx 2 +Q=O The boundary conditions are of the fonn (13.1.10) T= TB where TB represents a known boundary temperature and SI is a surface where the temperature is known, and - Kxx dT (13.1.1 I) dx = constant q; where S2 is a surface where the prescribed heat flux or temperature gradient is known. On an insulated boundary, = O. These different boundary conditions are shown in Figure 13-2, where by sign convention, positive occurs when heat is flowing into the body) and negative q; when heat is flowing out of the body. q; q; Two-Dimensional Heat Conduction (Without Convection) Consider the two-dimensional heat conduction problem in Figure 13-3. In a manner similar to the, one-dimensional case" for steady-state conditions, we can show that for material properties coinciding with the global x and y directions, oxo (K;u OT)' ox + oy0(KyY OT) ay + Q= 0 (13.1.12) with boundary conditions onSI (13.1.13) J, I i (13.1.14) Q q:c+c Figure 13-3 Control volume for two-dimensional heat cOlnduction 538 A 13 Heat Transfer and Mass Transport n Figure 13-4 Unit vector normal to surface 52 I) where C.Y; and C)' are the direction cosines of the unit vector 11 normal to the surface S2 shown in Figure 13-4. Again, q~ is by sign convention, positive if heat is flowing into the edge of the body. ]A 13.2 Heat Transfer with Convection For a conducting solid in contact with a fluid, there wil1 be a heat transfer taking place between the fluid and solid surface when a temperature difference occurs. The fluid will be in motion either through externa1 pumping action (foreed C09vection) or through the buoyancy forces created within the fluid by the temperature differences within it (natural or free convection). We will now consider the derivation of the basic differential equation for onedimensional heat conduction with convection. Again we assume the temperature change is much greater in the x direction than in the y and z directions. Figure 13-5 shows the control volume used in the derivation. Again, by Eq. (13.1.1) for conservation of energy, we have q",:A dt + QA dx dt = c(pA dx) dT + qx+dxA dt + qhP dx dt (13.2.1) In Eq. (13.2.1), all terms have the same meaning as in Section 13.1, except the heat flow by convective heat transfer is given by Newton>g law of cooling (13.2.2) where h is the heat-transfer or convection coefficient, in kW/(m2 . °C) or BtU/(h-ft2.oF). T is the temperature of the solid surface at the solid/fluid interface. Too is the temperature of the fluid (here the free-stream fluid temperature). h, T.. Figure 13-5 Control volume for one-dimensional heat conduction with convection 13.3 Typical Units; Thermal Conductivities ~':ul..... .. 539 _s~ T. ::::::::::: (Streamlines) h , T "'--- bo....,,> Figure 13-6 Model illustrating convective heat transfer (arrows on surface S3 indicate heat transfer by convection) P in:Eq. (13.2.1) denotes the perimeter around the constant cross-sectional area A. Again, using Eqs. (1'3.1.3)-(13.1.6) and (13.2.2) in Eq. (13.2.1), dividing by A dxdt, and simplifying, we obtain the equation for one-dimensional heat conduction with convection as a (aT) aT hP T~) Kxx + Q=pc-+-(T- - ax ax at A (13.2.3) .with possible boundary conditions on (1) 'temperature, given by Eq. (13.1.10), andlor (2) temperature gradient, given by Eq. (13.1.1 I), andlor (3) loss of heat by convection from the ends of the one-di.mensional body. as shown in Figure 13-6. Equating the heat dow in the solid wall to the heat dow in the fluid at the solidlftuid interface, we have dT -Kx;c dx = h(T.- Too) (l3.2.4) as a boundary condition for the problem of heat conduction with convection. .A 13.3 Typical Units; Thermal Conductivities, K; and Heat-Transfer Coefficients, h. . Table 13-1 lists some typical units used for the heat-transfer problem. Table 13-2 lists some typical thermal conductivities of various solids and liquids. The thermal conductivity K> in BtU/(h~ft-OF) or W/(m· °C), measures the Table 13-1 Typical units for heat transfer SI Variable Thennal conducti"ity, K TemperatUI'e(~'''''::'' , Internal heat'§purce, Q Heat ftux, q ~, Convection coefficient, h Energy. E . Specific heat, c Mass density, p . kW/(m·°C) °CorK kW/m 3 kW/m2 kW/(m 2 . for instance, in References [4-6]) by the minimization of the fonowing functional (analogous to the potential energy functional 7tp ): 7th = U +OQ+Oq + Oh (13.4.10) where Oh = ~ h(T - Tco)2 dS (13.4.11) v S3 and where S2 and S3 are separate surface areas over which heat flow (flux) q* (q. is positive into the surface) and convection 10ss.h(T Too) are specified. We cannot specify q* and h on the same surface because they cannot occur simultaneously on OQ IJ = - III QTdV the same surface, as indicated by Eqs. (13.4.11). Using Eqs. (13.4.5), (13.4.6), and (13.4.9) in Eq. (13.4.11) and then using Eq. (13.4.10). we can write 1th in matrix form as 1th = ~JJI [{g}T[D]{g}]dV - Jll {t}T[NJT QdV v v -II {t}T[Nfq"'dS+~JI h[({t}T[Nf - Too )2JdS S2 s~ (13.4.12) 13.4 One-Dimensional Finite Element Formulation Using a Variational Method .6. 543 On substituting Eq. (13.4.6) into Eq. (13.4.12) and using the fact that the nodal temperatures {t} are independent of the general coordinates x and y and can therefore be taken outside the integrals, we have 1Ch =~{t}T IfI lB] TrD][B) dV{t} - {t} T y - {t}T IfJ INJT QdV y II [Nfq" dS + ~II ht{t}T[Nf[N]{t} 51 S3 - ({t}T[Nf + [NHt})T~ + T~}dS (13.4.I3) In Eq. (13.4.13), the minimization is most easily accomplished by explicitly writing the surface integral S3 with it} left inside the integral as shown. On minimizing Eq. (13.4.13) with respect to it}. we obtain :~} = III {Bf[DHBJdV{t} - JII [N}T QdV v v - JJ INjTq• ds + JJ h[NJT[NJdS{t} s, $] - JI fN]ThT~ dS = 0 (13.4.14) S3 where the last term hT~ in Eq. (13.4.13) is a constant that drops out while minimizing Simplifying Eq. (13.4.14) we obtain 1Ch. [III [BJ T[D][JIj dV + t! h[N] T[N] ds] {t} = {fd + {f,} + {f.} (13.4-.15) where the force matrices have been defined by . {fQ} = IJI [Nf QdV v {!q} = JJ [Nf q* dS Sl {Jh} = II (13.4.16) [N]ThTco dS Sl In Eq. (13.4.16), the first term {fQ} (heat source positive, sink negative) is of the same form as the body-force term, and the second term {fq} (heat flux, positive into the surface) and third term {Jh} (heat transfer or convection) are similar to surface tractions (distributed loading) in the stress analysis problem. You can observe this fact by comparing Eq. (13.4.16) with Eq. (6.2.46). Because we are formulating element equations 544 .. 13 Heat Transfer and Mass Transport of the form J = /$.1, we have the element conduction matrix· for the heat-transfer problem given in Eq. (13.4.15) by [kJ = III [B]TfDHBJdV + JI h(N]T[N]dS (13.4.17) 53 y where the first and second integrals in Eq. (13.4.17) are the contributions of conduction and convection, respectively. Using Eq. (13.4.17) in Eq. (13.4.15), for each element, we have (13.4.18) if} = [k]{t} Using the first tenn of Eq. (13.4.1 7), along with Eqs. (13.4.7) and (13.4.9), the conduction part of the [k,] fkJ matrix for the one-dimensional element becomes -l }IKxx][-± ±]AdX = JIf [BlT[D][B]dV =C{ = AKx.~IL[ L2. 0 1 -1 -J] dx (13.4.19) 1 or, finally, [kd = A~xx [ _ ~ - !] (13.4.20) The convection part of the [k} matrix becomes or, on integrating, [kh] = where h~L [~. ~] (13.4.21) dS= Pdi and P is the perimeter of the element (assumed to be constant). Therefore, adding Eqs. (13.4.20) and (13.4.21), we find that the [k] matrix is I -1]1 + 6 [21 21] (kJ = AKa: [ L -1 lit hPL (13.4.22) The element conduction' matrix is often called the stiffness matriX because sti.lJ,ress matrix is becoming a generally accepted term used to describe the matrix of known coefficients multiplied by the unknown degrees offreedom, such as temperatures., displacements, and so on. 13.4 One-Dimensional Finite Element Formulation Using a Variational Method .. 545 When h is zero on the boundary of an element, the second term on the right side of Eq. (13.4.22) (convection portion of [kJ) is zero. This corresponds, for instance, to an insulated boundary. The force matrix terms) on simplifying Eq. (13.4.16) and assuming Q, q*, and product hTr:IJ to be constant are {fQ} = and I[1 [~TQdV J: QA T {/q} = JJq*[Nl dS=q*P r/ }dX= {:} I:{ ~~}dX= q·~L {~} 1 ~ and Q~L (13.4.23) (13.4.24) L' {ijJ = JJ hTr:lJfNlT as = hT~PL { ~ } (13.4.25) s) Therefore, adding Eqs. (13.4.23)-(13.4.25), we obtain if} ~ QAL+q-P;+hTr:lJPL {~} (13.4.26) Equation (13.4.26) indicates that one-half of the assumed uniform heaJ source Q goes to each node, one-half of the prescribed uniform heat flux q* (positive q. enters the body) goes to each node, and one-half of the convection from the perimeter surface hTr:IJ goes to each node of an element. Finally. we must consider the convection from the free end of an element For simplicity's sake, we will assume convection occurs only from the right end of the element, as shown in Figure 13-8. The additional convection term contribution to the stiffness matrix is given by ikh]end = JIh[NJ T{N] dS (13.4.27) Smecause there are no convection terms associated with element 1. Similarly, for elements 2 and 3, we have ' (13.4.36) However, element 4 has an additional (convection) term owing to heat loss from the fiat surface at its right end. Hence, using Eq. (13.4.28), we have [k(4)1 = !k~I)J + hA [~ ~] = 0.5236 [ _~ -~] + {W BtU/(h-ft2-0F)11r(12\~~ift)2 [~ ~) = [ 0.5236 -0.5236] B /(h.oF) -0.5236 0.7418 tu (134 7) . .3 In general, we would use Eqs. (13.4.23)-{I3.4.25), and (13.4.29) to obtain the element force matrices. However, in this example, Q = 0 (no heat source), q'" = 0 (no heat flux), and there is no convection except from the right end. Therefore, {/')} = {jC2)} = {t<3)} = 0 (13.4.38) and {f(4)} = hTcoA { ~} = flO = BtUf(h-ft2-0F)J(lOOF)1r(12\~~iftY {~} 2.182{.~} BtuJh (13.4.39) The assembly of the element stiffness matrices [Eqs. (13.4.35)-(13.4.37)] and the element force matrices [Eqs. (13.4.38) and (13.4.39)], using the direct stiffness method, produces the following system of equations: 0.5236 -0.5236 0 0 1.0472 -0.5236 0 -0.5236 o t2 0 o tl o -0.5236 1.0472 -0.5236 o 13 = 0 F, o o -0.5236 1.0472 -0.5236 t4 0 o o o -0.5236 0.7418 ts 2.182 (13.4.40) j- This problem is assumed to be approximated as a one-dimensional heat-transfer problem. The discretized model of the wall is shown in Figure 13-14. For simplicity, we use four equal-length elements all with unit cross-sectional area (A = 1 rn 2). The unit area represents a typical cross section of the wall. The perimeter of the waH model is then insulated to obtain the correct conditions. Using Eqs. (13.4.22) and (13.4.28), we calculate the element stiffness matrices as fonows: tc 2 AKxx = (I m )[25 Wf(rn· °C)] = 100 W L 0.25 m For each identical element, we have [kJ = 100[ _; -~] WrC (13.4.54) Because no convection occurs. h is equal to zero; therefore, there is no convection contribution to k. The el~ment force matrices are given by Eq. (13.4.26). With Q = 400 W/m3, q = 0, and h = 0, Eq. (13.4.26) becomes {f} = Q~L { ; } (13.455) EV'11uating Eq. (13.4.55) for a typical element, such as element 1, we obtain fix} = (400 W jm )(1 m2)(0.25 m) { 1 }" = {50} W {f2y 2 1 50 3 The force matrices for all other elements are equal to Eq. (13.4.56). (13.4.56) 13.4 One-Dimensional Finite Element Formulation Using a Variational Method ... 55] The assemblage of the element matrices, Eqs. (13.4.54) and (13.4.56) and the other force matrices similar to Eq. (13.4.56), yields 0 0 0 1 -1 0 -1 2 -1 0 2 -1 100 0 -1 0 2 -1 0 -1 0 0 1 0 0 -I rl r+1:1 = 13 14 ts 100 100 50 (13.4.57) Substituting the known temperature tl = 200°C into Eq. (13.4.57), dividing both sides of Eq. (13.4.57) by 100, and transposing known terms to the right side, we have [! -~ ~l ~l-! [J l;t,:CI (13.4.58) = The second through fifth equations of Eq. (13.4.58) can now be solved simultaneously to yield (13.4.59) Using the first of Eqs. (B.4.57) yields the rate of heat flow out the left end: Fl = 100(t1 - (2) - 50 F, = 100(200 - 203.5) - 50 F, = -4ooW The closed-form solution of the differential equation for conduction, Eq. (13.1.9), with the left-end boundary condition given by Eq. (13.l.IO) and the right-end boundary condition given by Eq. (13.1.11), and with = 0, is shown in Reference [2] to yield a parabolic temperature distribution through the wall. Eva1uating the expression for the temperature function given in Reference [2] for values of x corresponding to the node points of the finite element modeJ, we obtain q; 12 ts = 208°C 203.5"C (13.4.60) Figure 13-15 is a plot of the closed-form solution and the finite element solution for the temperature variation through the wall. finite element nodal values and the closed-form values are equal, because the consistent equivalent force matriX: has been used. (This was also discussed in Sections 3.10 and 3.11 for the axial bar subjected to distributed loading, and in Section 4.5 for the beam subjected to distributed loading.) However. recall that the finite element model predicts a linear temperature distribution within each element as indicated by the straight lines connecting the nodal temPerature values in Figure 13-15. The 554 .6.. 13 Heat Transfer and Mass Transport Closed-form solution (from Reference {2n. 210 T(x) "" / ~(l .--==205 200 KJtZ -...£) + T(O) 2L Finite element solution LL-_ _.L......_ _..I.-_ _..-L----.l.-_ _... 0.25 .x. m 1.00 0.75 0.50 Figure 13-15 Comparison of the finite element and dosed-form solutions for Example 13.3 • Example 13.4 The fin shown in Figure 13-16 is insulated on the perimeter. The left end has a constant temperature of (Ie. positive heat flux of q = 5000 W1m2 acts on the right end. Let Kxx = 6W/(m-OC) and cross-sectional area A = 0.1 m2 . Detennine the temperatures at 1J4, U2, 3L/4. and L, where L = 0.4 m. 100 A T=lOO'C -_{::::(:::: 1:::::r:::: Eq=~Wfm' (j0'! m' Figure 13-16 Insulated fin subjected to end heat flux Using Eq. (13.4.22), with the second term set to zero as there is no heat transfer by convection from any surfaces due to the insulated perimeter and constant temperature on the left end and constant heat flux on the right end, we obtain k(l) - = k(2) - = k(3) = AKxx [' - 2 L 1 -1] -1] -1 (0.1 m )(6 W/(m- (lC) [ 1 O.lm -1 1 1 ,[ 6 -6]wr C -6 6 (13.4.61) If(4) = 1£(1} also /(1) ,= 2) =/(3) = {O} as, Q = 0(no internal heat source) and q* = 0 (no surface 10 - heat flux) 1'4) = qA{ ~} = (5000 W/m2)(0.1 m2){ ~} = { 5~ } W (13.4.62) 13.5 Two-Dimensional Finite Element Formulation ... 555 Assembling the global ,stiffness matrix from Eq. (13.4.61), and the global force mal,ra from Eq. (13.4.62), we obtain the global equations as ' 6 12 -6 00 -6 0 00 12 -6 0 12 -6 [ Symmetry 6 11 1 12 t1 ) 13 0 ) FIx 0 (I3.4.63) 0 ts 500 Now applying the boundary condition on temperature, we have tl = 100°C (13.4.64) S~bstjtuting Eq. (13.4.64) for 11 into Eq. (13.4.63), we then solve the second through fourth equations (associated with the unknown temperatures t2 - (5) simultaneously -to obtain t2 = 183.33°C, 13 = 266.67°C 14 = 350°C, 15 = 433.33°C (13.4.65) Substituting the nodal temperatures from Eq. (13.4.65) into the first of Eqs. (13.4.63), we obtain the nodal heat source at node 1 as FIx = 6(lOO°C - 183.33°C) = -500 W (13,4.64) The nodal heat source given by Eq. (13.4.66) has a negative value,' which means the heat is leaving the left end. This .source is the same as the source coming into the :fin at the right end given by qA ::: (5000)(0.1) = SOOW. • = 14 1 Finally, remember that the most important advantage of the finite element method is that it enables us to approximate, with high confidence, more complicated prOblems, such as those with more then one thermal conductivity, for which closed-form solutions are difficult (if not impossible) to obtain. The automation of the finite element method through general computer programs makes the method extremely powerful. A 13.5 Two-Dimensional Finite Element Formulation Because many bodies can 'be modeled as two-dimensional heat-transfer problems, we now develop the equations for an element appropriate for these problems. Examples using this ,element then follow. ' Step 1 Select Element Type The three-noded triangular element with nodal temperatureS shown in Figure 13-17 is the basic element for solution of the two-dimensional heat-transfer problem. 1m ,~m(x",y.,) Figure 13-17 Basic triangular element with nodal 9 4 i (X,, .~',) j (Xi' )'i) temperatures .~ 556 ... 13 Heat Transfer and Mass Transport Step 2 Select a Temperature Function The temperature function is given by (13.5.1) where ti, tj> and 1m are the nodal temperatures, and the shape functions are again given by Eqs. (6.2.18); that is, (13.5.2) with similar expressions for Nj and N m • Here the o:'s, {fs, and is are defined by Eqs. (6.2.10). Unlike the CST element of Chapter 6 where there are two degrees of freedom per node (an x and a y displacement), in the heat transfer three-noded triangular element only a single scalar value (nodal temperature) is the primary unknown at each node) as shown by Eq. (13.5.1). This ho1ds true for the three-dimensional elements as well, as shown in Section 13.7. Hence, the heat transfer problem is sometimes known as a scalar-valued bOlll1dary value problem. Step 3 Define the Temperature Gradient/Temperature and Heat flux/Temperature Gradient Relationships We define the gradient matrix ana1ogous to the strain matrix used in the stress analysis . problem as {g} E~l (13.5.3) Using Eq. (13.5.1) in Eq. (13.5.3), we have aNi oN] {g} = ax [ ox (13.5.4) aNi oN] oy .oy The gradient matrix {g}, written in compact matrix form analogously to the strain matrix {8} of the stress analysis problem, is given by {g}= [B]{t} (13.5.5) where the [B] matrix is obtained by substituting the three equations suggested by Eq. (13.5.2) in the rectangular matrix on the right side of Eq. (13.5.4) as [B]=~[Pi P Pm) 2A Yi Yj Ym j (13.5.6) 13.5 Two-Dimensional Finite Element Formulation .. 557 The heat flux/temperature gradient relationship is now (13.5.7) {:;} = -[Dl{g} where the material property matrix is [D] Step 4 ;yJ = [K;x (13.5.8) Derive the Element Conduction Matrix and Equations The element stiffness matrix from Eq. (13.4J7) is [ic] = III [Bf[D][BJ dV + IJh[Nf[NJ dS v where [kc] = (13.5.9) 83 III [B] T[D][B] dV v = JII v 4~2 [~; ;;] ,Pm '1m [K; :J [~: ~~:] d~ (13.5.10) Assuming constant thickness in the element and noting that all terms of the integrand of Eq. (13.5.10) are constant, we have [kcl III [Bf[DJ[B]dV = tA[BJT[D][BJ (13.5.11) v Equation (13.5.11) is the true conduction portion of the total stiffness matrix Eq. (13.5.9). The second integral of Eq. (13.5.9) (the convection portion of the total stiffness matrix) is defined by [khI = II (13.5.12) h[NJT[NJdS 83 We can explicitly mUltiply the matrices in Eq. (13.5.12) to obtain Nj~ NiNm] NjNj ~Nm NmNj NmNm dS (13.5.13) To illustrate the use of Eq. (13.5.13), consider the side between nodes i andj of the triangular element to be subjected to convection (Figure 13-18). Then Nm 0 along side i-j, and we obtain [kh] = where L i -j is the length of side i-j. hLi-jl [~ ~ ~] 6 0 0 0 (13.5.14) 558 .. 13 Heat Transfer and Mass Transport m Figure 13-18 Heat loss by convection from side i-j The evaluation of the force matrix. integrals in Eq. (13.4. I6) is as follows: {fQ} JIJ Q[N]~ dV = Q IJI [NJT dV v (13.5.15) v for constant heat source Q. Thus it can be shown (left to your discretiol,l) that this in· tegral is equal to {/Q} = Q; {:} (13.5.16) where V = At is:the volume of the element. Equation (13.5.16) indicates that heat is generated by the body in three equal parts to the nodes (like body fOIres in the elastic- . .~ , ity problem). The second force matrix in Eq. (13.4.16) is {/q} = JIq·[NJT dS= JJq-{ ~ ~ ~ }dS (13.5.17) Nm This reduces to on side i-j (13.5.18) on sidej-m (13.5.19) on side m-i (13.5.20) where Li-bLj - m, and L m-i are the lengths of the sides of the element, and q* is assumed constant over each edge. The integral hTco[NJ T dS can be found in a manner similarto Eq. (13.5,17) by simply replacing q~ with hTco in Eqs. (13.5.18)-(13.5.20). IIs) Steps 5-7 Steps 5-7 are identical to those described in Section 13.4. To illustrate the use of the equations presented in Section 13.5, we will now solve some two-dimensional heat-transfer problems. 13.5 Two-Dimensional Finite Element Formulation ... 559 Example 13.5 For the two-dimensional body shown in Figure 13-19, determine the temperature distribution. The temperature at the left side of the body is maintained at IOO"F. The edges on the top and bottom of the body"are insulated. There is heat convection from the right side with convection coefficient h = 20 BtuJ(h-ft 2."F). The freestream temperature is Too = 50 of. The coefficients of thenna) conductivity are K:xx = Kyy = 25 Btu/(h-ft-OP). The dimensions are shown in the figure. Assume the thickness to be 1 ft. y. 4~----..". T;: 1000F, h = 20 2ft T". =5O"F " ' - - - -_ _.....;a.._ 2 _ x 2ft 2ft Figu~ 13-19 Two-dimensional body Figure 13-20 Discreti"zed two-dimensional body of Figure 13-19 subjected to temperature variation and convection The finite element discretization is shown in Figure 13-20. We 'will use four triangular elements of equal size for simplicity of the longhand solution. There will be convective heat loss only over the right side of the body because the other faces are insulated. We now calculate the element stiffness matrices using Eq. (13.5.11) applied for all elements and using Eq. (13.5.14) applied for element 4 only, because convection is occurring only across one edge of element 4. Element 1 The coordinates of the element I nodes are XI = 0, YI = 0, X2 = 2, and Ys = 1. Using these coordinates and Eqs. (7.2.10), we obtain PI = 0 - I = -1 P2 = 1'1 = 1- 1'2 = 0 - I = -1 2 = -1 I- 0= 1 Y2 "Ps = 0 - 0 = 0 Ys = 2 -0= 2 = 0, Xs = 1, (13.5.21 ) Using Eqs. (13.5.21) in Eq. (13.5.1 I), we have Ik('») c =.!.ill 2(2) [-! =! 1 0 2 [25 0] [-1 0 25 -I _11 °2] (13.5.22) 560 .. 13 Heat Transfer and Mass Transport Simplifying Eq. (13.5.22), we obtain 1 12.5 [k~l)] == 0 [ -12.5 2 5 0 -12.5] -12.5 12.5 -'12.5 Btuj(h-OP) (13.5.23) 25 where the numbers above the columns indicate the node numbers associated with the matrix. Element 2 The coordinates of the e1ement 2 nodes are Xl and Y4 = 2. Using these coordinates, we obtain = 0, YI = 0, Xs = I, Ys = = 1 - 2 = -1 /35 =2- 0= 2 /34 = 0 - '1 = 0 - 1 = -1 "is =0 - 0=0 1'4 /3} = 1- I = ~1 I, X4 = 0, (13.5.24) 0= 1 Using Eqs. (13.5.24) in Eq. (13.5.11), we have '[k~2)1 =~ [-~ -~] [250 0] [-1 -1 1 25-1 Simplifying Eq. (13.5.25), we obtain 1 12.5 [k~2)] = -12.5 [ -12.5 o 4 5 -12.5 25 (13.5.25) -l~.5l Btu/(h-OP)' (13.5.26) 12.5 Element 3 The coordinates of the element 3 nodes are X4 and Y3 = 2. Using these coordinates, we obtain /34 = 1'4 1 - 2 = -1 =2- 1= 1 = 0, Y4 = 2, Xs = 1, Y5 = 1, 1=1 /35 = 2 - 2= 0 /33 = 2 - =0 2 = -2 1'3 = 1 - 0 :: 1 )15 Xl = 2, (13.5.27) Using Eqs. (13.5.27) in Eq. (13.5.11), we obtain 453 12.5 -12.5 0 25' -12.5 [ o -12.5 12.5 (k~3)J = -12.5 1 Btu/(h-OF) (13.5.28) Element 4 The coordinates of the element 4 nodes are x2 = 2, Y2 = 0, X3 = 2, yj = 2, Xs = 1, and Ys = L Using these coordinates, we obtain P2 = 2 - 1 = 1 P3 = 1 - 0 = 1 fJs Y2:: 1 - 2:: -1 13 = 2 - 1 = 1 Ys = 2 - 2 = 0 =0 - 2 = -2 (13.5.29) 135 Two-Dimensional Finite Element Formulation .. 561 Using Eqs. (13.5.29) in Eq. (13.5.11), we obtain 235 12.5 [k!4) 1 0 -12.5] 0 12.5 -12.5 [ -12.5 -12.5 25 Btu/(h-OF) (13.5.30) For element 4, we have a convection contribution to the total stiffness matrix because side 2-3 is exposed to the free-stream temperature. Using Eq. (13.5.14) with i = 2 and j = 3, we obtain [~ ~ ~] [kl4)1 = (20)(2)(1) 6 0 0 0 (13.5.31) Simplifying Eq. (13.5.31) yields 2 13.3 4 [ki )] = [ 3 5 6.67 0] ~.67 1~.3 ~ Btu/(h-OF) (13.5.32) Adding Eqs. (13.5.30) and (13.5.32), we obtain the element 4 total stiffness matrix as 2 3 25.&3 Ik(4)] = . 6.67 [ -12.5 5 6.67 25.83 -12.5 -12.5] -12.5 Btu/(h-OF) 25 (13.5.33) Superimposing the stiffness matrices given by Eqs. (13.5.23), (13.5.26), (13.5.28)} and (13.5.33), we obtain the total stiffness matrix for the body as K= 2~ 3~.33 ~.67 ~ -25 =~~l Btu/(h-OF) 0 o -25 6.67 0 -25 38.33 0 -25 0 25 -25 (13.5.34) -25 100 Next, we determine the element force matrices by using Eqs. (13.5.18)-(13.5.20) with q" replaced by hToo • Because Q = 0, q. = 0, and we have convective heat transfer only from side 2-3, element'4 is the only one that contributes nodal forces. Hence, {I')} = {~} hT~~Bt {i} (13.5.35) Substituting the appropriate numerical values into Eq. (13.5.35) yields {I'l} = (20)(~(2)(I) {n = {:~} B~U (13.5.36) 562 A 13 Heat Transfer and Mass Transport II Using Eqs. (13.5.34) and (13.5.36), we find that the total assembled system of equations is 25 [ o o o o o 38.33 6.67 6.67 38.33 0 o -25 -25 -25 o --25 2S o -25 25 -25 -25 100 1000 F) ) 1000 12 ) II 13 t4 (13.5.37) F4 0 Is We have known nodal temperature boundary conditions of tl = lOO°F and t4 = lOO°F. We again modify the stiffness and force matrices as fonows: [~ o o 3;:!~ 3:::~ ~ =~~l [:: ) = [ ::) 0 -25 0 -25 1 0 0 14 100 ts 100 5000 (13.5.38) The tenns in the first and fourth rows and columns corresponding to the known temperature conditions tt = 100 OF and t4 lOO°F have been set equal to zero except for the main diagonal, which has been set equal to one, and the first and fourth rows of the force matrix have been set equal to the known nodal temperatures. Also, the term {-25) (100 OF) + (-25) x {100°F) = -5000 on the left side of the fifth equation of Eq. (13.5.37) has been transposed to the right side in the fifth row (as +5000) of Eq. (13.5.38). The second, third and fifth equations of Eq. (13.5.38), corresponding to the rows of unknown nodal temperatures, can now be solved in the usual manner. The resulting solution is given by t2 = 69.33 OF t3 = 69.33 OF ts 84.62 OF (13.5.39) • Example 13.6 For the two-dimensional body shown in Figure 13-21~ detennine the temperature distribution. The temperature of the top side of the body is maintained at lOO°,C. The body is in,sulated on the other edges. A uniform heat source of Q = 1000 W/m 3 acts over the whole plate, as shown in the figure. Assume a constant thickness of I m. Let Kxx = Kyy 25 W/(m . 0c). ' We need consider only the left half of the body. because we have a vertical plane of symmetry passing through the body 2 m from both the left and right edges. This vertical plane can be considered to be an insulated boundary. The finite element model is shown in Figure 13-22. T= 1000Cl 2m 4m Figure 13-21 Two-dimensional body subjected to a heat source 13.5 Two-Dimensional Finite Element Formulation A 563 y 5 Figure '13 - 22 Discretized body of Figure 13-21 2m I '~w;mm;~'~2--.x 2m We will now calculate the element stiffness matrices. Because the magnitudes of the coordinates are the same as in Example 13.5, the element stiffness matrices are the same as Eqs. (13.5,23), (13.5.26), (13.5.28) and (13.5.30). Remember that there is no convection from any side of an element, so the convection contribution {kbJ to the stiffn~ss matrix is zero. Superimposing the element stiffness matrices, we obtain the total stiffness matrix as o 25 o 25 0 0 0 o o o -25] -25 ~ = { (13.5.40) o -25 WrC 25 -25 -25 -25 -25 -25 100 Because the heat source Q is acting uniformly over each element, we use Eq. (13.5.16) to evaluate the nodal forces for.each element as K= o [ {jYj) Using Eq. (13.4.16), we can express the heat source matrix as {fQ} = Ni}JII{ Hj. v Nm Q A: dV ,'C=XO,Y=YD where A· is the cross-sectional area over which x Xo and y (13.6.1) Q~ acts) and the N's are evaluated at = Yo' Equation (l3'6':{)~ be} rewritten as {fQ} = JJ L N ~: dAdz j A' Nm x=x,,,y==y. (13.6.2) 13.6 Line or Point Sources .... 565 Because the N's are evaluated at x = Xo and y = Yo, they are no longer functions of x a~d y. Thus, we can simplify Eq. (13.6.2) to If(!} ={ 2} _'.,Y~Y. (13.6.3) Q" t Biujb From Eq. (13.6.3); we can see that the portion of the line source Q. distributed to each node is based on the values of Ni"N,h and Nm , which are evaluated using the coordinates (xc,Yo) of the line source. Recalling that the sum of the N's at any point within an element is equal to one [that is, Ni(xo,yo) + Nj(xo,yo) + Nm(xc"Yo) = lL we see that no more than the total amount of Q" is distributed and that Q; + Qj + Q~ = Q" (13.6.4) Example 13.7 A line source Q* = 65 Btu/(h-in.) is located at coordinates (5,2) in the element shown in Figure 13-24. Determine the amount of Q* allocated to each node. An nodal ' coordinates are in units of inches;,Assume an element thickness of t I in. = y Figure 13-24 Line source located within a triangular element ~ __________ (1.0) ____ ~~ ~x We first evaluate the ct's. /fs, and y's, defined by Eqs. (6.2.10), associated with each shape function as follows: (Xi = (Xj = XmYi - Cl.m = XjYm - xmYj = 7(4) - 6(0) = 28 XiYm XiY) - XjYi = 6(3) - 3(4) = 6 = 3(0) - 7(3) = -21 Pi = Yj Ym = 0 4 = -4 Pj = Ym - Yi = 4 - 3 = I Pm = Yi - Yj = 3 - 0 = 3 Yi = Xm - Xj = 6 -7 = -1 Yj=x;-x m =3 'Ym = Xj - Xi =7 6=-3 3 =4 (13.6.5) 566 ... 13 Heat Transfer and Mass Transport Also, Xi Yi 3 3 Xm Ym 6 4 (1-3.6.6) 7 0 = 13 2A = Substituting the results of Eqs. (13.6 ..5) and (13.6.6) into Eq. (13.5.2) yields Ni = n(2S - 4x - I y] Nj =b[6+x-3y] (13.6.7) Nm = 13[-21 + 3x+4y] Equations (13.6.7) for Nil Nj , and Nm evaluated at x = 5 and y = 2 are Ni = n[28 NJ = 13[6+ 5 3(2)) = Nm = 4(5) - 1(2)] = -& fJ (13.6.S) b [-21 + 3(5) + 4(2)] = i3 Therefore, using Eq, (13.6.3), we obtain Q*t{ ~ } == N m x=xo=5 6~~1) {~} = {~~} 2 10 Btujh (13.6.9) Y=Yo=2 A. 13.7 Three-Dimensional Heat Transfer Finite Element Formulation When the heat transfer is in an three directions (indicated by qX) qy and q:z in Figure 13-25); then we must model the system using three-dimensional elements to account for the heat transfer. Examples of heat transfer that often is three~dimensional are shown in Figure 13-26. Here we see in Figure 13-26(a) and (b) an electronic component soldered to a printed wiring board [11]. The model includes a silicon chip, silver-eutectic die, alumina carrier, solder joints~ copper pads, and the printed wiring board. The model actuaUY,consisted of 965 S-noded brick elements with 1395 nodes and 216 thermal elements and was modeled in Algor flO}. One-quarter of the q..+dr Figure 13-25 Three-dimensional heat transfer 13.7 Three-Dimensional Heat Transfer ... 567 actual device was modeled. Figure 13-26(c) shows a heat sink used to cool a personal computer microprocessor chip (a two-dimensional model might possibly be used with good results as well). Finally, Figure 13-26(d) shows an engine block, which is an irregularly shaped three-dimensional body requiring a three-dimensional heat transfer analysis. The elements often included in commerdal computer programs to analyze threedimensional heat transfer are the same as those used in Chapter 1 I for threedimensional stress analysis. These include the four-noded tetrahedral (Figure 11-2). the eight-noded hexahedral (brick) (Figure 11-4), and the twenty-noded hexahedral (Figure 11-5), the difference being that we now have only one degree of freedom at each node, namely a temperature. The temperature functions in the x, y, and z directions can now be expressed by expanding Eq. (13.5.2) to the third dimension or by using shape functions given by Eq. (11.2.10) for a four-noded tetrahedral element or by Eqs. {I 1.3:3) for the eight-noded brick or the Eqs. (11.3.11)-(11.3.14) for the twenty-noded brick. The typical eight-noded brick element is shown in Figure 13-27 with the nodal temperatures included. FE;\. model of 68-pinSMT component (a) Electronic component soldered to printed circuit board I I L (M) Carrier of the FEA model (b2) Silicon chip (Iefe side portion) and Au-Eutectic of FEA model 568 ... 13 Heat Transfer and Mass Transport (b3) Solder joints and copper pads of FEA model , (b4) Close-up of solder and copper pad (b) finite element model (quarter thennal model) showing the separate components (c) Heat sink possibly used to cool a computer microchip (d) Engine block Figure 13-26 Examples ofthree-dimensional heat transfer Figure 13-27 Eight-noded brick element showing nodal temperatures for heat transfer • 13.9 Finite Element Formulation of Heat Transfer with Mass A Transport A. 569 13.8 One-Dimensional Heat Transfer with Mass Transport We now consider the derivation of the basic differential equation for one-dimensional heat flow where the flow is due to conduction, convection, and mass transport (or transfer) of the fluid. The purpose of this derivation including mass transport is to show how Galerkin's residual method can be directly applied to a problem for which the variational method is not applicable. That is, the differential eqllation will have an odd-numbered derivative and hence does not have an associated functional of the form ofEq. (1.4.3). The control volume used in the derivation is shown in Figure 13-28. Again, from Eq. (13.1.1) for conservation of energy, we obtain qxAdt+ QA dxdt = cpA dxdT + qx+d.