Course Title: Design of Structures-III Max. Marks: 100
Course Code: CE-723 University Examination: 60
Duration of Exams: 3 hours Sessional Assessment: 40
Objective: This course aims to strengthen the design skills in foundations, R Walls, domes and Pre stressed structures.
Foundations: Various types of RCC footings, Design of isolated and combined footings. Introduction to Raft foundation.
Retaining Walls: Stability analysis of retaining walls, design of cantilever and counter for type RCC retaining walls.
Water Retaining Structures: Design of underground, circular and rectangular water tanks-reference to IS:3370
Shell Structures: Membrane analysis of spherical and conical domes by statical methods. Design of domes and ring beams.
Prestressed Concrete: General principles, Methods of pre stressing, pre-tensioning and post-tensioning, losses in pre stress. Design of rectangular, T and I section beams.
Text Books:
1. Bowels, Foundation Engineering.
2. Jain & Jaikrishen, Design of R.C.C Structures Vol.-II.
3. Krishnarayan, Prestress Concrete Structures.
Reference Books:
1. Kong and Evans, Design of reinforced Concrete & Pre-stressed Concrete Structures
2. Sinha, Design of R.C.C Structures.
3. Jain A.K, Design of Reinforced Concrete: Limit State Design
Note for Paper setter: The question paper shall comprise of 10 questions and two questions shall be set from each Unit. The student has to attempt five questions, selecting one from each Unit.