Faculty/Staff Details of Mechanical Engineering

Date of Birth 29/10/1976
Designation Assistant Professor
Email sehgal91@yahoo.co.in; sehgal91@gndec.ac.in

Teaching & Research: 18 year

Industry: 4 years 7 months

Scholar Profiles:


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Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering (I.K.Gujral Punjab Techanical University, Kapurthala)

M.Tech. Production Engineering (Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College, Ludhiana, Punjab)

B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering (Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College, Ludhiana, Punjab)

No. of Publications (Journal): International Journals: 104 (SCI: 60, Scopus and ESCI: 34); Book: 1; Book Chapters: 30; Patent: 01 (Published)
No. of Publications (Conference): International Conferences: 13; National Conferences: 07
Professional Memberships:

World's Top 2% Scientist for 2022 and 2023 (Released by Stanford University)

Top 2% Most Influential Scientists (Single Year) in 2023 Stanford University List: Analysis of Indian Researchers

Best Teacher Award (ISTE-2021) (ISTE Annual Faculty Convention (Pb., Chd., H.P & J&K Section)

Faculty Excellence Award 2023 from the Alumni association of GNDEC

Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE)

Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing "Journal of Cleaner Production" (2018) Elsevier

“Reviewer of the Year” 2018 "International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology" Springer

Associate Editor of https://www.acadlore.com/journals/JSE/editors, Frontiers in Psychology, Frontiers in Public Health, Frontiers in Climate, and Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences

Research Interest Sustainable Machining; Optimization of Processes; Multi Attribute Decision Making; Multi Objective Optimization; Machine Learning in Sustainable Manufacturing