~A dt+ qhPdxd1+ qmdt (13.8.1) All of the terms in Eq. (13.8.1) have the same meaning as in Sections 13.1 and 13.2, except the additional mass-transport term is given by [1] (13.8.2) where the additional variable mis the mass flow rate in typical units of kglh or sluglh. A t ,; / / J------ 'I.. .,d,r / Figure 13-28 Control volume for onedimensional heat conduction with convection and mass transport / ax Again, using Eqs. (13J.3)-{I3.l.6), (13.2.2), and (13.8.2) in Eq. (13.8.1) and differentiating with respect to x and t, we obtain meaT hP axa (aT) Kxx ax + Q= A ax +-X(T - aT Too) + pear (13.8.3) Equation (13.8.3) is the basic one-dimensional differential equation for heat transfer with mass transport. A 13.9 Finite Element Formulation of Heat Transfer with Mass Transport by Galerkin's Method ' Having obtain~d the differential equation for heat transfer with mass transport, Eq. (13.8.3), we now derive the finite element equations by applying Galerkin's residual method, as outlined in Section 3.12, directly to the differential equation. I I ..L" I 570 ... 13 Heat Transfer and Mass Transport We assmne here that Q = 0 and that we have steady-state conditions so that differentiation with respect to time is zero. The residual R is now given by R(T} = _!.- (Kxx dT) +mcdT + hP (T dx Adx dx A Too) (13.9.1) Applying Galerkin's criterion, Eq. (3.12.3), to Eq. (13.9.1), we have l [-{(Kxx dT) + L o dx dx mcdT + hP(T_ Teo)]Nidx=O A dx A (i= 1,2) (13.9.2) where the shape functions are given by Eqs. (13.4.2). Applying integration by parts to the first term of Eq. (13.9.2), we obtain (13.9.3) -KxxdT V= dx Using Eqs. (13:9.3) in the general formula for integration by parts [see Eq. (3.12.6}1. we obtain . J: [:- ! (Kxx !)]N'dx = -Kn ~ N{ + 1: Kxx ! ~i dx (13.9.4) Substituting Eq. (13.9.4) into Eq. (13.9.2), we o\:)tain J: (Kxx!:) dx+ n:c! + ':: (T- T,,)] Ntdx = Kn !Ntl: (\3.9.5) . (13.9.6) Using Eq. (13.4.2) in (13.4.1) for T;we obtain dT fix tl t2 = -L+L From Eq. (13.4.2), we obtain dN1 dx 1 = -L dN2 1 (jX= L (13.9.7) By letting Ni = NI = 1 - (xl L) and substituting Eqs. (13.9.6) and (13.9.7) into Eq. (13.9.5), along with Eq. (13.4.1) for T, we obtain the first finite element equation (13.9.8) where the definition for qx given by Eq. (1~.1.3) has been used in Eq. (13.9.8). JEquation (13.9.8) has a boundary condition q;l at x = 0 only because N, = I at x = 0 and 13.9 Finite Element Formulation of Heat Transfer with Mass Transport NI = 0 at x J.. 571 = L. Integrating Eq. (13.9.8), we obtain K::rxA me hPL) (KxxA me hPL) . .. ( -Y--T+-3- tl + ---Y-+T+T t2 =qxl hPL T,... ~ (13.9.9) where q;1 is defined to be qx evaluated at node 1. To obtain the second finite element equation, we let Ni = N2 = xjL in Eq. (13.9.5) and again use Eqs. (13.9.6), (13.9.7)~ and (13.4.1) in Eq. (13.9.5}.to obtain KxxA me hPL) ( --Y--T+T tl me hPL) t2 = q;rc2* +2 hPL T, + (KxxA -Y-+T+-3- 00 (13 910) •• where q;2 is defined to be qx evaluated at node 2. Rewriting Eqs. (13.9.9) and (13.9.10) in matrix fonn yields [K~A [ _ ~ -;] + ~e [ = hP~Too { ~ } + { =! ~] + h~L [~ ~ ]] { ;~ } :t } (13.9.11) Applying the el~ent equation {J} = [k]{t} to Eq. (13.9.11), we see that the element stiffness (conduction) matrix is now composed of three parts: (13.9.12) where [kcJ = K~A [ _ ~ - ~] and the element nodal force and unknown nodal temperature matrices are {f} = hP~Too { ~ } + {:~} {t} = { ;~ } (13.9.14) We observe·. from Eq. (13.9.13) that the mass transport stiffness matrix [km ] is asymmetric and, hence, [k] is asymmetric. Also, if heat flux exists, it usually occurs across the free ends of a system. Therefore, qx~ and Qx2 usually occur only at the free eo<~s of a system modeled by this element. When the elements are assembled, the heat fluxes qxl and Qx2 are usually equal but opposite at the node common to two elements, unless there is an internal concentrated heat flux in the system. Furthermore, for insulated ends, the q;'s also go to zero .. To illustrate the use of the finite element equations developed in this section for heat transfer with mass transport, we will now solve the following problem. Example 13.8 Air is flowing at a rate of 4.721b/h inside a round tube with a diameter of 1 in. and length of 5 in., as shown in Figure 13-29. The initial temperature of the air entering the tube is lOO°F. The wall of the tube has a uniform constant temperature of 200t>F. Thes~ific heat of the air is 0.24 Btul(lb-OP), the convection coefficient 572 A 13 Heat Transfer and Mass Transport, 5 o h 4 CD CD CD 5 in. Figure 13-29 Air flowing through a tube, and 3 the finite element model 2 ~ T"" 10000F between the air and the inner wall of the tube is 2.7 BtuJ(h-ft 2_OF), and the thermal conductivity is 0.017 BtuJ(h-ft-OF). Determine the temperature of the air along the . length of the .tube and the heat flow at the inlet and outlet of the tube. Here the flow rate and specific heat are given in force units (pounds) instead of mass units (slugs). , This is not a problem because the units cancel in the me product in the formu1ation of the equations. We first determine the element stiffness and force matrices using Eqs. (13.9.13) and (13.9.14). To do this, we evaluate the following factors: (0.017) = me = [3!.L]' 4(144) = 0 89' 1.25/12 . ~ (4.72)(0.24) X 10- 3 Btuj(h-OF} 1.133 Btu/{h-OF) ( 13.9.15) hPL 6 hPLTco (2.7)(0.262)(0.104) 6 0.0123 Btu/{h-OP) = (2.7)(0.262)(0.104)(200) = 14.71 Btu/h We can see from Eqs. (13.9.15) that the conduction portion of the stiffness matrix is negligible. Therefore, we neglect this contribution to the total stiffness matrix and obtain k(l) 1.133[-1 1] -1 1 00123[21]=[-0.5420.579] 1 2 -0.554 0.591 +. Similarly, because all elements have the same k(2) = k(3) (13.9.16) properties~ !s(4} = !sO) (13.9.17) Using Eqs. (13.9.14) and (13.9.15), we obtain the element force matrices as t) =/2) =/3) = [(4) {7.35} 7.35 (13.9.18) 13.9 Finite Element Formulation of Heat Transfer with Mass Transport .. 573 Assembling the global stiffness matrix u$ing Eqs. (13.9.16) and (13.9.17) and the global force matrix using Eq. (13.9.18)) we obtain the global equations as -0.542 0.579 0 0 0 0.579 -0.554 0.591 - 0.542 0 0 -0.554 0.591 - 0.542 0.579 0 0 -0.554 0 0.591 - 0.542 0.579 0 -0.554 0 0 0.591 0 r+ j 7 35 = r~j 14.7 14.7. 14.7 7.35 Applying the boundary condition I 0 0 0.049 0 -0.554 0 0 0 0 (13.9.19) t\ = 100°Fl we rewrite Eq. (13.9.19) as 0 0 0.579 0 0.579 0.049 -0554 0.049 -0.554 0 0 0 0 0.579 0.591 100 14.7 + 55.4 14.7 14.7 7.35 !!J 1 j Solving the second through fifth equations of Eq. (13.9.20) for the unknown tures, we obtain 12 t3 '= 106.1 of 112.1 of t4 117.6 of ts 122.6 of (13.9.20) tempera~ (13.9.21) Using Eq. (13.8.2), we obtain the heat flow into and out of the tube as qin = qout met, = (4.72)(0.24)(100) = 113.28 Btu/h = mets = (4.72)(0.24)(122.6) (13.9.22) 138.9 Btu/h where, again, the conduction contribution to q is negligible; that is, -kAIlT is negligible. The analytical solution in Reference [7] yields qout 139.33 Btu/h (13.9.23) The finite element solution is then seen to compare quite favorably with the analytical II solution. The element with the stiffness matrix given by Eq. (13.9.13) has been used in Reference iSl to analyze heat exchangers. Both double-pipe and shell-and-tube heat exchangers were modeled to predict the length of tube needed to perfonn the task of proper heat exchange between two counterflowing fluids. Excellent agreement was found between the finite element solution and the analytical solutions described in Reference [9 J. 574 ~ 13 Heat Transfer and Mass Transport Finally, remember that when the variational fonnulation of a problem is diffi.~ cult to obtain but the differential equation describing the problem is available, a resid~ ual method such as Galerkin's method can be used to solve the problem. 1: 13.1 0 Flowcha~ and Examples of a Heat-Transfer Program .A Figure 13-30 is a flowchart of the finite element process used for the analysis of twodimensional heat-transfer problems. Figures 13-31 and 13-32 show examples of two-dimensional temperature distribution using the two-dimensional heat transfer element of this chapter (results obtained from ,Algor (101). We assume that there is no heat transfer in the direction perpendicular to the plane. ( START ') ~ I Draw the geometry and apply any beat sources., fluxes, and boundary temperatures ~ 1 Define the element type and properties I (here the heat-transfer element is used) I I t DOlE= l,NE I ~ Compute the element stiffness matrix/$. and nodal load matrix/in global coordinates (both conduction and/or convection portions of! and[) Use the direct stiffness procedure to add! and f to the proper locations in the assemblage stiffness matrix K. and load matrix E Account for known temperature boundary conditions and modify the global stiffness matrix and force matrix accordingly , I I Solve K1 = E for 1. \ I Compute the element temperature gradients and heat fluxes I Output results ( I I END ,;" ..;?:~'~ Figure 13-30 Flowchart of two-dimensional heat-transfer process 13.10 Flowchart and Examples,of a Heat~Transfer Program Jt.. 575 500"F 1 ft lOO"F IOO"F 1ft lOO"F (a) Temperature deg F !SOD .qeo 420 3SO :340 300 260 220 180 140 100 (b) Figure 13-31' (a) Square plate subjected to temperature distribution and (b) finite element model with resulting temp'erature variation throughout the plate «b) Courtesy of David Walgrave} . I l ~" 576 ... 13 Heat Transfer and Mass Transport T,,=lIO"F h =5 Btu/(h-ft2_0F) 570"F 4ft Insulation (K = 0.020 Btu/(h-ft-OF)} (a) ~.­ I ...., (b) Figure' 13-32 '(a) Square duct wrapped by insulation and (b) the finite element model with resulting temperature variation through the insulation Figure 13-31 (a) shows a square plate subjected to boundary temperatures. Figure 13-31(b) shows the finite element model, along with the temperature distribution throughout the plate. Figure 13-32(a) shows a square duct that carries hot gases such that its surfa(:e temperature is 570°F. The duct is wrapped by a layer of circular fiberglass. The finite element model, along with the temperature distribution throughout the fiberglass is shown in Figure 13-32{b). Problems A ... 577 References [11 Holman, J. P., Heat Transfer, 9th ed.) McGraw-Hill, New York, 2002. [2] Kreith, F., and Black, W. Z., Basic Heat Transfer, Harper & Row, New York, 1980. 13] Lyness, J. F., Owen, D. R. J., and Zienkiewic.z, O. C, "The Finite Element Analysis of Engineering Systems Governed by a Non-Linear Quasi-Harmonic Equation," CDmputers and Structures, Vol. 5, pp. 65-79, 1975. [4] Zienkiewicz, O. c., and Cheung, Y. K., "Finite Elements in the Solution of Field Problems," The Engi'neer, pp. 507-510, $ept. 24, 1965. [5] Wilson, E. L., and Nickell, R. E., "Application of the Finite Element Method to Heat Conduction Analysis," Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 4, pp. 276-286,.1966. [6] Emery, A. F., and Carson, W. W., "An Evaluation of the Use of the Finite Element Method in the Computation of Temperature, " Journal of Heal Transfer, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, pp. 136-145, May 1971. /7J Rohsenow, W. M., and Choi, H. Y., Heal, Mass, and Momentum Transfer, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1963. [8] Goncalves, L., Finite Element Analysis of Heat Exchangers, M. S. Thesis, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Terre Haute, IN, 1984. [9] Kern, D. Q., and Kraus, A. D., Extended and Surface Heat Transfer, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1972. [10] Heal Transfer Reference Division, Docutech On-line Documentation, Algor, Inc., Pittsburgh, • PA. [IIj Beasley, K. G., "Finite Element Analysis Model Development of Leadless Chip Carrier and Printed Wiring Board," M. S., Thesis, Rose-Hillman Institute of Technology, Terre Haute, IN, Nov. 1992. .A. Problems 13.1 For the one-dimensional composite bar shown in Figure P13-1, determine the interface temperatures. For element 1, let Kxx = 200 W/(m. 0C); for element 2, let Kxx = 100 W/(m· °C); and for element 3, let Kxx = 50 W/(m· °C). Let A = 0.1 m 2 , The left end has a constant temperature of 100 °C and the right end has a constant temperature of 300°C. loo~,c::rt=::ir:::~:m~ I· 2m 't--lm-~O.5m~ Figure Pt3-1 13.2 For the one-dimensionaI rod shown in Figure P13-2' (insulated except at the ends), determine the temperatures at U3, 2U3, and L. Let Kxx = 3 BtU/(h.-in.-°F). h = 1.0 Btul(h-in2~OF), and Too = O°F. The temperature at the left end is 200°F. 578 .. 13 Heat Transfer and Mass Transport L = 9in I Figure P13-2 133 A rod with uniform cross-sectional area of 2 in 2 and thennal conductivity of 3 Btnl (h.in.~OF) has heat flow in the x direction only (Figure P13-3). The right end is insulated. The left end is maintained at 50 of, and the system has the linearly distributed heat flux shown. Use a two--element model and estimate the temperature at the node points and the heat flow at the left boundary. T(O) == 5O"F Area Figure P13-3 q"'(O) 0 q*(2) 3 q"'(3) 6 It 30in.-1 CD 2 ® =6 t3 13.4 The rod of I-in. radius shown in Figure PI 3-4 generat~s heat internally at the rate of uniform Q = I 0,000 Btul(h~ft3) throughout the rod. The left edge and perim/et6- of the rod are insulated, and the right edge is exposed to an environment of r,;, = 100 of. The convection heat-transfer coefficient between the wall' and the enviroftment is h = 100 BtU/(h-ft2-0F). The thermal conductivity of the rod is Kn = 12 BtU/(h-ft-OF). The length of the rod is 3 in. Calculate the temperature distribution in the rod. Use at least three elements in your finite element model. I o I-in. radius L=3in ::::: :: ::~:::::::: :: 1 T_30"_F __ H_t_ _....I i.....-_ _ ~ 10 it ---IIol./ Figure P13-26 ~2ft--1 Figure P13-27 • 13.27 The square duct shown in Figure P13-27 carries hot gases such that its surface temperature is 570°F. The duct is insulated by a layer of circular fiberglass that has a thermal conductivity of K = 0.020 Btul(h-ft-OF). The outside surface temperature of the fiberglass is maintained at 110°F. Determine the temperature distribution within the fiberglass. 13.28 The buried pipeline in Figure P13-28 transports oil with an average temperature of ft4i!!I' 60°F. The pipe is located 15 ft below the surface of the earth. The thermal conductivity of the earth is 0.6 BtuJ(h-ft-OF). The surface of the earth is 50 of. Determine the temperature distribution in the earth. SOCF Figure P13-28 Problems ... 587 13.29 A 10-in.-thick concrete bridge deck is embedded with heating cables, as shown in Figure P13-29. If the lower surface is at O°F, the rate of heat generation (assumed to be the same in each cable) is 100 Btul(h-in.) and the top surface of the concrete is at 35 of. The thermal conductivity of rhe concrete is 0.500 Btul(h~ft-OF). What is the temperature distribution in the slab? Use symmetry in your model. ~ Q 35 F ~-~-~----. •L t-· I ft + + • I ft • ~ ~n. ---t.--r-: r' I ft 1 t * lOin. O"F Figure P13-29 13.30 For the circular body with holes shown in Figure P13-30, detennine the temperature ft distribution. The inside surfaces of the holes have temperatures of 150 "C. The outside JIll' of the circular body has a temperature of 30 "c. Let Kxx = Kyy = 10 W/(m . "C). lOOOC O'C 1m 1;.. == O°C 1m Figure P13-30 Figure P13-31 13.31 For the square twb-climensional body shown in Figure P13-31, detennine the temperature distribution. Let Kxx = Kyy = 10 W/{m· °C) and h = 10 W/(m 2 .oC). The top face is maintained at 100 ec, the left face is maintained at 0 "C~ and the other two faces are exposed to a free-stream temperature of 0 "c. Also, plot the temperature contours on the body. S 13.32 A 200-mm-thick concrete bridge deck is embedded with heating cables as shown in Figure P13-32. If the lower surface is at -10 °c and the upper surface is at 5°C, what is the temperature distribution in the slab?,'The heating cables are line sources generating he!lt of Q'" = 50 W/m: The thennal conductivity of the concrete is 1.2 WI (m . QC). Use symmetry in your model. » 588 A 13 Heat Transfer and Mass Transport -IQ"C Figure P13-32 13.33 For the two-dimensional body shown in Figure P13-33, detennine the temperatur distribution. Let the left and right ends have constant temperatures of 200°C an. lOO°C~ respectively. Let Kxx = Kyy = 5 W/(rn 0q. The body is insulated along tho top and bottom. 200·C - - '0, n: __ IOO"C Figure P13-33 1m ,I 13.34 For the two-dimensional body shown in Figure P13-34, detennine the ternperatur4 distribution. The top and bottom sides are insulated. The right side is subjected to hea transfer by convection. Let Kxx == Kyy = 10 W/(m . ce). SOO"C T 10000C __ 1m 2m ~~'/ ~ T... =20"C h=20W/(m'l·"q, 100"<: Figure P13-34 13.35 For the two-dimensional body shown in Figure P13-35, detennine the temperaturl ft distribution. The left and right sides are insulated. The top surface is subjected to hea JIll' transfer by convection. The bottom and internal portion surfaces are maintained a 300°C. Problems .& 589 TaJ =40"C h 50 WI(m" . 0c) '1 300"C 0.4m O.2m ~ 300"C 3000C ~ 0.3 m-+o.2 m-l- 0.3 m ~ 1 Figure P13-35 13.36 Determine the temperature distribution and rate of heat flow through the plain carbon ft steel ingot shown in Figure P13-36. Let k = 60 W/m-K) for the steel. The top surface Ill? is held at 4O"C, while the underside surface is held at 0 0c. Assume that no heat is lost from the sides. Insulated T= l(fC Figure Pt3-36 13.37 Determine the temperature distribution and rate of heat flow per foot length from a E"l... 5 em outer diameter pipe at 180°C placed eccentrically within a larger cylinder of inJ!J? sulation (k = 0.058 WI m_OC) as shown in Figure P13-37. The diameter of the outside cylinder is 15 em; and the surface temperature is 20°C. Figure P13-37 2.5 em • 590' .A '. 13 Heat Transfer and Mass Transport 13.38 Determine the temperature distribution and rate of heat flow per foot length from the inner to the outer surface of the mold.ed foam insulation (k = 0.17 Btu/b-ft-OF) shown in Figure P13-3.S. 500°F ! 2 in. rad. 2in. ! 2 in. rad. 2 in. T 1 8 in. l~F l{){)"F " - Insulated t---~-- 16 il). ---~."""I bottom face Figure P13-38 13.39 For the basement wall shown in Figure P13-39, determine the temperature distribution and the heat transfer through the wall and soil. The wall is constructed of concrete (k = 1.0 Btulh-ft-OF). The sO.n has an average thermal conductivity 'of k = 0.85 Btulh-ft_oF. The inside aids maintained at 70 OF with a convection coefficient h = 2.0 Btulh-ft2_oF. The outside air temPerature is 10 OF with a heat tr-ansfer coefficient of h = 6 BtuJh-ft2.0F. Assume a reaso~able distance from the wall of five feet that the horizontal component of heat transfer becom~s negligibl~~ Make'sure this"assumption is correct. S ~gin. -*T... =70"F h :: 2.0 Btu/h-fc-oF J,. '?" ? ? 7"', .,.. C) :-.} 1-") t'*""'} .--:),,--) ;.,... . .~ _t ~ ,.. .,....,.. ....... l ,I, I ..,... .-") ,-) j-)~" '?" ? .,.. _L • Soil it ., .... ? ? ,.. .,.. -;:/I" ? .,.. I' .,.. ~-,) ,"""'} . - ) .,.. "7- t -> ........ ..,. .,.. I ? ...... t -'~ /f) -:> ..,.. _j t ~.,.. ...... \ j ?' ! 1 ....... j / ,.. r--) ~-) 1-) ).-) .-) ....... ) ,-) ,-j ?" _t ,.. ......... .,.. _( ..,.. _, ? ?- ........ ' ""> ";ill" _, ~-------5ft------~'~1 Figure P13-39 T_ = l~F.h = 6 BroM·'. _, /-. ~. ...... l __ t 1'. _1tI.,. 1'.,. _ l - " " , ! _ I _ ' ....... t I' t ,. ,. ,I, / .,.. .-"') .-l ~ ) .,. _t ~'t. ~ ~ ?- ~ '?'- __ , _~ ,. -:>- ?'" T. 2ft 6ft 1 Problems ... 591 <13.40 Now add a 6 in. thick concrete floor to the model of Figure P13-'-39 (as shown in ft Figure PI 3-40). Detennine the temperature distribution and the heat transfer through JjfJJ1 the concrete and soil. Use the same properties as shown'in P13-39. -*- 6 in. :.':::J:: ~ S~iI ~~":):::::;:l;::::::}:l;);;;; ...... }.,.,i'),-).-l. J .. I ....,:.-} ..,.,;,-: . .,,}.-),-,.."""}.-}~-)'-)I-}I .... ).- ~ ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~ • p ._} ,_,: ..... ) ._} ._,'._} ......) ._} /"""} ...... /~ ._,,' ,-11 ...... ,1 . - ) , - ) . - ) ,--} ...... ) . - ) ..... } • p - • - • ~ • ~ ~ ~ ? ~ - ~ .-) t_~1 ,_) ._) ,"") ._; ,_) ."""') ,_) ._.,' .',.... ,: .....) ~ .-1' ._} ,-.: ,_) ,_,,1 .....)._; - - • ? , - ~ ._.;-t /---5 ft---1-"----10 ft ~--+-I.I T 4ft 1 Figure P13-40 13.41 Aluminum fins (k = 170W/m-K) with triangular profiles shown in Figure P13-41 are It used to remove heat from a surface with a temperature of 160°C. The temperature of JrfJi' the surrounding air is 25°C. The· natural convection coefficient is h = 25 WI m2-K. Determine the temperature distribution throughout and the heat loss from a typical fin. \-+------ 100 Figure P13-41 mm-----iooo1 592 ~ 13 Heat Transfer and Mass Transport 13A2 Air is flowing at a rate of IOlblh inside a round tube with diameter of 1.5 in. and length of lOin., similar to Figure 13-29 on page 572. The initial temperature of the air entering the tube is 50°F. The wall of the tube has a unifonn constant temperature of 200°F. The specific heat of the air is 0.24 Btul(lI>-,oF). the convection coefficient ~ tween the air and the inner wall of the tube is 3.0 Btu/(h-ft2.oF), and the thermal conductivity is 0.017 BtU/(h-ft-OF). Determine the temperature of the air along the length of the tube and the heat flow at the inlet and outlet of the tube. Introduction In this chapter, we consider the ,t)ow of fluid through porous media, such as the flow of water through an earthen dam, and through pipes or around solid bodies. We will observe that the fonn of the equati6ns is the same as that for heat transfer described in Chapter 13. We begin with a derivation of the basic differential equation in one dimension for an ideal fluid in a steady state, not rotating (that is, the fluid particles are translating only), incompressible (constant mass density), and inviscid (having no viscosity). We then extend this derivation to the two-dimensional case. We also consider the units used for the physical quantities involved in fluid flow. For more advanced topics, such as viscous flow, compressible flow, and three-dimensional problems, consult Reference [1}. We will use the same procedure to develop the element equations as in the heattransfer problem; that is, we define an assumed fluid head for the flow through porous media (seepage) problem or velocity potential for flow of fluid through pipes and around solid bodies within each element. Then, to obtain the element equations, we use both a direct approach similar to that used in Chapters 2, 3, and 4 to develop the element equations and the minimization of a functional as used in Chapter 13. These equations result in matrices analogous to the stiffness and force matrices of the stress analysis problem or the conduction and associated force matrices of the heattransfer problem. Next, we consider both one- and two-dimensional finite element fonnulations of the fluid-flow problem and provide examples of one-dimensional fluid flow through porous media and through pipes and of flow within a two-dimensional region. Finally, we present the results for a two-dimensional fluid-flow problem. 594 ... 14 Fluid Flow Impenneab1e boundary A -t--- 11.. +4.. Figure 14-1 Control volume for onedimensional fluid flow Impermeable boundary ... 14.1 Derivation of the Basic Differential Equations Fluid Flow through a Porous Medium Let us first consider the derivation of the basic differential equation for the onedimensional problem of fluid flow through a porous medium. The purpose of this derivation is to present a physical insight into the fluid-flow phenomena, which must be understood so that the finite element formulation of the problem can be fully comprehended. (For additional information on fluid flow, consult References [2] and [31). We begin by considering the control volume shown in Figure 14-1. By conservation of mass, we have + Mgenerated M out pVxA dt + pQ dt = PVx+dxA dt Min or (14.lJ) (14.1.2) , where Min is the mass entering the control volume, in units of kilograms or slugs. MgeneraU:d is the mass generated within the body. Mout is the mass leaving the control volume. Vx is the velocity of the fluid flow at surface edge x, in units of mls or inis. Vx+dx is the velocity of the fluid leaving the control volume at surface edge x+dx. t is time, in s. Q is an internal fluid source (an internal volumetric flow rate), in m 3/s or in3/S. p is the mass density ofthe fluid, in kgfm 3 or slugs/inl. A is the cros.~sectional area perpendicular to the fluid flow, in m 2 or inl. 'By Darcy's law, we relate the velocity offiuid flow to the hydraulic gradient (the change in fluid head with respect to x) as (14.1.3) where Kxx is the permeability coefficient of the porous medium in the x direction, in mis or inis. .It. 14.1 Derivation of the Basic Differential Equations 595 ¢J is the fluid head, in m or in. d~/dx = gx is the fluid head gradient or hydraulic gradient, which is a unitless quantity in the seepage problem. Equation (14.l.3) states that the velocity in the x direction is proportional to the gradient of the fluid head in the x direction. The minus sign in Eq. (14.1.3) implies that fluid flow is positive in the direction opposite the direction of fluid head increase, or that the fluid flows in the direction oflower fluid head. Equation (14.1.3) is analogous to Fourier's law of heat conduction, Eq. (13.1.3)'. Similarly, (14.1.4) where the gradient is now evaluated at x + dx. By Taylor series expansion, similar to that used in obtaining Eq. (13.1.5), we have Vx+dx d ( d¢J) d¢J + dx Kxx dx dx'J = - [ Kxx dx (14.1.5) where a two-term Taylor series has been used in Eq. (14.1.5). On substituting Eqs. (14.1.3) and (14.1.5) into Eq. (14.1 .2), dividing Eq. (14.1.2) by pA dx dt, and simplifying, we have the equation' for one-dimensional fluid flow through a porous medium as -d ( Kxx -dt/» + Q=O d;x (14.1.6) dx where Q = Q/A dx is the volume flow rate per unit volume in units lis. For a constant ' permeability coefficient, Eq. (14.1.6) becomes 42tjJ _ . (14.1.7) K= dx 2 +Q=O The boundary conditions are of the form (14.1.8) where t}B represents a known boundary fluid head and Sl is a surface where this head is known and • vx = - K xx dt} -dx = constant (l4.1.9) v; where S2 is a surface where the prescribed velocity or gradient is known. On an impermeable boundary, v; = o. , . Comparing this derivation to that for the one-dimensional heat conduction problem in Section 13.1, we observe' numerous analogies among the variables; that is, 4; is analogous to the temperature function T, VX is analogous to heat flux, and Kxx is analogous to thennaI conductivity. I 596 ... 14 Fluid Flow ")I...... v" Figure 14-2 Control volume for two- dimensional fluid flow v, Now consider the two-dimensional fluid flow through a porous medium; as shown in Figure 14-2. As in the one-dimensional case, we can show that for material properties coinciding with the global x and y directions, :x ( Kxx ~~) 0 (Kyy ~~) + Q = 0 (14.1.10) with boundary conditions onSI =.·tPB -otP otjl Kxx ax ex + Kyy oy Cy constant ~ and (14.1.11) (14.1.12) where C~ and Cy are direction cosines of the unit vector nonnal to the surface S2) as previously shown in Figure 13-4. Fluid Flow in Pipes and Around Solid Bodies We now consider the steady~state irrotational flow of an incompressible and inviscid fluid. For the ideal fluid, the fluid particles do not rotate; they only translate, and the friction between the fluid and the surfaces is ignored. Also, the fluid does not penetrate into the surrounding body or separate from the surface of the body, which could cfeate, voids. The equations for this fluid motion can be expressed in terms of the stream function or the velocity potential function. We will use the velocity potential analogous to the fluid head that was used for the derivation of the differential equation for flow through a porous medium in the preceding subsection. The velocity v of the fiuid is related to the velocity potential function tjI by a" v}' = -oy - (14.1.13) where Vx and Vy are the velocities in the x and y directions, respectively_ In the absence of sources or sinks Q) conservation of mass in two dimensions yie1ds' the twodimensional differential equation a,s (14.1.14) 14.1 Derivation of the Basic Differential Equations A 597 D Figure 14-3 Boundary conditions for fluid flow B_~l X Figure 14-4 Known velocities at left and right edges of a pipe to Equation (14.1.14) is analogous Eq. (14.1.10) when we set Kxx = Kyy = I and Q = O. Hence, Eq. (14.1.14) is just a special fonn of Eq. (14.1.10). The boundary conditions 'are (14.1.15) and 0, otP ax Cx + oy Cy = constant (14J.i6) where Cx and Cy are again diredion cosines of unit vector n nonnal to surface S2. Also see Figure 14-3. That is, Eq. (14.1.15) states that the velocity potential tPB is known on a boundary surface Sl, whereas Eq. (14.1.16) states that the potential gradient or velocity is known nonnal to a surface S2> as indicated for flow out of the pipe shown in Figure 14-3. To clarify the sign convention on the S2 boundary condition, consider the case of fluid flowing through a pipe in the positive x direction, as shown in Figure 14-4. Assume we know the velocities at the left edge (1) and the right edge (2). By Eq. (14.1.13) the velocity of the fluid is related to the velocity potential by Vx At the left edge (I) aSSUJ."l1e we know Vx Vxl = - = otP ax Vx !' Then o¢ =-- ax But the normal is always positive away, or outward, from the smface. Therefore, positive nl is directed to the left, whereas positive x is to the right, resulting in / 598 ... 14 Fluid Flow o,p -= anI O,p - - = V ; d =Vnl ax At the right edge (2) assume we know direction as x. Therefore, Vx = Vx2. Now the normal n2 is in the same We conclude that the boundary flow velocity is positive if directed into the surface (region), as at the left edge, and is negative if directed away from the surface, as at the right edge. At an impermeable boundary, the flow velocity and thus the derivative of the velocity" potential nornial to the boundary must"be zero. At a boundary of unifonn or . constant velocity, any convenient magnitude of velocity potential ,p may be specified as the gradient of the potential function; see, for instance, Eq. (14.1.13). This idea is also illustrated by Example 14.3. .. 14.2 One-Dimensional Finite Element Formulation We can proceed directly LO tbe one-dimensional finite element formulation of the fluid-flow problem by now realizing that the fluid-flow problem is analogous to the heat-conduction problem of Chapter 13. We merely substitute the fluid velocity potential function fjJ for the temperature function T, the vector of nodal potentials denoted by .{p} for the nodal temperature vector {t}, fluid velocity v'for.,heat flux q, and permeability coeffieient K for flow through a porous medium instead of the conduction coefficient K. If fluid Bow through a pipe or around a solid body is considered, then K is taken as unity. The steps are as follows. Step 1 Select Element Type The basic two-node element is again used, as shown in Figure 14-5. with nodal fluid heads, or potentials. denoted by PI and P2. Step 2 Choose a Potential Function We choose the potential function; similarly to the way we chose the temperature function of Section 13.4, as (14.2.1) where PI and P2 are .the nodal potentials (or fluid heads in the case of the seepage problem) to be determined, and i Nt = 1-(14.2.2) L L PI ...- - - - - - - . . : . . - ' P2 I 2 Figure 14-5 Basic one..ctimensional fluid-flowefement ,,'" 14.2 One-Dimensional Finite Element Formulation .£. 599 Table 14-1 Permeabilities of granular materials Material Clay Sandy clay Ottawa sand Coarse K (em/s) 1 x 10-8 1 x 10-3 2-3 x 10-.2 1 are again the same shape functions used for the temperature element. The matrix [NJ ~~ . [NJ = Step 3 I-I A [ LX] (14.2.3) Define the Gradient/Potential and Velocity/Gradient Relationships The hydraulic gradient matrix {g} is given by {~~} = [B]{p} {g} = (14.2.4) where [B] is identical to Eq. (13.4.7), given by fB] = and [-± ±] {p} = {;:} (14.2.5) (14.2.6) The velocity/gradient relationship based on Darcy's law is given by Vx = -[D]{g} (14.2.7) where the material property matrix is now given by [DJ = [KxxJ I (14.2.8) with Xxx the permeability of the porous medium in the x direction. Typical permeabilities of some granular materials are listed in TabJe 14-1. High penneabilities occur when K > 10- 1 cmls, and when K < 10-7 the material is considered to be nearly impermeable. For ideal flow through a pipe or over a solid body, we arbitrarily-but conveniently-let K = 1. ,I ., The fluid-flow problem has a stiffness matrix that can be fOtu;l.d using the :first term on ! the right side ofEq. (13.4.17). That is, the fluid-flow stiffness matrix is analogous to the conduction part of the stiffness matrix in the .heat-transfer problem. There is no . .'. i Step 4 Derive the Element Stiffness Matrix and Equations 600 A 14 Fluid Flow -----'L..________+___ IIl* PhJi.-.!:L ~ PZ'/2 VI· Figure 14-6 Fluid element subjected to nodal velocities comparable convection matrix to be added to the stiffness matrix. However, we will choose to use a direct approach similar to that used initially to develop the stiffness matrix for the bar element in Chapter 3. Consider the fluid element shown in Figure 14-6 with length Land unifonn cross-sectional area A. Recall that the stiffness matrix. is defined in the structure problem to relate nodal forces to nodal displacements or in the temperature problem to relate nodal rates of heat flow to nodal temperatures. In the fluid-flow problem, we define the stiffness matrix to relate nodal volumetric fluid-flow rates to nodal potentials or fluid heads as [ = Ifl!' Therefore, (14.2.9) !=v"A defines the volumetric flow rate! in units of cubic meters or cubic inches per second. Now,using Eqs. (14.2.7) and (14.2.8) in Eq. (14.2.9), we obtain (14.2.10) in scalar form; based on Eqs. (14.2.4) and (14.2.5), g is given in explicit form by P2-PI g=-- (14.2.11) P2 -PI h =-KxxAL (14.2.12) L Applying Eqs. (14.2.10) and (14.2.11) at nodes 1 and 2, we obtain and I" - K A nxx P2 -PI L {14.2.13} where Ii is directed into the eleme~t, indicating fluid flowing into the element (PI must be greater than P2 to push th~ fluid through the element, actually resulting in positive fi), whereas h is directed away from the element~ indicating fluid flowing out of the element; hence the negative sign changes to a positive one in Eq. (14.2.13). Expressing Eqs. (14.2.12) and (14.2.13) together in matrix form, we have fi} = AKxx [ 1 { 12 L -1 -1 ] { PI } 1 Pl (14.2.14) The stiffness matrix is then k=A1xx[_! for flow through a porous medium. -~] ml/sori~2/s (14.2.15) 14.2 One-Dimensional Firite Element Formulation .. 601 ---- -q* II - t 1 1---f2 2 " \Q Figure 14-7 Additional sources of volumetric fluid·flow rates Equation (14.2.15) is analogous to Eq. (13.4.20) for the heat--conduction element or to Eq. (3.1.14) for the one.:.dimensiona! (axia! stress) bar element. The permeability or stiffness matrix will have units of square meters or square inches per second. In general, the basic element may be subjected to internal sources or sinks, such as from a pump, or to surface-edge flow rates, such as from a river or stream. To inelude these or similar effects, consider the element of Figure 14-6 now to include a uniform internal SOurce Q acting over the whole element and a unifonn surface flowrate source q* acting over the surface, as shown in Figure 14-7. The force matrix tenns are {fa} = III [N]T QdV = Q~L { ~ } 'm 3 /s or in' /s (14.2.16) v where Q will have units of m3 j.(m' . s), or lIs, and {.4} = JJ q"[Nf dS = q~Lt {~} m /s or in Is 3 3 (14.2.17) - ~ where q* will have units ofmls or inJs. Equations (14.2.16) and (14.2.17) indicate that one-half of the uniform volumetric flow rate per unit volume Q (a source being positive and a sink being negative) is allocated to each node and one-half the surface flow rate (again a source is positive) is allocated to eac:;h node. Step 5 Assemble the Element Equations to Obtain the Global Equations and Introduce Boundary Conditions We assemble the total stiffness matrix [K'}, total force matrix {F}, and total set of equations as [K] = and L)k(t»J {F} = [KJ{p} {F} = L{f(e)} (14.2.18) (14.2.19) The assemblage procedure is similar to the direct stiffness approach, but it is now based on the requirement that the potentials at a common node between two elements be equal. The boundary conditions on nodal potentials are given by Eq.. (14.1.15). Step 6 Solve for the Nodal Potentials We now solve for the global nodal potentials, {p}, where the appropriate nodal potential boundary conditions, Eq. (14.1.15), are specified. 602 .... 14 Fluid Flow Step 7 Solve for the Element Velocities and Volumetric Flow Rates Finally, we caiculat,e the element velocities from Eq. (14.2.7) and the volumetric fiow rate Qj as ' Qj = (v)(A) m /s or in 3 3 ,- (14.2.20) /s Example 14.1 Detennine (a) the fJuid head distribution along the length of the coarse gravelly medium shown in Figure 14-8, (b) ~e velocity in,the upper part, and (c) the volumetric flow rate in the upper part. The fluid head at the top is 10 in. and that at the bottom is 1 in. Let the permeability coefficient be Kxx = 0.5 in.ls. Assume a cross-sectional area of A = 1 in2 • The finite element discretization is shown in Figure 14-9. For simplicity, we will use three elements, each lOin. long. We calculate the stiffness matrices for each element as follows: (1 inl) (0.5 in./s) 0.05 in2/s 10 in . . Using Eq. (14.2.15) for elements 1, 2, ang 3, we have AKa -y;- [k(l)] = [k(2)] = [k{3)1 = 0.05 [ _ ~ In - ~] in2/s (14.2.21) general, we would use Eqs. (14.2.16) and (14.2.17) to obtain element forces. However, in this example Q = 0 (no sources or sinks) and q. 0 (no applIed surface flow rates). Therefore, (14.2.22) T 1 30 in. Figure 14-8 One-dimensional fluid flow in porous medium ' 10 in. 10 in. to in. Figure 14-9 Finite element discretized porous medium ,:,~ 14.2 One-Dimensionaf Finite Element Formulation .A 603 The assembly of the element stiffness matrices from Eq. (14.2.21), via the direct stiffness method, produces the following system of equations: 0'05[-~o -~ -~ ~ll;:l=l~l o -1 2 -1 0 -1 1 P3 P4 0 0 (14.2.23) Known nodal fluid bead boundary c;onditions. are PI = lOin. and P4 = 1 in. These nonhomogeneous' boundary· conditions are treated as described for the stress analysis and beat-transfer problems. We modify the stiffness (permeability) matrix and force matrix as follows: [ O~l ~.1 -0.05 o -~.05 ~ll;: 111~'51 ~J ~ ~: = ~05 (14.2.24) where the tenus in the first and fourth rows and columns of the stiffness matrix corresponding to the known fluid heads PI = 10 in. and P4 = 1 in. have been set equal to 0 except for the main diagonal, which has been set equal to 1, and the first and fourth. rows of the force matrix have been set equal to the known nodal fluid heads at nodes 1 and 4. Also the terms (-0.05) x (lOin.) = -0.5 in. on the left side of the second equation ofEq. (14.2.24) and (-0.05) x (1 in.) = -0.05 in. on the left side of the third equation of Eq. (14.2.24) have been transposed t6 ·the right side in the second and third rows (as +0.5 and +0.05). The second and third equations ofEq. (14.2.24) can now be solved. The resulting solution is given by P2 = 7 in. P3 = 4 in. (14.2.25) Next we use Eq. (14.2.7) to determine the fluid velocity in element 1 as v~l} = -K:u-[Bl{p(l)} (14.2.26) (i4.2.27) (14.2.28) or You can verify .~at the velocities in the other elements are also O. I 5 in./s because the cross section:lft-'bnstant and the material properties are uniform. We then determine the volumetric flow rate Qf in element I using Eq. (14.2.20) as Qj = (0.15 in./s)(l in 2) = 0.15 in3/s This volmnetric flow rate is constant throughout the length of the medium. (14.2-29) • 604 A. 14 Fluid Flo\V Exarmple 14.2 For the smooth pipe of variable cross section shown in Figure 14-10, determine the potential at the junctions, the velocities in each section of pipe and the volumetric flow rate. The potential at the left end is PI = 10 m 2/s and that at the right end is P4 = 1 mlls. For the fluid flow through a smooth pipe, Kxx = 1. The pipe has been discretized into three elements and four nodes, as shown in Figure 14-11. Using Eq. (14.2.15), we find that the element stiffness matrices are k(l) - =~ [ 1 -1] 1 _11 k_(2) m ~ [ 1 - I] 1 __ 1 1 m k(3) - = ! [ 1 -1 ] 1 -1 I m (14.2.30) where the units on Is: are now meters for fluid flow through a pipe. There are no applied fluid sources. Therefore, f(I) = f(2) = /(3) = O. The assembly of the element stiffness matrices produces the full owing system of equations: . (14.2.31) Solving the second and third of Eqs. (14.2.31) for P2 and P3 in the usual manner, we obtain (14.2.32) P2 = 8.365 m 2 Is Using Eqs. (14.2.7) and (14.2.20), the velocities and volumetric flow ment are v~1) = -[B]{p{!)} = -[-I ~J{'~.365} = 1.635 mls ,I Al = 3 m2 2; A2 ;3 = 2 ~2 1m 1m A3':::: 1 m2 14 1m Figure 14-10 Variable-cross-section pipe subjected to fluid flow ,j cD 1m Figure 14-11 2; ® 3; 1m Discretized pipe ® t m 14 rates in each ele- 14.2 One-Dimensional Finite Element Formulation QY) A 60S Avi = 3(1.635) = 4.91 m 3Is l ) v~2) = -(-8.365 + 5.91) 2.455 mls Qf> = 2.455(2) = 4.91 mJ Is u;) = -( -5.91 + I) = 4.91 mls Qj) =4.91(1) =4.91 ml/s The potential, being higher at the left and decreasing to the right, indicates that the velocities are to the right. The volumetric flow rate is constant throughout the pipe, as conservation of mass would indicate. • We now illustrate how you can solve a fluid-flow problem where the boundary condition is a known fluid velocity, but none of the p's are initially known. Example 14.3 For the smooth pipe shown discretized in Figure 14-12 with unifonn cross section of I jn 2, detennine the flow velocities at the center and right end, knowing the velocity at the left end is Vx = 2 in.ls. Using Eq. (14.2.15), the element stiffness matrices are (l) -k =-.!..[ I 10 -1 -1]1 .. (14.2.33) In where now the units on Is: are inches for fluid flow through a pipe. Assembling the element stiffness matrices produces the following equations: l~[-;o -~ -~]{;:} {~} P3 13 -1 The specified boundary condition is Vx fi VIA (14.2.34) I 2 in.ls, so that by Eq. (14.2.9), we have = (2 in./s)(l in 2) = 2 in 3/s (14.2.35) Because PI ,P2, and P3 in Eq. (14.2.34) are not known, we cannot determine these potentials directly. The problem is similar to that occurring if we try to solve the struc· tural problem without prescribing displacements sufficient to prevent rigid body motion of the structure. This was discussed in Chapter 2. Because the p's correspond 10 in. Figure 14-12 to in. Discretized pipe for fluid-flow problem 606 • 14 Fluid Flow to displacements in the structural problem, it appears that we must specify at least one value of P in order to obtain a solution. We then proceed as follows. Select a convenient value for P3 (for instance set P3 = 0). (The velocities are functions of the derivatives or differences in p's, so a value of P3 = 0 is acceptable.) Then PI and P2 are the unknowns. The solution will yield PI and P2 relative to P3 = O. Therefore, from the first two of Eqs. (14.2.34), we have {PI} = { 02 } 1 [ 1 -1] 10 -1 2 P2 (14.2.36) where fi = 2 inJ/s from Eq. (14.2.35) and fi force at node 2. Solving Eq. (14.2.36), we obtain 0, because there is no applied fluid PI (14.2.37) P2 =20 40 These are not absolute values for PI and P2; rather, they are relative to P3. The fluid velocities in each element are absolute values, because velocities depend on the differences in p's. These differences are the same no matter what value for P3 was chosen. You can verify this by chooSingp3 10, for instance, and re-solving for the velocities. [You woul~ find = 50 andp2 = 30 and the same v's as in Eq. (14.238).] PI v~)=-[-r ±J{:}= 2in.fs (14.2.38) • and A 14.3 Two-Dimensional Finite Element Formulation Because many fluid-flow problems can be modeled as two--dimensional problems, we now develop the equations for an element appropriate for these problems. Examples using this element then follow. Step 1 The three-node triangular element in Figure 14-13 is the basic element for the solution of the two-dimensional fluid-flow problem. m pm P,,6iPi Figure 14-.13 Basic triangular element with nodal potentials 14.3 Two-Dimensional Finite Element Formulation .. 607 Step 2 The potential function is (14.3.1) where Pi>Pj. and Pm are the nodal potentials (for groundwater flow, ¢ is the piezometric fluid pead function, and the p's are the nodal heads), and the shape functions are by Eq. (6.2.18) or (13.5.2) as again given 1 Ni = 2A (ar + PiX + YiY) with similar expressions for Nj and Nm • The (6.2.10). lX'S, (14.3.2) /J's, and y's are defined by Eqs. Step 3 The gradient matrix {g} is given -by {g} = [B){p} (l4.3.3) where the matrix [B] is again given by [BJ and =2[Pi P Pm] 2A Yi j I'm Yj '(14.3.5) {g} = {:;} at/J ax with gx=- (14.3.4) otP gy = ay (14.3.6) The velocity/gradient matrix relationship is now {~ } = -IDJ{g} (14.3.7) where the material property matrix is [DJ = [Koxx 0] (14.3.8) Kyy and the K's are permeabilities (for the seepage problem) of the porous medium in the and y directions. 'For -:fluid flow around a solid object or through a smooth pipe, ~ Kxx = Kyy = 1. 608 A 14 Fluid Flow Step 4 The element stiffness matrix is given by [kJ = III [Bf[DHBJ dV (14.3.9) v Assuming constant-thickness (t) triangular elements and noting that the integrand' terms are constant, we have [kl = tA[B] T[D][B] m 2/s or inl/s (14.3.10) which can be simplified to (14.3.11) = IiI JlI QfNlT dV = Q [Nf dV (14.3.12) v v . for constant volumetric flow rate per unit volume over the whole element. On evaluat- {fa} ing Eq. (14.3.12). we obtain I} QV{ 1 {fa} = , 3 1 3 m in) or - s (14.3.13) S We find that the second force matrix is (14.3.14) This reduces to {fq} q*L._.t =f {I} ~ m3 S or in S 3 on side i-j (14.3.15) with similar terms on sidesj-m and m-z'[see Eqs. (13.5.19) and (13.5.20)]. Here L i- j is the length of side i1 of the element and q* is the assumed constant surface flow rate. Both Q and q* are positive quantities if fluid is being added to the element. The units on Q and q'" are m 3/(m 3 • s) and mls. The total force matrix is then the sum of {fa} and {/q}. Example 14.4 For the two-dimensional sandy soil region shown in Figure 14-14, determine the potential distribution. The potential (fluid head) on the left side is a constant 10.0 m 143 Two-Dimensional Finite Element Formulation .... 609 y 3 Figure 14-14 Two-dimensional porous medium 4 t,. = 0m 1m Figure Pl4-1 14.2 For the one-dimensional flow ,through the porous medilitn shoWn in Figure Pl4-2 with fluid flux at the right end, determine the potentials at the third poitUs. Also determine the velocities in each element. Let A = 2 2 . m K:JI}t= 1 rills PI"" 10 In J'-_______-----~---. . .BI.-...... · q" ... 25 m/s 3m Figure Pl4-2 14.3 For the one-dimensional fluid flow through the stepped porous mediwn shown in Figure Pl4-3) determine the potentials at the jUilction of each area. Also determine the velocities in: each element. Let K~ = 1 inis. p, = 10 ;",1\ AI = 6in.2 .; A: = '" in2 3; AJ "" 2 in1 to in. 10 in. 41 P. == 0 10 in. Figure Pl4-3 14.4 For the one-dimensional fluid-flow problem (Figure Pl4-4) with velocity known at the right end, determine the velocities and the volumetric flow rates at nodes 1 and 2. Let Kxx = i em/s. . If A,~S"" San Figure Pl4-4 .; .. =3 .... 3,8 .;=2",,/, Scm 614 • 14 Fluid Flow 14.5 Derive the stiffness matrix, Eq. (14.2.15), using the first term on the right side ofEq. (13.4.17). ' 14.6 For the one-dimenslonal fluid-flow problem in Figure Pl4-6, detennine the velocities and volumetric flow rates at nodes 2 and 3. Let K;o:. = 10- 1 inJs. 2in,I. VI t' AI = 2 inl 2; A2 = J inl I in. 13 I in. Figure P14.. 6 14.7 For. the triangular element subjected to a fluid source shown in Figure Pl4-7, determine the amount of Q* allocated to each node. y (All units meters) (2,7) Q* = 100 m''/$ • (4, 2) (2.1) ' - - - - - - . - . . ( 9 , 1) ~------------------.X Figure Pl4-7 14.8 For the triangular element subjected to the surface fluid source shown in Figure PI4-8, detennine the 'amount of fluid force at each node .. y q* = 5 in./S ~. ~ (2, I) (All unils Uo we obtain the thermal forre matrix as {f } = T {iT!} = {-Eet.TA} EaTA iT2 (15.l.20) For the two-dimensional thermal stress problem, there will be two normal strains, exT and eyT along with a shear strain YxyT due to the change in temperature because of the different mechanic'!) properties (such as E.T: 1= Ey) in the x and y directions for the anisotropic material (See Figure 15-4). The thermal strain matrix for an anisotropic rna terial is then {ar} {:;;} (15.1.21) Y:cyT For the case of plane stress in an isotropic material with coefficient of thermal expansion 11 subjected to a temperature rise T, the thennal strain matrix is (15.1.22) No shear strains are caused by a change in temperature of isotropic materials, onlyexpansion or contraction. For the case of plane strain in an isotropic material I the thermal strain matrix is {eT}= (1 +v>{:f} (15.1.23) For a constant-thickness (t), constant-strain triangular element) Eq. (15.1.14) can be simplified to (15.1.24) The forces in Eq. (15.1.24) are contributed to the nodes of an element in an unequal manner and require precise evaluation. It can be shown that substituting Eq. (6.1.8) for [D], Eq. (6.2.34) for [BL and Eq. (15.1.22) for fer} for a plane stress condition 622 A 15 Thermal Stress into Eq. (15.1.24) reveals the constant-strain triangular element thermal force matrix to be rn'l aEtT v) lTiy {IT} = : ;:: 2( 1 - Pi 'Yi Pj (15.1.25), Yj Pm 1Tmy I'm where the fl's and 1's are defined by Eqs. (6.2.10). For the case of an axisymmetric triangular element of isotropic material subJected to unifonn temperature change, the thermal strain matrix is {eT} = ( ~~ ) = ( tOT :~ (XT ) (15.1.26) 0 YnT The .thermal force matrix for the three-noded triangular element is obtained by substi· tuting the ~ from Eq. (9.1.19) and Eq. (9.1.21) into the following: [ T = 21t I §.TlJerrdA (15.1.27) A For the element stiffness matrix evaluated at the centroid (r, z), Eq. (15. t .25) becomes [T -T = 21tfAB lJ§.T (15.1.28) where II is given by Eq. (9.2.3), A is the surface area of the element which can be found in general from Eq. (6.2.8) when the coordinates of the element are known and lJ is given by Eq. (9.2.6). We will now describe the solution procedure-for both one- and two-dimensional thennal stress problems. Step 1 Evaluate the thennal force matrix, such as Eq. (15.1.20) or Eq. (15.1.25), Then treat this force matrix as an equivalent (or initial) force matrix Eo analogous to that obtained when we replace a distributed load acting on an element by equivalent nodal forces (Chapters 4 and 5 and Appendix D). Step 2 Apply f = Kg - f o. where if only thermal loading is copsidered, we solve Eo = K4 for the nodal displacements. Recall that when we fonnulate the set of simultaneous equations, F. represents the applied nodal forces, which here are assumed to be zero. 15.1 Formulation of the Thermal Stress Problem and Examples A 623 Step 3 Back·substitute the now known d. into step 2 to obtain the actual nodal forces, E(= Kfl -Eo). Hence, the thermal stress problem is solved in a manner similar to the distributed load problem discussed for beams and frames in Chapters 4 and 5. We will now solve the following examples to illustrate the general procedure. Example 15.1 For the one·dimensional bar fixed at both ends and subjected to a uniform temperature rise T = 50°F as shown in Figure 15-5, determine the reactions at the fixed ends and the axial stress in the bar. Let E = 30 X 106 psi, A = 4 in 2, L = 4 ft, and 6 fJ.:: 7.0 X 10- (in.Jin.W'F. Two elements wi]] be sufficient to represent the bar because internal nodal displacements are not of importance here. To solve fo :: Kfl, we must determine the global stiffness matrix for the bar. Hence, for each element, we have 2 2 k(\) = AE [ k(2) - - 1 -IJ-lb Lj2 -1 I in. = AE [ 1 L/2-1 3 -I].!!:in. I (15.1.29) where the numbers above the columns in the k's indicate the nodal displacements associated with each element. Step 1 Using Eq. {I 5.1.20), the thennal force matrix for each element is given by -1 (1):= {-Eet.TA} Eet.TA 1(2) - = {-Eet.TA} EaTA ( where these forces are considered to be equivalent nodal forces. Step 2 Applying the direct stiffness method to Eqs. (15.1.29) and (15.1.30), we assemble the global equations as (15.1.31) I ~r--_CD__T_;_:_O"F__®__-l\~ 3 _" Figure 15-5 Bar subjected to a uniform temperature rise 624 A 15 Thermal Stress 42'~,-_ _Q)_'_ _ _2 _._ _0_2_ _--'~OOOJb Figure 15-6 Free-body diagram of the bar of Figure 15-5 Applying the boundary conditions d1x = 0 and d 3x = 0 and solving the second of Eq. (15.1.31), we obtain (15.1.32) d2x=O Step 3 Back-substituting Eq. (15.1.30) into the global equation (Eq. (15.1.31)) (step 2) for the nodal forces, we obtain ;: } == { Flx {~} _ { -Ea;A } = { ° EaTA Ea;A } (15.1.33) -EaTA Using the numerical quantities for E, a) T, and A in Eq. (15.1.33), we obtain Fix = 42,000 Ib F2x =0 F3x = -42,000 Ib as shown in Figure 15-6. The stress in the bar is then (J = 42,000 = 10 500 psi 4 ) (compressive) (15.1.34) • Example 15.2 For the bar assemblage shown in Figure 15-7, determine the reactions at the fixed ends and the axial stress in each bar. Bar 1 is subjected to a temperature drop of 10°C. Let bar 1 be aluminum with E = 70 GPa, a = 23 x 10-6 {mmlmm)/OC, A = 12 X 10-4 ml, and L = 2 m. Let bars 2 and 3 be brass with E = 100 GPa, a 20 x 10-6 {mmlmm)/oC, A = 6 X 10-4 m 2 , and L = 2 m. = f..:::+-------"~ ~-----,---..,. -2" ~-.......;:"""-~-I--:., -x ~::-I-----~ Rigid bar Figure 15-7 Bar assemblage for thermal stress analysis 15.1 Formulation of the Thermal Stress Problem and Examples ... 625 We begin the solution by determining the stiffness matrices for each element. Element 1 1 k(l) - = (12 x 10- 6 4 )(70 x 10 ) [ 1 -1] 2 -1 1 = 42000 [ ) 2 (15.1.3S) 1 -1] kN -11m Elements 2 and 3 k(2) - 6 =-k(3) = (6 x 10-4)(100 x 10 ) [ 1 2 -1 -I] 1 = 30,000 2 3 2 4 [ 1 -1] kN -11m (15.1.36) Step 1 We obtain the element thennal force matrices by evaluating Eq. (15.1.20). First, evaluating - Ea.TA for element 1, we have -Ea.TA = -(70 x 106 )(23 x 10- 6 )(-10)(12 x 10-4 ) = 19.32 kN (15.1.37) where the -10 term in Eq. (15.1.37) is due to the temperature drop in element 1. Using the result ofEq. (15.1.37) in Eq. (15.1.20» we obtain fl) - = {fix} = { 19.32} flx -19.32 kN (15.1.38) There is no temperature change in elements 2 and 3} and so f(2) - = fP) - = {O0 } (15.1.39) Step 2 Assembling the global equations using Eqs. {15.1.35}, (15.1.38), and (15.1.39), we obtain 2 3 -42 0 [ -42 42 42 + 30 + 30 -30 1000 0 -30 30 -30 0 0 4 -3~lo !~: 130 ! d3x, tL.:x, Fix ~ !:~~~ 1 (15.1.40) F3x F4:x where the right-side thermal forces are considered to be equivalent nodal forces. Using the boundary conditions (15.1.41) 626 ... 15 Thermal Stress we obtain, from the second equation of Eq. {IS. lAO), 1000(102)d2;c = -19.32 Solving for d2x, we obtain d2x -1.89 X 10-4 m (15.L42) Step 3 Back-substituting Eq. (15.1.42) into the global equation for the nodal forces, we have f = Kg - fo, (15.1.43) Simplifying Eq. (15.1.43), we obtain FIx Fh = -11.38 kN 0.0 kN (15.1.44) = 5.69 kN F4:x. = 5.69 kN F3:x. A free-body diagram of the bar assemblage is shown in Figure 15-8. The stresses in each bar are then a (1) 11.38 12 x 10-4 = 9.48 x 103 kN/m 2 (9.48 MPa) (15.1.45) (2) a = a (3) 5.69 3 / 6 x 10-4 = 9.48 x 10 kN m 2 (9.48 MPa) S.69kN 3 I ,--------' I L38kN ' - - - - - - - - , '------""'L--~5.69kN 4 Figure 15-8 Free-body diagram of the bar assemblage of Figure 15-7 15.1 Formulation of the Thermal Stress Problem and Examples ... 627 Example 153 For the plane truss shown in Figure 15-9, determine the displacements at node 1 and the axial stresses in each bar. Bar ~ is subjected to a temperature rise of 7S oP. Let E = 30 X 10 6 psi, a = 7 x 10-6 (in.lin.)/op, and A = 2 in2 for both bar elements. y 8ft Figure 15-9 Plane truss for thermal stress analysis Q)' Jt 3 6ft First, using Eq. (3.4.23), we determine the sti!fness matrices for each element. Element 1 Choosing x from node 2 to node I, (J = 90°, and so cosf) = 0, sinf} = 1, and 2 k(l) - = (2)(30 x 106) (8 x 12) 1 0 0 0 0] 1 0 -1, Ib 0 0 in. [ Symmetry 1 (15.1.46) Element 2 Choosing x from node 3 to node 1, 0 = 180" - 53.13° = 126.87°, and so cosf} = -0.6; sin 0 = 0.8, and 3 0.36 -0.48 k(2) - = (2)(30 x 106) (10 x 12) 0.64 [ 1 -0.36 0.48] 0.48 -0.64 Ib (15.1.47) 0.36 -0.48 in. Symmetry 0.64 Step 1 We obtain the element thermal force matrices by evaluating Eq. (lS.1.20) as foUows: -EaTA = -(30 x 106)(7 x 10-6)(75)(2) == -31,500 Ib (15.1.48) 628 .A. 15 Thermal Stress Using the result ofEq. (15.1.48) for element I, we then have the local thermal 1 matrix as = { -31,500} Ib { ~2x} fIx 31,500 (15.1 There is no temperature change in element 2, so jl2) = U:} = {~ } (15.1 r- I rT, Recall that by Eq. (3.4.l6),j = If. Since we have shown that = we car tain the global forces by premuiiiplying Eq. (3.4.16) by IT to obtain the eler nodal forces in the global reference frame as [= rTj I I (l5.1 Using Eq. (15.1.51), the element 1 global nodal forces are then hfa [C -SC O0O0Ili2x) ~1 y =S fix fi, 0 0 C -S fix 0 0 S .lty C (IS.! where the order of terms in Eq. (15.1.52) is due to the choiCe of the x axis from no to node 1 and where [, given by Eq. (3.4.15), has been used. Substitutin~ the numeric!lI quan!ities C = 0 and S =: 1 (consistent with j element 1), and fix = 3I,500,fiy O,flx -31,500) and.l2y = 0 into Eq. (15.1 we obtain f2x = 0 f2y -31,5001b fix = 0 .Ii, = 31,500 Ib (15.1 These element forces are now the only equivalent global nodal forces, because eler 2 is not subjected to a change in temperature. Step 2 Assembling the global equations using Eqs. (15.1.46), (15.1.47). and (15.1.53) obtain 0.50 x 10 6 0.36 -0.48 0 0 1.89 ()"" -1.25 0 0 1.25 Symmetry 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.36 -0.48 0.64 db: d1, d2x d2y d3x d3y Flx+ O 31,500 Flx+ O -31,500+F2 F3J:+O F;y+O (15.1 15.1 Formulation of the Thermal $tre~s Problem and Examples .6. 629 ;orce The boundary conditions are given by 1.49) db: 0 d2x = 0 ~y = 0 d3x = 0 d3y = 0 (15.1.55) Using the boundary condition Eqs. (15.1.55) and the second equation ofEq. (15.1.54), we obtain (0.945 X 106)d1y 31,500 or 1.50) lobnent d1y = 0.0333 in. (15.1.56) Step 3 We now i1lustrate the procedUre used to obtain the local element forces in local coordinates; that is, the local element forces are (15.1.57) 1.51) t.52) r for .52), We determine the actuallocaI element nodal forces by using the relationship lJ. = r"!l, the usual bar element k matrix [Eq. (3.i.14)], the transformation matrix r* [Eq. (3.4.8)], and the calculated disp1acements and initial thermal forces applicable for the element under consideration. Substituting the numerical quantities for element I, from Eq. (15.1.57), we have = 2(30 x 10 { ~2x} fix 8 x 12 1 -II] [00 1 0 o -1 0 0 1] 6 ) [ nent . we ,54) - { -31,500 31,500} (15.1.58) Simplifying Eq~ (15.1.58), we obtain J2x .53) I I d d2x=O 2y = 0 db: = 0 dly = 0.0333 = 10,700 Ib fix = (15.1.59) -10,700 lb itx Dividing the local element force (which is the far-end force consistent with the convention used in Section 3.5) by the cross-sectional area, we obtain the stress as q(l) = -10 700 = -5350 psi (15.1.60) 2 Similarly, for element 2, we have { ~x} fix 6 = 2(30 X 10 10 x 12 ) [ 1 -It] [-0.6 0.8 0 0] 0 0 -1 -0.6 0.8 I~ 0 0.0333 I (15.1.61) Simplifying} Eq. (15.1.61), we obtain (15.1.62) Ax = -13,310 Ib fix = 13)310 lb where no initial thermal forces were present for element 2 because the element was not subjected to a temperature change. Dividing the far-end force fix by the 630 A 15 Thermal Stress cross-sectional area results in 0"(2) = 6660 psi (15.1.63) For two-:: and three-dimensional stress problems, this direct division of force by cross-sectional area 'is not permissible. Hence, the total stress due to both applied loading and temperature change must be determined by (15.1.64) !I !IL !IT We now illustrate Eq. (15.1.64) for bar element 1 of the truss of Example 15.3. For the bar, O"L can be obtained using Eq. (3.5.6), and O"T is obtained from uT J2§.T (15.1.65) EctT because 12 = E and GT = aT for the bar element. The stress in bar element t is then determined to be U(I) = ~[-C -S Sll~: 1 C L (i5.1.66) EaT ~x d\y Substituting the numerical quantities for element 1 into Eq. (15.1.66), we obtain u(l) = 3~: !~6 [0 _ I 0 1]1 ~ 1- ~30 6 6 x 10 )(7 x 10- )(75) (15,1,67) 0.0333 or u(l) = -5350 psi (15.1.68) • We will now illustrate the solutions of two plane thermal stress problems. Example 15.4 For the plane stress element shown in Figure 15-10, determine the element equations. The element has a 2000-lb/in 2 pressure acting perpendicular to side j-m and is subjected to a 30°F temperature rise. ,Recall that the stiffness matrix is given by [Eq. (6.2.52) or .(6.4.1)J [k] = [B] T[D} [B]tA and and Pi = Yj - Ym = -3 Pj =Ym - Yi = 3 Pm = Yi - Yj = '0 (15.1.69)" )Ii = Xm - Xj = -1 Yj = Xi - Xm = -1 Ym =Xj -Xi A = (3)(2) = 3 in 2 2 = 2 (lS.L70) 15.1 Formulation of the Thermal Stress Problem and Examples 1= A 631 1 in. E = 30 x l06psi 1% ::: 7 X ,,= 0.25 JO-6 (in.{m.)fF Figure 15-10 Plane stress element subjected to mechanical loading and a temperature change Therefore, substituting the results of Eqs. (15.1.70) into Eq. (6.2.34) for [Bl. we obtain (Bl =~ [-~-1 -3-~ -1~ -~3 2~ o~] (15.1.71) Assuming plane stress conditions to be valid, we have [Dl=~[: ; oo 1 1- \/2 o 0 6 1 0.25 0 = 30 x 10 2 0.25 1; v 1 - (0.25) [0 ~ ~.375 [8 2 0] psi = (4 x 10 6 ) 2 8 0 003 Also, ] 0 -1 -3 0 -1 -3 3 0 -1 [BJT{DJ =! 3 (4 x 10') 6 0 -1 0 2 0 0 2 0 (15.1.72) [~ 2 8 0 ~l ( 15.1.73) 632 ... 15 Thermal Stress Simplifying Eq. (IS.I.73), we obtain [Bf[D] = 4 X 10 6 6 -24 -6 -3 -2 -8 -9 24 6 -3 9 -2 -8 0 6 0 4 16 0 (15.1.74) Therefore, substituting the results of Eqs. (I5.l.71) and (15.1.74) into Eq. (15.1.69) yields the element stiffness matrix as -6 -3 -2 -8 -9 24 6 -3 -2 -8 9 -24 [k1 = (1 in.) (3 ~n2) 4 x6 106 0 0 4 16 [-~ -1 6 0 0 -1 3 '0 0 -1 0 0 -3 -1 3 2 ~] (15.1.75) Simplifying Eq. (15.1.75), we have the element stiffness matrix as 75 15 [kJ = 1 x 10 3 6 -69 -3 -6 -12 15 -69 -3 -6 -12 -19 -18 -16 12 lb 75 -15 -6 -19 -15 35 18 -16 in. -18 -6 12 18 0 32 -16 0 12 -16 35 3 3 (15.1.76) Using Eq. (15.1.25), the thennal force matrix is given by (tEtT {IT} = 2(1 - v) fii -3 -3 "Ii -1 3 -1 -1 3 Pj = (7 x 10-6)(30 x 106)(1)(30) 2(1- 0.25) 1j Pm "1m or {IT} = -12,600 -4200 12,600 -4200 0 8400 lb =4200 0, -1 0 2 2 (15.1.77) 15.1 Formulation of the Thermat Stress Problem and Examples Jr,. 633 The fon::e matrix due to the pressure applied alongside j-m is determined as foUows: Lj-m = ({2 _1)2 + (3 - 0)2} 1/2 = 3.163 in. px = peosO = 2000 (3}63) = 18961b/in2 Py =psin8= 2000(3.:63) = 632 Ib/in (15.1.78) 2 where fJ is the angle measured from the x axis to the nonnal to surface j-m. Using Eq. (6.3.7) to evaluate the surface forces, we have {/d = 11 [Nsf {;;}dS Sj..... = 11 S.I-'" Ni 0 N j 0 Nm 0 0 N; 0 M 0 Nm 0 0 0 0 dS = tLj-m 1 0 py 2 0 1 0 0 evaluated {px } {~:} (15.1.79) alongside j-m Evaluating Eq. (15.1.79), we obtain {I L } 0 0 0 0 0 = (1 in.)(3.163 in.) {1896} = 2 0 1 632 1 0 0 0 0 3000 1000 3000 1000 Ib (15.1.80) Using Eqs. {I 5.1.76), ,(15.1.77). and (IS.l.80). we find that the complete set of element equations is 75 15 -69 -3 -6 -12 3 -19 -18 -16 35 12 75 -15. -6 1 x 106 -318 -16 35 12 0 Symmetry 32 Uj Vi Uj Vj Um Vm -12,600 -4200 15,600 -3200 3000 '9400 (15.1.81) where the force matrix is {IT} + {iLlt obtained by adding Eqs. (15.1.77) and (15.l.80). • 634 .& 15 Thermal Stress Example 15.5 For the plane stress plate fixed along one edge and subjected to a uniform temperature rise of 50°C as shown in Figure 15-11, determine the nodal displacements and the stresses in each element. Let E = 210 .GPa, v 0.30, t = 5 mm, and Ci. = 12 X 10- 6 (mmlmm)rc. . The discretized plate is shown in Figure 15-11. We begin by evaluating the stiffness matrix of each element using Eq. (6.2.52). = 4 3 '~T @ SOOmm Q...007 1~lC1Q ... OC7 01_ 1113011t9a ~ .e,~gh.(lOQ 101'1 Maldlll\lm YaIu!: S.06S4ge+l101 1\11(11'1'2) M~mum Value: -6,DS~OO9I\11(m"2} Figure 15-12 Discretized plate showing displaced ptate superimposed with maximum principal stress plot in Pa Similarly, we obtain the stresses in tne other elements as follows: Elel1"ent 2 { :: } = Lxy {~:~~: ;~:} -2150 - { :~!: ~~: }'= {;~~~: ~~~ }Pa 0 (15.1.10: -2150 The clamped plate subjected to uniform heating (see the longhand solutio] Example 15.5) was also solved using the Algor computer program from Referen< [1]. The plate was discretized using the ·'automesh" feature of[1]. These results are sin ilar to those obtained from the longhand solution of Example 15.5 using the vel coarse mesh. The computer program solution with 342 elements is naturally more a4 curate than the longhand solution with only 4 elements. Figure 15-12 shows the di: cretized plate with resulting displacement superimposed on the maximum princip. I stress plot. 1 Reference [IJ Linear Stress and Dynamics Reference Division, Docutech On-line Documentation, Algo Inc., Pittsburgh, PA. ~) 11, Problems 641 ... Problems 15.1 For the one-dimensional steel bar fixed at the left end, free at the right end, and subjected to a uniform temperature rise T = 50 0 P as shown in Figure PI5-I, determine the free-end displacement, the displacement 60 in. from the fixed end, the reactions at the fixed end, and the axial stress. Let E = 30 X 106 psi, A = 4 in 2, and ct 7.0 x 10-6 (inJin.)/oF. . ~ T = SO"F ~ 120 in. T""-2()OC 3m ~ Figure P15-2 Figure P15-1 15.2 For the one-dimensional steel bar fixed at,each end and subjected to a uniform temperature drop of T = 20 0 as shown in Figure P15-2, determine the reactions at the fixed ends and the stress in the bar. Let E = 210 GPa, A = 1 X 10-2 m 2, and e , ~'" ~~ lX 15.3 = 11.7 X 10- 6 (mmlmm)/oC. For the plane truss shown in Figure PI 5-3,· bar element 2 is subjected to a uniform temperature rise of T = 50°F: Let E = 30 X 106 psi, A = 2 in 2 , and lX = 7.0 X 10-6 (infm.)/ °F. The lengths -of the truss elements are shown in the figure. Determine the stresses in each bar. {Hint: See Eqs. (3.6.4) and (3.6.6) in Example 3.5 for the global and reduced K matrices.} / 3 • T'~ 4 10ft 3 2 ® ~ -'---~--EK' 0 CJ-4_S_ ~e l~ 'Y :- ... 10ft I I Figure P15-4 Figure P15-3 S- • 15.4 For the plane truss shown in Figure PI5-4, bar element I is SUbjected to a unifom temperature rise of 30 0 E Let E = 30 X 106 psi, A = 2 in2 , and ct 7.0 x 10-6 (in~ in.)/oF. The lengths of the truss elements are shown in the figure. Determine the stresses in each bar. (Hint: Use Problem 3.21 for K.) r, 15.5 For the structure shown in Figure PI5-5, bar element I is subjected to a unifom temperature rise of T 20 G Let E = 210 GPa, A = 2 X 10-2 m 2, and lX = 6 12 X 10- (mmlmm)rC. Determine the stresses in each bar. ~I = e. 642 ... 15 Thermal Stress • 3 4 • CD ® I 3m /. 2 4 Rigid bar ® CD 1m ! Figure P1S-S Figure P1S-6 15.6 For the plane truss shown in Figure P15-6, bar element 2 is subjected to a uniform temperature drop of T = 20°e. Let E = 70 GPa, A = 4 X 10- 2 m 2 , and (l = 23 X 10-6 (mmlmm)/°C. Determine the stresses in each bar and the displacement of node 1. 15.7 For the bar structure shown in Figure P15-7, element 1 is subjected to a uniform temperature rise of T 30°C. Let E = 210 GPa, A = 3 X 10-2 m2 , and (l = 12 X 10-6 (mmlmm)rc. Detennine the displacement of node I and the stresses in each bar. ~*-------------+----~ o Steel 2 CD //h~-------B-~-------+----' ijh~-------~=-----~--~J 1m 3 2 ' 1m Figure P15-7 Figure Pl 5-8 15.8 A bar assemblage consists of two outer steel bars and an inner brass bar. Tl').e three~ bar assemblage is then heated to raise the temperature by an amount T = 40°F. Let all cross-sectional areas be A = 2 in 2 and L = 60 in., Esceel = 30 X 10 6 psi, Ebrass 15 X 10 6 psi, (lsteel 6.5 x 1O-6rF, and (lbrass 10 x 1O-6/<>F. Determine (a) the displacement of node 2 and (b) the stress in the steel and brass bars. See Figure PIS-8. 15.9 It has been a practice on some trucks to have an intake manifold made of an aluminum aHoy (ex 22.7 x lO-6/<>C) bolted to a plate made of steel (not shown) "j. Problems ... 643 = 11.7 x W- 6/ o C) with a gasket separating the two materials. Assume a model as shown in Figure PIS-9. If the temperature of the aluminum is increased by 40~C, what is the y displacement of the system and stress in each material? Also, what shear stress is induced in the bolted connection (assume two bolts in the connection)? Neglect the thin gasket in your model and assume the simplified model looks like Figure PIS-II below. (Cl Figure P1 5-9 15.10 When do stresses occur in a body made of a single material due to uniform temperature change in the body? Consider problem 15.1 and also compare the solution to Example 15.1 in this chapter. 15.11 Consider two thermally incompatible materials, such as steel and aluminum, attached together as shown in Figure PIS-II. Will there be temperature-induced stress in each material upon uniform heating of both materials to the same temperature when the boundary conditions are simple supports (a pin and a roller such that we have a statically determinate system)? Explain? Let there be a uniform temperature rise of T = 50°F. << ~ St determine the velocity at the first time step by Eq. (16.3.1) as ... .d2 - do d _1 = 2(61) 8. Use steps 5-:7 repeatedly to obtain the displacement, acceleration, and velocity 'for all other time steps. 656 ... ·16 Structural Dynamics and TIme-Dependent Heat Transfer Inp.ut the bound~ and initial conditions 40 and 40> the number bf time steps, and the size of the time step or increment AI Evaluate rhe initial acceleration fro~ ito l!r I Output the displacements !b. velocities ill< 4. and accelerations for a given lime step i Figure 16-6 - Flowcha rt of the central difference method Figure 16-6 is a flowchart of the solution procedure using the central difference .equations. Note that the recurrence formulas given by equations such as Eqs. (16.3.1) and (16.3.2) are approximate but yield sufficiently accurate results provided the time step M is taken small in relation to the variations in acceleration. Methods for determining proper time steps for the numerical integration process are described in Section 16.5. We will now illustrate the central difference equations as they apply to the following example problem. 16.3 Numerical Integration in Time A 657 Example 16.1 De~ennine the displacement, velocity~ and acceleration at 0.05-s time intervals up to 0.2 s for the one-dimensional spring-mass oscillator sUbjected to the time-dependent forcing function shown in Figure 16-7. [Guidelines regarding appropriate time inter~ vals (or time steps) are given in Section 16.5.] This forcing function is a typical one assumed for blast loads. The restoring spring. force versus displacement curve is also provided. [Note that Figure 16-7 also represents a one-element bar with its left end fixed and right node subjected to F(t) when a lumped mass is used.] Because we are considering the single degree of fieedom associated with the mass, the general matrix equations describing the motion reduce to single scalar equations. We will represent this single degree of freedom by d. The solution procedure foHows the steps outlined in this section and in the flowchart of Figure 16-6. F(t)~ lb 2000 171 = 31.831b-s2lin. --x F(t) l--....... 0.2 t, S F.Jb tOO - - - - k ~.O x. in. Figure 16-7 Spring-mass oscillator subjeaed to a time-dependent force Step 1 At time t = 0, the initial displacement and velocity are zero; therefore) do ='0 Step 2 The initial acceleration at t = 0 is obtained as ] = 2000 - 100(0) = 62 83' / 2 31.83 . m. s uo where we have used £(0) = 2000 lb and K= 100 lb/in. 658 .i. 16 Structural Dynamics and Time-Dependent Heat Transfer Step 3 The displacement d_1 is obtained as d_ l 0 - 0 + (0.~5)2 (62.83) = 0.0785 in. Step 4 The displacement at time t = 0.05 s is d1 = - 3 I8 {(O.05)2(2000) + [2(31.83) - (0.05)2(100)JO- (31.83)(0.0785)) 1. 3 = 0.0785 in. StepS Having obtained d1) we now detennine the displacement at time t = 0.10 s as 1 d2 . = 31.83 ((0.0~)\1500) + [2(31.83) (0.OS)1(100)J(O.0785) - (31.83)(0)} = 0.274 in. Step 6 The acceleration at time t = 0.05 s is d1 31~83 [1500 - 100(0.0785)1 = 46.88 in./s 2 Step 7 The velocity at time t = 0.05 s is 0.274-0 . ' 2(0.05) = 2.74 m./s StepS Repeated use of steps 5-7 will result in the displacement, acceleration, and velocity for additional time steps as desired. We will now perform one more time-step iteration of the procedure. Repeating step 5 for the next time step, we have d3 = 31~83 ((0.05)2(lOOO) + [2(31.83) - (0.05)2(100)](0.274) - (31.83)(O.0785)} = 0.546 in. Repeating step 6 for the next time step, we have - 1 d2 = 31.83 [1000 - lOO(O.274)} = 30.56 in./s 2 163 Numerical Integration in Time Table 16-1 • 659 Results of the analysis of Example 16.1 t (5) F(/) (lb) 'di (in.) Q (lb) di (in./s2) d; (in.js) di (exact) 0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 2000 1500 )000 500 0 0 0 0.0785 0.274 0.546 0.854 1.154 0 7.85 27.40 54.64 85.35 115.4 62.83 46.88 30.56 13.99 -2.68 -3.63 0 2.74 4.68 5.79 6.07 5.91 0 0.0718 0.2603 0.5252 0~8250 1.132 Finally> repeating step 7 for the next time step, we obtain - 0.0785 = 4 68' / d·2 = 0.546 2(0.05) . m. S Table 16-1 summarizes the results obtained through time t = 0.25 s. In Table 16-1, Q = kdi is the restoring spring force. Also, the exact analytical solution for displacement based on the equation in Reference 114} is given by Fo Fo (Sin rot- t) y =-(l-cosrot) +-k ktd where Eo = 2000 lb, k = 100 Ibjin., w= td = 0.2 ro s, and oo - - = 1.77 rad/s 31.83 ~m = ~ - • Newmark's Method We will now outline Newmark's numerical method, which, because of its general versatility, has bien adopted into numerous commercially available computer programs for purposes of structural dynamics analysis. (Complete development of the equations can be found in Reference [5J.) Newmark's equations are given by 4i+t = 4i + (Al)(1 - y)di + y.4i+d 4i+1 = 4i + (At)4i + (At)2[(! - P).4i + P4i+tl (16.3.9) (16.3.10) where fJ and yare parameters chosen by the user. The parameter fJ is generally chosen between 0 and ~ and y is often taken to be For instance, choosing 'Y = and P= 0, it can be shown that Eqs. (16.3.9) and (16.3.10) reduce to the central difference Eqs. (16.3.1) and (16.3.2). Ify=!andp=!arechosen, Eqs. (16.3.9) and (16.3.1O) correspond to those for which a linear acceleration assumption is valid within each time interval. For y = ! and P= ~, it has been shown that the numerical analysis is stable; that is. computed quantities such as displacement and velocities do not become unbounded regardless of the time step chosen. Furthermore) it has been found [5J that a time step of approximately of the shortest natural frequency of the structure being analyzed usual1y yields the best results. !- 10 l 660 .. 16 Structural Dynamics and TIme-Dependent Heat Transfer . To find 4i+l, we first multiply Eq. (16.3.10) by the mass matrix M. and then substitute Eq. (16.3.5) for 4i+! into this equation to obtain M4i+1 = M.4i + {ilt)M4i + (Ilt)2 M(! - P)4i] + P(llt) 2 [Ei+l - K4i+d Combining like terms of Eq. (16.3.1 I), (M + fJ(llt)2K)d.i+1 ~e (16.3.11) obtain = P(llt)2fi+l + M!i! +.(ilt)M4i + (ilt)2M(f- [J)4j (16.3.12) Finally, dividing Eq. (16.3.12) by fJ{llt)2, we obtain where . K'4i+l = E:+I (16.3.13) K' = K + p(~t)2M (16.3.14) f;+1 = fHl + f3(~f2 [4i + (Ilt)4i + (~- f3) (L\t)24;] The solution procedure using Newmark's equations is as follows: go 1. Starting at time t = 0, is known from the given boundary conditions on displacement, and do is known from the initial velocity conditions. 2. Solve Eq. (16.3.5) at 1 = 0 for (unless is known from an initial acceleration condition); that is, 40 3. 40 40 = M-1Cfo - K4o) Solve Eq. (16.3.13) for 41, because fHI is known for an time steps and !if}) do. and 40 are now known from steps 1 and 2. 4. Use Eq. (16.3.10) to solve for as iii . iii = P(~t)2 [gl-g~-(llt)40-(ilt)1(r-p)4o] 5. Solve Eq. (I6.3.9) directly for dl' 6. Using the results of steps 4 and 5, go back to step 3 to solve for !i2 and then to steps 4 and 5 to solve for 42 and 42> Use steps 3-5 repeatedly to solve for tli+h4i+l, and d.i+I. Figure 16-8 is a flowchart of the solution procedure using Newmark's equations. The advantages of Newmark's method over the central difference method are that Newmark's method can be made unconditionally stable (for instance, if fJ = and y = !) and that larger time steps can be used with better results because, in general, the difference expressions more closely approximate the true acceleration and displacement time behavior [8} to [Ill. Other difference fonnulas, such as Wilson's and Houboldt's, also yield unconditionally stable algorithms.. We will now illustrate the use of Newmark's equations as they apply to the following example problem_ 1 16.3 Numerical Integration in Time 661 A. Inpur the boundary and initial conditions!!b and!!o. me number of time steps. the size of the time step or increment 1J.t. and the values of (j and 'Y Evaluate the initial acceJeration frorniio ::: bf.-I(fo - &.40) 00 i :: I, Total number ohime steps Solve Eq. (16.3.13) fori!;+I: tbat is, solve,&'!i1+1 = ft... , Solve Eqs. (16.3.10) and (16.3.9) for4H I and41i-' Output the displacements iI' velocities tIi • and accelerations 41 given timestepi for a Figure 16-8 Flowchart of numerical integration in time using Newmark's equations Example t 6.2 Detennine the displacement, velocity, and acceleration at O.I-s time increments up to a time of 0.5 s for the one-dimensional spring·mass oscillator subjected to the time· dependent forcing function shown in Figure 16-9, along with the restoring spring force versus displacement CUIVe. Assmne the o~llator is initially at rest. Let P= and y = t, which corresponds to an assumption of linear acceleration within each time step. Because we are again considering the single degree of freedom associated with the mass, the general matrix equations describing the motion reduce to single scalar equations. Again, we represent this single degree of freedom by d. The solution procedure follows the steps outlined in this section and in the flowchart of Figure 16-8. i Step 1 At time t = 0) the initial displacement and velocity are ~ero; therefore, do =0 662 .... 16 Structural Dynamics and Time-Dependent Heat Transfer F(/),lb m = 1.77Ib-s 2/in. 100 t -F(t) -_ _ ,X F,lb 70 2.0 0.25. ----k r,s , r I 1 1.0 Figure 16-9 ,x, in. Spring-mass oscillator subjected to a time-dependent force Step 2 The initial 'acceleration at t = 0 is obtained as .. do = where we have used f 0 100 - 70(0) 1.77 56.5 in.js2 = 100 Ib and K = 70 lbjin. Step 3 We now splve for the displacement at time t = 0.1 s as K' 1 - (1.77) (6)(0.1) 2 = 70+-1- = 1132Ibjin. 1 1 F{ = 80 +~ [0 + (0.1)(0) + (-2 ..:. -6)(0.1)\56.5)] (s)(O.l ) dt 280 = 1132 = = 280 lb . 0.248 In. Step 4 Solve for the acceleration at time t = 0.1 s as . 1 [ d, = -,--2 0.248 - 0 - (0.1)(0) - (0.1) 2 (6)(0.1) (12: - (51) (56.5)] 16.3 Numerical Integratio~ in Time ... 663 StepS Solve for the velocity at time t d, =0.1 s as = 0+ (O.l)[(I-!)(56.5) + (~)(35.4)J dI = 4.59 in.fs Step 6 Repeated use of steps 3-5 will result in the displacement, acceleration, and velocity for additional time steps as desired. We will now perfonn one more time-step iteration. Repeating step 3 for the next time step (t = 0.2 s). we have F~ = 60 + 1 1 1.77 2 [0.248 + (0.1)(4.59) + (-2 - -6) (0.1)2(35.4)] (6)(0.1) I F; = 934lb .1 "2 934 8' = 1132 = O. 25 m. Repeating step 4 for time step t = 0.2 s~ we obtain dl = d2 = (~)(~.l)2 (0.825 - 0.248 - (0.1)(4.59) - (0.1)2 (~-~) (35.4)] 1.27 in./s2 Finally, repeating step 5 for time step t = 0.2 s, we have til = 4.59 + (0.1)[(1 - !)(35.4) +!(1.27)] til = 6.42 in·/s Table 16-2 summarizes the results obtained through time t = 0.5 s. Ta&le 16-2 Results of the analysis of Example 16.2 t (s) F(t) (tb) (in./s2) (in·/s) 0 56.5 17.3 35.4 1.27 0 4.59 6.42 d; (in.) Q (lb) O. 100 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 80 0 0.248 60 0.825 57.8 48.6 45.7 42.9 1.36 1.72 1.68 95.2 120.4 117.6 -26.2 5.17 -42.2 -42.2 -2.45 1.75 • 664 A 16 Structural Dynamics and Time-Dependent Heat Transfer Wilson's Method We will now outline Wilson's method (also called the Wilson-Theta method). Because of its genera] versatility, it has been adopted into the Algor computer program for purposes of structural dynamics analysis. Wilson's method is an extension of the linear acceleration method wherein the acceleration is assumed to vary linearly within each time interval now taken from t to t + 0M, where 0 ~ 1.0. For 0 1.0, the method reduces to the linear ,acceleration scheme. However, for unconditional stability in the numerical analysis, we must use 0 ~ 1.37 [7, 8J. In practice, 0 = 1.40 is often selected. The Wilson equations are given in a form similar to the previous Newmark)s equations, Eqs. (16.3.9) and (16.3.10), as . . 0M·· .. di +1 = di + 2 (di+1 + di ) (16.3.15) (16.3.16) where di + I , d;+t. and di+J represent the acceleration, velocity, and displacement, respectively, at time t + 0At. We seek a matrix equation of the form of Eq. (16.3.13) that can be solved for displacement !li+l. To obtain this equation, first solve Eqs. (16.3.15) and (16.3.16) for di +1 and di +! in tenns of di +1 as-follows: Solve Eq. (16.3.16) for dr+l to obtain (j. I _1+ =_6_(d_ I 0 2 (At)2 _1+ d-)-~d'-2d. 0At-' _I _I (16.3.17) Now use Eq. (16.3.17) in Eq. (16.3.15) and solve for 4i+l to obtain . 3 . eAt .. d-+ 1 = -(d-+ d·) - 2d- -d0At _I 1 - _I _I 2- 1 _I (16.3.18) To obtain the displacement 4i+l (at time t + 0At), we use the equation of motion Eq. (16.2.24) rewritten as if=+-I = Mdi+! + Kdi+! (16.3.19) Now, substituting Eq. (16.3.17) for 4i+1 into Eq. (16.3.19), we obtain [0 M 2(:,)2 (g,+l - g,) 0~t4, - 24.] + Kg'+1 =EI+! (16.3.20) Combining like tenns and rewriting in a fonn similar to Eq. (16:3.13), we obtain (16.3.21) where (16.3.22) 16.4 Natural Frequencies. of a One-Dimensional Bar A 665 You will note the similarities between Wilson's Eqs. (16.3.22) and Newmark's Eqs. (16.3.14). Because the acceleration is assumed to vary linearly, the load vector is expressed as (16.3.23) where fi+1 replaces fi+l in Eq. (16.3.22). Note that ife = 1, {i+1 = fi+l. Also, Wilson's method (like Newmark's) is ari implicit integration method, because the displaCements show up as multiplied by the stiffness matrix and we implicitly solve for the displacements at time t+ edt. The solution procedure using Wilson's equations is as follows: 1. Starting at time t = 0, d1) is known from the given boundary conditions on displacement, and ~ is known from the initial velocitY conditions. 2. Solve Eq. (16.3.5) for do (unless do is known from an initial acceleration condition). 3. Solve Eq. (16.3.21) for d h because £:+1 is known for all time steps, and do, ~,do are now known from steps 1 and 2..• 4. Solve Eq. (16.3.l7) for dl . S. Solve Eq. (16.3.18) for J1• 6. Using the results of steps 4 and 5, go back to step 3 to solve for d2, and then return to steps 4 and 5 solve for d2 and J2• Use steps 3-5 repeatedly to solve for di+l, di +1, and di+). to A flowchart similar to Figure 16-8, based on Newmark's equation, is left to your diS-=cretion. Again, note that the advantage of Wilson's method is that it can be made unconditionally stable by setting e ~ 1.37. Finally, the time step. At, recommended is approximately -lo to ~ of the shortest natural period T" of the finite element assemblage with n degrees of freedom; that is, dl ~ "t'n/IO. In comparing the Newmark and Wilson methods, we observe little difference in the computational effort, because they both require about the same time step. Wilson's method is very similar to Newmark's, so hand solutions will not be presented. However, we suggest that you rework ExampJe 16.1 by Wilson's method and compare your displacement results with the exact s0lution listed in Table 16-1. 1: 16.4 Natural Frequencies of a One-Dimensional Bar Before solving the structural stress dynamics analysis problem, we will first describe how to determine the natural frequencies of continuous elements (specifically the bar element). The natural frequencies are necessary in a vibration analysis and also are important when choosing a proper time step for a structural dynamics analysis (as will be discussed in Section 16.5). 666 A 16 Structural.Dynamics and TIme-Dependent Heat Transfer Natural frequencies are determined by solving Eq. (16.2.24) in the absence of a forcing function F(t). Therefore, we solve the matrix equation M4+K4=O The standard solution for 4(t) is given by the hannonic equation in time 4(/) = 4'dllJ1 (16.4.1) (16.4.2) where 4' is the part of the nodal displacement matrix called natural modes that is assumed to be independent of time, i is the standard imaginary number given by i = H, and (fJ is a natural frequency. Differentiating Eq. (16.4.2) twice with respect to time, we obtain 4( t) = 4' (_{fJ2)e iwr (16.4.3) Substitution of Eqs. (16.4.2) and (16.4.3) into Eq. (16.4.1) yields _M(I) 24'e + K4'e iw' illJt =0 (16.4.4) 0 (16.4.5) Combining terms in Eg. (16.4.4), we obtain eir»t Because e imt Cit - (1)2 M)4' is not zero," from Eg. (16.4.5)"we obtain (K - (1)2 M)g' = O· (16.4.6) Equation (16.4.6) is a set of linear homogeneous equations in terms of displacement mode 4'. Hence, Eq. (16.4.6) has a nontrivial solution if and only if the determinant of the coefficient matrix of 4' is zero; that is, we must have (16.4.7) In general, Eq. (16.4.7) is a set of n algebraic equations, where n is the number of degrees of freedom associated with the problem. To illustrate the procedure for determining the natural frequencies, we will solve the following example problem. Example 16.3 For the bar shown in Figure 16-10 with length 2L, modulus of elasticity E, mass density p, and cross-sectional area A, determine the fitst two natural frequencies. For simplicity, the bar is discretized into two elements each oflength L as shown in Figure 16-1 L To solve Eq. (16.4.7)~ we must develop the total stiffness matrix for the bar by using Eq. (16.2.11). Either the lumped-mass matrix Eq. (16.2.12) or the ~ ~x ~~----------u------------~ Figure 16-10 One-dimensional bar used for natural frequency determination 16.4 Natural Frequencies of a One-Dimensional Bar ~ Figure 16-11 • 667 2 Discretized bar of Figure 16-10 consistent-mass matrix Eq. (16.2.23) can be used. In general, using the consistent-mass matrix has resulted in solutions that compare more closely to available analytical and experimental results than those fou~d using the lumped-mass matrix. However, the longhand calculations are more tedious using the consistent-mass matrix than using the I~ped-mass matrix because the Consistent-mass matrix is a full symmetric matrix, whereas the lumped-mass matrix bas nonzero tenns only along the main diagonal. Hence, the lumped-mass matrix wiD be used in this analysis. Using Eq. (16.2.11), the stiffness matrices for each element are given by 1 2 2 [kPl l = AE [k(l)} = AE ( 1 -1 ] L -1 1 [ L 3 1-l]1 (16.4.8) -1 The usual direct stiffness method for as~bling the element matrices, Eqs. (16.4.8), yields the global stiffness matrix for the whole bar as [K) = ~ [-;o -1-~ -~]1 (16.4.9) Using Eq. (16.2.12), the mass matrices for each element are given by 1 2 2 [1 OJ' [m(2}} = pAL [m(l)] = pAL 201 2 3 [1 0] (16.4.10) 0 1 The mass matrices for each element are assembled in the same manner as for the stiffness matrices. Therefore, by assembling Eqs. (16.4.10), we obtain the global mass matrix as [M} = pAL 0I 02 0] 0 [ 0 1 20 (16.4.11) We observe from the resulting global mass matrix that there are two mass contributions at node 2 because node 2 is common to both elements. Substituting the global stiffness matrix Eq. (16.4.9) and the global mass matrix Eq. {I 6.4.1 1) into Eq. (16.4.6), and using-the boundary condition db: = 0 (or now 0) to reduce the set of equations in the usual manner~ we obtain d: = 2 -1]I _' (AE[ L -I (f) 2 pAL 2 [2 O]){tI2} ={O} 0 Old] (16.4.12) 668 ... 16 Structural, Dynamics and Time-Oependent Heat Transfer To obtain a solution to the set of homogeneous equations in Eq. (16.4.12), we set tb determinant of the coefficient matrix equal to zero as indicated by Eq. (16.4.7). W, then have 2 -1] _A AE[ I L -1 I [2 PAL 0·1[=0 2 0 1. (16.4.13 where 1 = w 2 has been used in Eq. (16.4.13). Dividing Eq. (16.4.13) by pAL an( letting p = E/(pL2 ). we obtain (16.4.14 Evaluating the determinant in Eq. (16.4.14), we obtain 1 = 2p ±p.Ji Al or (16.4.15 0.6Op For comparison, the exact solution is given by 1 = O.616p, whereas the consistent mass approach yields 1:= 0.648/l. ThereJore, for bar elements, the lumped-mas: approacn can yield results as good as, or even better than, the results for the consis tent-mass approach. However, the consistent-mass approach can be mathematican~ proved to yield- an upper bound on the frequencies) whereas the lumped-mas: approach yields results that can be below or above the exact frequencies with n< mathematical proof of boundedness. From Eqs. (16.4.15), the first and second natura frequencies are given by =~= W] Letting E = 30 x 10 6 0.77.JP. t:IJ2 = Ji;" = 1.85.JP. psi, p = 0.000731b-s /in , and L = 100 in.) we obtain 2 4 p = E/(pL2) = (30 x 106)/[(0.00073)(1"00)2J = 4.12 x 106 8-2 Therefore, we obtain the natural circular frequencies as WI = 1.56 x 10 3 rad/s t:IJ2 = ~.76 x 103 cadis (16.4.16: or in Hertz (lis) units f. = wl/2n = 248 Hz, and so on In conclusion, note that for a bar discretized such that two nodes are free to dis, place, there are two natural modes and two frequencies. When a system vibrates with ~ given natural frequency Wi, that unique shape with -arbitrary amplitude correspondin! to Wi is called the mode. In general, for an n-degrees-of-freedom discrete system, thert are n natural modes and frequencies. A continuous system actually has an infinitE number of natural modes and .frequencies. When the system is discretized, only 1, degrees of freedom are created. The lowest modes and frequencies are approximate( most often; the rugher frequencies -are damped out more rapidly and are usuaUy Oflesl importance. A rule of thumb is to use two times as many elements as the number 01 frequencies desired. 16.5 Time-Dependent One-Dimensional Bar Analysis 669 1.0 1.0 First mode • Second mode Figure 16-12 First and second modes of longitudinal vibration for the cantilever bar ofFigure 16-10 Substituting AI from Eqs. (16.4.15) into Eq. (16.4.12) and simplifying, the first modal equations are given by L4pd~(I) - p.d~{I) == 0 -JUi~(I) + 0.7pdt) = 0 (16.4.17) It is customary to specify the value of one of the natural modes d' for a given Wi or Ai- Letting d;(1) = 1 and solving Eq. (16.4.17). we find dt) = 0.7. Similarly, substituting A2 from Eqs. (16.4.15) into Eq. (16.4.12), we obtain the second modal equations. For brevity's sake, these equations are not presented here. Now letting d;(2) = 1 results in d~(2) = -0.7. The modal response for the first and second natural frequencies of longitudinal vibration are plotted in Figure 16-12. The first mode means that the bar is completely in tension or compression, depending on the excitation direction. The second mode means the bar is in compression and tension or in • tension and compression. .At.. 16.5 Time-Dependent One-Dimensional Bar Analysis Example 16.4 To illustrate the finite element solution of a time-dependent problem, we will solve the problem of the one-dimensional bar shown in Figure 16-13(a) subjected to the force shown in Figure 16-13(b). We will assume the boundary condition d1x = 0 and the initial conditions do = 0 and = O. For later numerical computation purposes, we let parameters p = 0.00073 Ib-s2Jin\ A = I in2, E::::; 30 X ]06 psi, and L = 100 in. These parameters are the sam~ values as used in Section 16.4. Because the bar is discretized into two elements of equal length, the global stitTness and mass matrices detennined in Section 16.4 and given by Eqs. (16.4.9) and (16.4.11) are applicable. We will again use the lumped-mass matrix because of its do 670 A 16 Structural Dynamics and Time-Dependent Heat Transfer F(!) ~~~------U--------~~F(t) 1000 Ib 1----------..... (a) (b) Figure 16-13 (a) Bar subjeaed to a time-dependent force and (b) the forcing function applied to the end of the bar L o (B--F(l) L Figure 16-14 Discretized bar with lumped masses resulting computational simplicity. Figure 16-14 shows the discretized bar and the associated lumped masses. For il1ustration of the numerical time integration scheme, we will use the central difference method because it is easier to apply for longhand computations (and without loss of generality). \ We next select the time step to be used in the integration process. It has been mathematically shown that the time step must be less than or equal to 2 divided by the highest natural frequency when the central difference method is used [7J; that is, I1t ~ 2/wmax • However, for practical results, we must use a time step of less than or equal to three-fourths of this value; that is, dt~ ~(_2_) (16.5.1) 4 COmax This time step ensures stability of the inte~tion method. This criterion for selecting a time step demonstrates the usefulness of determining the natural frequencies of vibration, as previously described in Section 16.4, before performing the dynamic stress analysis. An alternative guide (used only for a bar) for choosing the approximate time step is (16.5.2) J where L is the element length, and ex Ex/pis called the longitudinal wave velocity. Evaluating the time step by using both criteria, Eqs. 06.S.l} and (16.5.2), from Eqs. (16.4.l6) for w> we obtain dt 3 ( ·2 ) '4 Wmax 1.5 = 3.76 X 103 0.40 X 10-3 S (16.5.3) 16.5 Time-Dependent One-Oimensionat Bar Analysis ... 671 L 100 (16.5.4) !It = - = = 0.48 x 10- 3 s ex J30 x 106 /0.00073 Guided by the maximum time steps calculated in Eqs. (16.5.3) and (16.5.4). we choose At = 0.25 x 10-3 s as a convenient time step for the computations. Substituting the global stiffness and mass matrices, Eqs. (16.4.9) and (16.4. I J), into the global dynamic Eq. (16.2.24), we obtain or ~ [-~o -~ -~] {~~:} P~L [~ ,~ ~l {~:} + -I 1 d3x 0 0 1 d3x = { ~l } (16.5.5) F3(t) where R, denotes the unknown reaction at node 1. Using the procedure for solution outlined in Section 16.3 and in the flowchart of Figure 16-6, we begin as follows: Step 1 Given: d1x = 0 because of the fixed support at node 1, and all nodal displacements and velocities are zero at time t = 0; that is, do = 0 and rIo = O. Also, assume db = 0 at all times. Step 2 Solve for 40 using Eq. (16.3.5) as dO={;:}t=o =P~L[t n[{l~Oo}_A:[_~ -~]{~}] (16.5.6) where Eq. (16.5.6) accounts for the conditions dl.~ = 0 and Eq. (16.5.6), we obtain .. 2000 { 0 } 1 rIo = pAL = 0 }. z 27,400 m·/'S { d,x = O. Simplifying (16.5.7) where the numerical values for p, A, and L have been substituted into the final numerical result in Eq. (16.5.7), and [! M-1 = _2_ 0] pAL 0 1 (16.5.8) has been used in Eq. (16.5.6). The computational advantage of using the lumped-mass matrix for longhand calculations is now evident. The inverse of a diagonal matrix, such as the lumped-mass matrix, is obtained simply by inverting the diagon,!1 elements ._ of the matrix. Step 3 Using, Eq. (16.3.8), we solve for 4-1 as 4-1 = . (At)2 .. do - (M)d.o +-2-rIo (16.5.9) 672 .... 16 Structural Dynamics and Time·Dependent Heat Transfer 40 Substituting the initial conditions on and rio from step 1 and Eq. (16.5.7) for the initial acceleration 40 from step 2 into Eq. (16.5.9), we obtain 4-1 = 0 - (0.25 x 10- 3)(0) + (0.25 ><2 Of, 10 3 - )2 (27,400) { ~} on simplification, {~:} -1 = {0.856 ~ 1O- 3} (16.5.10) in. Step 4 On premultiplying Eq. (16.3.7) by M- 1) we now solve for ~1 by M- 1{(At)2Eo + [2M - (AI)2 K]4o Md-I} 41 (16.5.11) Substituting the numerical values for p,A,L, and E and the results ofEq. (16.5.10) into Eq. (16.5.1 I), we obtain = _2_ [~ { d2;x} d3x 1 0.073 0 0] 1 {C0 .25 X1O-3)2{ - (025 x 10-')'(30 x 10') - 0.073 [~ ~]{ 0.856 : + [2(0.073) [2 0 } 1000 [_~ 2 -:]]{ 01] 0 ~} 10-3 }} Simplifying, we obtain {~: }I= 0'~73 [~ ~J [{ 0.0625 x 1O-3} 0 Finally, the nodal displacements at time t { ~: } I = { 0.858 ~ 10- 3} 0 {0.0312 10- X 3}] 0.25 x 10-3 in. (at t = 0.25>< 10- 3 s) s become (16.5.12) Step 5 With rio initially given and 41 determined from step 4, we use Eq. (16.3.7) to obtain 42 = M-I{{L\t)2EI = _2_ [~ 0] 0.073 0 1 + {2M - (M)2K1.41 {(0.25 X 1O-3)2{ - (0.25 x W-')'(30 x 10') [_~ Mao} 0 } 1000 -: II + [2(0.073) 2 [70 0 ] 1 16.5 Time-Dependent One-Dimensional Bar Analysis 0 x { 0.858 x 10-3 A. 673 O]{O}} 0 } 0.073[2 0 1 - [t 3 2 0] [{ 0 } {0.0161:X 10- }] = 0.073 0 1 0.0625 X 10-3 + 0.0466 X 10-3 Simplifying, we obtain the nodal displacements at time t = 0.50 3 d2x } {0.221 X 1O{ d3x 2 = 2.99 X 10-3 10-3 s as" (at t = 0.50 X 10-3 s) • } X m. (16.5.13) Step 6 Solve for the nodal accelerations . ii, again using Eq. (16.3.5) as 2 [1~ 0]1 [{ 1000 0 }- (30 x 10) -12 -1]1 {0.858 °x 10- }] 4 [ 41 = 0.073 3 Simplifying, we then obtain the nodal accelerations at time t = 0.25 d2x } { d..3x I = {3526} . 2 26345 m·/s (at t = 0.25 X X 10- 3 s as 10-3 s) (16.5.14) ' The reaction Rl could be found by using the results ofEqs. (16.5.12) and (16.5.14) in Eq. (16.5.5). Step 7 Using Eq. (16.5.13) from step 5 and the boundary condition for 40 given in step I, we obtain 41 as 0.221 X 10- 3 d _ [{ 2.99 X 10-3 _I - } _ { 0 }] 0 2(0.25 x 10-3) Simplifying, we obtain . } = {0.442}. 598 m. Is { dd2,x . 3x (at t = 0.25 'x 10-3 s) StepS We now use steps 5-7 repeatedly to obtain the displacement, acceleration, and veloc~ ity for all other time steps. For simplicity, we Calculate the acceler,ation only. Repeating steP 6 with t = 0.50 X 10-3 S, we obtain the nodal accelerations as 2 [!° O}[{ ° }-30X 104[ -12 _-1]1 {0.221 x 10-3}] 1 1000 2.99 x 10- d __ ,,2 - 0.073 3 674 ~ 16 Structural Dynamics and Time-Dependent Heat Transfer On simplifying, the nodal accelerations at t = 0.50 X 10- 3 s are d2x } { 0 } { 10,500 } { d3x 2 = 27,400 + -22,800 1O,500} . ., m./s{ 4600 A (at { = 0.5 X 10-3 s) (16.5.15) II 16.6 Beam Element Mass Matrices and Natural Frequencies We now consider the lumped~ and consistent-mass matrices appropriate for timedependent beam analysis. The development of the element equations follows the same general steps as used in Section 16.2 for the bar element. The beam element with the associated nodal degrees of freedom (transverse dis· placemtmnmd rotation) is shown in Figure 16-15. The basic element equations are given by the general form, Eq. (16.2.10), with the appropriate nodal force, stiffness, and' mass matrices for a beam element. The stiffness matrix for the beam element is that given by Eq. (4.1.14). A lumped-mass matrix is obtained as (16.6.1) where one-half of the total beam mass has been lumped at each node, corresponding to the translational degrees of freedom. In the lumped mass approach, the inertial effect associated with possible rotational degrees of freedom has been assumed to be zero in obtaining Eq. (16.6.1) although a value may be assigned to these rotational degrees of freedom by calculating the mass moment of inertia of a fraction of the beam segment about the nodal points. For a Imifonn beam we could then calculate the mass moment of inertia of half of the beam segment about each end node using J"L }J". ~l~'r--i-----------"'~~ I L 2 Figure 16-15 Beam element with nodal degrees of freedom 16.6 Beam Element Mass Matrices and Natural Frequencies A. 675 basic dynamics as 1 = 1(pAL/2)(L/2)2 Again, the lumped-mass matrix given by Eq. (16.6.1) is a diagonal matrix, making matrix numerical calculations easier to penorm than when using the consistent-mass matrix. The consistent-mass matrix can be obtained by applying the general Eq. (16.2.19) for the beam element, where the shape functions are now given by Eqs. (4.1.7). Therefore, [m] = III p[Nf[N] dV (16.6-2) v (16.6.3) with NI = ~3 (2i) - Nz = 13 (x L - 25: L + xL N3 3 3x2L + L 3 ) 2 2 3) (16.6.4) = ~3 (-2x 3 + 3x2L) N4 = ~3 (x 3 L - ¥L2) On substituting the shape function Eqs. (16.6.4) into Eq. (16.6.3) and performing the integration, the consistent-mass matrix becomes 156 [~] = pAL 420 m [ 22L 54 -13L !~~ ~;L =~~;l 13L 156 -22L -3L2 -22L (16.6.5) 4L2 Having obtained the mass matrix for the beam element, we could proceed to formulate the global stiffness and mass matrices and equations of the form given by Eq. (16.2.24) to solve the problem of a beam subjected to a time-dependent load. We win not illustrate the procedure for solution here because it is tedious and similar to that used to solve the one-dimensional bar problem in Section 16.5. However, a computer program can be used, for the analysis of beams and frames subjected to time. dependent forces. Section 16.7 provides descriptions of plane frame and other element mass matrices, and Section 16.9 describes some computer program results for dynamics analysis of bars, beams, and frame~. To clarify the procedure for beam analysis, we will now determine the natural frequencies of a beam. 676 It. 16 Structural Dynamics and Time-Dependent Heat Transfer Example 165 We now consider the determination of the natural frequencies of vibration for a beam fixed at both ends as shown in Figure 16-16. The beam has mass density p, modulus of eJasticity E, cross-sectional area A, area moment of inertia 1, and length 2L. For simplicity of the longhand calculations, the beam is discretized into (a) two beam elements of length L (Figure 16-16(a)) and then (b) three beam elements oflength L each (Figure 16-16(b)). 2 ·1· (a) L ·1· L3 (b) Figure 16-16 Beam for determination of natural frequencies (a) Two-Element Solution We can obtain the natural frequencies by using the general Eq. (16.4.7). First, we assemble the global stiffness and mass matrices (using the boundary conditions d 1y = 0, tPl 0, d3y = 0, and tP3 = 0 to reduce the matrices) as d2y K= EI [24 '2 0 o 8L2 M= J (16.6.6) where Eq. (4.1.14) has been used to obtain each element stiffness matrix and Eq. (16.6.1) has been used to calculate the lumped-mass matrix. On substituting Eqs. (I6.6:6) into Eq. (16.4.7), we obtain EI [240 lL3 . 0] 8L2 2 (j) [ 1 0 -II pAL 0 0_ = 0 (16.6.7) Dividing Eq. (16.6.7) by pAL and simplifying, we obtain 2 (j) or ill 24EI = pAL4 = 4.90 (EI)'/2 . L2 Ap (16.6.8) The exact solution for the first natural frequency, from simple beam theory, is given by Reference [6]. It is (EI)I/2 (JJ = 5_59 L2 Ap (16.6.9) The large discrepancy between the exact solution and the finite element solution is assumed to be accounted for by the coarseness of the finite element model. In Example 16.6 we show for a clamped-free beam that as the number of degrees of freedom increases) convergence to the exact solution results. Furthermore, if we had used the consistent-mass matrix for the beam [Eq. (16.6.S)}, the results would have been more 16.6 Beam Element Mass Matrices and Natural Frequencies 677 .. accurate than with the lumped-mass matrix as consistent-mass matrices yield more accurate results for flexural elements such as beams. (b) Three-Element Solution: Using Eq. (16.6.1), we calculate each element mass matrix as follows: fIJI dl x [m(I)1 = d2x fP2 P~L [~ ~ ~ ~ 1 O· 0 o 1 [1h(2)] = O· 0 000 [m('») = fP3 c4x d3:x 'Pl p~£ [~ ~ ~ ~ 1 !1 ~ 1 [1 ! 1! d3x 'P2 d2x 0 0 000 0 fP4 P~L [1 (16.6.10) Knowing that d1y = fPI ::: d4y = fP4) we obtain the global mass matrix as d2y M = pAL fP"J. d3y '1'3 (16.6.11) 1 Using Eq. (4.1.14), we obtain each element stiffness matrix as d ly k(I)=EI [ £3 12 6L -12 6£ d3y k(3) = EI L3 [ 6L 12 d2J' 6£ -12 4L2 -6L '1', 2L2 6L d2y 1- -6L 12 -6£ 4L2 2£2 -6£ d f{J3 4y f{J4 6L 4L2 -12 -6L 6£ "2 ir} -12 - 6L 6L 2L2 k(2) = EI L3 [ 12 6L IP2 1 -12 -6£ 6L fP3 d3y 6£ -12 U 4£2 -6£ 2L2 12 -6L 2L2 -6L 4£2 1 (16.6.12) 12 -6£ 4L2 -6L Using Eq. (16.6.12), we asemble the global stiffness matrix as d3y '1'3 d2y dly f{J3 '1'2 fP2 -12 6L+6£ 6£ 12L -12 El [ 12 -12 2L2 EI 0 6L2- -6L 2~2 K=- 6L-6L 4L2 +2L2 -6L L3 -12 -6L 12+ 12 -6L+6L = L3 -12 -6L 24 2L2 2L2 6L -6£+6L 4L2 +4L2 0 8L2 6L (16.6.13) d2)' Ul 1 [0 L 618 .. 16 Structural, Dynamics and Time-Dependent Heat Transfer Using the general Eq. (16.4.7), we obtain the frequency equation as EI V 12L -12 6L 6L2 -6L 2L2 0 -12 -6L 24 o 2L2 8L2 6L 0 [ 0 12£I/L2 6EI/L -6El/L2 2EI/L wlpAL 0 -12El/L3 6El/L2 1 2 - w pAL [10 00 00 00- -12£I/L3 -6EI/L2 24E1/L3 - wlpAL 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 6EI/L2 2EI/L 0 8El/L 0 (16.6.14) Simplifying Eq. (16.6.14), we.have -w2fJ 0 -12£I/L3 6EI/L2 6EI/L2 12El/L2 -12£I/L3 -6EI/L2 2EI/L 6EI1L 0 -6EI/L2 24EI/ L3 - wlfJ 0 2EI/L 8EI/L 0 (16.6.15) wherefJ pAL '- Upon evaluating the four-by-four determinant in Eq. (l6.6.15), we obtain -1152(£)2 E3 13fJ £5 48w4 E2 12p2 576£414 1296£414 Ll +---zg-96w2E3 13[1 4W4 [12 E2 ]2 6912£4 ]4 .+ LS L2 L8 + 1056(J}[1E3]3 763i£4]4 = 0 V LS 4.02 _ P 11 w o 1908E2/ 2 264ol-fJEI L3 L6 (16.6.16) =0 Dividing Eq. (l6.6J6) by 4~2212, we obtain two roots for WI2p as 2p WI -5.817254El L3 2p _ WI 29.817254El V -, (16.6.17) Ignoring the negative root as it is not physically possible and solving explicitJy for cOl) we have ' 2 or Wt = 29.817254El PL3 29.817254El = 5.46 fJL3 L2 {ii VAP (16.6.18) 16.6 Beam Element Mass Matrices and Natural Frequencies .. In summary, comparing Eqs (16.6.8) and (16.6.18) with the exact solution, (16.6.9), for the first natural frequency, we have Two Beam Elements: Three Beam Elements: . Exact solunon: (J) (J) 4.90 =V (J) 5.46 (El) 5.59 = L2 Ap Eq. V(ii AP 0 = 679 V(ii AP (16.6.19) 1/2 We can observe that with just three elements the accuracy bas significantly increased • Example 16.6 Detcnnine the first natural frequency of vibration of the cantilever beam shown in Figure 16-17 with the following data: '. l---lSin·-1 :s!...---~30in.--~-_+j., Figure 16-17 Fixed-free beam (tWo-element model, lumped·m~ss matrix) Length of the beam: Modulus of elasticity: Moment of inertia: Cross·sectional area: Mass density: PoissOn's ratio: L = 30 in. E = 3 X 107 psi 1 0.0833 in4 A = 1 in2 = P = O.OO0731h-s1jin4 v=O.3 The finite element longhand solution result for the firSt natural frequency is obtained similarly to that of Example 16.5 as . (t) (El)1/2 = .3.148 L2 Ap The exact solution according to beru:n theory [I I is (t) = 3.516 L2 (EI)1/2 pA 680 ... 16 Structural ,Dynamics and Time-Dependent Heat Transfer (a) First mode (b) Second mode y lz~----.:::::::-..-.... ~---------~ (c) Third mode Figure 16-18 First, second, and third mode shapes of flexural vibration for a cantilever beam According to vibration theory for a clamped-free beam [1], we relate the second and third natUral frequencies to the first natural frequency by CU:2 = COl 6.2669 W3 = 17.5475 WI Figure 16-18 shows the first, second, and third mode shapes corresponding to the first three natural frequencies for the cantilever beam of Example 16.6 as obtained from a computer program. Note that each mode shape has one fewer node where a node is a Table 16-3 Finite element computer solution compared to exact solution for Example 16.6 W) Exact solution from beam theory Finite element solution Using 2 elements Using 6 elements Using 10 elements Using 30 elements Using 60 elements (rad/s) W2 (rad/s) 228 1434 205 226 128.6 1372 227.5 228.5 228.5 1410 1430 1432 16.7 Truss, Plane Frame, Plane Stress/Strain, Axisymmetric .4. 681 point of zero displacement. That i~ the first mode has all the elements of the beam of the same sign [Figure 16-18(a)}, the second mode has one sign change and at some point along the beam the displacement is zero [Figure 16-18(b)), and the third mode has two sign changes and at two points along the beam the displacement is zero [Figure 16-18(c)J. . Table 16-3 shows the computer solution compared with the exact solution. • ... 16.7 Truss, Plane Frame, Plane Stress/Strain, Axisymmetric, and Solid Element Mass Matrices The dynamic analysis of the truss and that of the plane frame are performed by extending the concepts presented in Sections 16.2 and 16.6 to the truss and plane frame, as has previously been done for the static analysis of trusses and frames. Truss Element The truss analysis requires.the same transfonnation of the mass matrix from local to global coordinates as in Eq. (3.4.22) for the stiffness matrix; that is, the global matrix for a truss element is given by • mass ll! = ITrill (16.7.1) We are now dealing with motion in two or three dimensions. Therefore) we must refonnulate a bar element mass matrix with both axial and transverse inertial properties because mass is included in both the global x and y directions in plane truss anal· ' ysis (Figure 16-19). Considering two-dimensional motion) we express both local axial displacement fl and transverse displacement ii for the element in tenns of the local axial and transverse nodal displacements as =.!. [L - x { ~} V L 0 0 X ~] LxOx 4 Jb) ~IY I d2x (16.7.2) d2y In general, 1: = lY4; therefore, the shape function matrix from Eq. (16.7.2) is [N]=~[L-X L 0 0 L x x 0] x 0 (16.7.3) Figure 16-19 Truss element arbitrarily oriented in x-y plane showing nodal degrees of freedom ~""-'='~---x 682 .... 16 Structural Dynamics and Time-Dependent Heat Transfer We can then substitute Eq. (16.7.3) into the general expression given by Eq. (16.2.19) to evaluate the local truss element consistent-mass matrix as [ A 1= pAL m 6 2 0 1 0] 0 2 0 1 2 0 [o1 0102 (16.7.4) The truss element lumped-mass matrix for two-dimensional motion is obtained by simpJy lumping mass at each node and remembering that mass is the same in both the x and y directions. The local truss element lumped-mass matrix is then [~ ~ ~ ~l pAL 2001.0 000 1 (16.7.5) Plane Frame Element The plane frame analysis requires first expanding and then combining the bar and beam mass matrices to obtain the Jocal mass matrix. Because we recall there are six total degrees of freedom associated with a plane frame element (Figure 16-20), the bar and beam mass matrices are expanded to order 6 x 6 and superimposed. On combining the local axes consistent-mass matrices for the bar and beam from Eqs. (16.2.23) and (16.6.5). we obtain 0 0 1/6 54/420 -13L/420 156/420 22L/420 0 4L2 /420 0 13L/420 -3L2/420 2/6 0 ru = pAL 0 2/6 0 0 (16.7.6) 156/420 -22L/420 4L2/420 Symmetry 2 Figure 16-20 Frame element arbitrarily oriented in local coordinate system showing nodal degrees of !teedom 16.7 Truss, Plane Frame. Plane Stress/Strain, Axisymmetric A 683 On combining the Jumped-mass matrices Eqs. (16.2.12) and (16.6.1) for the bar and beam, respectively, the resulting local axes plane frame lumped-mass matrix is db dfy 1 0 pAL m=-A - 2 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 ~I d2x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 d2}, 0 0 0 0 0 "20 0 0 0 0 (16.7.7) 0 The global mass matrix mfor a plane frame element arbitrarily oriented in x-y coordinates is transfonned according to Eq. (16.7.1), where the transformation matrix I is now given by Eq. (5.1.10) and either Eq. (16.7.6) for consistent-mass or (16.7.7) for lumped-mass matrices. Because a longhand solution of the tirne-dependent plane frame problem is quite lengthy, only a computer program solution wm be presented in Section 16.9. Plane Stress/Strain Element The plane stress, plane strain, constant-strain triangle element (Figure 16-21) consistent-mass matrix is obtained by using the shape functions from Eq. (6.2.18) and the shape function matrix given by substituting into Eq. (16.2.19) to obtain (16.7.8) y Figure 16-21 CST element with nodal degrees of freedom 684 it. 16 Structural Dynamics and Time-Dependent Heat nansfer Letting dV = t dA and noting that fA Nf dA = ! A, SA NIN2 dA obtain the CST global consistent-mass matrix as 0 0 0' 0 1 2 0 2 0 1 0 i 0 1 2 0 2 ptA m=- - = -tz A, and so on, we 12 Synunetry (16.7.9) 2 For the isoparametric quadrilateral element for pJane stress and plane strain considered in Chapter 10, we use the shape functions given by Eq. (10.3.5) with the shape funttion matrix given in Eq. (10.3.4) substituted into Eq. (16.7.10). This yields the quadrilateral element consistent-mass malrix as m=ptJl -1 11 J1Tlfdetldsdt (16.7.l0~ -1 Tne integral in Eq. (16.7.10) is evaluated best by numerical integration as described in Section 10.5. Axisymmetric Elem~nt The axisymmelric triangular element (considered in Chapfer 9 and shown in Figure 16-22) consistent-mass matrix is given by (16.7.11) m= 27r.P rA(NI't + N2r2 +. N3 r3)lfTlf dA J (16.7.12) Figure 16-22 Axisymmetric: triangular 2 element showing nodal degrees of freedom 16.7 Truss, Plane Frame, Plane Stress/Strain, Axisymmetric ... 685 Noting that J NfN.,dA =2A60 A - (16.7.13) and so on we obtain 4 _ 3'1 + 2r o 2f-2 o 2f _:2 3 0 0 2r-2 '3 2; 3 4 "3r2 + 2; 3 '1 2f 0 rcpA to m=- 0 3 0 3 0 2r-~ 3 4 3r3 +2; 0 4 _ 3'3 + 2r Symmetry (16.7.14) _ Tt +'2 +'3 where '=--3-- Tetrahedral Solid Element Finally, the tetrahedral solid element (considered in Chapter 11) consistent-mass matrix is obtained by substituting the shape function matrix Eq. (11.2.9) with shape functions defined in Eq. (11.2.10) into Eq. (16.2.19) and performing the integration to obtain 2 0 0 1 2 0 0 2 0 2 pV m= 20 0 I 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 I 0 I 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 2 0 Symmetry 2 (16.7.15) 686 A 4. 16 Structural Dynamics. and Time-Dependent Heat Transfer 16.8 Time-Dependent Heat Transfer In this section) we consider the time-dependent heat transfer problem in one dimension only. The basic differential equation for time-dependent heat transfer in one dimension was given previously by Eq. (13.1.7) with the boundary conditions given by Eqs. (13.1.10) and (13.1.11). The finite element form.ulation of/the equations can be obtained by minimization of the following functional: ,: 'h = H!J[K~(~J' -2(Q ~ II q+TdS +~IJ h(T 52 0, the method is called implicit. If a diagonal mass-type matrix Mexists and P== 0, the computational effort for each time step is small (see Example 16.4, where a lumped-mass matrix was used), but so must be at. The choice of fJ > ~ is often used. However, if fJ = and sharp transients exist, the method generates spurious oscillations in the solution. Using P>~, along 'with smaller M [12], is probably better. Example 16.7 illustrates the solution of a one-dimensional time-dependent heat-transfer problem using the nwnericaI time integration scheme {Eq. (16.8.16)J, Ii+1 f~r ! Example 16.7 A circular fin (Figure 16-23) is made of pure copper with a thermal conductivity of K;u = 400 W/(m· 0q, h = 150 W/(m 2 . 0q, mass density p = 8900 kg/m3, and specific heat c = 375 J/(kg· °C) (1 J = 1 W· s). The initial temperature of the fin is 25 ClC. The fin length is 2 cm, and the diameter is 0.4 em. The right tip of the fin is insulated. The base of the fin is then suddenly increased ·to a temperature of 85°C and maintained at this temperature. Use the consistent form of the capacitance ma· trix, a time step of 0.1 s, and P=~. Use two elements of equal length. Determine the temperature distribution up to 3 s. Using Eq. (13.4.22), the stiffness matrix is 1 2 k(l) k(l) - = = k(2) - k(2) - 2 3 = AKxx [ 1 -}1 ] L-l 2 2 3 [~ ~] hPL = n(0.004)2(400} [ 1 -1] 4(0.01) -1 1 + 150(2n)(O.002)(0.01) [2 21] 6 1 (16.8.20: T..,= 2S<>C Insulated tip 8S·C Figure 16-23 Rod subjected to time-dependent temperature 690 '" ·16 Structural Dynamics and Time-Dependent Heat Transfer Assembling the element stiffness matrices, Eq. (16.8.20), we obtain the global stiffness matrix as 1 2 3 . [ 0.50894 -0.49951 0 IS. = -00.49951 1.01788 -0.49951 -0.49951 0.50894 1 (16.8.21) W Using Eq. (13.4.25), we obtain each element force matrix as { : } = (150)(25'C)(~)(O.002)(OOI) { : } {0.23561} = (16.8.22) 0.23561 Using Eq. (16.8.22).. we find that the assembled global force matrix is {F} = 0.23561 } 0.47122 W { 0.23561 (16.8.23) Next using Eq. (16.8.9), we obtain each element mass (capacitance) matrix as 2 1] [m] = cpAL [ 6 1 2 (375)(8900) m(!)=m(2) 7r(0.~04)2 (0.01) [2 6 = 21] 1 O.06990[~ ~] w· stC (16.8.24) Using Eq. (16.8.24), the assembled. capacitance matrix is 123 M ° ] W.s 0.13980 0.06990 0.06990 0.27960 0.06990 ~ [o 0.06990 0.13980 (16.8.25) Using Eq. (16.8.16) and Eqs. (16.8.21) and (16.8.25), we obtain (1M t + PIS.) = 1 . [1.7374 0.36603 0 0.36603 3.4747 0.36603~ 0 0.36603 1.7374 (16.8.26) 16.8 TIme;-Dependent Heat Transfer .A 691 Table 16-4 Nodal temperatures at various times for Example 16.7 Temperature of Node Numbers {"q Time 1 2 3 0.1 0.2 85 18.534 29.732 36.404 41.032 44.665 47.749 50.482 52.956 55.218 57.296 59.208 60.969 62.593 64.089 65.469 66.742 67.915 68.996 69.993 70.912 71.760 26.311 21.752 22.662 25.655 29.312 33.059 36.669 40.062 43.218 46.139 48.837 5].327 53.623 55.741 57.693 59.493 6U-52 62.683 64.094 65.395 66.594 72.542 73.262 67.700 68.720 69.660 85 0.3 85 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 85 0.8 0.9 85 85 85 85 85 1.0 85 1.1 85 85 1.2 1.3 1.4 85 85 85 1.5 1.6 85 1.7 1.8 85 85 1.9 85 2.0 85 2.1 85 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 and .~ 85 85 85 85 13.926 74.539 75.104 15.624 76.104 76.547 76.955 85 85 85 85 85 [~ M I (1 - PM:;] = 70.527 71.326 72.063 72.742 73.36g 13.946 J 1.2280 0.8655 0 0.8655 2.457 0.8655~ [0 0.8655 1.2280, (16.8.27) where fJ = j and At = 0.1 s have been used to obtain Eqs. (16.8.26) and (16.8.27). For the first time step. t 0.1 S, we then use Eqs. (16.8.23), (16.8.27), and (16.8.26) in = 692 A 16 Structural l?Ynamics and Time-Dependent Heat Transfer Eq. (16.8.16) to obtain 1. 7374 0.36603 0 ] { 0.36603 3.4747 0.36603 [ o 0.36603 = [ L7374 850C} 12 t3 1{ 250C} 1.2280 0.8655 0.8655. 2.457 0 0.8655 25°C o 1.2280 25°C . 0.8655 { 0.23561 } + 0.47122 (16.8.28) 0.23561 . In Eq. (16.8.28), we should note that because Fi = Ei+[ for an time, the sum of the terms is (I - PJEi + Pfi+1 = E for an time. This is the column matrix on the right side of Eq. (16.8.28). We now solve Eq. (16.8.28) in the usual manner by partitioning the second and third equations of Eq. (16.8.28) from the first equation and solving the second and third equations simultaneously for 12 and t3. The results are l2 At time t = 18.534°C = 0.2 s, Eq. (16.8.28) becomes .[~::~:~3 ~:!~:~3 ~.36603] {85:C } t o 0.36603· 1.7374 = 13 [~::: ~:!:~5 ~.86551.{ 18~::~C} + {~:~~~~~} o 0.8655 1.2280 26.371°C (16.8.29) 0.23561 80.0,..-------------'--------, Node 3 60.0 ~ ;:; 40.0 ~ I ~ :1 I, , , , • , • , , " o 0.2 0.40.6 0.8 Figure 16-24 , , ,I 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8. 2 3 Time, s Temperature as a function of time for nodes 2 and 3 of Example 16.7 16.9 Computer Program Example Solutions for Structural Dynamics Solving Eq. (16.8.29) for 12 and 12 = 29.732 °c t3, A 693 we obtain The results through a time of 3 s are tabulated in Table 16-4 and plotted in Fig· urel~~. • Ai 16.9 Computer Progr:arn.&le Solutions for Structural Dynamics In this section, we report some results of structural dynamics from a computer program. We report the results of the natural frequencies of a fixed-fixed beam using the plane stress element in Algor [15] and compare how many elements of this type are necessary to obtain correct results. We also report the results of three structural dynamics problems, a bar, a beam, and a frame subjected to time-dependent loadings. Finally, we show two additional models, one of a time-dependent three-dimensional gantry crane made of beam elements and subjected to an impact loading, and the other of a cab frame thilt travels along the underside of a crane beam. Figure 16-25 shows a fixed-fixed steel beam used for natural frequency detennination using plane stress elements. Table 16-5 shows the results of the first five natural frequencies using 100 elements and then using 1000 elements. Comparisons to the analytical solutions from beam theory are shown. We observe that it takes a large number of plane stress elements to accurately predict the natural frequencies whereas it Cross section ~ .. .4 I in. , ... I in.... 100 in. Figure 16-25 Fixed-fixed beam for natural·frequencY determination moqeled using plane stress element Table 16-5 Results for first five frequencies using 100 and 1000 elements and exact solution co 1 2 3 4 5 130.8 360.8 707.3 1169.2 1746.6 100 Elements 1000 Elements 130.7 130.6 359.7 704.1 1161.6 1731.0 359.8 704.7 1163.3 1734.5 694 .. 16 Structural Dynamics and Time-Dependent Heat Transfer F(t).lb 1000 ~I 2 , • J ~t) !--UX) in+lOO in~ 0.001 0.002 I, s Figure 16-26 Bar subjected to forcing function shown only took a few beam elements to accurately predict natural frequencies (see Example 16.6 and Table 16-3). Figure 16-26 shows a steel bar subjected to a time-dep~dent forcing function. Using two elements in the model, the nodal displacements at nodes 2 and 3 are presented in Table 16-6. A time step of integration of 0.00025 s was used. This time step is based on that recommended by Eq. (16.5.1) and determined in Example 16.4, as the bar has the same properties as that of Example 16.4. Figure 16-27 shows a fixed-fixed beam subjected to a forcing function. Here . E = 6.58 X 106 psi, 1= 100 in.4, mass density of 0.1 ItK2lin.4 and a time step of integration of 0.01 s were used for the beam. The natural frequencies and displacement-time history for nodes 2 and 3 are shown in Table 16-7. Table 16-} lists the first six natura] frequencies for the fixed-fixed beam and the vertical displacement versus time for nodes 2 and' 3 of the beam. The natural frequencies 1, 2. 3, and 6 are flexural mqdes, while mode 5 is an axial mode. These modes are seen by looking at the modes from a frequency analysis. The maximum displacement under the load (at node 3) compares with the solution in Reference [14J. This maximum displacement is at node 3 at a time of 0.08 s with a value of 1.207 in. The minimum displacement at node 3 is -0.2028 in. at time 0.16 s. The static deflection for the beam with a concentrated load at mid-span is 0.633 in. as obtained from the classical solution of y = PL 3/192EJ. The time-dependent response oscillates about the static deflection. A time step of 0.01 was used in the fixed-fixed beam as it meets the recommended -time step as suggested in Section 16.3. That is, At < TlI /l0 to TlI /20 is recommended to provide accurate results for Wilson's dir~ct integration scheme as used in the Algor program. From the frequency analysis (see the output in Table 16-7), the circular frequency (06 = 197.52 or the natural frequency is /6 = (Jj6/(2n) = 31.44 cyclesls or Hertz (Hz). Now we use At = Tn /20 = 1/(20}6) = 1/[20(31.43)] = 0.015 s. Therefore, At = 0.01 s is acceptable. Using a time step greater than TnllO may result in loss of accuracy as some of the higher mode response contributions to the solution may be missed. Often times a cut-off period or frequency is used to decide what largest natural frequency to use in the analysis. In many applications onJy a few lower modes contribute significantly to th~ respon~. The higher modes are then not necessary. The highest frequency used in the analysis is called the cut-off frequency. For machinery parts, the cut-off frequency is often taken as high as 250 Hz. In the fixed-fixed beam, we have 16.9 Computer Program Example Solutions for Structural Dynamics &. 695 Table 16-6 Displacement time history, nodes 2 and 3 of Figure 16-26 TIME .00025 .00050 .00075 .0(}100 .00125 .00150 .00175 .00200 .00225 .00250 .00275 .00300 .00325 .00350 .00375 .00400 .00425 .00450 .00475 .00500 .00525 .00550 .00575 .00600 .00625 .00650 .00675 .00700 .00725 .00750 .00775 .00800 .00825 .00850 .00875 .00900 .00925 "'NODE NUMBER· - (COMPONENT NUMBER) 2-( 2) 3-( 2) 4.410E-06 6.1568-05 4.600E-05 4.668E-04 2.147E-04 1. 425E-03 6.5078-04 2.967E-03 1.481E-03 4.8738-03 2.6998-03 6.439E-03 4.0blE-03 7.143E-03 5.109E-03 6.860E-03 5.34.9E-03 5.793£-03 4.501E-03 4.385E-03 2.670E-03 2.862E-03 3.2658-04 1.141E-03 -9.441E-04 -1.907E-03 -3.538E-03 -3.354E-03 -4.376E-03 -5.694E-03 -4.530E-03 -7.319E-03 -4.232E-03 -7.646E-03 -3.6458-03 --6.463E-03 -2.772E-03 -4.057E-03 -1.514E-03 -1.083E-03 1.599E-041. 740E-03 2.082E-03 3.9218-03 3.8678-03 5.3138-03 5.055£-03 6.021E-03 5.312E-03 15.185E-03 4.583£-03 5.814E-03 3.106E-03 4.776E-03 2..947E-03 1.2828-03 -5.031E-04 4.073E-04 -2.015E-03 -2.460E-03 -3.183E-03 -5.051£-03 -4.013E-03 -6.763E-03 -4.477E-03 -7.233E-03 -4.466£-03 -6.4648-03 -4.770E-03 -3.838E-03 -2..542E-03 -2.594£-03 -7.098E-04 -3.179E-04 MAXIMUM ABSOLUTE VALUES MAXIMUM TIME 5.349B-03 2.250E-03 7.646E-03 4.250E-03 selected a cut-off frequency of16 = 31.44 Hz in detennining the time step of integration. This frequency is the highest flexural mode frequency computed for the fourelement beam model. 696 " 16 Structural Dynamics and Time-Dependent Heat Transfer F(t) 10,000 Ibl-----.. o oj Figure 16-27 Fixed-fixed beam subjected to forcing function Table 16-7 Natural frequencies and displacement time history (nodes 2 and'3, Figure 16-27) Frequencies mode number = 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 circular frequency (rad/sec) 4.522762320741130+01 4.522762320741130+01 1.201598934753190+02 1.201598934753190+02 1.241688327976880+02 1.97518763916263D+02 Y-DISPLACEMENT NUMBER* 2-( 2) 1.791E-02 1.203E-01 2.987E-01 5.201E-01 7.624E-01 9.9072-01 1.152E+OO 1.207E+00 1. 150E+00 1.003E+OO 7.873E-01 5.270E-01 2.601E-Ot 3.174£-02 -1. 267E-01 -2.028E-01 -1. 962E-Ol *NOQE TIME .01000 .02000 .03000 .04000 .05000 .06000 .07000 .08000 .09000 .10000 .11000 .12000 .13000 .14000 .15000 .16000 .17000 MAXIMUM MAXIMUM TIME ABSOLUTE (COMPONENT NUMSER) 3-( 2) 4.050E-03 3:458E-02 1.197£-01 2.542E-01 3.978E-01 5.l43E-Ol 5.916E-01 6.246E-01 6.024E-01 5.217E-01 3.989E-Ol 2.60lE-Ol 1.241E-Ol 4.247E-03 -8.361E-02 -1. 244E-Ol -1.lS3E-Ol VALUES 1.207E+00 8.000E-02 6.246E-01 8.000£-02 0.2 rime, s 16.9 Computer Program EXample Solutions for Structural Dynamics ... 697 Damping will not be considered in any examples. However, Algor allows you to consider'damping using Rayleigh damping in the direct integration method. For Rayleigh damping, the damping matrix is Ie} = Cl[MJ + P[KJ (16.9.1) where the constants a. and Pare calculated from the system equations (j. Table 16-8 + fko; == 2cJJi 'i (16.9.2) Forces and moments versus time for elements 1 and:2 of Figure 16-27 1**** BEAM ELEMENT FORCBS AND MOMENTS BLEMENT NO. CASE (MODE) 2 4 5 6 8 2 2 2 3 2 2 5 6 2 2 8 AXIAL FORCB :al SHEAR FORCE R2 SHEAR FORCE R3 O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO O.OOOB+OO O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO 0.000£+00 O.OOOE+OO 0.0.00£+00 O.OOOE+OO 0.000£+00 O.OOOE+OO 0.000£+00 O.OQOE+OO O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO 0.000£+00 O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO 0.000£"'00 O.OOOE+OO O.OooE+OO O.OOOE+OO 0.000£+00 O.OOOE+o.O 0.000£+00 0.000£'+00 1. 68SB+02 -1.68SE+02 6. 662E+02-6.662E+02 -4. 880E+02 4.880E,+02 -3.738E+03 3. 738E+03 -7.069E+03 7.069£+03 -9.022£+03 9.022£+03 -1.008£+04 1.008E+04 -1.086E+04 1.086£+04 -4.514£+02 4.514E+02 ':"2 .. 566£+03 2.566E+03 -4.229£+03 4.229£+03 -4.476£+03 4.476E+03 -4.970£+03 4.970E+03 -6.623E+03 6.623£+03 -8.118£+03 8.l18£+03 -8.196E+03 8.196E+03 O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OQ' O.OOOE+OO O.ooOE+OO O.,OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO 0.000£+00 O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO 0.000£+00 O.OOOE+OO O.OOo.E+OO O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+o.O O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OD 0.000£+00 O.OOOE+OO 0.000£+00 O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO 0.000£+00 0.000£+00 O.OOOE+OO 0.000£+00 0.000£+00 0.000£+00 O.OOOE+OO TORSION MOMENT Ml BBNDING MOMENT M2 BENDING MOMENT O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE"'OO O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO 0.000£+00 O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO 0.000£+00 O.OOOE",:,OO O.OOOE+OO 0.000£+0.0' O.OOo.E+OO 0.0.00£+00 O.OOOE+OO O.Oo.OE+OO O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO 0.000£+00 O.OOOE+OO 0.000£+00 o.oOM+oo O.OOOE+Oo. O.OOOB+OO 0.000£+00 O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO 0.000£+00 0.000£"'00 6. 764E+02 7.7488+03 -7.l00E+03 4.041B+04 -7.116E+04 4.676E+04 -1. 961E+05 9.226E+03 -3. 272E+05 -2.624£+04 -4.211E+05 -2.9988+04 -4.794E+05 -2.448£+04 -S.098E+o.S -3.33SB+04 -7.748£+03 -1.482E+04 -4.041E+04 -8. 791E+04 -4.676E+04 -1. 647E+05 -9.226£+03 -2.146E+05 2.624E+04 -2.7478+05 2.998£+04 -3.611£+05 2.44B£+04 -4.304E+05 3.335£+04 -4.431£+05 O~OOOE"'OO O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO 0.000£+00 0.000£+00 O.OOOE+OO 0.000£+00 O.OOOE+Oo. 0.000£+00. 0.000£+00 O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO 0..0.00£+00 0.000£+00 0.000£+00 O.OOOE+OO O.Oo.OB+OO O.OOOE+OO O~OOOE+OO 0.0.00.£+00 O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO 0.000£+00 0.000£+00 0.0001:':+00 M3 698 • 16 Structural Dynamics and Time-Dependent Heat Tr:ansfer where ())i are circular natural frequencies obtained through modal analysis, and {i are damping ratios specified by the analyst. For instance, assume we assign damping ratios {I and (2, from the above Eq. (16.9.2), we can show that and PaJ;e a (16.9.3) For fJ = ct = 0, O~· [CJ =a[.MJ and the higher modes are only slightly damped, while for [C) = P[K} and higher modes are heavily damped. To obtain II and p, we then necessarily run the modal analysis program first to obtain the frequenci,es. For instance, in the fixed-fixed beam, the first two different frequencies are ())J = 45.23 radls and ll>3 = 120.16 radls (CO2 is the same as l.O3, so use ())3). Now assume light damping 2F{t) --II> ~,.. 2 -+---i--____.x 3L---Io+III-1.-IIIioI..-""";2£-i (a) F(t) Fa -------- o Figure 16-28 t.=17.Sms (1)) tz =35ms t (a) Six-member plane frame; (b) dynamic toad 16.9 Computer Program Example Solutions for Structural Dynamics .& 699 'I '2 (C 5; 0.05). Therefore, let = = 0.05. Using these ro's and Cs, in Eqs. (16.9.3), we obtain IX 3.286 and P= 0.000605. These values could be used for (J. and Pif you want to include 5% damping (' = 0.05). Table 16-8 lists the element forces and moments for elements 1 and 2 up to time 0.08 s. This time corresponds to when the maximum dlsplacement occurs and is also when the maximum moments occur. The largest element 1 bending moment is M3 -509,800 Ib in. at the wall (node 1) at a time 0(0.08 s (see the column "Case (Mode)," number 8). The largest element 2 bepding moment is M3 = -443,100 lb in. Figure 16-28(a) shows a plane frame consisting of six rigidly connected prismatic members with dynamic forces F(t) ana 2F(I) applied in the x direction ~tjoints 6 andA, respectively. The time variation of FCt) is shown in Figure 16-28(b). The results are for steel with cross-sectional area of 30 in2, moment of inertia' of 1000 in\ L = 50 in., and Fl = 10,000 lb. Figure 16-29 shows the displaced frame for the worst stress at time of 0.035 s.'The Jargest x displaCement of node 6 for the time of 0.O~5 sis 0.1551 inch. This value compares closely with the solution in Reference [16]. . Finally> Figures 16-30(a) and 1&:-31 (a) show models of a gantry crane and a cab frame subjected to dynamic loading functions (Figures 16-30(b) and (16-31{b)). For details of these design solutions consult [17-18]. BEam-Truss 8121.9 S1J1.B 33"'E.B 999."'5 -1315.3 -31j2.3 -61i:B.'i -BSIJ-I.'i 1 t,, .' r; L Figure 16-29 Displaced frame with worst stress at time 0.035 s 100 ... 16 Structural Dynamics and TIme-Dependent Heat Transfer 43 41 39 3S Finite Element Analysis of Gantry Crane (a) F(r),lb 5400 0.1 0.4 Time. t ( s e c ) - 0.6 (b) Figure 16-30 {a) Gantry crane model composed of 73 beam elements and (b) the time-dependent trapezoidal loading function applied to the top edge of the crane [171 16.9 Computer Program Example Solutions for Structural Dynamics .. 701 Small number· node F(t) 10 Big number· element 20 16 11 11 4 9 13 y 12 X 2 1 (ll) F(t),lb 0.1 0.3 0.4 Time,s (b) Figure 16-31 "(a) Finite element model of a cab with 8 plate elements (upper right triangular elements) and lS beam elements and (b) the time-dependent trapezoidal loading applied to node 10 [18] 702 A.. ... 16 Structural Dynamics and TIme-Dependent Heat Transfer References [1] Thompson, W. T., and Dahleh, M. D., Theory of Vibrations with Applications, 5th ed., Prentice-Hall, En8lewood Cliffs, NJ, 1998. [2] Archer,1. S., "Consistent Matrix Formulations for Structural Analysis Using Finite Element Techniques," Journal of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Vol. 3, No. 10, pp. 1910-1918, 1965. [3) James, M. L., Smith, G. M., and Wolford, J. C., Applied Numerical Methods for Digital Computation, 3rd ed., Harper & Row, New York, 1985. [4] Biggs,1. M., Introduction to Structural Dynamics, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1964. I5] Newmark, N. M., "A Method of Computation for Structural Dynamics," Journal of the Engineering Mechanics Division, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 85, No. EM3, pp.67-94, 1959. [61 Clark, S. K., Dynamics of Continuous Elements, Prentice-HaU, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1972. [7] Bathe, K. J., Finite Element Procedures in Engineering Analysis, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 19&2. [8] Bathe, K. J., and Wilson, E. L., Numerical Methods in Finite Element Analysis, PrenticeHall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1976. [9J Fujii, H., "Finite Element Schemes: Stability and Convergence," Advances in Computational Memods in Structural Mechanics and Design, J. T. Oden, R. W. Clough, and Y. Yamamoto, Eds., University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa, AL, pp. 201-218, 1972. flO] Krieg, R. D., and Key, S. W., "Transient Shell Response by Nwnerical Time Integration," International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 17, pp. 273-286, 1973. [11) Belytschko, T., ''Transient Analysis," Structural Mechanics Computer Programs, Surveys, Assessments, and Availability, W. Pilkey, K. Saczalski, and H. Schaeffer, Eds., University ofV;rginia Press, CharJottesvilJe, VA, pp. 255-276, 1974. [121 Hughes, T. J. R., "UnconditionalJy Stable Algorithms for Nonlinear Heat Conduction:' Computational Methods in Applied Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 10, No.2, pp. 135-139, 1977. . ' P3] Hilber, H. M., Hughes, T. J. R., and Taylor, R. L., "Improved Numerical Dissipation for Time Integration Algorithms in Structural Dynamics," Earthquake Engineering in Structural Dynamics, Vol. 5, No.3, pp. 283-292, 1977. [141 Paz, M., Structural Dynamics Theory and Computation, 3rd ed., Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1991. {IS] Linear Stress and Dynamics Reference Division, Docutech On~ljne Documentation, Algor, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA, 1999; [161 Weaver, W., Jr., and Johnston, ·P: R., Structural Dynamics by Finite EI~nts, PrenticeHall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1987. [17J Saiemganesan, Hari, Finite Element Analysis of a Gantry Crane, M. S. Thesis, RoseHulman Institute ofTechnoiogy, Terre Haute, IN, September 1992. [18} Leong Cheow Fook, The Dynamic Analysis of a Cab Using The Finite Element Method, M. S. Thesis, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Terre Haute, IN, January 1988. . A Problems 16.1 Determine the consistent-mass matrix for the one-dimensional bar cliscretized into two elements as shown in Figure PI6-1. Let the bar have modulus of elasticity E, mass density p, and cross-sectional area A. , .~ Problems 2 It - ~' • t--L ·1 L----1 . 3 2 13 It • ~L ·1· A. 14 ' L' 703 L--1 ·1· Figure P16-2 Figure P16-1 16.2 For the one-dimensional bar discretized into three elements as shown in Figure PI 6--2, determine the lumped- and consistent-mass matrices. Let the bar properties be E,p) and A throughout the bar. 16.3 For the one-dimensional bar shown in Figure P16-3> determine the natural frequencies of vibration, (U's, using two elements of equ31 length. Use the consistentmass approach. Let the bar have modulus of elasticity E, mass density p, and crosssectional area A. Compare your answers to those· obtained using a lumped-mass matrix in Example 16.3. ~I· .~ :,: I 'll. ~I ~I I .\ 60 in. Figure P16-4 Figure P16-3 16.4 For the one-dimensional bar shown in Figure P16-4, determine the natural frequencies of longitudinal vibration Using first two and then three elements of equal length. Let the bar have E = 30 X 106 psi, P = 0.00073 1b-s2/in4, A = 1 in2 , and"L = 60 in. 16.5 For the spring-mass system shown in 'Figure Pl6-5, determine the mass displacement, velocity, and acceleration for five time steps using the central difference method. Let k = 2000 Ib/ft and m = 2 slugs. Use a time step of M = 0.03- s. You might want to write a computer program to solve this problem. F(t).lb if. • ~(I)· 50 0.09 0.15 Figure P16-S t. $ 704 • 16 Structural Dynamics and Time-Dependent Heat Transfer 16.6 For the spring-mass system shown in Figure PI 6-6) determine the mass displacement, velocity, acceieration for five time steps using (a) the central difference method, (b) Newmark~s time integration method, and (c) Wilson's method. Let k 1200 Iblft and m = 2 slugs. and F(t).lb 20.0 k ~t) 0.10 t, S Figure P16-6 16.7 For the bar shown in Figure Plo..:7, determine the nodal displacements, velocities, and accelerations for five time steps using two .finite elements. Let E = 30 x 106 psi, P = 0.000731b-s21in\ A in 2, and L = 100 in_ .=-1 F(t),lb 1000 Figure P16-7 16.8 For the bar shown in Figure Pl6-8, determine the nodal displacements, velocities, and accelerations for five time steps using two .finite elements. For simplicity of calcUlations, let E = 1 ~ 106 psi; p.::= 1 I~s2/in4, A = 1 in 2, and L = 100 in. Use Newmark's method and Wilson's method. F(/),tb 2000 O.S Figure P16-8 1,5 Problems ... 70S 16.9, Rework Problems 16.7 and 16.8 using a computer program. 16.10 ~ 16.11 For the beams shown in Figure Pl6-11, determine the natural frequencies using first two and, then three elements. Let E,p. and A be constant for the beams. ~. L ~ (b) (a) L L 7A ~ L ~ (d) (c) Figure P16-11 .s 16.12 Rework Problem 16.11 using a computer program with E = 3 X 10 7 psi, p = 0.00073 Ih-s2/in4, A = 1 in2, L = 100 in., and I ~ 0.0833 inol. 16.13, For the beams in Figures PI6-13 and PI6-14 subjected to the forcing functions16.14 shown, determine the maximum deflections, velocities, and accelerations. Use'a COIDputer program. II F(/).kN I. S Figure P16-13 706 .. 16 Structural Dynamics and Time-Dependent Heat Transfer E = 30 x IObpsi 1 =200i n-c A == 30 in 2 F(I)i ~~-----2-0-fi-------0.3 I.S Figure Pl6-14 16.15, For the rigid frames in Figures Pl6-15 and P16-16 subjected to the forcing functions 16.16 shown, determine the maximum displacements, Yelocities, and accelerations. Use a • computer program. 7 ...'For elements 1 and 9, A = 13 in 2 • 1 = 25Oin4 For elements 2, 3. 7, and 8, A = 6 in:!:.! = tOO in4 For elements 4, 5, and 6. A = 14m2.1 = 8ooin4 For all elements, E 30 x 10' psi 8 O-.-SF-(t.... ) f-®-3.1---L-~..... --J;-CD--I ---, 7 I tOft 5 O.8F(/) Fer), k ISpsf 3 10 - - - - - . " . - - - - - F(I) 30ft----.f 0.3 t,S (Bays on 25-ft .centers) Figure Pl6-15 16.17 A marble slab withk = 2 W/(m· °C). p = 2500 kglm 3 , andc = 800W· sI(kg· 0c) is 2 em thick and at an initial unifonn temperature of T; = 200°C. The left surface is suddenly lowered to O°C and is maintained at that temperature while the other surface is kept insulated. Determine the temperature distribution in the slab for 40 s. Use P= j and a time step of 8 s.. Problems . 707 ,F(t).kN F(t) E:: 210GPa I A 4 x lO-4 m4 = 2 X IO-2m2 '/ ~6m---1 T 25 ,6m --I 1 I 1 I I I 0.2 '/ I. S Figure P16-16 ,; 16.18, A circular fin is made of pure copper with a thennal conductivity of k = 400 WI (m· "C), h = 150W/(m 2 . °C), mass density p = 8900 kg/m 3 ) and specific heat c = 375 l/(kg· °C). The initial temperature of the fin is 25°C. The fin length is 2 em and the ,diameter is 0.4 em. The right tip of the fin is insulated~ See Figure Pl6-1&. The base of the fin is then suddenly increased to a temperatme of 85°C and maintained ,at this temperature. Use the lumped. form of the capacitance matrix, a time step of 0.1 s, and P= j. Use two elements of equal length. Determine the temperature distribution up to 3 s. Compare your results with Example 16.7, which used the consistent fonn of the capacitance matrix. Too = 2S"C Insulated tip 2cm Figure Pl6-18 16.19, Rework Problems 16.17 artd 16.18 using a computer program. 16.20 • Introduction In this appendix~ we provide an introduction to matrix algebra. We will consider the concepts relevant to the finite element method to provide an adequate background for the matrix algebra concepts used in this text. ... A.l Definition of a Matrix A matrix is an m x n array of numbers arranged in m rows and n columns. The matrix is then described as being of order m x n. Equation (A.LI) illustrates a matrix with m rows and n columns. . [a} = all a12 an al4 aln a2I {i22 a24 a2n a31 a32 a23 an 034 a3n am1 am3 Om4 amn (A.l.l ) : amI Ifm '# n in matrix Eq. (A.I.l), the matrix is caned rectangular. If m = 1 and n> I, the elements of Eq. (A.L1) form a single row called a row matrix. If m > 1 and n = 1, the elements form a single column called a column matrix. If m = n, the array is called a square matrix. Row matrices and rectangular matrices are denoted by using brackets (], and column matrices are denoted by using braces { }. For simplicity, matrices (row, column, or rectangular) are often denoted by using a line under a variable instead of surrounding it with brackets or braces. The order of the matrix should then be apparent from the context of its use. The force and displacement matrices used in structural analysis are column matrices, whereas the stiffness matrix is a square matrix. ". 708 . '.,.' ~ A.2 Matrix Operations A 709 To identify an element of matrix g, we represent the element by Qij, where the subscripts i and j indicate the row number and the coJunm number, respectively, of g. Hence~ alternative notations for a matrix are given by g= [a] = [aij] (A.l.2) Numerical examples of special types of matrices are given by Eqs. (A. 1.3)(A.1.6). A rectangular matrix g is given by (A. 1.3) where g has three rows and two columns. In matrix g of Eq. (A.I.t)) if m = I, a row matrix results, such as (A. 1.4) g = [2 3 4 -I} If n 1 in Eq. (A. 1.1 ), a column matrix results} such as g= Ifm = 1'1 {~} (AJ.5) in Eq. (A.I.J), a square matrix results, such as g =[23-2 -lj' (A.L6) Matrices and matrix notation are often used to express algebraic equations in compact fonn and are frequently used in the finite element formulation of equations. Matrix notation is also used to simplify the solution of a problem. Ai A.2 Matrix Operations We will no\}' present some common matrix operations that will be used in this text. Multiplication of a Matrix by a Scalar If we have a scalar k and a matrix f, then the product g = kf is given by gij=kfij (A.2.t) -that is, every element of the matrix f is multiplied by the scalar k. As a numerical example, consider The product g = kf is Note that if f is of order m x n, then 9 is also of order m x n. 710 .. A Matrix Algebra Addition of Matrices Matrices of the same order can be added together by summing corresponding ele· ments of the matrices. Subtraction is performed in a similar manner. Matrices of unlike order cannot be added or subtracted. Matrices of the same order can be added (or subtracted) in any order (the commutative law for addition applies). That is, f = g + 12 = 12 :i- g (A.2.i) or, in subsCript (index) notation, we have feij] As a numerical example, let = lay] + [by] = [-I-3 2]2 [by} + [aij] (A.2.3) [1 2] b= 3 1 The sum f! + Il = f is given by Again, remember that the matrices g, /2, and f must all be of the same order. For instance, a ~ x 2 matrix cannot be added to a 3 x 3 matrix. Multiplication of Matrices For two matrices g and 12 to be multiplied in the order shown in Eq. (A.2.4), ·the number of column~ in g must equal the number of rows in 12. For example, consider If g is an m x n matrix, then 12 must have n rows. Using subscript notation, we can write the product of matrices g and 12 as n [e y] = L e=1 (A.2.S) aiebej . where n is the total number of columns in a or of rows in b. For matrix a of order 2 x 2 and matrix Qof order 2 x 2, after multiplying the two ~atrices, we h;ve allbll [ a21bll + aI2 b21 + an~I' = [~ ~] For example. let g allb12 + al2bn] a21 bl2 + ani>n [1 -1] b= 2 0 The product gll. is then ab _ [2(1) + 1(2) 2(-1) + 1(0)] ~ [4 -2]. --- 3(1)+2(2) 3(-1)+2(0) 7-3 (A.2.6) A.2 Matrix Operations ... 711 In generaJ, matrix multiplication is not commutative; that is, (A.2.7) gQ # Qg . The validity of the product of two matric~ 9 and Qis commonly illustrated by ~. g Q (ixe) (exj) f (i xj) (A.2.8) where the product matrix f will be of order i x j; that is, it will have the same number or rows as matrix (1 and the same number of columns as matrix f!.. Transpose of a Matrix Any matrix, whether a row, column, or rectangular matrix, can be transposed. This operation is frequently used in finite element equation formulations. The transpose of a matrix g is commonly denoted by 9 T. The superscript T is used to denote the transpose of a matrix throughout this text. The transpose of a matrix is obtained by interchanging rows and columns; that is, the first row becomes the first column, the second row becomes the second column, and so on. For the transpose of matrix (1. (A.2.9) For example, if we let then aT - = [21 32 4]5 where we have interchanged the rows and columns of g to obtain its transpose. Another important relationship that involves the transpose is (A.2.1O) That is, the transpose of the product of matrices g and!:!. is equal to the transpose of the latter matrix!:!. multiplied by the transpose of matrix g in that order, provided the order of the initial matrices continues to satisfy the rule for matrix multiplication, Eq. (A.2.8). In general, this property holds for any number of matrices; that is, (9!:!.f ... !f)T = !fT •.. fTf!.T gT (A.2.l1) Note that the transpose of a column matrix is a row matrix. As a numerical example of the use ofEq. (A.2.l0), let g=[~~] g~ = [~ Then, Q={~} !] {!} (gQl = [17 = { 39J ~~ } (A.2.l2) 712 .. A Matrix Algebra Because!2T and gT can be multiplied according to the rule for matrix' multiplication, we have b TaT - - = [5 6] [ 1 3-oJ 2 4 = 117 ' 391 (A.2.l3) J Hence, on comparing Eqs. (A.2.12) and (A.2.13), we have shown ([or this case) the; validity of Eq. (A.2.l0). A simple proof of the general vaiidity of Eq. (A.2.W) is left to your discretion. Symmetric Matrices If a square matrix is equal to its transpose, it is called a symmetric matrix; that is, if g=gT then g is a symmetric matrix. As an example, B=[! ~ ~l (A.2.l4) is a symmetric matrix because each element aij ~quals Qji for i :# j. In Eq. (A.2.l4) note that the main diagonal running from the upper left corner to the lower right corner is the line of symmetry of the symmetric matrix g. Remember that only a square m~trix can be symmetric. . Unit Matrix The unit (or identity) matrix 1 is such that (A.2.l5) gj ='jg =g The unit matrix acts in the same way that the number one acts in conventional multiplication. The unit matrix is always a square matrix of any possible order with each element of the main diagonal equal to one and all other elements equal to zero. For example, the 3 x.3 unit matrix is given by j = 1 0 0] ( 0 1 0 001 Inverse of a Matrix The inverse of a matrix is a matrix such that g-lg = gg-l = I \ (A.2.l6) where the superscript, -1, denotes the- inverse of g as g-l. Section A.3 provides more infonnation regarding the properties of the inverse of a' matrix and gives a method for determining it. A.2 Matrix Operations .... 713 Orthogonal Matrix A matrix I is an orthogonal matrix if ITI=IIT=l (A.2.I7) Hence) for an orthogonal matrix, we have I-I = IT (A.2.18) An orthogonal matrix frequently used is the transformation or rOlation matrix I. In two-dimensional space, the transformation matrix relates components of a vector in one coordinate system to components in another system. For instance, the displacement (and force as well) vector components of d expressed in the x-y system are related to those in the _i-y system (Figure A-I and Section 3.3) by (A.2.l9) {±}= [ -::! ~:~1{~; } or " ..... (A.2.20) where I is the square matrix on the right side of Eq. (A.2.20). Another use of an orthogonal matrix is to change from the local stiffness matrix to a global stiffness matrix for an element. That is, given a local stiffness matrix ~ for an element, if the element is arbitrarily oriented in the x-y plane, then k = ITkr = r-'kr (A.2.21) Equation (A.2.2l) is used throughout this text to express the stiffness matrix !f in the x-y plane. By further examination of I, we see that the trigonometric tenns in 1: can be interpreted as the direction cosines of lines Ox and OJ with respect to the x-y axes. Thus for Ox or dx > we have from Eq. (A.2,20) s are all zero, the set of equations in homogeneous, and nontrivial solutions exist only if all equations are not independent. Buckling and vibration problems typically involve homogeneous sets of equations. 4 B.2 Uniqueness, Nonuniqueness, and Nonexistence of Solution To solve a system of simultaneous linear equations means to detennine a unique set of values (if they exist) for the unknowns that satisfy every equation of the set simultaneously_ A unique solution exists if and only if the determinant of the square coefficient matrix is not equal to zero. (All of the engineering problems considered in this text result in square coefficient matrices.) The problems in this text usually result in a system of equations that has a unique solution. Here we will briefly illustrate the concepts of uniqueness, nonuniqueness, and nonexistence of solution for systems of equations. Uniqueness of Solution 2Xl + lX2 = 6 Ixl +4X2 = 17 (B.2.1) For Eqs. (B.2.1), the determinant of the coefficient matrix is not zero, and a unique solution exists. as shown by the single common point of ~ntersection of the two Eqs. (B.2.!) in Figure B-1. Nonuniqueness of Solution Figure 8-1 2xt + lX2 = 4xI + 2x2 = 12 Uniqueness of solution 6 (B.2.2) 724 .. B Methods for Solution of Simultaneous linear Equations Figure 8-2 Nonuniqueness off solution Figure 8-3 Nonexistence of solution For Eqs. (B.2.2). the determinant of the coefficient matrix is zero; that is, I~ ~~ =0 Hence the equations are called singular, and either the solution is not unique or it does not exist. In this case, the solution is not unique, as shown in Figure B-2. N~nexistence of Solution 2xt +X2 =6 (8.2.3) 4xl,+2xz = 16 Again, the determinant of the coefficient matrix is zero. In this case, no solution exists because we have parallel lines (no common point of intersection), as shown in Figure B-3. .... 8.3 Methods for Solving Linear Algebraic Equations We will now present some common methods for solving systems of linear algebraic equations that have unique solutions. Some of these methods work best for small sets of equations solved longhand, whereas others are well suited for computer application. 'Cramer's Rule We begin by introducing a method known as Cramers rule, which is useful for the longhand solution of small numbers' of simultaneous equations. Consider the set of equations . (B.3.1) B.3 Methods for Solving Linear Algebraic Equations .A. 725 or, in index notation, n . ~. (B.3.2) LaijXj=ci i=l We first let dY} be the matrix ~ with colwnn i replaced by the column matrix f. Then the unknown x/s are determined by Xi= !4U)I Igi (B.3.3) As an example of Cramer's rule, consider the following equations: + 3X2 - 2x3 = 2 2Xl - 4X2 + 2x3 -Xl 4X2 +X3 (B.3.4) =3 In matrix form, Eqs. (B.3.4) become (B.3.5) By Eq. (B.3.3), we can solve for the unknown x/s as . 2, 3 I -4 13 /.4(1)1 Xl = 19l = 1-1 -212 4 3 I -212 -41 -10 = 4.1 2 -4 041 . /4(2)1 X2·= Igi , 1.4(3)1 Xl -1 2 2 1 1 0 3 = /gl = = -212 I -10 -1 3 21 2 -4 1 4 3 1 0 -10 (B.3.6) 1.1 -1.4 In general, to find the determinant of an n x n matrix, we must evaluate the detenninants of n matrices of order (n ~ 1) x (n 1). It has been 'shown that the solution of n simultaneous equations by Cramer's rule, evaluating detenninants by expansion by minors, requires (n - 1)(n + I)! multiplications. Hence, this method takes large amounts of computer time and therefore is not used in solving large systerns of simultaQeous equations either longhand or by computer. 726 A B Methods for Solution of Simultaneous Linear Equations Inversion of the Coefficient Matrix T.he set of equations {g = f can be solved for ~ by inverting the coefficient matrix g and premultiplying both sides of the original set of equations by B.- t , such that g-lg~ = B.-If l~=g-If (B.3.7) ~=g-If Two methods for determining the inverse of a matrix (the cofactor method and row reduction) were discussed in Appendix A. The inverse method is much more time-consuming (because much time is required to detennine the inverse of g) than either the elimination method or the iteration method, which are discussed subsequently. Therefore, inversion is practical only for small systems of equations. However) the concept of inversion is often used during the formulation of the finite element equations, even though elimination or iteration is· used in achieving the final solution for the unknowns (such as nodal displacements). Besides the tedious calculations necessary to obtain the inverse, the method usually involves detennining the inverse of sparse, banded matrices (stiffness matrices in structural analysis usually contain many zeros with the nonzero coefficients located in a band around the main diagonal). This sparsity and banded nature can be used to advantage in terms of storage requirements and solution algorithms on the computer. The inverse results in a dense, full matrix with loss of the advantages resulting from the sparse, banded nature of the original coefficient matrix. To illustrate the solution of a system of equations by the inverse method, consider the same equations that we solved previously by Cramer's rule. For conve~ nience's sake, we repeat the equati~ns here. (B.3.8) The inverse of this coefficient matrix was found in Eq. (A.3.11) of Appendix A. The unknowns are then detennined as (B.3.9) Gaussian Elimination We will now consider a commonly used method called Gaussian elimination that is easily adapted to the computer for solving systems of simultaneous equati~. It is based on trianguiarization of the coefficient matrix and evaluation of the unknowns by back-substitution starting from the last equation. B3 Methods for Solving Linear Algebraic Equations The general system of n equations with n all a21 a12 all .•• ... al a211 -.. . . .. . [ anI 11 727 unknowns given by 11 XIII X2 Ct C2 . " . _. . ann I . (B.3.1O) ~ ..... a n2 .. Xn Cn will be used to explain the Gaussian elimination method. 1. Eliminate the coefficient of XI in every equation except the first one. To do this, select all as the pivot, and a. Add the mUltiple -a21 I at I of the first row to the second row. b. Add the multiple -a3dall of the first row to the third row. c. Continue this procedure through the nth row. The system of equations will then be reduced to the following form: [ Q~'~: o :~ll:l-l~;1 a~2 . . . a:m (B.3.11) c~ Xn 2. Eliminate the coefficient of X2 in every equation below the second equation. To do this, select ak as the pivot, and . a. Add the multiple -ahlak of the second row to the third row,,h. Add the multiple -a~21 ah of the second row to the fourth row. c. Continue this procedure through the nth row. The system of equations will then be reduced to the following fonn: o o all a!2 a22 a!3 a 23 0 af3 •. •... a~n aln afn III I C! c2 Xl = X3 c; . .. ., . . '. (B.3.12) o 0 a:3 .. a::n Xn C; We repeat this process for the remaining rows until we have the system of equations (called triangularized) as al1 al4 al n XI a'22 ah a 24 0 a"33 a"34 0 0 alii 44 l aIn X2 a"3n alii 4n X3 X4 c'2 e"3 em 4 0 0 a::n- I 0 0 3. Determine Xn from the last equation as c n- 1 Xn =_1'1_ Xn cnn- 1 0 0 0 al2 aJ3 a",-I nn Cl (B.3.13) (B.3.14: 728 .A B Methods for Solution of Simultaneous linear Equations and detennine the other unknowns by back-substitution. These steps are summarized in general fonn by . k = 1,2, .. . ,n - 1 i=k+l, ... ,n j=k, ... ,n+ 1 Xi = : .. (al,,,+1 1I (B.3.15) t airxr) l'=i+1 where ai,n+1 represent the latest right side e's given by Eq. (B.3.13). We will solve the following example to illustrate the Gaussian elimination method. Example B.1 Solve the following set of simultaneous equations using Gauss elimination method." 2xI +2x2 + Ix) =9 (B.3.16) Step 1 Eliminate the coefficient of XI in every equation except the first one. Select all the pivot, and 2 as a. Add the multiple -a21/atl -2/2 of the first row to the second row b. Add the multiple -a3I/aU = -1/2 of the first row to the third row. We then obtain 2xI + 2X2 + IX3 = 9 Ox] - IX2 - Ix3 OXI + OX2 + ! X3 = 4 - 9 = -5 =6 (B.3.17) ~ =~ Step 2 Eliminate the coefficient of X2 in every equation below the second equation. In this case, we accomplished this in step 1. Step 3 Solve for X:; in the third ofEqs. (B.3.17) as X3 (J) =+= 3 (2) B.3 Methods for Solving linear Algebraic Equations A 729 Solve for Xl in the second of Eqs. (B.3J 7) as X2= -5+3 =2 Solve for Xl in the first of Eqs. (Bj.l7) as Xl = 9 - 2(2) - 3 2 To illustrate the use of the index Eqs. (B:3J5), we re-solve the same example as follows. The ranges of the indexes in Eqs. (B.3.15) are k = 1,2; i = 2,3; and j = 1,2,3,4. I, .- Step 1 For k = I, i = 2, andj indexing from 1 to 4, (2) ;. ." a:u = a21 - an -a:Z1 = 2 - 2 - = 0 alI 2 all a23=a23-a13-=0-1 all (2)2 (8.3.18) =-1 Note that these new coefficients correspond to those of the second of Eqs. (B.3.17), where the right-side a's of Eqs. (B.3.18) are those from the previous step [here from Eqs. (B.3.16)J, the right-side a24 is really C2 = 4, and the left-side aZ4 is the new C7 = -5. For k = I, i = 3, andj indexing from 1 to 4, a31 = a31 - an -a3J a32 = all a32 - a12 a31 all =I - • 034 = a34 - 014 a31 all 2 =0 (1)2 = 0 = 1- 2 - a33 = a33 - al3 a:n = all (1) 2 - .1 - I (~) = 6- 9 2 (B.3.l9) =!2 (!)2 = ~2 where these new coefficients correspond to those of the third of Eqs. (B.3.17) as previously explained no ... BMethods f9r Solution of Simultaneous Linear Equations Step 2 For k = 2, i = 3, andj (= k) indexing from 2 to 4, a32 = a32 - a22(:~) = 0 - (-1) (~l) ~ 0 32 a33 - a23 ( -a ) , a22 = -I - (- I) ( - 0 ) =-1 2 -1 2 32 a34 = a34 - a24 (a ) =~2 - (-5) (~) = ~2 , -1 a3} = a22 (B.3.20) where the new coefficients again correspond to those of the third of Eqs. (B.3.17), because step 1 already eliminated the coefficients of X2 as observed in the third of Eqs. (B.3.17), and the a's on the right side of Eqs. (B,3.20) are taken from Eqs. (B.3..18) and (B.3.19). Step 3 By Eqs. (B,3.15), for X3, we have or, using a33 and a34 from Eqs. (B..3.20), Xl 1(3) = (!) 2" = 3 where the summation is interpreted as zero in the second (for X3, r := 4, and n = 3). For Xl, we have X2 1 = -(a24 a22 of Eqs. (B-3. I5) when r > n a23 x 3) or, using the appropriate a's from Eqs. (B.3.18), 1 X2 = -1 [-5 - (-1)(3)1 =2 and for XI, we have or, using the a's from the first of Eqs.. (B.3.16), X(= H9 - 2(2) - 1(3)] = 1 In swnmary, the latest a's from the previous steps have been used in Eqs. (B.3.15) to obtain the r s.· • 8.3 Methods for Solving Linear Algebraic Equations .A. 731 Note that the pivot element was the diagonal element in each step. However, the diagonal element must be nonzero because we divide by it in each step. An original matrix with all nonzero diagonal elements does not ensure that the pivots in each step will remain nonzero, because we are adding numbers to equations below the pivot in each following step. Therefore, a test is necessary to determine whether the pivot akk at each step is zero. If it is zero. the current row (equation) must be interchanged with one of the following rows-usually with the next row unless that row has a zero at the position that would next become the pivot. Remember that the right-side corresponding element in ~ must also be interchanged. After making this test and. if necessary~ interchanging the equations, continue the procedure in the usual manner. An example will now i11ustrate the method for treating the occurrence of a zero pivot element. . Example B.2. Solve the following set of simultaneous equations. + 2x2 + lX3 lxl + lx2 + lX3 = 2x] + IX2 2x1 9 6 (B.3.21) 4 It will often be convenient to set up the solution procedure by considering the . coefficient matrix g plus the right-side matrix ~ in one matrix without writing down the unknown matrix ~. This new matrix is called the augmented matrix. For the set of Eqs. (B.3.21), we have the augmented matrix written as . 21 21 11:~ 9]6 [2 I 0:4 (B.3.22) We use the steps previously outlined as follows: Step 1 We select an = 2 as the pivot and ·a. Add the multiple -a21!all = -1/2 of the first row to the second row of Eq. (B.3.22). b. Add the,multiple -a3I!all = -2/2 of the first row to the third row of Eq. (B.3.22) to obtain 2 2 1I 9] [0 o !:' 1 0 -1 -1 I -5 2 I 2 (B.3.23) At the end of step 1, we would normally choose an as the next pivot. However, an is now equal to zero. If we interchange the second and third rows of Eq. (B.3.23j: the 732 .&. B Methods for Solution of Simultaneous Unear Equations new an will be nonzero and can be used as a pivot. Interchanging rows 2 and 3 results in r2o -12 -1!-5 1: 9] l o 0 ~: (B.3.24) ~ For this special set of only three equations) the interchange has resulted in an uppertriangular coefficient matrix and concludes the elimination procedure. The backsubstitution process of step 3 now yields • A second problem when 'selecting the pivots in sequential manner, without testing for the best possible pivot is that loss of accuracy due to rounding in the results can occur. In general, the pivots should be selected as the largest (in absolute value) of the elements in any column. For example, consider the set of equations given by 0.002x} 3.00Xl + 2.00X2 = 2.00 + 1.50x2 = 4.50 (B.3.25) whose actual solution is given by Xl = 1.0005 X2::::; 0.999 (B.3.26) The solution by Gaussian elimination without testing for the largest absolute value of the element in any column is 0.OO2x 1 + 2.00X2 = 2.00 -2998.5x2 = -995.5 X2 = 0.3320 Xl = 668 (B.3.27) This solution does not satisfy the second ofEqs. (B.3.25). The solution by interchanging equations is 3.00xl + 1.S0x2 = O.OO2xl + 2.00X2 or 3.00xt + 1.50X2 = 4.50 2.00 4.50 1.999x2 = 1.997 X2 = 0.999 Xl = 1.0005 Equations (B.3.28) agree with the actual solution fEqs. (B.3.26)J. (B.3.28) B.3 Methods for Solving linear Algebraic Equations A 733 Hence, in general, the pivots should be selected as the largest an absolute value) of the elements in any column. This process is called partial pivoting. Even better results can be obtained by choosing the pivot as the largest element in the whole matrix of th~emaining equations and performing appropriate interchanging of rows. This is called complete pivoting. Complete pivoting requires a large amount of testing, so it is not recommended in general. The finite element equations generally involve coefficients with different orders of magnitude, so Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting is a useful method for solving the equations. Finally) it has been shown that for n simultaneous equations, the number of arithmetic operations required in Gaussian elimination is n divisions, fn 3 + n 2 multiplications) and in3 + n additions. If partial 'pivoting is included, the number of com~ pari sons needed to select pivots is n(n + 1)/2. Other elimination methods, including the Gauss-Jordan and Cholesky methods, have some advantages over Gaussian elimination and are sometimes used to solve large systems of equations. For descriptions of other methods, see References fI -3]. Gauss-Seidel Iteration Another general class of methods (other than the elimination methods) uSed to solve systems of linear algebraic equations is the iterative methods. Iterative methods work well when the system of equations is large and sparse (many zero coefficients). The Gauss-Seidel method starts with the original set of equations g~ = f written in the form I (B.3.29) The fonewing steps are then applied. 1. Assume a set of initial values for the unknowns Xl, Xl, • •. X", and substitute them into the right side of the first of Eqs. (B.3.29) to solve for the new XI. ' 2. Use the latest value for XI obtained from step 1 and the initial values for X:;, X4, •• • , Xn in the right side of the second of Eqs. (B.3.29) to solve for the new X2. 3. Continue using the latest values of the x's obtained in the left side of Eqs. (B.3.29) as the next trial values in the right side for each succeeding step. 4. Iterate until convergence is satisfactory. j 734 A B Methods for Solution of Simultaneous Linear Equations A good initial set of values (guesses) is often Xi = ci/a/i. An example will serve to illustrate the method. Example B.3 Consider the set of linear simultaneous equations given by 4xI 2 X2 X3 -Xl +4X2 -X2 +4X3 5 X4 (B.3.30) = 6 -X3 + 2X4 =-2 Using the initial guesses given by Xi = ci/ajj) we have X4 Solving the first of Eqs. (B.3.30) for XI XI yields = !(2 + Xl) = ! (2 + 1) = i Solving the second of Eqs. (B.3.30) for X2 =-1 Xl, we have = H5 + Xl + X3) = H5 + i + 1) = 1.68 Solving the third of Eqs. (B.3.30) for X3, we have X3 = 1(6+ X2 + X4) = i[6+ 1.68 + (-I)J = 1.672 Solving the fourth of Eqs. (B.3.30) for X4, we obtain X4 =!(-2+X3) =!(-2+ 1.67) = -0.16 The first iteration has now been completed. The secqnd iteration yields Xl = !(2+ 1.68) = 0.922 X2 = X3 = X4 = HS + 0.922 + 1..672) = 1.899 1[6 + 1.899 + (-0.16)] = 1.944 1C-2 + 1.944) = -0.028 Table B-1 lists the results of four iterations of the Gauss-Seidel method and th~ exact solution. From Table B-1, we observe that convergence to the exact solution has proceeded rapidly by the fourth iteration, and the accur~cy of the solution is • dependent on the number of iterations. In general. iteration me~ods are self-correcting, s~ch that an error made in calone iteration will be corrected 'by later iterations. However, there are certain systems of equations for which iterative methods are not convergent. culations at B.4 Banded-Symmetric Matrices, Bandwidth, Skyline, and Wavefront Methods Table B-1 Iteration XI X2 XJ 0.5 1.0 1.0 4 0.922 0.975 0.9985 1.68 1.899 1.979 1.9945 Ex.act 1.0 2.0 1.672 1.944 1.988 1.9983 2.00 3 735 Results of four iterations of the Gauss-Seidel method for Eqs.. (B.330) 0.75 0 1 2 .A X4 -1.0 -0.16 -0.028 '::'0.006 -0.0008 0 When the equations can be arranged such that the diagonal terms are greater than the off-diagonal terms, the possibility of convergence is usually enhanced. Finally, it has been shown that for n simultaneous equations, the number of arithmetic operations required by Gauss-Seidel iteration is n divisions, 121 multiplications, and n 2 - n additions for each iteration. :11 B.4 Banded-Symmetric Matrices, Bandwidth, Skyline, and Wavefront Methods The coefficient matrix (stiffness matrix) for the linear, equations that occur in structural analysis is always symmetric and banded. Because a meaningful analysis generally requires the use of a large number of variables, the implementation of compressed storage of the stiffness matrix is desirable both from the standpoint of fitting into' memory (immediate access portion of the computer) and for computational efficienCy. We will discuss the banded-symmetric format, which is not necessarily the most efficient fonnat but is relatively simple to implement on the computer. Another method, based on the concept of the skyline of the stiffness matrix, is often used to improve the efficiency in soIvihg the equations_ The skyline is an envelope that begins with the first nonzero coeffiCient in each column of the stiffness matrix (Figure B-5). In skylining, only the coefficients between the main diagonal and the skyline are stored (normally by successive columns) in a one-dimensional array. In general, this procedure takes even less storage space in the computer and is more efficient in terms of equation solving than the conventional banded format. (For more infonnation on skylining, consult References pO-12}.) A matrix is banded. if the nonzero terms of the matrix are gathered about the main diagonal. To illustrate this concept, consider the plane truss of Figure B-4. From Figure B-4, we see that element 2 connects nodes I and.4. Therefore, the 2 x 2 submatrices at positions l-i, 1-4,4-1, and 4-4 of Figure B-5 have nonzero coefficients. Figure B~5 represents the total stiffness matrix of the plane truss. The X's denote nonzero coefficients. From Figure B-5, we observe that the nonzero terms are within the band shown. When we use a banded storage format, only the main diagonal 'and the nonzero upper codiagonals need be stored as shown in Figure B-6. Note that any codiagonal with a nonzero term requires storage of the whole, 736 A B Methods for Solution of Simultaneous Linear Equations CD4~______~5~______~~ ~______~8~________~~ 10 • II • ~nh=8-i , • 12 Skyline T X X X n X X X X X X 0 XX X 0 0 Symmetry figure 8-4 Plane truss for bandwidth iUustration X 0 X = 24 1 Figure 8-5 Stiffness matrix for the plane truss of Figure 8-4, where X denotes, in general, blocks of 2 x 2 sub matrices with, nonzero coefficients codiagonal and any codiagonals between it and the tnain diagonaL The use of banded storage is efficient for computational purposes. The Scientific Subroutine Package gives a more detailed explanation of banded compressed storage [4}. We now define the semibandwidth 7lb aSHb = nd(m + 1), where nd is the number of degrees of freedom per node and m is the maximum difference in node numbers detennined by calculating the difference in node numbers for each element of a finite element model. hi. the example for the plane truss of Figure B-4, m = 4 - 1 = 3 and nd 2, so nb = 2(3 + 1) = 8. Execution time (primarily equation-solving time) is a function of the number of equations to be solved. It has been shown [5] that when banded storage'of global stiff· ness matrix K is not used, execution time is proportional to (1 J3)n3• where n is the number of equations to be solved, or, equivalently, the size of K. When banded storage of K is used, the execution time is proportional to (n)n£. The ratio of time of execution without banded storage to that with banded storage is then BA Banded-Symmetric Matrices, Bandwidth, Skyline. and Wavefront Methods x .. 737 X 0 X X X X X X 0 X X X X 0 X X X X X X 0 X X X X 0 Figure 8-6 Banded storage format of the stiffness matrix of Figure B-5 X X X XX X 0 X X X 0 0 0 X 0 0 0 X 0 0 0 I 1 J I. ; i (1/3)(n/nb)2. For the plane truss example, this ratio is {1/3)(24j8)2 = 3. Therefore, it takes about three times as long to execute the solution of the example truss if banded storage is not used. Hence, to reduce bandwidth we should number systematically and try to have a minimum difference between adjacent nodes. A small bandwidth is usually achieved by consecutive node numbering across the shorter dimension, as shown in Figure B-4. Some computer programs use the banded-symmetric format for storing the global stiffness matrix,!{. Several automatic node-renumbering schemes have been computerized /6]. This option is available in most generalapurpose computer programs. Alternatively, the wavefront or frontal method is becoming popular for optimizing equation solution time. In the wavefront method, elements, instead of nodes, are automatically renumbered. In the wavefront method, the assembly of the equations alternates with their solution by Gauss elimination. The sequence in which the equations are processed is determined by element numbering rather than by node numbering. The first equations eliminated are those associated with element 1 only_ Next, the contributions of stiff~ ness coefficients of the adjacent element, element 2, are added to the system of equations. If any additional. degrees of freedom are contributed by elements 1 and 2 onty-that is, if no other elements contribute stiffness coefficients to specific degrees of freedom-these equations are eliminated' (condensed) from the system of equations. As one or more additional elements make their contributions to the system of equations and additional degrees of freedom are contributed only by these elements, those degrees of freedom are eliminated from the s.olution. This repetitive alternation between assembly and solution was initially seen as a wavefront that sweeps over the structure in a pattern determined by the element numbering. For greater efficiency of this method, consecutive element numbering should be done across the structure in a direction that spans the smallest number of nodes. . The wavefront method, though somewhat more difficult to understand and to program than the banded-symmetric method, is computationally more efficient. A banded solver stores and processes any blocks of zeros created in assembling the stiffness matrix. In the wavefront method, these blocks of zero coefficients are not stored 738 .. B Methods for Solution of Simultaneous Linear Equations or processed. Many large-scale computer programs are now using the wavefront method to solve the system of equations. (For additional details ofthls method, see References {7-9].} Example B.4 illustrates the wavefront method for solution of a truss problem. Example B.4 For the plane truss shown in Figure B-7, illustrate the wavefront solution procedure. We wiU solve this problem in symbolic fonn. Merging k's for elements 1,2, and 3 and enforcing boundary conditions at node I, we have d2,x k(l) 33 d2y + k(l) +'k(3) II II k(l) 34 : dlx - + k(l) + k(3) 12 12 d3y c4. and a; iJidependently as shown in Figure '·C-4.·- . " ' .. ,', . . We first consider the change in length of the element in the x direction due to the independent stresses O"x, O"y, and O"z- We assume the principle of superposition to hol~; that is, we assume that ,the resultant strain in a system due to several forces is the algebraic sum of their iQdivi~ual effects. Considering Figure C-4(b), the stress in the x direction produces a positive strain I O";x e=x E (C.3.1) where Hooke's Jaw, a = Ee~ has been used in writing Eq. (C.3.1), and E is defined as the modulus of elasticity. Considering Figure C-4(c), the positive stress in the .Cd Stress/Strain Relationships (a) .A.. 749 (b) tT, (e) (d) Figure C-4 Element subjected to normal stress acting in three mutually perpendicular directions y direction produces a negative strain in the x direction as a result of Poisson's effect given by (;"x- (C.3.2) where 11 is Poisson's ratio. Similarly, considering Figure C-4(d), the stress in the z direction produces a negative strain in the x direction given by til ex V(lz =-y (C3.3) Using superposition ofEqs. (C.3.1)-(C.3.3), we obtain (Ix ex = E - v (lz E (C.3.4) The strains in the y and z directions can be determined in a manner similar to that used to obtain Eq. (C3.4) for the x direction. They are e = 'Y &z= -}1 (Ix E + (ly ..:.. E v~ E (C.3.S) 150 ... C Equations from Elasticity Theory Solving Eqs. (C.3.4) and (C.3.5) for the nonna! stresses, we obtain E Ux = (1 + v)(l 2v) [e.x(1 - v) + ve, + vez] (I, = (1 + 11)(1E _ 2v) [vex + (1 - v)£y + vez] E (1= = (1 + V)(1 _ 2v) [vex + vty + (1 - (C.3.6) v)£:] The Hooke's law relationship, a = Ee, used for DonnaI stress also applies for shear stress and strain; that iSt (C.3.7) t'=Gy where G is the shear modulus. Hence, the expressions for the three different sets of shear strains are . 'r zx 't'xy YA)'=a .(C.3.8) Yzx =0 Solving Eqs. (C.3.8) for the stresses, we have (C.3.9) In matrix fonn, we can express the stresses'in Eqs. (CJ.6) and (C.3.9) as (1y E (1;: '[xy t'yz (1 + 11)(1 - 2v) ':x I-v v v 0 0 0 I-v v 0 0 0 I-v 0 0 0 0 0 1-2v x ex E, Ez Yxy 1- 2v -2- o 1.:.- 2v -2- Symmetry where we note that the relationship E G=-2(1 + v) )',: Yu (C.3.10) Reference .. 751 has been used inEq. (C.3.1O). The square matrix on the right side ofEq. (C~3.10) is called the stress/strain or constitutive matrix and is. defined by fl. where !l is I-v [D]- - (1 E + v)(l - v v 0 0 0 I-v v 0 0 0 I-v 0 0 0 0 0 1-2v -2- 211) I 1-2v -2- (C.3.11) 0 t .1 Symmetry • 1-211 Reference [I} Timosbenko, S., and Goodier, J., Theory of Elasticity, 3rd ed., MeGraw.HiB, New York, 1970. The equivalent nodal (or joint) forces for different types of loads on beam elCl'nents are shown in Table D-1. ... Problems D.I . Detennine the equivalent joint or nodal forces for the beam elements shown in Figure PD-I. ' l Skip I ,t--1O(t-+-10ft~ ~20(I---l (b) lOOOlb/ft I I I 30n L II 1 - 2 I 20ft (g) Figure Po-1 2 r I--sm~·1 2m-1 2 (I) 4kN/m 1~2 6m 5 kip kN I (e) I. ! I _ .(d) ~2dV (E.8) v s v Note that the shape functions are independent of time. Because g (or gT) is the matrix of nodal displacements, which is independent of spatial integra~ion, we can simplify Eq. (E.8) by taking the gT terms from the integrals to obunn dgT JJIBT12BdV4 t5g T !+dg TJIN{!ds+&gT IJINT(X -pN4)dV (E.9) s v Becau~ t5g T is an arbitrary virtual nodal displacement vector common to each term in Eq. (E.9), the following relationship must be true. , v IIJB T12BdVg=!+ JIN{IdS+ JJJNTXdV- JIJpNTNdV4 v s: v' (E.IO) v We now define m = JII pNTl'l dV (E.ll). v 1£ = JIJ BT12BdV (B.12) v Is 11 N[IdS (E.l3) IIJNTXdv (E.14) s [h= v 758 .4 E Principle of Virtual Work Using Eqs. (E.ll)-(E-14) in Eq. (E.IO) and moving the last term ofEq. (RIO) to the left side, yve obtain (E.15) mil + Ifd. = £ +[s +jb The matrix!11 in Eq. (E.ll) is the element consistent-mass matrix [2], If in Eq. (E.12) is the element stiffness matrix, is in Eq. (E.13) is the matrix of element equivalent nodal loads due to surface forces, -and Ji, in Eq. (E.14) is the matrix of element equivalent nodal loads due to body forces. Specific applications of Eq. {E. IS) are given in Chapter 16 for bars and beams subjected to dynamic (time-dependent) forces. For static problems, we set (j equal to zero in Eq. (E. 15) to obtain !i4=£+[s+jb (E.16) Chapters 3-9, 11 and 12 illustrate the use of Eq. (E.16) applied to bars, trusses, beams, frames, and to plane stress, axisymmetric stress. three-dimensional stress, and plate-bending problems. ..... References 'ilJ Oden, J. T., and Ripperger, E. A., Mechanics of Elastic Structures. 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1981. [2J Archer,' J. S., "Consistent Matrix Formulations for Structural Analysis Using Finite Element Techniques," Jouma/ of lhe American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Vol. 3, No. 10, pp. 1910-1918, 1965. y x Wide Flange Shapes (W Shapes)*: Theoretical Dimensions and Properties for Designing Axis x-x Flange Weight Section Number per Foot (Ib) W36 )( W36 x 300 2110 260 245 230 210 194 182 170 160 ISO 135 Area Depth of of Section Section A d (in.2) (in.) Thick· Width ness Web Thick· ness 'x Ix $. hf If I •. (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.4) (in.l) 20,300 18,900 17,300 16,100 15,000 1,110 1,030 . 953 895 837 15.2 15.1 15.0 15.0 14.9 13,200 12,100 11,300 10,500 9,750 9,040 7,800 719 664 623 14.6 14.6 14.5 14.5 14.4 14.3 14.0 411 375 347 320 29S 270 ill 88.3 82.4 76.5 72.1 67.6 36.74 36.52 36.26 36.08 35.90 16.655 16.595 1(j.5SO 16.510 16.470 1:680 1.570 1.440 1.260 0.945 0.885 0.840 0.800 0.760 61.8 36.69 36.49 36.33 36.17 36.01 35.85 35.55 12.180 12.115 12.075 12.030 12.000 11.975 11.950 1.360 1.260 1.180 1.100 1.020 0.940 0.790 0.830 0.765 0.725 0.680 0.650 0.625 D.600 57.0 53.6 SO.O 47.0 44.2 39.7 AxisY-Y 1.350 580 542 504 439 (in.) IT S1 '1 ) [m.]) em. 1,300 1,200 1,090 1,010 940 156 144 132 123. 114 3.8. 3.8 3.7· 3.7 3.7. (io. 4 67.5 61.9 57.6 53.2 49.1 45.1 37.7 2S 2.So 2.5. 2.5. 2.51 2.4' 2.3: ,COIItinu • A W section is designated by the letter W followed by the nominal depth in inches and ~ weight in pounds per fOOl. All printed with permission of American In$titute of Steel Construction 7; ~ 760 Wide F Properties of Structural Steel and Aluminum Shapes Fla~ge Shapes (W Shapes)·: Theoretical Dimensions and Properties for Designing (Continued) Flange Depth - - - - - Thick~ Width ness ness (in.) Of (in.) ~ (in.) t,. (in.) 70.9 65.0 59.1 34.18 33.93 33.68 15.860 15.805 15.745 1.400 1.275 1.150 0.&30 0.775 0.715 14,200 12,800 11,500 152 141 130 118 44.7 41.6 38.3 34.7 33.49 33.30 33.09 32.86 11.565 11.535 11.510 11.480 1.055 0.960 0.855 0.740 0.635 0.605 0.580 0.550 8,160 7,450 6,710 5,900 W30 x 211 191 173 62.0 56.1 50.8 30.94 3Q.68 30.44 15.105 15.040 14.985 1.315 1.185 1.065 0.775 0.710 0.655 W30 x 132 124 116 108 99 38,9 30.31 30.17 31.7 29.1 30.01 29.83 29.65 10.545 10.515 10.495 10.475 10.450 1.000 0.930 0.&50 0.760 0.670 W27 x 178 161 146 52.3 47.4 42.9 27.81 27.59 27.38 14.085 14.020 13.965 W27 x 114 102 84 33.5 30.0 27.7 24.8 27.29 27.09 26.92 26.71 162 146 131 117 104 47.7 43.0 38.5 34.4 30.6 94 84 76 68 Area Section per Number Foot of of Sec:ti~ Section A d (Ib) . (in.2) W33 x 241 221 ,201 W33 x W24 x W24 x W21)( W21 x W21)( (in.) (in.) 829 757 684 14.1 14.1 14.0 932 840 749 118 106 95.2 3.63 3.59 3.56 487 13.5 273 448 13.4 406 359 13.2 13.0 246 218 187 47.2 42.1 37.9 32.6 2.47 2.43 2.39 2.32 10,300 9,170 8,200 663 598 539 12.9 12.8 12.7 757 673 598 100 89.5 79.8 3.49 3.46 3.43 0.615 0.585 0.565 0.545 0.520 5,770 5,360 4,930 4,470 3,990 380 355 329 299 269 12.2 12.1 12.0 11.9 10 196 181 164 146 128 37.2 34.4 31.3 27.9 24.5 2.25 2.23 2.19 2.15 2.10 1.190 1.080 0.975 0.725 0.660 0.605 6,990 6,.280 5,630 502 455 411 11.6 11.5 11.4 555 497 443 78.8 70.9 63.5 3.26 3.24 3.21 10.070 10.015 9.990 9.960 0.930 0.830 0.745 0.640 0.570 0.515 0.490 0.460 4,090 3,620 3,.270 2,850 299 267 243 213 11.0 11.0 10.9 10.7 159 139 124 106 31.5 27.8 24.8 2.1S 2.15 21.2 2.07 25.00 24.74 24.48 24.26 24.06 12.955 12.900 12.855 12.800 12.750 1.220 1.090 0.960 0.850 0.750 0.705 0:650 0.605 0.550 0.500 5,170 4,5S0 4,020 3,540 3,100 414 10.4 443 3.05 371 329 291 258 10.3 10.2 10.1 10.1 391 340 297 259 61L4 60.5 53.0 46.5 40.7 27.7 24.7 22.4 20.1 24.31 24.10 23.92 23.73 9.065 9.020 8.990 8.965 0.875 0.515 0.470 0.440 0.415 2,700 2,370 2,100 1,830 222 176 154 9.S7 9.79 9.69 9.55 109 94.4 82.5 70.4 24.0 20.9 18.4 15.7 62 55 18.2 16.2 23.74 23.57 7.040 7.005 0.590 0.505 0.430 0.3~5 1,550 1,350 131 114 9.23 9.11 34.5 29.1 147 132 122 III 101 43.2 38.8 35.9 32.7 29.8 22.06 21.83 21.68 21.51 21.36 12.510 12.440 12.390 12.340 12.290 1.150 1.03-5 0.960 0.875 0.800 0.720 0.650 0.600 0.550 0.500 3,630 3,220 2,960 2,670 2,420 329 9.17 9.12 9.09 9.05 9.02 93 83 73 68 27.3 24.3 8.420 8.355 8.295 8.270 8.240 0.930 0.835 0.740 0.685 0.615 0.580 0.515 0.455 0.430 0.400 2,070 1,830 1,600 1,4.80 1,330 192 171 151 140 127 6.555 0.650 0.535 0.450 0.405 0.380 0.350 1,170 984 843 It1 94 W24 x AxisY-Y Axis X-X Web Thick- Weight 36.5 34.2 62 20.0 18.3 21.62 21.43 21.24 21.13 20.99 57 SO 44 16.7 14.7 13.0 21.06 20.83 20.66 21.5 6.530 6.500 o.no 0.680 0.585 196 295 273 249 2TI 8.70 8.67 8.64 8.60 8.54 94.5 8.36 8.18 81.6 8.06 376 333 305 274 248 92.9 81.4 70.6 64.7 57.5 30.6 24.9 20.7 All printed with permission of American Institute of Steel Construction 9.80 8.30 60.1 53.5 49.2 44.5 40.3 22.1 19.5 2.li 3.0r 2.97 2.94 2.91 1.98 1.95 1.92 1.87 1.38 1.34 2.95 2.93 2.92 2.90 2.89 15.7 1.84 1.83 1.81 1.80 13.9 1.77 17.0 9.35 7.64 6.36 1.35 1.30 1:26 ... F Properties of Structural Steel and Aluminum Shapes 761 Wide Flange Shapes NJ Shapes)*: Theoretical DimensioAs and Properties for Designing (Continued) Flange Weight Section peT Number Foot of Width Thickness Thiclcness 1;< Sr P:. IF S, T • d hJ IJ t •. (in.) {in.} (in.) (in.) (in.') (in.l) (in.) (in.4) (in.l) (in.) 35.1 31.1 28.5 25.3 22.3 18.97 18.73 IS59 18.39 18.21 11.26S 11.200 11.145 11.090 0.655 0.590 0.535 0.480 0.425 2,190 1,910 t,7S0 1,530 1,330 231 IIms !.06() 0.940 0.870 0.770 0.680 166 146 7.90 7.84 7.82 7.77 7.73 71 65 20.8 60 17.6 16.2 14.7 18.47 18.35 18.24 18.11 17.99 7.635 .7.590 7.555 7.530 7.495 0.810 0.750 0.695 0.630 0.570 0.495 0.450 0.415 0.390 0.355 1.170 1,070 984 890 800 127 117 lOS 98.3 88.9 7.50 7.49 7.47 7.41 7.38 60.3 54.8 50.1 44.9 40.1 18.06 17.90 17.70 6.060 6.015 6.000 0.605 0.525 0.425 "_ 0.360 0.315 0.300 712 612 510 78.8 68.4 57.6 7.25 7.21 7.04 22.5 19.1 15.3 119 106 97 76 55 SO WI8 x Web (in.2) 86 WlSx or Section Section 46 19.1 204 183 35 13.5 11.8 10.3 W16x 100 89 77 67 29,4 26.2 22.6 19.7 16.97 16.75 16.52 16.33 10,425 10.365 10.295 10.235 0.985 0.875 0.760 .0.665 0.585 0.525 OAS5 G.395 1,490 1,300 1,110 WI6x 57 SO 45 40 36 t6.8 14.7 13.3 11.8 10.6 16.43 16.26 16.13 16.01 15.86 7.12.0 7.070 7.035 6.995 6.985 0.715 0.630 0.565 0.505 0.430 0.430 0.380 0.345 0.305 0.295 758 659 586 518 448 15.88 15.69 5.525 5.500 0.440 0.345 0.275 0.250 375 301 215 196 178 162 147 134 22.42 21.64 2.0.92 20.24 19.60 19.02 17.890 17.650 17.415 17.200 17.010 16.835 4.910 4.52.0 . 4.160 3.820 3.500 3.210 3.010 2.830 2.595 2.380 2.190 2.
. In.~ In.4 In.l In. In.'' '/" 127.37 103.30 78.52 65.87 37.4 30.4 2J.I 19.4 1450 1200 931 789 182 150 116 98.6 6.23 6.29 6.35 6.38 2320 1890 1450 1220 214 I7S 134 \13 Yo '/: Yo Va, 110.36 89.68 68.31 57.36 32,4 26,4 t36 87.9 74.6 5.42 5.48 5.54 5.57 1530 1250 16.9 952 791 615 522 161 132 102 86.1 % 93.34 76.07 58.10 48.86 39.43 29.84 27.4 22.4 17.1 14.4 11.6 8.77 580 485 380 324 265 203 96..7 80.9 63.4 54.0 44.1 33.8 4.60 4.66 4.72 4.75 4.78 4.81 943 771 599 506 16.33 69.48 62.46 47.90 40.35 32.63 24.73 22.4 20.4 18.4 14.1 11.9 9.59 1.27 321 297 271 214 183 151 116 64.2 59.4 54.2 42.9 36.7 30.1 23.2 3.78 3.81 3.84 3.90 61.82 61.83 55.66 42.79 36.10 29.23 22.18 19.9 18.2 16.4 12.6 10.6 8.59 ~.S2 227 211 193 154 132 109 83.8 '/i. 59.32 54.l7 48.85 37.69 .31.84 25.82 19.63 17.4 15.9 14.4 11.1 9.36 7.59 5.77 0/.. y, 46.5\ 42.05 Y, 32.58 27.59 22.42 17.08 13.7 12.4 9.58 8.11 6.59 5.02 In. In. 16 )(16 Weight per Ft % Y., ~ ,/, % 'I.. V. 'A. % 0/., Y., V. y.. 'I, ,/", % 'Ii. ~ Y. ¥.. V. 1;'. % y.. ~ % '/'. Y. ,/" It. Yr, 20.1 m 963 812 In.' 116 95.4 312 73.9 62.6 50.8 38.7 3.96 3.99 529 485 439 341 289 235 179 71.3 64.6 50.4 42.& 34.9 26.6 50.4 46.8 42.9 34.1 29.3 24.1 18.6 3.37 3.40 3.43 3.49 3.53 3.56 3.59 311 341 315 246 209 170 130 61.5 56.6 51.4 40.3 34.3 28.0 21.4 153 143 131 106 90.9 75.\ 5&.2 38.3 35.7 32.9 26.4 22.7 18.& 14.6 2.96 3.00 3.03 3.09 3.12 3.15 3.18 258 47.2 43.6 39.7 3!.l 26.1 21.9 IU 91.4 84.6 68.7 59.5 26.1 24.2 19.6 17.0 49.4 38.5 11.0 2.59 2.62 2.68 2.71 2.74 2.77 14.1 3.93 ·Outsid<: dimensions across flal sides. ··Properties are based upon a nominal outside corner radius equal to two times the wall thickness. All printed with permission of American rnstitute of Steel Construction 410 238 217 170 145 !IS 90.6 154 141 112 95.6 78.3 60.2 71.6 32.3 29.6 23.5 20.1 16.5 12.7 766 A F Properties of Structural Steel and Aluminum Shapes Structural Tubing-Square: Dimensions and Properties (Continued) PropertiC$·· Dimensions Nomina'''' Size In. 6)(6 5)( 5 4.5 x 4.5 '4 x 4 3.5)( 3.5 3)(3 2.5 x 2.5 2:.:2 Wall Thickness In. 0.5625 O.SOOO 0.3750 0.3125 0.2500 0.1875 O.SOOO 0.3750 0.3125 0.2500 0.1875 02500 0.1875 0.5000 0.3750 0.3125 02500 0.1875 0.3125 0.2500 0.1875 '10. S Lb. In.2 In.1 54.1 In.4 In. J Z In.4 In.} 18.0 16.8 13.9 12.1 10.1 7.93 2.18 2.21 2.27 2.30 2.33 2.36 92.9 85.6 68.5 58.9 48.5 37.5 22.7 20.9 16.8 14.4 11.9 9.24 1.80 1.86 1.89 U2 13.7 11.2 9.70 8.07 6.29 V. 38.86 35.24 27.48 ¥t~ 23.34 V. 19.02 14.53 28.43 22.37 19.08 15.62 H.97 8.36 6.58 5.61 4.59 3.52 27.0 22.8 10.8 20.1 16.9 13.4 8.02 6.78 '5.36 US 46.8 38.2 33.1 27.4 21.3 13.91 10.70 4.09 3.14 12.1 9.60 5.36 4.27 1.72 1.75 19.7 15.4 6.43 5.03 21.63 17.27 14.83 12.2\ 9.42 6.36 5.08 4.36 3.59 2.77 12.3 10.7 9.58 8.22 6.59 6.13 5.35 4.79 4.11 3.30 1.39 1,45 1.48 1.S1 1.54 21.& 18.4 16.1 13.5 8.02 6.72 5.90 4.97 3.91 12.70 10.51 8.15 3.73 3.09 2.39 6.09 529 4.29 3.48 3.02 2.45 1.28 1.31 1.34 lOA 10.58 8.81 6.87 3.11 2.59 2.02 3.58 3.16 2.60 2.39 2.10 1.73 LlO 10.58 1.11 S.59 3.11 2.00 1.64 3.58 1.69 1.42 2.39 I.3S 6.32 5.41 4.)2 1.86 1.59 1.27 0.880 0.766 ~ ¥,. Y, V. 0/.. V- '1.. Yo lA. t,.} V. ~;,. VlA. v.. Yo ¥O. v.. 0.3125 0.2500 0.1875 Yo, o.um Area 11.4 10.4 8.08 6.&6 5.59 4.27 0.3125 0.2500 0.1875 0.3125 0.2500 Weight perFt V. 0/.. II, ¥O. Yi. Y. 'I", 50.5 41.6 36.3 30.3 23.8 0.6~ 9.11 10.6 8.82 6.99 4.35 3.70 2.93 U3 6.22 5.35 4.28 3.04 2.61 2.10 3.32 2.92 2.38 1.96 1.71 U.4 1.07 0.899 0.930 0.880 0.766 0.668 0.690 M94 0.726 1.49 1.36 US 1.11 1.00 0.840 1.07 All printed with permission of American Institute of Steel Construction lAO F Properties of Structural Steel and Aluminum Shapes ~ 767 Y xffix Structural Tubing-Rectangular: Dimensions and Properties Y Propertics.... Dimensions Thidrness Area ,. S,' Z" T.< If $, Z). ~, J In. Lb. In.l Tn.· In.' In.l In. In.4 In.~ In.) In. In.'' 127.37 103.30 78.52 65.81 37.4 30,4 23.1 19.4 2000 1650 1280 1080 200 245 201 154 130 7.30 7.37 7.45 7.41 904 165 128 108 583 495 151 12l 97.2 82.5 172 141 109 91.8 4.91 4.97 5.03 5.06 2010 1650 1270 1010 '-89.68 68.31 57.36 26.4 20.1 16.9 1270 988 838 127 98.8 . S3.S 162 125 IQ5 6.94 7.02 7.05 300 236 202 75.1 59.1 50.4 84.7 65.6 55.6 3.38 3.43 3.46 806 625 76.01 58.10 48.86 22.4 17.1 14.4 889 699 596 88.9 69.9 59.6 123 95.3 80.S 6.31 6.40 6.44 61.6 50.3 43.7 30.8 25.1 21.8 36.0 28.S 24.3 1.66 1.72 1.74 205 165 143 76.07 58.10 48.86 22.4 17.1 14.4 818 641 S46 90.9 71.3 60.7 119 92.2 7U 6.05 6.13 6.17 141 113 97.0 47.2 37.6 32.3 53.9 42.1 35.8 2.52 2.57 2.60 410. 322 214 110.36 89.68 68.31 57.36 32.4 26.420.1 16.9 1\60 962 748 635 145 120 93.5 79.4 175 144 III 93.8 5.98 6.04 6.11 6.14 742 618 482 409 124 103 80.3 68.2 144 118 91.3 77.2 4.78 4.84 4.90 4.93 1460 1200 76.07 58.10 48.80 22.4 17.l 14.4 722 56S 41U 90.2 70.6 60.1 113 87.6 14.2 5.68 5.75 5.79 244 193 165 61.0 48.2 41.2 69.7 54.2 45.9 3.30 3.36 3.39 S99 46S 394 62.46 47.90 40.35 18.4 481 382 327 60.2 47.8 40.9 82.2 64.2 54.5 5.12 5.21 5.25 24.6 20.2 17.6 29.0 23.0 19.7 1.64 14.1 11.9 157 127 110 '728 60i 476 405 1M 86.9 68.0 57.9 127 105 8U 69.0 5.15 431 361 284 242 86.2 72.3 56.8 48.4 101 83.6 64.8 54.9 3.96 4.02 4.11 130 564 477 42.9 33.6 28.7 23.4 2.46 2.52 2.54 2.57 296 233 199 162 25.5 20.3 17.4 14.3 1.62 L68 1.71 134 Wall Size In. 20)( 12 0.6250 0.5000 0.3750 0.3125 % v:. Yo v.: 20)( 8 0.5000 0.3150 0.3125 20)( 4 0.5000 0.3150 0.3125 Yo, 0.5000 0.3750 0.3125 1" 18 l( 6 16)( 12 16 x 8 0.6250 0.5000 0.3750 0.3125 o.sooo 0.3750 0.3125 16 x 4 14)( 10 14 x 6 14)( 4 y-y Axis X·XAxis Weight per Ft. Nominal· 0.5000 0.3150 0.3t25 0.6250 0.5000 0.3750 0.3125 0.5000 0.3750 0.3125 0.2500 0.5000 0.3750 'lI Y- Yo. v:. Yo V, % Yo v., Yo \Ii, y; Yo XII y; % ~;,. 750 49.3 40,4 35.1 Yo 93.34 \Ii V. 76JJ? 58.10 48.86 27.4 22.417.1 14.4 62.46 41.90 40.35 32.63 18.4 14.1 11.9 9.59 426 331 288 237 60.8 48.1 41.2 33.8 78.3 61.1 51.9 42.3 4.82 4.89 4.93 4.97 III 89.1 63.4 37.1 29.7 25.6 21.1 55.66 42.79 36,10 29.23 16.4 12.6 10.6 8.59 335 267 230 189 47.& 38.2 32.8 27.0 64.8 SO.8 43.3 35.4 4.52 4.61 4.65 4.69 43.1 35.4 30.9 25.8 21.5 17.7 15,4 12.9 ,/" ,/, Y. !I.. 'I. ,/; V. o.:ms v.. 0.2500 V. 5.22 5.28 5.31 76.7 l.69 1.71 4.08 1.71 529 922 m 885 108 93.1 77.0 (C()1ttinwd) ·Outside dimen$iQfls across flat sides.. • ..Propctties are based upon a nominal outside comet radilll equal (0 two (im~ (tie wall thickness. All printed with permiSSion of American Institute of Steel Construction 768 A F Properties of Structural Steel and Aluminum Shapes Structural Tubing-Rectangular: Dimensions and Properties (Continued) Properties"· Dimensions x-x Axis Nominal· Wall Thickness Size In. l2'x 8 12 x6 12 x 4 12x 2 10 x 8 10 x 6 10 x 5 lOx4 per Ft. 0.6250 0.5625 0.5000 0.3750 0.3125 0.2500 0.1875 0.625() 0.5625 0.5000 0.3750 0.3125 0.2500 0.1875 0.2500 0.1875 0.6250 0.5625 0.5000 0.3750 0.3125 0.2500 0.1875 0.6250 a.S625 0.5000 0.3750 0.3125 0.2500 0.1875 0.6250 0.5625 Area 2 Ix Sx Zx rJ( In.l ly s,. 3 Zy '1 J In.4 . In.' In! In.4 In. In? In. 76.33 69.48 62.46 41.90 40.35 32.63 24.73 22.4 20.4 18.4 14.1 11.9 9.59 1.1.7 418 387 353 279 239 1% 151 69.7 64.5 58.9 46.5 39.8 32.6 25.1 87.1 79.9 72.4 56.5 47.9 39.1 29.8 4.32 4.35 4.39 4.45 4.49 4.52 455 222 205 188 149 128 105 8U 55.3 51.3 46.9 37.3 32.0 26.3 20.3 65.6 61D 54.7 42.7 36.3 29.6 12.7 3.14 3.17 3.20 3.26 3.28 3.31 3.34 481 442 401 312 265 216 165 67.82 61.83 5's.66 42.79 36.10 29.23 . 22.18 19.9 18.2 16.4 12.6 10.6 '8.59 6.52 337 313 287 228 1% i61 124 56.2 52.2 47.8 38.1 32.6 26.9 20.7 72.9 67.1 60.9 47.7 40.6 33.2 25.4 4.11 4.15 4.19 4.26 4.30 112 104 96.0 17.2 66.6 37.2 34.7 32.0 25.7 22.2 18.4 14.3 44.5 41.0 37.4 29.4 25.1 20.6 15.& 2.37 2.39 2.42 2.48 2.51 2.53 2.56 286 264 241 190 162 132 101 59.32 54.17 48.&5 37.69 31.84 25.82 i9.63 17.4 15.9 14.4 ILl 9.36 7.59 5.77 257 240 221 118 153 121 9&.2 42.8 39.9 36.8 58.6 54.2 49.4 39.0 33.3 27.3 21.0 20.9 19.8 18.5 15.2 13.3 25.8 24.0 12.0 11.6 tl.l 8.75 12.5 9.63 1.55 1.58 1.60 1.66 1.69 1.11 1.74 127 119 ·110 89.0 76.9 63.6 49.3 22.42 11.0& 6.59 5.02 92.2 15.4 12.0 21.4 72.0 16.6 3.74 3.79 4.62 3.76 5.38 4.24 0.837 0.&65 67.82 6l.83 55.66 42.79 36.10 29.23 22.18 19.9 18.2 16.4 li6' 10.6 8.59 6.52 266 247 226 ISO 154 127 97.9 53.2 49.3 45.2 35.9 30.8 25.4 19.6 65.9 60.6 55.1 43.1 36.7 30.0 23.0 3.65 3.68 3.72 3.78 3.81 3.84 3.87 187 174 160 121 109 90.2 69.1 y., 59.32 54.17 4&.85 37.69 31.84 25.&2 19.63 17.4 15.9 .4.4 11.1 9.36 7.59 5.17 211 197 181 145 125 103 79.& 42.2 39.3 36.2 29.0 25.0 20.6 16.0 54.2 50.0 45.6 35.9 30.7 25.1 19.3 3.48 3.51 3.55 3.62 3.65 3.69 93.5 87.5 80.8 65.4 56.5' 46.9 36.5 % 55.06 1&3 171 158 128 110 91.2 70.8 36.7 34.3 31.6 25.S 22.0 18.2 14.2 48.3 44.7 40.8 32.3 27.6 22.7 17.4 3.37 Yo. In. 0.6250 0.5625 0.5000 0.3150 0.3125 0.2500 0.1875 y.y Axis Weight Lb. % 0/,. \Ii 'f. 'Ii. If. %. l4 'A6 ~ Yo Yo. ~ y.. l4 tj,. '/, Yo y., X, Yo, X, !I.. % '!" '/, Yo ~, 'I..' y.. Y. %. Y, Y, v" '!. In. 0.5000 ~ SO.34 45.45 0.3750 0,3125 0.2500 0.1875 'f. 35.13 '!. Vo. 29,12 24.12 18.35 J6.2 14.8 13.4 10.3 8.73 7.09 5.39 05625 y." 4651 13.7 146 0.5000 0.3750 0.3125 42.05 32.58 12.4 136 'lio Yo, 'I.. ~ 2M 25.5 21.1 16.4 4.33 55.2 4.37 42.8 3.84 41.8 39.6 36.9 30.5 26.6 22.3 17.5 3.8& 3.92 4.01" 4.05 4.09 4.13 >.72 3,40 3.44 3.51 3.55 3.59 3.62 4.62 3.76 60.0 56.5 52.5 42,9 37.2 ll.l 24.3 15.1 46.8 43_5 39.9 31.8 27.3 22.5 17.4 56.4 52.0 47.2 37.0 31.5 25.8 19.7 3.07 3.09 3.12 3.18 3.21 3.24 3.27 367 337 306 239 203 166 127 31.2 37.7 34.9 31.9 25.2 21.5 17.7 \3.6 2.32 2.34 2.37 2.46 2.49 2.51 221 204 187 147 126 103 79.t 29.3 27.2 25.0 19.9 17.0 14J) 10.8 1.93 1.95 1.98 2.04 2.07 2.09 2.12 157 146 134 10.7 91.5 75.2 58.0 1,55 1.58 1.63 1.66 93.8 86.9 70.4 60.8 29.2 26.9 21.8 18.8 15.6 12.2 24.0 22.6 21.0 17.1 14.9 12.4 9.71 29.3 39:4 3.27 32.9 16.4 20.1 27.1 16.J 3.31 30.~ 15.4 18.5 22.0 28.7 25.5 12,8 14.9 3.39 8.11 2759 95.5 19.1 24.6 12.4 12.& 3.43 11.2 Alf printed with permission of American Institute of Steel Construction 9.58 110 15.9 12.8 2.43 ... F Properties of Structural Steel and Aluminum Shapes 769 Structural Tubj~g-Rectangular: Dimensions and Properties (Continued) Properties" Dimensions Nominal- Wall Sill: Thickness In. 9 x7 9x6 9x5 9)(3 8)(6 8)(4 8 x3 Weight per Ft. In. 0.2500 0.1875 10 x 2 x-x Axis Lb. 'I. ¥I. 0.3750 0.3125 0.2500 0.1875 % '!.. 0.6250 0.5625 0.5000 0.3750 0.3125 0.2500 0.1875 'I. 'I. 'A. Area fn.2 '" In.4 $, In.J v-v Axis z" In.l T" In. 22.42 17.08 6.59 5.02 61.7 15.9 12.3 20.2 15.6 3.47 3.51 27.48 23.34 19.02 14.53 8.0& 6.86 5.59 4.27 75.4 66.1 55.5 43.7 15.1 13.2 11.1 8.74 21.5 18.5 15.4 3.06 3.10 3.15 3.20 40.6 37.9 34.8 27.9 24.0 19.9 15.4 51.0 47.1 42.9 33.8 28.8 23.6 18.1 3.24 3.27 3.30 3.37 7.59 5.77 183 170 !57 126 108 &9.4 69.2 161 ISO 139 112 96.4 79.8 61.9 35.8 33.4 30:8 24.& 21.4 17.7 13.8 45.8 42.3 38.7 30.6 26.1 21.4 16.5 3.15 3.19 3.22 3.29 3.32 3.36 3.39 7!D 11.9 Iy In.4 Sy z~ In.l In. 3 4.85 4.42 3.&5 3.14 6.05 5.33 4.50 3.56 0.775 0.802 0.830 0.i58 4.85 4.42 3.85 3.14 42.8 39.5 36.1 28.4 24.3 19.9 15.3 2.66 2.69 2.71 248 229 209 2.77 2.80 140 2.83 2.86 114 34.4 31.9 29.1 23.1 19.8 16.2 12.5 2.28 2.31 2.34 2.40 2.43 2.46 2.48 189 115 160 127 108 88.8 68.2 24.7 22.1 18.1 15.6 12.8 9.90 1.93 1.96 2.01 2.04 2.07 2.10 126 IIS 92.2 79.2 65.2 50.2 11.3 US 1.20 1.23 41.6 34.9 3O.S 25.6 )A. 37.69 31.84 25.82 19.63 0.6250 'fa 5'5.06 0.562S O.SOOO 0.3750 ().312S 0.1500 0.1875 '/,. 50.34 45.45 35.13 29.72 24.12 18.35 16.2 14.8 13.4 10.3 8.73 7.09 5.39 46.51 42.05 32.58 27.59 22.42 17.08 13.1 12.4 9.58 8.11 6.59 5.02 130 121 97.8 84.6 70.3 54.7 29.0 26.8 21.7 18.8 15.6 12.1 37.6 34.4 27.3 23.4 19.3 14.8 3.09 3.12 3.20 3.23 3.27 3.30 50.9 10.4 8.08 6.86 5.59 4.27 84.4 69.9 61.0 18.8 51.1 4QJ 13.6 11.4 8.91 25.9 20,9 18.0 14.9 ItS 2.86 2.94 2.98 3.02 3.06 13.7 11.7 10.4 8.84 7.06 2.86 70.8 65.7 53.5 46.4 38.6 30.1 23.6 21.9 17.& IS.S 12.9 2&.8 26.4 21.0 18.0 10.0 26.2 24.6 13.1 12,] 10.3 9.05 7.63 6.02 8.05 6.92 y; iI. '!.. V. %, 3.43 3.46 123 US 106 85.1 73.5 6O.S 47.2 35.1 32.8 30.2 24.3 21.0 17.4 84.5 79.2 73.2 59.4 18.2 51.4 42.1 .33.3 0.5625 0.5000 0.3750 0.3125 0.2500 0.1875 0/,. 0.5000 0.3750 0.3125 0.2500 0.1875 'h Va '!.. y., 35.24 27.48 23.34 19.02 14.53 0.5625 0.5000 0.3750 0.3125 0.2500 0.1875 0/" y, % Yo, Y. Yo. 46.51 42.05 32.58 27.59 22.42 17.08 13.7 12.4 9.58 S.1l 6.59 5,02 112 103 83.7 72.4 60.1 46.8 27.9 25.8 20.9 18.1 15.0 11.7 35.2 32.2 25.6 21.9 18.0 13.9 2.99 3.02 3.05 0.5625 O.SOOO 0.3750 0.3125 0.2500 0.1&75 0/., 'tS 38.86 35.24 27.48 23.34 19.02 14.53 11.4 SO. 5 10.4 8.08 6.86 5.59 4.27 61.9 53.9 45.1 35.3 20.1 18.8 15.5 26.9 24.7 19.9 17.1 14.J 2.65 2.69 2.17 2.80 2.84 11.0 2.88 12.0 9.36 6t.O 21.0 2.55 12.1 7.33 51.0 17.0 2.64 1'0.4 0.5000 0.3750 Yz Yo %. Yo v.. Y. Yi Yo, Y. !flO 'I: Y. 31.84 24.93 75.1 15.5 as 11.3 8.83 15.3 12.7 2.89 2.% 16.5 14.9 12.8 to.3 10.6 8.20 4&.85 'I. 50A. 39.1 9.39 7.3~ !tS 3.4Q In.4 14.8 '!. 9.36 In. 18.& 'I.. 0/0. J ).69 1.72 59.32 54.17 17.4 15.9 14.4 ILl Ty 47.4 38.8 33.8 28.2 22.1 20.6 18.1 15.3 l3.S 26.S 24.4 19.8 17.1 14.2 ILl 2M 18.9 15.S 13.5 11.3 8.84 9.11 7.79 6.92 5.90 4.70 9.29 8.08 6.73 5.26 1.26 1.29 J64 87.7 20.1 147 135 107 11.4 2.28 2.31 2.36 2.39 2.42 2.45 16.2 15.0 12.2 10.5 8.72 6.77 1.51 1.54 1.60 1.62 1.65 1.68 69.0 64.1 /52.2 45.2 37.5 29'.1 10.1 8.:U 1.14 1.19 35.1 29'.9 14.8 91.3 74.9 57.6 (Continwd) All printed with permiss.ion of American Institute of Steel Construction 770 A F Properties of Structural Steel and Aluminum Shapes Structural Tubing-Rectangular. Dimensions and Properties (Continued) Dimensions x-x. Axis y.y Axis Weight per Ft. In. 1xS 0.3125 ¥I>. 0.2500 V. 'I.. 0.3150 0.3125 0.2500 0.1875 11.97 6.23 5.09 3.89 44.7 37.6 29.6 11.2 9.40 7.40 14.7 12.2 9.49 2.68 65a 5.61 4.59 3.52 40.1 35.5 30.' 23.9 10.0 14.2 12.3 10.3 8.02 63.5 18.1 14.9 13.0 10.9 23.1 2.48 18.5 2.54 15.9 8.87 7.52 5.97 % 27.48 0/" 2334 19..02 6.86 5.59 52.2. 45.5 33.0 ¥'" 14.53 4.27 29.8 8.SO 10.2 ~ 31.84 52.9 % 24.93 l1.21 17.32 13.25 9.36 7.33 6.23 5.09 3.89 15.1 12.6 lUi 9.23 19.8 16.0 13.8 28.43 22.37 8.36 6.58 19.08 15.62 IU7 S.6J 4.59 3.52 42.3 35.7 3LS 26.6 21.1 0.5000 0.3750 0.5000 0.3750 V. Yo. V. 0/0. Y! ',4 V" 0.2500 0.1875 V. V.. 0.3750 V. 03125 'I.. 0..2500 0.1875 V. 71. 0.3750 0.3125 0/,. 0.2S00 0.1875 Yo Yo Y.. 18.2 14.6 12.6 10.4 8.10 1.90 \.95 1.98 2.01 2.04 79.9 64.2 55.3 45.6 35.3 2.38 2.45 2.49 2.52 2.55 21.5 18.1 16.0 13.5 10.7 10.8 9.06 7.98 6.75 5.34 13.3 10.8 l.52 1.57 53.0 43.3 37.5 31.2 24.2 2.25 2.33 2.37 10.5 9.08 42.9 35.6 6'.23 31.2 26.2 18.1 14.7 12.1 10.5 8.15 2.14 2.21 2.24 2.27 20.6 14.3 11.9 10.4 8.74 6.87 If.S 15.4 12.5 10.9 9.06 2.06 2.13 2.16 2.19 2.23 5J19 3.89 0/,. 14.9 12.3 10.8 9.04 7.10 9.36 7.33 17.32 13.25 0.3125 2.58 2.61 2.64 37.2 30.8 26.9 22.6 17.7 2.31 24.93 Yo 12.6 2.26 31.84 0.3750 0.765 0.792 0.819 0.847 6.36 21.21 .0.2500 OJS7S 4.83 4.28 3.63 2.88 8.10 'h % 'I.. V. 71. 28.43 22.37 19.08 15.62 11.97 4.73 3.85 3.52 3.08 2.52 5.98 3.14 7.61 8.36 35.3 6.58 5.61 29.7 9.90 26.2 8.12 4.59 22.1 7.36 5.81 3.52 11.4 19.1l2 16.96 13.91 10.70 5.83 4.98 4.09 3.14 23.8 21.1 17.9 14.3 7.92 7.03 5.98 4.76 17.27 14.83 ) 2.21 5.08 4.36 3.59 17.8 16.0 5.94 5.34 9.42 2.77 13.8 11.1 19.82 16.96 13.91 10.70 4.98 4.09 5.83 3.14 18.7 16.6 14.1 1l.2 7.06 2.41 2.30 7.94 1.63 1.66 6.99 8.&4 8.11 6.95 5.57 6.05 5.41 4.63 3.71 7.32 6.40 5.36 4.21 1.12 US 1.20 .22.0 1.23 1.26 IS.5 14.6 2.69 2.21 269 2.21 3.19 2.54 0.812 0.839 32.1 26.8 23.5 19.8 15.6 12.8 10.7 9.40 7.91 6.23 16.0 12.9 11.2 9.26 7.20 1.85 t.91 629 1.94 1.97 2.00 43.9 18,4 1S.6 13.8 11.7 9.21 H2 6.92 5.87 1 1.5 1.48 1.54 1.57 9.32 4.66 9.44 8.21 6.84 5.34 7.78 6.98 6.00 5.19 4.6S 4.00 6.34 • 5.56 4.67 4.83 3.22 3.68 1.24 2.84 2.62 2.31 1.90 2.84 2.62 2.3\ 1.90 3.61 3.22 2.75 2.20 0.748 0.775 O.8()2 0.829 1.87 1.92 4.60 733 6.18 3.10 4.88 7.50 9.44 8.24 1.19 1~.2 1.83 6.89 5.39 1.86 1.89 11.7 9.98 7.96 1.96 2.00 9.84 7.78 6.06 5.97 1.62 11.4 1.60 8.:n 9.11 7.24 6.05 9.36 2.02 2.06 2.09 2.13 6.65 5.65 4.49 10.4 26.3 22.1 17.3 3.85 3.52 3.08 2.52 4.71 4.09 ~ 16.6 13.5 In.4 2.47 2.51 256 2.60 16.7 13.91 10.70 Y¥.. V. V.. 12.1 10.2 9.00 11.5 3.91 In. 2.76 20.9 v.. V.. 0.3125 1.26 6.16 .J 1.22 1.25 1.27 2.45 0.2500 0.1875 0.5000 0.3150 38.5 32.3 25.4 In? ry 5.26 4.21 11.8 9.79 7.63 v.. ¥.l 0.5000 0.3750. 44.0 13.2 In.' z, 9.25 7.90 6.31 2.72 6.02 0.2500 0.1875 0.2500 0.1815 Sx4 15.62 In:' 0.3125 0.3125 6 )(4 V. Yo. • In. 10.4 &.08 0.3125 6xS Yo, s,. Z" 35.24 0.2500 0.1875 7 x2 13.25 22..37 19.08 % $.. ~ o.m.s 7x3 21.21 17.32 I.. O.SOOO 0.3750 0.2500 0.1875 7x4 Lb. In. 0.1875 Ilx2 Area 6.58 5.85 4.99 3.98 ~.6() 1.63 1.16 1.18 1.21 29.8 25.1 8.36 6.14 50.9 36.3 28.1 42.1 34.6 30.1 25.0 19.5 20.3 17.9 15.1 11.9 8.72 7.94 6.88 5.56 8.08 1.50 26.3 7.05 S.90 4.63 1.53 1.56 . 1.59 22.9 All printed with permission of American Institute of Steel Construction 19.1 14.9 .. F Properties of Structural Steel and Aluminum Shapes "1 Structural Tubing-Rectangular: Dimensions and Properties (Continued) Properties•• Dimensions y.y Axis X·XAxis Nominal- Sw: We1ght Wall Thickness perFt. rn. Sx 3 5)(2 4x3 4x2 3.5 x 2.S 3x2 Lb. Area In. l I.. 5.. Z;r T" II" S, Zr r, J In.4 In.) In.l In. In! In.' In.l Ill. In.4 6.15 5.89 S.27 4.52 3.62 9.20 7.71 2.n 16.9 14.7 13.2 11.3 9.06 9.14 8.48 6.89 3.90 3.39 2.75 5.31 1.62 8.15 3.73 .l09 2.39 4.51 3.59 'I. v.. 1.2.70 10.51 S.15 3.73 3.09 2.39 7.45 6.45 5.23 3.72 3.23 2.62 0.3125 0.2500 0.1175 Y., % V.. 10.58 lUI 6,87 3.11 2.S9 2.02 s.n 2.66 4.69 3.87 235 0.1500 0.1875 Y. y" 8.81 6.87 2.59 2J)2 0.2500 0.1875 Yo 7.11 5.59 2.09 1.64 Y: 0.5000 0.3750 0.3125 0.2500 0.1875 V.. 0.3125 0.2SOO 0.1875 'I. 10.51 y,. 0.3125 O.2S00 0.1875 V.. lit % v., v., ¥o. 21.63 17.27 14.113 12.21 9.42 12.70 6.36 5.08 4.36 3.S~ 6.n 1.63 1.70 1.74 7.33 6.48 5.85 S.05 4.08 4.88 4.32 3.90 3.37 2.72 6.35 5.35 4.72 3.99 3.IS 5.70 I.n 4.49 UI 2.16 1.92 1.60 2.16 1.92 1.60 2.70 2.32 1.86 0.162 0.789 6.24 1.66 1.70 0.816 4.40 4.15 4.03 3.20 1.41 1.45 1.48 4.11 4.10 3.34 3.14 2.74 2.23 3.&8 3.30 2.62 1.11 US 1.1S 9.89 8.41 6.67 3.60 3.09 2.48 1.31 1.71 1.71 US 1.93 l.38 1.54 1.29 1.54 1.29 2.17 1.&8 I.S2 0.743 0:170 0.798 4..58 4.01 3.26 3.97 3.26 2.27 1.86 2.88 2.31 1.24 1.27 2.33 1.93 1.86 2.28 1.83 0,948 0.911 4.99 1.54 2.21 1.86 1.47 1.92 1.03 1.24 1.57 1.06 US 0.977 US 0.977 1.44 US 0.742 0.71) 2.63 2.16 At! printed with permission of American Institute of Steel Construction 1.07 1.13 1.16 1.19 1.21 18.2 15.6 13.8 11.7 9.21 5.43 4.02 n2 . F Properties.of Structural Steel and Aluminum Shapes y "I B7~ XA X .J , Aluminum Association Standard I-Beams: Dimensions; Areas, Weights, and Section Properties I I y Section Properties3 Size Flange Depth A Web Tliickness Thickness Width B Areal in. in.l Ib/tt in. in. 3.00 3.00 4.00 2.50 2.50 3.00 1.637 4.00 3.00 1.392 1.726 1.965 2.375 2.0.3(l 2.311 2.793 0.20 0.26 0.23 0.29 5.00 6.00 6.00 4~00 3.700 4.030 4.692 5.800 in. 3.50 3.146 3.427 , Weight! 7.00 4.00 4.50 8.00 5.00 5.256 S.OO 5.00 5.942 9.00 10.00 10.00 5.50 6.00 6.00 7.1I0 7.352 8.747 6.181 7.023 8.361 8.646 10.286 12.00 7.00 9.925 11.612 12.00 7.00 12.153 14.292 3.990 4.932 Axis x-x Fillet R If Axis'y-V RadiWl S S in. in.4 ·3 m. in. in.4 in.3 0.13 OJ5 0.15 0.11' 0.25 2.24 2.71" 5.62 6.7l 1.49 1.81 2.81 3.36 1.27 1.25 1.69 1.68 0.52 0.68 1.04 1.31 'Q.54' 0.69 0.32 0.29 0.35 0.38 0.19 0.19 '0.21' 0.30 13.94 21.99, 2.11 2.53, 2:53 2.95 2.29 3.10 3.74 5.78 1.31 t.S5 25.50 42.89 5.58 7.33 8.50 12.25 0.85 0.30 0.30 0.30 1.87 2.51 0.97 1.08, 0.35 0.41 0.44 0.41 0.50 0.23 0.25 0.21 0.25 0.29 0.30 59.69, 14.92 0..3(l 0.30 0.40 0.40 67.78 102.02 132.09 155.79 16.94 22.67 26.42 31.16 3.37 3.37 3.79 4.22 7.30 8.55 12.22 14.78 18.03 . 2.92 3.42 4.44 4.93 6.01 0.47 ,0.62 0.29 0.31 0.40 255.57 42.60 0040 317.33 52.89 5.07 5.11 26.90 35.48 7.69 10.14 0.23· 0.25 0.25 0.25 4.24 0.42 listed are based on nomiDal dimensions. ZWeigbts per fOOl area are based on nominal dimensions and a density 0.098 pound per cubic inch which is the density of alloy 6061. 31 ::: D'IOIllIeDt of inertia; S ::: SCld.ioo modulus; , =: ndius of gyration. • "'scrs arc Cl'ICOW'agcd 10 asocrtaia current availability of partieular structural shapes through blquires to their suppliers. Printed with pmnissiou of the Aluminum ~OD from 1988 Ed•• Aluminum StaI)dards and Data 1Areas of in. 0.61 0.63· 0.73 9.74. 0.95 US 1.20 1.31 1.42 1.44 1.65 1.71 Chapter 2 2.1 [kl_!' a·lf= b. d3,x- Co Fir 0 k3 0 -k) -kl 0 -k3 o ] kl +kz -kl -k2 k2+kl k2P , klk2 + klkJ + k2 k 3 -k.k2 P klk~ + klk3 + klk3) 1.2 dlx =0.5 in.• Flz =2501b, k -k 1.3 a. K= Flx -k3(kl + k1)P kJk2 + klk3 + kZk3 2 iP) .fll) , Ix = - 2% == -250 Ib, A 2x )--!P) 3,x 0 0 2k -k 0 2Jc. -k -k 2k 0 -k 0 0 -k p p p 4:=2k b. dlx == 2k' d3x="P U 8.!! same as 2.3a. l.S K= -250lb 0 -1] P c.'Fb :=-'2' F5x= P -k6 [-! -:0 ~ -~ 1 0 (k1 +~2)P klk2 + klk3 + k2k3 -k 0 0 0 o 4: S-S -9 -5 14 k6 FSx=, ' 4 774 • Answers to Selected Problems 2.6 = 0.4746· in = 1 in., d)x = 2 in. R~) = -R)} -500 lb, ]g) = -if} = -500 lb, d2x 2.7 d2x titx = 2.8 db = 0, da == '3 in., dk == 7 in.~ = -A;) = -3000 lb. fi:) == -./1;) = -4000 lb. fi;) 2.9 l[;l = -A;) FIx == -3000 Ib Fix = -500 Ib 11 in. -4000 Ib 4 = -2 in. R~) = -.R;) jJ;) == -/[;) = ~~) = -/~) = -20 N fi;) = -A~} == -20 N. 2.11 d2x == 0.027 m, Fix A;) == -/i;) = 180 N A;) -/g? == 180 N, = = -20 N 0.018 m dl% R~) = -/~) == -270 N, 1.12 d'bl -1000 Ib 2000 lb, F3x = F4x -1000 lb, Fix = 0.01 m, 2.10 d'bl fi;) == -ii;) = 2000 lb, Fix = -270 N, F4x = -180 N 0.125 m, d3x = 0.25 m, tAx = 0.125 m J.~) == -A;) == -2.5 kN, !,;} == -iP} = 2.S leN, /i;) = -.n;) = -2.S leN ~) = -A:} 2.5 kN Fb: = -2.5 kN, Fh = -2.5 leN = -0.25 m, dll: == -0.7S m R;} = -ii)} 100 N, fi;) == -.it;) == 200 N 1.13 d'bl Fix lOON 2.14 dk = 0.001 m. .ii2 = 7~) = -0.5 kN ;(3) A(2);(2) f2x == -liz = -O.S kN, Jh fix = -0.5 kN' 1.15 d'bl = 1/3 in., d1x 1.16 a. x == 0.5 in. b~" 1, x == 2.0 in. -, F2x == -0.5 kN, 11:pmiro = -125 lb.-in. 11:p";,,, = -1000 lb.-in. "ltPfta d.. x = 2.4525 nun -, i Fu = -1 kN =-1/3 in. c.. x = 1.962"mm 1. 2.17 x == 2.0 in. ?(3) -f4x = 1 kN = -3849 N . mm. 11:",. = - 1203 N . mm 1000lb Answers to Selected Problems 2.18 x = 0.707 in. -, 7C,..",. = -235.1 in-Ib 2.1' Same as 2.10 2.20 Same as 2.1 5 ' Chapter 3 -AIEl A,El 3.l a. K= b. d2x --:c;- -AIEl --+-LI L,. 0 -r;- IT+-r;- 0 0 ~ -A2E2 0 -r;A2E2 A3E3 -A3 E3 PL 2PL 3AE' d'h 3AE iL Fb -333 lb. ii. 333 psi (T), 0<1) 3.2 d2x = -0.595 X 10-4 -A3 E3 ~ A3E3 r:;- F4x = -667 Ib 0-<2) = 333 psi (T). 0'(3) = -667 psi (C) m, d3x = -1.19 x'IO- m, Fix = 5 leN -.Ii!} = 5 kN. Ji~} = 1.91 x 10-3 in., 33 d2x -A2E2 AlE2 AIEl 0 r4.: = 3.33 x 10-4 In., d3x = 6.67 x 10-' in. i. C. 0 -r;- T 4 f;;) = -A;) = S kN FI;r: = -S7151b) P3x = -22861b -Ji!) = -5715 lb, A;} = -A;) =22861b A~) 3.4 d2x = -1.66 X 10-' in.~ d3x = -1.33 X 10-3 in. Fix = .667 lb. F4x = 5333 lb fl~) • ~3) J'ix =;= -ii;} =667 lb. fl;) = -.R;) = 46671b ~3) = -J~ =;= -5333 Ib 35 d2x =0.003 in.; d3:t. };(1) _ _ ;(1) hx - _ ;(l) 'fix -Jix = 0.009 in., _.PU} :fjx- Fb = -15000 Ib -15000 Ib 3.6 d2x == 3.16 x 10-3 in., Fix = -3790 Ib, Fh: = F4x = -21051b, A;) = -it? = -3790 lb, A;) = .:.ale> =A;) = -It? == 2105 Ib 3.7 thx = 2.21 x 1O-s in., d3x == 6.65 X 10-3 in. Ph: = -33.151~. F4x = -9975Ib .r.~)<= -Jt) =It? = -.1;;) = -33.151b, j2) = -.i2) = 9975 ,Jb ... 775 776 .A Answers' to Selected Problems = -0.250 mm, 3.8 dlx d'jx:::: - 1.678 mm, FIx =20 kN 3.9 d2x = 0.01238 m, Fb = -520 leN, F3x = 530 leN = -520 !eN, iJ;) = -if;? = -530 kN jf~) = -fi;) 3.10 a2x = 0.935 x 10-3 m, d3x = 0.727 X 10- 3 m Fix == -6.546 leN, F4x = -1.455 kN Ji~) = = -6.546 kN, A;,) = -.I};) = 1.455 kN, -.iE:) h~) = -h~) == 1.455 leN 3.11 dlx = 3.572 x 10"" m, Fix = -7.50 kN, F3x == F4Jc :::: Fsx it~) = -fi;) = -1.50 leN, ;(2) _ .;(2) _ if~) _ .;(3) _ ;(4) _ . ;(4) - 7 50 leN J2x - -h~ -J4x - - 11.:r - 3.12 tW()-element sol11tion, al x one-dement solu~on. 3.13 B . =.[_!+ V V ~ 3.15 •• k. = 2.25 x 10 6[ 1I _I -1 [-~ -0.667 x. 10-3 in. 1 4X] r+p · Il.=A . -1 1 -1 -1 -1 -0 . = -0.686 x 10-3 in. ab::::: -8x 4x L Jlx - -JSx - = -7.50 kN -I] -1 1 -1 (/2 BTElldx -LIZ lb/in.. 1 ~l -3 J3 -v'3 .Ib/in. -1 t v'3 . 3 v'3 -3 -v'3 -J3 -3 -1 -v'3 1 J3 [ 3 c. k== 7000 -3 J3 3 _": kN/m v'3 -1 -v'3 b. k= 10' 4 3 ~l [ 0.883 d. If. = 1.4 X 10 4 _~:;~~ -0.321 tl. d1x == 0.433 in.. d2x :::: 0.592' in. dl.'C = 0.433 iIi., ihx = -0.1585 in, d1x = 2.165 mm, dl1 = -1.2S.mm, h. d2x = 0.098 mm, d2y -5.83 rn.al d1x = -1.25 rom. Jly = 2.165 mm, 3.16 .a. b. 3.17 0.321 "':0.883 0.117 -0.321 -0.321 0.883 -0.117 0.321 d2x 3.18 _. (f == 3.03 mm, = 10,600 psi, d2y = 5.098 mm b. 45.47 MPa -0.321] -0.117. kN1m 0.321 0.117 Answers to Selected Problems 1 ~2 2 0 0 I 1 _1 ! 1 2 ! _1 2 2 2' 1 _1 _1 \ 3.19 a. K=k ,2 2 2 -1 0 0 0 _1 _1 2 2 0'0 0 '() 1 0: 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2 2 0 1 o: () 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0, d 1y = 0 0 2 2 2 1 0 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 -10 T 3.20 d'b; =0, d2y = 0.142 in., 3.21 d Ix _1 _1 0 _1 _1 2 2 _1 b. db; 0 -1 0-<2) 0'(1) = 701 psi (T) - 231L d _ 43.5L - AE' ly AE 422L d " = 1570L 1, AE 3.22 db = AE ' at 1) 574 (C), A 0'(2) = 422 (T). A 3.23 dtx = 0.24 in., dl y = 0, 26,675 AE' 3;24 d :Lx A~)::; J, _ 2, - 105,021 AE' -1;;/ = -13331b, _.;(S) :J4x J'h; 3.25· d2x = 0, = 996 (T) A , , 12000 psi J, _ 3x - -26,675 ---;tE' J,3y = 105,021 AE 'fl~) = _.f1;1 = -1667Ib -f1:) = 0 = 13331b'h% .;(6) = _j(6);:: 0 h.~) = J[;l = -.b} = 16671b, j(5) 0'(1) 0'(3) :J4x ~2y _- 225,000, u· AE' -"~) = -~) = 0, ft.) -A;) d3x -53,340..1 _ 210,000 = ': AE :' "3, - AE .Ii;) = -.Ii;) = ..,.3333 Ib A;) = -i1.~ ='26671b 1000 lb, A!) = -j}!) = 0 3.26 No, the truss is unstable, 3.27 th. fi~) Q.0463 in., = d3y IKI = 0" .: ' = -0.0176 in. , ' -'-.Ii;) = -2.055 kip, 12;) = -1};) ;:: 6.279 kip J;-X:) = -l~) = -6.6 kip 3.28 rT = [~ f ; ~] [1 0 0 'O~l] ,' 0 1 ,0 ' T'T and T -- = O' 0 000 :.T.T=rl 3.29 d1;r = -0.893 X 1'0-4 m; at]) = ,31.2 MPa (T). d l)' 0'(2) -4.46 x 10--4 m = 26.5 MPa (T), 0-<3) == 6.25 MPa (T) .. 777 778 .. Answers to Selected Problems 3..30 db ,,(1) 1.11 x 10-4 m, dly = -7.55 )( 10-4 m = 79.28 MPa (1'), 0-<2) = 11.91 MPa (1'), dl lt = 8.25 )( 10-4 m, dly 3.31 q(2) ::;; =-3.65 )( 10-3 0-<3) = -23.87 Mfa (C) m 57.74 MPa (T), q(3)::;; -115.5 MPa (C) d]y = -0.850)( 10-2 m, = -0.137 )( 10- 1 m, 14, = -0.164 )( 10- 1 m, a(t) = -198 MPa (C), 3.32 db = 0.135)( 10-2 m, d2y q(6) 3.33 a. a(S) =0, q(3) =44.6 MPa (1') = -191 MPa (C), = -63.1 MPa (C) db O"(I} 3.34 0-<2) -31.6 MPa (C), 0-<4) = -3.448)( 10-3 m, dIy = -6.896 x 10-3 m = 102.4 MFa (T), 0"(2) = -12.4 MPa (C) t4x = 9.9~ )( 10-3 in., t4y = -2.46 x 10-3 in. a<1) ::;; 31.2S·ksi (T). 0"(4) -3.10~ 0-<2)::;; 3.459 ksi (T), -1.538 ksi (C) 0-<3) bi (C),O-! F3y = -3.94 in. d2y = -0.105 in., 4.6 d 3y 4.7 4.8 d2y = -1.34 X 10- = -0.003 rad, m, th = 8.93 X Fly = 10 kN, = 12.5 kN . m, MI = -7.619 X 4.9 d3y 4 10- m, t/J,. -0.889 kN, Fly = = -0.345 in., d3y tP2 4 10-5 = -3.809 = -0.0045 rad rad = 1.87'N, F3y tP3 X 10-4 M.3 rad, = -2.5 kN . m = 1.904 ¢>I X = 4.889 kN F2y = -0.886 in., "'2 = -0.00554 rad 4.10 d2y 4.11 = IllS Ib, d2y = -7.934 X = -267 k-in. MI Fly 3 10- m, ¢>I = -2.975 X 10-3 fad = 5.208 kN, F3y = 5.208 kN = 1.587 kN Fly Fspring "":lwL 4 ~2 -WL4 = d4y = 607.SEl' 4.12 d2y -lwL3 = 270EJ' wL =2' Fly wL2 Ml=U '-wL 4 = 384EI' 4.14 d2y = -5wL4 384El' 4.15 d 3y = -wL4 4El' Fly wL2 ·MI = . tPl = -tP3 = , -WL3 8El' 12 -WL3 24EJ' ¢>J -WL2 ml =~, = • wL =T Fly -7wL3 24El M, = 30' Fly = 40' Fly 4.18 ¢>2 4.19 d3)' = -0.0244 m, Fly = -24 kN, wL3 . 7wL = 20' M, = 7wL2 120' "'3 = -0.0071 rad, MI wL "'2 = 20 . -wL2 M3 =---w- = ----W-' F3y 9wL 2 -7wL fir wL2 3wL 4.17 R}~) wL 2' M _ -wL2 F _ 7wL 14 ' 2Y -"4 416 ,; _ = -3wL • Jly 20' = 80EI' = th. = -3wL =-4-' = 20' = 507EJ = -¢>2 ¢>4 4.13 d2y Fly d3y = -32 kN 'm, . llwL F2y =~ = -0.00305 rad = 56kN ~ F2y = -f~~) = -24 kN, . m~l) = -32 kN . m, .J{2) = 32 kN m(2) = 64 kN . m f'(2) - 0 12)" . '2 , 3y - , m~l) m(2) .3 = -64 kN . m =0 10-4 rad Answers to Selected Problems 4.20 "'I 4.21 = -0.0032 fad, d2y = -0.0115 m, ¢3 29.94 kN, Fly ;(1) _ Jly - 2994 kN , - m(l) 1 - d2y = -2.514 in., Fly 37.5 kip, (h M\ = -3.217 in., Fly = -20.5 kip, 0 , f i;(l) y 0.0032 rad 29.94 kN Fly = 0058 kN • . ~3 -0.00698 rad, 225 k-in., F3y ~3 =: 4.22 d3y -0.0323 rad, ,yP) 2 0.0279 rad = - 7t'.67 k-ft, Fly:::: 60.5 kip = 53251b = F3y , Ml = 19,900 Ib-ft = -M3 PI = -3.596 X 10-4 rad, '2 = 9.92 x 10-5 rad, ~3 = 1.091 X 10-4 rad F!y = 9875 N, h, = 28,406 N, F3y == 6719 N 4.25 dm.a.x Fly at midspan of AB and BC -O.OOO756m arn&.X = 34.3 MPa at midspan of AB and BC amin:::: -51.0MPa at B 4.26 dmll.X at midspan of BC -OJ953m amin = -469MPa. under 7.5 kip load at B 4.27 dma.x = -1.028 in. , i -I I 1 59.65 kN· m = 22.5 kip "'2 = -0.0130 rad M\ 4.23 d2y == -2.34 in., 4..24 = 0.1152 kN, FI}' 34000 psi ame.x aurin = -65800psi 4.28 dma.'C:::: -0.0419m at C amax = 66.97 MPa O'min :::: 4.29 dmax 0"1l'UlX amin 4.30 d max allll\X at fixed end A -133.9 MPa at B = -0.495 in. = 5625 psi at C at A -22500 psi at B = -0.087 m at C = 251 MPa at B -PL3 wL 4 4.37 d2), = 192El - 384E1' P+ wL Fl)' -5PL 3 4.38 d2y = 648El -(25P + 22wL}LJ 240£1 wL Fly 4.40 d2J, P+ 2> Ml PL wL2 2+-3- -157 x 10-4 rn, ~2 = 1.19 X 10- 4 rad ... 781 782 .. Answers to Selected Problems 10-4 m, = 1.58 X 4.41 d'2y = -3.18 4.42 d3y = -2.13 x lO- s m, th. = X ¢2 10-4 rad, tit) -1.28 x 10- 5 tad, ;3 1.58 x 10-4 rad = 2.69 x 10-5 rad 1 -1] 4.44 k = GAw [ L -I 4,47 I k = EI J:!BJT[Bldx+k/ J:lN]T!N]dX Chapter 5 5.1 d2x = 0.0278 in., d2y fl;} = -iF) th. = -0.555 X 10-4 rad 0, -8300 Ib, ~~1 mil) = 27751b-in., rt41) d3,x 0.688 in., ;2 =: -~ ~O.OO 173 5.2 d2x ~~) = -d3y = 0.00171 in. d2y tad -2140 lb, ir~) mil) = -h~) = 4.61b 0 = -h~} = -2503 Ib 343,600 Ib-in., Tn~l) = 257,000 Ib-in. ii:) = -~~) = -2140 Ib J[;) -fi} = 2497 lb, m~2) mf) = -256,600 lb-in: = 2140 lb'3)1 j·(3) = _.J(3) = 24971b 14y -257,000 lb-rn., _~3) ;(3) J3x J4x m~3) = 256,600 Ib-in., FIx = F4r = -"2503 lb, M\ = 343,600 Ib-in., m?} = Fly::: Mit 342,100 Ib-m. -F4y = -2140 Ib = 342,700 l~in. 5.3 Channel section 6 x 8.2 based on Mrrua. 5.4 d4x = 0.00445 in., <4y = -0.0123 in., fl;) = -.i1;1 = 4.04 kip, 106,900 lb-in. ;4 -0.00290 rad A~) = -!J.~) -1.43 kip m\l) = -254 k-in., m~l) = -513 k~m. - _;(2) - 5 82 kip ;(2) _;(2) - -1 4S kip 11'(2) 2x J4x - . , J2y J4y • m~2) \ = -260 k-in., m~2) -519 k·in. = 3.1 kip, Fly = 2.96 kip, MI = -254 k-in. F2,x = -1.31 kip, Fly 5.86 kip, M'J. = -260 k~in. F3;c = -1.78 kip, F3y = 11.17 kip, M3 =: -1736 k-m. FI:;~ 5.5 d2,x = 0.05618 in.; thy = -0.1792 in., R~) = 90.07 kip, fi~) ;2 = -0.00965 rad = 3.83 kip, m\l) = 361 k-in . .1;.;) = -73.43 kip, A;) = 7.21 kip, 1741) = -1106 k-in. f];) -.r~} = 46.8 kip, A;) = 17.05 kip, m?} = 1107 k-in. Answers to Selected Problems A;) = 22.95 kip, FIx = Fh F3y m~2) = -2171 k-in. 46.8 kip, = 22.95ldp, Fly = 77.1 kip, M. = 361 k-in. = 2171 k-in. M3 th = -0.00347 r;ld 5.6 dzx == -0.000269 in., d"l:y == -0.0363 in., R~) .Ii;) = 6.07ldp. mil) = 491.3 k-in. = 46.6 kip, /i;) = -32.4 kip, A;) = 8.07 kip, 114') = -831.3 k-in. i't:) = -j?} = -0.28 kip, A;) .1;;) = 21.69 kip, ;(3) 14x m~2) .ril) . = -12"), = - 1.49 leiP, m•4(3) = - 154.2 k-In. 50 .2 ki p, )4y .#3) . ;(3) = -J2;( mf) = 1123.9 k-in. 58.31ldp, -1611.8 k-in. rr4 ) = -293.2 k-in. 3 " . Fb: = 28.65 kip, F3 = 17.26 kN, mil) = 32.77 kN· m A~) = 22.74 kN, m~l) = -54,64 leN ,m fJ;) -1;;) = 11.31 leN" A;) 42.81 kN, ~) = -f'1;} = 17.55 kN, A;} = 37.19 kN, m;2} = ,;43) = -10.51 kN· m, m~2) = 65.09 kN . m -87.54 leN . m fl.;) -n;) = 1.40 leN m~) = -5.30 leN· m Fb=-17.26kN, FJy=23.80IeN, M. = 32.77kN·m F3x F4x 42.81 leN, M3 = -87.54 kN· m = -11.42 kN, F4y = 13.40 leN, M4 = -5.30 leN . m = -11.31 kN. F3y 5.9 dzx I.-~) -4.95 x 10- 5 m, d2y = -2.56 x 10-5 m, -fi;) = 26.9 leN, m~l) = 55.9 kN· m, }i2} ,;41) = }(2) th 2.66 X 10-3 rad A;) -Jg) = -42.0 kN 111.7 leN·m }il) Ji.x = -fl'x = -42.0 leN, Ii, = }(2) -13,. =26.9 leN . M. = 55.9 kN· m, M3 =:= 44.7 kN·m 5.10 d2y = -0.1423 x it;) = 0, 5.11 ltr-2 m, ~ = -0.5917 x 10-3 rad .fi~) = 10 kN, m~J) /i:) -10 kN, d2y =: -3.712 x lO-s m, =23.3 leN· m, ig) 0, .,;41) = 6.7 leN· m FI:~ 5440 N. Fly = 10000 N, MJ = 112 N . m .... 78: .784 A Answers to Selected Problems S.12 dtx dll' = -0.2143 m, =: -0.357 X d ly :: -0.250 m, ;\ 10-4 m, th 0.0714 m 5.13 d2x = 0.0559 in., d2y = 0.00382 in., d 3x = 0.0558 in., d3y = -0.000133 in., FIx = -198 lb, 5.14 F4y ~:: tP3 d2x = -0.2143 m, -0.000150 rad = 0.000149 rad MJ = 27460 lb . in. -4nO lb, Fly:: F4x = -4&02 lb, = 0.0893 rad, = 4770 lb, M4 = 27430 Ib . in. = 0.0174 in., d2y = -0.0481 in., th = -0.00165 rad = 19160 lb, It;) = -13851b, m~1) = -59050 lb· in. iE} -191601b, 11;) = 13851b, m~1) = -176;000 lb· in. d2x = -1.76 X 10- 2 m, d2y = -1.8.7 x 10-5 m, th = 5.00 X 10- 3 rad d2x ~~) 5.15 d3x = -1.76 X 10-2 m, "3 = -2.49 X 10- 3 rad = 20.0 kN, Fly = 13.} kN, Ml = -57.4 kN . m, F3y = -13.1 kN 5 d3y = -2.83 :X: 10- ID, tk.x = 1.0 x lO-s m, tk.y = -2.83 x 10- 5 m ~y = -0.397 in., tP3 = 0 d],x = ~y = -0.01 X 10-3 ID, tP2 = 1.766 X 10-4 rad db = 0.702 in., d ly = 0.00797 in., ,pI = -Q.00446 rad h~) = -.ft~) = -19.93 kip, A~) = -~~) =: 18.1 kip, m~l) = 1309 k· in. FIx 5.16 5.17 5.18 5.19 m~l) S.20 d3x = 863 k· in. = 1.24 in., in., tP3 = -0.000556 rad d3y = 0.00203 it, = -(I) -. Ax = -2.76 kip, ;il) m~!) = 322 k . in. • m1(I) = 0, 1.79 kip, .;{I) ..;(1) Jix = 2.76 Jcip, 12-, = -1.79 kip, 5.21 Use a W16 x 31 for all sections S.22 ObendlngmAX = 11924 psi 5.23 dsx. == 0.0204 in., dsy = 0.00122 in., tPs 'S == -0.00139 rad 5.24 dsx = 2.82 in., ds] = 0.00266 in., S.25 3. d2y = -2.12 X 10-3 in. S.26 d2x = 0.596 x 10-5 in., Fix = 130 lb, Fly b. d2p d3y = -6.07 X 10-2 in. -0.332 x 10-2 in., (l2 = 10360 lb, F4x. .1;) = 30 kN, 5.1:7 dly = -0.0153 in., = - 130 lb, fi~ S.28 d],x = 5.70 rom, d2y = -0.0244 mm, 5.29 d3y = -1.83 in., ~y 5.30 d3y = 6.67 in., ~y F4y = 103~ lb = -6.67 kN, ~ = -0.100 X 10-3 rad m~l) = 0.00523 rad = -1.22 in. -6.67 in., th == -{l4 == -3.20 rad = 30 kN, MI = -1810 leN • m Fix = 11.69 kN, F6x == -11.69 kN, F6y = 30 kN, M6 F,y 0.000207 rad = 1810 kN· m =0 Answers to Selected Problems 5.31 5.32 = -1.58 X 10-2 in. a2x = 4.30 mm, t/J~ = -0.241 X 10-3 rad d2J1 Fbi. = -8339 N, = -4995 N, Mt = 26,700 N . m, F4y = 4995 N. M4 = 23,330 N . m Fly F4Jt = -6661 N, 5.33 a7x ,'= 0.463 x 10- = 0.0264 m t 4 d7 It;) = -21.1 N, m; ;., =0.171 X 10-2 rad fi-X;) = 30.4 Nt m;l) = 74.95 N· m .f3~) = 21.1 N, .A~} = -30.4 N. m~l) = 46.65 N . m 5.35 d9x = 0.0174 m, ~~) = -22.6 kN. R~) = 16.0 kN, A;) = -16.0 kN, .f3~) = 22.6 kN, = -2.80 X 10-7 m, d51 = -1.29 X 10-2 m d2:tt; = 1.43 X 10- 1 m 5.36 ~y 5.37 5.38 m~l) d,y = -4.87 X 10-7 m = 0.0260 m, a7y = 0.00566 m, ,x =0.0180 m, d7y = 0.00424 m 5.39 Truss: d7x Frame: d itx =-49,730 N, it, = 0 Frame, element l:ftx = -43,060 N. it = 22670 N Truss, element 1: 5.40 dlllAX y = -0.0105m at midspan MlIIAX = 1.568 x lo'N-m at C 5.41 dnwc = 0.0524 m Mmax = 6.22 x 10"N-m 5.45 Tapered beam n = 3 one element: dly -0.222 x 10- 1 in. = ,two elements: dl)l = -0.189 x'10- 1 in. four elements: dl }, = -0.181 eight elements; al y I -II] 5.49 55l dip S.5l asy ~ -O.lTI6 in. 5.S3 t4y = -1.026 in. 5.48 d2y 5.55 d), 5.57 10-1 in. = -0.179 x 10- 1 in. ' =lSGJO[ 5.46 -K ' L -1 = -0.214 in. a2y = -0.729 in. X = -0.690 X 10-2 m = -2.54 x 10-~ m asy = -2.22 X 10-2 m m~l) = 42.4 kN· m = 53.6 leN· m .. 785 786 • Answers to Selected Problems 5.58 d2y = 0.491 in., S.59 =-0.251 in. d7: d3; 0.837 in. Chapter 6 6.1 Use Eq. (6.2.10) in Eq. (6.2.18) to show Ni + Nj + Nm = 1. 0.25 1.25 -2.0 -1.5 -O.S 4.375 -1.0 -0.75 -0.25 -3.625 4.0 -20 0 1.0 1.5 -0.75 1.5 2.5 -1.25 4.375 Symmetry 2.5 6.3 a. k=4.0x 106 b. Ib/in. 1.54 0.75 -1.0 -0.45 -0.54 -0.3 1.815 -0.3 -0.375 -0.45 -1.44 1.0 0 0.3 0 0.45 0.375 o 0.54 o 1.44 Symmetry If = 13.33 X 106 6.4 a. ax ::; 19.2 ksi, Cly 0'1 = 28.6 hi, Cl2 b.O'x 32.0 ksi, O'y 0'\ = 47.7 ksi, = 4.8 ksi, 7:xy Ibjin. = -15.0 ksi = -4.64 hi. fJp ::; -32.2° = 8.0 ksi, 1:xy ::; -25.0 ksi a2 = -7.73 ksi, (Jp -32.2° 8437.5 1687.5 -7762.5 -337.5 -675 -1350 1687.5 337.5 -2131.5 -2025 -1800 3931.5 -7762.5 337.5 8437.5 -1687.5 -675 1350 6.6 a. If = 2.074 x lOs -337.5 -2137.5 -1687.S 3937.5 2025 -1800 -675 -2025 -675 2025 1350 0 -1350 -1800 0 -1800 1350 3600 -12.5 0 -12.5 6.25 9.315 9.375 -4.6875 -9.375 15.625 -7.8125 -3.125 27.343 1:5625 25.0 b. If =4.48 X 107 15.625 Symmetry 6.7 a. Clx = -5.289 GPa~ Cly ::; -0.156 GPa, CIt 't'xy = 0.233 GPa (12 = 60.6 MPa, (12 = -6.25 -4.6875 -.1.5625 -3.125 7.8125 27.343 =-0.1459 GPa, == -5.3!) GPa~ (Jp = -25go h. Ur = 0, U, = 42.0 MFa,. Txy = 33.6 MPa (1t -18.6 MPa, (Jp = -2go N/m Njm Answers to Selected Problems (Ix = -15.0 ksi. (ly = -45.0 ksi, 1:xy (I) -6.57 ksi, (12 = -53.4 ksi, (Jp (Ix = -15.0 ksi.; tTl -4.19 ksi, 6.9 a. h. c. = -30 ksi, tT" 'f. = -45 ksi, 1:'xy:= -21.0 ksi = -55.8 ksi, (Jp = -27.2° O'y = -90 ksi) r:x:y = -21lcsi (17 0'2 -23.38 ksi, 0') (11 O'x = -22.5 ksi, O'y tTl = -14.2 ksi, 0'2 6.10 a. (Ix = -52.5 M~, tTl h. c. d. = -31.4 MPa, = -96.6 ksi, (Jp = -17.47° = -67.5 ksi, "xy = -21.0 ksi = -75.8 ksi, Bp = -21.5° (I; = -32.8 MPa, fxy = -5.38 MPa = -53.9 MPa, 0, = -14.3° tT2 = -31.4 MFa, (11 = -12.0 MPa. O'x (I)' = -13.5 MPa, 0'2 = -32.9 MPa, -eX}' 5.38 MPa 0'" = -27.6 MPa, O'y = -19.5 MPa, = -15S' 't'xy =4.04 MPa 0'1 = -17.9 MPa, (12 = -29.3 MPa, Bp O'x = -31.6 MPa, (ly = -28.9 MPa, 't'xy (I) = -23.0 MPa, (12 = -38.0 MPa, Bp (Jp = -22.5" -6.73 MPa = 39" J;2x = poLI/6, Ib.y = 0 hlx =0, hly .h3x = poLt/3, 1s3y =0 b. hlx =0, .h2x = poLt/I2, hh = PoJ;-t/4 h• .h,y = f¥2y = poLt/1t 0, 6.11 a. 6.12 = -18.0 ksi = -25.11) 6.13 d3x = 0.5 x 10-3 in., d3y = -0.275 -0.609 X 10- in., t4y r4x 3 (J~) = 824 psi, a}l) = 247 psi, a~2) =426 psi" (I}2) = a~2) 1~-2 in. = -0.293 X 10-2 in. t£/ = -1587 psi a~l) = 2149 psi, a~l} = -1077 psi, af}) =.-826 psi, X 0;,1) = _40° 292 psi, 1:'~ = -411 psi = -960 psi, ()~2) = 18.15° 6.14 a. d2.x 0.281 x 10-4 m~ d2y = -0.330 XlO-4'm dsx = 0.115 X 10-4 m, 2 O'i ) = 16.4 MPa, a~2} dsy = -0.1,03?< 10-4 m = 15.2 MPa tW = -6.99 MPa, (li 2 ) (If) =8.80 MPa, rlp2) = 22.8 MPa = -42.7° a~) = 10.6 Mfa, a§l) = 3.18 Mfa' t'~ -3.34 MPa, O'~I) = 11.9 MPa tT~l) = 1.90 MPa, rlpl) -21.00 l: 'j~. A. 788 " AnSwers to Se~ed Problems = -0.165 x 10-5 m. b. d1x = -db: dS1: = 0.274 X dl y =i2y = -0.125 x 10-4 m 10- 12 m. ds)' == ':"'0.163 X 10-4 m = 5.99 X 105 Njm2, 01.1) = -3.78 x 106 N/m2 t'W = 4.05 X 10-1 N/m2. CT~l) = 5.99 X 105 N/m2 CT~I) CT~I) -3.78 x 10' N/ml. 2 l1j3) 1.88 x 10 N/m CT~3) = 1.88 x 107 N/m2, ' tlpl) ='f1', CT'}) = 5.64 x 106 N/m 2 't'W = -1.11 x HIt N/m2 , l1~3} = 5.64 x 10' N/m2, ~3) = _90° 6.1S All fb,/s are equal to O. a. = h2y b. fbi)' = lh2y fbI)' 6.18 b. Yes" 6..20 a. n.o = fb3y = 1M>, = -10.28 N, =1M)' =: -8.03 N, = h3y e. Yes 8, fbsy fbsy = -20.56 N = "'716.06 N g. No b. no = 12 Chapter 1 7.9 d1,x = dlx d)y = 0.647 X 10-3 in., tl2y = 0.666 X 10-4 in. = -0.666 X 10-4 in., skew effect 7.10 Stress approaches 2.5 psi near edge of whole for model of 70 nodes, 54 elements. 7.11 At depth 4 in. equal to width, stress approaches uniform l1y 7.12 7.13 -1000 psi. = 8836 psi at top and bottom of hole 01 = 372 psi at fillet CTl 7.14 For refined mesh at re-entrant,comer,l11 = 20160 psi 7.1~ l1YM = 93.7 psi at load ! 7.11 For the model with 12 in. x in. size eleinenls. finite element solution yields free-end deflection of -0.499 in.; exact solution is -1.15 in. (See Table 7-1 in text for other results.) 7.19 7.21 O"l == 3 kN/m2 (round hole model) 0"1 3.51 kN/m2 (square hole With comer radius) (lYM = 8.1 MPa 7.n a. 0'1 7:J3 = 19 MPa at bole (Ii = 58700 psi 7.25 Largest von Mises stress 35-45 MPa at inside edge at junction of narrow to larger section of wrench Answers to Selected Problems 7.27 Largest principal stress 0"1 = 1005 MPa at narrowest width of member (7O-element, model) 7.35 For a 1em thick-wrench, O"VM = 502 MPa Chapter 8 8.2 ex = ~(-UI +U2 + 4U4 -4us), 1 Yxy = Yi (-UI + U3 + 4'4 - O")l = 1 _ v2 (ex + vey), E O"y -p'th 8.3 8.S 3. 4V6) + 3b (-VI + V3 + 4V4 E = I _ v2 (ey + vex), t'xy 4V6) = Gyxy fsS)l = -3- -poth -Poth fs5x=-3- h3J:=-6-' -5 x 1O-5y +2.5 x 104 , ey = -1.67 x lO-4x+ 3.33 Yxy = -5 x 10-s x-1.11 x ~0-4y+4.17 x 10-4 ex = (Ix = 3290 psi, O"y = -4850 psi. /'xy = -5 Gx ex ~(-VI +V3 +4V4 - 1' 414) b. e.l' = -5 x 10-Sy+ 1.67 x 10-4, ~6 = -2pth !sIx = !s3J: = -6-' 8.4 /"1.1'=0, By X 'rxy By (Jy = -8290 psi. t'xy = 1540 psi X 10-4 = 632 psi = 2.54 x 10-3 e)l = -7.62 x 10-3 N2= -x+y +r+y2 _ xy 60 1800 900 xy N4 Y y2 = 900 - 900' Ns = xy 15-'900' etc. Chapter 9 5 1 9.1 a. K = 25.132 X 106 1 0 -1 0 -2 -1 -2 -3 8 4 0 -2 0 2 lb/in. -1 -1 0 1 0 4 -2 0 -3 4 2 lO- s, = -1.67 X lO-4x+ 5 X lO-s 1O-5X - 4.17 x 10-5y + 2.08 = 928 pSi, X 4 0 1 3 ... 789 9~node 790 ... Answers to Serected Problems 2.75 0 -2.25 0.5 -1 5.75 -2.5 -2.5 4 0 h. IS. = 50.265 X . h3r 2nhPoh -6- 9.2 ft2t 9.3 fblr fb ..z = Ur 0.25 1.5 0.5 -3 0.5 -3 1.75 0.5 0.5 3 2n~oh 625 2500 k = 7.037 0 -625 625 0 -1250 -625 -1250 -1875 1250 5000 0 2500 kN/mm 625 625 0 ,625 2500 1875 Symmetry 2475 0 900 b. -2025 450 900 5175 If= 11.73 225 -900 -900 -2250 3600 225 450 1575 Symmetry 9.7 B. U, b. u, = -84 MPa, = -103 MPa, UZ = -84 MPa, Uz -450 0 ·1350 -2700 kN/mm 450 2700 = U{J 252 MPa, 'fro = -lOt MP-li -103 MPa) Uo = 112 MPa, '1'% = .-73 MPa 9.14 Using 0.5 in.' radii in corners, UI 7590 psi at inside comer = 4621 psi outer edge of hole, along' axis of symmetry 9.19 eTb = 22,711 psi, (I, -4984 psi, u, = 0.037 in. 9.20 UI 64.1 MPa, u = 0.0782 rn top and bottom center of plates 9.24 UYM = 5221 psi at fillet, UYM = 1631.5 psi at groove 9.18 UI Chapter 10 10.2 a. S lb/in. 8000 psi. u;:=O. Ue = 8000 psi, 1:rz 1200 psi = 5830 psi, U= = -3770 psi, eT8 = 3090 psi, 7:/"% =400 psi 3125 9.6 a. -1 -1 0 = Jb2J =hi3.r = 0.382 Ib fbi:: = fii3z = -6.32 lb 9.4 a. u, b. '-2.25 0.5 0.25 -0.5 106 0.25 -0.5 0 0.25 1.5 -1 = -!, h. Nt = 0.4, N2 = 0.6 10.3 a. s = Ot b. Nl 10.5 a. s = -0.5, b. NJ 0.5) ;Nz ~ 0.5 d: 0.375, N:i = -'0.125, N3 = 0.75 Answers to Selected Problems 10.8 10.10 Q2x = 4.859 x lO-4m (right end), Q3x::: 2.793 x 1O-4 m (center) 10.15 = 0.0009315 in.fm., ty = -0.00125 in./in., Yxy = -0.000625 rad = -31.9 ksi, !xy = -7.21 ksi ax == 18.5 ksi, b. hll =83.33 Ib, 114/ = 41.671b a. /tJt = 500 Ib, 1141 = 500 lb, 10.16 ~ 1.917~ t:x (Jy b.0.667, c.0.400, d.2.87; f.O Chapter 11 11.1 a. 11.3 (Jx 0 0 0 0 0 Q, 0 0 4 8 0 0 0 0 4 0 4 0 0 B=! - = 77.9 ksi, !xy = (J, 11.5 ksi, it.6 a. B= 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 -4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 -4 -4 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 -4 -4 0 0 0, 0 4 -4 0 -4 0 4 0 0 -4 = 8.65 ks~ = -23.1 ksi, := (J% !'yr -49.0 ksi !a = 5.77 ksi 1 18750 0 0 0 625 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 750 0 0 0 0 -375 0 0 0 750 -375 -375 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 x -375 -625 0 150 0 0 0 0 0 0 -375 625 -375 -315 0 0 750 0 750 0 -375 -375 0 '0 ,625 0 -375 -625 0 0 0 :-375 0 0 750 0 11.7 (Jx -625 0 0 -375 = 72.7 MPa, 59.2 MPa, 'xy a)':= 169.6 MPa, az 32.3 MPa, T::x Ty;::= = 72.7 MPa = 91.5 MPa, H.I0 N2 = (l-s}{l- t)(l-z'), N _ (1-3)(1 +t)(l-z') 8 3,-. 8 • = (1 - $)(1 +.))(1 + z'), 8 Ns = (I +$)(1 - t)(l + Zl), N _ (I 8 6- N4 N7:= 11.11 NI= N2 = (1 +$)(1 +1)(1 8 (1 Z'), Ns + s){l- 1){1 - = (l +5)(1 +1)(1 +z') 8 s}{J - t)( 1 + z')( -$ - g t + z' (I - s){ 1 - J)( 1 - =')( -s - t 8 lJ.t3 dmax == -0.662 in. under the load Zl) 8 Zl - 2) 2) , . • .. 792 • Answers to Selected Problems Chapter 13 166.7°e, 13.1 12 = 233.3°e t) 13.2 t2 = 150°F, 13::::: 13.3 t2 = 875 of, 13 lOO°F, = 12S0°F, 14 = 50"F = -180 Btu/h t3 = 140°F, t4 = 125°F FI 13.4 tl = 151°F, t2 = 13.5 t2 = 183 of, 13 = 267 of, 14 = 350°F, ts 13.6 '2 = 421 °e, t;:, = 121 "e, q(3) 13.7 t2 = 418.2 °e, 13.8 12 13.9 148 of, t3::::: = 433 OF = 3975 W/10 2 527.3°e = 20 oe, iirnax = O.OOO9W, ijmiJl::::: -O.OO09W 6°C at center of wall, iima.x = 5.54 W, iimin = -5.54 W = 20 oe, t3 =439 W = 8&.S75"C, t2 = 84.9"C, If = A~xx [~: -~] 13.11 I8Soe at right end, ilmax 13.14 to = 92.2S"C, tt 13.16 13.18 If::::: [39.57 3;:~~6 =~:~~], f == = 800C f = {~:~:} Btufh 7.083 13.19 t3 50 {12~~.3} W 1254 13.22 14 = 75 OF, ts =:= 25 OF 13.36 12 cC at 2.5 em from top, 25°C 1.25 em from top, qmax'= 1416W, qmin = -1083W 13.41 iJmax.= 3457 W, qmiJl = -3848W Chapter 14 14.1 P2 = 4.545 m, 1'3 14.2 P2 = -15 lo, P3 = 1.818 m, = -40 lo, P4 14.3 1'2 = 8.182 in., P3 = S.455 in., v~J) = 10.91 mIs, Q}I) == 21.82 m3/s = -65 m, v~) = 25 m/s., v11) = 0.182 in-Is, v~) v~) = 0.545 in./s., Q}l) == 1.091 in 3/s 14.4 P2 = -3 em, P3 = -8 em, vll ) == 1.2 em/s, Ql 14.6 pO} 14.7 fQ v'f} =; 2 cin./s, 3 = Q2 == 6 cm /s = 2.0 in./s, V(2) = 4.0 in./s, Q